McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, February 21, 1884, Image 7

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SENATE Monday , February 11Mr. .
Sherman bad read a dispatch from Richard
Smith , of Cincinnati , saying congress should
make immediate appropriation of $500,000
{ r the relief of the sufferers by floods in
towns between Pittsburg and Cairo , adding
Cincinnati needs nothing , but other
places are almost helpless. Yoorbees
stated himself and colleague had sim
ilar telegrams from other places.
Mr. Van Wyck offered a resolution in
quiring whether the Baltimore and Ohio
telegraph company had made or received
any proposals or taken action toward a
consolidation with the * Western Union.
, Mr. Van. Wyck's resolution , presented
* some weeks ago , directing the Judiciary
committee to examine and report leglsla-
tion to restrict the appointment of spe
cial assistant attorneys , etc. , was passed.
The senate , after passingsomeprivate bills ,
went into executive session , and wnen the
doors were reopened messages were re
ceived from the house announcing passnge
by that body of the Joint resolution author
izing the secretary of war to use rations for
the relief of destitute persons In the over
flowed districts of the Ohio and its tributa
ries , and making an appropriation of $300-
000 to relieve the sufferers by such overflow.
The Joint resolution was read tbfee times
and passed.
HOUSE White , of Minnesota , introduced
a bill amending the Pacific railroad act
amendatory to the act of July 1 , 1862 , so as
to provide that "Such railroad company
now organized or that may hereafter be or
ganized under state or territorial laws , shall
construct and operate a line of railroad and
telegraph from Sioux City , la. , westwardly
via the Niobrara valley to suc-h point on the
Union Pacific railroad west of the 100th
meridian as such company mav select , and
on the same terms and condition and with
the same rights provided for the construc
tion of the Union Pacific , provided said
company shall receive neither bonds
nor lands , and be completed within ,
five years from the passage of this act. "
Follett , from the committee on appropri
ations , reported a Joint resolution appropri
ating $300,000 for the relief of sufferers from
the overflow of the Ohio river and tributa
ries. Wilson ( W. Va. ) offered an amend
ment making the amount half a million ;
lost , 109 to 150 , and the resolution then
passed , 233 to 12. The negative votes were
by Beach , Bednett , Cox ( N. C. ) , Hewitt
( Ala. ) , Lanhan. McMillan , Oaks , Ranney ,
Tucker , Wise , Woodward. York.
SENATE. Tuesday , Febniary 12.
Bills were introduced : By Mr. McPherson ,
- to suspend the coinage of standard silver
dollars till January 1. 188G. By Mr. Voor-
hees , a resolution calling on the attorney-
general to explain the delay in advising the
postmaster-general as to the interpretation
of the law relating to .the adjustment of
postmasters' salaries. After a debate , in
which the attorney-general was sharply
criticised , it was asreed to. By Mr. Voor-
hces , a bill prohibiting assessments for po
litical purposes by Government officials and
emplovcs. It will punish both giver and
HOUSE. Mr. Potter introduced a bill
to extend the bonded debt of the United
States at 2i per cent. A resolution was
adopted directing the committee on the de
partment of justice , in making investigation
Into expenditures on account of prosecution
of persons charged with fraud on the gov
ernment , and especially In the star-route
mail service. Bills were introduced : By
Mr. Willis , from the committee on educa
tion , to temporarily support the common
schools. Ordered printed and recommitted.
By Mr. Hopkins , from the committee on
labor , to establish a department of labor
statistics. Referred to the committee of the
whole. The house went into committee of
the whole on thp naval appropriation bill.
SENATE Wednesday , Feb. 13. Mr.
Voorhees offered a resolution , which went
over , directing the secretary of the interior
to withhold for the preseit his approval of
patents or certificates for lands selected by
the Northern Pacific railroad In view of
others said to bo lost by said company. The
preamble to the resolution sets forth that
the rights of settlers might be Injuriously
affected by such approval. The senate took
up , as special order , McPherson's bill to
provide for the issue of circulating notes to
national banking associations. . Discussion
ensued , participated in by Messrs. Bayard ,
Sherman , McPherson and others.
HOUSE. The house took up the Mis
sissippi contested election case of Chalmers
vs. Manning. The majority report declares -
* clares that on prima facie evidence neither
contestant is entitled to the seat. The mi
nority report is to the effect that , accord
ing to prima facie evidence , Manning Is en
titled < o the seat. The matter was dis-
cnssed at some length , and went over with
out action. Mr. Banner presented peti
tions favoring pensioning union soldiers
who suffered in Andersonville , Llbby , Belle
Isle or other confederate prisons. Re
SENATE Thursday , February 14.
Mr. Voorhees' resolution''requesting the
secretary of the interior to suspend approval
of the indemnity of land selections made by
the Northern Pacific Railroad company was
referred to the committee on public lands.
Mr. Beck called up the McPherson bill rel
ative to national bank circulation , and spoke
in favor of it. He said the banks were out
of politics now and nobody opposed them.
This measure was necessary for the country ,
as the government only expected to pay for
the bonds. Several amendmets were offered
and speeches made , but , without action ,
the senate adjourned.
HOUSE. Mr. McKinney presented
a telegram from Cleveland detallng
the destruction occasioned by the Ohio
river floods- and recommending that
congress increase to $1,000,000 the
appropriation for relief The house re
sumed consideration of the contested elec
tion case of Chalmers.vs. Manning. Pending
discussion on th % matter the nouse ad
journed *
SENATE. Friday , February 15. At
1 o'clock a message was received from the
house of representatives announcing that
that body had passed a Joint resolution
making a further appropriation of $200 , OjO
for the relief of destitute persons in the dis
tricts overflowed by the Ohio river and
tributaries. Shortly afterward a message
was received from the house announcing
the 'fixing of the speaker's signature to.
the measure , whereupon the president of
the senate instantly affixed his own.
Mr. Voorhees presented a petition from
1,100 settlers of Washington territory pray
ing for protection In the titles of their lands
in controversy between them and the North
ern Pacific Railroad companyk The senate
then resumed the consideration of the bill
to provide for the issue of circulating notes
to national banks ,
t , HOUSE. Mr. Holman * from the com-
ly { mitte on appropriations , reported the Joint
resolution making further appropriations of
5200,000 for the relief of sufferers by the
Ohio flood. Mr. Browne ( Ind. ) read a tel
egram from Richmond , Ind. , asking an Im
mediate appropriation for the relief of the
destitute and homeless people along the
Ohio river. The Joint resolution was passed.
The Chalmers and Manning election case
was then taken up. The question recurred
-on the substitute of the minority resolutions
for those of the majority and a
division of the resolutions being de
manded , the vote was taken o.n the
first , declaring that Manning holds
perfect credentials. This was rejected-
yeas. 100 ; nays , 40. The announcement was
received with applause on the republican
side. The second resolution , declaring
Manning entitled to a seat was lost yeas ,
02 ; nays , 157. The majority resolutions
were then adopted 130 to 60. These dis
charge the committee on elections from the
prima facie of the case and leaves the seat
vacant until the case is decided on its mer
The Belief Boats Active in Relieving : the
Dlstrcssscl Fearful Destruction of
Property A Picture of
PoMEROr , Ohio , February 16. The
relief boat Kate Stockdale arrived here at 3
o'clock this afternoon. The people of
Belleville , W. Va. , called the boat in and a
quantity of provisions were given them.
But sis houses remain in town and they are
nearly all badly wrecked. At Racine the
head of the , Pomeroy bend , twelve miles
long , was entered. This bend contains
some twenty coa' mines , eighteen salt
works and eleven towns of 37,000 inhabit
ants , of whom 8,000 are laborers. Six of
the mines are flooded and will not be
pumped out for six or eight months. Eight
thousand people are idle and 9,000 home
less , demanding immediate assistance.
The river in the bend reached Gi feet.
It has fallen twelve feet , and is going down
at the rate of two inches an hour. Business
of every kind remains suspended. The Col
umbus , Hocking Valley and Toledo rail
road , and the Ohio Central , penetrating the
bend , are all torn to pieces , and it will be
from three to six weeks before.communica
tion by rail is resumed. The steamboats
Jim Montgomery , Champion , Nora Belle
and Chesapeake are distributing supplies.
The people are stored away in churches ,
barns and school houses through the coun
try. It is estimated 500 houses have been
swept out of the twelve miles of the bend.
The Stockdale will distribute three tons
of provisions here and thenproceed to other
suffering towns in the bend. The outlook
is very dark as the distressed people lit the
bend are poor and have lost everything.
The Standard nail and iron works , at Clif
ton , W. Va. , have been thoroughly soaked
and will not resume for four weeks. Loss.
$40,000. To paint the scene of destruction ,
ruined towns , demolished buildings , over
turned and wrecked houses and bridges ,
mud and debris , needs simply this one
word "awful. " Let the imagination pic
ture its worst-and it will not paint the hand
of the flood upon this once bright land of
Pomeroy bend.
- a
Help for the Distressed.
The government of Ohio , in a proclama
tion issued on the 12th , thus appeals to the
people of that state to aid the flood sufferers :
The distress existing along our southern
borders cannot be exaggerated. Many
thousands of our fellow-citizens are without
shelter. The press has brought vividly to
the attention of us all the details of the sorrow
row and suffering which the present flood
has entailed upon our people. The duty of
the citizens of Ohio is to furnish relief , and
that immediately. I urge upon
every community in the state to organ
ize atl once for the purpose of providing
for the relief of their unfortunate fellow
citizens who live on the banks of the Ohio.
Everything is needed , and at every point
along the state boundary , except Cincinnati ,
which is taking care of her sufferers. Money ,
clothing , shelter and food must be provid
ed and speedily , or loss of life will be the
result. No time should be lost. What may
be given should be forwarded immediately.
I appeal , therefore , to all good people to
take steps without delay to assist the
various relief committees in their effort to
stay the tide of distress which is overwhelm
ing the borders of this state.
Ex-Communicated by Wholesale.
There is great sensation at Cleve
land , Ohio , among Catholics. St. Procops
church , TJurton street , was excommunicated
ted on the 10th by Bishop Gilmour. Under
the laws of the diocese the parish elects four
councilmeu to administer the temporal af
fairs of the church. The priest selects six
teen members of the congregation , from
whom the councilmen must be chosen. The
congregation numbers 400 families , or 2,000
souls. Attached to the church are several
aid societies. There has been trouble be1
tween the leaders of the societies and church
officials , culminating in the congregation re
fusing to select councilmen from the sixteen
names presented by the priest. Bishop
Gilmour then appointed four councilmen
and the congregation refused to recognize
them , and the bishop summarily excommunicated
municated the entire church. Catholic cir
cles are greatly aroused. _
The Flood Moving South.
CAIRO , February 14. The steamer
Fowler reports the water on the first floor
of buildings on "Front street , Paducah , and
all landings on the Kentucky sides are un
der water , but no suffering is reported , as
the people have gone to the hills. Jopps , a
small town on the Illinois side , is inundated ,
the water covering the tops of the houses ,
and the town is completely deserted. At
Metropolis the water is over the first floors
in the buildings on Front street. All busi
ness has moved to the back streets. At
Cairo the water is 48 feet and rising slowly.
It is now four feet lower than the highest
water of last year. _
A Fight With Smugglers.
ST. Louis , February 14. A dispatch
from Matamoras , Mexico , says a desperate
fight occurred about twenty miles from
there between customs officers and guards
and a gang of smugglers , in which Major
Polocias and one of .his men were badly
wounded. Two smugglers were killed and
several wounded. The remainder of the
smugglers fled , leaving behind $8,000 worth
of dry goods and a number of horses and
A Bad State of Affairs in Ohio River *
Towns Water Everywhere and
Still Increasing.
CINCINNATI , February 11. The day
has beep one of the greatest excitement
since th'flfoUiJk began. Thestage of high
water last yealjwas passed at 1 o'clock this
afternoon. Steady hard rain during the
greater part of the day , together with re
ports of general rains In every place where
it would run into the Ohio , made it certain
a still more dangerous flood would be upon
the unfortunate people of the Ohio valley.
The experience of last year made the people
ple bold in confronting the danger they had
once met and overcome , but when a new
element of terror came in the form of a
higher-flood a new series of calamities began
to appear. The gas was lost yesterday , and
the water supply has ceased to accumulate.
There are five days' supply in the reservoir
with careful use , but one big fire would
make serious inroads on that. Worst of all ,
nobody knows what limit rae flood will
reach. Rising water above and in all side
tributaries render it certain the river must
continue to rise for some time. It is hardly
possible to give an idea of the situation. The
mass ofx people can not see the great body
of the river , as the approach to the banks is
cut off on all streets running to the river at
Pearl street or near it. Strangers to the'
city may gain an idea of its extent when it
is stated the water is now but little more
than COO feet from the Burnet house. From
there to the river bank the proper distance
is between three and foursquares. All that
can be seen is that the street is inundated.
Boats are gliding in all directions. Sus
pension bridge , 100 feet above low water
mark , makes but a low arch above the mad
flood. The Newport and Southern railroad
bridges look almost like touching the water.
The view from Price's Hill , in the western
part of the city , gives the only comprehensive
outline of the flood-covered portion of the
city. At the foot of the hill on the west
side of the city Mill creek spreads to an av
erage of a mile. The backwater runs be
yond Spring Grove cemetery , a distance of
seven miles. Up the river in Cincinnati ,
Covington and Newport the houses can be
seen peering out of the water , while down
the river almost from hill to hill the valley
is covered. Up to this time , great as the
danger has been , there is no great disaster.
The cry of distress , however , is beginning
to grow louder. Manufactories are stop
ping and men are thrown out of employ
ment. In Newportjt is estimated 5,000 to
6,000 people are homeless. Their supplies
were exhausted at noon , and many will go
without supper to-night , because the sup
plies of the relief committee are exhausted.
Relief work in Cincinnati is begin
ning to press. Lawrenceburg to-day sent
a request for help , but owing to lack of
funds the contributions have not been so
generous as last year. Eighth street , the
street railroad avenue between the city and
Price Hill , overflowed to-day , and access to
that suburb is cut off. One of the largest
establishments in Mill Creek valley , the
American Oak Leather Co. , has been bat
tling to keep the flood out. They have
built barriers entirely surrounding the
whole structure , -and are now 18 inches
above the water and can keep safe until 70
feet is reached. At seven to-night the
water was 66 feet 11 inches. The water
works office reports one engine still work
ing , and will continue to go till the fires are
put out , which will be when the stage
reaches four inches more. Consumption
will be stopped to-morrow , except for do
mestic purposes.
GALLIPOLIS , O. , February * 11. Five
thousand people are camped on the hills at
Pomeroy , in terrible want of food and shel
ter. One hundred and fifty houses have
floated away. Boats land at the courthouse
steps. The p'eople are haggard and worn
out for want of sleep , food and shelter.
Nearly every business man is bankrupt. A
house went by Middleport this morning
with a woman sitting on the gable end.
Some men rowed out and appealed to her to
get off , butshe refused , saying she had four
babies below. A glass was broken and the
children seen floating around dead.
CINCINNATI , February 12. The situ-
has been more gloomy than ever. The
river rose almost constantly from one-half
inch to an inch per hour , and is now three
feet above the highest stage last year. It
is uncertain when the rise will end. It is
significant because of the vastly increased
territory of the flood and because of the
greatly increased leverage of swaying the
water has on buildings , as well as the
injury to the foundations. One and
two-story brick business houses on Sixth
street fell with a great crash , owing to
weakened foundations. This Is only the
beginning of much apprehension on
this account in Covington and Newport ,
where the native soil makes the danger
greater. Contributions are much slower
than last year. They have now to reach
$25,000 , exclusive of the $5,000 appropriat
ed by the council. George W. Childs , of
Philadelphia , Pa. , donated $500 , and Henry
Irving $250. The committee will persist in
the determination to disburse all contribu
tions from abroad among the sufferers out
side of Cincinnati. To-night a high wind is
blowing almost a gale , causing great danger
by the agitation of the water , as the high
wind will loosen the houses from their foun
dations. Several more housea In Newport
have left the foundations , and some are
tumbled over.
m *
Mrs. Jane Grey Swisshelm has an
opinion about the Fred Douglass mar
riage. She writer to a Chicago paper
that the "comboberification" raised is
absurd. She indorses the marriage.
The Asters are worth about one
hundred and fifty millions.
ffl , A. SPALDING ,
Sold Low for cash , or on easy payments or
| rented until the rent pays lor the organ.
M. A. &PALDINC , Agent/
Ranch on Red Willow , Thornburg , Hayes
County , Neb. Cattle branded * 'J. M. " on
leftside. Young cattle branded same as
above , also "J. " on left jaw. Under-slope
right ear. Horses branded "E" on left
FOR SALE. My range of 1,000 acres of
deeded land in one body , including the
Black and Byfield hay lands ; timber and
water with two good farm houses and other
improvements. Convenient to No. 1 school
privileges. Situated in the Republican val
ley west of Red Willow creek. Call on or
address JF. . BLACK ,
Red Willow , Keb.
Stock brand circle on left shoulder ; also
dewlap and a crop and under half crop on
left ear , and a crop and under bit in the
right. Ranch on the Republican. Post-
office , Max , Dundy county , Nebraska.
0 ° born , Neb. Range : Red Willow creek ,
In southwest corner of Frontier county , cat
tle branded "O L 0J on right side. "Also ,
an over crop on right ear and under crop on
left. Horses branded " 8" on right shoulder.
Indianola , Neb. Range : Republican Val
ley , east of Dry Creek , and near head of
Spring Creek , in Chase county ,
Vice President and Superintendent
McCook , Neb. , Ranch 4 miles southeast ,
on Republican river. Stock branded with
a bar and lazy H on left hip
Ranch , Spring Canyon on the Frenchman
River , in Chase county , Neb. Stock branded
as above ; also " 717" on left side ; "O.L. "
on left hip ; " 7" on right hip and "L. " on
right shoulder ; "L. " on left shoulder and
"X. " on left jaw. Half under-crop left
ear , and square-crop risht ear.
Range : Republican Valley , four milei
west of Culbertson , south side of Republi
can. Stock branded " 161" and " 7-L. "
P. 0. Address , Culbertson , Neb.
Ranch 2 miles north of McCook. Stock
branded on left hip , and a few double cross
es on left side. CD. . ERCANBKACK.
P. O. Address , Carrico , Hayes county ,
Nebraska. Range , Red Willow , above Car- '
rico. Stock branded as above , alsolazy on
left side and slit in both cars.
Ranch 4 miles southwest of McCook , on the
Driftwood. Stock branded "AJ" on the
left hip. P. O. address , McCook , Neb.
McCook , Neb. , range ; Red Willow creek ,
in southwest cornerof Frontiercounty. Also
E. P. brand on right hip and side and swal
low-fork In right ear. Horses brandedE. P.
onrighthip. Afewbranded "A"onright
N-r TH2 * - * GBEAT
AntrBiliona and Dyspeptic Gun.