WEEKLY. TRIBUNE , THURSDAY , FEB. 21 , 1884. TO OUR ADVERTISERS , tactile under thiit hcmtlntr 10c. u line for wertion , and mime Inserted until order- < r i illKcontimicd , unless time to specified , llilhi payable monthly. ' Local Intelligence. Graham Flour at City Bakery. Choice Apples , $4.50 per , bbl. , at Rogers' . Cash paid for Poultry at Dungan & Shekel's. Buckwheat , Flour and Maple Syrup at Rogers' . For the best Flour in town call at City Bakery. ' ' Highest cash price paid for fat cattle by Dungan & Shekel s. Choice cuts of beef , ham , pork and mutton at Dungan & Shekel's. Fish and poultry at Dungan & Shek el's , every Thursday and Friday. John Farley brought up twenty large jack rabbits from Orleans , Monday. Fine sugar cured hams and breakfast oacon sliced at Dungan & Shekel's. Remember the temperance lecture in the Congregational church next Sun "day evening. Great bargains at Haydcn & Co.'s. See advertisement on eigth page of this issue for bargains. Mr. Hayden put a new Hall Burglar Proof Safe into his store , this week , which would try the cunning of any ImrgJar. 9 Fv . We hope to be able to announce a if. Leap Fear Party in the near future. The ladies will make a recherche affair of it , we opine. L. 0. Marble of Marengo , Iowa , is an town. Quite a colony of Marengo people will make this place their resi dence in the future. A number of teams from Oberlin were in town , Tuesdayloading up freight for transportation to that point. Ober- > * lin merchants have thcirgoods shipped to this point. The Menard building is looming up in fine shape , and its size you can just begin to appreciate. When completed , it will be the finest structure between Hastings and Denver. The Emma Wells Comedy Co. comes to McCook highly recommended by the press .wherever they have appeared. Their first appearance in the Band Hall next Monday evening. Lytle Bros , arc having a large ware house , built on the ground in the reai of their hardware store. The dimen sions are 16x52 , and Contractor Mcln- tyre is doing the work. We hear of one stockman up Driffr wood who has lost 23 head , 18 of then : dying in one night The opinion is fre quently expressed that the loss wil average above 30 per cent. The members of the Masonic Ordei held a meeting , Tuesday night , and de cided to organize a lodge in McCook , There are a sufficient number of Masom in town of the right material to foru the nucleus of a fine lodge. Just received , three barrels of Rob ertson County , Kentucky whiskywhicl I have for sale by the drink at my bar "Also , J. Schiltz & Co.'s Milwaukee bee constantly on hand. JOSEPH BRAUN. We observe that Rev. Amos Dean o Bloomington , who made many friend in McCook during his preaching at th Union services held in our town , som y time since , has received' substantia token of the regard of the good peopl of Bloomington for him , in the shape o a gift of $90. Verily they have thei reward. Charlie Fisher and M. A. Spauldin have been assisting at Hayden & Co. : during the week. We are informed tha Mr. Spaulding will remain , and ths Charles Noble , now clerking for C. I liogMrs , will also assist at Hayden' a jr this week. Surely this is a worl of change. The mild weather of the past few &VH5ri Tasf - * , > > * " V * s * ? ftJip „ i if i" days has brought quite a rush of land- seekers to this point. ' Parties of gthcm have been and now arc { scouring the country in search of claims. The postal service has in a measure been extended. Hereafter mail pouches will bo run as far west as Bcnkleman , a great convenience indeed to those liv ing west of McCook. This will afford our western pooplc daily mails. Hoh. Frank J. Sibley , of Lincoln , will lec'ture in the Congregational church , Sunday , February 24th , on th'e subject of Temperance. Mr. Sibley is a speaker of note and there should be a large turn-out of those of our people interested in the matter which includes all , aS all are deeply interested. Engineer floge killed 17 head of cat tle coming down from Denver , Thurs day morning. It being dark until after the morning train gets east of here , it is impossible to see stock until the train is almost upon them. Engineers report cattle so thin and weak , that they col lapse like a bag of feathers when struck. A few crossings are needed very much. And some action ought to be taken about t that draw on Dcnnison street. The street at 'the point where that draw crosses it is in a terrible condition. A blind ditch or some similar contrivance ought to be built to carry away the wat er which comes down the draw at every thaw or shower. We are pleased to note the fact that our efficient county clerk , C. D. Cramer , is keeping a fee book. This is in strict accordance with law , and admits of no possible misunderstanding. While it is most probable that there has been no 'excess fees in Red Willow county as yet , still it is but justice to the clerk himself that such book should be kept. Mr. Cramer has established a precedent which ought to be adhered to" always hereafter. Barring mud , Monday was a beauti ful day , and everybody took advantage of its mildness. The work on the dif ferent buildings in course of erection went on with renewed energy , and all Nature seemed to have aroused from her enforced lethargy of the past montli or more. And our loafers few in num bers , we take pride in saying were in clover : and taking positions on the sunny side , imbibed the welcome solai heat regardless of expense. Elder T. B. Lemon , Superintendcni of the Western Nebraska Mission of tlu M. E. church , with headquarters ai Kearney , preached to large and atfen tive audiences in the Band Hall , Sundai morning and evening. The Elder gain ed the entire and rapt attention of his hearers at the beginning of his cxcellen sermons , and retained the same through out. A church has been organized a this place , officers have been elected a site will be selected and a house o worship erected thereon as soon as tin necessary arrangements can be perfected The bridge needs some attention. Tin water rushing down the north approacl has loosened the earth'at that point , am unless some stone are hauled and dump ed there , it is not improbable that th < bank will cave in , and render more ex tensive repairs necessary. We also sug gest that a crossing be built over th railroad just as soon as the weathe renders the same practicable. Had th crossing been made last fall , many un necessary miles would have been save to the people south of the river , an the neglect of last fall should be mad right as soon as the frost will permit. An immense amount of corn has bee s shipped to McCook , this week , whic stock men in this vicinity have bee busy hauling out to their ranches. Th major portion went to the ranches of i B. Meserve , John Hattield & Son , an A. W. Corey. This winter has probab ] demonstrated to the satisfaction ( g stockmen that some feeding must I done to avoid great loss , and they wi not be caught -without feed in a blizzai again. The lost west of Benkelman reported as being appalling 50 p < cent loss at least is the estimate < stockmen we have conversed with c the subject R. S. Cooley of Stoughton , was ip town , Tuesday and Wednesday. Ho informs us that he ; has positive information mation of at least 50 families who are coming into this country from the east ern part of the state and Iowa , as soon as the weather opens up warmer. The Emnw.WellH Concert and Com edy company , under the management flf R. W. Marks , < played'at the Opera House last Tuesday night to a good and very appreciative audience. The sing ing of Miss Emma Wells , in four dis tinct-voices , is something.wonderful and called for well merited applause. The song entitled , "Who will buy my roses red , " was finely rendered.and Miss Wells was recalled by the audience. Her pi- ann solo was first class , and received a long round o'f applause. The rest of the company arc well up in there difierent parts. The Bulletin , Baldwin , Wis. There are individuals on this mun dane sphere whom the Almighty in his inscrutable wisdom suffers to afflict the dwellers thereon , whose characters arc so pusilanimous , and whose records are so slimy and so prominently antagonistic and at variance with even the lowest appreciation of honor , of manhood , or of morality , ( and who , forsooth , would poise as the people's patron saint , ) as to make him who deigns" to notice their impotent utterances equally reprehensi ble princcps crirainis as it were. In accordance with information which should consign to oblivion shall we or der our future action. 'Tis with pleasure we note the re moval of another moral incubus from our midst , which should have been eliminated by the keen knife of public opinion long since. Haste in matters appertaining to the moral welfare of our town is to be decried , but slackness and indifference is vastly worse. Although we have a stringent ordinance prohibit ing gambling , the number of visiting "sportsmen" has not a whit diminished , nor is "home talent''found to be want ing. We had some fine specimens of "gentlemen of the green cloth" in our midst during1 this week. Our unusually wide streets were hardly of sufficient width to accommodate two of these in dividuals , after their becoming well water-loged , Monday. Up and at them ye minions of the law ! We clip the following account of the marriage of Miss Nellie Forbes , sistei of our popular lightning manipulator , J. F. Forbes , from the Parkhill , ( Canada. ) Gazette : On Tuerday , February 19th , nt the residenci of the bride's father.by the Rev. Mr. itcnnie of Ailsa Craig. Mr. W. H. Deyell , St. Thomas conductor on the Canada Southern railway to Miss Nellie , second daughter of Davii Forbes , Esq. , of Parkhill. The ceremony was performed at 7:3 ( in the evening , and the happy coupli left on the early morning train , for ! trip to Chicago. They will reside in St Thomas , where Mr. Deyell has a beau tifully furnished house awaiting bin and his bride. A gieat many friend : were present at the marriage , from St Thomas , Forest , Ailsa Craig , Lucan am here. The bride and groom received : great number of handsome and costl ; presents , among which were two luxur ious easy chairs , from the brakeman 01 Mr. Deyell's train. We wish Mr. am Mrs. Deyell a long life and a happy one We had the pleasure , through th courtesy of Mr. J. B. Meserve , of goin ; over his ranch situated about eigh miles southeast of McCook , Monda afternoon. At this , his lower ranch embracing some 4,000 acres of fine pas ture under fence , Mr. Meserve has som 400 head of cattle , composed mainly o eastern stock , and in part of uea range cattle. The afternoon was one o the finest we have enjoyed for a numbe of weeks , and .the cattle were out on th gently sloping sides of the canyons al sorbinff and basking in the warmth c the welcome sun. It is certainly r < markable how range stock stand sever weather it absolutely does not affec many of them at all , as most of then we were informed , are in the same coi dition they were in last fall when o is the range. Mr. Meserve is well please with the appearance of his catt ! throughout His loss has not bee > n large up to the present , and he does n < anticipate losing many in the spring. Thf Union S. S. Entertainment. The entertainment given by the schol ars of the Union Sunday School , in the Band Hall , Tuesday evening , was a gratr ifyiug success in every particular. The program was well curried out , the hall was Well filled , the oysters unusually abundant , and everything passed off very pleasantly. While the entertainment was in a * manner impromtu as the season of preparation was rather short still the little ones , and adult partici pants as well , executed their respective parts well in every instance. The affair was a creditable one to the scholars and reflects credit upon the officers of the- school. Below we give the entire pro gram of the evening : The entertainment opened with in strumental music by Miss Mabel Me- serve. Singing by Sunday School. Tab leaux by infant class "Into Mischief. " Broom drill by Misses Gertie Laws , Nellie Fisher , Dora Hunt , Nellie Lee , May Clark , Theo. Laws , Edith Wilson , Eva Kurd , Laura Furgeson , Gertie Johnson and Lou. Clark , captain. The young ladies went through the manual of arms verycreditably. . ' 'Clinging to the Cross , " tableaux by Selma Noren , was very pretty. Duet by Artie Dungan and Nellie Lee. Tableaux , "In the Worid and Out of the Word , " by Mrs. Noble and Misses Nellie Fisher and May Clark was very favorably received. Rec itation , "The Tramp , " by Willie Lee. Mr. H. W. Pike was strongly enchored in his solo , "The Sexton. " Instrumental music by Nellie Lee. Tableaux , "The Waif , " Gertie Johnson. Miss Jami son's recitation , "Last Hymn , " was' well spoken. The tableaux , "Our City Coun cil , " was received by a storm of applause. The point was well taken. We are only sorry the pig did not occupy more prom inence. Bertie Boyle's "Daisy's Faith" was the tfnest recitation from a child of her age we have ever heard , and the parady on "Maud Muller , " in response to the continued enchoringwas equally worthy. Tableaux "Washington's Vis ion. " Song by Mrs Dungan and Miss Clark. Mrs. Chas. Noble's essay on "American Sentiment Toward Foreign ers , " was an able paper , well delivered. But wider experience , we think , would modify the lady's sentiment on that subject very considerably. After the completion of the evening's entertainment the brooms used in broom drill , and the oysters remaining , were auctioned off. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. Boehner of the Arapahoe Pioneer was in town on Monday. Receiver - Babcock went down the road , Wednesday afternoon. Judge Ashmore and Tom McCartney came up from Indianola , Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCartney oi Indianola spent Saturday in McCook. R. O.'Phillips , Secretary of the Lin coln Land Co. , was in town , Wednesday H. H. Troth and S. F. Clifford , oi Carrico , were in McCook , Wednesday , Fred. Yondrcs of Dorchester was ij town , Tuesday. He had a contest be fore the land officers. W. H. Hayden came up on No. 39 , Monday , and installed a new clerk ii his establishment at this place. Commissioner Crabtrce and Colone Snavely , of Indianola , called at thes < headquarters , last Thursday. Mr. Dave Baum of Lincoln , senio member of the stock firm of Baum S Wray , was in McCook , Tuesday. u „ Mrs. D. J. Osborn of Osborn , showei us a very fine specimen of wax work executed by her own hands , Saturday F. M. Golay and J. C. Ashton of Dan bury , two of our enterprising Beave subscribers , called to to see us , Mondaj J. W. Kiuisey of Benkelman drop ed in and subscribed for THE TRIBUNE Friday. He informed us that cattl were poor in that neighborhood. W. A. Clute and C. W. Collins o e Hubbell , were in McCook a number o days , this week. They took a driv over the country , Wednesday , with view to taking some claims. i- im m George Chenery started on his Ion id journey to England- Sunday morning le He has a perilous trip before him an ; n a safe voyage and a speedy return is th wish of the many warm friends he lia made during his sojourn in our city. A Trip OvrHiy $ County. Dado Tomlinson has returned to. his old rancK at the head of Blackwood. la able to be about with the aid of crutches. Every man met on the Frenchman or Stinking Water favored organization. Hayes county haa the quota of citizens required by law for organization and several to spare. Hudson Bros. , living on the Frenchman - ' man , 8 miles ab.ove Palisade , are pVc- , . paring to put in a water-wheel for irrj- ' gating purposes. Say they can irrigate 40 acres with a 16-foot wheel. Ed. Douglass , foreman for Wray & ' Baum , had a hbrse fall under him this week. His foot was severely bruised. John Hughes of the Blackwood met' with n similar accident . John Daniels is in the east buying up cows. Mrs. Daniels was thrown from a buggy on the 10th of the month. Her right wrist was very badly sprained , and- left arm broken below elbow. With the aid of her brother , they set the broken member , which was doing well on the IGth. - W. Carrico , Feb. 18th , ' 84. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. McCooK , NKB. , February 5th , 1884. The Co-partnership existing under name and style of Hayden & McCart neys at McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , is this day dissolved by mu tual consent William H. Hayden con tinues the business of General Merchant under name and style of HAYDEN & CO. , who collects all outstanding debts and assumes all liabilities. WM. II. HAYDEN , THOMAS MCCARTNEY , 36-5t. W. H. MCCARTNEY. ' DISSOLUTION NOTICE. McCooK , NEB. , February 5th , 1884i The Co-partnership existing under name and style of W. H. Hayden & Co. at Indianola , Red Willow county , Ne braska , is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Wm. H. McCartney continues the business of General Merchant who collects all debts and assumes all liabil ities. WM. H. HAYDEN , THOMAS MCCARTNEY , W. H. MCCARTNEY. BUSINESS POINTERS , Locals uuder this head 5c. a line for each insertion. Bills payable monthly. Extra copies of THE TRIBUNE at this office. Call and see our artistic designs iu Envelopes. A fine up-land , deeded claim for sale. Inquire nt this office. Samples of the latest designs in Wall Papers at W. M. Sanderson's. If you want to buy a deeded claim one of the best on Driftwood creek call at this office soon. Hereafter we will require that all con test notices and proof notices be paid for at the time of their first insertion. We put up all letter heads , note heads , bill heads , etc. , in blotter tablets' , if desired , without extra cjiarge. They are very convenient Blank Deeds. Real Estate Mortgage ? . Leases , Bills of Sale , Bond for Deed , Quit Claim Deeds , Contracts for Build ing , Receipts , etc. , at THE TRIBUNE office. FOUND AT LAST ! That for which the people have waited for. Baking Powder has become an almost indispen- sible article in every well regulated fam ily , and DeLand's Chemical Brand sup plies the want , with a Powder that is perfectly pure and at the same time reasonable in price. Sold by Hayden &Co. Attention ! Two dozen pairs of Roller Skates for | $1.00. Drawing to take place as soon as all the numbers are sold. Tickets c for sale at B. & M. PHARMACY. a FOR SALE. 3 or 4 horses. 2 cows , 2 brood sows , a few thorough-bred Plymouth Rock cockerels , and a well improved home and stock ranch. For prices , inquire of H. S. WEST , Indianola , Red Willow Co. , Neb.