McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, February 21, 1884, Image 4

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F. M. & E. M. KIM WELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
To-Moniiow is Washington's birth
day. _ _ _ _ _ _
A BILL reducing the postage 01
newspapers has passed the House o :
THE victim of the latest lynching ir
Colorado was a quack doctor , who kill
ed one of his patients with oner of hh
SENATOR HARRISON , of Indiana , has
introduced a bill for the admission oi
Dakota. That bill will probably never
get beyond the committee room.
CONGRESS has appropriated $200,000
more to the relief of the Ohio flood
sufferers. This makes $500,000 appro
priated for the purpose. The surplus
in the Treasury can be devoted to no
better purpose.
IP the False Prophet had stretched
out his long arm and gathered in Baker
Pasha , who that remembers the dirty
scoundrel's own attack on a defenseless
girl imprisoned in the same compart
ment with him , would waste sympathy
on the dirty dog ? Bee.
THE Blue Hill Times has been sued
by parties of that town for libel , the
damages being laid at ten thousand
dollars. The suit has been instituted
in the district court. Gazette-Journal.
We were fearful jest "the neat typo
graphical appearance" of the Times
would get Bro.Watkins-a into trouble.
IN view of the numerous deaths from
alcoholism in .Omaha , the Bepublican
urges "that it is high time that laws
now in existance be enforced. " In that
case every saloon in t&e state
would be closed within ' 30 days.
No saloon keeper can stand the pres
sure of our existing laws if enforced.
THE Arapahoe Pioneer has discover
ed the post mortem fact that Wendell
Phillips was a "singing pilgrim. "
"Known to'fame , " says the same au
thority , "throughout the world for the
grandeur of his gospel singing , he has
left the Weary paths of worldly toil , to
join the angels in the heavenly chorus
of 'peace on earth and good will to
men. ' " Where did the editor of the
Pioneer come from ? Bepublican.
FITZ JOHN PORTER is freely and
wildly denounced as a traitor by hun
dreds of editors who do not know the
difference between a military- order and
an order for a clean shirt. His action
on the fatal 29th of August may have
been reprehensible , but on the next day
he made a gallant fight. At Gaines'
Landing and at Ialvern HillJie covered
himself with glory. At the latter placn
he stood like a breakwater between the
demoralized army of McClellan and the
rushing tide of victorious lebels. He
was the hero of the bloodiest battle of
the war , and the one that first taught
rebels how union soldiers could fight.
BISMARCK is going to send -back the
resolution of Colonel Tom Ochiltree
expressing the regret of the United
-States at the death of flerr Lasker , and
our sympathy with Germany in her
great bereavement. Bismarck would
have been better satisfied with a resolu
tion offering him and Emperor Billy our
congratulations. When the old Chan
cellor shuffiles off the mortal coil lets
look out for a resolution that will please
him , if Col. Ochiltree happens to be on
, the floor of the House.
The resolution will be transmitted to
Congress with the Chancellor's certifi
cate of its rejection , in a few days ,
according to the dispatches , and the
London Times expresses the opinion
that it will make things hot , as the
United States will not be inclined to
let the thing "drop there. It is to be
hoped that the House will stand up
stoutly at the back of Colonel Torn.
His resolution is all right , aild the Ger
man wing of our free and unterrified
population will be pleased to know that
the American people are not ashamed
of their admiration of the democratic
, -orator of the Beichstadt.Journal ,
Indianola , Neb. , Feb. 9,188 * . j
Board of County Commissioners me
pursuant to adjournment Present
Henry Crabtrce , 12. J. Allington , S. I
Green , Commissioners , and C. I ) . Cra
mer , Clerk.
On motion , the clerk was instructe <
to ( order four 3-quire justices' dockets
Consideration of the question of thi
amount of damages to John Gr. Eatoi
& Bros , and C. D. Phelps , for establish
ing a public road through their landi
Was taken up :
On motion , seventy dollars was allow
cd said John'G. Eaton & .Bros , ( or lane
taken for said road according 'to plol
of same.
On motion , twenty-eight dolldrs wat
allowed C. D. Phelps for land taken foi
said road according to the plot of same ,
Motion , that Eaton Bros , be allowed
one hundred dollars damages on the
residue of their lands , lost.
On motion , John Gr. Eaton & Bros ,
were allowed fifty dollars damages on
the residue of their lands.
On motion , C. D. Phelps was allowed
one hundred and seventy-five , d-jllars
damages on the residue of his land.
On motion , petitions of V. Franklin
and others grunted , viz : To establish
a public road commencing at the south
east corner of section 31 , town. 1 , range
29 , thence north to bridge on llepubli-
can Biver , thence north , terminating at
McCook see lload llecord in clerk's
office for exact and specific description.
On motion , petitions of George White
and others was granted as follows :
That town. 4 , range 30 , be taken from
Bed Willow voting precinct and annex
ed to Willow Grove precinct.
On motion , accounts as follows were
allowed and clerk ordered to draw war
rants for same :
Benl.VanDyke , puld to Dr. Hammond for
medicine , prescriptions and visits to
prisoner , J. Savage , claim of $ C.50 , al
lowed at $600
John W. Wclborn , sheriff's fees , milage ,
etc. , in case of J.H. Evans charged with
insanity , $3 , fees special Feb. term district - "
trict court , 2 , warrant for T 50
Wm'.Woyglnt , judge of election , Nov/81 ,
judge of election , Feb. 20 , ' 82 , war. for 4 00
S. Teter , sawing five cords wood 5 00
J. S. Phillips , making drawers for pigeon
holesin vault 7,87 ,
James Hctherington presented bills for
milking tax lists as tollows :
1879 , $34 ; IbSO , $50.20 ; 1881 , $52.12 ; 1887 , $57.30 ;
1883. $88.12.
On motion , consideration of same was
postponed until next meeting.
Sealed bids for publishing leeral no
tices and commissioners' 'proceedings
were opened and considered ,
Will publish commissioners' proceedings at
one ceutper line ; legal notices at one-fourth
legal rates , or 23c. for first insertion , and lOc.
for each subsequent insertion , Resp'y ,
I will publish commissioners' proceedings
and all legal notices for the year ending Feb.
1st , 1835 , FREE. He * pectf ully ,
On motion , G. S. Bishop's proposi
tion was accepted.
On motion , it was voted that sealed
bids for painting offices and court-room
may be filed in the clerk's office any
time previous to 12 M. Saturday , Marcl
22 , 1884 , when all bids so filed will be
opened and considered .by the Board.
The clerk was instructed to notify
Assessors to attend session of the Board
to be held Saturday , March 22,1884.
It appearing to the Board that Frees
& Hockiiell were not assessed on their
stock of lumber in the town of McCook ,
for the year 1883 , and that they desired
to be assessed , as omission to be assess-
sd was not their fault ; the Board or-
lered that Saturday , March 22 , 1884 ,
is hereby appointed a day for said Frees
Hocknell to show cause why said
jmission should not be supplied , and
their names and property entered on the
iax list , and if no cause be shown to the
contrary , the Commissioners will assess
said property and tax on same will be
jollected as provided by law. .
On motion , the Board adjourned to ,
ueet Saturday , March 22,1884.
C. D. CRAMER , County Clerk.
Snow lies on the ground to the depth
> f two inches , and more is coming.
Eastern Hayes county can boas of
> nly one school and thatis a private one ,
J. W. Dyer returned home to his fath-
ir's ranoh on Blackwood.this morning.
Humor says six thousand head of cat-
le will be brought near the head draws
if lied Willow and Stinking water from
Eastern Nebraska , this spring.
L. C. Richards of Lincoln arrived at
he Red Willow Cattle Co.'s ranch near
} arrico , two weeks ago. He shipped
o Culbertson one or two car loads of
aeal and grain -which they are engaged
n hauling now. Mr. Richards is one of
he five that form thej company. They
mt on the range last summer twenty-
ve hundred head of cattle bought in
he eastern part of this state and Iowa ,
'hey are doing well so far for hoine-
teaders. Poor cattle he gathers and
rives to his Spring Creek ranch to be
ed hay and meal.
Feb. 10th , 1884. PHILO.
Editors , Dtctors , Druggists , and All Whi
Try It , Unite in Praise.
"I have used your GOLDEN BALSAS
with eminent success. I can fully rcc
ommend it. " R. H. Ditzlcr , M. D. ,
Fort Scott , Kansas.
"Your GOLDEN BALSAM is a splendic
Cough remedy. It is highly recom
mended by all. " Reck & Rankin ,
Druggists , Allcrton , Iowa. '
"It affords me pleasure to say thai
a most obstinate cough after I had tried
various other medicines without avail.
I only used half a bottle. " Sims Ely ,
Editor Herald , Hutohinson , Kansas.
"Your GOLDEN BALSAM is unques
tionably the best cough preparation we
have ever handled. " J , L. Jones , M.
D. , ( of Jones & Calvert , Druggist ) ,
Jonesburg , Mo.
Throat and Lungs , and MARSH'S GOL
DEN BLOOD & liiVER TONIC , are for
sale by S. L. Green , Druggist , McCook.
Large bottles 50 cents and $1. 38.
wanted for The Lives or all the
Pre ldents of the U. S. Thn
AGENTS litrcciit , ImndsomcKt best book
_ ever sold for less than twice our
price. The tautest iclllnp book In America. lnuncn c
proflts to agents. All Intelligent people want It. Any
one can become n successful agent. Terms free.
HALLETT BOOK CO. , Portland , Maine , 15. .
McCooK , NEB. , February Oth , 1884.
Notice is hereby given that The Spring Creek
Cattle Company has this day increused its
Capital Stock Twenty Thousand Dollars , mak
ing the entire Capitol Stock of said Company
Fifty Thousand Dollars.
GEO. HOCKNELI , , President.
B. M. FHEES , Secretary.
McCooK , NEU. , February 9th , 1834.
We hereby certify that the indebtedness ol
The Spring Creek Cattle Company on this daj
is Five Thousand Dollars being all debts for
which this Company is liable nt this date.
GEO. HOCKNELL , President.
B. M. FKEES , Secretary. 37-5t.
U. S. LAND OFFICE , McCooK , NEB. , i
January 14th 1884. f
Complaint having been entered at this office
by William Mclntyre against John Voluk for
abandoning his homestead entry 1U23 , dated ut
North Plutto , Neb. , October 17 , 1870 , upon the
southeast H northwest Ji and lots 3 , 4 , nnd 5
section C , township 3 north , range 29 west , in
Red Willow county , Ncbniska , with a view to
the cancellation of said entry ; the said parties
arehomby summoned to appear ut this oflice
on the 7th day of March , 1884 , at 10 o'clock , A.
M. , to respond und furnish testimony concern
ing said alleged abandonment.
35. G. L. LAWS.Register. .
U. S. Land Offieo , McCook , Neb.,1
* January 29th , Ifc84. J
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Tiffany B. Babcock against Austin . Dixen
for failure to comply with law as to timber-
culture entry 1621 , dated North Platte , Neb. ,
June the east ' southeast and
21,1880 , upon eastj H
south y northeast 54 section 31. township 4
north , range 29 west , in Red Willow county.
Neb. , with a view to the cancellation of said
entry ; contestant alleging that Austin E.Dix-
on has failed to break , cultivate , or plant to
trees , seeds or cuttings , any part of said tract ,
or cause the same to be done , since Junuury
1st , 1882 ; that he has failed to break the second
flvencres of said tract as by law required ; the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this oflice on the 15th day of March. 18S4 , ut
3 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged failure.
35. G. L. LAWS , Register.
U. S. LAND OFFICE , McCooK , NEB. , :
January 28th , 1884. j
Complaint having been entered at this oflice
bv Rutherford B. Archibald against Harlow
W. Keyesfor abandoning his homestead entry
1173 , dated at North Platte , Neb.'May 22,1870 ,
upon the southeast quarter section 20 , town
ship 2 north , range 28 west , in Red Willow
county , Nebraska , with a view to the cancella
tion of said entry ; the said parties are herebr
summoned to appear at this ollice on the 7th
day of March , lb 4 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond
spend and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged abandonment.
35. G. L. LAWS , Register.
February 18th , lc < 84. f
Complaint having been entered at this oflice
by Edward Ervin against Joseph Good in for
failure lo comply with law as to timber-culture
entry 1109. dated North Platte , Neb. , Oct. J8 ,
1879 , upon the southwest H section 15 , township
I north , range 27 west , in Red Willow county.
Neb. , with a viewto the cancellation of said
3ntry ; contestant ulleging thut Joseph Goodin
lias failed to break , or cultivate , or to plant to
trees , seeds or cuttings , any part of said tract
it any time since making said entry ; the said
parties are hereby summoned to appear utthis
jffice on the 5th day of April. 1581 , at 1 o'clock ,
P. M. , to respond , and furnish testimony con
cerning said alleged failure.
33. G. L. LAWS , Register.
U. S. LAND OFFICE , McCooic , NEB. , i
February 8th , 1884. f
Complaint having been entered nr this office
ly John W. Thompson against John Freed for
.bandoning his homestead entry 1704 , dated at
lorth Pluttc , Neb. , November 4,1879 , upon the
restjs southwest y , southwest } j , northwest
i section 35 nnd bouthrast h northeast U sec-
ion 34 , township 2 north , range 27 west , in Red
Villow county. Neb. , with a view to theeun-
cllation of said entry ; the said pintles are
ereby summoned to nppeur at this oflice on
lie 19th day of March. 1884 , at 1 o'clock , 1 * . M. ,
B respond aud furnish testimony concerning
aid a leged abandonment.
37-t.l G. L. LAWS. Register.
I. J. Starbuck , Attorney for Contestant.
U. S. LAND OFFICE , McCooic , NEB. , I
Februury 4th , 1 84. f
Complaint having been entered at this oflice
y C. Howard Moulton against Holmes Hen-
erson for failure to camply with law as to
imber-culturo entry 1107 , dated North Platte ,
; eb. , October 18 , 1870 , upon the northwest
uarter section 29. , township 2 north , range 28
est , in Red Willow county. Neb. , with a view
j the cancellation of said entry : contestant
Ueging that Holmes Henderson has failed to
reak or cultivate , or to plant to trees or cut-
ngs , any part of said tract at any time since
taking said entry ; the said parties are here-
y summoned to appear at this oflice on the
1st day of March. 1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to
2spond and furnish testimony concerning
lid alleged failure.
30. G. L. LAWS , Register.
V , , 8. Land Office , McCooic , Neb. ,
. January tb , 1881.
Complaint bavin ? been entered at thin offict
by Louis Probst against Wilson B. McClun
for failure to comply with law as to timber
culture entry 709 , dated North Platte. Neb.
May 26th , 1H7U. upon the southeast quarter flec
tion 80 , township 4 northrnngo 'M west OP,31.
In Red Willow county , Neb.M Itb a view to the
cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleging
that Wilson B. McClure baa failed to plant tc
trees , seeds or cuttings the first or second five
acres for nfore than two years last past ; that
ht'hoa wholly ubaudoncu said tract and thut
the sumo is grown up to weeds and grass ; the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this office on the Oth day of March , 1 84 , at
10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning sold alleged failure.
33. G. L. LAWS , Register.
U. S. Land Ofllco , McCook , Nob. ,
January ,28th , 1834.
Complaint having been entered nt this ofllco
by Antoin Probst against Arlhur F. Hitch
cock for failure to comply wltlr law as to tim
ber-culture entry 710 , dated North Platte , Nob. ,
May 20th , 1879 , upgn the southwest quarter
section 29 , township 4 north , range 3t ) west 6th
P. M. . in Hod Willow county , Nebraska , with a
view to the cancellation of said entry ; contes
tant ulleging that Arthur F. Hitchcock bus
fulled to plant to trees , seeds or cuttings the
first or second five acres of said tract for more
than two veurs last past ; that said tract Is
wholly u an loned nnd grown up to weeds und
grass ; the i uid parties arc hereby summoned
to appear at this oflico on the iith day of March ,
1884.ntlu o'clock , A. M. , to respond nnd fur
nish testimony concerning said alleged fail
ure. 35. G. L. LAWS. Register.
Land Oflice at McCook , Neb. ,
January 23d , 1S84.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler bus filed notice of his intention
to nnikc final proof in support of her claim ,
and thut said proof will be mudo before ! < cgi.-
tcr or Receiver at McCook , Nob. , on Friday.
March 7th , 1884 , viz : Minnie Buteshomestead
(57 , for the southeast Ji southwest Ji section
17 nnd east yt northwest Ji section 20 , town
ship 3 north , range 30 west. She names the
following witnesses to prove her continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Mur/E. Orrae , William Anderson. C. E.
McPherson and Richard Congdon , all of Mc
Cook , Neb. 34-G. G. L. LAWS , Register.
Land Oflice at McCook , Neb. , 1
January 23d , 18 l. J
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
nnd that said proof will be mudo before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
March 7,1884. viz : William M. Rollins , home
stead 59 , for the north Ji southwest } { and east
V northwest ? section 17 , township 3 , north of
range 30 west. He nimes the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of. said land , viz : William
Enyeart , George Leiand , C. E. McPhoraon and
M. E. Orme , all of McCook , Neb.
34-6t. G. L. LAWS , Register.
Land Oflice nt McCook , Neb. , I
January 28th , 1884. f
Notice Is hereby given thut the following
named settler has flled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter and Receiver ut McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
March 14 , 1884 , viz : George M. Fleischuiun ,
homestead 3C24 , for the northeast quarter sec
tion 17 , township 3 north , range 30 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , und cultivation
of , said land , viz : George Poe , Phillip Woick ,
Michael Weick and Charles E. McPhersou , ull
of McCoe-k , Nebraska.
35-Ct. G. L. LA WS , Register.
February 5th , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has flled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
nnd thut said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
March 15,1884. viz : William N. Redfern , home
stead 800 , tor the east \3 \ northeast H section
2 and west \t \ northwest'4 section23.township
I north , range 28 west. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
lience upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
H. B. Duckworth , Stephen Boj or , Joseph Mur
phy nnd Solomon Di.xon , ull of Dunbury , Neb.
StHit. G. L. LAWS , Register.
February 1Mb. 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
inmcd settlers have filed notice of their inten-
: ion to make final proof in support of their
: luims , mid thut said proofs will be made be
fore Register or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on
Friday. March 28th , 1884 , viz : Francis M. Golny ,
0. S. 140 , for the cast > i southwest Ji and west
. 's southeast J * section 26 , township 1 north ,
ungo 28 west.
Viz : MelisseHcss , D. S.233I , for the south
, ' northwest and north \'t southwest J4 sec-
ion 25 , township l north , range 28 west.
They njmc the following w itucsses to prove
heir continuous residence upon , nnd cultivu-
ion of. s-u'd land , viz : Fredrick Yount , Ed-
vard Kingsland , Jesse C. Ashton and James
3. Dolph , all of Danbury , Neb.
38. G. L. LAWS. Register.
Februury 18th , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
lamed settler bus flled notice of his intention
o make final proof in support of his claim ,
ud that said proof will be made before Regis-
er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
Lpril5th,18S4viWilliam L. Pryor , D. S. 129 ,
or the northeast quarter section 1 , township
. north of range 30 west. He names the fol-
jwing witnesses to prove his continuous resi-
ence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Fehcmiah Rurtless. Lux ille Burtlcss , Andy S.
loyer and Charles Jacobs , all of McCook. Neb.
38. G. L. LAWS , Register.
February lUth , 18S4. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
amed settler has flled notice of his intention
3 make final proof in support of his claim ,
ud that said proof will be made before Rcgis-
jr and Receiver ut McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
.pril 7th , 188. , vi/ : James B. Miller , homc-
tcad 893 , for the northwest quarter section 20 ,
> wnship 1 north , range 28 w - t Gtji P. M. He
amcs the following witnesses to prove his
ntinuous residence upon , and cultivation
f , said land , viz : Wilbur F. Saunders , Solo-
lon Boyer. John L. Sellers und John Connor ,
II of Stoughton , Neb.
38. G. L. LAWS , Register.
Febri ar20th. . 1884.
Notice is hereby given thit the following
uncd settler has filed notice of his intention
i make final proof in suj.port of his claim ,
id that said proot will be made before Regis-
T or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
pril 8th. 1884 , viz : James W. McClanahan ,
. S. 137 , for the southeast J northeast lots
5 and 6 of section 35 , towrship 3 north , range
west. He names the following witnesses to
-ove his continuous residence upon , und cul-
ration of. said land , viz : John B. 31efccpvt' .
'illiam W. Fisher. Richard Johnson ami 1 !
imes Hatfleldy all of McCook , Neb. p
38. G. L. LAWS , Register.-
LAND OrriCB AT McCooK , NRB. . >
January 2Htb , IffW. (
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settlers huve filed notice of their inten
tion to isako ftnal proof in support of their
claims , and that mid proofs will be made ht-
fore ReglKter und Jtrcolvcrnt McCook. Neb *
on Saturday. March 8,18rtl , viz : Johu R. Colc-
mnn , D. S. 170 , for the southwest U wiithwcsc
f section 25 and east 'A .southeast Ji and nortl -
west > 4 > outheast U B etlon 2H , township ,
rangc30west. Ho names the follovrlngjjt-
nesses to prove his continuous residence piii ,
nnd cultivation of , said land , viz : Georga
White , Michael Weick , William Cnlcmaii ami
Ellu M. Colcmnn , all of McCook , Neb.
Viz : Ella M. Coleman.D.S.iriO.foTtho south
west U northwest * i section 3 and southeast ' .J.
northeast M nnd lots 1 nnd * section 4 north ,
township 8 , range HO xost. She names' the-fol-
lowing witnesses to prove her continuous esS-
dcncu upon , and cultivation of , suld land , vi/ :
Phillip Weick , George P. Wrick. John R. Coleman -
man nnd William Coleman , ull of McCook , Neb ,
3WJt. G. L. LAWH , Register ,
January 2iltb , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has flled notice of his intention
to mnko final proof In support of his claim ,
und that said proof will be made before Regis
ter and Receiver t McCook. Neb. , on Satur
day , March H. 1884 , viz : HenrH. . Plckens , 1) .
S. 110 , for the southeast quarter rcctiou 3 ,
township 2 north , range 29 wot. He nura * *
the following witnesses to prove hfct c niMaw-
ous residence upon , nnd cultivation ofnufu
land , viz : John Whlttuker , Cury D. Riton , Babbit , all of Mct'ook ,
Neb. 35-Bt. G. L. LAWS , RcgiMcr.
LAND OKI-ICE AT McCooK. Ni : . , t ,
January 28th , lbK4.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that suld proof will be ma l < ; before Regis
ter nnd Receiver ut McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
March 10.1684 , viz : Robert Johnson , home
stead 2847 , for the lots 2.3 Sc 4 section 34. town
ship 3 north , range 29 west. Ho names th
following witnesses to prove hi-- continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
vi/ : Charles W. Roper. Thomas Mclnroy.N 11-
ImmW. Fisher und Charles A. Fisher , ullof
McCook. Neb.tit G.L. LAWS.Register.
January 10th , 1884. (
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intnntioii
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
nnd that said proof will bo made before Keg-
isteror Receiver nt McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
Februnry 22d , 1884 , viz : Adolph Ricscliick ,
D. S. 2880 , for the cast Vt southeast h section
22 and north 24 northeast H section 27. town-
hip 3. north of range 30 west. Ho names the
fallowing witnesses to prove his continuous
res/dcnco upon , and cultivation of. said land ,
viz : Phillip Weick , Michael Weick. Georgo-
Poll and Herman Thole , all of Mofook. Neb.
33-U. , G. L. LA WS , Register.
January 31st , 1W4. f
Notice , I hereby Riven that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make flnaj proof in support of his claim ,
nnd that snia proof will be made before Reg
ister and Kccciver at 31cCook. Neb. , on Satur
day , March 15j884viz : Louis F. Fauso. home
stead 3584 , lor the lots 2 , 3 and 4 of sotion IV
township 2 norfS , rnnfre 30 west , and southeast
H southeast X4 tlon 24 , township S north ,
rungoSl w.est. h ) names the following' wit-
nessus to provohiSjontinuous residence upon ,
und cultivation of. Mid hind. viz : Joseph New-
conib.JohnP.Bsranst.u and John Kolb.of Vail-
ton. Neb. , nnd August Anderson , of Driftwood ,
Neb. 36-6t. \ L. LAWS , Ucgister.
Fcbltwry 2nd , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given ihat the following
named settler has filed notiiof bis Intention
to mnko final proof in support of his claim ,
nnd thut said proof will be unuo before Hc ? is-
ter nnd Kecoiver ntMcCook , Nth. , on Tuesday ,
March 18th , 1SS4 , viz : Charles V , Koper , D. 8.
114 , for the eant H southwest ; 4 mid cast 55
northwest ? . section 11. township i. range 2
west. He names the following witicsses to
prove his continuous residence uponi-md cul
tivation of.aid land , viz : Nuthuniel'Mycre. Ill
Allen A. Phillip ! , Richard Johnston % i H.
Piekens. all of McCook , Neb. \ „
36-6t. O - L. LAWS , Re isv r.
January 10th. 3884 , J
Notice is hereby given that the following *
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proot in support of his claim ,
nd that said proof will be made before Hcg-
Ister or Bet-elver at McCook. Nob. , on Tuesday ,
March 4. 18W , viz : Nehemiuh Hurtless , home
stead 728 , for the east > J southeast ? i section
! 4 und east ! J northeast > * section 2T . township
J north , ninjie : w west. He names the follow-
ng witnesses to prove his continuous resi-
lencc upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Jharles Howies , of Vulley GrunKV. Neb. , and
loliu Ertton , Joseph Ncwcomb and C. L. Net-
leton , of McCook , Neb.
; -6t. G. Jj. LAWS , Register.
January 22d. 1884. I
Notice is hereby given that thr following ;
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
o make final proof in support of his claim ,
tnd that said proof will be made before Itcgis-
er or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Tues-'ny ,
ilarch 4. 1884. viz : Joseph Dudek. homestead
: X ) , for the south l' southwest i section29 and
lorth fi northwest Ji bection 32 , township 3 ,
mrth of ninge 28 wet. He names the follow-
usr witnesses to prove his continuous resl-
iencc upon , und cultiv.ition of , said land , viz :
Jrank I ) . Hes > < and William W. Fisher , of Mc-
Jook , Neb. . Charles Ebert and Alexander
one * , of I ed Willow , Neb.
34t. . t G.L. lulWS , Register.
February 4th , 1884. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
amed settler has flled notice of his intention
D make final proof in support of his claiin ,
nd that said proof will be made before Regis-
er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday. 14. 18S4 , viz : Jacob Long , homestead
% 5 , for the 'south JJ northeast } 4 , lot a and.
nutheast M northwest Jf section 0. towns-hip
north , range 28 west. He names the follow-
ig witnesses to prove his continuous resi-
enee upon , and cultivation of , said hind , viz :
nilium Binklcy. Frank Simi on. Royal 15 tick
nd Martin Rinck , ull of Red Willow , Neb.
3Wit. - G. L. LAWS , Register.
Februury 6th , 1S84.
Notice is hereby gi\en that the following
uined settler has flled notice of his intention
) make final pi oof in support of his claim ,
nd thut said proof will be made before leis-
; r or Receiver ut McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
larch 22. lbS4 , viz : Joseph A. Schneider , D.
. No. 9 , foithe southwest h section 17. town-
lip 3 north , ramre 2) ) w et. He names the fol-
iwing witnes ej. to jrove his continuous resi-
jnce upon , and cultivation of. Faid land , viz :
age T. Francis , William Mitchell. John E\-ert
id Chas D. Ercanbrack , ull of McCook. Neb.
SB-6t. G I. . LAWS , Register.
February nth , 1S84. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lined settler has flled notice of his intention
i make final proof in support of his claim.
id that said proof will be made before Regis-
r or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday.
arch 15. 1884. viz : Solomon Dixon. homestead
3 , for the southwest > 4 northwest ' , section
und cast ! J southeast Ji and southeast
) rtlieast ' 4 section 28. township 1 north , rnngu
west. He names the following witnesses to
eve his continuous residence upon , and cul-
ration of , said laud , viz : IJ B. Duckworth.
ephen Boyer. Joseph Murphy und William
. Redfern , ull of Danbury , Neb.
G. L. LAWS. Register.
tVe have in stock "Cash Application" anJ *
'roof blanks , under act approved June-ljf
. Same are put up in $1 und $2 package *
ady to mail. Send in your order to
THE TRIBUNE , McCook ; Neb ,