McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, February 21, 1884, Image 3

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How Ho Was Overcome and the Way by
\Vlilch.He Was Finally Saved.
Correspondence Spirit of the Times.
An unusual adventure which recently
occurred to your correspondent while
hunting at Brookmere in'this state is so
timely and contains so much that can
be made valuable to all readers , that I
venture to reproduce it entire :
The day was a most inclement one
and the snow quite deep. Rabbit tracks
were plentiful , but they principally led
in the direction of a large swamp , in
r which the rabbits could run without dif
ficulty , but where the hunter constantly
broke through the thin ice , sinking into
the half-frozen mire to his knees. Not
withstanding these difficulties , the
writer had persevered , although a very
small bag of game was the result. While
tramping about through a particularly'
malarial portion of the swamp , a mid
dle a < * ed man suddenly came into view ,
carrying a muzzle loading shotgun and
completely loaded down with game of
the finest description. Natural cririos-
itv , aside from the involuntary/envy /
th'at instinctively arose , promptey the
writer .to enter into conversation
the man , with the follo\ving resul
"You've had fine success ; whe
you get all that game ? " J
"Right here , in the swamp. " |
"It's pretty rough hunting ii
uarts , especially when .a man g
to his waist every other step. "
"Yes , it's not very pleasant , b
used to it and don't mind it. "
"How long have you hunted
bouts ? "
"Whv , bless you , I have live
most of my life and hunted up
years ago every year. "
"How does it happen you i
the last ten years ? "
"Because I was scarcely able to
move , much less hunt. "
"I don't understand you./ '
"Well , you see , about ten years ago ,
after I had been tramping around all
day in this same swamp * I felt quite a
pain in my ankle. I didn't mind it
very much , but it kept troubling me
for a dayor two , and i could see that
it kept increasing. The next thing I
.knew , I felt the sajfle kind of a pain in
my shoulder and-I found it pained mete
to move my arm- This thing kept go
ing on and in-reasing , and though I
tried to shake'off the feeling and make
myself think it was only a little tempo
rary trouble.I found that it did not go.
Shortly after this my joints began to
aohe at t e knees and I finally became
so bad 'fiat I had to remain in the house
mostot the time. "
/nd did you trace all this to the
fast that you had hunted so much in'
fiis swamp ? "
"No , I didn't know what to lay it to ,
but I knew that I was in misery. My
joints swelled until it seemed as though
all the flesh I bad left was bunched at
the joints ; my fingers crooked in every
way and some of them became double-
jointed. In fact , every joint in my
body seemed to vie with the others to
see which could become the largest and
cause me the greatest suffering. In this
way several years passed on , during
which time I was pretty nearly helpless.
I became so nervous and sensitive that
I would s't bolstered up in the chair and
call to people that entered the room
not to come near me , or even touch
my chair. While'all this was going
on , 1 felt an awful burning heat and
fever , with occasional chills running
all over my body , but especially along
my back and through my shoulders.
Then again my blood seemed .
boiling and my brain to be on fire. "
"Didn't you try to prevent all this
agony ? "
"Try. I should think I did try. I
tried every doctor that came within my
reach and all the proprietary medi
cines I could hear of. I used washes
and liniments enough to last me for all
time , but the only relief I received was
by injections of morphine. "
"Well , you talk in a very strange
manner for a man , who has tramped
around on a day like this and in a
swamp like this. How in the world , do
you dare to do it ? " .
"Because I am completely well and
as sound as a dollar. It may seem
strange , but it is true that I was entirely
cured ; the rheumatism all driven out
of my blood ; my joints reduced to their
natural size and my. strength made as
great as ever before , by means of that
great and simple remedy , Warner's
Safe Rheumatic cure , which I believe
saved my life. "
"And so you now have no fear of
rheumatism ? "
"Why , no. Even if it should come
on , I can easilyget rid of it by using
the same remedy. "
The writer turned to leave , as it was
growing dark , but beforelhad reached
the city precisely the same symptoms I
had just heard described came upon me
with great violence. Impressed with
the hunter's story , I tried the same
remedy , and within twenty-four hours
all pain and inflammation had disap
peared. If any reader is suffering from
any manner of rheumatic or neuralgic
troubles and desires relief let him by all
means try this same great remedy.
And if any readers doubt the truth of
the above incident or its statements let
them write to A. A. Coates , Brookmere ,
N. Y. , who was the man with whom the
writer conversed , and convince them
selves of its truth or falsity.
J. R. C.
* I S i
"Do yon believe in laying on hands ? "
asked a parishioner of the clergyman.
"Certainly I do , " he replied. But
if your child is very bad I would ad
vise you to try a shingle. New York
Plso's Core for Consumption docs not dry up a
cough ; H removes the cause.
No'less than 2,104 persons joined the
Evangelical Church in Germany in
1883 , against 1,904 in the year before.
Most of these were Koraan Catholics ,
while 904 people left the Evangelical
church for the other communions. Of
the Jews 180 accepted'baptism , while
eighteen Evangelical Christian's joined
the jews.
Mr. W. W. Arnold , Attorney at Law at
Gallatin , and formerly a resident of James-
port , Davies county , ilo. , has recently re
turned from Drs. Dickerson & Stark's Sur
gical Institute at Kansas City , where he has
bad his only son treated nuccessfully for
'congenital club-feet. The bright little fel
low lB-oud that he can now walk like otner
little boys.
High kickers never take a hint.
An enagement ring Men and women.
an Coaghm. " ISc. , 25c , 0 ; . . at Druz-
Blsts. complete CUM Coughs , Hoarseness , bora
' Best satisfied with doing well , and leave
others to talk of you as they please.
When you visit or leave .New York City ,
save Baggage , Expressage and Carriage
Hire , and stop at GBAND UNION HOTEL ,
opposite Grand Central Depot. 600 elegant
rooms , fitted up at a cost of one million dollars
lars , reduced to $ t and upwards per day.
European . , . , _ , . , . plan. . , . . , . _ . Elevator. . Restaurantsup-
Colds ,
lief in
use of
ice 25c.
When you pare off a nail is it a parapher
Throwing ; a King.
A.n old Greek said that a borse , which is
neither flatterer nor courier , throws a king
with as littlfi ceremony as ho would a per
ter. ' Equally as impartial is Allen's Iron
Tonic Bitters , which cures high and low of
all ills arising from derangement-of the di
gestive organs. All genuine bear the sig
nature of J. P. Allen. St. Paul , Minn.
A live beat has a hundred per cent more
terrors than a dead one.
I found it a sure cure. I have been
troubled with Catarrhal deafness for seven
or eight years with a roaring noise in my
head. I bought medicine in 13 states , but
nothing helped me till I procured a bottle
of Ely's Cream Balm. In four 'days I
could hear as well as ever. I am cured of
the Catarrh as well. I consider Ely's Cream
Balm the best medicine ever made. GARRETT -
RETT WIDRICK , Hastings. New York.
A skein of yarn testimony in the police
court. *
The only known specific remedy for epi
leptic fits is Samaritan Nervine.
Any American citizen can hope to become
president and pray not to get left.
"What a W.onmnSays.
E. St. John , G. T. &P.-A. , Chicago , 111. :
Your valuable cook book came to
hand , for which accept my thanks. It's a
treasure , 4or its recipes are plain and the
book is well gotten up ; its typographical
and general make-up speaks well of your
department for doing so much for the
"Women of America. ' ' May your road be
as successful as every woman will be who fol
lows your cook book , and every man who eats
thereafter.Yours truly ,
This beautiful book of 123 pp. illuminated
covers sent on receipt of ten cents in stamps
or cash. Address , E. ST. JOHN , G. T. &
P. A. , Chicago , 111.
George Knight has a new play , called
* 'Pumpkin Creek. ' >
"Kongh on Tooth Ache. " Ask for It. In
stant relief , quick cure. ICc. Druggists.
Of all our infirmities vanity is the dearest
to us. A man will starve his other vices to
keep that alive.
' 'I had epileptic fits for 16 years , ' ' writes
John Keitmy , of Principle , Md. , "Samar
itan Nervine cured me. " ' $1.50 , at Drug
You can give a Chinese washee man a
dirty cuff without fear of having it resented.
The market is flooded with worthless and
vile compounds for the rejuvenation of the
hair , but Carbpdine , the great petroleum
hair renewer still take the front rank as the
best preparation ever offered to the public.
New York hotel owners are redu
and nodding to patrons.
When you come to Omaha ,
Street Cars or 'JBtw for the Met
Hotel. $2.00 per day. Tables
any $3.00 per day house.
neverfail to destroy worms and rem
from the system.
and BBUISES are permanently reli ]
Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone L.
Sold by all druggists.
PUBIFY THE BLOOD with Eilert's Day
light Liver Pills. They act directly on the
Liver , Stomach and Bowels being mild and
cleansing but never griping or painful.
SAVE YOUR HABNESS by oiling with
Uncle Sam's Harness Oil which will make it
soft and pliable. This is the best oil ever
made for leather. Sold by all harness ma
is just the medicine lor mothers to have in
the house for the children. It will cure
coughs , colds , sore throat and regulate the
bowels. Do not fail to give it a trial , you
will be pleased with its charming effect.
Sold by all druggists.
spiritless , scraggy and feeble , they need
treatment with Uncle Sam's Condition Pow
der. It Purifies the blood , improves the
appetite , cures COLDS and DlSTEMPEBS ,
invigorates the system and will keep the ani
mal in a healthy , handsome condition.
Every case of consumption commences
with a cough , occasioned by having taken
cold , which , if allowed to run its course ,
will soon work its way into the air passages
and then .the lungs , if not checked by some
such valuable cough remedy as EILEBT'S
BY , which is unrivalled for all diseases of
the throat and lungs. Save dangerous spells
of sickness and expensive Doctor's bills by
taking this valuable medicine in season. Ask
your Druggist for it.
It is not understood , why druggists keep
in stock 'so 'many kinds of medicines for
coughs , colds and consumption , when it is
only necessary to keep 'Allen's Lung Bal-
sara , that old , reliable r'emedy'which Is a
pure vegetable preparation and perfect'y
harmless , as it contains no opium in any
form. Sold everywhere.
Brooks & Dickson will probably manage
Mary Anderson next season.
Patch-work The tariff bill.
SKINNY MEN. "Wells' Health Hen wer"
roxtores health and * vigor , cures Dyspepsia , Impo
tence , fl.
Charles Beade is at Cannes , where he has
almost completed hla new novel.
WmcAT-No. 2 , 7777tf c.
BARLKY No. 2. 4748c.
BYK No. 3.
CORN No. 2.
OATS No. 2. 32&33 > ic.
FLOUR Wheat Graham , $2 75.
CHOP FEED Per cwt. 90c.
SHORTS Per ton , $14 00.
ORANGES Messina , per box , $8 00.
LEMONS Messina , per box , $5 005 25.
APPLES Per barrel $ t 60f55 00.
BUTTER Creamery , 33(335c.
BUTTER Best country roll , 16 < 318c.
EGOS Fresh. 27ra28c.
HAMS Per ft. 13 > ic.
POTATOES Choice , per bushel ,
HAY In bulk , per ton , $6 006 50.
LARD Befined. perlb. lie.
SHEEP $3 3ofS4 CO.
CATTLF' $3 25S3 ( 75.
HOGS $5 30(55 00.
CALVKS $5 506 50.
WHEAT Per bushel. 95 H (5fl5 Jf c.
CORN Per bushel , 54XO54 > ic.
OATS Per bushel , 32&32 ? c.
PORK $18 2018 25.
LARD 49 90(38 92K.
HOGS Mixed , $ C 307 00.
CATTLE Exports. $ G 250 90.
SHEEP Medium to good , $4 50S5 ( 25.
WHEAT Per bushel , $1 n'KOi 10K.
CORN Per bushel , 45(345X .
OATS Per bushel , SGXGiSGXc.
OATTLE Exports. $6 507 00.
SHKKP 93 500425.
HOGS Mixed , $4 80(35 ( J5.
"Mother Swan'a Worm Syrnp , " forfever-
ishness. restlessness , worme , constipation ; taate
le-s. 25c.
Fair , of Nevada , is the richest United
States senator.
Menimnn'i Peptonlzed ISecf Tonic , the
only preparation of beef containing Its entire nutri
tious properties. It contains blood-making , force-
generating and life-sustaining properties ; Invalu
able for Indirection , Dysprpda , nervous pros
tration , and ail farms of general debility ; also , in ail
enfeebled conditions , whether th result of exhaust
ion , nervous prostration , overwork , or acute d sease ,
particularly If resultlngfrom pulmonary complaints.
OAuwELfc , HAZARD & Co. , proprietors. New iork.
Sold by drogxifctt.
A New York woman bequeaths $25 ° ayear *
for the care of her two cats.
A SURE CURE. The Army and Navy Lin
iment will cure any * case of Spavin , Bing-
bone , Splint or Curb , and is good for man
or beast. See advertisement.
Georgia is introducing a new system of
free bridges.
Files ! Piles ! Files !
Sure curd for Blind , Bleeding' and Itching
Piles. One box has cu red the worst cases of 20
years' standing1. No one need suffers minutes
f ter using Williams' Indian Pile Ointment It
absorbs tumors , allays itching " its as poul
tice , gives Instant relief. . Preed only for
piles , itcuingr of private parts , nothing else ,
for $1. FRAZIER MEDICINE Co. , Cleveland , O.
The bigger a newspaper is the more bus
tle there is about it.
If you are tired ukmg tue larye old-fash
ioned griping pilis , and are satisfied that
purging yourself till you are weak * nd
sick is not good common-sense , then try
Carter's Little Liver Pills and learn bow
easy it is to be free from Billiousness , Head
ache , Constipation and all Liver troubles.
These little pills are smaller , easier to take
and give quicker relief than any pill in use.
Forty in a vial. One a dose. Price 25 cents.
Langtry , the father of Lily , is as'hand
some as Apollo.
Of the many remedies before the public
for Nervous Debility and weakness of Nerve
Generative System , there is none equal to
Allen's Brain Food , which promptly and
permanently restores all lost vigor ; it never
fails. $ lpkg. , G for $5. At druggists , or
by mail from J. H. Allen , 315 First Ave. ,
New York City.
The Bankins have made a happy success
in * 'Gabriel Conroy. " .
Iharo a poslllvu ix-metly for tbe tibovo disease ; by Its
thousands of cases of the wort > t tlnd and of long
to sell
pair or
te In 20
f fancy-
in. gamei of chance. Send for mam
rinoth clfcnlar. AddrenYlC BDYDAJI , '
CS aod C7 ftuun Street , .Tew lerk at j.
learn Telegraptiy here and
earn bigwages. . Situations
furnished. Address , with stamp , VALENTIXE
BROS. , Janesville , Wis.
Our stock is ENTfHEi.T NEW. Descrip
tive catalogue of Flower. Vegetable and
) Field reeds , rent free Page & Kelney
Seedsmen and Florist ? , Des Molnes.Iowu.
AGENTS WANTKD for the best and fastest
selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Price reduced
33 per cent. NATIONAL PUB. Co. , St. l < ouls. Mo.
10 Soldiers & ilelrs. Send stamp
for < 1 cu-ars. Of. . 1 , . B1NQ-
11AM , Att'y , Wasnlngton , D. C.
WANTED experienced Book and Bible Agents In
every County. Liberal Salaries Paid. Address ,
stating experience , P. O. Box jr. g. , dt. Louis , Mo.
Learn TELEGRAPHY RnAgents' business.
Good Bltua-ions. BEST
chance ever offered. AdJ.o BBOWNMgr.3edallaMo
$65 . . , .
w *
* Men or Ladles
to each county. Address
P. W. ZIEULEB & 00. , Ohlcaio. HI.
Easy to use. A-certnln cure , fet expensive. Three
months treatment ; in one package. Good for Cold
inkc / Heftd > u ache. Dizziness. Hay Fever , 6c.
Fifty cents. By all Druggists , or by mall.
E. T. HAZELTINE. Warren. Pa
WNUOmaha 194-8
please say you saw the advertisement
this paper , r
Ther who work
early and late the
year ruund need ,
occasionally , the
healthful stimulus
Imparted by a
wholesome tonlo
Hke liostottor's
Htomsch Bitters. Tn
ail. Its purity and
efficiency as n rem
edy and preventive
of dlsea'ccommnrd
it. It checks incip
ient rheumatism
and malarial symp-
tomr , relieve * con
stipation , dyspepsia
onu blllongne-f , ar
rests premature de
cay of the phvleal
energief. mitigates
the Infirmities of
age and hastens
convnlescrnce. For
tale or all Druggist *
and Dealers gener
when applied by
the finger into the
nostrils , 'trill be ab
sorbed , effectually
cleansing the head
of catarrhal virus ,
causing healthy se
cretions. It allays
inflammation , pro
tects the membrane
ot the nasal pass
ages from addition'
at coldscompletely
- .heals the sores and
u.5A. irngfnrAa
taste and
thorough" treatment wifl positively cure.
Agreeable to use. Send for circular. Price
BO cents by mail or at druggists.
EI.Y BKOTJHEK8. Owero. N. Y.
Cure Heudacbe ; Conitlpatlon , Chill * and j
Fever , and all Bilious Complaint * .
372 Pearl Street. N.Y.
The Weekly . Subscriber. A for Present Every
Bend a postal card with your f nil address and we
will send you by r-turn irail an Illustrated clrcu'ar
containing a list of valuable presents which we give
away to EVEKiT yearly uubscrloer to THE WXEKLY
The subscription price of THE WESKLT CALL for
one year is 'lwo Dollars ; and the present we will
pive you Is worth nearly that amount. So for Two
Dollars you get the TALI , for one year , and , as you
may select , a ecnrf Pin , Lace Pin. Breast 1'ln ,
Wntch Cnann. Sleeve Buttons , &c. , &c , all warrant
ed nrat-closs Jewelry.
Proprietor of The Weekly Cnll , Philadelphia , Pa.
Sold by ALL DEALERS thronghont the
Gold Medal Paris Exposition , 1873.
$26.00 REWARD !
We will pay the above reward for any case 01
Rheumatism or Neuralgia we cannot cure. It will
relieve any case of Diphtheria or Croup instantly.
Army and Navy Iiln'ment will relieve pain and sore
ness and remove any unnatural growth of bone or
muscle on man er beast. Price per bottle : Large ,
fl ; small , Me. Will refund the money for any fail
ure. ArmyandNavyJjInlmentCo.,51\Yabisb
Ave. , ChieaKO. Htchardson & Co. , Wholesale Drue-
gists , St. Iionls , Mo. , Western agenta.
Union Stock Yards , Chicago.
| Most 4ny bank or regular 11 ve stock shipper through
out the west can give you our standing financially
and tell you how we do business. Correspondence \ 1
and consignments solicited
Ehenmatlim , Scratches ,
Burn * and Scalds , Sorca and Galls ,
Etlngi and Bltci , Spavin , Cracks ,
Cut * and Brulaei , Screw Worm , Grub ,
Sprains & Stitches , Foot Rot , Hoof Ail ,
Contracted 9Xasclea Lameness ,
CtUTJbintSt Founders ,
Backache , Sprains , Strains ,
Irruptions , Sore Feet ,
rrost Bites , SUfThess ,
and nil external diseases. nd veryhurtoraccident
For geasral use in family , stable and stock yard it It
Sows all ( Trains , srrass seeda. lime , salt , ashen , fertili
zers and evcryinlnfr requiring broadcasting any
quantity per acre , better and faster than by any other
method. Haves wed by sowing1 It perfectly even.
Sows Binjrle or double cast , all on either or both sides
of vraKon. Not affected by wind , as the seed IB not
thrown up Into the air. Perfectly flniple. Headlly
attached to any wa on. Lasts a life-time. Can be >
used wherever a watron can be driven. TeamwalkinK ;
one mile BOWB four acres of wheat Crop one-fourtli
latyer than -when drilled. Send stamp for circular
giving1 terms and testimonials. Mention this paper.
C. W. UOltU , Treasurer , -
RACINE SEEUEll CO.DeiiHIoiiieB , Iowa-
The Most Powerful Sealing Ointment
Ever Discovered.
enry's Carbalic Salve cures
Henry's Carbolic Salveailays
Henry's Carbolic Salve cures
Henry's Carbolic Salve heals
Henry's Carbolic Salve cures
Henry's Carbolic Salve heals
Ask for Henry's and take no
gend Stunp"for zny circular , "How 1 manage
poultry ; $75O. S1.30O. Sl.SOO a year
llow to make poultry profitable. How to mafca
an Incutmtoi costing Icei than S6. llow to
build cheap poultry houses. Preierve eegi.
Cure Cholera ; Alake I Jens Lay ; CencralMnn-
ogcmcnt.etc.etc. l.OOOthings forthepoul
try yard. A new book , a G. BESsEY ,
ABILKNE. KANSAS. Breeder of Plymouth
Bock fowl * and Poland-China swine. *
TISM. and all BI 'Od Dlsea-es cured t > y JAJOSW'B
Ext Ked ( lover , fcend tor circulars. Testimonials.
J. M. LOOSE & LO , Monroe , Alicb.
Barnes' Wire Check
Eleven Years Practical Use In the Field.
OI *
Popular because Simple and Easy to
It has the lead with the Dealers and the Farmers ,
who have rendered an unanimous verdict that it
is the test Check Renatr made.
The -wire dors Jiot cross the mnc.'ilne , thus aTasJinf
WIRE , and friction 011 the pulleys , and making
wire that does r.ot cross the machine outwear sev
eral wires that do cross.
CH/lMBEnS , BERING , QUINLAN CO. , Exclusive Manufacturers. DECATUR , ILLS.
CLOSZ3 CK C7SCQ2 07 17332. Onl v Single Tlinfj e ver invent
ed that Closes on Outside.
Only Double Ring Invented. of the Nose.
Brown's ' Sllipiical ffii
Trlplo Greets S :
The only ring that will effectually keep hogs Only Single Rincr that clones on the outside of the
from rooting. No sharp points in the nose. nose. "No sharp points in the flesh to keep it sore.
CHAMBERS. BERING , QUINLAN CO. . Exclusive Manufacturers. DECATL'R. ' ILLS.
Find it pays them to give Uncle Sam's Condition Pow
der freely to diseased stock , and occasionally to all ; be
cause it purifies the blood , aids digestion , stimulates the
various functions to healthy secretion , and thus pro
motes growth , and gives a smooth , glossy coat of hair.
NTLCJI COWS are much benefited by the occa
sional use of Uncle Sam's Condition Powder in slop or
feed.HOGS fatten faster when it is given three or four
days in succession every month or two.
SHEEP All diseases common to sheep , such as
coughs , colds , scabs , etc. , are relieved by this powder.
OSWe caution all mho deaire a truly meri
torious article to be mire and ewfc for Vncle
Sam Condition fonder , anU accept no other
a * a substitute. _
I It is a well-known fact that most of the
f Horse and CattlePowdersold In this conn-
Itry is worthless ; that Sheridan's Condi-
Itlon Powder is absolutely pure and very
( valuable. Jfothins on Earth will
I niak © liens lay like Sheridan s . _
I Condition Powder. Dose , one teaspoonful to each pint of food. It will also prevent and cure
\ * * m ma\ISfHt fUf\l CO A Hog Cholera , < tc. Sold everywhere , or sent by mall for
I CH I V BvtlM Wii WB-tf\y 25 cents In stamps. Abe famished in large cans , for
' breeders'use , price $1.00 ; by mail , $1.20. Circulars sent FKEE. I. S. JOHysoy & CO. , Boston. Mass.