McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, February 14, 1884, Image 5

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THURSDAY , FEB. 14 , 1884.
1 locals under this heading 10c : a line for
Insertion , and sumo inserted until order-
txf ilftccmtlnued , unletjs time is specified. Dills
payable monthly.
Local Intelligence.
Graham Flour at City Bakery.
Choice Apples , $4.50 per bbl. , at
Rogers' ,
Cash paid for Poultry at Dungan &
Buckwheat , Flour and Maple Syrup
at RogcrsV ,
- i
For the best Flour in town call at
City Bakery ,
Highest cash price paid for fat cattle
t > y Dungan & Shekel s.
Don't fail to sign the petition con
cerning the school house.
Come out and encourage the Sabbath
School , Tuesday evening.
The Churchill House changes man
agement again on the 15th.
Choice cuts of beef , ham , pork and
mutton at Dungan & Shekel's.
Fish and'poultry at Dungan & Shek
el's , every Thursday and Friday.
A number of Iowa people have been
around town during the past week.
Fine sugar cured hams and breakfast
bacon sliced at Dungan & Shekel's.
I There will be no service in the Con
gregational church nest Sunday evening.
Don't fail to read Hayden & Co.'s
advertisement on the first page of this
If you want to buy a deeded claim
one of the best on Driftwood creek
call at this office soon *
Don't fail to attend the Oyster Sup
per and Entertainment of the Union
Sunday School , Tuesday evening.
There will be a "Broom Drill" by the
Evans Post.No. 10 , at the Sunday School
Entertainment , Tue. day evening.
Declamations , EssaysTableaux , at the
* iSand Hall , Tuesday evening. Admis
sion 15 cents , oysters 35 cents per dish.
A sad case of paralysis was to be seen
at the Eating House , Tuesday noon. Too
much "mountain dew" was the cause.
There vr21 be an interesting Literary
program at the Oyster Supper of the
"Union Sunday School , Tuesday evening.
Homesteaders seem to have taken the
ground hogs example , and gone into
their holes , and pulled the hole in after
them. Very few have ventured in town ,
this week.
A large orchestra band is being or
ganized. McCook needs a good orches
tra , and we hope satisfactory arrange *
meats may be made , and the same
ieoome a reality.
Sliss Emma Wells , as a vocalist , en-
traptures the beholder and satisfies him
hat le has 'the full worth of his money ,
while her performance on the piano was
up to a first-class musical standard.
Bxownvilhi Observer. .
E. EL Breece of Indianola , who re
cently opened up the Wickwire gallery ,
"has dosed the same owing to a misun
derstanding which arose concerning
wages between himself and Mr. Kinney ,
\vho ihad the gallery in charge.
Just received , three barrels of Kob-
ertson County , Kentucky whiskywhich
I have for sale by the drink at my bar.
Also , J. Schiltz & Co.'s Milwaukee beer
constantly on hand.
&ight head of cattle were killed just
i-Deyond Akron on Friday. Engineers
are experiencing considerable trouble
with stock at present , as they persist in
mistaking the railroad track for a cow-
path to their destruction.
We have been having some of the
severest weather of the winter during
the past week. We noted that the ther
monger indicated 14 degress below
zero , 8 o'clock , Saturday murnin.e , anc
4 degrees below on Sunday morning.
The Sterling News , published in Weld
ounty , Colorado , which borders on DUn-
dy county , says t
We learn from Borne of the prominent
stock men that cattle have been and are
suffering considerably in this section of
country from the effect of the protract
ed snow.
The new photograph gallery will be
milt on East Dennison street , opposite
the McCook Hotel. Work on the'same
will be commenced ID a week or two at
most Mr. Marble is quite anxious to
go to work , but is waiting on his brother
who is coming with the Marengo party
next week.
It now transpires that the cow-boy to
whom Mr. Sherman , agent at Akron ,
paid bis respects , is a real , boh a fide
dude from the metropolis , who was do
ing the cow-boy act , after becoming well
soaked with Benkelman's bad budge.
The identical individual who bluffed
Too-fat , the redoubtable.
Hon. Frank J. Sibley , of Lincoln ,
will lecture in the Congregational
church , Sunday , February 24th , on the
subject of Temperance. Mr. Sibley is
a speaker of note and there should be
a large turn-out of those of our people
interested in the matter which includes
all , as all are deeply interested. /
A petition is being circulated praying
that School Board of District No. 17
call a special meeting of the tax-payers
of said district for the purpose of locat
ing a school house site , and for the fur
ther purpose of voting for or against the
issuing of bonds for said site , building
and furniture. I
McCook needs a school house./and
while our people are considering' the
matter , let us have a good building , and
let the same be built on as central loca
tion as possible. We hope no sectional
strife will be manifest in the matter ,
and that the building will be located as
harmoniously to the wishes of all , as
is practicable. '
Our Carrico correspondent mentions
one notable instance where farming has
jcen successfully carried on in this sec
tion , although those of little faith are
quite numerous. Mr. Swiggert , who re
sides up the Willow 25 miles , has fenc
ed a good farm and bought 100 head of
tine cattle with the money realized from
farming since 1878. A very creditable
showing. Give us more of the same
kind of news.
The American Concert Company drew
a crowded house last evening. The per
formance was a very enjoyable one.
Miss Emma Wells especially exhibited
a wonderful compass of voice , and went
from baritone to tenor , from tenor to
alto , and from alto to soprano with the
most astonishing facility. In each role
her singing was really excellent.
Winnipeg Free Press. Will be in Mc
Cook , Monday , February 25th.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Laws entertained
a number of friends , Friday evening , in
their usual very delightful manner. Our
reporter , who highly enjoyed their hos
pitality , noted the presence of the fol
lowing , who passed a pleasant evening
with cards , music , etc. : Mrs. Hollister ,
Mrs. Bosley , Mr. and Mrs. Stiles , Miss
Hollister , Misses Fisher , and Messrs.
Forbes and Will Fisher. The et cetera
refers to the merriment which the pres
ence of J. F. never fails to occasion.
George Chenery , so well and favora
bly known by all , received a letter from
Englandj Monday , which conveyed to
him tke sad news of the death of his
father. The information was not en
tirely unexpected , as Georjre knew of
his father's illness , and from his age ,
the worst was to be expected , but the
news was none the less overwhelming.
George has endeared himself to a large
circle of friends who are pained to hear
of this affliction and who tender their
heartfelt sympathy in this liis Hour of
need. George leaves .for England next
Sunday , where he will remain , for a year
or so at least , but we are of opinion that
"the land of the free. " has such a charm
for him that he will return and make
this country his permanent home. We
hope we are right , and that McCook
may be that home.
The weather of the part week or two
has been very severe on stock , espec
ially range cattle. The continued wet
weather of last fall bleached the other
wise remarkably nutritious buffalo grass
to such an extent that ev n a moderate
ly mild winter would have affected them
considerably , and should this weather
continue foi any length of time the loss
of stock 'will be greater than many an
ticipate. The range cattle are reported
as being very thin already , and as not
being in shape to stand any more severe
weather. The stockman's petition is for
less snow and milder weather. Mr.
Hatfield informs us that some of bis
eastern cattle , being unaccustomed to
canyons , have undertaken to slide down
some of their precipitous sides and have
landed at the bottom with broken necks ,
otherwise his loss has been email to date.
The Commissioners at their meeting ,
last Saturday , entertained bids for the
county printing , and the Courier , having
tendered the lowest' bid nihil was
awarded the aforesaid printing. We are
terribly disgruntled but console our
selves when we take into consideration
that it is in sweet harmony with "the
eternal fitness of things" as sort of
conscience fund which the Courier is
presenting to Red Willow county. But
nevertheless we are disgruntled ( ? ) A
little competition is the "life of trade"
in this case , and has saved the county
considerable money , which we cheer
fully donate don't mention it. Our
worthy contemporary remarked that "if
it comes to this , ( i. e. to competion , ) I
have nothing to say. " But later , "re
pented of the evil he would have done , "
and put in the bid above mentioned.
"Competition without bitterness ; emula
tion without strife. " We shall continue
to publish the county printing for our
readers as heretofore.
A Large Gathering and an Immense
Time Enjoyed by All.
The Phantom Party given by the So
cial Club in the Band Hall on Wednes
day evening was one of the most suc
cessful and enjoyable social events of
the winter and we have had a number
of most delightful gatherings. Prep
arations for the ball were elaborate and
complete in every particular , and every
body was on the tip toe of pleasurable
anticipation the dance being the ab
sorbing theme for some days before its
occurrence and none were disappoint
ed , as the evening was one of unalloyed
pleasure throughout. The number of
maskers was unusually large , and the
amount of amusement unlimited as
such a galaxy of merne makers as
Messrs. Forbes , Potter , Hunt and a
number of lesser stars is bound to pro
duce. At 11:30 , the hour appointed
for unmasking , the phantoms became
realities. It was a subject of comment
that everybody knew everybody after
unmasking. So great is human percep
About midnight the ladies served an
elegant lunch , which was most heartily
enjoyed by all. After which the dance
was continued until about 2 o'clock ,
when .the gay assemblage repaired to
their respective places of abode. Great
credit is due the ladies for the splendid
lunch provided , snd to the gentlemen
who had the affair in charge.
Our reporter became so enterested in
the dance that he failed of ascertaining
the exact number present , but the fol
lowing were among the present :
Mr. and Mrs. Green , Bosley , Laws ,
Kelley , C. F. Babcock , Wallace , Me
serve , Fisher , A. Campbell , Ercanbrack ,
T. G. Rees , Hunt , Israel , Frank Reed ,
Kenyon , Lee , Perry , Potter , Hill , No-
rcn , Spalding and Wheeler. Mrs.L.L.
Johnson , Robb , Hollister'and LaTour-
ette. Misses Fishers , Hunts , Laws ,
Lee , Meserve , Gowing , Hollister and l
and Wheeler. Messrs. Forbes , Byron ,
McArthur and Charlie Fisher.
The post-office at Valley Grange has
been discontinued. Those who have
been getting their mail at that point
will receive the same at McCook.
Mrs. M. A. Spalding is entertaining
her sister , Miss Gowing.
L . D. Burch is around among fes again.
A. Bristol moved to Bodkclman ,
Miss Rogers , sister of C. H.J is vis *
iting in town.
J. E. Berger and sister-in-law went
to Indiahola , Wednesday.
Mr. Gatewood , the Dentist , will be
in McCook , next Monday.
Tom. McCartney and Fred. Harris
went to Indianola , Sunday.
Otto Funke of the Lincoln wholesale
liquor house , was in McCook , Tuesday.
R. H. Hamilton spent Sunday with
his wife on their homestead near Indi
A J. Brent of Bondville , cousin of
Miss Jamison , came up to McCook ,
Miss Rowell made Mrs. W. H. Mc
Cartney of Indianola a short visit , the
first of the week.
J. A. Wilcox and A. B. Ford of Gilman -
man , Ills. , were registered at the Din
ing Hall , Monday.
Henry T. Church and William Proc
tor , the Upper Willow cattlemen , were
in town , Saturday.
John J. Lamburn , the efficient cash
ier of the Red Willow County Bank was
in town on Sunday.
Roadmaster E. F. Highland and Line
Repairer W. H. Thompson of Red Cloud
were in McCook , Friday.
J. M. Williams , W. Z. Taylor and a
number of other Culbertson people were
in town , Monday , on land business.
Mrs. A. E. Lytle of Culbertson , came
down to McCook , Saturday , to see her
husband who is in the hardware busi
ness here.
J. H. Goodrich , Jr. , called at our
office , Monday. He has something of
importance to delinquent tax-payers in
this issue.
G. W. Irvin came in from the West ,
Wednesday afternoon. He looks as
though he had been homcsteading it for
a number of weeks.
J. P. Israel went to Friend , Saturday ,
after Mrs. Israel who has been at her
mother's bedside for some tiine. They
arrived home Wednesday.
L. 0. Marble of Marengo , Iowa , will
start for McCook , next Monday , and
with him four other families from the
same place who come to McCook to live.
G. E. Talbot of Marengo , Iowa , call
ed to see us Tuesday , in company with
Mr. Marble. He will remain in town
some time , looking around , and may de
cide to remain and make his home
amongst us.
Mr. L. ' Morse of Benkelman came
down from the west , Friday. He start
ed east on Saturday morning to purchase
cattle , with which to stock tip his ranch
in the spring. Mr. Morse is one of the
accommodating and pleasant men in
this portion of the moral vineyard.
County Superintendent Nettleton and
N. Burtless are on the sick list.
The protracted cold weather is begin-
ing to tell on stock. Mr. 'Meserve has
lost a number of cattle. Mr. Thomas
several horses and we hear of several
severe losses of cattle up Driftwood.
Charley Newman's party in their new
house , last Friday night , notwithstand
ing the extreme cold , was well attended.
The music was good , the supper boun
tiful , and the floor in good condition for
those who wished to dance. Everything
passed off pleasantly and all present
seemed to enjoy themselves.
DIED : One day last week Eiken-
berry's two dollar horse , and Williams
little mule.
"Friend after friend departs. "
Attention , Comrades !
You are ordered to attend a Dress
Parade of Evans Post , No. 10 , at the
Band Hall , Tuesday evening.
Lou. CLARK , Captain.
We will produce the County Treas
urer's semi-annual statement in our
next week's issue.
The Second - Quarterly Meeting for
McCook and Culbertson charge of the
M. E. Church will be hold in the Band
Hall in McCook , February 16 and 17 ,
1884. Rev. T. B. Lemon , Superinten
dent of the West Nebraska Mission ,
officiating. Preaching and Quarterly
Conference at 2 P. M. ( Mountain time )
on Saturday and preaching at 7 P. M.
On Sabbath , love feust 10A.M. , preach
ing and communion , 11 A. M. Also
services at 7 P. M. All are earnestly
invited to meet with us in these services.
Come praying for and expecting a Divine
bldssing. ALLEN BARTLY , Pastor.
McCooK , NEB. , February 5th , 1884.
The Co-partnership existing under
name and style of Hayden & McCart
neys at McCook , lied.Willow county- _ -
Nebraska , is this day dissolved by mu
tual consent. William H. Hayden con
tinues the business of General Merchant
under name and style of
who collects all outstanding debts and
assumes all liabilities.
36-5t. W. H. MCCARTNEY.
McCooK , NEB. , February 5th , 1884.
The Co-partnership existing under
name and style of W. H. Hayde'n & Co.
at Indianola , Red Willow county , Ne
braska , is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. Wm. H. McCartney continues ,
the business of General Merchant who .
collects all debts and assumes all liabil- ' II
ities. WM. H. HAYDEN , | j
All taxpayers in , Red Willow county ,
whose tax of 1882 , or any previous year ,
is still unpaid , may expect an invitation
by postal to pay the game immediately ,
as I should have collected said taxes by
November 1st , 1883 , but through len
iency have waited patiently.
J. H. GooDRicit , Jr. ,
County Treasurer :
Locals under this head 5c. a line for each
insertion. Bills payable monthly.
Extra copies of THE TRIBUNE at this
Call and see our artistic designs in
A fine up-land , deeded claim for sale.
Inquire at this office.
Samples of the latest designs in Wall
Papers at W. M. Sanderson's ,
Hereafter we will require that all con
test notices and proof notices be paid
for at the time of their first insertion.
We put up all. letter heads , note
heads , bill heads , etc. , in blotter tablets ,
if desired , without extra charge. They
are very convenient.
Blank Deeds , Real Estate Mortgages ,
Leases , Bills of Sale , Bond for Deed ,
Quit Claim Deeds , Contracts for Build
ing , Receipts , etc. , at THE TRIBUNE
Attention !
Two dozen pairs of Roller Skates for
$1.00. Drawing to take place as soon
as all the numbers are sold. Tickets
for sale at B. & M. PHARMACY.
Marsh's Golden BloodA& Liver Tonic is
a Grand Remedy.
"My wife has used MARSH'S GOLDEN
BLOOD & LIVER Toxic for Dyspepsia
and derangement of the Liver with happy
results. " T. H. Johnson , Austin , Minn.
TONIC has cured my little boy of Scrof
ula and General Debility. It is a grand
remedy. " Tho.s. J. Smith , Kansas City ,
IC and GOLDEN BALSAM for the Throat
and Luugs give excellent satisfaction
to my customers. " L. T. Dorsey. Drug
gist , Burlington , Iowa.
TONIC , the great alterative and chola-
the famous cough remedy , are for sale
by S. L. Green , Druggist , McCook.
Thousands of bottles have been given
away to prove their extraordinary merit.
Large bottles 50 cents and $1.