si n . ' .f 3 „ * * " - - H . \ 'f > OOK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. VOLUME 2. McCOOK , HED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JANUARY 31 , 1884. NUMBER K. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. * .1. E. COCIIIIAX , Attorney at Law , JfcCOOS , BED WILLOW COTOT7 , HSB. Practice in uny Courts of the stntc und Knn- JWR , und the government Lund Oflice of this District , und before the L.-.nd Bojmrtment at Washington. Sutisfiiction prtuiruntced. und terms reasonable. Oflice 1st door ssuth of the U. S. Lund Ollicn. 2-28. I. J. STARBUCK , Attorney at Law , MCCOOK NEBRASKA. Will cl\e special attention to the practice of law , and making collections. J3 ? Oincc Second hlucknorth of depot , 2 door * north Green's drug btore. 2-2J. JOHN A. LEE , Merchant Tailor. McCOOK : : NEBRASKA. Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. PAGE T. FRANCIS , County Surveyor. Red Willow County. Keeps csrtifiert pints of nil lands In the Hitchcock hind district. Special nttontion given to nil such business. Correspondence solicited. S-23. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Cradcate Meiisil Dcpartncrt TTsivorsit ? T7ootcr. Oiflcc In rcnr of Cltlrea'a Bank , where he can be found when not professionally engaged. JOHN F. COLLINS , Contractor and Builder. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Estimates cheerfully piven on nil kinds of work. Host of references. Address for the present by wail. 10-lyr. CONGDON & CLIFF , Bricklayers & Plasterers. All Jobs Promptly attended to. C. L. NETTLETON , Supt Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations at Indiunola on the third Saturday of every month , commencing at 3 o'clock , A. M. 25-tf. W. M. SANDERSON , House & Sign Painter. McCooK , - NEBRASKA All work guaranteed. Give me a call. WM. McINTYKEv Contractor and Builder OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All - workwarranted. . All material furnished If desired. Work done on short notice. LANDS AND PATENTS. E. M. MAEBLE. Upwards of three yean Assistant Attorney General of the United States for the Interior Department. Pratt Ices before the General Land OiHce and the In tcrior Department in laud nnd mining cases. Ob' tains patents for Inventions In this and foreign countries Nwrly three and one-half years Com- niNMoner of Patents. Oflice , Le Urolt Building , Washington , D. C. Mrs. R. H. HAMILTON , DEALER IN Hair Goods & Millinery , Switches , Braids , Waves , Frizzes , Etc. speclal attention paid to the manufacture ol al kinds of HAIR GOODS. Order by snail will re ceive prompt attcnthn. * Ladies' Furnishing Goods And Stylish Millinery. ' -Zephyrs and Woolen Goods , Notions , Satlos , Lacet and Trimmings at the Ladies' Fashionable Bazar One Door South of Quick's Store , NEBRASKA. HOW WE BUILD A NEW CITY IN THE FAR WEST AND OFFER BARE CHANCES FOR THE ARTISAN TRADESMAN & SPECULATOR. THE TOWN OF MTOOK w In Ked Willow Comity , Nebraska , lias been surveyed , and lots in the market , for just one year and has now a population of 1000 people. This point has been designated by the C. , B. & Q. as the DIVISION STATION between the MISSOURI RIVER & DENVER , where the principal shops , a 15 stall round house and other R. R. facilities have been located on the Denver Line. A complete system of water works costing $25,000 is just being completed giving all the facilities for comfort posessed of old cities. Lots will range in price from 8150 to $500 for business lots , and § 50 to $200 for residence lots. The history of points like McCook show an increase of more than three hundred per cent , in from one to five years , and this town promises to be an exceptional chance for invest ments. For further particulars apply to R. O. PHILLIPS , Or W. F. WALLACE , Secretary , Lincoln , Neb. McCook , Nebraska. CITY BAKERY. A. PROBST &BRO. PROPRIETORS. WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes on Order. Lunch Room in connection , where you can get hot coffee , etc. D. KENDALL'S BILLIARD PARLOR AND Favorite Resort' Is the place for Ice Cold Lemonade , Ginger Beer , Pop , Choice Cigars , Candy , Nuts , Etc. Billiard & Pool Table CALL andENJOYYOUKSELYES SADDLES & HARNESS. [ OPPOSITE HOTEL OX THE HILL. ] Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS , BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES , COMBS , WHIPS. Stock Saddles' Cow-Boy out .fits , and Spurs. R H , HAMILTON. OUR CLUBBING RATES. We will fumlsh the TKinrxE anil any of the puh- Mentions named to all who will pay up to date , and renew for one year , at the following reduced rates : CHICAGO XEWS ? 2.00 OMAHA BEE 2.50 LINCOLN STATE JOUIIXAL.25) KEW YORK TRIBUNE 2.75 PHILADELPHIA PRESS „ 2.50 PHILADELPHIA TIMES 2.50 Kansas City LIVE &TOCK.INDICATOR $3.50 Any one who has recently paid up and renewed can take advantage of these reductions. AVc are also prepared to give reduced rates on al most any publication In the United Sttes. TVhen making up your reading for the nest year give us a call , and we will help lit yon out. TIIE B. & M. Railroad company are now actively engaged in fencing their line through Nebraska and Colorado. NEW MEAT MARKET. DUNGAN & SHEKELS , DEALERS IK Fresh f Salt Meals OF ALL KINDS. CURERS OF Ham and Breakfast Bacon. Pure Lard of oar own rendering. Highest cash price paid for Hides , Furs of all kinds , and Pelts. One door west of the City Bakery. DUNGAX & SHEKEL ? . Proprietors. for the working class. Send 10 cents GOLD for po taKU , and we will mall you free , a rojn ] , laluaMc hot of sample goods that will put you In the way of making more money In a fcwda > s than you ever tlunmlit pos sible at any business. Capital not required.Ve will start you. You can work all the time or In spare time only. The uork Is unh ersally adapted to both sexes , young and old. You can easily earn from 50 cents to f5 v\ery eenlng. . That all who waat work miy test the business , we make this unparalleled offer ; to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars , directions , etc , sent free. Fortunes will be nude by those who phe their whole time to the work. Great success absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address STINSOX & CO. , Portland. Maine. 2-35. Specialty : I and the Conrti. Beaaanable terms. Opinion as tel patentability , free of charga. Send for circular. a -week at home. $3 outfit free. Pay ab- ( solntery sure. No i Isle. Capital not requir ed. Reader. If you wont'buslnessat which persons of - cithersax , young or old. can make great pay all the time they work , with absolute certainty , -write for particulars to -HALLETT & COn .Portland , .Mulae. -2 35. HOESE AND COW NEWS. McCook , Xcb. , January 10 , 18S4. Northwestern Live Stock Journal : The lowest reglnter of the thermometer here this w Inter was 6 dcg. below zero. The miow Is now three Inches deep , with a Might crust , but there Is plenty of feed on the rier bottoms and hill Bides uncut ert'd. Tattle nnd homes arc ull doing well. ThU Is a sort of ' "ulf-and-'alf" feeding nnd range region. Most atockmcn own nent , easily handled herds. Weak cut tle are not lit good xhapc. They were all cut out In the fall and put under fence till winter In well over. During the su\cre bpells of wcuthcrllke those of late these "weak brothers and sisters" of the herd arc fed hay and \ cry of ten corn. Strong cattle are left to rustic for themseh es on the range , without fear of much loss. There Is no Irrigation and consequent fencing off of range stock from water hereabouts. Hay for fecdlngsells at ft In the stack. "Where pro curable , com raked Is worth -10 cents per bushel , and If shipped from Franklin , Webster or other eastern Nebraska counties , It Is worth 43c. per bushel deliv ered here , freight paid. No hogs or geese are used to follow up fed cattle , as Is customary In many feed' ing regions In the states. Only a. small quantity of grain enough to tide weak stock through tough weather Is fed , anil all fed Is thus thoroughly digest ed and utilized. Mr. J. II. Jlescne , an eastern man about one year Interested In stock here , feeds 310 head of weak cattle fifteen bushels of corn In the ear dally , allowing seventy pounds of ear corn to nuke one besliel of sixty pounds of shelled corn. Ills experiments lead him to prefer com at even fifty cents per bushel to hay at ? 4 per ton for feeding. liccres are shipped from this region to Chicago at Indianola , t\v ehe miles distant , und Culbertson , 12 miles west of here , there being no stock yards at this place. From reliable parties I glean the following : John B. Il.itlleld i Son , formerly of Dccatur , 111. , who e ranch Is on the Republican rler , four miles southeast of here , brought from the east , a j car ago , : i50 yearling heifers and 13 short-hum Duiham bulls. He has puisued the plan of feeding the weak ones only , and has promise of a tine little graded herd. V. V. Fisher & Sons , whose range Is at the Falls of the Frenchman rh er , are not feeding any , their herd being haidy nathcs. Their cattle arc doing finely. Mr. Fisher came out here from Illinois In 1878 , "busted. " Now he owns -100 head. Doyle & Bowles , whose range It * on Red Willow , ten miles south , own about 800 head , of which they urc feeding about 75. William Procter , it hose range Is on Red Willow , northwest of here.wlth a herd of 1,100 head , Is feed ing hay und millet to 150 weak ones. Mr. Fisher says Mr , Proctor Is down on "sklui-mllk" Imported east ern catte. During freeze-ups they shuttle out on the Ice and drown In air holes on the river like rats , and they will follow a team and wagon to well , warm regions where tilings never freeze. He would rather have a hairy , rustling nrUUcor rawhide Texan year- Hug any day than th < : smoothest eastern skim-milker that was ever brought out here. Charles Babcotk , the gentlemanly Register of the Land Olllce at McCook , bought 15U Texan mares , last fall , which are doing well In care of a stockman 35 miles north of here. There Is no kicking here about Irrlgators * fencing , as theic Is farther west. People belie\e runuJng block on the range and feeding the same a little pajs better. Corn has not averaged a yield of tlx. bushels to the acre for Ue years past , but some stockmen prefer trj Ing to raise their own corn to shlpplrg it here from points east of here. Next jear Is always the one they are gohig to raise rank corn. Farther cant there arc a good many sheep , but horse and cow men here say that the few bands on this range are not , so far , detrimental. W.M. Porter , a cow-boy of the stripe that can heel a cow the first throw and set a bucking horse very deep fn the saddle , and who Is now emplojed by the half-circle A outfit on Red Willow.says Henry Church , a Fiontler county stockman , Is bidding ? JO for j ear- ling steers and ? 29 for twos , to be dell\cred this spring. No taker * . In conclusion , McCook Is a vigorous , growing year ling town , and Its resident stockmen and other citi zens nice , pleasant people to do business with. PONY BILL. The dance at the opera house on Thursday evening last , broke up In a row. It seems during the evening s-cvcral parties had Imbibed more whNky than was peed for their Judgment and an altercation took place between a man named Frank Young and E. F. Qulg- ley , In which the latter tried to use-a re\olver. This mo\ was frustrated by bystanders and Young got In his work on Qutgley with a chair , cutting the lat- ter's head open. Qulgley who was the aggressor was put out of the house. He returned shortly with a carbine and threatened to shoot e\erybody. Finally ! kfesri. A. W. Hamilton and Andy Barber took the guu away from Qulgley , and put him to bed as he had grown weak from loss of blood. To say that the affair is simply disgraceful , is drawing it mild. In our opinion the time for such scenes lu this county has passed nud the sooner owners or managers of public dance halls recognize the fae : the better. No man under the Influence of liquor should be allowed to enter such a place on any pretext whatever , as his presence Is au lobtilt to every lady there. Indian ola Courier. SOCIETY is very queer. The people raosfc sought after are those wJio do not pay their debts. A MAX at Grand Rapids , Mich. , has been fined six cents for "sassing" his mother-in-law. - - . IF "brevity is the soul of wit , there is a good deal of Jua in .a dudes ! - coattail tail BY OUR ASSISTANT EDITOR. "NVomuii is the Sunday of 111:111. : No , wo think poker has the precedence. TIIK young women of Blountville , Tenn. , have organixed with a motto . "Total abstinence , or no husbands. " "Die graves for old follies and er rors , " says Ella "Wheeler. That's the way to do , dear Ella ; but where can you get enough cemetery room for all the cor rpses Ax exchange . says "A man O J O as well borrow his neighbor's cow and milk her , to save the expense of keep ing one. as taborrow his paper to wivo the expense of buying one for himself. " TIIK following is said to be the set form of instructions that Missouri hus bands give to new wives : "My dear , I'm a bad man from away back when aroused , but gently treated , I'm as docile as a lamb. You just induce mete to do always as I please and there'll never be any trouble in the family. " IT seems that Fred.Doujjlass wanted - f > ed to show his sympathy with the wo man's rights movement by marrying Miss Pitts. His wife is one of the strong-minded agitators of woman suffrage , and being in despair of get ting a white man anywhere near her equal , she concluded to tie herself to an intelligent contraband. Bee. THE Faculty of "Williams College have substituted German in place of the Latin for the winter term of the Sophomore year , and the University of Indiana has dropped Greek and Latin from their curriculum of stud ies entirely It seems as though the classics must go , and the classic pony will needs fall into disuse. Fresh man : Hence these tears. KATE FIILI > says : "Matthew Ar nold may talk forever about the su periority of American women over men , and I know better. All a man wants from a woman usually is recep tivity. American women are more sympathetic to him than men , Tience in his estimation superiorDon't talk to me of the superiority of my sex. "When , women are superior to men they will demand the suffrage , and several other things. " GEORGK A. Po.vr , who represents the Fifteenth Pennsylvania district in the National House of Representa tives , enjoys the distinction of being the youngest member of that body. It is said tftat recently , when Susan B. Anthony wrote him a polite letter , asking his vo.te and influence. for a certain resolution in behalf of woman suffrage , he replied , "Dear Susan : No. Yours , truly , Geo. A. Post. " Ex-GovxRNOii BUTLEII'S farewell gift of a Bible to Massachusetts re minds a "W-asliiisgton Post writer of the time wjien Mr. Bell , on becoming Governor .of Texas , began liis inaugu ral address with : "Fellow-citizens ; In the chaste and beautiful language of Job , 'Novr is the Winter of our dis content made glorious by this sun of York. ' " The result of this remarka ble proQOunciamento was that the Governor was presently overwhelmed with gifts of Bibles from every state and from foreign lands ; Bibles iu En glish ; Latin , French , Russian. And Hiudoo- ; illustrated , illunmiatedpoLy- glot , hieroglyphic ; bound in jaapeiu leather , velvet ; sent by mail , by ex freightby special messenger. .