McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, January 24, 1884, Image 3

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SXHATK Monday , January 14. The
donate proceeded to the election of president
pro tern , and elected Senator Anthony , who ,
an a Jew fining worda and with much feel
ing , declined the honor , owing to ill health
The qucKtion then arose whether , the decll
nation of Anthony retained Edmunds a
president pro tempore without further ac
tlon , and after a debate It was decided to
avoid all doubt by > ; new election.
Th following resolution was offered by Mr.
Sherman und agreed to : "Kesolvcd , That
the RCoreUan' of the nenute inform the pres
ident of the United States and the house of
representative : * that tbe senate has chosen
Hon. George F. Edimmdr * , , nenutor from
Vermont , president pro tern , of the sen
ate. " Senator Hilt spoke on his pOBtul tel-
ugraph bill. At the conclusion of Hill's
upcech , mcHPnges rom the president were
roiid transmitting the communications of the
necretary of the interior submitting esti
mates from certain freedmcn for lands of
the Oklahoma district , for the relief of the
minion Indians of California , and estimates
for $3,000 for the purvey of lands purchased
from tbe Creek Indiann for the Serninolet * .
HOUSE. Bills were introduced : By
Sir. Belford , for the public welfare by se
curing reasonable rates of transportation on
raiiroadH , aided by the iesue of United
.States bondu. By Mr. Pusey , authorizing a
bridge across the Missouri -river between
Council Bluffs and Omaha. By Mr. Winans ,
to regulate transportation rate's on railroads.
By Mr. Morgan , to abolish postage on
newspapers. By Mr. Finerty. to reorgan
ise the Infantry reglmenta of the United
States ; al o to regulate promotion and in
crease the elflcleucy of the army. Mr.
Dunham , Inr the establishment of a de
partment of commerce ; also , to authorize
the "secretary of . th6 treasury to
Ihsuo 2V per cent , forty-years bonds.
By Mr. Terrell , to protect American labor
from the effect of the importation of foreign
labor in the contract system. By Mr.
Throckmorton , to appoint'a delegate to the
house of representatives from the Indian
territory. 'By Mr. Shaw , to repeal the civil
borvioc act.
SENATE Tuesday , January 15 Van
Wyck introduced a bill providing that rates
for the Union and Central Pacific roads be
reduced one-half the average rates existing
in 1882 and 1883 , without regard to classifi
cation. Referred. A petition .fr.oru the
citizens of Kansas was presented for a con
stitutional amendment on woman suffrage ;
also a petition from the citizens of Minnero-
ta , praying that colonies of. families be
allowed"to lay out villages on
public lands , in order to e.stab-
li h oo-operatlve Industrial societies.
Mr. Anthony's resolution offered pome days
ago regarding retaliatory legislation In the
United States to meet ( the exclusion of
American meats by foreign countries , was
brought up. The morning hour having ex
pired , tLe matter went over. A f ter execu
tive session the senate adjourned.
HODSE. Mr. Cobb , chairman- the
committee on public lands ; reported a bill
declaring forfeited certain grants of lands
made in certain states to aid
the construction of railroads. Ke-
ferredto committee of the whole.
Mr. King , chairman of the committee on
Mississippi levees , reported a bill to clo e
the gap of levees on tne Mississippi river
and the Improvement of navigation. It ap
propriates $1.000,000 to be expended in ac
cordance with the Mississippi river commis
sion. Bcferred to the- committee on the
whole. Ms. Townsend introduced a bill
authorizing the president during a recess of
congress to prohibit any imports Injurious
to public health from countrierf which , on
the same ground , prohibit the Importa
tion of American "goods. lleferred.
Mr. Wells chairman , of the committee on
rivers and harbors , reported a bill appropri
ating $1,000,000 for continuing the im
provement of the Mississippi river. Re
ferred to the committee of the whole. The
house then went Into comm'Itteo of ; tbe *
whole ( Cox , of .New York , in the chair ) for
its consideration. Without action the com
mittee nroi-e and the house adjourned-
Further debate of the subject in the com
mittee will be limited to thirty minutes.
4SENATE. Wednesday , Jan. 16. The
icnatc , after slight amendment , adopted
the rules. Mr. Hoar called up his bill pro
viding for the counting of the electoral vote ,
being the eame as the bill that , passed the
-enate of the Forty-seventh congress.
Mr. Miller ( New York ) presented-
memorial from the committee of the na
tional stock convention , at Chicago , on the
.subject of European discrimination against
American cattle and meats. In connection
with the memorial. . .Miller presented
a bill which , he paid , contained
tbe views of the cattle breeders * convention.
Mr. Plumb , by request , submitted a joint
resolution proposing an amendment to the
constitution prohibiting the manufacture
and sale of intoxicating liquors in the United
States. Referred. Mr. Beck submitted ,
in order to be printed for consideration at
the proper time , an amendment to the reso
lution by At th'eny relating to European ex
clusion of American meat.
HOUSE. Mr. Hatch , chairman of the
committee on agriculture , reported a reso
lution requesting the" president to transmit
to the house the correspondence had by the
state department with all foreign govern
ments on th ° subject of the importation of
American hogs to their country. Mr. Nut
ting introduced a bill authorizing the con
struction of "a ship canal around Niagara
falls. Referred. Mr. Lamb'of the com
mittee on foreign affairs , reported a resolu
tion calling upon the secretary of state for
information concerning the alleged arrest ,
imprisonment and torture of E Wheelock , a
citizen of ihe United States , by the govern
ment of Venezuela , in 1879. Adopted.
Mr. Oosgrove , from the committee on
postofficea and post roads , reported a "bill
to provide for a more speedy delivery of
letters from delivery offices. Placed upon
the hou e"calendar. The house went into
committee of tbe whole , ( Cox. of New
York , in tne chair ) on the senate bill ap
propriating 51.00',000 for continuing-the
work on the Mississippi river , and without
action adjourned.
SENATE. Thursday , January 17.
The chair laid before the senate a memorial
from Wm. Titt Kellogg , denying all impu
tations aqnins't him contained in the recent
documents transmitted to the senate by the
secretary of the interior relating to the
transfer of the land grant of the Texas and
Pacific to tha Southern Pacific , and asking
for-an investigation. Van Wyck introduced
a bill to Secure reasonable .rates of trans
portation over the railroads' aided by the
government. He said be introduced'It as a
substitute for a similar one. which only cov
ered the Union and Central Pacific.
HOUSE. The senate bill appropriat
ing $1,000,000 for the improvement-of the
Mississippi river was passed ; yeaa. 215 ;
nays , 84. The house bill of similar title , and
import was laid upon the table. The hill
enabling the United States courts to nullify
itents fraudulently secured was pa sed.
he bill making all public ( roads and high
ways post routes , was also pas ed. Mr.
Springer , chairman of the committee on ex
penditures for the department of Justice ,
reported back the resolution calllnir upon
the po < tmnster-general for the correspond
ence concerning frauds In star-routes.
SENATE. Friday January 18. The
chair laid before the xenato A message from
the president transmitting for consideration
of congress communications 'from the sec
retaries of war and navy on the subject of
relief for the expedition of tbe Qreely party ,
and recommending Immediate action , as tne
situation of the party is most perilous ; also
the correspondence relating to the execu
tion of the Chinese exclusion act. asked for
by the senate. Mr. 3Iilier ( Cnl. ) , from the
committee on foreign relations , reported
favorably tbe bill for a supplemental com
mercial treaty with China , prohibiting the
importation and exportation of opium.
HOUSE. Mr. Brumm offered a reso
lution , which was referred to the committee
on foreign affairs , Instructing the committee
to make inquiry whether any foreign minis
ter accredited to the United States and en
deavored to nullify the effects of the unan
imous resolution of the house
by representatives reflecting upon
the honor and integrity'of Its members.
The house then went into co'mmittee of the
whole on the private calendar , Mr. Springer
in the chair , the first bill being the relief of
Fitz John Porter. Speeches were made on
both sides of the question , but , without ac
tion , the hoiine adjourned. <
house met to debate on tbe Fitz John Porter
bill. Mr. Ctitebeoumember of the minority
committee on military affairs , said it was
embaiT.t-uing'to stand here in the presence
of miliciry men so distinguished as th < > gfen-
tlemen from California and New York ,
( RosecraiiH and Slocnmbandto differ from
them in regard to a military matter , but the
embarrassment disappeared when he re
membered that the principal question iu the
case was not a matter' of military strategy
but a sifting of .facts and laws. Vvece Gen
eral Garrteld alive this bill would not be
here. He expected the bill to be passed by
the men who fought against the Union ,
Mr. Slocum The gentleman has said that
if General Garfield were living this bill
would not be here. If he will refer to the
house records of the forty-tbiid congress he
will find that James A. Garfield was the
author of thin bill. [ Applause on the dem
ocratic side. ] Mr. Calkins The gentleman
refers to the commission. Mr. Slocum 1
refer to this : I say that James A. Garfield
Introduced the resolution appointing this
board , [ jeers , laughter and cries of "Oh ! "
on the republican sidej , and this board was
appointed pursuant to his deeires.
In reply to Mr. Slocum's remarks , Mr.
Cutcheon quoted from a letter from Gen.
Garfield to Hon. J D. Cox , dated February
IS , l&SO , which stated that he was stunned
by the decision of the Schofield board. Mr.
Slocum I am no defender of James A. Gar-
field. Mr. Miller ( Pa. ) lie does not need
it. 3Ir. Slocum ( continuing ( I am no de
fender of Gen. Grant. Mr. Calkins I
know that. Mr. Slo utn For the first lime
in mv life I stand on the floor to hear re
publicans attack the military reputation of
General Grant. [ Shouts of "Oh , no ! " on
the republican side. ] Mr. Cutcheon
No man holds General Grant's
military ability higher .than I do.
Mr. Greenleaf spoke in support of the bill ,
claiming that the circumstances of the case
not only justified Porter In dlsobejing
Pope's orders , but that he would have been
liable to censure if he had .obeyed them.
He thought the old couplet :
"You can and you can't ,
You will und you won't.
You'll be "damned if you do.
And you'll be damned 1C you don't. "
pretty closely described Porter's position.
On th'e 2iHh of August Porter saved his men
from unnecessary slaughter. The debate of
the subject was continued by Wise , Herr ,
Slocum and Taylor , ( Ohio. )
Strumer City of Columbus Striken
Ledge at Devil's , Bridge Over One
Hundred Lives Probably
BOSTOK , January 18.F. . "W. Nicker-
son & Son , agents of the Savannah steam
ship line , received the following dispatch :
NEWBKDVORD , Mass. , January 18. To
E. W. Nickerson & Son : The steamer City
of Columbus id ashore on Devil's Bridge ,
Gay Head , and is fast breaking up. About
a hundred lives are lost. Will leave on the
early train in the morning. I was saved by
the cutter Dexter.
( Signed ) S. E. WnittiiT , Master.
The'City of Columbus left Boston at 3 p.
m. on the 17th ( Thursday ) , carrying eighty
passengers and a crewof 450. At 3:45 a. m.
qn Friday , at Gay Head light , she was bearIng -
Ing south , half east. The vessel struck on
the outside of t < e Devil's Bridge buoy.
The wind was blowing a gale west by north.
The vessel immediately filled and keeled
over , the water breaking in and flooding the
port side saloon. All the passenger ? , ex
cepting a few women and children , came on
deck , nearly all wearing life preservers. All
the bouts were cleared away , but were im
mediately swamped. 'A majority of the
passengers were washed overboard. Seven
passengers left the vessel on the life raft ,
and about -10 more took to the rigging. At
10:20 a. m. the Gay Head life boat put off
and took seven persons. Another life boat
put off between 12 andl o'clock , and the
revenue cutter , Dexter , came along
about 2:30 and sent off two boats. The
ledges on which the City of Columbus struck
are considered by manners one of the most
dangerous points on the coast : The ledges
consist of a formation of submerged rocks ,
constituting a double ledge or outer strata ,
which is called the "Devil's Back , " both
ledges being called the "Devil's Bridge.- '
These ledges are abreast of Gay Headlight
on the mainland and extend a little south
ward of'it. The outer ledge of Devil's
Back is about eight miles from the mainland
on either side at the outer'Jedge is very deep
water. The upper part of the ledge is
formed like the gable of a house , so that a
vessel * trikiug it diagonally would naturally
keel over onto her beam ends. Tbe course
of vessels going around Gay Head is to pass
by the outer ledge on the south.
The total number of persons saved Is two
hundred and thirty , and five dead- bodies
were recovered , and one hundred and nine
teen Bouis were unaccounted for.
John L. Cook , one of the passengers
payed , relates a heart-rending scene : John
Roach , a coal passer , dangled from the
main mast for two hours with his hands and
legs'about the main stay. At length his
struggles grew feebler , until-he dropped
Into the sea. A passenger was astride the
stay and clung there from 5 until nearly 10
s. m. , when he too relinquished his fight
for life and fell into tbe ocean. All those
rescued gave th-s highest praise to the officers -
cers of the revenue cutter for the bravery
they manifested in saving them from the
wreck. All the survivors now aboard the
cutter are being Beared [ for by theofll
cers.The City of Columbus was ono of the
finest vessels on the coast. She was built in
1838 by John Roach & Son , of Chester , Pa. ,
for the Ocean Steamship company , of Now
York , to run between thatportand Havana.
She wan purchased by the Huston and Sa
vannah Steamship company in September ,
1880 , and has since been plying between this
city .and Savannah , making fortnightly trips
in alternation with her Bister ship , the Gate.
City. The Columbus was built of 'iron and
thoroughly equipped. She was rated A1
for a hundred years and was of 1,997 tons
burden. She wtw 270 feet long and 39 feet
beam and bad passenger accommodation for
84 first-class and 40 second-class passengers.
The steamship was insured at a lower rate
than any vessel on the coast and was valued
at $300,000 , and insured f or $230,000 ; 170-
000 in English and $ J,000 in American
Cruelty to a Sorrowing Girl. '
Peek's Bun.
How easy it is for writers for the pa *
pers , in a little item , an item that they
give no thought to when they write it ,
to cause sorrow'enough to make the
writer wish he were dead , if ho could
.realize the'sorrow that he causes. At
the burning of , the Newhall house , a
young named Howie was
lost. He was to have been married
shortly to a Miss Barnes , of Manitowoc ,
and his life insurance was made pay
able to her. A fewweeks' _ ago ono of
the society papers made an item that a
Miss Barnes , of Manitowoc , was soon
to be married.- Some other.newspaper
man saw the item , and at once jumped
to the conclusion that the lady was the
aflianced of the dead conductor , and he
made an item to that effect. Then dose-
ens of other papers made items , and
many of them commented on the mat
ter In an uncomplimentary manner ,
one saying that five thousand dollars *
was : i "pretty good price for
a year's mourning , and some
of the papers spoke of her' heurt-
lessuess , until it was hard to find a pa
per in all this broad land that did not
say something mean of the poor little
girl who was living quietly at her home ,
thinking of her lost lover , and laying
awake nights shuddering at his horrible
fate. The subject of marriage with an
other had never entered her head , and
she was fairly crushed by the cruel sto
ries. She tried to conceal her sorrow
as much as possible , but each paper she
saw seemed to say something meaner
than the previous one , until she was
almost wild , and then her relatives de
nied the story , but not one paper in a
hundred that published the original un
truthful Jtem about her will ever think
to publish the denial , so the sorrowing
girl , whose brave young lover was lost
with her picture on his breastj and her
face the last he saw on earth , is made
to appear very mean , and unfaithful.
The writers for the papers who have
said these wicked things -of the little
woman are so busy in writing for their
papers that they have not time to think
of the heart that they have made
heavy , of the sobs that come from her
quiefroom , of the paleface that tries
to look cheerful , or the sad , tearful
eyes that try to look through thjD smoke
and > flame of her imagination for the
face of the one who was dearer to her
than all the earth besides. If the
cruelty should kill her , who would be
her murdurers ? The Sun does not sup
pose " .that a young woman thua be
reaved at .the threshold of life should
always mourn for the lost one , and the
lost one would not expect it. and it is
hoped that the future may raise up to
her one that will be as kind and loving
and true as the bright boy who gave up
his life in the New"hell" house , and
thit she will one day be a happy wife ,
but'there is no hurry , and papers should
be careful not to make her lot harder to
bear than it is.
Still A Slaveholder.
Baltimore American ,
A strange reminder of the antebellum
lum days was witnessed a short time
ago in the busy streets of the peaceful
city of Staunton , in the * valley of Vir
ginia. A sturdy mountaineer , from
Pochahontaa Co.\V. Ya. , had made his
way from his secluded fastnesses across
the Cheat and Alleghany Mountains ,
150 miles to the nearest center of civili
zation , to make sale of some stock , the
fluctuations of whose value once sent a
throb through'the commercial world. In
his high and isolated eyrieen joying the
independent freedom and simplicity of
rural life , he had not Tieard of "war's
alarms " "and none of the confusion in
cident to secession had disturbed the
peaceful rounds of his life. He had
tended -his flocks , cultivated the soil
and prospered until the surplus was be
yond his consumption. Ileckonod
among the wealth that could be dig-
posed of as no longer necessary for his
needs were two finely built colored
mon , and it was more particularly to
sell these that he hed gotten the con
sent Of his mind to make the perilous
journey to the neafest point within the
pales of civilization.
Arrived in Staunton he asked fora
slave dealer , and tried in vain to sell
his slaved. He could not be convinced
that there had been a great war , and
at last he left in disgust. When last
seen he and his dusky property were on
their way back home to enjoy a life free
from the vices of an Ainreal civilization.
There is an effort being made to re
vive the fashion of using black" gloves
both for day and evening ; light shades
of tan color , however , remain the
choice for dress occasions.
Don't strain your eyes by reading on
an empty stomach or when ill.
Their Claims to be' Itrought Heroro Uie
1'reseiit Congrexi * .
The mpvemeu't of the survivors of
the war with Mexico , for-suitable rec
ognition of their services at the handa
of congress , is followed by a similar
memorial from the veteranj of the late
war , as will be seen by the following
WHEREAS , All nations and countries
have ever honored and held in most
grateful remembrance thei. : loyal he
roes and patriotic defenders ; have
erected monuments to commemorate
their valorous achievements , and pro
claimed in song and story the great sac
rifices , the many hardships and priva
tions in camp , in field , and on the
march they endured and suffered for
national existence or national honor ;
WHHUEAS , A just appreciation and
recognition of the dangers , toils and
sufferings passed through by the veter
ans of the late war for the Union should
ever find an abiding home in the breasts
of the people ef the republic , and that
their claims to necessary aid and assist
ance should be most cheerfully and
promptly accorded by a grateful coun
try and people ; and
WHEREAS , There are many old , en
feebled and 'needy survivors of 'the
Union army in the rebellion , who
should receive the tenderest care and
ever ready and wiljing gratitude and
bounteous provision of our great and
glorious republic , .preserved by their
valor and heroism in a contest unequaled -
equaled in magnitude and fierceness of
any ever waged between armies. Now ,
therefore , be it
Resolved , That a copy of the fore
going be sent to our representatives
and senators in congress , with the re
quest that they use their best and
united endeavors to carry out the wiah
of Nebraska's soldiery as abovp ex
Dep't of Nebraska Cf. A. II. $
I certify that at a regular , meeting of
Gr. A. Custer poet No. 7 , department of
Nebraska G. A. R. , held at their hall
in the city of Omaha , this 7th day of
January , 188-1 , the foregoing and above
preamble and resolution were , after
due deliberation , unanimously adopt
ed ; ana I further certify that the said
foregoing is .a true and correct copy of
said preamble and resolution. 4
Given under my hand this 7th day /
of January , A. D. 1884.
GEO. M. O'BKir.K ,
Post Commander.
JOHN W. HONZA , Test Adjutant.
ma .
Tunneling Under Difficulties.
New Tork Telegram , January 10.
A curious narrative of difficult en
gineering comes to us from France. It
appears that the railroad from Montau-
ban to Brive.being authorized to run a
tunnel through the Mont des Cabanes ,
a distance of a mile and a half (814
metres ) , the workmen successfully
pierced through all of the distance but
eight metres ( twenty-sb ; feet ) during
the year 1881. The two years which
have elapsed since that time have been
occupied-in Jineffectual efforts tc pene
trate the small distance remaining ; in
effectual on account of the constant de
posits of moistened earth , a sort of red
phosphate , which is renewed as fast as
removed , though fifteen tons per hour
have been taken away during the
two years. The material appears in
exhaustible , and engineers from
different parts of Europe have , after
careful inspection , given their opinion
that the task' of completing the tunnel
is impossible. The pillars which are
used for supporting the roof of the tun
nel have to be constantly renewed , as
they become twisted and bent from the
heavy load upon them , this even being
the case with metallic columns. Several
persons have been killed during the
progress of the work , and a large number - .
bor injured. Altogether the title given
to the work of "Le Tunnel Infernal"
would not seem to be misplaced. The
cost of removing the mud of the recalci
trant twenty-six metres has already
amounted to 8,500,000 francs , and it is
impossible to estimate anything as to
the future of this melancholy enter
' * ' * * '
WHEAT No. 2 , 72372 Vc.
BARLEY No. 2 , He.
RYE No. 3 , 4r u.
CORN No. 2 , 8737Ko.
OATS No. 2 , 3Vic. !
FLOUR Wheat Graham , $2 75.
CHOP FEED Per cwt. 90c.
SHORTS Per ton , $14 00.
ORANGES Per box , $5 25.
LKMONS Per box , $7 00723. .
APPLES Per barrel $3 7of24 50.
BUTTER Creamery , 33rS& > c.
BUTTKR Choice country , 14lGo.
HAMB Per lt > . 13&c.
POTATOES Choice , per bushel ,
HAY In bulk , per ton , $6 OOfSfl GO.
LARD Itefiued , perlb. 10-Vfc.
SHEEP $3 00S3 50.
CATTLE$3 5Q4 W ) .
HOGS $4 004 20.
CALVES 45 ( Xxso 00.
WHEAT Per bushel , 93r398 > ie.
CORN Per bushel , 317 ( S'32c.
OATS Per bushel , 32Sc.
PORK $14 55O14 60.
Hoes Mixed , $5 30S6 65.
CATTLE Exports. $6 QQfal 00.
SHKBF Medium to good , $3 00 < 24 00.
* ST. LOUIS. '
WHEAT Per bushel , 90 > ® $1 00. .
CORK Per bushel , 4Qh46XG.
OATS Per bushel , 33Xfa35c.
CATTLE Exports. $6 ( XXS6 40.
sHEBP S3 50 5400.
HOGS Mixed , $5 OOfaO 90.
France ia negotiating for the sale of
her state railroads to obtain war funds.
" * *
A MUtlOIanucred Man Who Traveled ou
Uijt 3Iuclo ' '
ifew Vork Tltncd.
A Fourth'avenue cur "while "proceed
ing on the uneven tenor of its. way
through Center street , ju t above the
freight station , became weary of the
jolting and , leaving the track , deliber
ately turned itself eroaswiso over the
road and refused to be comforted. It
was a car bound down town and the
passengers fumed and fretted in their
anxiety to reach City Hall square , but
did not feel much like undertaking to
wade the rest of the way. The car
was in such a position that travel was
blocked , on both tracks. The already
murky atmosphere became lurid with
the profanity which was distributed ,
by the drivers.of various vehicles. The
most active and ingenious of them all
was a truck driver who had blood in
his eyd and cherry-colored huir on his
head. He was ju t inside the freight
house and was "madder than u wet
hen. " His eagle eye--he hiid only ono
eagl 3 eye , the other having been closed ,
for repairs was eagerly searching for
an opportunity to rush acrosa the street
with his wagon and got iu between an
up-bound car and a furniture wagon.
Said jcaglo eye failed to take in the
aspect ot a. gentleman who stood on the
front platform of the derailed oar.
Said nan wore a long , sandy beard ,
voluraiuoiw eye-glas.HC8 and : i sixteen-
page overcoat. Hi : * general appear
ance was that of .the editor of an ultra-
religious weekly. Au expert in ath
letics , however , would huvd noticed a
fine breadth of shoulders ami a sifiuifi-
cantiulliie > s of chest.
Presently the nnited exertions and
oaths of the assembled drivers placed
the down-bound car on the track and
the line on the | up truck made a slight
movement. Now the irate truckman in
the station seized time by the forelock
and his whip by the handle , and urged
his hora s across the track in front of ,
the down-bound ( jar l > efore it could bo i |
started. But he succeeded only in getting -
ting his wagon on the track when the
line on the up track paused , and the
down car -was blocked effectually. j
Then the quiet man on the front plat
form opened up his valves ,
"Get off that track , " he ehouted ,
"and let UH get/down town BOEUO time
The truckman turned a haughty stare
upon him and anawered not.
"Did you hear what I said ? Get off
the traok ! "
Then the truckman opened hia llpd
and in unmistakable language uakodjthe
gentleman to visit the place which Bob
Ingersoll says is not. fi
"If yon.don't get .off that track im
mediately , " said the gentleman , "I'll
put you off. "
"I'd like ter see you , " was the re
The gentleman landed in front of .
the truckman's team. Ho seixed the )
head stalls of the the horses and cried : *
"Back T"
up i
"Let go o' dem hordes , yerl" shouted - f
ed the truckman , but the gentleman
was deaf. Then the truckman lashed
the animals and entreated them to
" . " made forward
"get up. They a plung
ward , but they might as well have run
against the Fifth Avenue hotel. The
gentleman put forth his strength and
forced the horses slowly backward un
til the truck was once more inside of
the station , the driver meanwhile lush
ing the brutes vainly and calling the
gentleman every end ariug epithet
known to the vocabulary of he slums. <
When the truck was in the station the '
gentleman released the hold on the
horses and said :
"Now , my friend , if you will
down off that wagon , I shall be pleased *
to give you a sound thrashing. "
But the truckman tarried on the Heat
and spoke not , while the gentleman
rounded the car and shook hands with
the driver , who remarked that ho was
"a daisy ; " and the procession moved
Crops , Population and Railroad
Railroad Gazette.
There was one mile of railroad in
18SO to 34,818 pounds of cotton ; in 1881
to-25,41t > pounds ; in 1882 to 30,000
pounds ; in 1883 to 24,060 pounds ,
Sphere was one mile of railroad in 1880
to 20.408 bushels of grain ; in 1881 to
20,000 bushels ; in 1883 to 21,000 bus
hels. There was one mile of road in
1880 to 354 inhabitants , m 1881 to 518 ;
in' 1882 to 481 ; in 1883 to 466. It will
be seen that the sources of business for
the roads are markedly less now than
four years since. These are facts to
which speculation will be compelled
to yield. Yet they are by n ® means
discouraging. The process of recovery
is as sure and inevitable as the process
of shrinking , and there id considerable
evidence that it has begun. The im
mediate future is not promising to
those who are in haste to get rich. It
is perhaps on that account the more en
couraging those who are content with
moderate gains honorably made.
Drawing the Sympathetic Tear.
Brooklyn KaKle.
"It was ono of the saddest cases ever
I knew , " said the stranger , Occasion al
ly moistening his throat with a draught
of hot whisky. "I never heard of a
death that affected mo more , " The
crowd gathered around him and began
to ask questions. "Was he nmroVred ? "
"No , he wasn't murdered. " "I > id ho
commit suicide ? " "No. " Did he die
a natural death ? " "No. " "If ho
wasn't murdered , didn't commit suicide
or die a natural death , what in thunder
was the matter with him ? * ' "He was
found in bed with a copy of the ifowr
York Sun in his hand containing a
large installment of the Holman boom. "