McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, January 17, 1884, Image 7

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    * ' ' ' '
SEKA.TB January 7. Bills were in
troduced by Mr. Inpalls , to authorize a
bridge acrohs the Mississippi river at Slblcy ,
Mo. ; also to grant the right of way through
jg the Indian territory to the Southern Kansas
railway. A resolution bv Mr. Miller , of
California , was adopted , " calling for all pa
pers relating to the Chinese treaty stipula
tions nnd facts In the knowledge of the ex
ecutive on the subjoct. VMr. Hoar gave no
tice of his Intention to call up his bill on
counting the electoral vote. The senate
went into .committee of the whole on the
uew rules and adopted all except those on
appropriations and standing committees ,
which were resumed for the present. A
committee on fisheries were provided for.
HOUSE. Sir. Townshend offered a
resolution , which was adopted , requesting
the president to furnish information rela
ting to the exclusion of American hog pro-
dncta from Germany and France. Mr.-
Reed offered the following.which wagjadop-
tcd : "WHKKEAS , It has been alleged that
circulars have b'een distributed In some de
partments asking contributions for political
purposes In violation of-theclvfi service law ;
therefore , be It Resolved , That the heads of
dep artments In which such distribution , If
any , has taken place be ' requested
to Inform the house < of the
facts connected with paid distribution. "
On the -call of"states. . 670 bills were intro
duced. The resignation of George D. Rob-
Hon ( Mass. ) was tabled. ' Mr. Converse of
fered a resolution calling upon the secretary
of the treasury for information concerning
undervaluation and other irregular practices
in the importation of wools and woolen
goods. Adopted.
SENATE. Tuesday , January 8. The
resolution of Mr. Hale was agreed to. It
is as follows : "Resolved , That the sec
retary of the navy be directed "to Inform the
senate what the original cost was of vessels ,
jv whose names are found on the naval regis
ter for the yew 1883 , under Jhe bureau of
construction , for repairs , steam engineer
ing , equipment and recruiting , together
with the total expense of re
pairs Binco their construction under
the same bureau or otherwise. "
The chair presented a communication from
the secretary of the treasury , transmitting'
oples of vouchers accounted'by the depaat-
mcntof justice since -March 4 , 1881 , with
aames of special and assistant attorneys and
detectives employed. Messages from th °
president were laid before the senate rela
ting to the Illinois and Michigan canal and
the work of the Mississippi river commis-
Bio" . Fending discussion on the rules the
senate went into executive session and
shortly adjourned.
HQDSE. Bills were introduced : Mr.
Ray ( N. Y. ) giving congress" uniform laws the states and terri
tories. Mr. Foran. to prohibit the Impor
tation of aliens under contract to perform
labor In the United States. Mr. Brents ,
for the admission of thestate of Wash
ington ; also to build a ship-canal
between Lake Union and Puget Sound.
Mr. Baglcy , to protect applicants of pen
sions and prevent fraud in the pension
ofiice ; also to purchase trade dollars by.
fractional coins of the United States. Mr.
toff ( by request ) to distribute the surplus
revenue-among the states. Mr. Deuster ,
Eroppslng a constitutional amendment pro-
ibiting congress and state legislatures en
acting any law prohibiting or abridging the
manufartifro and sale of any article of mer
chandise composed wholly or in par t of any
product of the soil. A , large number ol
other bills were introduced. -
SENATE. Wednesday , January 9.
S Mr. Plumb presented a petition signed by
20,000 ex-soldiers , for the establishment of
a soldiers' homo in Kansas. "Mr. Anthony
offered a resolution instructing the com
mittee on foreign relations , to inquire into
the expediency of legislation to enable the
executive department to protect our inter
ests against governments who have prohib
ited and restrained the importation of
healthful meats from the United States.
Petitions presented By Mr. Slater , froiui
the citizens of Oregon , praying that the1
lands granted to the Oregon Central rail way ,
Which have not been earned , be taken by
the United States. By Mr ? Loganj praying
for the 'passage of an act pensioning ex-
prisoners or war. . Mr. Logan introduced a
bill for the construction of a bridge across
the Missouri river by the Chicago and Rock ,
Island railroad , at Kansas City.
HOUSE. Mr. Gibson'asked leave to
offer a resolution declaring all laws of the
. federal government authorizing the sale of
| [ A intoxicating liquors In the states , wholesale
' < * or retail , be made dependent sn the parties
authorised by first obtaining license of the
state authorities. Mr. Deuster objected.
The speaker laid before the house the presi
dent's message In regard to the Hennepin
canal. Referred to the committee on rail
roads and canals. The speaker laid before
the house the message of the president sub
mitting the annual report of the Mississippi
river commission. Reference to this
report called out an extended discussion.
Mr. Kasson offered a preamble and resolu
tion reciting thas certain foreign govern
ments with which the United States have
commercial treatise securing to the United
States the treatment assured to the most
famed nation in regard to the ' importation-
of American produce and manufactures ,
have , in apparent violation of such treaties ,
prohibited the introduction of certain food
products of the United States under regula
tions not applied in like productions of
o her nations , and directing the committee
I on foreign affairs to inquire into the facts
and report what legislation and other action
should be taken by congress or the executive
to secure the due observance of such treaties
to protect the rights of UniCed States citi
zens with respect thereto , whetheiS relating
to legislation or otherwise Adopted. :
' " SENATE. V'
Thursday , Dec. 10. Mr. Dawes in
troduced a bill providing for"the creation of
a United States -Telegraph company , under
the direction of the poit-office department ,
and thejcrcation of the office of fourth assis
tant postmaster rgeneral. * Mr. Voorhees
presented a petitionlram posts of the Gfeand
Army of the JRepublic praying for the pass
age of the * Dlll'now * pending , repealing the
statutory limitation In regard to ar
rearages of pension. Petitions were also
presented by Mr. Conger , from the Grand
Army of the Republic posts of Michigan ,
asking for further awards of land to ex-sol
diers , and by Mr. Logan , from many ex-
z soldiers , asking for the opening of theSioux
reservation ; also asking for the passage of
the equalization ofbounty 'bills. Mr.
Voorhees introduced .a bill to equalize the
bounties of soldiers. [ This Dill is the same
as tbatpa = sed by congress 'nine years ago ,
but vetoed. by .President Grant on the
ground'that .it wonld take more money out
of the treasury than the public interests
would warrant. ] The senate resumed con
sideration of the new Tules--but' without
action adjourned. ,
HOUSE Mr. King introduced a joint
resolution for the immediate app"ropriatio
of $1,009,000 for the persevatlon , re
pair and construction of certain works of
improvement on the Missouri river. Mr.
Wood offered the following , which was
adopted : That the secretary of the treas
ury be requested to state to the hour the
amount of gold certificates issued by the
treasury department between Dec. ,
1 , 1878 , and Doc. 1 , 1881. and if "none
issued , his reason" for non-isbuance : also ,
the amount during 1832 and 1883 , and the
reason for the limited issue thereof for those
years , and his reasons for discontinuing the
issue of silver certificates since 1881 and not
Issuing gold and fillvcr certificates , as re
quired by law. Mr. Laml > introduced a bill
fixing the hours of work of .the laborer of
the government. . Referred. Adjourned
till Wednesday. ?
SENATE. Friday , January 111 Mr.
Van Wyckvfromthe ' ommlttee onimprove-
roent of the Mississippi river , submitted a
joint resolution appropriating $1,000,000 to
continue the Improvements begun by the
Mississippi river improvement commission.
After debate It was amended so as to give it
the form of a bill , which was passed. , Mr.
Call introduced a bill providing for the es
tablishment of a university of me'dlclne at
the capital of the United States , for the ad
vance of science and discovery of improved
methods of treatment and euro of disease.
Mr. McCall introduced a bill providing for
the establishment of a postal savings bank.
It requires their establishment in all post-
offices where the receipts are equal to $ i ,000
annually , and deposits to be received of all
suins nder $100- payment guaranteed by
the government. Mr. Anthony's resolution
Instructing the committee on * foreign" rela
tions to inquire intd the expediency of legis
lation to enable" the executive to protect'
American Interests against those of Govern
ments discriminatingagaitibt healthful meats
from the United States was taken up.
Mr. Van Wyck moved to amend by adding
"excepting governments whose manufac
tured goods or products were previously re
strained or prohibited free access to our
ports.- ' During VanWyck's explanation
the morning hour expired and the' matter
went over and the senate adojurned.
Penetrated to the Bone.
Alde'rman John Baxter , Toronto ,
Canada avers that St.- Jacobs CMl will
penetrate to the bone to drive out pain.
/ knoiifif , for I have tritdttit , hits the
mark every time.
Political Contributions. -
WASHINGTON , January 8. Postmast
er General Gresham , to-day , In response to
the house resolution calling for information
on the alleged distribution In his department
of circulars asking contributions from the
clerks for political purposes , says :
In reply I have the honor to state' that on
Saturday , the f > th inst. , I was informed that
there was distributed in the department a
number of circulars , of which the following
is a copy :
To the Indiana Republicans In Washington :
The republican state central committee IK
now organizing the state for the'ensuing
campaign with great confidence of success if
the efforts are properly seconded. Your at
tention is respectfully invited to the fact
that money is uowjieeded .to meet the ex
penses of the preliaiiijary worki and the
committee must Toly upon your zeal and
sense of justice for assistance In this matter.
Thev have sent a subscription paper ask
ing voluntary contributions for all true re
publicans of the state now in Washington ,
which has been placed in my hands , and I
ani.ready to recelve such subncrptions ard
remit the proceeds to them. The plan is to
take monthly subscriptions for.six-months ,
payable on the first of each month. Please
inform me at once of the amount you are
wiling to contribute , beginning December ,
1883. Respectfully , etc. ,
( Signed ) W. S. O'DKLL.
"WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 20 , 18S3.
* - * * *
CONSUMPTION in any stage may to cured by
Hiso's Cure. 25 cents a bottle.
Senator Sherman and the Northern
Pacific Presidency. '
. WASHINGTON , Jan. 9 Senator "Sher- *
man's attention.being called to a report that
the office of president of the Northern Pa
cific railroad had been tendered to him ,
and he declined , he , said : ' "The
office was not tendered to me , but
the matter has been mentioned by leading
stockholders and directors. I have said that
while I would gladly undertake the du
ties of the office , tmd have the highest
opinion oHhe value and success of the road ,
yet I could not , * with due regard for the
duty I owe to my constituents and collegues
in the senate , resign the position of senator ,
nor could I properly , while senator , act as
president of the company. ' '
13 i i
Nervous debility , the curse of "Ameri
can people , Imme'diately yields to thc-action
of Brown's Iron BittersA , -
A Bridgeport letter carrier was pre
sented with $7 in gold by the people
on his route.
For Dyipepiilu , Indigestion , Depression of
Spirits and General debility , in their various forms ;
also as a preventive against Fever and Ague , and
other Intermittent Fevers , the "Perrohonpho
rated Elixir ofCulls : yal" made by Caswell ,
Hazard & Co.Lt\ow York , nl ( Isold by ell drpsglsta. Is
the best tonic ; nnd for patients recovering from
fevers or other s'cbnBga. itjias no equal.
A Bridgeport , Conn. , man lately
found a roll of bills amounting to $2-
000 , that had been washed ashore from
: anroceanwrecc-r - < * * * - * - - * *
Quick , complete cure all
aouoying Kidney and Urinary Diseases. IL
Mormon missionaries are traveling
through Michigan. \ . *
f [ T I
Allen's ' " 'Iron Tonic BiTtcrs" have * proved'
a grand success for the cure of Liver Com
plaints , Dyspepsia and Blood Disorders ,
and hence the country is flooded with base
imitations. Beware ! All genuine bear the
signature of J. P. Allen. St. Paul , Minn.
The Hannibal and 'St. Joe road has
withdrawn from the Kansas City agree
ment. ;
_ _
Another Life Haved.
Mrs. 'Harriet Cumings , of Cincinnati ,
Ohio , writes : , - „
"Early hist winter my daughter was „ attack
ed with a severe cold which settled on her
lungs. "We tried several medicines , none of
which seemed to do her good , but she con
tinued to get worse , and finally raised large
amounts of blood from herlungs. "We called
in a physician , but he failed to
do her good. We then called in a
physician a most skillful professor in
one of our colleges he said she could not
et. well. At this time a friend who had
§ een cured by DR. AVM. HALL'S BALSAM
FOR THE LUNGS , advised me to give it
a trial.Ve got a bottle and before she had
u ed it all up she began to improve-and by
use of three bottles was entirelv cured.
Two Boston shopkeepers have been
fined $50 each for keeping their clerks
employed more than ten hours per day.
? f
Faithfulness Is necessary in all kinds of
jWorJu-v specially is It necessary. In treatIng -
Ing a cold , to procure the best remedy ,
which is Allen's Lung Balsam , and take It
faithfully according to directions , and It
will cure a cold every time and preventfatal
results. Sold by all druggists.
Waterson & Co. , 'grain dealers , San
Francisco , have failed. '
Ever } ' woman who suffers from sick head
ache , and who dislikes to take bitter doses ,
should try Carter's Little Liver Pills. They
are the easiest of all medicines to take. A
positive cure for the above distressing cora-
Elaint ; give prompt relief to Dyspepsia and
adijrestion , prevent and cure Constipation
and Piles. As easy to take as sugar. Only
one pill a dose. 40 in a vial. Price25cents.
If you try them you' will not be withou
A revolutionary movement is expect
ed on the Franco-Spanish frontier.
Ff.IES , roarbefl. ant * , bod-bogs , rats , mlco , crown ,
cliipmunkB.cletirod out by "Uougb on Rate. " 15c.
The government has filed a claim of
$899,667 againstthe Union Pacific.
Coughs and Hoarseness. The Irrita
tion wnich induces cou tilng immediately
relieved by use of "Brown's Bronchial
Troches. " Sold only in boxes.
The Arctic and Quidneck mills , at
Providence , 11.1. , have been sold to the
Union company for $260,000.
Deacon Smith buys Carboline , the deodor
ized petroUuira hair renewer and restorer ,
and since improvement , recommends It
to all his fi the perfection of all hair
preparation .
Whoso keepeth his mouth and his
tongue kerpeth his soul from troubles.
'ROUGH < JXKA.TS , " . Clears out rav , mlco ,
flfes.nmcties.bod-buKs , ante vermi .chipmunks. 15c
King Ivalakaua , of the Sandwich' Is
lands , has a § 75,000 crown which is not
yet paid for.
ELM Giiovu , N. C. Dr. G. N. Robert
son says : "I prescribe Brown's Iron Bit
ters and find it all it is recommended to
be. "
The llussian press welcomes the em
peror , assurance of peace.
From Col. C. H. Mackey , 32d Iowa
Infantry : I have derived more benefit from
Ely's Cream Balm.than anything else I have
ever tried. I have now been using it for
three months and am experiencing no trou
ble from Catarrh whatever. I have been a
sufferer for twenty years. C. H. MACKKY ,
Sieourney , Iowa"Feb. 22 , ' 82.
For three "winters I have been afflicted
with Catarrh nnd Cold In the Head. 'I used
Ely's.Cream Balm ; it accomplished all that
was represenchd. T. F. McG'OKMiCK ,
( Judge Common Pleas ) Elizabeth , N. J.
( Price 60 cents.
A member of parliament has been
threatened "with death for denouncing
READ Tins. The Army and Navy Lini
ment will positively take the soreness out of
Spavin , Bingpone , Splint or Curb , and
stops their growth. See advertisement.
Schooners of beer are made for sale.
[ Picayune.
'Mother Swan's "Worm Syrup , " for feverish-
ne&srestleGsnesBwormscoDStiDatlon , tasteless. 2oc
Vennor predicted warm , sunny
weather for this month. ,
Stop at the .Metropolitan ifotel whe
in Omaha. The best $2.00 per day
house in the west. Tables as good as
any $3.00 per day house.
never- fail to destroy worms and remove
them from the system.
and BRUISES are permanently relieved by
Uncle Sam'-s Nerve and Bone Liniment. Sold
by all druggists.
PURIFY THE BLOOD with Eilert's Day
light Liver Pills.- They act directly on the
Liver , Stomach and Bowels , being mild and
cleansing , but never griping or painful.
SAVE YOUR HARNESS by oilins : with
Uncle Sam's Harness Oil , which will make
it soft and pliable. Tills is the best oil ever
made for leather. Sold by all harness
is just the medicine for mothers to have in
the house for the children. It will cure
coughs , colds , sore throat , and regulate the
bowels. Donotfail to give it a trial , you
will be pleased with its charming effect.
Sold by all druggista.
spiritless , scraggy and feeble , they need
treatment with Uncle Sam's Condition Pow
der. It purifies the blood , improves the
appetite , cures COLDS and DISTEMPERS ,
invigorates the system , and will keep the
animal in a healthy , handsome condition.
Every case of consumption commences with
a cough , occasioned by having taken cold ,
which if allowed to run its course will soon ,
work its way into the air passages and then
to the lungs , if not checked -by some such
valuable cough remedv as EILERT'S EX
which is unrivalled for all diseases of the
throat and lungs. Save dangerous spells of
sickness and expensive doctor's bills by
taking this valuable medicine in season.
sAskyou druggist for it.
An Open
The fact is well understood
that the MEXICAN MUS
the best external known for
"man or beast. The reason
why becomes an "open
secret" when we explain that
"Mustang" penetrates skin ,
flesh and muscle to the very
bone , removing all disease
"and soreness. No other lini
ment does this , hence none
other is so largely used or
does such worlds of good.
When you visit or leave New York City ,
save Baggage , Expreasago and' Carriage
Hire , an'd stop at GRAND UNION HOTEL ,
opposite Grand Central Depot. GOO elegant
rooms , fitted up at a cost of one million dollars
lars , reduced o $1 and upwards per day.
European plan. Elevator. Restaurant
mppOed'with the best. Horse-cars , stages
and elevated raHroads to all depots. Fami
lies can lite better for less money at the
Graud Union Hotel than at any other first-
class hotel In the city.
When you come to Omaha , take the
Street Cars or 'Bus for the Metropolitan
Hotel. $2.00 per day. Tables as good
any $3.00 per day house.
The Pennyslvania company will
shortly run their own palace car's.
Cough away If you want to , but If not ,
use Halo's Honey of Horehound and Tar.
Of Druggist. Pike's Toothache Drops
cure In one minute
Feather borders are used on the
skirts of dfesses as well as cloaks.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache. Headache , Toothache ,
Sore TIi rent.Nu-eIlliis .ttprnln .KruUfS ,
ISurua , NcnlflN , Fro t Itltea.
Soldbj DruegiiU and Dealers erertnhere. Fifty Ceati a bottl * .
Direction ! la II Languagei.
( * a or.i A. VOUELXRtCO ) lUltlmorr , UdC.8.A. .
when applied by
the finger into the
nostrils , will be ab
sorbed , effectually
cleansing the head
of catarrhal virus ,
causing healthv se
cretions. It allays
inflammation , pro-
of the nasal pass
ages from addition
al colds , completely
heals the sores and
restores taste and
smell. A few applications -
plicationsrelieve. .
A thorough treatment will positively cure.
Agreeable to use. Send for circular. Price
50 cents by mail or at druggists.
The nocescity for
prompt andethc'ent
honscbo'd remedies
la dully Krowin ?
more lm i erntiveand
of these llt'etetter'B
Btnmnch Bitters Is
the chief la merit
and the mn > t popu
lar. IrrcKiiInrity of
the Btomnch and
b'i els , malarial fe
vers , liver complaint
and minor ailments
are thoroughly con
quered by tbt In
comparable family
restorative ard me
dicinal gnfcmiard ,
and It is Justlv re
garded as the purest
and most compre
hensive remedy of
its class.
For sale bv all
Irn slst and Deal
ers generally.
$25.00 REWARD !
We vrill pay the above reward for any case of
Rheumatism or NenralKlx we cannot cure. It will
relieve any case of Diphtheria or < rouu instantly.
Army and Navy Liniment will relieve pain and sore
ness and remove any unnatural growth of bone or
muscle on man or bewt. Price per bo'tlo : Lnrpe ,
$1 ; Btnall.SOc. Willremnd the money for any fail
ure. Army nndNavy I.Inlmenltlo. , 51 > t abash
Ave. , Chicago. Richardson & Oo. , Wholesale
Kiste , j t. lxuis.Mo. , Western asents.
, Ihave a positive remedy for the above disease ; by Us
n a thousands of cases of the worn kind and of long
Btandloir have boon cured. IndffoJ , so at rene ; In my lalta
"nits cflcacy ; that ; I will send TWO BOTTLE3 FUfcE , to-
ccthor rlth a VALUABLE TKEATI3K on this
ufferenlvoExpsnnl r. O.JUM M.
any .V < % _
- . NoJi-nire.
Xo Planters. No Pain. Jlr.
W. U. Payne. Mnn-halKown.Iowa.
WANTED for the best and faswst-
aelllni ; Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced
33 per cent. NATIONAL PUB. Co . St. Louis , Mo.
Bnst Cough Syrup. Tastes good.
Uw in time. So " '
Jiv return matt. Fnll ri
Moody' New TnUorSjstpm of
Dress Cutting HOODY J to , , o
DCUCIDUC for any disability ; also to Heirs. Send
rCllOlUllO'fit-imp for cinul rs. t.Oi.'L. BlftG-
HAM , Attorney. WoshinBton. D. U.
U/ANTED experienced Boot and Blbie Agents in
11 every Countv. Liberal Salaries faid. Address ,
etatlng experience. P. O. B'IX g. g. . St. koala. Mo.
Blessed Beuefnctors.
When a board of eminent physicians anil
chemists announced the discovery Unit by
combining nome well-known valuable rem
edies , the most wonderful medicine was
produced , which would cure such a wide
ran e of diseases that moxl nil other reme
dies could be dispensed with , many were
skeptical ; but proof of itn merlw by actual
trial linn dispelled all doubt , and to-day the
discovered of that great medicine , ( Hop-
IJitt r , arc honored and blessed by all as
bene/actora , These Bitters are compound
ed from Hops , Buclni , Mult , Mandrake ,
and Dandelion and other oldest , beH aim
most valuable medicineH in the world , and
contain all the bent and most curative prop
erties of all other medicines , beingtlie
greatest Blood Purifier and Kidney and
Liver Invlgoratorand Lifo and Health re
storing Agent on earth. No disease or HI
health can posssibly Ions : cxifrt where these-
Bitters are need , BO varied and perfect are
their operations.
They give now life and vigor to the aged
and infirm. To all whose employments
cause irregularity of the bowels or urinary
organs , or who require an Appetizer , Ton
ic and mild Stimulant , these Bitters are in
valuable , being highly curative , tonic and
btimulating , without'lntoxicating.
No matter what your feelings or symp
toms are , what the disease or ailment Is , USD
Hop Bittert > . Don't wait until you are alckv
but If you only feel bad or miserable , use
the Bitters at once. It may save your life. .
Hundreds have been naved by ho doing ,
T TCO.CT ; will be paid for a case they
wiil not cure or help.
Do not suffer yourself or let your tj lends
suffer , but use and urge them to use Hop
Kemember , Hop Bitters is the purest and
best medicine ever made ; the "Invalid's
Friend and Hope. " No person or family
shnuld be without them.
T was troubled for manv years with seri
ous Kidney and Liver Complaint , Gravel , ,
etc. ; my bjood became thin ; I was dull and.
inactive ; could hardly crawl about , and
was an old w&rn out man , all over , and
could get nothing to help me. until I trot
Hop Bitters , aad now I am a boy again. My
blood is pure , kidneys are all nsjht , and I
am as active [ as a man of 30 , although I am
"For ten years my wife was confined to
her bed with such a complication of ail
ments that no doctor could tell what was
the matter or cure her , and I nsed up n-
small forfiiip in humbug htuff. Six months
ago I sawaU. S. flag with Hop Bitters on
it , and I thought 1 would be a fool once-
more and I tried it , but my folly proved to-
be wisdom and two bottels cured her , she Is.
now as well and strong as any man's wife , ,
and it cost mo onlv two dollars.
H. W. Detroit , Mich.
A Specific
l > AJf CE , AIX/
EieDr. S. A. BidunoEd Mefl. Co. , Prop. , St. Joseph , KG.
606 ft 603 Wyandotta St. 1 15 years' practice
KANSAS CITY , - . HO. f 12 In Chicago.
Authorized by the State to tree
Chronic , Nervcuu and Frlnta Dte-
euea ; Asthma , Epilepsy , Khcnmotlim ,
Piles , Tape-worm , Urinary and Skin
| Diseases , SnnNAl. WKAXHTSS ( xlght
lnv > exSzxttu. . DMILITT ( Ion or
_ tfxual potcrr ) , &C. Cures guaranteed
or moat ? refunded. Charges lotr. Thousands of caaes
cured. No Injurious medicines ued. No detention
from business. All medlcinei furnuhed even to
piUenti at a distance. Consultation tree and concdecr
tlal call or irrlte. Ago and experience are Importing ,
A BOOK for both iexe Illustrated and drculzrs o3
other thing * lent sealed for twoSc ctampa. Mr Mnzrcn )
u now open. Houn : 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sonoajet 10 K
112 . m.
Iron LererB. Pt el BrtnK . B-XM TARE BEiJJ.
.soWc-s. an I AVS xnu i' m. ? ? .
Fold en trial. W rr nU 5 yeut. All klica s l w.
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