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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1883)
McOooK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. VOLUME 2. M'COOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , DEC. 27 , 1883. NUMBER 30. J. E. COCHRAN , Attorney at Law , StO WILLOW COTOT7 , 1TZB. Practice in any Court * of the atate and Kan- siu . mid tnn government Land Office of this District , and before the Land Department at WuKhlngton. Satisfaction guaranteed , and icnnR reasonable. Office 1st door south of the U. S. Land Office. 28-lyr. I. J. STARBUCK , Attorney at Law , MCCOOK NEBRASKA. Will give ipecltl attention to the practice of law. and making collectloni. CSfOfnce Recond block north of depot , 2 doori north < ! recnB * drugiiore. JOHN A. LEE , Merchant Tailor. MCCOOK : : NEBRASKA. lit and Workmanship Guaranteed. PAGE T. FRANCIS , County Surveyor. Red Willow County. Keeps certified plats of all lands la the Hitchcock Und district. Special attention riven 7o all such business. Correspondence solicit- o.l. 13-tf. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Gniutt Hiilnl Eijirtaiat UaiririUy TVeoiter. Office In rear of Citizen's Banlc , where he can be found wbeu not profeiilonally engaged. JOHN F. COLLINS , Contractor and Builder. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Estimates cheerfully given on all kinds of work. Best of references. Address for the present by mail. 16-lyr. CONG-DON & CLIFF , Bricklayers & Plasterers. All Jobs Promptly attended to. C. L. NETTLKTON , Supt Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations at Indianola on the third Saturday of every month , commencing sit a o'clock , A. M. 25-tf. W. M. SANDERSON , House & Sign Pointer. McCooK , - NEBRASLA. All work guaranteed. Give me a call. WM. McINTYKE , Contractor and Builder OF LONG EXPERIENCE. AH work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. PATENTS F. A. Lchmann , Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents , Washington , B. C. All business connected with Patents , whether before the Patent Office or the Courts , promptly attended to. No charge made unless a patent Ja secured. Send for circular. 25-6. STANDAKD LAUNDRY WAX ! Preserves Linen , gives a beautiful .finish , prevents the iron from sticking , saves labor. 5 Cents a Cake. . Ask your Storekeeper for it. Standard Oil Co. , OHIO. CLEYELAND , - - - J. 3. HESZRVE. Ranch , Spring Canyon on the Frenchman Elver in Chanc couffiy. Neb. Stock branded as above ; .also 7I7"oaBftsIde ; " 0. L. " on left hip : " 7" on - ' ! " ihoulder "i" left right hlpnd on right ; on shoulder : * * * "X" on left jaw. H&lf nnder-erop left car , ondauare crop light caz. W. 0. LaTOUKETTE , * U DEALER IN HARDWARE , STOVES , QUEENSWARE , AGRICUTURAL IMPLEMENTS , The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red IfiTillow County. CALL AN D BE CON VINCED. * Sign of BIG AX. Three Doors South P. 0. McCOOK - - NEBRASKA. LOAN AGENCY a. L. LAWS , WILL SECURE LOANS ON TOWN PROPERTY in McCook , and on DEEDEDCLAIMS In Red Willow and adjacent counties. Office : Land Office , McCook. Nebraska. D. KENDALL'S BILLIARD PARLOR AND Favorite Resort Is the place for Ice Cold Lemonade , Ginger Beer , Pop , Choice Cigars , Candy , Nuts , Etc. Billiard &Ppol Table CALL and ENJOY YOTJKSELYES CONTINENTAL HOOF OINTMENT CUB S CRACKED HOOFS , SPRAINS , SCRATCHES and SORES IN HORSES , CATTLE and SHEEP. JLsk your storekeeper for it , or write direct to the manufacturers , AMERICAN LUBRICATING OJL COMPANY , Cleveland , - ' - Ohio. CITY BAKERY. A. PROBST , Prop. , KEEPS ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes on Order. Lunch Room in connection , where you can get hot coffee , etc. $100.00 A WEEK ! We can guarantee the above amount to good , active , energetic Ladies as well as gentlemen , make asuccess in the business. "V'ery little capital required. We have a household article as salable as Hour. IT SELLS ITSELF It Is used every'day in every family. You do not need to explain its merits. There is a rich harvest for all who embrace this golden oppor tunity. It costs .you only one cent to learn what your business is. Buy a postal card and write us , and we will send you our prospectus an full particulars ' FREE ! FREE ! And we know you will derive more good than you have any .dea of. Our reputation as a manaf acturing company is such that we can not afford to deceiv B. Write to us on a postal and give your address plainly and receive full particulars. particulars.BUCKEYE M'F'G CO , . 16-lyr. Marion , Ohio. SADDLES & HARNESS. Opposite Hotel on the hill. Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS , BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES , : COMBS , WHIPS. StocK Saddles -ut , CowBoyut fits , .and Spurs. R. H. HAMILTON. . . . . " 'Tis true 'tis pity ; and pity 'tis 'tis true , " but unless the Journal Topics Man brightens up , ho have to forfeit his laurels as the great est self-encomiast in the state , to the writer of the Gazette-Journal slop- over. Our contemporaries in the Valley ought , as a matter of self- preservation , to withhold their "meed of praise" until the Gr.-J. regains its wonted composure. "Modesty is to merit as shades to figures in a picture ; giving it strength and beauty. " "No , " said a fond mother , speaking proudly of her 25-year-old daughter , "Mary isn't old enough to marry yet. She cries whenever anyone scolds her , and until she becomes hardened enough to talk back vigorously , she isn't fit for a wife. ' ' SAKAII BERNHARDT has just cowhided - hided Mile. Marie Columbie , who had written a biography of the great ac tress which did not please her. Sarah is to some extent right. A biography such as hers ought to be post mortem. CIVILIZATION" is advancing with powerful strides. Of more value to the human race than the telephone is the recent sentencing to hang of a New York policeman for clubbing an inoffensive man to death. FRANKLIN says that "he that takes' ' a wife takes care. " - "Which probably J . explains in a measure why there are' , so many "baches. " They are too | distressingly eareful already. 'I WAS only footing one of your late bills , " remarked a fond father to ) j ! his daughter , after kicking her sweet William out of the front yard. EAILROAD RUMBLINGS. ANOTHER terrible accident occur red at Nebraska City , Saturday after noon , resulting in the death of anoth er 01 our citizens , Harvey S. Bundy. The Nebraska City Press contains the proceedings of the inquest held on his body , from which we copy the j j testimony of the conductor , C. "W. j Patterson , who said : "The engineer had run the engine out passed the switch and was backing in to couple J on to the freight going west. "Harve1 as he was generally calledhad thrown the switch and given the signal to "back up. " "When I was standing on the depot platform I saw him "jump upon the brake beam of the tender to the engine and grab at the chain that holds the coupling pin. He missed his hold and fell. T signalled S-J the engineer to stop his engine , which he did , but too late to save "Harve. " The tender passed entirely over his .body , and when I reached him he WAS .dead. " Gazette-Journal. WORK in the B. & M. shops at Plattsmouth has increased to such an extent that the nine hour system has hid to be abandoned , in all depart ments except the carpenter and paint departments. The shops Jiave all been lighted by electric light and ten full hours will be put in each day. . 'TnE new invoice of stationery re ceived at the B. & M. offices here , read iu the headings B. & M. R. R. in Ne braska , C. B. & 'Q. R. R. owners. This is simply a pointer that the name B. & M. will be dropped in fixture and the entire Burlington route after a while be operated under the name ' .C. B. & Q. P.lattamouth Herald. BY OUR ASSISTANT EDITOR. A HAPPY New Year. TIIERK is "prohibition lightning all around the sky" in our sister state. EX-SENATOR TABOR'S liobby is § 250 night shirts. Senator Sabin , with his income of § 100,000 a year , runs to boots. He has twenty-eight pairs. Whenever Sabia undertakes anything it is not a bootless job. IN a prayer meeting at Westfield , Mass. , a brother arose and said : "I want to hear sung that beautiful hymn , 'Split Doors. ' " A ripple of laughter was suppressed by a sister who struck up "Gates Ajar. " "That's it ! that's itJ the brother shouted , as he sat down to enjoy the melody. THE moon was shining brightly. He slid over the fence and sneaked up to her window he sangin a plain tive voice , to the accompaniament of the guitar : "The last rose of summer is fading .away , " and the old man stuck his head out of the window and said : "Never mind young man , just throw your coat over it and I'll take it in in the morning. " OSCAR WILDE , the English dude , gets off a good thing once in a while. In a recent lecture on America , he said : "American romance is different from ours. It is not the romance of Shakespeare it 3s the romance of commerce. * * * The men in America have very little .childhood , They leave school at 14 , have two or three successful bankruptcies by the time they are 20 , and at 21 are millionaires. " WE see from our exchanges that a self-acting sofa , just large enough for two has been invented and is consid ered as .a great relief to the old folks. When wound -up it will begin to ring a warning -bell just before 10 o'clock. At 10:01 it splits apart and one half carries the pretty daughter of the house up stairs to bed , while the other half kicks the young man out doors and lets the bull-dog loose. The price is * laway up yonden , ' ' > but people must have them. ONE of Ella Wheekr's "Poems of Passion" begins : "She touches my cheek , and I quiver I tremble wit3i exquisite pain ; she sighs like an overcharged river , my blood rushes on through my veins ; she smiles and in. jaad-.tiger fashion , as a she tiger fondles her own , I olasp her with fierceness and jassion , and kiss her with shudder and groan. " Ella may call this.a poem of passion , but here we call it drunk and disorderly. Chicago News. .GOULD says the reason be doesn't give ajparty that-.will outshine old Vanderbilt's ' 'snorter , " as .that "they-don'.t.keep a giul now , and .that with the washing and mending ihe childrens ! clothes Mrs. Gould .has about all she can do , and there's one thhig certain while thenvorld thinks him callous and cold-hearted , he will .not impose on his wife. " This is & base subtetinge. We.know Mrs. Rus sell Sage and Mrs. Cyrus Field would be only glad to .run in and help Mrs. Gould out with the baking and dust ing. It's just'like Gould's-confounfi- ' ed meanness to Bet up an excuse like that. Topics.