McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, December 20, 1883, Image 8

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SKNA.TK. Monday , December 10.
A memorial was premtnted from the 3IexI-
can veterans asking for peiiHions. Standing
\ and other committees were then appointed.
Mr. Hill Introduced a bill providing for a
coinage branch mlut at Denver. A resolu
--s tion by Mr. Voorhecs was agreed to author
izing the committee on arilitary affairs to in
quire into the expediency of purchasing
the encampment grounds occupied by the
American army at Valley Forge for a na
tional park , lie also offered the following ,
which he asked to have piinted : "Ite-
Holved , That In the judgment of the senate ,
the public debt is not a public blessing , and
any measure or finimclal policy looking to
the perpetuation of the present Interest-
bearing national debt for purposes of na
tional banking , or any other account , meets
the disapprobation of this body , and should
be viewed with alarm by the tax-payers of
the United States. " '
IIouflK. .Judge Payson , of Illinois , In
troduced a bill declaring forfeited the land
grants of a number of roads , Invqlvlng
many millions of acres of land. A large
number of bills were Introduced , among
others one by Mr. Springer , of Illinois ,
proposing a constitutional amendment pro
hibiting special legislation. By Mr. Belford -
ford , to regulate railroad traflic ; also to
authorize the appointment of a special com
mission for promoting commercial inter-
con rs& bet ween the United States and South
and Central America ; also providing
for deposit of silver bullion , the
treasury to issue certificates therefor.
By Mr- Clement * ) , to repeal the internal
/ revenue laws. By Mr. Henderson , to es
tablish a board ol commissioners of inter
state commerce. By Mr. Holman , to limit
the disposal of public lands adapted for ag
riculture to actual settlers of the homestead
laws. By Mr.- King , to equalize the pay of
male and female employes of the govern
SENATE. Tuesday , December 11.
Mr. Sherman presented a bill for
tbe encouragement of co. cr com
mercial relationship and interest in
the perpetuation of peace between the
United States and the republics of Mexico ,
Central and South America and Brazil.
Mr Plumb presented a petition trom the
colored citizens of Kansas setting forth the
disadvantages of their position in view of
the condition of legislation and deci
sions of the courts , praying for additional
legislation to protect civil rights.
Bv Mr. Ingalls , a petition for pensioning
ex-prisoners of war and granting soldiers
and sailors who served 00 days in the late
war ICO acres of land. After executive ses
sion adjourned.
HOUSE The speaker laid before the hou e
the message of the president , transmitting
the communication of the commissioner of
Indian affairs , asking an appropriation of
500,000 for the wants of this bureau. Ex-
Speker Kelfer , proposed a constitutional
amendment , providing that congress have
power to enact appropriate legislation to se
cure to-all citizens equal privileges and im
munities and equal protection of laws ; also
to prevent being deprived of life , liberty
and property without due process of law.
Mr. Hatch introduced a bill to establish a
bureau of animal industry to prevent the
importation of diseased cattle and the
spread of contagious diseases among domes
tic animals ; also , to allow fanners and
planters to sell leaf tobacco of their own
production to other than manufacturers
without special tax. Mr. Cassidy intro
duced a bill to reorganize the legislative
power of Utah territory ; al o , to authorize
the secretary of the treasury to adjust and
settle the expenses of Indian"wars. A large
number of bills of minor importance were
SENATE. Wedncsda3Decemberl2
Mr. Van AVvck offered a resolution calling
upon the secretary of the treasury for copies
of all vouchers "of items of expenses for
special or assistant attorney , and diaries
with names of the parties , since March ,
3881 , except for such period as lias been
covered by information already furnished
the senate The senate took up the resolu
tion offered yesterday by Beck directing
the secretary of the treasury to fur
nish information concerning the sink
ing fund. It was amended and passed.
Mr. Wilson called up his joint resolution
proposing an amendment to the constitution
relating to civil rights of citizens , and moved
its reference to the committee on judiciary.
It proposes the following article of amend
ment be numbered 16 : "Congress shall
have the power , appropriate legislation ,
to protect the citizens of the United States
in the exercise and enjoyment of the rights ,
privileges and iraiminitfes , and assure them
of equal protection by law. "
SENATE Thursday , December lo.
Mr. Merrill introduced a bill to provide for
a commission on the liquor traffic. It is the
same bill that passed the senate at the last
session and failed in the house. Mr. Dolph
introduced a bill for the admission into the
union of the state of Washington , which
provides for the admission of Washing
ton territory and a portion of Idaho.
Mr. Van Wyck's resolution calling upon the
secretary of the interior for information re
lating to the transfer of the Texas Pacific
land grants to the Southern Pacific road was
adopted. A resolution by the same senator
calling for information aboxit certain expen
ditures of the department of justice in con
nection with star route trials , was passed.
After executive session the senate adjourned
until Monday.
HOUSE. Friday , December 14. Mr.
Hoblitzell introduced a joint resolution re
questing the president to issue a proclama
tion urging the various religious denomina
tions of the country to commemorate Dec.
23 , 1SS3 , the one huudrctli anniversary of
the surrender by George Washington of his
commission as "commander-in-cliief of the
army , a'nd request that business be suspend
ed until the mornins of Dec. 24. and the
same treated as a public holiday , lieferred.
Mr. Herr asked leave to offer a resolution
that the house bring to the notice of the
president the case of the recent murder of
several persons alleged to be citizens of the
United States and serious injury of several
persons , also alleged citizens of the United
Spates , at Danville , Va. Mr. Cox ( N. Y. )
asked leave to introduce for immediate con
sideration a joint resolution to repeal the
test oath. Mr. Herr objected , and the
house adjourned tili Monday.
Fighting for the Hog.
WASHINGTON , December 12. Fol-
is the text ot the joint resolution concern
ing German prohibition of American hog
product :
WHEREAS. The government of the Ger
man empire has seen fit to prohibit the im
portation of American hog products upon
the unproven assumption that they arc de
leterious to public health , and
WHEKEAS , The government of the Ger
man empire has declined an invitation to
send its own experts to this country for the
purpose of examining the quality and man
ner of marketing hog products , and
WIIUKEAS , It appears from the proceed
ings of said government that the game ha *
or claims to have full authority to prohibit
the importation of any foreiirn goods by it
believed to be iujurio'us to health , without
the assent of the reichstag , therefore be it
Resolved , By the senate and houie of
representatives , that tbe president be and
is hereby authorized , during the recess of
congress , to prohibit the importation of any
goods , which , upon the advice of experts ,
lie shall hold to be injurious to health from
countries which , upon the same ground ,
prohibit the Importation of American prop
GOIIH Never to Itoturn.
GAUDINEK , ME. Mr. Daniel Gray , a
prominent lumber merchant , writes
that his wife had severe rheumatic
pains ; so severe as to render her una
ble to sleep. From the first application
of the famous German Ilemedy , St. Ja
cobs Oil , she experienced unspeakable
relief , and in two hours the pain had
entirely gone.
Chicago Captures the National Re
publican Convention.
At the meeting of the republican na
tional committee held in Washington on the
llth , Chicago was chosen as the place for
holding the next national republican con
vention. The first ballot resulted as fol
lows , the whole number of votes cast be
ing 40 :
Chicago 14 , Philadelphia 8 , Cincinnati 12 ,
Indianapolis 4 , Saratogas.
Second ballot Chicago 17 , Cincinnati 17 ,
Philadelphia 4 , Saratoga 8.
Third ballot Chicago 20 , Cincinnati 21 ,
Saratoga 4 , Philadelphia 1.
Fourth ballot Chicago 20 , Cincinnati 18 ,
Saratoga 1 , Philadelphia 1.
Ch cage was declared as the place for the
next republican convention.
Mr. Chandler offered the following , which
was unanimously adopted :
Resolved , That this committee views
with regret and Indignation the recent at
tempts to suppress human rights , destroy
free suffrage and honest counting of ballots
in various states by methods of war on hu
manity and civilization. Against the pre
valence of such methods the republicans
stand irrevocably pledged , and we extend
our sympathy "to nil sufferers .of such in
humanities , and pledge our eirnest uncon
ditional co-operation and right hand of fel
lowship to all men and all organizations ,
whatever may have been their past political
action , who now unreservedly commit
themselves to an organized effort to setjure
free education , free suffrage and the pro
tection of life and property of all citizens ,
without regard to race , color , political
opinion , or vote.
The committee , after 11 o'clock , adjourn
ed to meet at the Grand Pacific hotel , Chicago
cage , on the 31st day of May , 1S84.
A cim J > that wnkes with the croup should have a
dose of Pico's Cure.
Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe disclaims
the rumor that she has written a new
story , and says she has no present in
tention of doing so.
Georgia papers are urging the use of
the whippit g po t in that state.
A Druggi-t's Story.
Mr. Isaac C. Chapman , Druggist , Xew-
burg , N. Y. , writes us : ' "I have for the
pa t ten vears sold several gross of DU.
LUNGS. I can say of it what I cannot of
any other medicine. I havenever heard a
customer speak of it but to praise its virtues
in the highest manner. I have recom
mended itin a great many c es of Whoop
ing Cough with the happiest effects. I have
used it in my own family for inanv years :
in fact , always have a bottle in the medicine
closet ready for use. "
Henry's Carbolic Salvo.
Is the BEST SALVE for Cuts , Bruises ,
Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Tetter.
Chapped Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all
kinds of Skin Eruptions , Freckles and
SALVE , as all others are counterfeits.
Price 2octs.
"Ob , haven't I got the smd ? " sings
the sugar dealer.
Since last October I have suffered from
acute inflammation in my nose and head
often in the night having to get up and in
hale salt and water for relief. My eye has
been , fora week at a time , so I could not
see. I have used no ena of remedies , also
employed a doctor , who said it was impure
blood but T got no help. I used Ely's
Cretan Balm on the recommendation of a
friend. I was faithless , but in a few days
was cured. My nose now , and also my
eye , is well. It is wonderful how quick it
helped me. Mus. GEORGIE S. JUDSOX ,
HartfordConn. ( Easytolusc. Price 50cts. )
A sage remark "A little more of the
dressing , please. "
"ROUGH OX KAT8. " Clears out rats , mice ,
flies , ches.bod-bugj.urjta. vermin , chipmunks. 15c.
A Lancashire man recently sold his
wife for a quart of beer.
Stop at the Metropolitan Hotel when
in Omaha. The best $2.00 per day
house in the west. Tables as good as
any $3.00 per day house.
never fail to destroy worms and remove
them from the system.
and BRUISES are permanentlv relieved by
Uncle Sam's Xerve and Bone Liniment. Solil
jy all druggists.
PURIFY ; THE BLOOD with Eiiert's D.IV-
ight Liver Pills. They act directly on the
[ aver , Stomach and Bowels , being'mild and
cleansing , but nevcr.griping or painful.
SAVE YOUR lIAlLS'EsS by oiling with
Uncle Sam's Ilarnes- Oil , which will make
it soft and pliable. Thi < is the best oil ever
made for leather. Sold by all harness
s just the medicine for mothers to have in
the house for the children. It will cure
: oughs , colds , sore throat , and regulate the
bowels. Do not fail to give it a trial , you
will be pleased with its charming effect.
Sold by ail druggists.
spiritless , scragjrr and feeble , they need
treatment with Uncle Sam'sCouditio'n Pow
der. It purifies the blood , improves the
appetite , cures COLDS and DISTEMPERS ,
nvigorates the system , and will keep the
animal in a healthy , handsome condition.
Svery case of consumption commences with
i cough , occasioned by having taken cold ,
vhich if allowed to ran its course will soon
vork its way into the air passages and then
o the lungs , if not checked bv some such
aluable couch * remedy as EILERT'S EX
vhich is unrivalled for all diseases of the
hroat and lungs. Save dangerous spells of
ickne and expensive doctor's biN ! bv
aking this valuable medicine in season"
Vsk you druggist for it.
Cheap Comfort. Wliat a comfort It is to
know ihat , in case any of your children are
attacked at night with croup , you have the
remedy at hand in Allen's Lung Balsam.
Depend upon it. mothers , it cures croup ;
perfectly pure and harmless. Keep it on
The ruling passion is strong in a
A slight rolcl , If neglected , often attacks
the lungs. Buow.v's HIIO.NCHIAL TKOCIIKS
give sure and Immediate relief. Sold only
in boxes. Price 25 cents.
The present time Christinas.
A real pullman car a hand-car.
Carboline. clear as spring water , delight
fully perfumed and will not soil the
finest linen fabrljj a perfect toilet prepara
tion and absolutely makes the hair grow on
bald hcadsj. _
Mmniu's the word The fashionable
For tremuloii'-ness , wakefulnes * , dizzi
ness , and hick of energy , a most valuable
remedy IH Brown's Iron Hitters.
A postmaster A commander of the
G. A. 11.
Imperfect D
More disease and phvsieal suffering are
traceable directly to indigestion than to al
most any other one cause. Moral : No
remedy in the world is equal to Allen's
"Iron Tonic Bitters" to aid digestion and
the assimilation of food , and invigorate the
liver. All genuine bear the signature of J.
P. Allen , St. Paul , Minn. _
A nod thing in bonnets A sleeping
beauty in church.
"Mother Nwiin'n "Worm Hyr ip , " for fevorlsh-
netsrestles iiogaworni8conatipuliontastelc ! > 9. 2Sc.
Marie Van Zandt is a grand-daughter
of the late Sig. Blitz.
OTITMWA , IA. Dr. J. N. Armstrong
says : "I have used Brown's Iron Bitters
in'my family and recommend its use to oth
. "
To cure a man of whistling Blow
him up.
Prevent crooked boots and blistered heels
by wearing Lvon's Patent tTool Stiffcners.
If any man offend not in word , the
same is a rwfpcfc man.
Menamuu'H i * ptoiilzeU licet * Tonic , the
only preparnt on of beaf containing Its entire nutri
tious prfipeities. It contains blood-making , forcc-
KonoratlriK end Hfe-snstulnlnR properties ; inTiilu-
ablcfor Imlleetlon , IlyNpepnIu , nervous prv-
tra ion , mid all forms ot KQnorui detxiltv ; also in till
nnfecb od C"nditi iis. whether the r suit of exhnu-t-
ion , nervous prostration ovu-wurkor ncilto ' Isc.ise ,
particularly iirp.sul In * from pulmona1 y complnlnts.
UABWEI.I , , HAZAIW & Co. , proprietors , New fork.
The funny man of the Louisville
Courier-Journal is a woman.
FI.IE8 , roach ea , ants , bed-buns , r ta , mice , crows
chipmunks , cleared out by "Uouga on Huta. " 15c.
Kate Kane , the female lawyer , has
gone to Chicago to live.
A SURE CUKE. The Army and Xavy Lin
iment will cure any case of Spavin , Ring
bone , Splint or Curb , and is good for man
or beast. Sec advertisement.
There are now ten lady clerks in the
retail trade to one salesman ,
Sent Free lor Six Cents Postage.
Our magnificently illustrated catalogue
( l.r > 00 illustrations ) .
Fourth and Locusts Sts. , St. Louis , Mo.
When in St. Louis call and sec us.
The farmer's wife should wear gros
grain silk.
WHEAT Xo. 2 , 7878 > * c.
BARLEY No. 2 , ftlc.
RYK No. 3 , 44 e.
CORN No. 2 , 4r > Ji'c.
OATS No. 2 , oS' c.
FLOUR Wheat Graham , $2 73.
CHOP FEED Per cwt. 90c.
SHOUTS Per ton , $14 00.
ORANGES Per box , $ o 23.
LEMONS Per box , $7 Oo7 25.
APPLES Per barrel $3 OOfo. ) 00.
BUTTER Creamery , 33S3T ( > c.
BUTTER Choice country , 20(325c. (
EGGS Fresh , 27f3'28c.
HAMS Per tt > . 14 ? 'c.
POTATOES Choice , per bushel , 30f2G2c.
HAY In bulk , per ton , § ti OOfSB 50.
LARD Refined , per Ib. lO'-ic.
SHEEP $3 003 50.
CATTLE $3 C0f55 25.
HOGS $4 00(54 25.
CALVES $5 00(3 00.
WHEAT Per bushel , 90 , ' 'c.
CORN Per bushel , 59 c.
OATS Per bushel , 35ii c.
PORK $13 5513 50.
LARD $8 55S8 ( CO.
HOGS Mixed , $5 40 < S5 80.
CATTLE Exports. $7 00(57 55.
SHEEP Medium to good , $3 25ffi3 75.
WHEAT Per bushel , $1 OO Ol 01 ? 4' .
CORN Per bushel. 4848 > 2C.
OATS Per bushel , 3lKaS23ic.
CATTLE Exports. $5 GjfaG 75.
sllEEP $3 25(5423.
HOGS Mixed , . 'l SOS-5 10.
The Jlcrrfcan ITnstanjr Tiniment has 5
3been known for more than thlrtv-five
j years ns tlio best of till Liniment's , for
jMau and Beast , Its sales toiliiy arc
jlarg'T than ever. It cures when all
j others fail , anfi prnetrntea skri , tenrlon
jand mmele , to the very bone. Sold
\ everywhere.
When you visit or ieavo New York City ,
save Baggage , Expressage and Carriage
Hire , and stop atGRANDUNIONHOTEL ,
opposite Grand Central Depot. COO elegant
rooms , fitted up at a cost ot one million dollars
lars , reduced o $1 and upwards per day.
European plan. Elevator. Rebtaurant
supplied with the best. Howe-cars , stages
and elevated railroads to all depots. Fami
lies can lite better for loss money at the
Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-
class hotel in the city.
When you come to Omaha , take the
Street Cars or Ulus for the Metropolitan
Hotel. $2.00 per day. Tables as good
any § 3.00 per day house.
Nordenskjold will now try to find the
south pole.
"XIUCHU-PA.IJJA. " Quick , coraplotfl euro all
anuojUiK Kldnuy and Urinary DiBorisco. $1.
A handsome Louisville girl of 20 has
married a bachelor of 70.
Constipation is positively cured bv Car
ter's Little Liver Pills. Not by purging and
weakening the bowels , but by regulating
and strengthening them. ThN is done by
improving the digestion and stimulating the
liver to the proper secretion of bile , when
the bowels will perform their customary
functions in an easy and natural manner.
Purgative pills must be avoided. Ask for
Carter's Little Liver PiJIs.Price 25 cents.
What relation does a door-step bear
to the door-mat ? It's a step-father.
GOOD ADVICE. Use Hale's Honey ol
Horehomid and Tar for a COHE or cold.
Of Druggists.
Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in 1 minute.
The latest absconding girl from St.
Louis is Clara Linderman , aged 14.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , llctdncho. Toothache ,
Korc TIi roil J.NAVclEiiics.Vju-ultm.ISj-iJlaca ,
Iiinm. . * ciItU. Front lUtoK ,
AM ) ALL orilLIt liOlllI.Y IMI.Vi AM ) .UIIKM.
Boldb ; Uruggiula nl Dculcntrcrtwhere Fifty Ceiiua Ljttlo.
Direction la 11 J.auguages.
TIH : CHAKI.U8 A. YO < : II.IIE co.
( StuxxMOri ta A. VUUELEU t CO. ) Ualtlmore , Jill. . C. B. A.
CATARRH Ely's ' Cream Balm
when applied by
the finger into the
nostrilswill be ab
sorbed , effectually
cleansing the head
of catarrhal virus ,
causing healthvse-
cretions. It allays
inflammation , pro
tects themembrane
of the nasal pass
ages from addition
al colds , completely
heals the sores and
re tores taste and
smell. A few ap
plications relieve.
A thorough treatment will positively cure.
Agreeable to use. Send for circular. Price
50 cents by mail or at druggists.
An an InrUorutt
Ilott'tter'storn -
noli r.ittcrs lint re- | I
cqived the most iK)3I I
i j
Ilom eminent phys- !
10'niis. and lialoriK i
occi-piati foremost I
rank among Mun-
< 1 arrt proprietitry I
remedies , It.prr t > -
or lea i-s an n.tera-
tive of disordered
conditions of the
stonj'cu. livt-r and
t.ow els and a pre
ventive of malar
ial dipoases me no
le-4 renowned.
For sale bv Onw-
Cist < nno Dealers , to
whom ypply lor
Uosio'ter'a Alman
ac lor 1S54.
A Specific fo ?
. s. A. KidunoBdM Co. , Pro ? . , St. Josepn.Ho-
Correspondence freely answed by I'liyslcJanE.
Delicate and Pooblo Ladios.
Those huiiulil , tiroHnnicBCHHutloiiH , caus
ing you to feel Hcnrctlv able to bo on your
feut ; tint uonstunt drain tliat id taking from
your xystfin all iln former elasticity ; iliivlng
tbe bloom from your ciirukx ; lliat'con'.lnual
htraln upon your \Ital lorucH. rendering you
irritabh ; and fretful , can easily be removed
bv the ifou of that marvuloiiK reini-dy , Hop-
Hitters. Irregularities and obstructions of
your system an * relieved at once , while Urn
cpcciiu cauHc of Tirrlodieal pain are perman
ently removed. None rm-ivoso much beno-
ilt , and none are so profoundly ( nitofiil and
show such an intercut in recommending Hop
lllltcrh as women.
Keeln .
"My mother wan nlllicted a longtime witlr
Neuralgia and a dull , heavy , inactive condi
tion of the whole system ; lu > : idaulie , ner
vous ion , and was almost helpless.
No physicians or medicines did her any
good. Three months ygo she began to u u
Hop HHtrs with such good effect that slm
seems and feels voting again , although over
TO years old. We think there is no other
medicine lit to use in the familv. " A lady ,
in Providence.
litAi > roitnPa. , MayS , 1875.
It lias cured me of several dNe'asen , such
as nervousness , sickness at the stomach ,
monthly troubles , etc. I have not swn a.
sick day In a year , since I took Hop Hitters. .
AH my neighbors use them.
{ ,000 LOST. "A tour of Europe that
"cost me $1,000. done me IPSH good thanr
"one bottle of Hop Hitters ; they also cured.
"my wife of tifteen years' nervoun weak
"ness , vleeplchsne.-s and dyspepsia.
It. M. , Auburn , X. Y-
Hop Bitters Is not , In any sen'-e. an alco
holic ( leverage or liquor , and could not be-
sold for use except to persons desirous o
obtaining a medicinal bitters.
GKKUN H. KAUM , U. S. Com. Intcr'l I v-
So. liLOOMixoviLLK. O. , May 1 , 'TU.
Si us I have been suffering ten years ami
I tried your Hop Hitters , and it done mt-
inore good than all the doctors
Miss 8. S. UOO.VK.
lluby Suvoil !
"We are so thankful to say tiiatourmirsiti
baby was permanently cured of a danger *
ous and protracted constipation and irmiu-
larity of the bowels by the HJ.C of Hop Hit
ters by its mother , which at the same time
restored her to perfect health and btrengthv-
The Parents , .Rochester , N. V.
Irnn Ifvtrs. P1 M B- . . .
jovi.s. in : PAVS TIM. .
Hold on trial. Wan-nuts S Jears.
For free Look , iulilri-.ii
uiisiiiaTox. " "
Two tlintmnnit ntltctx-H n. minute. Tin- only
nltnolutely iirxt-ctnk * S - Inir Machine In tlif
\vorlil. Menton trial.Varrantcil K yeur * . .
NenU Tor Illitntrntetl Catalo-ne and < MrciiI.-
JJ. Agent * Wanted. THE1VII.SON HRW >
lA'G iiACIII.VK CO. . Chicago or New York. .
' t 47 VA0' h * U4 IVfTJ trf ta CJ > v 99
When J saycure 1 ilo r.ot mean merely to btop ttiem JUT
n tlino and then h.ivo them return " -"a
cat euro. I have ma.lo the diw-aso i.f FIT
remedy to euro the worat case * K' ese , othe "
failed Is no reason for not now recvlv Ins . u , -Sitto for a trcatlso a.d a Frjv > ! : „ , of my InfalllWo
roineilv Give Kxpn-ss and llt ( r. - It. costs you
Sew Y fc
j -i-
Ihavo a ( insultareniiMy f r tlio aliovo lUsroso ; hylts
nso thousands of cases of the vori' k'nil unil of lonsj
ttandimt lia % o been curfd. Ii. < | p < < il , M > urunq i m ; aitu
In Its er.ii-icy , I will TWO liOTTU'SI'lif-R. tu-
petliori7illiu % AI.rADI.Kli.rTlSUoii t1 i * , U
uflUcr ' . . . . r o
c' j ; Y
$25.00 REWARD !
We will pay th abovu rcwar < l for any case o *
Khuumatlsiu or N ural > ! ia wo cunnoc cure. It wll !
rflleve any caie of ttiphUierhi or ' roup InsmnUy.
Army and Navy Liniment wi I rcl-cvc pa n and noro-
ness nd remove an- unnatural growth of bone or
muttc < c on man or lieat. 1'rico p3rl > ottle : II TUH ,
fl : smallHc. ) Will re und the inon y for aiiy * : > ) ] -
urc. .ArinyiindXavy lilnunenl * o. , Cl Wnbnsb
Ave , lhi. ! auo. Hlctia-dfon i C < > . Wholesale JJrna-
( fiits , ft. Louis , Mo . Wc-toni njrcnts.
Has u 1'ail dull-rent fr-jiu nil cup hhape. with Stlf-
Adjnstin ! i n ctnt * r. axlaptv
itM-lf toaHiKj itTonsortliclxxly
ubile tin ; ball in tliu cnp
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