McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, December 20, 1883, Image 6

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THURSDAY , . DKCKMBKIl 20 , 1883.
Fresh Oysters at Joe's.
Gr.iham Flour at City Bakery.
JJoot Jack eating tobacco at Rogers. '
Fresh Oysters received daily at
' Gump's.
Choice Apples , $4.50 "per bbl. , at
lingers. '
/ Buckwheat , Flour and Maple Syrup
\ at Rogers. '
t [ For the best Flour in town call at
\ City Bakery.
Headquarters for Holiday Goods at
S. L. Green' ? .
We understand that the Social Club
dance was postponed.
A full line of the very best cigars at
the B. & M. Pharmacy.
Christinas Goods , by the car load , to
arrive at C. II. llogcrs. '
Don't buy your Christmas Goods un
til you see them at Rogers. '
Don't fail to go and see that Snc lot
! / of handsome vases at Green's.
8 ! The best fine cut chewing tobacco in
/ the city at B. & M. Pharmacy.
v . Don't forget that Rogers is the place
I to buy your Christinas presents.
\ Episcopal services will be held in the
Band Hall , next Sunday morning.
For fresh fancy Candies , Nuts , Oran
ges , etc. , go to the Postofficc Grocery.
\ A large assortment of the best Per
fumeries and Extracts made , at Green's.
We arc now enjoying our first intro
duction to "the beautiful , " this winter.
The famous Boot Jack chewing to
bacco for sale at the B. & * M. Pharmacy.
Eemeraber the Christmas Entertain
ment by the Congregational Sunday
Save 3ruur dimes and buy some pres
ents from the 10 cent counter at S. A.
A mail route to Oberlin , Kansas , is
needed. We ought to have it by all
means in the Spring.
Those desiring a choice Stock Range
can buy one cheap. Enquire of J. E.
COCHRAX. Sec card.
Just received , 5,000 "Doctor's
Choice/ ' the best nicklc cigar made ,
itt B. & M. Pharmacy.
Standard Poems , Toy Books for the
children , and a large miscellaneous col
lection of books at Green's.
At Green's you will find the hand-
soiurst Cards Christmas , Birthday and
lleward , ever brought to McCook.
Choice Potatoes for 50 cents per
bushel , in wagon load lots 45 cents per
bushel , at Hayden & McCartney's.
X X X X Iliverton and Perfection
Flour , the best in the market , for $2.25
per cwL at Hayden & McCartney's.
S. H. Colvin will hold a dance in the
Band Hall on Christmas eve , also on
New Year's eve. lleinember the dates.
My large stock of Confectionery for
the holiday trade is now open for in
spection. J. P. ISRAEL.
W. M. Rollins , attorney for James
Robinson , ' 'got there.1 Boys , if you
want claims , Jin has papers on sonic.
The Ladies' Union will meet at the
residence of Rev. Dungan , to-morrow ,
Friday afternoon , between the hours of
2 and 5.
The B. & M. Pharmacy will receive
direct from Baltimore a supply of best
Blue Point Oysters in Shell for the
All those who desire cheap Holiday
goods should call at S. A. Rowell's , Sat
urday and Monday , and inspect the 10
cent counter.
A. Probst of the City Bakery desires
to state to his customers that his oven
has been rebuilt and that he is read ;
to fill all orders ,
Colorado Hard Coal at $12.00 per
ton. We guarantee this coal to be su
perior to any Eastern hard coal.
Rev. Stuart Crockett will hold Epis
copal services in the Band Hall on
Sunday morning , December 23d , at
11:30 o'clock.
The B. & M. Pharmacy will , in a
few da3-s , open up a large invoice of
fine medicines , perfumeiy and drug
gists' sundries.
. Prof. Dill of Culbcrtson lectured in
the Band Hall , Sunday evening , to an
appreciative audience on the "Life and
Times of Queen Mar3' . "
For anything in the Jewelry line , call
on' II. Byron , who has just opened up
a full and handsome stock , new and of
the most artistic designs.
Donavin's Original Tennessceans will
give concerts in McCook on Tuesday
and Wednesday evenings , January 7
and 8. See posters and hand bills.
Of the many social occasions of the
next two weeks , none give promise of
more enjoyment than the Social at the
Dining Hall-to-morrow evening. Don't
miss it.
W. Z. Taylor of Culbcrtson mourns
the untimely demise of a mule by the
shot-gun policy : But , seriousty , did
3ou ever hear of a mule d3ring a nat
ural death ?
Don't go late and miss the grand
march at the social , to-morrow evening.
The music b3 Messrs. Yager , Kenyon ,
Ryan and Laycock will be fine. The
promenade at S.
You ought to have been present at
that debating society and experience
meeting combined , held after our city
fathers adjourned on Tucsdajevening. .
Our sentiments to a T.
Whosoever will is kindly invited to
place presents for their children and
friends in the house at the Christmas
entertainment to be given by the Con
gregational Sunday School.
Prc-'emption claimants whose thirt3'-
three months has expired , or is about to
expiie , can get information thatr n be
valuable to them b3' calling on or ad
dressing J. E. COCHRAX. See card.
The skating rink is immensely pop
ular just now. It took a while to con
vince the ladies of the genuine pleasure
) f roller skating , but they are making
up for lost time. We do not favor
riber3r , but we can't resist ginger snaps.
We still have some of those calling
cards , and we do neat and tasty work
at the TRIBUXE office , too. Call and
examine our specimens , and judge for-
ourselves , before sending your work
awa3 * .
S. L. Green has just received , for the
lolidays , a full line of Albums , Photo
and Autograph , Dressing Cases , Toilet
Sets , Handbags , Dolls , wax and china ,
and Toys of every description. Go and
nspect them before buying elsewhere.
We are selling tickets for the Social
to be held at the B. & M. Dining Hall
> y the ladies of the Episcopal church.
Excellent music , best hall in the valle3' ,
edibles of the most delicious , and a
; oed time for all , Frida3r evening , the
21st. Call early and avoid the rush.
H. B3ron has just received a fine
stock of Jewelry , Watches , Clocks ,
Rings , Diamond , Set and Plain , Caster ? ,
Toilet Sets , Tilters , Fruit Stands , and
Napkin Rings , all of the veiy best ma
terial , and latest designs. Now is the
time to inspect his stock and select
while the stock is complete and new.
Mr. Wilson of the celebrated circle
ranch , is running 13,000 head of cattle
and 400 head of horses on his range.
So firmty convinced was he that this is
THE cattle country , that he left Den
ver , and now runs his immense herds
about 40 miles above here , on the Re
publican in Dundy county.
From an article in last week's Sun
it would appear that some one has en
tertained the idea that pigs cannot
thrive in Hitchcock county. Shades
of the departed ! Come down to Mc
Cook and we will present you with a
thousand or two of the biggest , ugliest
and portliest porkers you ever saw
Starbuek & Francis , Real Estate
Agents , arc preparing a handsome cir
cular list of all their deeded lands and
other claims , for eastern circulation. It
will be illustrated by cuts of Red Wil
low county scenery , and is gotten up at
onsidcrablc expense. If you have
deeded land or a claim of any kind for
sale , put it on their list. Advertize it.
They will sell it. Call on them by
January 1st , 18S4.
Investigation discloses the fact that
the individuals engaged in trying to
smash in the side of the Band Hall
during the club dance , Wednesday even
ing of last week , were not boys , but
the same genus of a ' 'larger growth , "
physically , but pigmies mentally , and
utterly lacking in good scase. The man
ly individuals were arrested and "set
tled. " Another such an inexcusable
break , and the offenders will be dealt
with more rigorously.
All those who have land business be
fore the Land Office at McCook , Ne
braska , or the Department at Wash
ington , arc invited to call on or address
the undersigned , who has had many
years experience in Land Office busi
ness , and who will be glad to transact
any business in that line , such as con
tests , homestead entries , timber-cul
ture entries , and special applications ,
all of which will be done on reasonable
terms and entire satisfaction given.
1st Door South U. S. Land Office ,
28-tf. McCook , Nebraska.
Our people ought to give every en
couragement to those coming hero with
the intention of farming and stock rais
ing. Nothing gives a town more sub
stantial aid than a solid farming com
munity , and that is what we want and
soil as productive as the best in Nebras
ka , which will yield handsomely when
properly cultivated. There will beyond
a peradventtire be a large influx of people
ple into this vicinity early in the spring ,
and instead of trying to cover up the
land in the neighborhood or remaining
supinely indifferent , it will be to the
interest of everybody to discommode
themselves somewhat , and assist in lo
cating them on claims , and the harvest
will be plentiful.
The subject of a new school house
is being agitated somewhat. A ne.w
school building is a matter of prime im
portance to McCook. There arc many
ranchmen of wealth who would certain
ly make our city their headquarters for
a considerable part of the year , if not
their permanent abode , if the facilities
for schooling their families were such
as to make it an object to do so. Our
teachers are doing their best , but arc
cramped for room , apparatus , etc. , and
we are of opinion that McCook has
reached that stage when she can afford
a large , good and substantial building
and we believe the same will be forth
coming at an early date a structure in
keeping with the town , and of one of
which we may be proud. So may it be.
The superlative event of the month
is the advent of the pay car. No occur
rence which is looked forward to with
such genuine signs of pleasure trans
pires in a railroad town. And when the
intelligence is circulated that the rag-
car will make McCook at a given hour ,
the boys gather themselves together ,
give their pantaloons a hitch , a smile
child-like and bland suffuses their coun
tenances , and they make a break for
the depot. R. R. men in the main are
well paid , but "easy come , easy go , "
Fcems to be peculiarly appropriate in
the major , with some notable excep
tions , as will be observed by the man
ner in which quite a number are getting
to the front , the oosy houses they have
builded themselves , the cattle they are
accumulating , and the modest bank
accounts they are building up , a la
TRIBUXE the latter's b. a. being dis
tressingly modest. The importance of
the event is not magnified over much
when we consider that between $15,000
and $18,000 of the total amount of
about $30,000 which is monthly paid
to the employes of this division , is left
behind by Mr. Floyd at this place.
D. M. Toniblin of Arapahoe was in
McCook on Friday.
C. N. Batchclor is switching in the
B. & M. yard at Denver for the present.
Mrs. C. D. Ereanbrack went to Lin
coln on Friday , returning the first of
the week.
Joseph Mcnard of Chicago , the gen
tleman who is building above the bank ,
is in town.
C. L. Anderson of the round house
force , will read TUB TRIHCXE here
after. Solo , everybody.
Messrs. Clicnery and Harris went to
Denver , Saturday , on a visit , and re
turned on Tuesday morning.
Colonel Burch is in town in the in
terest of his hand book which he will
shortly issue on Red Willow county.
Win. Mclntyre is building a feed
store , 18x32 , above Starbuek & Fran
cis' office. The feed store will be run
by Starbuek Bros.
I. J. Starbuek. this week , sold 2100
acres of land in lied Willow county ,
at an average of over $5 per acre. Des
ert land seems to be in demand.
C. II. Rogers has moved into his
new quarters , and he is nicely fixed.
His store room is commodious , and al
lows of fine display of his goods.
GL. . Laws , Esq. , last week , pre
sented his daughters with a handsome
grand square piano of the Story and
Camp make. And we arc informed
that it is a superior instrument.
J. F. Forbes went down to Alma on
Saturday , to see "Hidden Hand" per
formed by the Dramatic Club of that
place. He reports the Opera House
as being a creditable one , and the per
formance fair.
Mrs. Johnson of Chicago , who has
been visiting her sister-in-law , Mrs.
John Sanders , for some time , returned
on Friday from an extended visit to
Denver , "perfectly delighted" with the
Queen City of the Plains.
L. 0. Marble , Esq. . of Marengo ,
Iowa , was in McCook during the latter
part of last week , looking over the town
and investigating into its prospects in
the future , in the interest of a number
of Marengo families , as well as his own.
Mr. Marble has about decided to return
and locate permanently in the peerless
city , and will bring with him a number
of families who will locate here and in
this vicinity. Mr. Marble , we are in
formed , is a man of means , and will go
into business in our midst.
Doings of the Board.
At a meeting of the Board of Trus
tees , December 15th , his honor , Joseph
I , made the following appointments :
Finance Committee , Franklin and Dan
iels ; Ordinances , Laws and Franklin ;
Fire Department , Eider and Daniels :
Streets and Alleys , Franklin and Rid
er ; Health , Daniels and Laws. Our
people know to whom to go with their
grievances for redress.
The Board also held a special meet
ing , December 18th , at which they
granted the petition of Jos. Braun for
license ; and passed two ordinances ,
found elsewhere in this issue , govern
ing and regulating the licensing of
dray ? , etc. , and also of billiard tables ,
bowling alleys , etc.
I have- moved my entire stock to my
new building , just completed , where I
will be pleased to see my old customers
and show them my fine line of dry
goods , groceries , confectioneries , Christ
mas toys , etc. I have beyond a doubt
the choicest lot of fine candies ever
brought to McCook. Inspection solic-
tcd. Come and see me in my new
quarters. C. H. ROGERS.
PRO BONO PL'BLICO. The introduc
tion of pure and healthy Soda is an im
mense benefit to the public. D. B. De-
Land & Co. were the pioneers of the
movement , and they continue to be the
leading manufacturers of thsc goods
in the United States. Sold by Hayden
& McCartneys.
All persons knowing themselves to
be indebted to the Chicago Lumber
Yard will please call at our office and
settle , either in cash or note , on or be
fore January 1st , 18S4. We are clos
ing our business for the year , and must
have all open accounts balanced.
27-lt. FllKKS & HoCKXKLL.
Schaupp & Son's Grand Island flour :
"Cream , " the best in the market ;
"Fancy , " equal to any ; Straight grade ;
Graham ; Corn meal , white bolted ;
Bran ; Chop feed ; car and shelled corn.
Apple. by the peck or barrel. Pota
toes by the wagon load. Fresh pork ,
antelope and venison , at
C. K. Mt-PiiKitsoN's ,
West Dennison St. , McCook.
The Bridge is Done.
Starbuek Bros , have just started a
Flour , Feed and Farmers' Produce
Store , first door north of Starbuek &
Francis'office. . Have on hand corn-
bran chop , flour and meal. Will buy
corn , r3'c , dressed hogs and poultry.
Patronage solicited. Satisfaction guar
anteed. 21) ) 2t.
Attention , Land Attorneys.
We have in stock ' 'Cash Application"
and "Proof" blanks , under act approved
June 15 , 1880. Same arc put up in
$1 and $2 packages , ready to mail.
Send in your order to
THK TRIIJUXE , McCook , Neb.
Ilaydcn & McCartneys of McCook
and Hayden & Co. of Indianola , desire
to call the attention of their customers
to the fact that their respective store.s
will be closed on Christmas Day.
For Sale or Rent.
Store building and lot , best business
corner in McCook , Nebraska. For price
and terms , apply to Citi/.en's Bank of
McCook , or J. W. Dolan , Indianola ,
Nebraska. 2S-2t.
All persons knowing themselves to
be indebted to me will please call and
settle before January 1st , 1SS4. All
accounts must be settled by cash.
2l-2t. ) J. B. BERCEIU
A Girl Wanted.
A girl wanted to do general house
work. Apply at CITIZENS BANK.
The gentleman who is to take charge
of the butcher shop in West McCook ,
and family , have arrived in town.
Providing for and Regulating License of
Omnibuses , Carriages , Drays , Wagons ,
and other Vehicles.
BE IT OitUAiNKD , By the Chairman and
Rourtl of Trustees of the Village of McCook ,
Nebraska :
Section 1. That no person or persons shall
lire out or keep or use for hire or cause to be
.copt or used for hire in the transportation of
persons , goods , wares , merchandise , or other
articles of property , within this Village , any
Dmnihus , Carriage , Dray , Wagon , or other Ve-
liicle , cither on wheels or on runners , without
a license for that purpose lirtt obtained as
hereinafter provided.
See. - . Every person wishing to procure a
license for the purpose mentioned infection j
one of this ordinance shall make application
to the Village Clerk for a license therefor , and
the Village Clerk is hereby authorised to issue
such license upon the payment by Mich appli
cant , to said clerk , the sum of seven dollars
and lifty cents ( 7.50) for each vehicle to bo
used , which shall be in full payment lor such
license for the term of six months , ami the
Village Clerk shall keep a record of the name
of the person to whom such license is it-sued ,
the dates of issuing and of expiration of thu
license , and also the number of the vehicle de
scribed therein , and such license shall not bu
transferred , except by consent of the Village
Hoard of Trustees.
Sec. :5. : Every person licensed as aforesaid
shall forthwith cause the number oi his li
cense , or vehicle , to be placed in a plain and
conspicuous manner in oil paint , or on metal ,
in letters and lluiirt-s. not less than two inches
in length , on the outside of the near shaft or
side of hi ? omnibus , carriage , dray , wagon , or
other vehicle.
Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any driver
or person having charge of any vehicl'- . licens
ed as aforesaid , to drive upon any sidewalk or
anv crosswalk to injure the same or to ob
struct or hinder the travel in any street within
the village , except such time us may be neces
sary for loading or unloading. Whi.c waiting
for emplovmcnt such vehicle shall occupy the
sides of the streets out of the way ot ordinary
street travel.
Sec. 5. The following rates may be charged
for the use of any licensed dray , truck or ex
press wagon : For carrying each load of from
one thousand pounds to two thousand pounds
avoirdupois weight , or any full load of bulky
articles of less weight , a sum not exceeding
lltty cents , for carrying any article , package-
on load , less than one thousand pound.- : \ \ \
weight , a sum not exceeding twenty-nve cents.
Sot.0. . Wagons or other Vehicles , kept or
n ed by merchants , mechanics or other.-- , for
the free delivery of articles or good : * sold by
them , or kept by public houses for the fre <
accommodation of their guests and team >
used only for hauling earth , shall not be in
cluded within the provisions of this ordinance- .
Sec. 7. Any p erson who shall violate any ot
the provisions of this ordinance shall be lined
in a sum not less thun five dollars ro
than nfty dollars , in the discretion of the-
court , together with all costs of prosecution ,
and shall stand committed to the jail of the
county until such nno and costs are paid.
Sec. P. This ordinance shall take effect and
bo in force from and after its pa-sage , approv
al and publication according to law.
Passed and approved this IPtli dny of Decem
ber. 15P3. J. E.
Attest : Chairman
T. M. KIMMELL , Clerk.