McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, December 20, 1883, Image 5

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RAT PORTAGE , Manitoba , was alinosl
entirely dcstroped by fire OH Monday.
IT is reported that Tennyson's title
be ' 'Baron Tennyson Deyncourt of
Aldworth. "
Now is your time to come west ,
young man. You can soon get a free
ride from New York to Omaha with a
chromo thrown in.
CHICAGO'3 pole was the longest , and
consequently knocked the persimmons
the place where the next National
Republican Convention will be held.
THE 400th anniversary of the birth
of the Protestant reformer of Switzer
land , Ulrich Zwinglc , occurs January
1. The Swiss propose to make a great
celebration upon this occasion.
MINNESOTA sends to Congress , this
year , the first Scandinavian ever elected
to the National Legislature. His name
is Knute Nelson , and he represents a
race of men who are gaining promi
nence in the politics of the northwest.
sas , died on Sunday afternoon at his
rooms at Washington. He was an ar
dent protectionists , and to his indefati
gable labors with the correction of tar
iff legislation is largely attributed the
ill health which ended in his death.
"IN view of the recent lynching of
five men in the northern part of the
state , I ani moved to remark that horse
stealing has not been practiced as a
profession in my district for several
years. The only hanging by a mob
within my jurisdiction had for its vic
tims a couple of suits of old clothes
stuffed with straw. " Gaslin.
PEOPLE who imagine that they will
be able to get along very comfortably ,
this winter , without furs and overcoats
may discover- before spring that they
are a little off their reckoning. Yennor
makes the comforting announcement
that { ' 3Iarch and April will probably
give us the cold and snow lacking
through the first half of the winter. "
A DISPATCH from Wasliington , D.C. ,
from Governor Dawes atsd transmitted
to Licut.Gov. Agcc , at Aurora , author
izing a rcpreive of thirty days for Geo.
Hart , whose execution was to have
taken place at Grand Island , Friday , the
21st inst. Some evidence bearing on
the case strongly in Hart's favor has
been discovered , hence the stay of exe
cution until the additional facts relat-
ng thereto can be presented.
PROHIBITION does prohibit some
times , as witness the result of the Dis
trict Court in Pottawatomie county ,
Kansas : Judge Martin has just ad
journed the District Court of that coun
ty , which , during its two week's session ,
lias tried 12 saloon keepers on 70 counts ,
for violation of the prohibitory law , re
sulting in conviction in each case. To
tal in fines , $7,000 , with costs aggre
gating § 3,000 , and 00 days imprison
ment , against each of the 12 men.
SENATOR. INGALLS , of Kansas , De
cember Gtb , introduced a bill in the
Senate to repeal both pre-emption and
timber-culture laws. Ingall's influence
in the Western delegations , where lie
has been recognized as a leader , with
' the combined efforts of Eastern men ,
who have never favored them very
much , together with favorable reports
from government land offieeis at the
capital , lead us to believe that sufficient
pressure will be brought to Lear to re
peal these laws , and in view of these
probabilities , all those who have not
exercised their rights by virtue of these
acts , would do well to avail themselves
ef the same at any early date , as the
opinion is generally prevalent that the
pre-emption and timber-culture laws will
be repealed at this session of Congress.
TIIK new comet looks somewlm
like a red-headed dude in a bob-tai
THE now bill poster in Crete is so
corpulent , that in putting the paper
on the wall to get close enough he
had to cut a hole in the wall to let his
bay window through.
A ST. Louis jury recently decided
that a cyclone is wind not electricity.
The verdict was ren-lered in a suit
for damages by a young man who
hid been thrown clown and injured
by a St. Lcuis girl's kiss.
MATTHKW ARNOLD is described asa
"terror' ' in conversation
a , continually
bringing his interlocutor up with a
jerk to inquire , "Aw , well , now , ex
actly what do you mean by that term ?
Precisely how is that word under
stood in America V" and other inter
rogations equally maddening.
THE Boston girl goes into a music
store and asks for "saccharine speci
mens of the genus viola order viola-
caa , perennial herbaceous plants ,
acaulescent or caulescent , peduncles
angular , solitary. " And the clerk
wants to know it Fritz Emmet wrote
it , and she faints. Chicago Times.
Tnou hast nil seasons for thine own
O roller skates. Like the shadow o
a summer's cloud thou driftest away
into space , and leavest us standing
on our devoted head , or any other
place not occupied by one of thy de
votees. Thou knowest our down sit
tings and our up risings , and all o
our weak and tender spots. In the
rumbling of thy wheels there is no
apparent guile , but thy dissemblings
aie varied , voiceless and numerous.
When we reach for thee thou are not
there , but hast climbed the inner pan
taloons like unto the Celtic flea , anc
we wouldst not. Thou art a quavei
and a double semi-quaver , all in one
heap , and the novice who thinks he
has the on the hip reckst not of his
own underpinning. Thou glidest into
the battle like a sucking dove , but in
variably cometh out on top. Sweet
contentment dwelleth in thy springs ,
and all thy movements are graceful.
To ride on thy curveting wings seems
as easy as the falling elF a log , but to
n man who wears an acre of porous
plaster on his shins and other places
too numerous to mention , thou art a
delusion and a double barreled snare.
\Ve wet not of thee nor thy kind , not
much , Mary Ann ! [ Ex.
Dne Thousand Bottles of Marsh's Golden
den Blood and Liver Tonic
to be Given Away.
Everybody in MoCook , who is suffer-
ng from Scrofula , Chronio Rheuma
tism , Jaundice , Biliousness , Dyspepsia ,
Jostiveness , Headache , Loss of Appe-
ite , Backache , Female Weakness , Ncr-
: ous Derangement , General Debility ,
> r any Blood , Liver , Kidney , Stomach
ir Bowel disorder can obtain a trial
JIVEII TONIC , free of charge , by calling
.b S. L. Green's drug store , McCook.
Persons who have tried this valuable
ucdL'inc can procure the large bottles
, t 50 cents and $1. It purifies the
Jlood , invigorates the Liver , Stomach
nd Bowels , regulates the Kidneys , and
trcngthens the system.
For all diseases of the Throat and
lie great cough remedy. Sample bot-
Ic free.
All monies due the TRIBUNE forsub-
cription come by the terms of the sale to
ic. Parties who know themselves to be in
rrears for subscription will be warmly
cceivcd at any time , if they come cash
11 hand. F. M , & K. M. KIMMELL.
We will continue to send the TRIU
NE to all persons whose names appear
n Mr. Israel's subscription list. If
liere be anyone who desires to discon-
inue the paper , he will notify us at
nee , otherwise he will be held liable
or the paper sent to his address.
Regulating the Licensing of Bowling Alley
Billiard Halls , etc.
BE IT OHDAISKIJ , By the Chairman am
Board of Trustees of the Village of MeCook :
Section 1. That no person or persons , his or
their agents , or servant , shall hereafter open
keep , run or use , any bowling alley or liillnm
hull , or other room , in which . hall lie used anj
billiard table , pool table , pigeon hole table or
gaming table of any kind , within the limits ol
this village , lor profit , hires or gain , without a
license I'or keeping , running or using the
( same , obtr.iacd ab licroinnltcr provided.
See. 2. All applications lor license under
this ordinance shall bo by petition in writing
to the Chairman and Hoard of Trustees of this
Village , staring the name of the person or per
sons applj iug for the same , and describing tlio
proposed plnco of business , and the applicant
shall at the same time tile in the ollice ot the
Village Clerk his bond to the Village in the
penal sum of Five Hundred Dollars with sulli-
eicnt sureties to be approved by the Bonn ! of
Trustees and conditioned that he or they will
keep an oidcrly house and will not permit any
unlawful gaming , driinkennc , quarreling , or
other disorderly conduct therein , or in any
iircmises connected therewith or thereunto
belonging , nor permit or miller any minor ,
under the age of eighteen years , or appren
tice , to play therein , on any billiard , pool or
nigeon hole table or any other gaming table
In or about such premises , or to be or remain
in or upon the premises without a written per
mit from tiie parent guardian , master or mis
tress of such minor or apprentice. If such
application be granted and such bond approv
ed , the applicant or applicants , shall pay into
the Village Treasury the sum of twenty-live
dollars for each bowling alley , and the sum of
ten dollars for each billiard , pool , pigeon hole
or other table kept , run or used as specified in
section one of this ordinance , and upon the
ircsontation of the Village Treasurer's receipt
for the sum or sums required as aforesaid , the
Village Clerk shall issue a license to such ap-
: dicant or applicants according to the prayer
of petition , granted for the term of one year.
See. 3. Any license so granted may be re
voked by the Village Board of Trustees when
ever it shall appear to said Board of Trustees
hat the person or persons having such license
lave violated any of the provisions of this
Sec. 4. Any person who shall violate any of
he provisions of this ordinance shall on con
viction thereof be lined in any sum not less
htm live nor more than one hundred dollars
or each and every offense , and shall be com
mitted to the county jail of the county until
such ilnc and costs are paid.
. See. 5 , This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from anil after its passage , approv-
il and publication in the McCooic TKIIIUN'E.
Passed and approved this 18th day of Decem
ber , 1883. J. E. BBliOEit ,
Attest : Chairman.
F. M. KIMMELL , Clerk.
TJ. S. LAND OFFICE , McCooK , NED. , |
DECEMDEK 17th , 1S83. f
Complaint hUving been entered at this office
byJolm L. Sollcrs against Jacob Zingre for
failure to comply with law as to timber-cul
ture entry 5W5 , dated North Platte , Neb. , April
15,187 ! ) , upon the southwest quarter section 13 ,
township 1 north , range20 west , in Ued Willow
jounty. Neb. , with a view to the cancellation
if said entry : contestant alleging that Jacob
Singre has failed to plow or cultivate any part
) f said tract from April 15 , 1883 , to April ] . > ,
1883 , and to this date , and that lie has
ibandoned said claim ; the said parties are
icreby summoned to appear at this ollice on
he 10th day of January , 1884 , at 1 o'clock. P.
H. , to respond and furnish testimony concern-
ng said alleged failure.
20-4t. G. L. LAWS. Kcgister.
DECEMHEU 17th. 1883. f
Complaint having been entered at this office
ly Thomas Bennett against Oregon Washburn
'or failure to comply with law as to timber-
( ulture entry 760 , dated North Platte , Neb. ,
he cancellation of said entry ; contestant al
eging that Oregon Washburn has failed to
lultivate , or to plant to trees , seeds or cut-
ings , any part of said tract at any time since
uaking said entry ; the said parties are here-
ly summoned to appear at this oflicc on the
6th day of January , 1884 , nt 10 o'clock , A. M. ,
o respond and furnish testimony concerning
aid iillcgud failure.
20-41. G. L. LAWS. Kcgister.
DECEMIIEH 18th , 1883. j
Complaint having been entered at this office
> y JohnC. KuEKclj against George K. Ne'son
or abandoning his homestead entry 21GO , da-
cd North Platte , Neb. , April 10th , 1880 , upon
lie south 1A northwest lj and west V south-
rest ? i section 13 , township 2 north , range 30
est , in Hed Willow county. Neb. , with a view
: > the cancellation of said entry : the said par
ies are hereov summoned to appear at this
Ilice on the 24th day of January , 18S4 , at 0
'clock , A. 31. , to respond and furnish testi-
lony concerning said alleged abandonment.
29-lt. G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
U. S. Land Oilice , McCook , Neb. ,
December 14th , 1S83.
Complaint having been entered at this office
y William Fruin against Herman Thale for
liluro to comply with law as to timber-cul-
ire entry 154o , dated North Platte , Neb. , May
\ , 1880 , upon the northeast quarter section 22.
nvnshin 3 north , range 150 west , in Hed Willow
junty. Neb. , with a view to the cancellation
f said entry ; contestant alleging that said
Bfendaut , Herman Thale , has failed to culti-
ute or cause to be cultivated any portion of
lid tract of land since making said entry as
jquired by law. and has failed to plant or
lusc to be planted to trees , seeds or cuttings ,
ny part of said tract of land since making
ud entry as required by law ; the said parties
re hereby summoned to appear at this office
u the 22nd day of January , 1t > 84. at 10 o'clock ,
. M. , to respond and furnish testimony con-
? rning said alleged failure.
Wt. G. L. LAWS. Register.
U. S. Land Office. McCook , Neb. ,
December 18th. 1883
Complaint having been entered at this office
v Kothcs S.Hilemun against George W.Pimp-
ins , for failure to comply with law as to tim-
Br-culturo entry 1308 , dated North Platte.
eb. . February 20,1S80 , upon the northwest
uarter section 24 , township 2 uon h. range 3t (
est. in Ked Willow county. Neb. , with a view
> the cancellation of said entry ; contestant
leging that George W. Simpkins failed to
reak , cultivate , or to plant to trees , seeds or
attings. any part of casd tract during the year
iding February 20,18S5. or caused the same
> be done ; that he has failed to plant to trees ,
eds or cuttings , any part of said tract at any
me ; the parties are hereby summoned
> appear at this office on the 25th day of Jun-
ary. 18S4. at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and
irnish testimony concerning said alleged
illure. 284t. G. L. LAWS , Kcgister.
U. 8. LANII Omt'K , McCoiiK , NKIL , I
Complaint having buen entered at this oflicc
hy Francis M. Kimmnicll against William A.
Wallin for failure to comply with law as to
timber-culture entry 101(5 ( , dated North Platte ,
Neb. , October 1st , 187' ' . upon the southwest
quarter section 3. township 3 , north , range 20 ,
west , in Hed Willow county. Neb. , with a view
to the cancellation of said entry ; contestant
alleging that said William A. Wallin has failed
to break the second live acres required to be
broken from October 1st , 18N5 , to Octobc-rlst ,
18H1 ; that he has failed to cultivate .1 acres or
any part of said tract from October lt , JH 1 ,
to Octol o1st , 1SN3 , or at miv time ; that ho has
failed to plant to trees , seeds or cuttings live
acres or any part of said tract at any time
since making said entry ; the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this office on
the 5th day of January. 1884 , at 10 o'clock , A.
M. , to respond and furnish testimony concern
ing said alleged failure. G. L. LAWS.
2S-U. Hegister ,
U. S. LAND OKKH-E , McCnoK. NEIL , \
Complaint having been entered at tills ofllcn
by Walter Iv. Forsey against Benjamin Clark
for failnie to comply with law tu to timber-
culture entry flltt , dated North I'Intto. Neb. ,
March 2 ! > , IS7S ) , upon the southwest quarter
section 4 , township 2 north , range 30 west , in
Ued Willow county. Neb. , with a view to the
cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleging
that said Benjamin Clark has failed to break
the second 5 acres of said tract from March 2l ! ,
1880. to March Si , 1881 ; that he has failed to
cultivate 5 acrosor any part of said tract from
March 2 ! , 1881. to March 2i. ! ISM , and to this
late ; that he has failed to plant to trees , seeds
or cuttings any part of said tract at any time ;
the said parties are hereby summoned to ap-
icar at this office on the 18th day of .January ,
884 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and Inr
ush testimony concerning said alleged failure.
28-4t. G. L. LAWS , Hegister.
Dr.CEMiunt 10th. IKS : ; . V
Complaint having been entered at this office
> y John S. Modrell against Klisha Pendell for
allure to comply with law as to timber-culture
entry 570 , dated North Platte , Neb. , April 17 ,
870 , upon the southeast quarter section 20 ,
ownshlp 4 north , range SI wet , in Hed Willow
county. Neb. , with a view to the cancellation
if said entry ; contestant alleging that said
: iislm Pendell has failed to break f aeies since
naklng said entry in the year 1870 up to the
ircbent time ; that he has failed to cultivate
ho second 5 acres since April 17,1882. that said
and is abandoned and grown up to weeds and
jrass ; the said parties are hereby summoned
o appear at this ollice on theSidday of Jan-
mry , 1884 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and
urnlsh testimony concerning said alleged
ailure. 28-4t. G. L. LAWS , Hegister.
U. S. Land Office. McCook. Neb. , I
December 5th. 1883. f
Complaint having been entered at this office
jy William Akers against William Hichardsim
tornbandoning his Homestead Entry 1370 , da-
: ed at North Platte , Neb. , J uly 3. 1870 , upon
he northeast H section 30 , township 2 north ,
imge27west , in Hed Willow county. Neb. ,
vith a view to the cancellation of said entry ;
he said parties are hereby summoned to ap-
> ear at this Ollice on the Itith day of .Taiumrv.
884 , at 2 o'clock , P.M. , to respond and furnish
cstimony concerning said alleged abaudon-
m-iit. 27-lt. G. L. LAWS , Hegister.
XOVIUIUKK 29 , 188.1. f
Complaint having been i-ntcrrrl at tlii.s otttcc 1 > y
'etur lioylc npainst Jolin M. Hood for fullun : to com-
> ly with lavas to timber-culture entry 1IIB6 , dated
t Xortli 1'lattp , Xeli. , October n.1379 , upon the
rest H northwest \i nml west Ys southwest * i sec-
ion 2. tuwn.slilp 3 north , nin e 3d ws-t. in IJi-d Wll
aw couuty , Xeh. . with n view to tin : iaiicellatlon of
aid entry : contestant alleging Unit s.ild Hood has
ailed to break the second 5 acre1 * during the years
SS2 and 18S3 and up to present dite : that he failed
i > cultivate the flnt 5 acres from October 6. IbSO , to
he present time ; that he has failed to plant the
lime to trees , seeds or cuttlnps since making Mid
ntry ; the mild parties are hereby summoned to ap-
car at-thU office on the 5th day of January , 1HSJ ,
t 10 o'clock , A. il. , to respond nml furnish tctftlmo-
y concerning slid alleged failure.
27-4t. G. L. LAWS , nesl-tcr.
U. S. LAND OFFICE. McCooic. NEIL , i
November 23rd , 1883. f
Complaint having been entered at this office
y Francis M. Kimmcll against William A.
Tallin for abandoning his homestead entry
M6 , dated at North Platte , Neb. , June 23 , J87'J ,
pan the northwest quarter section 10 , town-
I ip3 , north , range S west , in Hed Willow
Dtinty , Nebraska , with a view to the canccl-
ition of said entry ; the said parties are here-
y summoned to appear at this office on the
th day of January , 1884 , nt 0 o'clock , A. M. . to
2spond and furnish testimony concerning
lid alleged abandonment.
2G-4t. G. L. LAWS , Hegister.
DECOIHEU 14th , 1883. f
Complaint having been entered at this office t
y Alfred B. Fuller against Daniel Grimm for >
tiliiro to comply with law as to timbcr-cul-
iru entry OCO. dated North Platte. Neb. , Au-
ust 23,1879 , upon the northwest quarter see-
on 19 , township 2 north , range 2 west , in
ed Willow county. Neb. , with a view to the
mediation of said entry ; contestant alleging
mt said Daniel Grimm has failed to break , a
low or cultivate , or to idant to trees , any ti
irt of said land bince making said entry : the J
lid parties are hereby summoned to appear
: this office on the 28th day of January , 1884.
; 1 o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish tes-
mony concerning said alleged failure.
29-it. G. L. LAWS , Hegister.
DECEMBER 14th. 1883. f
Complaint having been entered at this office
f William P. Burns against Samuel Fisher
ir failure to comply with law as to timber-
ilture entry llfO , dated North Platte , Neb. ,
Btober IS , 1870 , upon the northwest quarter
iction 20. township 2 north , range 2S we > t , in
ud Willow county. Neb. , with a view to the
mediation of said entry : conte.-tant allcg-
g that said Samuel Fisher lias failed to break
cultivate any of said land and has not
tempted to plant timber thereon ; the said
irties are hereby summoned to appear at
n's office on the2Sth day of Januao1884 , at
u'elcck , P. AL , to respond and furnish testi-
ony concerning said alleged failure.
ISHt. G. L. LAWS , Hegister.
U. S. Lund Office , McCook. Neb. ,
December Ibth , 1883.
Complaint having been entered at this office
-Petc-rMuntz against Ira Crandel for aban-
ming his homestead entry IGSi , dated at
orth Platte , Nefe. , October 30 , 1870. upon the
> rtheast quarter section 13 , township 3 north ,
.nge 2 west , in Kcd Willow county. Neb. ,
ith a view to the cancellation of said entry ;
e said parties are hereby summoned to ap-
? ar at this office on the 25th day ot January ,
SI , at 10 o'clock , A. M. . to respond and fur-
sh testimony concerning said alleged aban-
minent. 20-it. G. L. LAWS , Hegister.
U. S. Land Office. McCook. Neb. ,
December 10th. 18K1.
Complaint Laving been entered at thisoffico
Charles Tihlutrmerer against Ludwig Bohl-
an for abandoning his homestead entry 2400 ,
ited North Platte. Neb. . June 3d. 18M ) . upon
c southeast quarter section 17. township 2
irth , range 23 west , in Hed Willow county.
At. , with a view to the cancellation of
itry ; the said parties are hereby summoned es
appear at this office on the 21st day of Jannl '
iry. 1884 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. . to re. pond and ' bi
rnish testimony concerning tairt aJeged ) j le
nndomnent. G.L.LAWS. ' pi
KegUter. h
U. 8. LAND Or r icr , McCooK. I
IM : I.
Complaint 1m v Ing been entered nt thin olllce by
O. Lloyd Clark ngalnit Ii-nac X. Vonut for failure
to comply with law ni > totlmber-rulture entry li > 7B.
dm M ! at Xorth 1'latte , Xeh. , October 7 , 1879. upon
the Mouth i-a > , t quarter section 2 * . townHlilp2 , north.
nuiKc S went. In Hod Wlllnw county. Neb. , with u
view to the cjnccllution uf aM entry : cuntc. ! nnt.
alleglnx that nald Voiiut han entirely failed to break ,
or caused to lie broken any land , or set out any "
IIITUII fald cbilm whatexer : the Diild partlcf an
hrreby Hiinmioned to appear at tills ollice ou the 4tla
day of January , 1M 1 , at 1 o'clock. P. M. . to respond
and furniMi testimony concerning e.ildulliwd raltiuc.
2C-Jt. ( ! L. LAWS , KeglMcr.
U. t > . Land ( Itllee. McCook , Neb. , I
Nut ember 32nd. IHS3. f
Complaint hating been entered nt thli ntllec by
Erneit Kiillcr nxdn t .lame * O. Ward fur failure ti *
comply whh law as to timber-culture entry Ili8l : ,
dated nt North J'liille , Neb. . October S. 1H7U , upon
the wc-t H uurthwect H ami went } < j Mtuihtvivt K
sect Ion : i. tounxblp 2 , north , rnngrUS went. In I'nl
Willow county. Neb. , wllhn \ lew In the cancellation
of D.ild entry ; contestant alleging that Mild Ward
ban not broken ground nor In any way cultivated any
pnit i > f s.ild claim during the year IsS'J mid l S ? .
mil xald claim Is wholly abandoned , the said panic *
ire hereby riinmioned to appear at thin ! llcc on Hit :
4th day of January. lfS4. nt 1 o'clock , I * . M. . to rc-
fponil and ftunlih temimuny concerning cnlil alleged
falluie. 2fi-4t. G. L. LAWS. UegUter.
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , Nov. 7. 18KJ.
Notice is hereby given that the following
mined settler has tiled notice of his intention
o make llnnl proof in support of his claim.
md that said proof will be made before Kc is-
: er and Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satur-
lay. December 23 , 1 83 , viz : John Farley.
UeCook , Neb. , 1) . S. 2KM. for the south ' 2 north
: ast J.i and north ii south east } , $ . section 2.1.
oviiMhipJt , north , range 30 west. He name' *
he following witnesses to prove his continu-
lus residence upon , and cultivation of. said
and. viz . John McCotler , James McCotler , .
iVilHain McManigaU Anthony Cliff , all of Me-
Jook , Neb. G. L. LAWS.
24-Ot. Kegister.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , Nov. 20. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that the following
mined settler has filed notice of his intention
0 make llnal proof In support of his claim ,
: iid that said proof will lie made before Hejris-
er or Hcceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday.
Iceemlier 28th , 18K { , viz : Heubeii H. Trow-
iridge , homestead IIKJC , for the north-east 2-i
cction 10 , township 3. north of range 2U west.
ie names the following witnes.-c > to pr'ux-
is continuous residence upon , and cultiva-
ion of , said land , viz : John Farley , William
IcManigal. Edward H. McCormick , S. II. Col- ' '
in. all of McCook , Neb.
iVOt. G. L. LAWS , Hegister.
Land Office. McCook , Neb. , Nov. 27. 188" { .
Notice is hereby given that the following
amed settler has llled notice of his intention
y make tinal proof in support of his chum.
nd that said proof will be made before Heg-
iter or Heceiver at McCook. Neb. , on Monday ,
finuary 7 , 1883. viz : JohnM. Ferguson. 1 > . S.
145 for the south east l ± section 7 , township 2 ,
orth , range 20 west. He names the following
'itnesses to prove his continuous rei-idenci-
pen , and cultivation of , t-aid hind , viz : Sam
el L. Gre < ; n , Joseph E. Berger. Wesley M.
undersoil and Frank P. Allen , all of McCook.
eb. 26M5t. G. L. LAWS , Hegister.
Land Office , McCook , Neb. , Nov. : > 0. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that the following
limed settler has filed notice of his intention
1 make Unit ! proof in support of his claim ,
id that said proof will be made before Heg-
ter or Hcceiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday , .
inuary 11. 1883. viz : Allen A. Phillippi.
the southwest * north-
Hiicstcud 1367. for j -
cst H and lot 4 section 2 and southeast1 !
Drthcust ? i and lot 1 section 3 , township i
jrth , range SI west. He names the follow-
: gwituest-es to prove his continuous resi-
Mice upon , and cultivation of. mid land , viz :
enry H. Pickens , John Eaton , Harmon Ea-
m and Nathaniel L. Meyers , all of McCook.
eb. 27-Ut. G. L. LAWS. Hegi.-rer.
L.VNU OFFICE AT McCooic , NEB. , >
DKCEMBKH 13th. 1883. f
Notice i hereby given that the following-
lined settler lias filed notice of his intention
make llnal proof in support of his claim ,
id that said proof will be made before Hegis-
r or Hcceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
inuary 25th. 1884. viz : Carl Willert , D. S.
, for the southwest ? section 15. township 2.
> rth , ranges' , west. He nani'-s the following
itnesses to prove his continuous residence
> on , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Nu-
aniel Myers , George Hoper and AJcxnndei-
ihnson. of McCook. Neb. , and Deatrick Blake.
Valley Grange , Neb. G. L. LAWS.
SWtt. Hegibter.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , )
December 14th , SSKJ. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
imed settler has tiled notice of his intention
maketlnal proof in support .f his claim.
id that said proof will be nmd * * before L.
cstgute. Clerk District Court of Frontier
unty , at Stockviliy. Neb. , on Saturday , Jan-
iry 20 , 1 4. \ iz : John Miller , for the heirs
Hosa Clark , decca > ed , homestead C2j. for the ;
uthwest H section ' . 'J. township 8. range I >
: st. He names the following v.-itnetr-e.-
eve his continuous residence upon , and cul-
nition ot. said land , viz : John W. Crosby.
W. Warner and Alexander Neguj. of Laird.
; li. , and Lewis West , of Stockville. Neb.
"J-Ct. G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
DKCEMKEU 12th , 1 8X1. f
Notice is hrreliy given that the following-
ined settler hits Hied notice of his intentioir
uiixke llnal proof in support ot his clainC
id that said proof will be made before Heg-
: er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday.
irch 4. 1884 , viz : Perry Jones. D. S. 21H ? .
r the southwest M northeast and . iuth-
st J northwest f * section 1) . township 2 ,
irth. range 28 , west. He names the follow-
p witnesses to prove his continuous resi-
nce upon , and t-ultix-ation of , said land , viz :
ibert Bond. John E. Furr and Willfam O.
md. of Bondville. Neb. , and Samuel Stock-
n. of Indianola , Neb. G. L. LAWS.
TAKEN Up. s .
ly the undersigned , at lis ! reii > pce south-
st of > 4cCook , south ? ide ot Kopu !
out Oct. 1st. a 3-year old heifer , roan
unded on right side H and i-quare *
't ear. Owner can have -ainc bv proving-
nperty. nd paying charges and publication
; . 2S-5t. ALLEN A.