McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, December 20, 1883, Image 2

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F. M. A K. M. KlMMELt , Pubi.
McCOOK , : : : : NEB
Blair Republican : The thirteen-
year-old boy of John Lacrone , of Richmond
Precinct , mot with a severe mishap. The
horse upon which ho was herding cattle got
frightened , ran away with him and finally
g ot fast in a wlro fence. The boy held to
is horse , but In the struggle the barbs of
the wire sawed across his ankle above the
d hoe-top , severing a leader and cutting to
the bone , but notwithstanding the ugly
wound the plucky lad stuck to his horse
a fter ho WON thrown off , until help came to
Is relief.
Some fiend killed Chris. Gutschow's
best horse , in the stable at Blair , by run-
ng a kinfe or some other sharp instniment
nto the animal's breast. The horse was a
ry valuable one
Ainsworth now has tro banks.
Holdridgo Nuggett : The first con-
gration in the history of our city took
lace on Friday and burned to the ground a
cnt owned by one ef the parties grading for
ho railroad company. The cause of the
ames was a little child playing with the
tove and a small stick which fell upon the
groufld sctt'ng the grass on fire , and before
it could bo extinguished , the whole thing
was in flames. Quito a pile of hay was destroyed -
stroyed and considerable of | the bedclothes.
The Y. M. C. A. association of
Omaha have a movement on foot for putting
up a fine building next spring. A subdi
scription list has been started and many
liberal donations secured.
The residence of Lewis Dennis , two
and a half miles northeast of Norris , Cedar
county , caught fire and burned to the
ground. About the only articles saved were
fifty yards of rag carpet and a sewing mahi
chine. Besides his house and furnitures
about 5300 in currency was in one of the
rooms and went along with the other losses.
The total damage foots up between $700 and
There are promising prospects for
ho establishment of a normal school In
The Nebraska town now without a
skating rink is not up to the times.
Frank Pierce skated off with a So
prize by going around the .rink at Hastings
quicker than his five competitors.
The Young Men's Christian associa
tion of Hastings give indications of healthy
Surveyors of the Hardy and Beloit
railroad have reached the former place.
The new town of Hartington , Cedar
county , is assuming important proportions
at a rapid rate.
If the corn crop is not secured in
good shape it will not be the fault of the
A Lincoln Omaha Herald special
says that "Wm. Marshall , a youngmaneight-
een years of age , working on the Union Pa
cific extension , attempted to get upon a
moving freight train , and fell with his left
arm under the wheels. It was found neces
sary to amputate the arm just above the el
The Cedar county bank at Helena ,
was put on wheels and taken toNeligh , An
telope county-
Hastings proposes at no distant day
to light with gas. A proposition to put in
the works is before them for consideration.
Ponca Journal : Mr. 11. H. Knapp
states that during the past summer he has
made in his creamery at this place upwards
of 90,000 pounds of butter , which he sold
for $20,000. Ho has paid the farmers of
Dixon county $15,000.
Lincoln Journal : The grand army
boys of Farragut Post , about thirty strong ,
with many of their wives , went out to Com
rade Watson's farm , near Cheney , yester
day morning , and before four o'clock in the
afternoon had husked and cribbed thirty-
two acres of corn , and assisted in building
cribs to contain it. The boys returned to
the city in the evening , and said they had a
glorious time. They were assisted in their
labors by many of Mr. "SVateon's neighbors.
Fremont Herald : On Sunday , Dot3l
' W
lef Stegelman , living near Scribner , while
out hunting with a party of friends , at
tempted to pull a shotgun out of the hind
end of the wagon , when it was discharged
by the trigger catching , and the entire ago
charge of shot was empted into his right cal
arm , mutilating it in a shocking manner.
Niobrara special to the Omaha Republican -
publican : The vigilantes , who arc engaged
in running down horse thieves in the Nio-
brara valley , captured a man here named
Frank Clive , who they claimed is numbered
among the transgressors. He will be taken
to Onprel and turned over to the authori- .
tics , together with twelye others who have
been taken recently.
Harvard Journal : Last Tuesday we tal
had the pleasure of a short conversation
with Mr. Egan , late Irish treasurer of the
land league , who was here for the purpose - j
pose of looking over the ground with a view
to building an elevator aud starting in the J
' and
grain trade. Mr. Egaii has been engaged
in the grain and milling business for many
years In Dublin , Ireland , and owns a largo
interest in mill property there at present the
He expressed the opinion that ho would go El
into business at this place as soon as proper to
arrangements could be made. un
It is proposed to connect Cedar Rap- the
Is and Albion bv tpl nhono. ,
t .
A land grabber The gopher. and
The authorities of Now York forbade
the Salvation Army parading the streets.
The final decree has been entered in
the chancery court of Nashville by'which
$800,000 assets of the Bank of the State of
Tennessee are to be distributed to notehold
ers. Half a million of dollars of outstandIng -
Ing notes of this bank issued during the war
are to bo funded and made receivable for
Connellsville ( Pa. ) roughs stoned
Mrs. Langtry's car as it passed through
that place. Nobody was Injured.
Five mounted men raided the town o :
BIsbee , Arizona , and killed J. C. Tappiner ,
J. A. Nolley and D. A. Smith , and wound
ed ( Mrs. Roberta. They then robbed Cas-
tenda's store of $1,200. The men are be
lieved to be the same who robbed the South
ern Pacific train at Gage station November
17th. The robbers fled in the direction of
A meeting of the barbed wire fence
manufacturers of the country , for the purpose -
pose ' of securing a reduction in the royalties
charged by Washburn & Moon , patentees ,
was held at Chicago on the llth , but as the
representative of the patentees was not
present ' , an adjournment was taken till next
Two car-loads of provisions have
been forwarded ! to the poor of Labrador
from Quebec.
The case of ex-Senator Kellogg , in
dicted for connection with the star routers ,
goes over to the next term.
Trevelyn Ridout , a well-known bar-
rister of Toronto , mysteriously disappeared
two months ago. On the llth his body was
found in High Park with a revolver in his
hand. : It is supposed his rejected suit
by a young lady unhinged his mind.
Senator Anthony , accompanied by
his physician , visited thocapitol on the llth.
He required the assistance of friendly arms
to reach the elevator , and passing thence to
the senate chamber. His appearance , how
ever , is more encouraging to his friends
than the published accounts of the press led
them to expect.
Small-pox is prevalent in some
portions of Illinois.
John "W. Garrett has been unanou
imously elected president of the Baltimore
& Ohio railroad for the twenty-sixth cousec-
ujive term. in
Reports having been telegraphed
abroad that many cattle in Douglas , Jeffer
son and adjoining Icountic.s of Kansas were
dying with some contagious diseases , per
haps pleuro-pneumonia , the Kansas City
Livestock Indicator has investigated the
matter , and says that the report is un
A passenger train on the Texas and
St. Louis railroad was wrecked on the llth
near Gilmer , and a number of people were
badly hurt.
The rumor that Glaus Spreckels has
cornered the entire Hawaiian sugar crop i.s
confirmed. It is estimated that he holds
80,000,000 pounds , being sufficient to enable
him to control the sugar trade on the Pacific
One of the largest cattle sales on rec
ord was consummated at Denver on the
12th. D. H. and J. W. Snyder & Co.
bought of Snyder Bros. , of Georgetown ,
over 29,000 head of cattle and 400 horses , in
consideration of $600,000 in cash. The for
mer firm now own nearly 54,000 head of
cattle and 1,000 horses. During the present
year about 13,000 calves were branded in Pi
both herds.
Unknown parties entered the Jewish ano :
synagogue at Clinton and Judd streets , Chicago
cage , and destroyed the interior ornamentaRe
tions and wrenched off the gas fixtures , <
tore the gowns and curtains and utterly
wrecked the funiiture. The cause for the
vandalism is unknown , but is ascribed to
irresponsible persons. til
The treasury department on the 12th
purchased 393,000 ounces of silver for de
livery at the Philadelphia , SanFransisco and
New Orleans mints.
Mrs. Mary Penfield and daughter , of are
Rockford , 111. , while traveling in Europe ,
were arrested in Berlin as Nihilists. They
were , however , soon released. '
The divorced wife of ex-Senator
Christiancy died in New York a few days byut
, her complaint being mental and physi COl
prostration. of
Frank James was released on $3,000 ofCh
bail. Chef
Frank Anderson , of Pulaski county , h
Kentucky , swallowed a burr. Soon after he ofo
began vomiting blood , and in a few hours o
death resulted.
Chicago police raided five gambling vill
houses and arrested eighty keepers and in io
mates. The faro and roulette tables , chips coi
other gaming outfits captured , were wo
taken to the police station and burned. me
It was reported in the lobbies of the
chamber of deputies , at Paris , that a revo nt
lution had occurred in the palace at Pckin , me
resulting in the triumph of the war party , and
hostile to the arrangements with coi
France. o
A horrible outrage was committed on fin
of Christian :
thirteen-year-old daughter
, a superintendent of schools of Butler die
township , near Vandalia , Ohio. The girl goes
been sent to drive home the cows. On
way she was Jseizcd by Ja well-dressed
man and dragged to the woods near by ,
where a revolver was ( placed to her head
threats made to kill her if she screamed. vas
The child was unable to help herself , and
the fellow accomplished his hellish deed.
The Winona and St. Peters railway
elevator at Winona , Minn. , burned on the
An explosion of gas occurred in Cam
eron colliery , Shamokln , Pa. , demolishing
the doors and brattice In the mine , and
fatally burning Elias Nell and seriously in
juring John Smith , miners. Nell was
burned almost to a crisp.
An east-bound freight train on the
Panhandle road ran into a landslide at Kelly
station and was wrecked. George Trallin-
go , engineer , was killed and David Vonall ,
fireman , slightly injured.
Conductor Fales , of the Hudson
River railway , was shot by a passenger
whom he ejected from his train. The wound
K not serious.
The American railway securities are
fiat in London , owing to rumors of renewed
war rates west.
CHIMJ ! ! .
John W. Hunter has been arrested at
Peoria , 111. , on the charge of bolngthe mur
derer ' of Zom Burns at Lincoln , 111. , some
time ago. He was taken to Lincoln for in
No jurymen were secured in the Em
ma Bond case at Hillsboro on the llth , but
itoc Is believed that the entire panel will soon
oc obtained. The crowd in town wag In
creasing. Miss Bond made her first appear
ance in court accompanied by her mother
and married sister. A sensational scene
followed. JohnC. Montgomery , one of the
defendants , was sitting in a position
where he was shielded by his counsel from
Miss Bond's view , suddenly one of the
counsel moved and lef t Montgomery exposed
to her gaze. His eyes lowered aud he
trembled , and attempted to raise his hat to
cover his features , but too late. The sight
of the face of the man whom she believed
to have done her so terrible a wrong , utterly
iym prostrated her and she fainted , and amid
murmurs of sympathy , was carried from
the courtroom.
The primary election in 'Now Orleans
for delegates to the state nominating con
vention resulted in a tragedy at the polls.
A se"rious riot took place at the Blue
Mountain tunnel , near Newburg , N. Y. ,
between Italian and negro laborers.
Enoch Brown ( negro ) was hanged
ou the 14th , at Newburg , Pa. , for the mur
der of his wife on August 17th. The hang
ing ; took place in a heavy rainstorm. Brown
made ; a full confession. There was a great
crowd of negroes outside the jail.
George Orr , a young man 17 years of
age , went to the house of 3IonroeTrumbull ,
an old blind man , living one-half mile from
Paola , Kansas , and after a short , casual
conversation , shot and killed him , and bru
tally beat old Mrs. Trumbull about the head
and face. He then robbed the house of $ SO
and fled.
The . self-confessed incendiaries ,
Joseph P. Moffatt , Charles F. Millard ,
Beunie F. West and Ernie Finch , were
bound over to the criminal court of Mil
waukee , andMoffat , who plead guilty , will
probably be sent to the reform school.
Detective Larison and Attorney
Ulinn , at Lincoln , 111. , gave the word to set
Russell alias Yance , at liberty. His tiunk
iiad been brought from Decatur and thor at
oughly searched , but nothing was found to
connect him with the murder of Zora Burns.
The liberated man is indignant and di clares
nis intention to bring suit against Larison he
for false imprisonment.
Five prison convicts en route to the
penitentiary made a break for liberty at
L'ittsburg a few days ago , using red pepper
and revolvers freely. None of the sinners
got away.
The investigation into the case of
Rev. B. C. Ambler , charged with criminally en
assaulting Mrs. D. E. Keith , at Caseelton ,
. T. , resulted in finding the charge un-
sustained. The evidence is sufficient , how
ever , to suspend him from the ministry un- *
the annual conference. 1V
_ the
It seems to be the general opinion an
among . the politicians that the tariff question Blme
vill be reopened and that the present law me
vlll undergo revision. The cry raised de
igainst this policy that it would disturb the of
business interests of the country is ridiculed
the advisers of Carlisle , who recommend feat
uch a formation of the ways and means
committee as will result in the carrying out
the policy outlined by Carlisle. this
Congressman I George R. Davis , of eff
Chicago , will introduce a bill providing for on
hetpromotlon of Gen. Sheridan to the rank ing
general of the army , and Gen. Hancock Ba
lieutenant-general. hii
Representative Converse , of Ohio , of
introduce a bill providing for restora- tia
iou of the duty on clothing and wools , me
combing wools , carpet and other similar we
wools , to what they were prior to the enact we
ment of the present tariff law.
Representative Cassidy will shortly
ntroduce a bill to provide for the aboli.-h- to'
ment of the territorial legislature in Utah , wr
the appointment instead of a legislative nell
commission of thirteen or fifteen member.- , mi
be appointed by the president and con- vo1
firmed bv the senate. a
:3The case of ex-Senator Kellogg , indicted
dicted for connection with the star route ? , aso ?
( over to the next term.
Over § 3,000,000 of bonds embraced
the 123d call were redeemed on the llth.
Among bills introduced on the llth ment
one by Mr. Yance to promote thefaith- to
ful administration of public offices , and pro
vide punishment by a fine not exceeding
* T ,000 , and dismissal from ollice of any olll
cor under the United government , execu
Uve , legislative or Judicial , who shall re
ccive from any railroad , banking or tele
graph company free passes , tickets or stock
A committee of 'Mexican reterans
submitted to Speaker Carlisle tlio names of
Townshend , of Illinois ; Lcfevre , of Ohio ,
and Broadhead , of Missouri , with a statement -
ment that either of them be.appointed chair
man of the committee on pensions , us either
of them , in their opinion , would fully ad
vance the interests of the veterans in the
matter of pensions.
The senate has confirmed the follow
ing : Seth Ledyard Pholps- envoy cxtraordic
nary and minsiter plenipotentiary to Peru ;
" \\rm. Thomas , jr. , minister resident to
Swecden and Norway ; Henry White , bee-
oud secretary of legation at London.
The postmaster general has directet
postmiisters to exchange on npplicatioi
throe and six cent denominations of postage
stamps and stamped envelopes for others o
different denominationn. Stamped envel
opes will be exchanged at the full current
rate. Stamped envelopes bearing printed
cards and special request , us well as the
ordinary stamped enveloped , will be exchanged -
changed ; also stamped envelopes which
boar printed addresses. Stamps and en
velopes issued prior to 1801 will not be ex
The object of the resolution introduced -
duced by Hon. John C. New to the nationa"
republican committee in to put the nationa
convention and all arrangements and matters -
ters pertaining thereto , into the hands of
the national committee. There will be a
citizens' committee , as at the last conven
tion , but the committee of five appointed by
the motion of Mr. New , together with the
chairman and secretary of the national com
mittee , have entire control of the building
issuing tickets and all matters connected
with the holding of the convention.
The comptroller has authorized the
Merchants National bank of Muskegon ,
Mich. , to beign business with a capital of
The president sent a large number of
army nominations to the senate on the 12th ,
mostly recess appointment * , among them
Col. llolabird , for quartermaster-general.
The case of O'Donnell was again
under consideration by the cabinet on the
Members ef the Pacific coast con
gressional delegation held a meeting
for the purpose of agreeing upon a series of
amendments to be offered to the Chinese re
striction bill.
GUpon the recommendation of the
surgeon-general at tne marine hospital the
secretary of the treasxiry requested the state
department to instruct the United State.- *
consul-general in Egypt to direct his subor
dinates to inspect all rags gathered for export -
port to this country. Tt is proposed that
they be boiled under a procure or thor
oughly fumigated with sulphuric acid ga.s
before shipment , and the consul or his
deputy to certify to such disinfection.
Monileur De Home , the Papal
organ , strongly censures the Catholic clergy ,
Newry , Ireland , for their attitude during
the recent agitation there. It e.-pecially
condemns Father Maccarten's sermon in
the cathedral of Newry on Sunday , in which
characterizes the action of the govern
ment in prohibiting the nationalist meeting
there as having a tendency to drive the people
ple to rebel , and a direct insult to the
Catholic church. The Moniteur points to f
the paragraph in the United Irishman , of
Dublin ' , asking its friends in London to fur
nish ! the addresses and biographies of the cy.
jurymen in the O'Donnell case , in order to
enable their obituaries to be prepared.
News has reached Aden that a' great <
force of the hill tribes attacked
five companies of Egyptian troops which
were reconnoiterlng outside of Suakim on
5th inst. Severe fighting ensued , and ei
Egyptians were completely annihilated ,
and their artillery captured. Sergeant K"n
Black , of the forces engaged with the hill n
men , states that the Egyptians would have AJ
defeated the rebels but for the bad conduct I
the Bashi Bazouks.
Another account of the Egyptian de
at Suakim on the 5th inst. , sayth t bei
spies entered Suakim and reported the hill Mi
men hovering near the town. On hearing at'
Mahmod Tapes Pasha , anxious to ott
efface : the defeat at Tokkar on the Cth inst. , mi
account of which a court martial is pend out
? , sent forward 500 black troops aud 200 int
Bashi Bazouks against the hill tribes , he om
himself remaining at Suakim. At a distance thi
three hours' match from town the Egyp me
tians were attacked by several thousand Ma
men. The Egpytlans fought fiercely , but that
were cut to pieces , only fifty , of whom half Mg
were officers , escaped. att
O'Donnell's I wife has gone to London not
visit her husband. O'Donnell's brother aut
writes from Ireland stating that what 0 'Don- his
had determined to say in court if per thr
mitted to speak , was that Carey drew a re bet
volver after a heated discussion , began by cific
Carey cursing Americans. O'Donnell for
struck the revolver from Carey's hand , and ion
the latter was stooping to regain it mo
O'Donnell : fired three shots instantaneously. in
The Xorth German Gazette , referring
the .statement that the German govern Her
is willing to co-operate with England Bit
protect their subjects and interests' in j mei
China in the event of a war between Franco
and China , says : The solo object of such
co-operation is the protection of Europeans
in the event of an outbreak like that at Can
Admiral Cotirbet will soon ask Clunc/\
to renew negotiations that the military po.s
tion In Tonquin remgin undisturbed. If
the negotiations are declined the- admiral
will seize Bacninh , Sontay and Hong Hoa ,
and again appeal for a peaceful settlement.
The second refusal will be followed by the
seizure of the main port and others.
The ministerial council has approved f/
the draft of the royal speech , to bedeliv- '
ered at the opening of cortes. It is report
ed that the speech announces the extension
of suffrage to all who are able to read and
write and who pay taxes , and , with u view
to ' further extension , mentions possible re
forms ( of the constitution for the discussion
by future cortes , and proposes bills for civil
marriages and jury trials , and declares the
relations of Spain with all foreign powers
friendly. The dispute with France relative
te the treatment of Alfonso in Paris has been
satisfactorily arranged.
The letter of Sullivan to Russell
O'Donnell's counsel , In reference to the
alleged misapprehension of Judge Den-
man's language in his charge to the jury ,
contends that the judge misdirected the
minds . of the jury when he intimated that
there was no evidence that Carey had a re
volver. O'Donnell's friend * maintain that
although no evidence was offered to the
effect there was no proof that Carey was not
armed , aud by harping upon the word
"evidence , " lining that word Instead of
"proof , " judge obtained' verdict of
guilty of wilful murder. Minister Lowell
states that if any of the jury nay this in
fluenced them , ho will seek a mitigation of
the Mjntence. Six members of the jury
have been found , but it i said the govern
ment refuses to give the addniMi of others.
The prospect of execution being htaycd is
not promising.
O'Donnell maintains great .firmness
of demeanor , and i.s apparently prepared
for his fate. He regards himself a martyr ,
md his determined air and bravado and
cheerful indifference of his impending fate
greatly impressed hi wardens. His brother
visited : him for twenty minutes on the 15th.
Al parting O'Donnell shook hi * hand , ex
claiming : "Good-bye , old fellow ; keep
ip your spirits , and don't be downcast be
cause of me. * '
i : yrr.
There is great excitement between
lie Mussolmen and Christian ? in upper
] gypt , attributed to the action of the
Vmerican missionaries. The populace arc
leliantand a popular outbreak is imminent.
The governor has warned the E ytian gov-
eminent of the situation. '
The Mormons and. the President's
The Chicago Daily News publishes a
Salt Lake special containing an interview
with a leading citizen. He bays the Mor-
nons regard the reference to polygamy in
the president's message a.s : i menace to their
olitieil power and theocratic control of the
erritory ; that their interest- are too great
for them to emigrate ; that they recognize
he fact that the people of the United States
vrongly regard polygamy as only a legal ob-
ection to Mormonism , whereas the fact i.s
jolygamy is simply an ugly feature ,
he real trouble being in the 3Ior-
non priesthood by their assumption of : i
livine right to rule ; that they recognize the
act that their whole system is jeopardized
they retain polygamy ; whereas , with that
eature abolished , they arc ikely to have an
ndefinite lease of life for Mormon theocra
. The present legislature , though made
ip of monogamous Mormons , ii yet thor
oughly the creature of the church. It is
probable , therefore , while the church will
ceep up the sham show of opposition , it
vill instruct the legislature to pass a law
making polygamy .1 crime , and the territory
hux purged of the only wrong known to the
general public , will apply for admission as a
tate with good prospecta of getting in and
giving the priesthood proportionately in-
reased power. _
Alliance Formed by the Union
Pacific , Hock Island and St. Paul.
The announcement that a , twenty-five
year compact had been signed in New York
between the Union Pacific , Rock Inland and
Milwaukee and St. Paul roads , w accepted
Chicago ' as a fact , and looked upon b } ' the
other members of the Iowa pool a the cul
mination of the policy of the St. Paul road
outlined by it when it gave its first notice of
intent'on to withdraw from the combination
month ago. Officer ? , however , do not
think that the term.s of the tripartite agree
ment have been correctly stated. General
Manager Potter , of the Burlington , declared
he did not believe the three roads had
igned any compact which contemplated any
attempt on their part to control all the busi-
of the Union Pacific road , and he did
believe the Union Pacific managers had
authority to make any such agreement. In
opinion the compact provided that the
three lines should maintain the divisions as
preen the Iowa lines and the Union Pa
on through and local business now in
force. Mr. Potter ale expressed the opin- .
that the entire affair was largely a stree %
movement to ' "bear" the Burlington stocks
particular , and that his rival- * did not
to enter upon a career of open ware-
. _ _
: ? avPersons who n-e Brown's Iron
Sitter.dway : - speJk well of it. It is a good