McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, December 06, 1883, Image 5

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Fresh Oysters at Joe's.
Graham Flour at City Bakery.
Fresh Oysters at the City Bakery.
Boot Jack eating tobacco at Rogers. '
Choice Apples , $4.50 per bbl. , at
Rogers. '
Buckwheat , Flour and Maple Syrup
at Rogers. '
For the best Flour in town call at
City Bakery. '
Headquarters for Holiday Goods at
S. L. Green's.
A full line of the very best cigars at
the B. & M. Pharmacy.
Christinas Goods , by the car load , to
arrive at C. H. Rogers. '
Don't buy your Christmas Goods un
til you see them at Rogers. '
Don't fail to go and see that fine lot
of handsome vases at Green's.
Alma is greatly puffed up over the
opening of. their Opera House.
The best fine cut chewing tobacco in
the city at B. & M. Pharmacy.
Don't forget that Rogers is the place
to buy your Christmas presents.
A large assortment of the best Per
fumeries and Extracts made , at Green's.
Still on the increase. W. 0. Russell
will read THE TRIBUNE for six months.
The famous Boot Jack chewing to
bacco for sale at the B. & M. Pharmacy.
Social dance , by reason of too heavy
a mist , was postponed until next Wed
nesday evening.
Just received , 5,000 "Doctor's
Choice , " the best nickle cigar made ,
at B. & M. Pharmacy.
The Methodist brethren are building
n church on Red Willow creek about
sis miles from McCook.
The members of the Ladies' Union
wil ! meet at the residence of Mrs. J. F.
Kcnyon , Friday afternoon.
Standard Poems , Toy Books for the
children , and a large miscellaneous col
lection of books at Green's.
Manager Colvin gave the boys anoth
er opportunity to "trip the light fantas
tic toe , " Thanksgiving evening.
An eight-ox team which passed
through town , Tuesday , eastward , crea
ted no little stir among the boys.
At Green's you will find the hand-
somi-st Cards Christmas , Birthday and [
Reward , ever brought to McCook.
Choice Potatoes for 50 cents pe
oushel , in wagon load lots 45 cents pe
Imsbel , at Hayden & McCartney's.
XXXXRiverton and Perfectiln
JFlour , the best in the market , for $
per cwfc. at Hayden & McCartney's.
The B. & M. Pharmacy will , ifl a
few day. , open up a large invoice lof F
fine medicines , perfumery and d :
gists' sundries.
For anything in the Jewelry lineca
on H. Byron , who has just opened up1
* a full and handsome stock , new and of
the most artistic designs.
The Band has made arrangements
with Donovan's Original Tennesseans ,
and that first-class troupe of plantation
song singers will be here the 1st or "d
of January.
Range cattle on the Frenchman and
Stinking Water , enter the winter months
fat and in good condition. The stock
men are all prepared with feed for bad
weather. Cattle that have been- driven
in from the east are not looking first
V rate. " Crop of calves , good average , w itX
S * " * X
fe desire to call the attention of
our Overseer of Streets and Highways ,
Mr. A. C. Campbell , to the condition
of Dennison street , west of the bank.
We also suggest that our popular Superintendent -
| perintendent can "get back" at the
| "boys , " by compelling them to worl kA
on the street.
Colorado Hard Coal at $12.00 per
ton. We guarantee this coal to be su
perior to any Eastern hard coal.
S. L. Green has just"receivcdforthc
Holidays , a full line of Albums , photo
and autograph , Dressing-Cases , Toilet
Sets , Handbags , Dolls , wax and china ,
and Toys of every description. Go and
inspect them before buying elsewhere.
H. Byron has just received a fine
stock of Jewelry , Watches , Clock ? ,
Rings , Diamond , Set and Plain , Casters ,
Toilet Sets , Tilters , Fruit Stands , and
Napkin Rings , all of the very best ma
terial , and latest designs. Now is the
time to inspect his stock and select
while the stock is complete and new.
We have in stock a fine line of the
latest style calling cards , also suitable
type , and are prepared to accommodate
all who desire a nice card. Our job
department is fitted out with new type
and presses , and we are constantly
adding the latest job faces. ( Jive us a
call , for we think we can do your job
work in a neat and tasty manner.
The Red Cloud Creamery made 19-
835 pounds of butter during the months
of June and July , for which the farm
ers of Webster county received § 2,569.-
62. An institution of this kind would
be a fine thing in this community , and
some one ought to take the initiatory
in the matter. All that is lacking is
some one to take the matter in charge.
The American hog must go from
our streets. It were a sad deprivation ,
but we believe we could forego hearing
the comfortable grunt of the scores of
fat hogs that daily meander through
our thoroughfares. McCook makes well
nigh too recherche a sty at any rate.
Our city dads we are under the impres
sion are preparing a pole of dimensions
for the purpose.
Mayor Berger has initiated a reform
which would greatly improve the ap
pearance of our city , if more of our
businessmen and others were to "fol
low suit. " His honor has been burning
all the paper and other debris in the
rear of his store. Give this matter your
attention , business men , and burn your
paper and other things which you now
sweep out , and our streets will assume
a more respectable appearance shortly.
The beautiful weather of the past
month has made business at the Land
Office very brisk. Mayhap this coun
try is not worth anything , but by the
way land is being entered , we are led
to think otherwise. There seems to ie
an unusually large number of men wlio
are willing to test the matter , and those
who have the stamina will reap the har
vest. It has been demonstrated that
the Republican Valley can raise crops
and good ones. .
At the annual meeting of the Band ,
which was held on Tuesday evening , J.
F. Kenyon was elected to succed W. F.
Wallace to the Secretaryship , Geo. M.
Chenery to succeed J. A. Lee as Treas
urer. Dr. L.L. Johnson was retained as
Manager , which position he has filled
satisfactorily , as evinced by his re-
election. A vote of thanks was return-
nd to the ladies who so ably assisted
the band in their recent entertainment.
The members of the organization are
doing good work practicing and ard
making rapid strides toward proficiency
in the art.
J. R. PHelan , who has the buildir
of the Menard brick under his supei-
vision , gives us the following informa
tion : The building will be 100 x 50 ,
two stories high. The first floor will be
divided into two store rooms , and the
second story will contain a hall 48 x
58 , with a stage 15 x 33 , the ceilings
being 14 feet high. The remainder of
the second floor will be taken up by
apartments to be occupied by Mr. Me
nard and family. The roof which will
be a flat one will be of. iron , and the
structure which will be completed not
.later than April -1st , will , beyond
Vjeradventure , be the finest.and costliest
I pne wes't of Hastings. The excavatior
/will / be. made and the foundation built ,
Uimmediately , and Mr. Mejiard. will ar
rive here the last of the month , anc
* the superstructure hurried to cornple-
tion under his personal superintendence
R. M. Snavely of Indianola , made us
a call , Monday.
S. J. Clifford of Carrico was in Mc
Cook , Tuesday.
Sheriff Welborn was around among
the boys , Tuesday.
Dennis McKillip , of Thornburg , was
in town , Tuesday.
Mr. Sanders of the Dining Hall , went
to Denver , Monday night.
V Joseph Dudek of the Willow , will
read THE TRIBUNE henceforth.
- i
V. N. McCandlish , a Culbertson
cattle man called to sec us on Saturday.
Mr. J. F. Forbes went to Red Cloud ,
Saturday and returned on No. lSunday.
Charlie Fisher is down from the
ranch , enjoying the metropolis for a
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lytle and U. S.
Commissioner Straut of Indianola , were
n town , Monday.
G. L. Laws , Esq. , put in Thanks-
riving Day at Orleans , where he-attend
ed-a G. A. R. meeting.
I. T. Birdsall adds his name to THE
TRIBUNE'S increasing subscription list ,
nd still there's room.
Mrs. T. S. Bosley returned from vis-
ting at Fairmont on Thursday , improv-
d in health , but still rather weak.
Sam. Ashuiore spent part of last
week in town on his way from Indianola
, o ihe Judge's ranch in Hayes county.
Mr. Chapman , the Gazette-Journal
solicitor , made us a short call on Tues-
lay morning. Mr. C. is doing most
ffective work for the G.-J. Co.
Rev. Allen Bartley called at this
office on Monday. Rev. Bartley has
charge of the Methodist churches at
liis place and Culbertson.
Israel Wood of Laird , Frontier coun-
; y , was in McCook , Monday , and made
iual proof of his claim. "Yankee"
ikewise remembered ye editor.
L. J. Roberts and J. T. Twiss , of
[ jaird , Frontier county , were in town ,
Monday , attending to land business ,
making final proof and contesting.
Mr. J. F. Gardner of the Beaver
Times steps down and out , and L. Kins
man takes the scissors and paste pot
nto custody. The opportunities are
great for improvement.
R. H. Hamilton of Indianola , was a
caller at these headquarters , Tuesday.
We are informed that Mr. Hamilton
will remove to McCook as soon as he
disposes of some personal property ho
lias at Indianola.
Dr. P. Boyle started for Illinois
Thursday afternoon. The Dr.'s eyes
have been troubling him so much , ior
ome time past , that he decided to take
rest among the "Suckers" in Rock
sland county , until he becomes well. '
J. E. Cochran , Esq. , of Oberlin , Kan-
i as , family and household goods arrived
fi McCook on Tuesday. Mr. Cochran
.ad to move family and goods by wag-
n. They are now occupying the house
recently built by Mr. C. below the Land
Mr. Henry Boyle , "the prince of the
lightning jerkers" arrives from Kansas
City to-day , to accept a situation with
the Western Union Telegraph company
here. Dallas ( Tex. ) Herald.
Mr. Boyle is a brother of Charlie of
our city. * -
J\rs. \ Willey and daughter , Miss Or-
pha , arrived in McCook on Tuesday.
The Doctor has had' a peculiar , way-off ,
eastern look for a week or more , which
we will miss from his countenance ,
as the new arrivals will remain here
during the winter.
Our sanctum sanctorum was graced,1
Saturday , by a call from Miss Theresa
Wilkinson and Miss Hattie Papin of
13t. Louis , and Miss Rowell of our city.
The young ladies from St. , Xouis were
making their "partfqg" calls in Mo-
Cook , They been visiting W , Ht
McCartney of Indianola , for the past.
two months , and left for their city
io on
The Wagon Bridge Over the Re
publican Hirer at JlcCook-
The First Wagon Passed Over on
Wednesday Afternoon.
. Quite a delegation of our prominent
business men and our reporter , went
down , Wednesday afternoon , to witness
the completion of the wagon bridge over
Vic llepublican River , about one-half
/ile below McCook. A large number
of men were rapidly putting on the fin
ishing touches , and in about a half hour
after their arrival , the first wagon pass
ed over the bridge. The bridge is com
posed of 9 spans of 32 feet each in
length , resting upon piles driven into
he bottom of the river about 15 feet.
The entire length of , the bridge is 308
feet , 'and the structure , a solid , sub
stantial one , costing § 1,400 , is well
built and firmly secured throughout
Mr. McCarty of Kansas , is the builder.
A good road has been graded over the
bluff on the north side , and also on the
low ground on the south approach.
The completion of this bridge is a
great convenience to the farmers , and
a big thing to our business men , as a
great deal of trade which they failed to
get on account of the great difficulty
often experienced in fording the river
here , will now naturally flow this way.
Thus we record the beginning of anoth
er advance in the prosperity of McCook.
The view one gets of McCook just as
you circle around the bluff after cross
ing the bridge is the finest to be obtain
ed anywhere around , and McCook looms
up handsomely.
All persons knowing themselves to
be indebted to the Chicago Lumber
Yard will please call at our office and
settle , either in cash or note , on or be
fore January 1st , 1884. We are clos
ing our business for the year , and must
have all open accounts balanced.
Estray tNotice. .
Strayed from my premises 14- miles
north of McCook , a black sow pig ,
about G months old. Information lead
ing to recovery of same will , be thank
fully received. JOHN F. COLLINS.
A fine upright piano of Simpson &
Co.'s make , which I will sell for $350
cash. Apply to THUS. MCCARTNEY.
McCook , Neb. , Dec. 5.
Declaring and Organizing the Town of Mc
Cook as a Village.
WHEREAS , On the 24th day of November , A.
D. , 18S3 , the Town of McCook , in the county
of lied Willow and Stutc of Nebraska , was
duly organized by and under the provisions
of Chapter 14 ot the completed Statutes of the
State of Nebraska , entitled Cities of the second
end class and Villages , and has ever since re
mained and now is so organized : THEREFORE ,
BE IT OUUAIXEU , Uy the Chairman and
Board of Trustees of the Village of McCook :
SECTION 1. That the Town of McCook Is
hereby incorporated and declared a .Village
under an act entitled an act to amend section
forty of an act entitled an act to provide for
the organization , government and powers of
Cities and Villages , approved March 1st , 187U.
SECTION S. The name of said Village shall
be the Village of McCook. having the follow
ing boundaries : Commencing on the S. W.
corner S. E. Ji section I'J ; thence E. V/2 miles
to S. W. corner S. W. ? i section 21 ; thence S.
along section line 10 Uepublican river ; thence
Westerly along N. bank of river to S. E. corner
lot 1. section 3 ; thence W. to intersection of
section line between sections 31 and 32 ; thence
N. to N. B. corner section 31 ; thence W. &
mile to S. W. corner S. E. H section 30 ; thence
N. on ; ; section line to beginning.
SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be in force
and take effect from and after its passage.
SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall bo publish
ed in two consecutive issues of the McCoOK
TRIIJUNE according to law.
Passed and approved Dec. 3,18S3.
Attest : J. E. BERGKB ,
F. M. KIMMELL , Clerk. Chairman
U. S. Land Office. McCook , Xeb. ,
December 1st , 1683. J
Complaint bavins been entered at this office by
William Mclntyre apalnst Si-muel A. Vettit for fail
ure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry
1364. dated t North Platte , Xeb. , March 20. 18SO ,
upon the feouttiwcst quarter section 22 , township 4
north , range 29 west. In Hed Willow conaty , Neb. ,
with a view to the cancellation of satd entry : con
testant alleging that said Pettlt has failed Coring the
year ending March 2l , 1881 , to break 5 acres ot said
land and that he has failed during the year ending
March 20. 1831 to cu'tlvatu any part c.f said Jand and
that no pirt of said tract has ever Ueeu planted to
trees , seeds or cuttings ; the said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at this olBce OB the 1-JtU day of
January , 1SS4 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure.
27-4t. G. L. LA rt S , Ki-glstcr.
Notice of Application for License to Sell
Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquors
In the Village of McCook , Neb.
Notice is herebr given that on the Fifth day
Of December , 1883 , Joseph Rraun presented to
the Board of Trustees ot the Village of McCook ,
his petition in legal form , signed by thirty res
ident freeholders of the village and accompa
nied by his bond given in the eum of live
thousand Dollars , asking that license be grant-
fed to said Joseph Braun to soil Malt. Spirituous
ml Vinous Liquors in the Village of McCook ,
eb. F. M. KIMMELL , Clerfc.
I F. A. Lehmann , Solicitor of American and Foreign
Patents , AVashlngton , D. C. All business connected
f with Patents , whether before the Patent Office or
I ( he Courts , promptly attended to ? No charge made
1 unless a p tent Is secur < } ilA nd.fpr. circular. . 25.-S. .
One Thousand Bottles of Marsh's Go- ! .
den Blood and Livtr Tonic
to be Given Away. ,
Everybody in MoCook , who is suffering ,
ing from Scrofula , Chronic Rheuma
tism , Jaundice , Biliousness , Dyspepsia ,
Costiveness , Headache , Loss of Appe
tite , Backache , Femnlc "Weakness , Ner
vous Derangement , General Debility ,
or any Blood , Liver , Kidney , Stomacher
or Bowel .disorder can obtain a trial
LIVER TONIC , free of charge , by calling
at S. L. Green's drug store , McCook.
Persons who have tried this valuable
medicine can procure the large bottles
at 50 cents and $1 , It purifies the
Blood , invigorates the Liver , Stomach
and Bowels , regulates the Kidneys , and
strengthens the systom-
For all diseases of the Throat and
the great oough remedy. Sample bottle
tle free.
Schaupp & Son's Grand Island flour :
"Cream , " the best in the market ;
"Fancy , " equal to any ; Straight grade ;
Graham ; Corn meal , white bolted ;
Bran ; Chop feed ; ear and sliellcd corn ,
Apple ? by the peek or barrel. Pota
toes by the wagon load. Fresh pork ,
antelope and venison , at
C. E. McPiiERSON's ,
West Dennison St. , MoCook.
All monies due the TIUHU.NK for sub
scription come by the terms of the sale to
me. Parties who know themselves to be in
arrears for subscription will be warmly ' \
received at any time , if they come '
in hand. F. M. & E. M , KI.MAIELL ,
We will continue to send the TRIB
UNE to all persons whose names appear s
on Mr. Israel's subscription list. If * . .
there bo anyone who desires to discon- j
tinue the paper , he will notify us afe
once , otherwise he will be held liable j
for the paper sent to his address. '
To buy four claims ( or deeded land )
with WATER and TIMBERin Red Wil
low county. Xo fancy prices paid.
Address , G.G. BURTON , if
22-tf. Hastings , Neb. i jis
For Sale or Trade. I
We have a number of wood stoves
to sell or trade for wood , *
% U r * t- f A - < J j
Dr. Rush's Regulator ,
"Win. O. OsRoodby. the well-knowa safe manu
facturer of Uuffalo , riill.idelrihla. Ptttslmrg , New
ark , and Atlanta , Ga. , bays ;
ItS.Uroaa.STeet. Vl
ATWXTA. Ga. . October 18SI.
Dr. ISusVs Mc HcaJ Association ;
DKAU DOCTOE& . The three , bottles of "Dr. KucU't.
Regulator" I ordered ; were received by express last
week. I haretakea nearly one bottle and aw V
thoroughly nattsftea with tlio result. For over two. " 4
years 1 have heto troulilwl with sharp- pain at my
heart. Mj physician , upon examination , pronounced
It enlargement oj the- heart and was tnaUle to frlvo +
me any relief. The trouble BTCW worse anttl i ltad
become convinced that I could not l > e cared. Whllo
In New York City , last week. I called upon one of
the most prcniluet physicians there , who ci.arKcd me f ,
ti5 for an examination and thca recommended your
"Hegulator. " Knowlof : yen to t * a regular Medical
Association , and not a patent medicine scheme I or- . .
deri-d the three bottles. I have not bten troubled
since I commHice'd taking It , liut shaU continue and i
take the entire tljree bottles so as to obtalo a perma- .
nenv cure. You have my sincere thanka.
I sua. gcntlea > Very respectfully.
Dr. Rushes Regulator
has aever failed tftgiro r ej. It has be ued suc
cesstuHy for years In subduing the weft stubborn.
cage of heart difficulties. A positive cure for Kn-
largttoeor. PaljilMton. Flnttestnx and Fatty Degen
eration of the beart. Price , . * t.OO per bottle ; six for
t5J30. ScM by drupgists. orBeaS direct by DK.
V. S
Woman's Health Journal
Contains valuable information on the diseases
of women only. Published by Lady Physi
cians vrho huvV made- these peculiar weak
nesses of the sex their sole study for years.
It gives the causes , symptoms , ami a sure
home treatment for Prolapsus Uteri orFallinjr
of the Womb , innarnatton and Ulccration ot
the womb and all displacements. Leucorrh Kii
or Whites. Irregular , suppressed or painful
Menstruati&a. Flooding. Sick and Nervous
Headache , Indigestion. Dyspepsia , Heartburn ,
Weakness in Back and stomach. Scrofula.
Pains in Side. Jtfzxinees Kidney Complaint.
Banonncss. Nervou * Prostrutfoa * Repression ;
of Spirits , General Debility of TTomen and
change of life. Sent on. receipt of six cents in
stamps. Address , Dr. Rush'sMedfcatAssocia
tion , Nunda. New York.
An old pftystclaiv rettrtd from a tve- practice ,
having had plaewl Sv hlu hands by a East India
Mlsi-Ionary theA > rmtda of a s4ijej l * vegstablc
dy for the speedy and. prcaancet c e ot Gonsamp-
tlon. IlroncbJtU. Catarrh , Asthma , , and all Throat
and tung nffestlons , alro a poeftlro ani radicalcnro
for general Debility acd all nervous complaint ? .
after having Hioronghly tested -wonderful ciira- V
tire powers lathomandu ofcascn. . f-eeis It his duty rte
to make it known to his suffering fellows. Tho.
recipe will be sent free of charpc. to nil who cleslro
lr , with full directions for preparing and succcs -
f ully uMng. Addres . with Ktnnip. naming this pa
per. DP. . .T. C. KAYXOXV. . l i AVasblajrton Street ft
Brooklvn , . 2f. \ \ " ' ' ' "