Oar National Prospeota. Demoroefi Monthly for Ueoomber. The outlook , until the crops of next -year reaped , is not particularly hope ful. Our wheat crop fe over 100,000,000 bushels short compared with last year. Our corn crop is 400,000,000 bushels ehort of the 2,000,000,000 bushels , which was so confidentially expected early in the season. Our cotton crop will be 1,600,000 bales less than the previous year. Our external trade will oonse- ijuently suffer , as we depend entirely upon our agricultural products to pay for the foreign goods we consume. There is no market abroad for Ameri can manufactured produfits. There business failures are very numerous. Last year fine sum total of bankruptcies amounted to less than $20,000,000 , but during the year just passed the total was swelled to $25,000,000. The shrinkage - ago in prices , due to the adoption of the gold unit of value , is increasing the number of bankruptcies all over the modern commercial world. This is a matter which the United States alone cannot rectify , as it will require the united action of the leading states of Europe to re-establish bi metalism. Uncle Sam's Navy. In a commun'oution published in the Army and Navy Journal , Commander J. B. Coghlan , U. S. N. , states that the consultations of eminent naval and oth er surgeons , respecting his rheumatic attack , failed to afford him the slightest - est relief. By advice of Dr. Hoylo he used St. Jacobs Oil , which wrought a "complete and , as ho says , wonderful < 3ure. John Carr Moody , Esq. , lawyer at Vallojo , Cal. , was likewise cured of a severe joint trouble. 'I'HM MAUKET8. OMAIIA. WHEAT No. 2 , 83fi ? < 61o. BARLKY No. 2 , * On. BARLEY No. 3 , 4Sf c. RYH No. 3 , 40c. CORN No. 2 , 29c. OATS No. 2 , SOtfc. FLOUR Wheat Graham , $2 75. CHOP FKKD Per cwt. 90c. SHOUTS Per ton , $14 00. ORANGES Per box , 5 00. LEMONS Per box , $7 007 25. APPLISS Per barrel $3 OO.'aS OJ. UOTTKR Creamery , 33ra85c. Y BarrKR Choice country , J5 18e. EGOS Fresh , 29u. HAMS Per tt > . J5c. SHOULDKKS Per Jb. 7c. PORK Per bbl. $12 00. LARD In tierces , per Ib. 10 > ic. SHKKP $3 50(33 ( 5 . CATTLP $3 W(34 50. HOGS- TO < 34 23. CALVBS $5 OU(3e 00. CHICAGO. "WiiHAT Per bushel , CORN Per bushel. 55- OATH T ir > > " - ' * > ! . sft PORK-H513 85014 00. LARD < :8 zofati & ) . POR M'l -J 4"sfi 50. CATTia Exports. $6 25(56 68. SHSBP Medium to good , $3 00(88 59. r WHZAT Perbtishel , 1 OOJirSl 02. CORN Per bushel. 464 * f . OATS Per bushel , 28 < 320Kc. OATTLK Exports. * ti OWati 4 * . HOGS Mixed , $1 WS5 13. + i t Sothlng bolter for Asthma tnaa PlfW1 * Cura for OmanmpUon. 25c. per bo.tlo. Origin of the Word Mississippi. Magulno of American History. The Mississippi is a good instance oi the variations through which borne nurnoo have passed. Its original spell ing , and the nearest approach to the Algonquin word , "the father of waters , " is Mseho Sebe , a spelling still commonly used by the Louisiana Cre oles. Tonti snggested Micho Sebe , which is somewhat nearer to the pres ent spelling. Father Laval still further modernized it into Michispi , which an other father , Labatt , softened into MLs- ispi , the first specimen of the present spelling. The only changes since have been to overload the word with cense nants. Marquctto added the first and Kome other explorer the second "s , " making it Ilississipi , and so it remains in Franco to this day , with only one "p. " The man who added the otter has never been discovered , but he must have been an American , for at the time of the purchase of Louisiana the name was generally spelled in thu colony with a siuglo4tp. " TOCCOA CITY , GA. Dr. J. P. Sfowman "Brown's Iron Bittern are Bays : very popu lar and their use ' always results ' uatMacto- riiy. " _ One of tbn ISVw Haven Malley boys is to go on the stage. READ Tins. rue Army and > 'avy Lini ment will positively take the soreness out of . Spavin , Huigoone , , , Splint orCurb , and stops thgir growth. Bee advertisement. Never fail to do what you know to be right. J _ Instantly Relieved. Mrs. Ann Lacour , of Now Orleans , La. , writes : I have a son who has been blck for two years ; hu was attended by our leadiuj : phyBicians but to no purposo. Tola raom- iug ho had his usual spell of eoughiag , and was so grealiy prostrated that death accrued luiinineut.Te had in the house a bottle of DR. \ \ ' f. HALL'S BALSAM for the LUNGS iny husband purchased yesterday. 8 : We used it according to directioas and he was iubtantly rolieved. Judah P. Benjamin expects to return to Americatoreaide. For nearly 3-1- years 1 have been a vie- -tioiolCtitarrli. I'liave tried many reme dies , reteivinsr little or'no relief. - I bought one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and derived more real benefit from that than all the rest added together. You can recommend it as being a safe and valuable medicine. A. L. FULLKK. Danby , K. Y. As One bavins used Ely's Cream Balm I Cv6uld sav it is worth Iw weight in gold as a cure for Catarrh. One bnttle cured me. g. A. LOVEM. . FrankHn. Pa.See adv't. ) If a tin --Utvoiva potato i wanted -nlow up soft in the spring , without any manure. The widtti apart must be judged by the growth as well as 4he character oi the soil. 'JCls Frequently Keonmraended Mr. II. C , ilooney. of Astoria , writes us thiit Allen's Lutii ; Balaam which bo has Hold f.ir fifteen > eare , sells better than any other Cougli rvmtily , and gives general niiifaction. . 'Tia frnqutmtly reoom- inended by the medical profcxalon iere. The liltlo ones are the most highly gifloi people about Christmns time. Constipation in positively cured by Car- ter'H Little Liver Pills. Not by-purging and wenkqnin the bowels , but by regulating and Btrengthenlng thorn. Thin is done by improving the digestion ami stlrntiljtlngthe liver to the proper secretion of bile , when the bowels will peform their customary functions in an easy and natural tnunnor. Purgative pills must bo avoided. Ask for Carter's Littlu Liver Pilla . Price 25 cents. Savannah has the oldest opera house in the United States. For Throat Diseases , Congas , Colds , etc. . effectual relief It Mind in ttiu mo of 'Brown's Bronchial Troches. " Price 2 1 eoniH. Sold only in boxen. _ Kansas City claims the largest "male emporium11 in the world. Murder will out , HO will the fact Ihnt Car- bolino , a deodorized extract of petroleum , ho natural hair renewer and rentorer , ia thi- best preparm ion OVIT invented and excels all other hair dr > inuB , as thousands of ecn- uino coitificatoR now In our poseseetdon abunriautly prove. _ The crowning of the czar piled $15- 000 000 onto the Russian debt. Allen's "Iron Tonic Bitters" aids digestion and tbu ! wsimiliti : < m of teed , cures sour stomach and headache , ' and givec strength to the system. Look out for vile Imitations. Alfgoimlne are made by J. P. Allen , St. Paul , Minn. _ Ten counties in Tennessee have no newspapers. 'BUc U-JPJLlttA. " nluk. couip.erto core all and ( Jrtnafy i'l e < iKes. It. Are you justifiable in doing a wrong that good mav rnmo. Do You Wian to jiiiow All About WRDDIXGS , Tnvitations and Anniversary , PRECIOUS STONES , Signiticance and Corresponding spending Months , WATCHES , Gold , Silver and Nickel ? WIIAT SHALL I BUY for a Present ? SOLID SILVEIS WAHE , its Valnoand "Beauty , SILVER. PLATED WAKK , Its Beautiful Forms and Quality. And numerou- other interesting subjects ? TlIBN 8KND SIX CKNTS FOK POSTAGE and leceivefrce the magnificently illustrated rntalo/uc (1,50. illustrations ) of the MEIJMOD & JACGAKD JEWELRY CO. , Fourth and Locusts St. , St. Louis , Mo. It will ba revelation to you to learn at what KUMAKKARLY LOW PHICE8 this great h -iifo sollfus fine good * . When in St. Louis call and eco us. Miss Emily Faitlifull says that'thia is her last visit to America. When yon como to Omaha , take the Street Cars or ' ! ? * for the Metropolitan Flotel. $2.00 per day. Tables as good any $3.00 per day hou o. DR. \QUES GERMAN WORM CAKES never fail to destroy worms and remove them from the . system. _ . _ RHEUMATISM , NEUUALULA , SPRAINS and BRUISES are permanently relieved by Uncle Sara's Nerve and Bone Liniment. by all druggists. PURIFY THE BLOUU wuu Eilert's Day light Liver Pills. They act directly on the Liver , Stomach and Bowels being mild and cleansing hut never griping or painful. SAVE YOU ilHAUNESS-by oiling with Uncle Sam's Harness OH which v\lll make it soft and pliable. This is the befit oil over inatie for leather. Sold by all harness ma kers. _ DR. WISCHELL'S TEETHING SYRUP Is Just the medicine for mothers to have in the house for the children. It will cure coughs colds , sore throat and retmlate the bowels. Do not fail to give it a trial , you will he pleased with its charming effect. Sold by all druggists. _ WHEN HORSES AND CATTLE arc spiritless , kcragiry and feohla , they need treatment with Uncle Satn's Condition Pow der. It Purifies thfl blood , improves the appetite , cures COLDS ami HIS TEMPERS , invigorate * the system and will keep the ani mal in a healthy , handsome condition. STOP THAT TKRRIBLK COUGH. Every ccao of consumption commences with a coush , occasioned by having taken cold , which , If allowed to run its course , will soon work its way into the air passages and then the lung ? . If not cheeked by some such valuable cough remedy as EILERF'S EXTRACT OF TAR AND WILD CHER RY , which Is unrivalled for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Save dansorous spells of KiokncfH and expensive Doctor's bills by taking this valuable medicine In season. Ask your Druggist for It. 7hon Isariuro n Umo and thou u vo thi-m retnrn npjln.Jr-1" " 123 ; : cal cnro. I bo e niiuld tlw rtlsciwo of KITS. EPILEPSY cr PALMHO CKS&l i "f l iis mlT. I warrantmy remedy to euro the wnrnf e * . Itec ae others hsvo tailed U no roaxm for n S now rpeMvltiff R cnro. $25.90 REWARD ! .We will pay the above reward for any eaaa of ithpumaUiim or Ken olg'a vie cannot cure. It will xsl-eve anr cae of HpbthsrU or Cr.-np tnstant'y. irmy and Nhry Lin ment will reilovo pain nnd ore- rcesa end remoru onyunnn nr.vl frrow h of boneo1 m.fda on mmr i-eot-t Price pi- bottle : Larve 51 ; email , EOc. WIN rotund tl fl 'Onev for any fall- in * . A > tnyund > i'uvyl.5olnieiitCo. 61 Wub Hb i TO. , CblaitKO. Klcfaordjion 4 Co. . Wholesale Ifraa- dirt * . Ht. IxraK Mo. , * estrti wr-ntii. NEVEI1 DBVORE BZEN IS THIS COUNTRY. ONLY A. HilALL QUANTITY OFFERED. London Colored Chrisr.mas 11 N-w Year's Card1 * . lz < . seven tnohos long , fonr in-hsawidc. Ton cemneacu. tore * lor S cents , ro d In England for ujutJoUie uiino/.eMoiled po-ta efreK. on receipt Otprca , CTILB DULCS CUBL.UJU1NG CO. . Bos 2.3M. NflT York P. O. 1 DA V 04-I A DV Ksoerl-ncod i rAi SAUSii g "ifjj * " Jlcent. HapiJ y Co. , Kansas City. Mo. AGENTS WASTED , i'nstess Bcliinsr boolra. > . Clrvtitars Jtr * . IViTlnKl ItlT Ctir , Ho Knife. BHoFlaiter * . No Palo. r. Bible Agents la Ubaral Salaries f ld. Addrew , nvr xrren , P. O. Box jr. K. , tit. Ixrala , Mo. AUKST8VAKTEDfor tba best and ftstoot eoSktg Pictorial Boots and Bibles. Price reduced per cent. NATIOXAI , PTTB. Co , Bt. l/onlo , Mo. ID ddreM SUnson & Co. , Portland.MaJne. B week la rour oim Unnu Terms and (5 outfit $66 free. Address H.fiaUott & Co , Portland , Me , a ireelc : OS a day a * bozne oastlr made. Costly . AddreMTBax&uaAuguat&Uaiito. J When you visa or leave New York City , save Baggage , lacpressage and Carnage Hire , and Btopat GRAND UNION HOTEL , opposite Grand Central Depot. 600 elegant rooms , fitted up at a cost of one million dollars lars , reduced to .fl and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant supplied - plied with the best. Horse-cars , stages and elevated railroads to all depots. Families con Jive better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at ouy other first-class hotel in the city. Stop at the Aleirupulitan Hotel when in Omaha. The best $2.00 per day house iu the west. Tables as good as any $8.00 per day house. A just criticism of life "is a power to mould character. First a Cold , then Bronchitis. Check the firntwith HVile's Honey Ilorchound and Tar. Of druggists. Pike's TootWhp Drops cure In 1 minute. It is poor sweetheart that woos her self. -ROUGH ON KAT8. " Clears ont rats , mice , tllos. chM.bed-tinir .nnin.vermln , chipmunks. 16o. Can a minister despise his neighbor and do bin duty ? "Walking made i-asy with Lyon's Heel Sllf- fenera ; they kf p hnots ? md shops straight. " There are ( v r S,000,000 scholars in the schools of Italy. We call attention to the advertisement of Carter's Little Liver Pills , which appears in our tolumn . Although comparatively un- knowi in this part of the country , these pills enjoy an enviable reputation in the east , and wherever introduced soon take the lead of all others. The proprietors claim that these pills will cure sick headache BVF.RY. TIME , and that they are so small and so unlike nills generally that no one thinks of medicine when using them. They send n sheet of testimonials and a eet of extra handsome advertising curds to all who apply with stamp. The wnys of the tramps are hard and through atone piles. PI.IK9 , ronctiei. antx , bed-biura r te , mloo , emtra chipmunks , cli-arod ont hv "Urmgti nn Hnta.n 16o. Education in England costs $14 a head on the average. ' Should you be. a sufferer from dyspepsia , indigestion , malaria , or weakness , you can be cured by Brown's Iron Bitters. Modjeska boasts the finest corsets on the American stage. Mother Hw n' Worm Synp , " for fovrtBh- 25c. Many who were once nch , know all about poverty now. F r llygpcpolu , Indleeailnn , ooprOTsIon of Spirits and General debMty. in thpl' various formn ; also as a preventive against Fever and Ague , end other Intermittent Fevers , toe "Prro-Pho pho rated E.lxlr of OiilUayu , " made by Ca'well , nazar.-t & TO. . Now York. a. d sold by all dniggists , U the boat ton'o : and for patients recovering Irom fevers or other B one s. ft has no equal. The little thief is too cowardly to be come a bi < r one. Foot and Ankle , The EDSON 'ELEOTRIG GARTER de velops the FOOT and ANKLE into per fect form , supports and strengthens the limbs , adds marve/loua grace and elasticity to the step. Jlffiveaffreat TMs match- tase and com Its * invention fort in irof.V- uhotty super- iny , riding or seilcs every dancinrjmain other form of tains and cs- Carter for cilcs healthful Ladits.Qcnlle- circulation , tnen or Chil dispels gout , dren's wear. r/iaumat ict Slteyareuorn end neuralgia teith ell the pains , eubdufB eotnfort of the lUeramptand bttt k n o to B stiffness of garters , and Joints , rtllevto arc .VO T Moated limba nonj ; EX- ondfttt. FEXSIVZ. PRICE , in Finest Silk Webbing- ( usual colors ) , Stud and Buckle C/fisp , 12 , 13) , 15 inch , $1.50 ; 17 inch , $2.00 per pair , Mailed to any address on receipt of money. Send for circular. LONDON ELECT// FA BRIO CO. , 81 Beckman Street , New York. A Specific for COX- VCXSIOTfS , TAIXIXO BICK. ; CE , AIXXJ- HOIJfiJI , CP1UM EATEfC 6CROFIT.LA. KINGS XVlt , UOI.Y BWHO DISEASES , PTSPEPBIA , BICKIIEADACHB KHBC5IATISM , KERVOrs n B J PBOSTKATIOK , -T BI < QOZ > SORES , , , TROUBLES end eH IRREGITLABlXiES. UT1 J.BO PIS 30TT1E AT BjnTSGISIS. JI3 r. S. A. fiidmoniM. Co. , Prop. , Si. Icsspi , (5K SECURE HEALTHY.ACTOH ! O ? THB By taking Wright's Indian Yesttablo Pills , -which oloanse the Bowels , purifi' the Blood , and by carryinj , ' off nil obstructions Bocuro henlthy aad vlsoroua action to : ho Liver. E. FSRRETT , Agent , Pearl St. , New Tork. . _ . Two thousand Utchefln.mlnateThe only abaalntclyflrst-elna * Sttrlnc 31 chlne In the world. fi > nton trlnl.Varrantf < 1 R years. Sontl Tor Zllntmted Gntnlnrme nntl Clrciilup . A = cntWanted. . THE -WILSON BEVlf- EVS 31ACHINE CO. , Chicago or 3few York. CC8ES WHERE AIL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Uitiailme. Sold by druggists. WN UOmaha J83-49 WHKPT WETTING TO ADVERTI8EES please say you saw the advertisement this paper. -fc vt - . .i CORES . . . Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache. HoadachS , Toothache. ' SoroTlirou < .f3itcIlliico.Ml > rnlni.nraUca , Uun . NcnldN. fr'ront III If * , JII.L Or.IKU 1101)11.Y IMIM4 AND 1111ES. EoMbT DrujjtiU nd nr lcr erortwh T . Klfly Ccnu botlK Iilr tioui la U I. ngu sti. THE CIIAKUJ8 A. VOUUI.EK CO. f , A. VIKICLCHAfOt n HlB > n < . HdI-B.l. As an TTosttier's Mom- RCI Blturs ha re ceived tn nv tp - - It v endorsement fromtinnnent pliy - Iclans , * nd HHM lei g ( ccni led foremoKt ia'-k iimoK i * "nd ard prop'etaty rrm- fdl H. Jt i/niptr- tlcs iii an nltPi alive of dinordoroil condltl us or tre Ktomai-b , liver nnd bi wolp. snd a pre ventive of raiilur- Ul uicecHibre no lew unarmed. For siiln by I > ru7- Ftats ana Del ri > .to whom ni ply fur H > ni ittT' Alman ac for MM. when applied by ihe finger into the , will be ab- effectually the head of catarrhal virtu , causing healthy se cretions. It allayo inflammation , pro tects the membrane ot the nasal pass ages from addition al coldscompletely heals the sores and restores taste and HAY-EEVE ] 28 smell. A few ap- iu plications relieve ; a thorough treatment will positively cure. Agreeable to use. Send for circular. Price 50 cents by mail or at druggists. KT.Y TmOTlTEKS , Oweffo. If. IT. CHICAGO SCALE CO. 2 TON AlON WALE , 0. 3TU.N , ( SO. 4 Toil S iO. Itcain tlox Inclutled ' 240lb. FARMER'S , CCALE.S5. The "Little O ) U-ctiv - . ' ' % . oz. to-i } Ib. | 3 300 OTIIKU SIZES , Ucdarrd TUUE LIST FUEL POE&ES , TOOLS , &c , BEST FOUCJE 1I1UH FOR L1UIIT HOUR , til 40 Ib. riiiviluutl filtofTooIn.lSlO Firarn e lime and maatj iIoUj ; oJ J Jitlm. r.vlln. Vices .t Olhur ArUclo I have a. positive remedy for the aburo di c fo ; by Its cr.a Uxmeouds of coses of the worit kind end of lone etandlncbavo been cored. JuclelsoitroDpls mTfaitn In Its eOleacy. that I will semi TWO BOTTLEd FUEE. to- gotbor with a VALUABLE TiEATISE on thl * dlvuuo , to " if. GivoExpreeaeniil.O.addrcM. BK. y. JL. fcLOCUH , 131 Pearl 6t , HowToik. IiO88 and Gain. CHAPTER. I. "I was taken sick aycar ago With bilious fever7 "My- doctor pronounced me cured , but I got sick agalu , with terrible pains in my back and fildse , and I K ° t so bud I Could not move ! Ixbnink ! From 228 Ibs. to 120 ! I had been doctor- IHC for my Itvr , but it did me no good. I diil not expect to live more than three ! monthH. I beiran to u.se Elop Blttor.s. Di rectly my appetite retunied , my pains left mo , iny entire uyHtem eemod renewed as if by nnijilc , and after using Hcvenil bottles 1 am not only a Hound as a fovorel n but weigh more than I eyer did before. To Hop Bitters I own my life. " Dublin , June C , ' 81. 11. FIT/PATRICK , i ! CIIAITEK n. "Jfaldcn , Mass. , Feb. 1,1880. Gentlemen I ButlcrcHl with attacks of aick huudachu. " Neuralgia , female trouble , forycara i'u the most terrible and excruciating manner. No medicine or doctor could give mo re lief or cure until I used Hop Hilton ' The first bottle Nearly cured me ; " The second made me as well and strong a * when a child. "And I have been BO to this day. " My hiihband was au invalid for twenty yearn with a serious "Kidney , liver and urinary complaint. "Pronounced by Eoston's best physi cian ? "Incurable ! " Seven bottlea of your Litters cured him and I know of the "Lives of eight persons" In my neighborhood that have been saved by your bittcis. And many more are usiugthciu with great benefit. 4 'They almoBt Do miracleKl" MBB. E. D. SLACK. How TO GET SICK. Expose yoursctt day and night ; cat too much without exer cise : work too hard without rest ; doctor all the time ; take all the vile nostrums adver tised , and then you will want to know how i to get well , which Is answered in three wor < lo Tnlr > 7Tnn \ For Piano. to Mini Consratory MeM 13.25. or In 3 part' . tl. 0 each , has b en the tecd In ibccreat i'onwivuiur > , nnd Its In mo la * tubllsiicd as one of Uie gruuU > t und bo i lustru c.ors. For Organ. r Parlor Organ Inntraclloa ItooU , IIZO. to ill > book for bcglnnTB , tencbe- light u * d tiered nniRl" . nnd IK tilgb r oomivcn e i bv sue e lul , pmo- ilo.l toiichfiB AsaKrund boo * fo lexmnots and dv-inf-edi-tuilent' . o .y riotr tbe entire ground , and f LrnlnhlnK u lurgequHntliy ofi'fllirhttul nrxun mnal.i , wecouim.tid in mernun Mvth > .i lor Reeo. Or nnilM. . by 12 nemm and 41 ttM ; end fur Vo untarf .ud cenx > al advun > ed prnctloon itte Ch irch < > rR'n. U-ud or I'lnnothing can sij > pa CInrke'B ilarmouli : Hcbuoi for the Organ. $300. THE SOL-PA SINGEE , Part 1. By E. P. ANDREWS. PRICE 35 eta. TVarber-t it the common mrth d f note elnxtD wll Bnd In tl Is bo > k ulaKe n < I very usVful quau tityi f sjrllub eprsict < ce. Anotvr a .rcm leucn 1ft I mlnuie- sing d. r. m , f. a. 1 , c , an < l a 1 tba ni-tnnd it need not bIn ilicwuy of. < CKU urcou M9 Too o- ill find this "etngur" equal to any LYON & HEALY , Chicago , HI. OLIVER DITSOX & CO. . Boston. Jill rrruriL tn\\ l > rr > nii n . of Dress Outtlut ; XOuuv i to , Uncip .tl , 0. TH E ST KfDIdllE KOVf KNOWN FOR HORSES. CATTLE , SHEEP , BOSS , ETC. , JSTC. An animal uitli clrranceU digestion. Impover ished Wcxxl or diMTLwd kidneys t-atmot tluive. It to.nieH w ik , Filntlt , of scrappy which rvndera U nuxj.lilili * . It cokt.i uo more U > kevpsmind , Iiealtliy auliuuls tlmt will find rrady market , and slirvnd farmers Slid It pavs them t ci\c Uncle Sam's Condition 1'owiltr ttftly t oiicn.s d etoclc , nnd orraxniiiatly to all ; because it purities tlic blood , nid.s dijrrtion , stimulate ! tlyi vailous fuiurlioiis to liKiltliy eecrellou. mul tlms l > romots growth , and Drives a sinuuth. glossy coat vflialr. MILCH COWS arc nitich tealflud l < y tlic occasional use of Uncle Fam's Ccn < litlaa rowdcr in slop or fd. . HOCS dtt < n foster wbca it is given three or four days In * UCCIS. IOB every month or two. SHEEP. All dim-uses common to Ehecp. stich as conghs , colds , scabs , etc. , arc re lieved by this powder. 3We caution all w ho desire a truly meritorfoti * article to be sure and ask for Uncle Sam's CcndlUca Powder , and accept no other as a eabsUtnte. freportttcUyty-mB EMMEBT PEOPEIETAB7 CO. . - - - CHICAGO , H.LI1TOI& fep - 5Sr v 5 TON WAGON SCALES. $60. JONES , he pays the freight. Iron Levers. Solid Cast Steel Hearings \Veurlnja , Xor- -A. way Irou Forgiusjs , Double Kra n Beam with Patent Spring Tare. Warranted 5 Years. - . SSTALLi SIZKS OF SCAL.'ES EQUALLY LOW. Address for Free Price Li-stand Book on Scales , JONES OF BINCHAMTONI , . i THE ETrOHMOTTS AKOUMT OF VEN $102,400.00 ! ACTUALLY TO THE OOMSUMERS OP PLUG CHEWING if THE ARRAY OF GIFTS WE PROPOSE GIVING - ToBccnrethemoBt equal diatrChntlon of the gtfto vr have divided the country Into Ulstrlcta. Tbc foQow- ING OUR PATRONS. Jng anicles will be distributed Injonr district to coa- ACTCB of land la Dakota , He- _ _ _ _ _ cuinersof "Spcar-lit-iU" Phis Cn wing Tobacco.co- bmlu and Kanww . 888,600 OO JuaelEt , Jffil : IZ TVcberS4Tlc2araadUjMrisUiPlaMB , OOOO OO 160 Acresof Land S2.4OO OO- 13 Elegant Burdctt Orcass . 2.4OOOO 1 TVebcr fity te e Grand Uprtgtit Ploao. OO oo ISO Solid Gold Steia-WbdiasW'iitebca. 1 Elegant BnrdPtt Organ. . . . 2OO OO Elcln Movement . 15OOeOO 1O Solid Gold Btcm-Winding Watcbea , COO The WlUon No. OscUiattng Ehdn Movement. 1.SSO OO Shnttle Sewics MachiSPB . . - . SS.OOO OO IOC WUwn 2o. a Sewing Machines. . C.-iSO OO 152O U. S. Government Beads O ) c cis. , OOO OO 1O TJ. 8. Gorcmmrat Bonds. $ M cadi COO O9 8O Silver Stcra-Wlndlng WetcbM. ' SO Silver Stem-Winding Watches , C Springfield Jlovenent. . S,9OO OO Bprlncfleld Movement - tOO OO- 13SOO > leer ctanm Pipes . . . . . dSOO OO 3OO Meerschaum Pipes 1,24)0 OO 2OOO Five Ib. bozes Bpear-Hund To SOO Fire Ib. Bozes Spear-Head To bacco . 8.OOO OO bacco 2,000 oe- Total Amount , $ IO2r4OOOO Total Value , - SI4,3OOOO alldlstrlbu'.cd. Eayc the Spear-liead.TcgB and rrtcra tons from May 15 to June 1 , JSS1. and yei'yow present. P. J. SOG&GO.Widdletown , Ohto. o Claew SFEAB-HEAD Get a Farm !