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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1883)
" T- . , . . . . . * * -1 "j * * " 'r * wf - -J - - " * " - * - v * ' > * rr ft.s' * > 3f * ' ttltt&K * - i * ' i - . * * , ? # * > McOooK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. r- a . , _ _ _ _ VOLUME 2. M'COOK , RED WILLOW XJOUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , NOV. 29,1883. NUMBER 26. BUSINESS CARDS , I. J. STARBUCK , Attorney at Law , McCooif : - NEBRASKA. Will glvK jrlvo ij whl attention to the practice of v Jftw. mid untieing collrctlmm. { 3 ? OitU'e Second MocU north of depot , 3 door * north jt Grecn'mlruRBtorc. JOHN A. LEE , ' Merchant Tailor ! Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. MCCOOK : : NEBRASKA. PAGE T. FHAXCIS , County Surveyor. Red Willow County. Keeps certified plats of all lands It the Hitchcock land district. Special attcutioa given to all such business. Correspondence solicit' J'cd. 13-tf. L. LBK JOHNSON , M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Oraiaito Meikil Bsputscst Uslrorritj Wooitar. Ofllcc In rear of Citizen' * Hank , where he can bo ? ound when not profcilonally engaged. JOHN F. COLLINS , Contractor and Builder. McCOOK , . - NEBRASKA. Estimates cheerfully pivcn or * nil kinds of work. Hest of references. Address for the present by mail. NHyr. v CONGDON < fe CLIFF , Bricklayers & Plasterers. All Jobs Promptly attended to. C. L. JfETTLETON , ; Supt. Public Instruction V Teachers' Examinations at Indinnoln on the * third Saturday of every month , commencing iit 9 o'clock , A. M. 25-tf. W. M. SANDEKSON , [ ouse & Sign Painter. McCooir , - NEBRASLA. All work guaranteed. Give me a call. Fred Treble , TONSORIAL ARTIST. McCOOK : : NEBRASKA. EST'All work promptly attended to. WM. McINTYKE , Contractor and Builder OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. Employ the Best Workmen Me Cook , 17-tf. Nebraska. STANDAKD LAUNDRY WAX ! Preserves Linen , gives # beautiful finish , -prevents the iron from sticking , saves labor. 5 Cents a Cake. Ask your Storekeeper for it. Hade J > y Standard Oil Co. , CLEVELANDOHIO. . Woman's Health Journal Contains valuable information on the diseases of women only. Published by Lady Physi. cians vrho have made these peculiar weak nesses of the sex their sole study for years. It gives the causes , symptoms , and a sure home treatment for Prolapsus Uteri or Falling of the Womb. Incarnation and Ulcerotion of the womb and aU displacements. Loucorrhoaa or Whites , Irrepular. suppressed or painful Menstruation , jnoodlna. pick and Nervous Headache , Indigestion , Dyspepsia , Heartburn , Weakness in Back nnd ptomach. Scrofula , Pains in Side , Dizziness KJdney Complaint , Barrenness , Nervous Prostration. Depression of Spirits , General Debility of Women and change Qf life. Sent on receipt of eU cents in stamps- Address , Dr. Hush'flWfldJwU Associa-- tf on , Nundo , New York , W. C. LATOURETTE , t | DEALER IXII- HARDWAEE , STOTE QTJEENSWAEE , 4 Agricultural Implements w The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red Willow County. Sign of the BIG AX. Three Doors South of P. 0. McCook , - Red Willow County , - Nebraska. M. A. SPALDING , AGENT FOR THE STORY < CA AND Estey Cabinet Organs ! Sold low for cash , or on easy payments , or rented until the rent pays for the organ. Catalogue With Price-List and Full Description Free. M. A. SPALDING , Agent. McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. SADDLES & HARNESS. Opposite ilotcl on the hill. Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS , BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES , COMBS , WHIPs. Stock Saddles , Cow-Boy out fits , and Spurs. R. H. HAMILTON. D. KENDALL'S BILLIARD PARLOR AND Favorite Resort Is the place for Ice Cold Lemonade , Ginger Beer , Pop , Choice Cigars , Candy , Xuts , Etc , Billiard ftPpolTable CALL anaMJOY Y0UBSELYES RHEUMATISM ! Immediate Relief in all Cases by Dr. Rush's ROOT OIL Cured of Rheumatism in 2 Hours. BUFFALO. X. Y. , May 2 , JS82 Dr. Uu'h'g Medical Association : GENTLEMEX. I Irnve liccn troubled -with rlicuma tlsin for two yearn. I tried all the licit ad\crtUei oils and liniments , and many lirtt-cl.ics physician without relief. The last Dr. \Islu-d recommended Dn. Urdu's "HLOOD KOOT OIL , " I purchased a larsi. bottle for flfty cents , and applied It. In two lioura I was relieved and now I am entirely well. Its effects are wonderful , ami I believe It the only tlilui , in the world which will cure rheiimatNm. Truly yours. .JOHN HUTCIIIXSOX. 8U Erie fet , , Buffalo. N. Y. DR. RUSH'S BLOOD ROOT OIL lias no equal In the world as a Liniment or Oil. It Is a cheap , safe , ultnplc and sure external remedy for man and beast. It nc\er falls to cure RHEUMATISM ! Xeuralcia , Sciatica , Lnmbnjro , Backache , Soreness ot the Chest , Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swelllnjis and Sprains , Ilurns and .Scald.- , General Bodily Pains , ToothEar and Headache , Frosted Feet and Ears , nnd all other Palna and Aches. It lit put up In two size : ) . Price S3 nnd 30 cents. Sold by dniKKlsta everywhere , or tent direct upon receipt of price by Dn. ISca MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Nunda , N. Y. , U. S. A , CITY BAKERY. A. PROBST , Prop. , KEEPS ON HAOT ) BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order , Lunch Room in connection , where you can get hot coffee , etc. reF CONTINENTAL HOOF OINTMENT CURES CRACKED HOOFS , SPRAINS , SCRATCHES and SORES IN HORSES , CATTLE and SHEEP. Ask your storekeeper for it , or write direct to the manufacturers. AMERICAN LUBRICATING OIL COMPANY , Cleveland , - ' XMa WASHINGTON LETTER. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. 20 , 1883. The Speakership contest is the chief topic here at present and I notice there is little else written about by the cor respondents. It is of course enshroud ed in uncertainty owing to a raMier mixed state of things , and issues of some moment are believed to be involv ed in the result , yet it is under no cir cumstances likely to be greatly pro longed or to resemble in any respect the memorable contests of the past. In the Thirty-fourth Congress two months were consumed in electing a Speaker , the choice falling upon N. P. Banks on the one hundred and thirty-third ballot ; ind in the Thirty-sixth Congress a struggle quite as protracted resulted in he election of William Pennington. Uut. these contests were in tlie IIouso tself and grew out of the evenly bal anced condition of parties , while the jrescnt struggle is wholly within one larty and is likely to be settled before Jongress convenes. One feature of the contest is the candidacy of Mr. Cox , who has many supporters , all of whom ire like the candidate himself , innocent of any attempt at joking in this case. , But it is a fact that Mr. Cox has a deserved - * ' ' served reputation for being funny , and l , it is difficult to associate this with the idea of dignity ; hence there is an undisguised - < ! disguised fear that , however able and well-deserving he may be , ho would not ' lend to the position that appearance of dignity and statesmanship now so important - $ t portant to the party. Mr. Cox has * parlors at Willard's , where he receives his friends , and there is no better cn-s tertainer to be found. lie is ever ready with an illustration and a stqry ; always f' | genial and bright , "a fellow of infinite , jest. " with a fund of information and a facility of quotation seldom equaled. The weather is bright and beautiful here now and with hundreds of stran gers coming in daily the streets present an animated appearance. Pennsylvania avenue is crowded nearly every after noon with pramenaders , and one can see style and beauty enough in a single walk down this hawdsome thoroughfare to delight his senses for a week at least. Among the distinguished visitors to the capital during the last few days is Gov ernor Butler , I saw him. waddle into the dining room at Willard's with u rosebud in his button-hole and looking as fresh as a daisy. He is said to far vor Cox for Speaker. The lobby at Willard'd begins to assume its old time appearance in the evenings now that the house is filling up with notables. It is general headquarters during all seasons of political excitement , partly because of its location no doubt and partly because it is such a large house and accommodates so many prominent guests. Wm. 11. Morrison , of Illinois. a strong supporter of Carlisle for Speaker , has quarters there and It la rather an interesting sight to see him backed up against one of the large pil lars in the rotunda and surrounded by a score of eager correspondents boring for points. Mr. Morrison is one of the ablest men in Congress and if Carlis e is chosen Speaker he will likely be chair man of the ways and means committee. The event which is to open brilliant ly the social season here is the housewarming - warming of the ? "Ietropolitan Club in its handsome new quarters on the 28th. Thus far there has been even less socia bility than usual at this season on ac count of the extraordinary absorption of such society ladies as are already here in furnishing the new houses into which so many of them are entering. It is rather surprising to see so many prominent and fashionable ladies attendr iner the auctions of fine furniture and house-keeping goods as one meets here. In this respect Washington is different from most other large cities. The ETTYEKS' GUIDE , 'No. 54 , Fall and Winter , 1333 , gives wholesale prices direct to consumers on evcrythia ? you use , eat , drink , wear , or have fun with. Tells how to order with exact cost , 216 pages larpe ones 3,3OO illustrations a whole picture gallerj. Contains information gleaned from the markets of the world , Ko other price-book in eiktence contains as much information. SentiYectoanyad * dress upon receiptof postage (7 ( cts ) , Letu $ Jiear-from yon , or vistf ns when in our city , Near-Exposition Buildings. Respectfully MONTGOMERY WARD & GO ,