TRIBUNE , THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 22 , 1883. NEWS OF THE WEEK. New goods at Rogers' . Fresh Oysters at Joe's. Graham Flour at City Bakery. Go to Rogers' and see his new goods. For dry goods of every description go to Rogers' . For the best Flour in town call at k. City Bakery. Hats and caps , boots and shoes and notions at lingers. ' S. M. Hartley of Vail ton , renews her subscription , this week. A lull line of the very best cigars at the B. & M. Pharmacy. Fancy and staple groceries , at Rog ers' , at lowest market prices. The best fine cut chewing tobacco in the city at B. & M. Pharmacy. Don't forget that Rogers' has re ceived a fine line of new goods. The famous Boot Jack chewing to bacco for sale at the B. & 51. Pharmacy. The weather for the past week has been most delightful can't be sur passed. ' Ed. Ryan , one of our Stratton sub scribers , made THE TIUBUNE a pleasant call on Monday. We notice the jolly commercial man of St. Joe. Jno. J. Judson , on our y street" , this week. Choice Potatoes for 50 cents per bushel , in wagon load lots 45 cents per bushel , at llayden & McCartney's. X X X X Riverton and Perfection Flour , the best in the market , for $2.25 per cwt. at Haydcn & McCartney's. Grand musical entertainment by the Band , Wednesday evening , November 28th. Pleasing comedy and fine musi cal program. r The B. & M. Pharmacy will , in a few days , open up a large invoice of line medicines , perfumery and drug gists' sundries. GA. . Rowell is building a residence on his claim , near town. Mr. Rowell thinks he has one of the best claims in Red Willow county. We desire to call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the City Bakery , to be found on our first page. Support home industries. The Sun says that the mail to Atwood - wood was delayed one trip , last week , on account of the Republican freezing over at Culbertson. What's wrong with the Sun ? Turn out and give the Band boys a benefit , next Wednesday evening. In connection with the comedy to be per formed , there will be some fine music. Don't miss it ! McCook is becoming quite a rendez vous for commercial men ; having good hotel accommodations , they congregate here in numbers to wile away Sunday , v crack jokes , "do the latest , " etc. t Messrs. Franklin , Kenyon and Stod- dert are having a handsome picket fence of similar construction and de sign built around their residences , which adds a hundred fold to their appearance. Reserved seats for the entertainment to be given by the McCook Light Guard Band , next Wednesday evening , November 28th , in their hall , for sale at the B. & 31. Pharmacy aud Citizens Bank. The B. & M. is sinking a huge well at their station in Minden. It is 12 or 15 feet in diameter , and 35 or 40 feet deep. They are for waterveven though they have to go down 200. feet , or more. A specimen of the genus homo of Teutonic extraction , decidedly under the malignant -influence of "high- license-school - fund personal-liberty juice , " occupied Rogers , platform , Sat urday Happening in the B. & M. Pharma cy , we observed what we concluded was a eider press in minature , but. upon inquiry , ascertained that it was the apparatus by which they made their own tinctures , etc. A hydrant has been placed in posi tion before the Citizens Bank , by the business men of Main ave. 300 feet of 3-inch hose will be purchased , and they will be' in condition to combat the fiery demon successfully should occasion arise. The members of the Social Club met , Wednesday evening , and passed a very enjoyable evening in "tripping the light fantastic toe , " entering into the dance with more than ordinary spirit ana zest traceable , probably , to a number of new pumps on the floor. Jno. J. Dunbar is now running the blacksmith shop on west Dennison street. He has a firsc-class workman employed , .and guarantees that he can do as good work as any smith in the state. He is also a fine worker in wood , and invites inspection. Colonel Burch says he is meeting with very fair success among our people ple in the matter of substantial encour agement toward his hand-book of this county , now in preparation. We wish him every success. The Colonel intends driving over the county and his report will necessarily be authentic. We have in stock a fine line of the latest style calling cards , also suitable type , and arc prepared to accommodate all who desire a nice card. Our job deparament is fitted out with new type and presses , and we are constantly adding the latest job faces. ( Jive us a call , for we think we can do your job work in a neat and tasty manner. J. E. Cochran , a lawyer of Oberlin , Kansas , has decided to move to our "phenomenal and brilliant little city of the upper Republican valley , " -and make it his future home , lie is build ing an office and dwelling combined on the lull , just below the Land Office , and will shortly move his family here from our sister state. Rogers have received a stock of over coats that excels anything ever brought into the valley. They range in price from $3 up to the finest , and the man who goes around shaking with cold when he can get one of these good , warm coats at a price so low that all can buy , had better go back east and give up the ghost , then probably he will have no use for one. We had the pleasure of seeing the rooms which Messrs. Hinman & Glen- jion papered , painted and decorated for Mr. Daniels , Tuesday , and we were surprised to ascertain that we had ar tists in our midst who were able to do work of such excellence. The paper was smoothly hung , and ceiling deco rations showed artistic taste in selec tion and hanging. The painting was nicely executed the ebony and gold and French veneering making a pleas ing contrast. It will be remembered that some one attempted some time ago , to wreck the passenger train west of Arapahoe , hear Burton's Bend , and that the train men gave it as their opinion that the at tempt was made for the purpose of robbery ; but suspicion rested. upon certain parties in that vicinity who had claims , against the B. & M. company , and a detective named Galligan has been working the matter up ever since. We now learn that on Monday of last week , Deputy Sheriff I. H. Dempsey , arrested Cyrus Callahan and Michael Morriscy , living near Burton's Bend , on a complaint sworn out by detective Galligan , charging Callahan and Morrissey - rissey guilt } of attempting to wreck the train at that time" . The prisoners were taken to Arapahoe. and had a preliminary trial on Tuesday , before Esquire Murphy. The examination revealed facts that warranted justice Murphy in binding Callahau over iu the sum of $1,000 to appear at the next term of district court. The evidence was not strong against Morrissey and he was released. Oxford Register. PERSONAL 'MENTION. Mrs. Atwood is visiting Mrs. W. S. Perry. Charlie Ashmore is spending some time in McCook. ' Maj. Criswcll's manly form was on our streets , Tuesday. Harry Clark came down and "took in" the New England Supper. Henry Baxter and R. A. Hamilton of Indianola , were in town on Sunday. t Senator Dolan and friend , L. D. Burch of Kansas G.ity , were in town on Saturday. Gr. W. Irving , who has been absent for some weeks past , .returned to Mc Cook on Tuesday. General Passenger Agent Eustis was in town on Wednesuay , and left the following morning. Mr. Tom McCartney went down to Indianola on Friday afternoon , and that evening attended an oyster party at Senator Dolan's. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Martin of Or leans , spent Sunday in McCook , with Gr. L. Laws , Esq. Mr. Martin is at the helm of the Sentinel. Harry O'Brien , who has been absent for some time , visiting at his home , is back again in his accustomed place in Mr. Byron's jewelry establishment. "Jeans" Moore , and "Scotty" Cum mins , are having a palatial dug-out built on the bank of the Republican , where they will hibernate during the winter. W. II. McCartney was in town , Tues day , after a car load of brick to com plete his new brick store , at the county- seat. His building being delayed by a "hitch" between and bricklayers pro ducers. Mr. Patrick , Egan of Lincoln , and of Land League fame , was in McCook a number of days , this week. Mr. Egan is so impressed with the outlook in McCook , that he has decided to invest in real estate here. General Manager Holdredge and R. 0. Phillips , Secretary of the Lincoln Land Company arrived in McCook on Wednesday , on General Manager's spec ial car. Mr. Phillips will remain here some time and look after the interests of the Land Company , the water worksetc. , Colonel Burch's Lecture. Although but little advertised , a large number of our people turned out to hear what we unhesitatingly style one ot the finest lectures to which they will have occasion to listen in along while. The Colonel took the liberty to change the subject of his lecture , and spoke most earnestly and eloquent upon "The Battles of Life , " suggesting some beautiful thoughts , and giving some wholesome admonitions ; not spar ing cant and hypocrisy , and extolling right , truth and justice. Probably the brightest pearl dropped was that of man's severe and unwarranted judg ment of his fellow creature. "Let him that is without sin cast the first stone,5' covers the ground of the lecture's re marks on that subject. Col. Burch is preparing a hand-book or pamphlet of Red Willow county , at the request of a number of our most influential men , and has been canvas sing our town in connection with the same. Such a book is needed and the Colonel's experience in that line as sures a highly creditable work. Newspaper Annual. N. W. Aycr & Son's American Newspaper Annual for 1883. contains a carefully prepared list of all News papers and Periodicals in the United States- and Canada , arranged by States in Geographical Sections , and by Towns in alphabetical order. It also contains a fund of important information on a number of other subjects , political and the like. There is no other single publication within our knowledge which contains information of such varied tise and value for general business purposes. Complete in all its departments , thor ough in its details , giving just the information needed , and only that , sim ply arranged , easily referred to , care fully compiled , it is , in fact , a model work of its kind. Price $3.00 , carriage paid. NEW ENGLAND SUPPER. The New England Supper Jicld in the Band Hall , Tuesday evening , by the Ladies' Union , was eminently success ful in every particular. By nine of the clock , the hall was crowded , and the members of the Union , dressed in the New England costume of a century since , were kept busy dishing up Bos ton baked beans , pumpkins , etc. , not to make mention of the more modern and more civilized delicacies with which the tables were fairly groaning. Many of our people took supper there , and many after eating at home and coming to the hall to take a peep , were tempt ed to ' 'fall to" and partake of the ele gant repast spread before them. The ladies had made juost extensive and complete preparations for the event , and were ready for the crowd which thronged the hall. The room was prepared to represent one of the olden times , and with the stringed pumpkins , spinning wheels , old dishes , and the numerous other articles of a hundred years ago , ladies and gentlemen in appropriate dress , made a scene not unlike one in the time of George and Martha. Mrs. Batchc- lor and Mrs. Green , as Aunts Jcrusha and Hannah , were immense , and the source of much merriment. Dr. John son and Mrs. Gump scored quite a "hit'1 as George and Martha. Uncle Jed. was there in the person of "the funny man , " which is good and suffi cient evidence that that character was admirably sustained. The noble red men , Messrs. Byron and Kelly , gave color to the scene , as well as liveliness. Among the many articles on exhibi tion , a very few of which we were able to make a note , were : Old and hand some dishes from England and Bel gium ; a beautiful set of dishes 100 years old by Mrs. Meservc ; Mr. Buck's file of the New York Gazette , embrac ing the years of 1758-59 , printed while the stamp act was in force , each having the crown stamped thereon ; a news paper containing an account of Wash ington's death ; a box made from a piece of the historic ; 'Charter Oak" by 3Irs. Hollister ; a plate 120 years old by Mrs. C. II. Heed ; a cake basket 100 years old by Mrs. T. G. llees ; Dr. Willey exhibited a Jaw book 100 years old ; two books , written by Abbe LePluehe in 1741 ; salt seller 100 years old by Miss Nellie Fisher ; Mrs. Buck exhibited a wheel-boy and wool cards , 73 years old , some coin , a piece of bark from an N. E. Indian canoe and a specimen of knitting done by children in a mission school in the Isle of Ceylon ; a cute little German lantern of the modest age of 80 years. We have- attempted to give but a few of the many articles , all of which , were notable. The ladies of the Union should feel proud of the success of their entertain ment , for an unqualified success it was. The band boys "surprised" the ladies by discoursing a number of pieces of music before the hall in the early part of the evening , for which delightful music the ladies return their hearty thanks. The amount realized from the supper , over and above all expenses , Wcis $50,00 , which the ladies consider "pretty good. " VALLEY GRANGE ITEMS. Mr. Newell is talking of going east soon. soon.Alvin Alvin Connor , of Oberlin , is visiting in this vicinity. Kay Davis lost a yearling , the other da } * , by black-leg. The Eaton boys burned their fire guards. Monday. Miss Bessie Osborn is building a house on her claim. N. Burtlcss hauled over a fine lot of potatoes , last Thursday. A pleasant dance took place at Billy Bloomers , last Friday night. We noticed Messrs. Bowles and Ja cobs burning fire-guards , last Thursday. A letter from Van Buren county , Mich. , dated Nov. 15th , reports four inches of snow and very cold. Quite a contrast to what it is here. John Whittaker is building a black smith shop. He intended to give up the business when he left McCook , but his old patrons still brought their work to him and would not take no' ' for an swer , hence the new shop. Grand Carnival ! A grand Skating Carnival will be given on Christmas eve , at the City Skating Parlors , on which occasion a pair of prize ยง 0 Skates will be awarded to the best lady skatc'ralso ; , a like pair of Skates to the best gentleman skater. Contestants must begin prac tice not later than Nov. 24th. No onu will be allowed to compete for these prizes except those who have learned to skate on the McCook Rink. GATEWOOD & BAKER , DENTISTS , PLOr CIIEKIC , - - XKHKASKA. Are at Indiannla , and will remain there for two weeks. After which they will make a visit to McCook , Nov. 27 , and will remain one week. FLOUR AND FEED. Schaupp & Son's Grand Island flour : ' 'Cream , " the best in the market ; "Fancy , " equal to any ; Straight grade ; Graham ; Corn meal , white bolted ; Bran ; Chop feed ; ear and shelled corn. Apple ? by the peck or barrel. Pota toes by the wagon load. Fresh pork , antelope and venison , at C. E. McPiiKRSox's , West Dennison St. , McCook. SPECIAL NOTICE. We will continue to send the TRIB UNE to all persons whose names appear on 31 r. Israel's subscription list. If there be anyone who desires to discon tinue the paper , he will notify us at once , otherwise he will be held liable for the paper sent to his address. NOTICE. On and after Sunday night , Novem ber 25th , 188H , water will 'be shut off from railroad tank and no person will be allowed to draw water therefrom. A. CAMi'BKLi. , Supt. Episcopal Services. There will be Episcopal services in the Congregational church on Sunday morning , November 25 , on which oc casion the llev. Stuart Crockett will preach a Thanksgiving Day sermon. CURED BY Dr , Rush's Regulator , r FOR HEART TROUBLES. Win. ( ! . O Koodl > y , the well-known safe inaiu- faeturer of r.nlTalo , Philadelphia , I'lttslmrs , ' , New ark , and Atlanta , t'u. , hays : OFFICE OK ObCoonnvV I > iriovEi > S.TEf , 17 S. I'road S reel. ATI.AXTX , Ca. , October iitli , 1551. Dr. Rush's Medical Attswuulon : IKAK IxiCTOns. The throe Ixtttles of "Ir. Rn ir . " Regulator" I ordered were received by e.xpre-f la 5 week. I have taken nearly oni ; bottle and am thoroughly mitNQed with tliu result. For over two years 1 have been trundled with nharp paln it my heart. 3f j physician , niMin examination , pronounced It enlargement of the heart and wat unuhle to glvu me any relief. The trouble grew wors-e until I had become convinced that I could not be cured. AVh'le In Xew York City , last week. I called upon one > ( the iuo t prominent physicians there , who ci.nrgcd nit ; $23 for an examination and then recommended your "Regulator. " Knowing you to be u regular Medical Association , and not a patent medicine .scheme I or dered the three buttlex. I have not been troubled since 1 commenced taking it , but t-li-M continue and take the entire three bottles so us to obtain u perma nent cure. You have my sincere thanks. I aai , gentlemen , Very respectfully. Wsi. O. OSGOODDY. Dr. Rush's Regulator has never failed tojrlve relief. It has been nseil s > uc- ee--fully for year * In guhdufng th < : wtet Muliboru ca es of heart dlttlcultlcM , A po-Ittve curu forKn- largfinen' . Palpitation. Fluttering and Fatty Digen- eratlonof the heart. Price , SLUG per bottle ; lx. for $5.00. Sold by druggists , or gent direct by UK. RUSH'S MEDICAL ASSOCIATION , y nnda. X. Y. L . S LOAN AGENCY G. I _ . LAWS , "WILL SECURE TOWN PROPERTY iu McCook , and on. DEEDED CLAIMS In Red Willow and adjacent counties. Office : Land Oalcc.McCoofc.Xebra ka. CONSUMPTION CTTEED. An old plty 'clai. retired from active practlr.- . having hart placed In hit hand * by an Ka t Ind ! t Missionary the formula of a simple vest-table reme dy for the tpefdy and prenianent eure of Conmmp- tlon. Bronchitis , Catarrh , Asthma , and all Thro.1- and LnnK nffrctlons. also a po ! tlvc and radical c.irc for Keneral Debility aad all nervous complaint * , after bavins thoroughly tested Its wonderful cura tive powers In thousands of case. , feels It hi * ilny to make It known to hfs Buffering fellows. Tic recipe will be sent free of charge , to all who ileMru It , with full directions for preparing and i-urce' fully u lng. Addrei" " . with stamp. naming thlpa per. DR. J. ( * . I'ATOOXl ) , 164 Waelilnjrton Mreet. Brooklyn , X. Y.