McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, November 22, 1883, Image 2

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F. M. & E. M. K1MMEIX , Pubs.
Payment of election bets is now in
rder , and many are comtag forward to
make good their promises.
C. O. Charleston , of Phelps , was
severely injured by falling on the skatimj
ring at that place.
Buffalo County Beacon : "W. C. Voso ,
living two miles south of town , lost seven
teen stacks of hay by prairie fire Wedneg-
day ; about 100 tons was burned , This , is a
Tory big loss to Mr. Voso , and should be a
lesson to those careless fellows who set out
these fires.
Eight thousand sheep belonging to
Mr. Fordyce" were driven to Gibbon last
week. Mr. Fordyce expects to feed and
prepare the whole herd for shipping next
spring. '
Glenwood Eagle : A fatal accident
happened on Friday last to the little five-
year-old girl of Mr. Garfleld , Hying about
five miles southeast of here. She was play
ing on top of a hay stack , and accidentally
slid down the side of the stack , coming 'in
contact with the rod of an end gate to a
wagon , which was leaning up against the
etack , the rod striking her in the left groin
and passing through her bowels to the right Ii
side and coming out at her shoulder blade.
She lived until Wednesday.
Many churches throughout Nebraska t
Joined in celebration of the fourth centennial
anniversary of Martin Luther's birthday. a
Vast quantities of fruit is in store (
ready for shipping at Auburn.
Auburn's ladies quartette band made
their first appearance on the street last
week , and with their new instruments at
tracted much attention.
Nemaha Granger : Last Saturday
night young Highfield and Spidel , who were
In the county Jail charged with burglary ,
ucceeded in escaping by making a hole
through the floor Into the county"clerk's of
fice and then going out through a window.
They had a piece of a wood-saw to work
with. Efforts are being made to bringthem
Superior Journal : Last Sunday Rosa
Willoughby , a little girl of about 11 years ,
daughter of Mr. H. Willoughby , was bitten it
on the ankle by a large rattlesnake. Remedies
dies were promptly administered and a
physician sent for , but the poison seemed
particularly venomous , and at eight o'clock
in the evening the child expired. In the . sato
vicinity of Mr. Willoughby's house are a tl3
number of stone quarries where the snakes * a
for many miles around pass their winters. to
Tha neighbors formed a party and after tl
some digging found a den of rattlers , six in th
number. re
The Little Blue valley lays claim to
being the most.desirable section n Nebraska PI
for stock raising.
At Superior , Nuckolls county , Dave
Myers was arrested for horse stealing. It
was proved at the trial , however , that My
of t
ers was allowed to take the horses , with in
structions to trade them for something bet COW
ter. Though he traded them for something W
worse , it was not considered horse stealing ,
and Myers was turned loose.
Valentine Reporter : The rush for
free government land still continues , and fei
our land officers are kept busy from morning
ing till night. Many land seekers file on
claims before seeing the land , fearing that
other parties will get ahead of them if they
delay matters. unH.
H. !
The Sioux City & Pacific engineers pr
returned.from the west a few days ago , ci ?
having completed their labors for this sea
cei !
son. tec
Fairfield Heraid : A number of trav foi
eling men at the Lepin hotel In Hastings last
Sunday morning , after employing a boot dit
black , happened to inquire into the little na
fellow's condition , and finding him to be 141
one of a needy family , they all united , took of !
the little fellow to a clothing house , fitted rig
him out with an entire new lot of clothing , re : <
including overcoat , and left the snug sum bu
of $27 in cash for the benefit of the family. m <
Blair Republican : The gang of burg bn
lars who have infested Blair and vicinity for at
some time past , are again on the rampage. da
On Saturday morning of last week , about 12 11 ]
2o'clock , the office of the C. , St. P. , M. ofTl !
& O. freight depot was entered by prying Tl
open the door with a large iron bar , and re !
with the same Instrument , ono end of a 44 (
email safe was broken in. The only booty
obtained was some $35 in silver , the prop ha
erty of the telegraph operator , Mr. Reese. in i
Hon. W. B. Nems , of Lexington ,
Michigan , has removed his trotting horses heYc
to.Omaha. It is one of the most valuable Yc
acquisitions In this line ever brought to tne me
stat * . by
4An Omaha collection firm has adoptm } *
ed the scheme of sending bills to debtors by !
a burlv negro who wears on his hat and also
on a shield on his coat the inscription , "Bad in
debts collected. " on
Paddy Ryan , the pugilist , who has * h <
been in training at Hot Springs , Utah , for a coi
glove fight with Prof. Miller , the Australian , shi
knocker , who is backed by Richard K. Fox ,
passed through Omaha last Sunday , accomnai
panied by his backer , Parson Davis. The 14t
occasic i of , the. sudden , return was a tele . TV
gram-amiouncing th'at Byan/s , daughter vfas pic
At Falls City , on the 10th , the Union wi
house , kept by Joe Opelt , caught fire , and
for awhile it looked as though it would be
burnt to the ground , but by hard work on LaWi
the part of the citizens , who came promptly Wi
to the rescue , the fire was put out , doing to
hut little damage. I at :
QENERAIi.v - '
The Chicago press club held a memo
rial meettng on the 12th and unvclled a
portrait of 'the'Iate Samuer J. Medlll , man
aging editor of the Tribune and president of
the club. An eloquent memorial address
was delivered by Congressman Finerty and
several feeling tributes uttered by oldjnem-
bers of the city press.
In the greater number of the Protest
ant churches In New York on the 12th sermons - i
mons on Luther were preached. Robert
Collycr's sermon was entitled "Our Saint
Martin. " Dr. Lemanpreached on ' 'Luth
er and Leo. "
All banks at Des Moines , Iowa ,
adopted meridan time on the 13th.
At Mirabile , Mo. , oil the 12th , Homer
Belton beat out his father's brains with a
club. No cause In assigned for the murder
ous act.
Charley Ford , of the James gang
notoriety , fears his brother has met with
oul play. He says Bob was last heard
rom at New York , Oct. 14. Ho had money
nd valuables amounting to § 2,500.
Owing to inadequate railway mail
ervice , 150 sacks of mail from St. Paul and
astern cities , for points between Helena
nd Portland , were lying at Portland , Oregon
gen , on the 12th , and the quantity was daily
At Livingston , Montana , on the night
of the 12th , the Flathead Indians visited
the Crow agency and stole fifty ponies. Tie
Crows pursued them , overtaking the party
at daybreak. A severe fight followed jre- j
suiting in the killing of two Flatheads , one
Crow wounded and the ponies recaptured.
Hanlari gives an exhibition row in
SanFranciseo on Thanksgiving day.
A naked light upon a miner's head
it the "West End , Pennsylvania mine on the
L2th , caused a terrific explosion. Michael
Barcoski , John Escolus and JohnKoller"
ivere killed.
The first snow of the season fell in
Sew York on the 12th.
John Schermerwas killed and several I
lersoas injured in a collision on the West
shore railroad near Troy , N. Y. , on the
Charles Wilson , a Swede , fifty-two
i old , was brutally murdered at his res- ;
dence in North Leavenworth on the morn-
ng of the 12th. He was found with hfs skull
mashed. The weapons used were two
tone Jugs , one of which was broken.
A Springfield (111. ) special of the 14th d
ays : Governor Hamilton "has forwarded e
be transcript of the act of the Illinois legis- t <
iture ceding the Illinois and Michigan canal ci
o the federal government , .and the vote of t >
tie people upon the proposed transfer , to
tie president of the- United States , with a
equest that it be presented congress with
uch recommeneations as he may deem ai
roper in view of the importance of the ct3- ei
The Mexican excursionists arrived at
t. Louis on the 13th. The party were then ttw
iken : to flie new custom house , a number
large business houses , the bridge , and
tton merchants' exchange , where they eVE
ere ( cordially received and introduced to VEBl
le members.
The Western Export associatipn held
secret k session at Chicago on tie 14th , .
hich was unusually largely attended. Dif- ,
rences which have existed between vari-
is members of the association a to the ca-
icity of their respective distilleries were
nicably settled. The association took
ader consideration a resolution offered byre
. B. Miller , president of the association , co
roviding that the prices fixed by the asso- >
ation be maintained under all circumstan-
8 , and authorizing the executive commit-
e to use the funds of the association , if
iimd necessary , to accomplish that end. * DiT
Mortimer Deneher , aged 121 years , T (
ed at the residence of his sone in Dorry- Wl
ine , Lesueur county , Minnesota , 011 the tii
th. Daneherwas the last surviving brother best
a remarkable family , which for down- m
ght longevity surpasses anything in the st ; <
cords of modern times , not only in this ,
it in any otner country. Mr. Daneher's thm
other died in her 101st year , his eldest m
rother at the age of 108 years , his second cil
the age of 117 years , 7 months and 20 Jo
ITS , and himself soon after at the age of ho
years. The father was the shortest-lived sh
the family , having died at the age of 80. th
he combined ages of the three brothers fir
fached 346 years ; including the mother , th
G , and taking in the father , 526. Bti
A strike among laborers and freight he
mdlers on the Panama railway culminated
the wreck of a train. Ct
J. H. Haverly verifies the report that toi
is to build two new theatres , one in New on
orkandthe other in Philadelphia. The de
oney for the enterprises will be furnished tht
Chicago capitalists , but he will have thb Oc
anagement of the building and furnishing ke
the theatres.
Four thousand bales of cotton burned
the Norfolk & "Western depot at Norfolk thi
the 14th. The cotton was consigned toe
Merchants' and Miners'
e Transportation tei
unpany. The bulk was to have been
ve :
tipped to Boston.
Morton's iron works , rolling mill and
dl mill at Ashland , Ky. , burned on the .a
th. Loss partly covered by insurance ,
ivo hundred hands are thrown out [ of era-
oyment. ha :
Two negroes were killed ) and two wa
bites badly injured on the 14th by the a
ving In of a gravel pit at. Dallas , Texas. jev
The propeller St. Paul bound up 4.De
ike Michigan , caught fire , and the tug De
inslow worked with hose two days trying Na
put the fire out. She was finally scuttled poi
Detour in twelve feet of water. kil
Hanlan , the rower , left Toronto on
the 13th for San Francisco. At Chicago ho
was joined by Qebrga Lee. Hanlan remains
in San Francisco ten days and then goes to
1 .The general passenger and ticket
agents'of the roads in the Trans-Continental
association have issued a circular In accord
ance with the Topeka compact with con
necting lines , to withdraw from sale all
tickets via San Francisco to points In Oregon
gen , "Washington Territory and British
Columbia and all tickets to San Francisco
via St. Paul , Duluth or Portland. This Is
understood to be directed especially against
the class of ticket brokers known as "scalp
ers , " against whom a general war is now
being waged.
The general passenger agents of
roads west from Chicago are in receipt of
information that Commissioner Pieraon has
ordered the New York trunk lines to dis-
coutlnne selling through tickets from the
east to points west of Chicago and St. Louis.
This is to overcome the alleged abuses grow
ing out of ticket scalping. The now regula
tion will compel travelers to repurchase
tickets after reaching the two cities named ,
and the action of the commissioner is stated-
to have occasioned unusual wrath amongthe
officials of western roads.
It is reported the Gorman govern
ment will ask the reichstag for a grant to
build fifteen torpedo boats.
Oglethorpe barracks at Savannah ,
Qa. . werepold by the government at auc
tion on the 14th for $67,381 , to a new hotel
Dr. Frank B. Smith , of Detroit , has
begun a $50,000 suit in the United States
district court against Dr. John H. Roach ,
secretary of the Illinois board of health ,
whoso name he-alleges was signed to the cir-
lar revoking his ( D. Smith's ) license , for
unprofessional conduct.
A New York telegram reports that
officers of the Union Pacific railway dtate
that the decrease in PTOSS earnings for Sep
tember and October will not be greater than
5200,000 as compared with the same months
last year. At the same rate operating ex
penses last yew wre 47 per cent. This
would imply a decrease probably of $125-
300 in the net earnings of the two months. n
But it is well understood that there has ti :
been some cutting of rates by competition d
with the Denver & Rio Grande , and also n
hat the Union.Pacific has been'buildmg and q
Derating considerable new mileage , which h
nay have increased the proportion of ope- ti
ating expenses to what they were in 1881. iie
riz. : 51.45 per cent and if this was the case e
luring two months the decrease of the gross ti
iarnings ; and increase of operating expenses in
ogether would make the approximate de- scY
Tease say $260,000 in the net earnings of the Y
wo months. aid
On Lake Erie on the night of the 17th
he wind's velocity reached twenty-six miles d
uhour. Captain J. Harley , oftheschoon- ci
r Leadville , and Captain P. Griffin , of the Pto
chooner Blazing Star , arrived at Buffalo to
rom Erie , accompanied by members of
tieir crews. They report their vessels , th
hich went ashore on Long Point , were st :
ompletely wrecked. The Leadville was bi
wned by Cumming , of Oswego , and wag ne
alued at $15,000 ; insured for $13,000. The dc
Hazing Star was also owned by Cumming , re
nd valued at$10,000 ; insured for $8,000. er
The steamer S. H.- Parish was do- tal
troyed by fire on the 17th at Bullet's sis
ayou , eight miles above Natchez. No lives go
rere lost. The Parish- left Vicksburg on
IB 16th for New Orleans with 3,100 bales of ex
Jtton , 1,300 sacks of oil-cake and 500 bar-
5ls of oil. Loss over $200,000. The boat m
DSt $60,000 two years ago , and was insured _ 14I
r $10,000.
A variety actress , known as Lilly IslHi
al , playing at Holland's theatre , Dallas , Hi
exas , left there fully dressed as an old rut
oman. Since then it has liqen discovered tui
lat certain parties with whom Lilly has tom <
een associated lost $5,000 worth of dia- m <
lends , and the girl is accused of having of !
olen them. ' shl
West Lebanon , Indiana county , was de
IB scene on the llth of a brutal double
lurder. Wm. Samer , an old and respected J
tizen , had .an' altercation with his son
aseph , about putting a kitten out of the
ouse , when the son drew a revolver and
lot the father in the hip. The old man
ten fled , but was followed by the son , who vai
red a second shot , ' the bullet crashing re :
trough the father's brain , killing him in- cai
antly : The patricide then returned to the stn
9use and killed Bella Kelly , a servant girl "l
Mud McGraw , Dick Slighoo , Butler , no
barles Forney , and Bill Guyley , notorious ge : :
iughs , were arrested at Fremont , Mich. , tat
the llth , by John Mathiss , a Chicago to
Jtective , for robbin Darling's store , at an
te latter place , of $500 worth of goods last .
ctober , and for cracking two safes at M s- pn
gon. res
In view of the intensely bitter feeling mv
Beuton county , Indiana , against Nelling , be <
10 murder of Ada Atkinson , and the dffi- I i
iltyof obtaining a jury , it has been de- bin
rmined to bring the case on a change of tie
mue to Tippecanoe county. vet
E. Martin and the
Wm . Brockway , Lewis
is. 'B. Foster , of "New York , have been
dieted for forgery iu the first degree. e
Win. Lawlerj a noted safe cracke'r , pla
is been arrested at Hamilton , Ontario. He cot
as the principal in the-burlaries at Simcoe enc
week or twVagol wlien$12,0 < 5o worth of oth
welry was carried off. <
A special to the New Orleans Tiines- jrrc
emocrat says : A train on the Mexican wit
atioual railway was wrecked for the purse - tri :
se of robbery. A number of men were thr
lied and wounded. o'
The trial of Martin and Coffin at
Denver , charged with complicity In the
Grand Lake assassination last July , was
called at Golden on the"l5th. The prosecu
tion moved to dismiss the case on the ground
of insufficient evidence to convict.
Luther Bowman , aged 84 , father-in-
law of a Troy fire commissioner , whilefcleep-
ing In a shoemaker's shop at Lanslngburg ,
N. Y. , was awakened and called to the door
on the morning of the , 16th , and murderous
ly assaulted by two men , who escaped after
stabbing and beating.him until ho was un
conscious. He will probably dlo.
A dispatch to the Now Orleaus
PJcayunefrom Raceiand , La. , says : In a
quarrel at his homo on Bayou Btcuf on the
10th , Captain A. Chotard was shot by Felix
John Clair , superintendent of Wad-
del'smine , of Mill Hollow , Pa. , was fatal
ly wounded by Dennis Keller , of Clinton ,
la. Clair has four balls in his body and will
George , alias Ted , Brimmer , a fugi
tive incendiary , was captured in Harrisburg
on the 17th. The officers fired a number of
shots at him , one of which took effect in his
arm. Ike Hubbard , another escaped con
vict , was in Brimmer's company within a
few days , but left at Harrisburg to Join his
brother Abe in the Euphratamountains.
Brimmer is the third one out of-twelve es
caped convicts captured.
i At Giddings , Texas , James Taylor ,
colored , was sentenced to hang on Decem
ber 21 for outraging and murdering Sarah
Chapin , colored.
BurtEllis , colored , charged with the
the murder of Mrs. Logan , was found
guilty at Charleston , S. C. , and sentenced :
to be hanged on the 14th of December.
Frederick M. Ker , cashier for Preston 01
ton , Kean& Co. , tbaokcrs , Chicago , who >
Bed in February , 1883 , short $40,000 in his
iccounts. and was captured , after a long '
: hase , in Peru , South America , was convicted
victed and sentenced to ten years in the diM
penitentiary at Chicago on the 17th. M
The annual report of the quarter- ve
naster-general of the army shows that the th
otal resources were $12,051,850 ; the expen- thm
litures , $14,756,577. The construction of m
linetynow buildings , such as barracks , bi
luarters , stables , storehouses , guard- pa
louses , etc. , have been authorized at anes- fo
imatedcoatof$147,178. Repairs to exist-
ng buildings have been authorized at an fo
istimated cost of $425,559. An appropria- W
ion of $125,000 is urged to replace the build- ou
ng used as a recruiting depot and training lit
chool for recruits at David's Island , New Nemi
fork. The expenses for transportation mi
mounted to $2,149,051. an
Complaint has reached the postofllco wl
epartment that mails on the Northern Pa- re
ific : road are not properly worked by the >
ostal clerks , and instead of being distribu- li.8
d at various points along the route are car- as
ied through to Portland and stacked up
lere. Superintendent Thompson says this
ate of affairs is brought about by a com-
ination : of postal clerks , who purposely
eglect to work in order to compel him to
oublo the force , which he maintains ii al-
ady sufficient to distribute the mails prop-
rly. Postmaster-General Grcsham has
iken the matter in hand and assigned As- nai
stant Superintendent Jameison to duty , \
ring over the whole line of road from St. .
aul to Portland , and making a thorough lnt
lamination of the postal sen-ice. waI
Lieut. Garlington resumed his testi- cha
< in the Proteus court of
ony inquiry on the ane
th. He said he never saw the instruction of
vento Capt. Wildes , of the Yantic , until ofl
s return to St. John. His own instruc
ts ordered him not to stop at Littleton
land on his way up and ho obeyed them , To i
is party went south in boats , hoping to Tov
eet the Yantic and find some way of re- C
irningto help Greeley. Gen. Hazen then OF
ok the stand ana testified that the pupple- p
ertal memorandum formed the fore part
Garlington's instractions. "Garlington
lowed me , ' ' said the witness , ' 'all his or- as *
ira , and I told him he must be controlled mai
the regular orders he had given him and Qu
directions of Greeley on which they were Pot
unded. Greeley's letter was a law to me Qu :
id I didn't feel authorized to give any or- Pot
Qu ;
irs that would conflict with it. " lia
A dispatch of the 14th says : The Qul
mguard of the forty-eighth congress has Gra
ached Washington , where several of the Ap ' ]
udldatesforthe minor offices have already Pea
ationed themselves , on the alerj to secure Fir
pledges" of votes. General Clark , of Cor
aine , one of the candidates for the office Spr
w filled by Edward McPhersou , ex-Ser- Gra
ant-at-Arms Thompson and ex-Represen-
tive Leedam , of Ohio , who are ambitious
succeed Colonel Hooker as sergeant-at-
ms , and a half dozen other candidates Cine
.ve been on the ground fora week or more CineC
essing their claims. A western rep- hav
sentative is quoted aa saying : "We hail
ust have a man for speaker who has she
en tried and found to bo entirely safe , and
really ought co vote for Mr. Randall , hat
it 1 feel under some personal obliga strs
ns to Mr. Cox and my first
te will'be cast for him. After he is out of ago
field I shall support Mr. Randall. I
iderstand he drafted the platform of the
snnsylvania democrats last summer , and I his-
not see why it is not as liberal as the Ohio whi
itform , as far aa the tariff question is the *
ncernedHe has-had five years' experi- has i
ce inthefipeakers { chair , antl that ia an- still 1
tier strong thing In his favor. dea
On the 15th Senator Vest and Con-
esmen Carlisle , Casey and Young called ,
th Commissioner Morehead , on the Aus- prej
an minister , with a view to securing ,
rough the Austrian government , transfer A
the late Vienna electrical exposition to kno
the World's exposition at New Orleans next
year. The Austrian minister evinced the
Greatest .interest , and promised to use bis r
best endeavors to.f urthor the plan. A vis
it to the department of state was aldo made ,
where it was learned that foreign affairs at
the World's exposition , which , underact
of congress , are iu charge of this depart
ment , are in the most satisfactory and en
couraging shape. The department has re
ceived a large number of letters from var
ious foreign countries evincing the utmost
interest and desiring to make an exhibit at
the Now Orleans exposition.
Secretary Teller hag rendered an im
portant decision in reply to a question from
the commissioner of pensIonH asking for a
proper and uniform construction of the re
vised sta utes concerning pensions to dependent -
pendent mothers. The secretary maintains
that If the son was a minor his father was
entitled to his services , or , if not living * his
mother was so entitled , and therefore [ de
pendent father or mother should be allowed
thp pension.
The testimony taken up to the 16th
in the Proteus court of inquiry relates to
supplementary instructions , and show that
Garlington had none but original orders ,
which he obeyed to the letter.
The president has mitigated the sen
tence of dismissal in the case of Lieutenant-
Colonel Morrow to suspension from that CI
rank and command with loss of half pay for
) no year , and reduction in ! iueil rauk to
'oot of the list of lieutenant colonels.
A Government Prisoner.
Herald. 15th.
For some weeks past United States I
Marshal Bierbowerhai been in receipt of let-
era from variouh points in the South Plattc
ountry inquiring about one G. W. Walker ,
\ho represented himself as a agent
f the revenue deportment , and wascollcct-
ng money in its name. The marshal relied -
lied that ho know of no such person , and
hat no such authority had been given any
'no. Last Sunday Walker was fouud and
letainod at Hebron by the sheriff , and the
aarahal , being notified , sent out Deputy
f.irahal Hastings , who brought the prison-
r to this city yesterday.
Papers found on the person of Walker ro-
ealed his scheme , and showed that while
tie documents had been clumsily gotten up
liey had served to bring in a round sum of
loney from the sympathetic or politic
rowers and saloon-keepers. The princi-
al paper was the subscription , headed aa
llows :
"Whereas , a call for help has como to UB
r ; the flooded and storm stricken district of
restern Kansas and Nebraska , we feel it
ir. duty to call on all you brewers and
luor ] dealers and saloon men in Kansas and
ebraska to help UH make a small sum of
oney for those that are suffering the worst
id to relieve their immediate wants , and
hatsoover you can give will be thankfully
iceived by Mr. G. W. Walker , of Atchi- - '
n , the special U. S. revenvo agent for
ansas and Nebraska ; and in return we will
U. S. officers help you as we can.
Very respectfully , yours ,
C. S. D"O.VKI > V. "
To the list were appended the names of U.
Marshal Bierbower and several of his
iputies ] as paid subscriber- * ( all forgeries ,
course ' ) , and the names of a large number
liquor dealers , who evidently had paid
e $3 and $5 subscriptions set opposite their
Walker was armed wlth > any quantity of
bpccuas and other'legal papers apparently
tended to convince any doubters that he
13 really an officer.
Ee was taken before
Judge Dundy on a
arge of assuming to be a reveuuo officer
d collecting moneys aa such , and in defaultx
bail ! he was committed to await the action
the grand Jury.
Statistical Reports.
Correspondents and Newspapers , an
svell as all Persons interested in u Statlstl-
al ; report from Nebraska :
Pi-ATTSMOUTir , NEB. , Nov. 12. J
We find from reports the following
the summary and result of all report *
ide to this office up to this date :
rn yield per acre 41 buahels
lality. : . 85 per cent
tatoes ( Irish ) 147 bushels
ality 109 ocr cent
tatoea ( Sweet ) 114 bushels
ality Ill percent
.y , average tame and wild. . . . y tons
lality. . 107 per cent
rghum , , yield per acre Ii9 gallon
apes , yield and quality 88 percent
'P'68' ' " ' I' ' ; 97 percent
ars 52 percent
at frost October 5th.
rn ready for market Dec. 1.
nditionof orchards 100 percent
ring wheat threshed at date. . 82 percent
ado of spring wheat No. 2.
Statistical Agent for Nebraska.
t - _
Still Waiting for Henry Clay.
cianatl Commercial-Gazette.
3n the streets yesterday one mio-ht
7e seen an aged gentleman whose
ir flowed in white waves over his
mlders , while his beard wis b"shy
long , and his wide-brimmed , soft
and strange garb told that he was a
anger. He was Judge N. Banning'
non , from Dallas , Texis , and years
he was a violent whig. When
nry Clay made his first great race
the presidency Judge Norton sol-
nly yowed that he would never cut
hair until he saw his leader in the
ite house , and ! consequently for all
e years since 1842 the judge's hair
been growing and growing and will
continue to grow until the hand of
ith cuts it short.
J. L. Myers says-
irown's Iron Bitters is the best iron
paration I have ever known in my thirtv
rs of practice. " J
Ml those who know their mind do not
aw their heart.