McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, November 15, 1883, Image 7

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    - GreenQing rf
HcwTockBun. . 1 ? . ?
" 1 had ta long search for green gin
ger to-dayi" eai'd a Jersey City house
wife to her husband. "My grocer told
me that there was a corner in it ; that
there were only two barrels-in the mar
ket , and that these two were held at 60
cents a pound by the barrel. A German
man grocer" said ho could not get any.
At another store the man said : 'Here-
John , get-this lady some green ginger. '
Haven t had a .piece in the.storo this
season , sir , ' was the answer. stepped
in about twenty other groceries , out
none of them had it. "
The husband volunteered to get it in
New York , 'and walked up and ; down
the streets in ttio 'neighborhood of Wash
ington market inquiring at every stand
and dodging into every store that
looked as if it ever had kept , or by any
possibility might ever keep , goen gin
ger. Things are seen sometimes when
least expected. In front of a foreign
. fruit store in Barclay street a huge bas
ket filled with the root he sought met
the man's astonished gaze.
"How do you sell your ginger ? "
"Four pounds for a dollar. " v
"Won't you sell me half a pound ?
My wife wants it , and this is the only
lot I have seen. "
The storekeeper hesitated before he
spoke. "YesI know something about
auch things. They destroy the' peace
of a family. Hotter than ginger some
times. "
He gave a big half-pound , and said ,
laconically , " 10 cents. " While the
purchaser was commenting upon its
low price in view of its scarcity , the
storekeeper broke in with : "Cheap !
Do you know what that ginger costs
here ? Sixty cents a barrel. Nothing
is paid for but digging , and freight. The
reason it's scarce is1 because the negroes
down there in Jamaica and the other
islands won't work as long as they
have anything. A steamer may be go
ing out and ginger wanted , but if those
negroes have a bit of tobacco as big as
the end of your thumb , or a mouthful
of food , or a single copper , you can
whistle for your ginger. "
Maryland to the Front.
The Hon. Oden Bowie , -ex-Governor'
of Maryland , President ofthe Baltimore
City Passenger Railway Co. , also Pres
ident of the 'Maryland. Jockey Club ,
says : "Both m my family , and in my
private stables , as well as those of the
City Passenger -Railway Co. , I have for '
several years used St. Jacobs Oil most
satisfactorily. ' ' Such'a 'statement ought
to convince every " reader of this paper.
"W i *
A. Lesson Given a Brakeman.
ew York New * .
President Rutter came into the Grand
Central station the other day to take a
train , and asked , a brakeman : "Is this
the train to Poughkeepsie ? " The
brakeman did not know him , and nod
ded his t head. Mr. Rutter asked the
question three times , and each time re
ceived a nod in reply. Finally he in
quired , "Have you no tongue in your
head ? " The man nodded again. Mr.
Rutter obtained the name of the man.
The brakeman found it out and went to
Mr. Rutter. "I think I made , a mis
take , " said he. "Yes , I should say you
did , "replied Mr. Rutter , - "you took
me for one of the patrons of the road.
Out of the money received from patrons
you receive your pay. They are enti
tled to every courtesy , and as you can
not accord it to them'lwill see to it that
you are discharged at once. " ' "The man
begged , promised to profit by'the lesson
and said he had a mother to support.
For the sake of"nis mother M * . Rutter
said he wouldv.overlook the "mU , ke , "
but a repetition would result in dismis
FIUST effectual , then good to take , then
Plso'a Cure for Consumption.
Hot a Good Headline.
Nevr Orleans Times-Democrat.
"Yes"said Miss Perm , "I rejected
Mr. Hogg. Nice fellow , but I couldn't
iave the announcement of my marriage
appear in the papers .under , the head
line 'HoggPemu' "
EUSHMOKK , O. Dr. A. Page says : "I
haAe prescribed Brown's Iron Bitters in
several instances , and in each case obtained
good results. "
Truth is the highest thing that man
may keep/
Vertigo , Hysterics , Convulsions all ner
vous disorders in fact are cured by Samari
tan Nervine.
This is the essential evil of vice -it
debases a man.
First a Cold , then Bronchitis. Check the
first with Halo's Honey of Horehbund and
Tar. Of druggists.
Pike's Toothache Drops cure in 1 minute.
Hypocrisy is the homage-vice paya to
virtue. ;
laogbinz taoe of .
Orphan children have not-so much
heed of guardians as stupid men.
READ THIS. The Army and Navy Lini
ment willjjpsitl gljrtake.thet8oreness qutuof
Spavin , Kingnone , Splint"or Curb , and ;
stops thelr grotlfc See advertisement. - ,
A .good maniSkkmdUerlto his enemy
than badrmeii are fatheirafrienda. \ '
For , J > y pep laVli iic ftt > n. Depression of :
Splrits'and General debility , in t'beir various formal
alw as'a prefeaUVe against < var. aadAgue , ' ad
other Intermittent Perera , tie' 4 JPerro-Ihoiiph o
rated Elixir of GalU ra-inaIa br Cat-well , :
Hazard * Co. , Kew yojjid .d 8ll OraggMs " , ta
the best ton'loTan5 f "paUentafS mring'"irom
fevers orotber sickness , It haa no equal.
Among intelligent people antipathies
are more irreconcilable than hates. -
By the way , a dog generally "cornea
to the scratch" in the attempt "tomake
both ends moot. " [ Norristown Herald.
\L \
The' ' Phenomenon ota/Burning Mine 'Be-
1 peatVd iB tta'e Pnyslcal 8y t m.
A few years ago one of'the most im
portant coal mines in Pennsylvania
caught fire. It started slowly , but soon
obtained such headway that , it spread
througbfthe.greater portion of the en
tire mine. T6 ? flood it with water
would extinguish the fire , but well nigh
rain the mine ; and still the flames cpn-
'tinued to increase. At that juncture n
younar man stepped forward , and sug
gested that all the entrances and vent
holes of the .mine bo covered and sc-
cnred , tlius shutting off the supply oi
air. His advicowa , ? followed and the
flames were finally subdued.
To compare rthe condition of this
mine with many phases of the human
system , is most naiural and appropri
ate. "Fire in the blood" is not a mere
expression , it is a most serious fact.
How it originates , it may bo impossible
to say ; but that it burns and rages with
an increasing fury , the one who is
its victim only too painfully knows. The
blood is the life. It is designed by na
ture to p.urify. , Btxengthen and sustain
the system. It 'is too often made the
channel through which poison and
death are transported. Poisonous acids
coming"'through'the veins and arteries
inflame and cause a fire just as real as
'the one which existed in the mine. They
burn and irritate , causing the brain to
become weak and the nerves unstrung ;
they carry pains to tho.Jmuscles and
leave agonies in the joints ; they bring
destruction jnstead of strength ; they
devastate the very portions of th < body
that most require help , and they hasten
the approach of death injts mostj horrible
rible form. These " things have been
felt by 'innumerable people who have
been the victims of rheumatic disorders
and the'agonies they have endured con
firm this description.
There is but .one way by "which this
fire in the blood can be extinguished ,
and that is by shutting off the supply
of these poisonous acids. The lactic ,
lithic .and uric acids come in to the
blood through the "liver andr kidneys ,
and they remain in'solution in'.the blood
producing inflammatory rheumatism ,
solatia , lumbago , neuralgia , gout rand
all rheumatic fevers and affections.
When they are deposited as gritty
crystals in and near the joints , they
cause .articular rheumatism ; when in
'the.musclos , muscular rheumatism and
lumbago ; when in the tissues covering
theinerye3.sciatica' ; when in the face ,
head and nerves generally , neuralgia.
In every case they are painful ; inmost
instances , dangerous. Inflammatory
rheumatism is likely to locate in some
joint and become chronic , or suddenly
attack the brain or heartf causing apo-
or heart disease. The fire in the
lood must bo -the
extinguished- sup
ply must be shut off. This can only bo
done by guarding the portals to the
blood the kidneys and liver ; and no
means has ever been found for accom
plishing this which can equal Warner's
Safe'.Rheumatic Cure. It acts directly
upon the seat of the' disorder ; it extin
guishes the fire by controlling the sup
ply and removing the cause.
The well-known standing of H. H.
Warner & Co. , of Rochester , N. Y.t the
remarkable success .which. Warner's
Safe .Cure has achieved , being indorsed
by no less a personage than Dr. Robert
A. Gunn , Dean of the United States
Medical college , New York , and the
fidelity with which they have carried
out all their promises to the public ,
should be a sufficient warrant thattthe
above statements aretrue. ' . They , how
ever , guarantee to [ cure ninety-five per
cent. , of : all rKeumatio troubles , espe
cially acute , knowing full well that the
demonstrated power of the remedy jus
tifies them in so doing. Nothing can
be fairer ( than this , and those who suffer
in the future from rheumatism with
such an offer before them , do "so on
their own responsibility , and can blame
no one if living pain and untimely
death are the results.
HAYFKVKR. Since'boyhood I have been
troubled with CUarrh and Hay-Fever , and
was unable to obtain relief until lusedElv's
Cream Balm. It has cured me. E. * L.
CLICKENER , Now Brunswick , N. J.
HAY FEVER. Having been afflicted with
Hay-Fever for years I gave Ely's Cream
Balm a trial. I have had no attack since
using it. E. K. KAUCII , Editor Carbon Co.
Democrat , Mauch Chunk , Pa. Price , 50c.
Suffering is the surest means of mak
ing us truthful to ourselves.
Piles ! Piles ! Piles !
Sure-cure for Blind. Bleeding : and Itching ;
Piles. One box has cured the worst cases of 20
rears * standing. No ono need suffers minutes
fter using : Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. .It
absorbs tumors , allays itching- , acts as poul
tice , gives instant relief. Prepared only for
piles , 1101107 of private parts , nothing ; else.-
for $1. FRAZIEB .MEDICINE.CO. , Cleveland , O.
- -a i *
Where .there is room in ; the. heart ,
ihere is alw.aysroomin the house.
DOJT'T IE in the bouae "Bongh on Bats. "
earsontrats.--lcs , rilea.ronchea. bcd-truRS. 15o.
Sorrow for sin Is ' the golden k y .that ;
jpens the palace o'f eternity.
Mr. 31. F. Harriaonj.of ( Norborne , one of
he leading farmers and stock-raisers of Car
roll county , this state , was * im town this ,
yeekvrithf his .little son * for surgical treat-
nent. ' " The "little felow 4has a badly'.de- I
'orme'dlootilwhlch-necessitates him to walk
m the in8ide.ofhis ankle. He is having it
orrected at DrsI Dickerson & 'Start's Sur-
cical Institute. 'He was accompanied with
Hr. Jacob H. Jones , also of Norborne , who
lada son similarly .afflicted , "and who was
ured at the same place. - ' >
Silence does not always mark wis-
An effective medicine for kidney diseases ,
ow fevers and nervous prostration , and
veil worthy of a trial , is Brown's Iron Bit- ,
They who forgive most shall be most
i ! .
, .
Wlien you visit or leave New York City ,
B ve Baggage , , Exprewace and Carriage
Hire , and stop at GRANDIJNI0N HOTEL ,
opposite Grand Central Depot. 600 elegant
rooms , fitted up ut a co t of one million dollars
lars , reduced to $1 and upwards per day.
European plan. Elevator. Restaurant sup
plied with the best. Horse-cars , stages nnd
elevated railroads to all depots. Families
can live better for less money at the Grand
Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotel *
ln.the.dty. , _ , _
Stop at the Metropolitan Hotel when '
in Omaha. The best $2.00 per day
.House iu the west. Tables as good as
any $3.00 per day housfe.
Good style is good sense , good health ,
good energy , and good will.
Touting Virtues' .
'Be not wiser than you should , hilt-be so
berly wise and to this end commence by
testing the virtuoB of Allen's Iron Tonic Bit
ters , which supplies the blood with iron , j
aids digestion , tones and strengthens the
system , and creates , as it were , a new man.
Try it. All genuine bear the signature of
J. P. Allen , St. Paul. Minn.
God fishes souls with a line ; the devil
with a net.
STINGING * . Irritation. tnflamnmtUn. ul ! Kidney
and Urinary C < jmpaJntscuredby ! "Uuctn
The usual fortune of complaint is to
excite contempt more than -pity.
It may be truly said that a passenger
whirled through space , at the. rate of forty
miles an hour in one , of the coaches of the
Chicago & Northwestern Road Is in less haz
ard and Is less liable to .accident than he
would be in walking the streets of Chicago ,
nnd as safe from possible injury as he would
be if seated nthis own fireside.
Much danger makes great hearts
most resolute.
"W" . H. Wbrthington , editor of the "Pa
trons of Husbandry , " published at Colum
bus , Mass. , writes under date of Feb. 25 ,
1882 : 4 < Your great remedy , Allen's Lung
Balsam. I have used Jn my family for fif
teen years for cougbs.aiid colds , and know
it to be the best.
They truly mourn that mourn with
out a witness.
For seven years Allen's Brain Food has
stood the strongest tests as to its merits In
curing Nervousness , Nervous Debility and
restoring lost powers to the weakened Gen-
erativeSystem , and , in no instance , has it ever
failed ; test it. $1 : GforfS. At druggists , or
t y mail from J. H. Allen , 315 First Ave. ,
TSew York City. _ '
The first and worst of all frauds is to
cheat one's self.
MEHr."Well8'Ho ltb Renewer"re8tores
lealth and vigor , cnres Dyspepsia , Impotence. 1.
A proud man never shows his pride
so much as when he is civil.
f -
- -
it-- - - - - - - -
Prevent crooked boots and blistered heels
by wearing Lyon's Patent Heel Stiffenera.
A foe to God was never friend to
"This certifies , " writes D. D. Christ-
man , of Oswego , Ind. , . "that Samaritan
fervlno cured me of Epileptic fits. " At
Druggists , $1.50. _
The more natural is sad , the more
he hearth-stone is dear.
If Success be the'true test of merit , It Is
i settled fact that "Brown's Bronchial
? rochca" have no equal for the prompt re-
lef of Coughs , Colds and Throat troubles.
SOLD ONLY IN BOXES. Price 25 cts.
All those who know their mind do not
know their heart.
Carboline , the great natural hair renewer ,
Is absolutely perfect as an exquisite and de
lightfully perfumed hair dressing and re
storer. Sold by druggists. _
In prosperity work is a duty ; in mis
fortune it is a refujre.
Believes and cures
Neuralgia , 2
Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Soreness , Cuts , Bruises ,
And all other bodily aches
and pains.
Sold by all Druggists and
Dealers. Directions In 11
The Charles A. Vogeler Co
on to A. YOGXLE& t CO. ?
Baltimore , B& , C.O.A.
CATA R R IH ay's Cream Bali
iwlien applied by
, the finger Into the
Inostrils , will be ab-
Isorbed , effectually
cleansing the head
of catarrhal virus , )
causing healthy se
cretions. It allays
.inflammation , pro
tects the membrane
lot the nasal pass
ages from addition
al colds , completely
heals the sores and
( restores taste and
HAY- smell. A few ap
plications relieve
' ; a
horouKh treatment wll' positively .cure.
Sigreeable'touse. Send lor circular. Price
Xcents ) by mall or at druggists.
The sh ftiatenin
erery Joint and fiber
with fever and ague
or bilious remittent ;
the system may jet ,
be freed from the
malignant virus
with Hos tetter's
stomach Bitters ,
rnitect the system
agr.inst it nlta tnis
beneficent tmtl-
cpasmodic. which U
fnrthoimore a supreme
preme remedy for
liver romplointcon-
Btipatloa. dyspepsiii , So
d e b i 11 tr , rbeiiruu-
tlsm , kidney troub-
len and other uil-
I-or sslo by all
Dnip.-lsta nnd Deal
ers generally.
. f
' ' : ' II , "
To the.Farmers , Stock-growers , Frult-rtisers , Poultrynien ,
r and Horticaltnrists of the Great Southwest.
On Koyembor 22d , 1E83 , the Jocrcal Company of Kannaa City. Bio. , will bejfln the publication
of tl > e"KARa&s crrr WETKLT JOUSITAL AND AQSiorrLTmuar/ eight-pageseven column
paper , In size larger than any other agricultural or otoclcpaper la the country. The object to
be gained bv this movement on the part oi the ' Journal Company " IB to secure , nnd especially
to produce for tbe HtatOH ot Ulawnri. Kaniaa , Kebraika , Xowa , Colorado , Tezu , Arkaaiu , tbo ZadUa
Territory , and New Mexico a urat-class lUadard aprlenlturo and family newspaper.
The WEELXT JOtJEMAl AMD AOMOULTTJR1BT will ccntain , Pint. The condensed news of the
world for the preceding lerca dayi , carefully edited by a thoroughly competent man. Caoocd ,
Notlonnl quwtlons and topics local to the Great Southwest , will reco'vo careful editorial treat
ment from a Republican standpoint. TMrrt , Under appropriate hendn , the subleot of farmlns ,
itock and au p.r&lilnc , and poultry growing , cultivation of frutt and flowers , will be treated by
editors specially trained for this work. In snort , we devote ten to twelve columns of original
matter weekly , on the subject of Agriculture , Horticulture , Ktock and Poultry raising. Fourth ,
Carefully selected original matter will anpoar each week from the great Agricultural , Horti
cultural. Stockond Poultry papers of Europe nnd America , that the renders of the " JOUSKAL
AND AOEICVLTUBIST " mar nave the beneilt of these great papers through the columns of the
"JOUSKAL AHD AQBICTaLTtrEIST. " fifth. Judicious articles expressly written or selected for the
Boy and Qbli , will also be n leading feature. Those articles will bo similar to those which now
make "Peck's Sun. " " Texas Slftings , " and their class so Interesting to the " yoaur folks. "
Sixth , Original stories , written expressly for the " JOtr&HAL AND AaKICULTURIST" will con
stantly appear. Honeintertita _ and the Faally will receive carefuliittentlon _ by ablei writers ; HO
, jatrcnter
of the United States. The packlni Interests have grown so rapidly , that to-day Kansas City is
the second packing center In this country Chicago being first. It Is alKO well-known that ,
hitherto no effort 1ms been made by any great publishing company to meet the wants of thin
vast and productive country in tbe line ot an Agricultural , Horticultural , Stock and Family
paper : and to-day the " Southwest " looks to Chicago and Now York for works of authority lo
these departments. _
The ' 'Journal " of tbe Kama Journal the
Ooropiny , publishers * CUy Daily , propose to put
Influence of lt great power , noth financially and experimentally , behind tnis enterprlao. and
we believe that such iv backing will bo a sufficient guarantee as to the fulfillment ot the
promises herein set forth.
In order'that every famllyln the Eoathtrert may bo able to make a trial of the JOUBNAXi
AND AGBMIUI/riJlilST , the following low rates of subscriptions and special Induce
ments will bo offered :
Ono copy of the Journal and Agriculturist , four months _ _ _ . 9 CO
" " " " six " . _ _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ . _ . _ _ . .M 75
" " " " twelve " . . . . . . . . . „ . . . . „ _ . . . _ . . . . „ . . . . . . . . 160
An extra copy will bo mailed free to the getter up of a club of five , all sent at the s&mo time ,
accompanied oy the cash for five regular hUbscripUona.
For $2.00 we will mall ono copy of the JOURNAL AND AOEIOUI.TUBALIST one year to any ad-
dress , and send your cholco from tlift following list nf popular books , nil cloth hnnnrtf :
Kbblnsou ( ! msoo , Arabian Nights Entertainment , Swiss Family Robinson , Children of the
Abbey , Don Quixote , Bunyan'sTilgrlm's Progress , Ivanhoe , Scottish Chiefs , Thaddous of
, Last days of Pompeii , Anderson's Fairy Talcs , Tom. Brown's School days at liugby ,
tl1 A A14O V tii * ( / A VIA *
Paul find VlnjluIa.Bassel . . . . . . . .
Baron Munchauson , Dickon's Child's History of England , Willy Rellly. Eaop'a Fablfis.over 100
IIustnxtlonH. Or your choice from the elegant selection of "Red Line" poets , without doutt
the finest and most complete edition of the poets ever Issued In this country :
Arnold , [ Edwin ] ; . Aytoun , Burns , Bryon , Chaucer , Campbell. Cowpcr , Crabbe , Coleridge
Dante , Dryaen , Elliot . [ Georgel , Favorite Poema , Goethe , Goethe's Faust , Goldsmith , Hemaim ,
Hood , Herbert , IIHad [ HomerT , Ingelow , Keats , Luclle , Hilton , Moore. Macaulay. Meredith ,
Osslan. Odyssey Homer , Poe , PopeProctor , Poetry.of FlowersRosettl DanteSchiller , Scott ,
Shakespeare , Bhelley. Taylor's Phillip van Artevald , Thompson , Tnppor , white iurke ,
Virgil , Wadsworth , Willis.
To all subscribers for one year who remit before January 1st , 1BS4 , wo will send a copy of our
elegant map of IOWA , KANSAS or MISSOURI , an may be desired. Post-masters everywhere
are specially authorized to act as agent for the JOURNAL AND AGRICULTURIST. Address.
"JOURNAL CO. " Kansaa City , iio. Cut thla "ad" out and show your friends. It may not
appear again.
that will play any tune , and that
any one , even a child , can operate.
Thr Orjtacftte h j mrd inch a world-wide reputation , that ,
a leriRtliy description of it U not necessary. It will be suffi
cient to toy that it 13 a 1'ERm.T ORGAN that plays mttltani
tally all the pacrcd nin. popular luuiic , dances , etc
etc. It comiitt of threestruuj ; bellows and irt of reedi with
ZXI'BEKKION box and SWUUA strip ot perforated paper i
represent * the tune , and it is only neccisanr tn place the paper I
tuue in the instrument , tu shown in the picture , and turn
the handle , which both operates the bellows and propels the
paper tune. The perforations in the paper allow tne right
rccds to round and a perfect tune Is the result , ftr/ea in timt ,
ezteution and rjftct. without the leaitknowledreut uiuiicbeinji
required of the performer : even a little child can operate
it ; tu is shown in the picture , a little girl isplayioz a song and
her playmates are singing the words. It 19 tuned In the key- * '
best euitca for the human voice to sins by. It interests and eater- i
tains both old and younft. 'assists in training the voice and \7
_ POEU8 HOUI18 OK SOCIAL AMTSEUEXT. The Oreinetta is perfectly : i
S rrprestnted by the picture. It Is made of talid black walnut , deco
rated in gilt , and is both * handsome and ornamental. The price of ' I
similar instmracnU hoi hitherto been $3 , and the demand has constantly ; i
Increased until now there are over 75,000 in use. We are encouraged to place
tbe OrnnetU on the market at this greatly reduced price. belierinK that the cola
will 01x0211 the reduction. The OrKOcetta , though \
similar in construction is an teprmement upon our-
well-known OrRantUe. which sells for (3
and (10. It contains the same numter of
reeds and p'ays the sanxe
tune * . Our o2cr is this : Un
receipt of S7 we will tend
the Orsanctta by express to -
anv address and include
FEKE Sa.ftO worth of music , oren
on receipt of 85 we will send it with
over 81 .CO worth of music r EEC , or
for 153.5O we will send it with small
selection of music , YEKZ. Th jjnce
includes boxing and packlnz. Thin
an agent' * pricct , and we wm appoint
"Jiefiistpurchascrfrora any town our
: , if ne so desires. Address , The
' ' Ife Organ Co. , 57
St. , Boston , Mew.
An nnimnl with dcranjed digestion , imporer-
ishcd blood or diseased kidneys cannot thrive. It
becomes wealc , spiritless , or scraggy appearanca ,
which renders it uzralable. It ccstB no mora to
keep sound , healthy animals that will find readj-
market , and slirewd farmprs find it pays them to
give Uncle Sam's Condition Powder freely to
diseased stock , and occasionally to all ; because it
purifies the blood , nids digestion , stimulates the
various functions to healthy secretion , and thus
promotes growth , and rives a smooth , glossy coat
of hair. MILCH COWS arc mucli bcnlflted
by the occasional nse of Uncle Sam's Condition
1'owderinsloporfeed. HOGS fatten faster whea
It is given three orfonrdays in succession every
_ month or two. SHEEP. All cisvaEes common
* 5" We caution all who desire a truly meritorious article to be euro and asto- for Uncle Sara's Condition
Powder , and accept no other as a substitute. Prepared only by THE
l Like an Svil Spirit.
In olden times it v/as thought that evil spirits came in through cracks
and keyholes. The generally approved way to keep them out was to plug
up the keyholes and stop the cracks with cotton. Notwithstanding-
preventive measures , the evil tilings had their own way and often came in
as they pleased.
So comes malaria now-a-days. We try to keep it out of the keyhole -
and it comes in by the crack. We stop up the crack , and lo ! it comes from
A leak in the plumbing , or an opening from some neglected drain , or from-
some unsuspected source and unguarded direction.
We cannot always keep malaria out , but we can give it battle and
drive its effects from our systems. If BROWN'S IROX BITTERS is taken in
lime , malaria has not a ghost of a chance. This is the great family medi
cine. Your druggist sells it , and you ought to keep a bottle in the house.
SENT on receipt of 6 cents for Postaj
CATALOGUE containing 150Q. EN C RAVIN CS ov
FREE the mot beautiful things in
The most wonderful jewelry catalogue erer is-ined. You will be surprised to learn ot What remarkably lev
rices this creat house sells its fine poods , C37 When in St. Labis call and ace them.
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