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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1883)
Bf McOooK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. VOLUME 2. M'COOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , NOV. 15,1883. NUMBER 24. BUSINESS GARDS , I. J. STARBTJCK , Attorney at Law , MCCOOK ' NEBRASKA , UWI11 give Five special attention to tlie practfce of l w. nnil making cotlrctlou * . jt t " 0llco : Second blocknorth of depot , 2 doors north ttrct.'n's dnig store. JOHK A. LEE , Merchant Tailor ! Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. MCCOOK : : NEBRASKA. PAGJS T. FRANCIS > County Surveyor. Red Willow County. Keeps certified plats of nil lands ii 'tlto IlitchcocK land district. Special attention Riven tfMill such business. Correspondence solicit ed. 13-tf. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Offlcc In rear of Citizen's Ilante whrto he caa be found : when not prwftsrtlouMJly 0113:1x012. JOHN F. COLLINS , Contractor and Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Est imntes cheerfully griven on all kinds of work. Uest of references. Ad(2ress for the present by uiulK CONGDOSr < fe CLIFF Bricklayers & Plasterers. All Jobs Promptly attended trx RH. CEISWELL , NOTARY PUBLIC. Attorney-at-Law Reai Estate and Collection Agent , Pre-rmptlon , Homestend nisei Timber culture En tries , and all kinds of Law bu-ilucas promptl1- attend ed tu. W. M. SANDEJtSOXr House & Sign Painter. * - 3IcCoox , - NBB. All -n-ork guaranteed. Give me a call. Fred Treble , yu. ABTBT. K'cCooK : : NEBRASKA. M'ork promptly attended to. . McINTYEEr. Contractor and Builder LONG EXPEBIEKCE , Employ thfi BestWorkmeji All Tvork warranted. " All material furnished i djiisircd. "Work doneon short notice. McCook , . 1-7-tf. Nebraska- LAUNDRY WAX ! Preserves LvA.&n } gives a beautiful finish , prevents the iron from sticking , saves labor. 5 C3.nts a Cake. . Ask your. Storekeeper for it. Made by Standard Oil Co. * SLEVELAXD ; OBIO . Woman'a Health Journal Contains valuable information on the diseases of women only. Published ty Lady Fhysi- clans. wli' > have made these , peculiar-weak nesses of the box their so-les study for-years. It jdrcs the causes , symptoms , and t sure liome tre itmentlor Trolapsus Uteri or.Fallins of the AVomb , inllamation aniLUlcoration of , the womb and all displacements. Leucorrhoea or Whites , Irreimfer. suppressed or painful Menstruation. Floodit r. Sick and Jfervous Headache , Iiidiwestiom Dyspepsia. Heartburnj vreakncss io. Back , and : stomach , scrofula. Pains in Sifle , , Dtazinoss ; Kidney Conujlaint , Barrenness. Ner\tus Prostration. Depression of Spirits. General Debility of Women and chang-e of life. Seat on receipt of six ccnts-in , stamp- ? . Address , Dr. iluslx's Aasoaiar taoii , NuaJa- New Yori. W. C. LATOURETTE . HDEALER INfl. HARDWAEE , 8TOYESQUEENSWAEE , Agricultural Implements 7 JU The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red "Willow County. Sign of ths BIG AX. Three Doors South of P , 0. McCook , - Red Wiffow Coantirr - Nebraska. : . A. SFALDING , AGSNT TOR THE AND Organs ! SoM low for casli , < ? r on easy payaiettts , or rented the rent ; pays foi ; tlie organ. Catalogue Witfo Price-List and Full Description Free. M. A. SPALDING , Agent. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. $160.00 A WEEK ! We can guarantee the aboa amount to need , actft'e. energetic Ladies as well as gentlemen , make a success in the business. Very little capital required. YchavcttJiouachold article lie-salable as Hour. IT SELLS ITSELF It isnsodieveny day in everji-foraily. You do not need to explain its merits. There is a rich harvest for all who embrace this golden oppor tunity. It costs- you only ono-cent to learn what your business is. Buy a postal card and write us , and' we wtB send you our prosptctus aocLf ull partioulusrs FREE ! FREE ! Jtnd we know you willderive > more good than yoakave any .dea of. Oor rapctation as a mwatfacrurineQ ) mpany is such , that we can not afford to decolvs. VTrito to us on a postal and give your udUrfiss-'plainly and receive lull , partlttsltrs. ' ' COl , 16-lyr Marlon , Ohio. SADDLES & HARNESS. Opposite Hotel on the lilll. Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , - HARNESS BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES , : OQMBS , WHIP'S-- \ Stock SacteBLes } Cow--Boy ouit fits- , , and Spurs ; . H. KANilLTOK ; RHEUMATISM ! Immediate Relief in all Cases by Dr. Rushes Cured of Ekeumatism-in 3 Hours. o , X. 11 , May 2 1 Dr. I'.uslf's Mcdlol Aocoulntlun : GcNTiiCAiEy. I ha.e been tronblcdwlth rhciima- tlsni for tM-o ye r . I tried all the best advertised oils and IhiJirvcrtk-v nod many lirst-c'ob ptaslclnns 'without relief. Dr. \lslitdrecoiriinendLd , Dr. . Ill-Mr * "BLOOD ROOT OH , , " I p'lrefwssrta Kirgi- bottle for fifty cents , and applied It. , la tw < i hours I was relieved and UOAV I am entirely well. Its effects are wonderJnli ana I belle\ it thecniy thing iu the world. which will curarht-unutUia. Tririj- ours. JUrllX JI1TT HIX3OX. fci Krla-St , , LuSalo , X. Y. DK. RUSH'S' BLOOD. E.OOT OIL . las no ccjnal In the world os-a Llniinent or Oil. It Is a cheap , safe , slmpH and snre external remedy for jmau and beast. It neterfalls ' .REETJMATXSM I Keuralgla , Sciatica , LuinlMfro , Tlaclcarhc , Soreness ol 'the ( 'hejt. Gout , Qufn v , Sore Thm.T , Swellings nnd pialnsHums nnd be.ild : , Uocilly 1'uina , 1 ooth.hammd He.idadic , > 'ro tcd Feet and Kars , and all other P.tiiw nna Acte * . It if pat up In nvo * Jze8. ' ,1'ilce i5 aad 50 1 ent- . bold l > X'irnggi i > > re\cry\\ , or sent dlrset upon receipt of prlee by Du. Hfsii'b ilEaiCAL AS.SOCIA HOV. > "undo , N. 'C , U. S. A , D. KENDALL'S BILL ! ANT ) Favorite Resort Lr the place-for Ice Cold Lemonade , Ginger Beer , Pop , koicQ-01gars5. andy. Xuts , Etc. 'CALL andEXJOYYOURSELTES 'CONTINENTAL ' ROOF OINTMENT CURES * CRACKED HOOFS , SPRAINS , SCRATCHES and SORES rfCRSES , CATTL : andSHE P. your storekecper-for it , or Twite- direct to thu manufacturers. ! < .LUBRICATING OIL COMPANY , . Cleveland" GENERAL NEWS , A Jrtrgc number of workmen worn killed artel injured by the walls of 't ? e Wisconsin state capitol failing in , last Thursday. A number of robbers relieved a Pitts burgh store-keeper of $22.000 in- cash and jewelry last week. Sort of dis counts the recent manipulation of the cold-chisel in these parts. The Holly artesian well in Denver turns out 140,000 gallons of water with thu filler at the woaks every twenty- four hours , and the company has con tracted for six more well ? . Mrs. "VV. T. Sherman Jta written to the General that she is mwei * pleased with their new St. Louis house , ami Peels almost for th * first time in her life she is to settle down into a home. Friday the main walls to the 37ormon temple in Sal't Lake City were com pleted. They are ten feet thiek , solid granite and eighty feet high. The foun dation was laid twenty-eight vears ago. The edifice sofaafia cost $4,00 000. 3Ir. Elaine says he never- was in. bet ter health than now ; . ho seldom out of bed at 10:30' ' P. Mlr or fn bed at 8 A. M- , and he ha growiv many years younger in appearance ainee he luid aside fclie eares and anxieties of publia Me , The editor of the Lawrence ( Ark. ) Times , gave utterance to the following valedictory : We don't know anything about the newspaper business. Never did. NEVER , will and XEVEll want to , and are glad to get out of it wlCU a. whole hide. The . .ArajwRooorearcery company have about decided to > branch out a little , ami add : to their woauier' busi ness that o paaking pork. 'JJliey will have the few nece/sary bniklinga put up and intend packing ; about live-hun f'1 dred hogs the present winter. ' T.helatest testimony ir. > the Zora .Burns- murder case at Lincoln has- been decidedly faverable to the defense , and it is not likely an indictment will be- 3 'found against 0. A. Carpenter , who was- at first&o strongly suspected of the crime as to be : in gjeat danger of. lynching , , Miss Bertha Crowley , orDeposit- . ; . , dreamed three nights in succession .of her uncle'ri death in Texas , impressed. with her dreams , she addressed a letter to him. Tie letter , fell.into the hands- of his lawyers , who notified her last. week thatshohad fallen heir , to $50- BfHJ by her uncle's-death. The schoolmaster is very much abroad u in Saratoga. . One ladj. blushing with. diamonds sent an onderrto her milliner- as-ibllows : : Deor31i s X : Please. get for. me two yardsof IryisJi point- Jais and alsou.getmc six pares of gluvs , Covensand a . , crushedrose Covens- * quarters. - rose- qecriea caloK. P. S. Don't send tho- Bill for I don't want - to sea- ishe , - only alousc me a certing sumiu and I .will pay it myself , " A young bachelor tlru& . sizes up a bundle of femininity : This is a 'baby. Itis a gir baby. JIow sloppy (5ts chin is ! How red'its eyes ! Wha't .horrid contortions it nwkes with its face ! See how savagely itkieks. How sour it snjells. How like a demon it yells ! Yet in a few ? short : years , some iHaiuwifl be haJf-crazed with wild sus * pcnse , worshipping the very air this * ibeing.- breathes , devoutly kneeliiii ; at hep-feet and.frantiealhp begging for one word , one pressure o the hand ; even a look whicliwill give him hope , Sucht is life ! TheEUTET.S * GUIDE , X 34 , iVil and Winter , 1SS3 , ejjxumers on you use , Qt. driak , * > 7ir , or have- fun .rith. Telt > hovr to order with exaciicofctj fUG psgc3r-larEo ; ones 3 S& & illustrations a > whole > picture gallery ; ContainsInformation. . gleaned fronutiiQ * markets of the world. ? To other piiee-book ia existence contains. a&couch infonnation Sent feec to an v ad- . dressupouxficeiptof postag&7ct3) ) Letus- hear from .you , or visuitis wlicn ihxju r city. ITear P'rpositfon Buildihqs. ! Rc : pectftily