WEEKLY TRIBUNE. THURSDAY , NOVEMBER. 8 , I883V Y NEWS.OF THE WEEK. New goods at Rogers' . . Fresh Oysters at Joe's. New corn meal at postofficc. Go to'Rogers' and sec his new goods. W.II. . Hayden was in town on Fri day.- For dry goods of every description go to Rogers' . J. W. Dolan came up from Indianola , Wednesday. Hats and caps , boots and.shoes and notions at Rogers. ' Mr , and Mrs. L.'W. Wallace returned to Chicago on Friday. A full line of the very best cigars at the JJ. & M. Pharmacy. Fancy and staple groceries , at Rog- crs'j at lowest market prices. The building to bo occupied by the saloon is nearing completion. Don't forget that Rogers' has re ceived a fine line of new goods. The famous Boot Jack chewing to- bucco for sale at the . B. & M. Pharmacy. x. Don't forget the sociable at the Din ing Hall , Friday evening. A pleasant iime is assured. Mrs. Johnson and daughter of Wau- kcgan , 111. , are visiting Mrs. Sanders at the Dining Hall. Mrs. T. S. TJosley went to Fairmont , Tuesday , where she will remain until her strength fully returns. Judge Ashmore made us a pleasant call on Saturday , and paid a year's subscription to THE TRIBUNE. "Who drank those beer ? " Answer referred to the line of soldiers drawn up in battle array , Tuesday night. Mr. Floyd Hollister , lately with the Union Pacific at Cheyenne , has been visiting his mother and sister , for some time. The B. & M. cut-off will be built , we understand , to Minden this week. There was but fonr miles of track to lay last Saturday. Mrs. George E. Hays , who has been making her daughter , Mrs. T. B. Rab cock , quite an extended visit , started homeward , this morning. C. H. Rogers is pushing his building to completion as rapidly ad possible. When finished , he will have one of the finest store rooms in the burg. Dr. P. Boyle is building an addition to his building adjoining THE TRIBUNE office , and will move his family in from his claim to occupy the same during the winter. Will Irwin , of the round-house , had- his foot broken , Wednesday morning , by having a 300 pound weight fall on it. It will lay Will up for repairs , all winter , we fear. Th < ladies of the Episcopal church will hold a sociable in the B. & M. Dining Hall , to-morrow ( Friday ) even ing , and a cordial invitation is extended to all to be-present. John Calkins , Stoughton ; A. Probst , tity ; Eugene Dunhan , Stoughton ; T. Moore , Haigler ; and H. H : Pickens , tity. are the new subscribers to THE TRIBUNE , this week. T. S. Bosley moved into his pretty little cottage on the hill > Friday last Mrs. Bosley is gaining strength gradu ally , and 'tis hoped will soon be enjoy * ing her accustomed health. J. Beaver of Clyde , Kansas , was in town , last week , looking over the busi ness prospects , with a view to locating here. He will read THE TRIBUNE for three months to keep posted. Prof. Charles Yager , the new band instructor , is well pleased with the pro gress of the boys , They pick up hew music.with great rapidity , and their ex ecution is certainly fine for a year old , „ „ j . - . . * / * * . f - Copies of the TRIBUNE on sale at the post-office. . Th6 young man who runs-tho'cngino at -water-works , * , was the chief attraction - traction at the Rink , Tuesday evening. A truly scientific skater beyond a per- adventure. Chief Dispatcher Jlces' parents , who have been visiting him for some time , spent part of the week in. Denver. They will return to their home in the east on Monday. Patrick Egan of Lincolnex-treasurer of the Irish Land League , and Father Fanning of Orleans , arrived in the city on No. 1 , Saturday night. On tnc morrow they took a drive through the country , looking ver the land in this vicinity. Mrs. H. A. Fryling has on hand a full line of'fall and winter millinery , consisting of zephyrs , all shades , shaded silk for embroiderycanvasshair waves , , fur and leather caps , Ottoman ribbons , new shades , and Saxony yarn. Give her-a call. E. A. Moore and sons of Burlington , Iowa , shipped a car load of household goods to Haiglcr , Duady county , re cently , and intend improving their ranch of 1380 acres which they own on Buffalo , so as to be in shape for the cattle they willput on it in the spring. One of the teams engaged in unload ing a car-load of potatoes for Hayden & McCartneys , took a little exercise up over the hill , Tuesday evening , scatter ing the potatoes all along the way. They ran against a post near J. B. Meserve's barn , and came to a stand still. still.A. A. Probst opened his bakery in west McGook on Monday , and he has now on hand bread , pies , cakes , and every thing usually kept in a first class estab lishment. He also runs a lunch room in connection where a good meal , hot coffee , etc. , may be procured. Give him a call. . The McCook Skating Rink Parlors are now open. The celebrated "Hen ley'5 Roller Skate in use the best in use. An admission fee of lOc. will be charged spectators. For use of skates , lac. an hour , or 40c. an evening. La dies and gentlemen only will be ad mitted. L. L. JOHNSON , Manager. Our little city is looming up in more than one way. For horse-stories of magnitude , one of our disciples of Esculapius certaintly requires "favor able mention' ' at least. How does a piece of horse-flesh , as to height six teen feet , strike you ? The wooden horse that took in the unsophisticated Troyites sort of loses prestige. Rogers have received a "stock of over coats that excels anything ever brought into the valley. They range in price from $3 up to the finest , and the man who goes around shaking with cold when he can get one of these gdod , warm coats at a price so low that all can buy , had better go back east and give up the ghost , then probably he will have no use for one. The Roller Skating Rink , under the management of Dr. Johnsonwas , opened , Tuesday evening. This has been a favorite amusement in the east for a long timc > and deservedly so , as all can enjoy ; the healthful exercise. * The opening was well attended , and there was no end of fun. There were a nuuv- ber of disabled citizens the next mom- ing , but perserverance , etc. Now that our water works are in first-class condi tion , and everything is working smoothly , and we are enjoying the same in our houses , we would like to suggest advisability of putting up a watering trough and fountain in the business portion of our town , where our fanners can water their horses , and allay their own thirst. As it is , they have to draw their water from one well , the only one accessible , which is a very tiresome operation. We think it only necessary to suggest this matter , to have the same carried into effect ; and it would certainly be a convenience for which our homesteaders would be grate' ful. We understand that a gentleman from Chicago , has purchased two lots on Majn Avenue , , abov.e the JBank build ing , and that will proceed at once to erect a two-story brick , and ! , put in a large stock of groceries and dry goods. The building will have two store rooms belowand , one room on the second floor , which will be used as an Opera House. G. G. Burton of Hastings , Neb. , who has been traveling in Nebraska for the past ten years , desires to procure homes for himself and a few other families that are now living near Omaha. Red Willow county has been selected by the colony , and Mr. Burton authorized to look up claims or deeded land. Claims with timber and water preferred. They do not propose to pay any fancy price , but will give a' reasonable price for im provements and claim. \ / All the lumber is now on the spot for the bridge. As soon as the piles and driver arrive , and they arc expected daily , the work will be prosecuted will all possible haste. The completion of a bridge over the river at this point will be hailed with delight by those liv ing on the south sidewho , have either had to ford this treacherous stream or go to Indianola or Oberlin ; and the more so , as the weather is becoming colder , and they fancy a ducking in its cold water the less. It will open up and make tributary a large territory of country , hitherto unable to trade here during the more severe weather. Therefore our merchants will also re joice. "Neighbor" Archibald made the run between Akron and this place , one day last week , a distance of 143 miles in 180 minutes. Considering the stops made and slowing up at crossings , this is an average of a little over 50 miles an hour. While this is the fast est time probably ever made west of the Missouri , for that distance ; still it is not much faster than the schedule time , which 'is 1-i minutes faster than the fast train on Pennsylvania Central. If they possessed the rolling-stock and road-bed of that much older road , they would make such time as would paralyze the Keystone Company. They arc making remarkable time for a road a little over a year old. > At McCook , where , two short years ago , nothing cumbered the'ground but cactus and buffalo grass , is a neat little city of upwards of a thousand souls , a good round-house and machine shop and a water works that has over seven ty-five pounds pressure per inch , that is rapidly being extended to the houses. Next year a creamery will be started to work up the products of the large num ber of cows that are kept on the adja cent ranches. The markets are fully supplied with home-raised vegetables of nearly all sorts , and the prospect is that next year will nearly double the present size of this young pioneer city. H. C. C. in Gozette-Journal. VALLEY GRANGE ITEMS. H. H. Pickens has moved into his new house. James Hill is somewhat under the weather at present. People in this vicinity are putting up stables for their stock. The Eaton been down the valley after tneir winter supply of vegetables. John Kelley has returned from his eastern trip. He bought a 320 acre farm in Jewel county , Kansas , while absent. . Charles Bowles gathered up his stock , last week , that he bought of A. Corey. BrE ? DY. GENERAL GRANT is 71 years of age , and enjoys vigorous health , Sherman is 64 , Sheridan 51. 'Fitz John P.orter is white-haired , but erect and vigorous. McClellan is .a rotund man , with bend ing shoulders. He is rich , entertains much company , and is fond of talking about the war. Pleasanton , the hereof of a hundred cavalry fights , has white moustache , and his voice is as gentle as a woman's. Rosecrans is white-haired. Sickles is practicing law in New York. Stoneman is governor of California. Hunter and Crittenden are rich 'and live in fine Louses in Washington. Fremont is poor. Buell runs an iron furnace in Kentucky. Banks is a United States marshal. Grerspn , the famous raider , commands a colored reg iment in Texas. ? In a few more years very few prominent generals of the late War will be in active lifer Republican , , - r * . ' - „ „ SOCIAL HAPPENINGS. CRYSTAL WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Laws are Surprised by a Host of Friends and Neigh bors on the Evening of Their Fifteenth Anniversary. Last Thursday evening was a mem orable occasion in the social world of McCook. At an early hour , the elite of the Magic City began arriving at the residence of Mrs. Noren , whence , seventy-five strong , they marched on the Laws mansion , which , resplendent with new furniture , carpets , etc. , looks cosy and homelike of a verity. The Light-Guard Band in full dress uui- forin soon made their appearance on the festive scone , and discoursed some very fine music , which was heartily enjoyed by all. Our band , composed as it is , by some of our best musical talent , is a source of excusable pride in our community. The Band was in vited into the house , and refreshments served. This subject we feel unable to cope with. Such coffee , sandwiches , cakes , candies nuts , fritit , don't speak of it ! As spokeswoman for the Ladies' Sewing Society , Mrs. Dungan. made some appropriate remarks to the occas ion , in presenting the gift of the So ciety. Mr. Laws said he was unab'le to express his feelings in a satisfactory manner , but that he appreciated the motives that prompted the demonstra tion more highly than the many beauti ful presents received ; that he had come into our midst , to stay to be of us , and'most cordially invited all to enjoy the hospitality of the comfortable home he had builded , with himself and fam- ily.The The people of our community arc not drones in the world's busy hive , and they enjoy social intercourse all the more keenly when the opportunity is afforded , and the universal comment was , "What a delightful time. " THE TRIBUNE adds its best wishes to Mr. ' and Mrs. Laws , whose fifteen years of happy married life was thus so properly commemorated. The following isa LIST OF PRESENTS : A Bohemian glass berry dish , set in silver , with silver fruit knife , by Mrs. Babcock , Dungan , Noren , Batchclor , Clark , Reed , Kendall , Gump , Meserve , McCormick , Berger , Wilson , Kelly , Churchill , Perry , Bosley , Noble , Green , Buck , and Misses Hollister , Thomas , Buck and Jamison , members of the Ladies' Sewing Society ; silver card re ceiver and boquet holder , Mrs. A. Campbell , Kenyon , Robb , Stiles and Miss Vaughn ; dressing case ; Mr. and Mrs. Perry , Daniels , T. B. Campbell and Miss Rowell ; toilet bottles and satin pin cushion , Miss Shaw ; pitcher Mr. and Mrs.T. B.Babcock and Mrs.G. E.Hays , perfume bottles on stand , Messrs. Chen- cry and McCartney ; silver mug , Mr. and Mrs. Batchelor ; toilet set , Mr. and Mrs. Noren ; chamber set , Mr. and Mrs. Berger , Israel and Noble ; Cheese plate , Mr * Robb ; pickle dish , Mrs. Hess ; bread plate , Mrs. Francis ; cuspi dor , Em. Kendall ; silver mug , A. M. Kelley ; bread plate , Mrs. McConuick ; table linen , Mr. and Mrs. Franklin ; half-dozen silver fruit knifes , J. B. Meserve aad family : glass pitcher.Mrs. Sanders : bottle perfume , C. F. Babcock ; bread plate , Mrs. Reed ; fruit dishes , Mrs. Lee ; glass berry dish , Mrs. Col- vin ; nondescript , donor unknown. PLEASANT CARD PARTY. Mrs. A. McG. Eobb entertained quite a number of the young people , Monday evening , in her accustomed pleasant manner. Card playing was the order of the evening , which , supplemented by a few selections from Mr. Robb's thesaurus of fables , and Mrs. Robb'a refreshments , made up an enjoyable evening. CLUB DANCE. The Social Club held their regular hop on Wednesday evening. We un derstand the attendance was good and the music was enlivening. Everything passed off pleasantly , as they have been wont to in the past These hops be a feature this winter , Wanted. To buy four claims ( or deeded land ) with WATER and TIMBER , in Red Wil- loVcounty ? " "No fancy prices paid. , Address , G.G.BURTON , . 22-tf. Hastings , Neb. NOTICE. All monies due the TRIBUNE forsub- scription come by the termsof the sale to me. Parties who know themselves to be in arrears for subscription will be warmly received at any time , if tlwy come cash in hand. F. M. & E. M. KIMU'ELL , Publishers. SPECIAL NOTICE. We will continue to send the TRIB UNE to all persons whose names appear on Mr. Israel's subscription list. If there be anyone who desires to discon tinue the paper , he will notify us at once , otherwise ho will be held liable for the paper sent to his address. CHOLERA INFANTUM , Diarrhoea , Dysentery , and all Bowel Complaints , Quickly Cured. "MARSH'S TONIC ASTRINGENT is the best medicine I ever saw for curing Bowel Complaints. I have used it , and seen it used in many cases , in all of which it effected a speedy cure. " S. J. Armstrong , Fort Scott , Kas. ' "MARSH'S TONIC ASTRINGENT cured * my little boy of Cholera Infantum , after Ml several other remedies failed. I gave one of my neighbors some of it for their little girl , who was suffering witli the same complaint , and it quickly cured hex1. " Jas. T. Barnes , Kansas City , Mo. MARSH'S TONIC ASTRINGENT is for sale by Dr. S. L. Green , druggist , Mc Cook. Price 50 cents. Chills and Fever , Dumb Ague , and all Miasmatic diseases , are quickly cured with the 50 cent MARSH Aaui : Cure. For sale by Dr. Green. Use MARSH'S CATHARTIC LIVEK , PILLS for Billiousness and Constipa tion. For sale by Dr. Green. 21. TRAMPS in some portions of Illinoi.- ? are burning the barns of the farmers who own and use self-binders , and the farmers are organizing into vigilant committees for their extermination. There has been entirely too much com munism preached from the press of thu country , and this Inrn burning is one of the fruits of it. Property rights arc being assaulted every day , and a hall in the work of the demagogues is called. Gazette-Journal. CTJ22.ED BIT Dr , Rush's Regulator , r } , ' FOR HEART TROUBLES. "Wm. G. Ooodby [ , the well-lnowij safe inanj- facturer of Buffalo , Philadelphia , Pittsbufg , Nl-w ark , and Atlanta , Go. , guys : I OFFICE OF OauoonnY's ISIPKQVEO SAFKS. 17 S. Dread STCL-r. ATLANTA , Oa. , October I7th , ttSl Dr. Kncli's Medical Association : DEAH DOCTORS. Tlie three bottlPs of "Dr. Kurt's ; KCKDlator" I ordered were received by expre-s la s week. I hare taken nearly onii bottle and aia tlioroiiRhly satisfied with the result. For over tw < years I have been troubled with sharp pain at my heart. JIj physician , upon examination , pronouncert ' It enlargement of the heart and was unabJe to tf-.u < > me any relief. The trouble prew worse until lli.icl _ become convinced that I could not be cured. Whlli- In New York City , lust week , I called upon one of the most prominent physicians there , who cj.arKO-1 mu 2T > fornn examination and then recommended your "IJuguIator. ' ' Knowlns you to be a regular .Medical Association , and not ft patent jnedlclne scheme I or dered the three bottles. I have not been troubled slncu I commenced tnWnR It , but shall continue ar.-l take the entire three bottles w > aa to obtain a permi. ntnt care. You have my sincere tlmnks. I am , gentlemen. Very respectfully. WM. G. Dr. Rush's Regulator has never failed to give relief. It has been u = ednc - cess-fally for ypaw in subduing the \-w-t stiiliborn ca es of heart difficulties , A positive cure torKn- largemcn' , Palpitation. Fluttering an-1 Fatty Uvjren- eratlonof the he.irt. Price , $ 1.00 per bottle ; MX for ? 5.0o. Sold by druzcNt * , or pent direct b7 lK. 's MKDICAI < ASSOCIATION. Nunda , > . Y. U. S LOAN AGENCY G. L. LAWS , WILL SKCfc'RE LOANS OM TOWN PROPERTY in McCook , and -on DEEDED CLAIMS In Rdd Willow and adjacent counties. Office : Land OfficeMeCootXcbfaika.