McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, November 08, 1883, Image 1
McOooK WEEKLY TRIBUNEJ . , , , . , . . VOLUME 2. M'COOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY NOV. 8 1883. NUMBER 23. BUSINESS CARDS , I. J. STAKBUCK , Attorney at Law , MCCOOK - NEBRASKA. l give Rive special attention to the pwctlcc of law. niul Kinking collections. 55f OHIci ! Secondblockuorth of depot , 2 doors north Gretm's di us store. JOHN A. LEE , Merchant Tailor ! Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. MCCOOK : : NEBRASKA. ft PAGE T. FRANCIS , County Surveyor. Red Willow County. Keeps certified pints of all lands la the Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to nil such business. Correspondence solicit ed. . 13-tf. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. CrjisV.s Msileil Dipirtaest fltivorsity Wociter. Office In rear of Citizen * * Bank , where he can be found when not profesclormlly engaged. JOHN F. COL'LINS , Contractor and Builder. McCOOK , - . NEBRASKA. Estimates cheerfully given on sill kinds of work. Best of references. Address for the present by mail. 16-lyr. CONGBON & CLIFF , Bricklayers & Plasterers. All Jobs Promptly attended to. R H. CRISWELL , XOTAEY PUBLIC. Attorney-at-Lsbw Real Estate ancf Collection Agent , rre-Einption , Homestead nnd TImucr culture En tries , aud all kluda of Law business promptly attend ed to. W. M. SANDERSON , - House & Sign Painter. McCooK , - NEB. All work guaranteed. Give me a call. Fred Treble , TONSORIAL ARTIST. MCCOOK : : NEBRASKA. > dF ° All work promptly attended to. WM. McINTYRE , Contractor and Builder OF LONG EXPERIENCE. Employ the Best Workmen All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. "Work done on short notice. McCook17tf. Nebraska. STANDAKD LAUNDRY WAX ! ( Preserves Linett , gives a beautiful finish , prevents the iron from sticking , saves labor. 5 Cents a Cake. Ask your Storekeeper for it. Hade by Standard OH Co. , CLEVELAND , - - - OHIO. Woman's Health Journal Contains valuable information on the disease * of women only. Published by Lady Physi cians vho have made these peculiar weak nesses of the sex their sole study for years. It gives the causes * symptoms , and a sure home treatment for Prolapsus Uteri or Falling : of the Womb , inflamatlon and Uleeratlon of the womb and all displacements. Leucorrhcea or Whites , Irregular , suppressed or painful Menstruation , flooding. Sick and Nervous. Headache , Indigestion. Dyspepsia , Heartburn , Weakness in Sack and stomach-- Scrofula , Pains in Side , Dizziness Kidney Complaint , Barrenness , Nervous Prostration. Depression ; of Spirits , General Debility of Women and change of life. Sent on receipt of six cents in stamps. Address , Dr. Hush's Medical Associa tion , Nunda , New York , W. C. LATOURETTE a , ! | DEALER IS | HARDWAKE , STOYES5QUEENSWAEE , Agricultural Implements The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red Willow County. Sign of the BIG AX. Three Doors South of P. 0. . McCook , - Red Willow County , - Nebraska. M. A. SPALDING , AGENT FOR THE STORY & CAMP AND Estey Cabinet Organs ! Sold low for cash , or on easy payments , or rented until the rent pays for the organ. Catalogue With Price-List and Full Description Free. M. A. SPALDING , Agent. McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. $100.00 A WEEK ! We can guarantee the above amount to need , active , energetic Ladies as well as gentlemen , make a success in the business. Very little capital required. We have a household art ! do as salable as flour. IT SELLS ITSELF It is used every day in every family. You do not need to explain its merits. There is a rich harvest for all who embrace this golden oppor tunity. It costs you only one cent to learn what your business is. Buy s postal card and write us , and we will send you our prospectus aud full particulars FREE ! FREE ! And wo know you will derive more good than you have any .dea of. Our reputation as a manufacturing- company is such that we can not afford to decelv ? . Write tous on a postal and give your address plainly and receive full particulars. particulars.BUCKEYE M'FGCO. . , J6-lyr. Marion , Ohio. SADDLES & HARNESS. Opposite Hotel on the hill. Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES COMBS , WHIPs. Stoo& Saddles , Caw-Boy out fits , and Spurs , R. H. HAMILTON. RHEUMATISM ! Immediate 3\cJicf in all Cases by Dr. Rush's Cured of Rheumatism in 2 Hours' . BUFFALO , X. T. , May 2 , 18S2. Dr. Rush's Medical Association : GXNTLEMEX. I ha\e been troubled with rheuma tism for two years. I tried all the best advertised oils and liniments , and many first-class phjslelans without relief. The last Dr. I > Islted recommended DB. Rnsu's "BLOODROOT OIL , " I purchaseda large bottle for fifty cents , end applied It. In two hours I was relieved aud now I am entirely well. Its effects are wonderful , and I believe It the only thing in the world which will cure rheumatism. Truly yours. JOHXKOiTCEISSCGf , 89 Erie Sr , , Buffalo. N. T. DR. RUSH'S BLOOD ROOT OIL his no equal In the world a * a Liniment or OH. It Is a cheap , safe , simple and sure external remedy for man and beast. It necr falls to cure RHEUMATISM ! Xeuralsla , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Soreness ol the ( . 'nest. Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swellings and Sprains. Burns and Scalds , General Bodily 1'alns , Tooth.Ear and Headache , Frosted Feet and Ears , ami all other Pains and Aches. It Is put up In two slzoi. Price 25 and 50 cents , bold by drugglM B erywhere , or sent direct upon receipt of price by Un. RUSH'S MEDIC.U. ASSOCIATION. Kunda , N. Y. , U. S. A , D. KENDALL'S BILLIARD PARLOR AND Favorite Resort Is the place for Ice Cold-Lemonade , Ginger Beer , Pop , Choice Cigars , Candy , Nuts , Etc. Billiard&PooiTable CALL andESJOYYOUBSEIVES CONTINENTAL HOOF OINTMENT CURES CRACKED HOOFS , SPRAINS , SCRATCHES and SORES IN HORSES , CATTLE and SHEEP. Ask your storekeeper for it , or write direct to tlw manufacturers , AMERICAN LUBRICATING- OIL COMPANY , Cleveland , * GENERAL NEWS. Bliss CHURCHILL has been discovered at Indianapolis. She returned to her home with her father on Monday morn ing last , and thus ends the Churchill sensation. SPIUXQEIKLD , Mo. , was visited by a , terrific cyclone , Monday afternoon. lljj .Buildings were blown down , and trees twisted off. A large number of lives lost and a largo amount of property de stroyed. FASIIIOXABLK women have taken to wearing light canes. The custom has its virtue and if the rattan superccdes the broom and rolling pin , we presume no objection will be raised by the hen pecked sex. THE statement that Colonel-Frank James had been out upon the streets of Gallitin unaccompanied by an officer , is denied. Mrs. James was oat promenad ing with Frank. Mcrriam , and the pop ulace imagined that it was the Colonel , A LADY says her husband will sit on barbed wire fence all the afternoon to see a baseball match and never move a muscle , but when he goes to church ' > ho can't sit on a cushioned pew for < fifteen minutes without wriggling all ' over the seat and changing his position forty times. NKWS comes from Burlington that i ; , * Freddie arrived in time to escort the Lilly's mother to the matinee , and perform - § form other graceful and pleasing acts. ' They are having some cold weather in , , : Vermont , but it will bo a colder day ; when Freddie fails to show up and report for business , MR. MATTHEW ARNOLD comes to America as the apostle of "sweetness and light. " Among the "Philistines , " who are the people to whom Mr. Ar- nold's mission is especially commended , there is a good deal of speculation as to the nature of his specific for human woes. Some appear to think that it j may be taffy and gas. But of this there is no lack in this country , cither in social or political circles. State | Journal. 1 THERE is great excitement at and about Lisbon , Hanson count } ' , Dakota , over reported gold discoveries in tlm valley of the Sheyenne river. Lisbon is located in the geographical center of Ranson county , on the Sheyenne , about fifty miles southwest from Fargo. It ia just now the center of attraction for Northern Dakota , and promises to boom. as a mining camp. Gold is found in , the sand and gravel and in a quartz formation which crops out from thn bluffs of the Sheyenne. A. hundred. and fifty assays of the rock ao < J gravel have been made with results varying from $2.50 to $43.00 of gold per ton , and ? ome silver ; If this should prove to be field it will ' a genuine gold ovei'- turn some well established , theories regarding - garding mineral finds. The region is far from the mountains , and the Shey- enue in its tortuous course docs not traverse any known gold field. The- people up there have faith in their- find , and are forming companies to work up the rock and deprive it of its wealth. THERE is a bitter rivalry between the new town , of Caldwell and the capital - . tal of Idaho- , , though thirty miles apart , The Oregoa Short lane created the former and its location is such that at present it is paralyzing the older town by its enterprise and goaheadativeness. The citizens are struggling hard to- stern the business- decline and have raised a bonus- aboufi $60.000 to in duce the Short Line to build a branch , line fromKuna _ fifteen miles distant. Passenger ? for Boise do leave the cars at Kuna , but the freight goes on to. Caldwell and is there distributed by immense - . mense trains of eight , ten or twelve horses to the wagon. Boise is within two miles of the head of the valley , and and everything below it will work away from it. ! town the river the feeling of1 satisfaction at the discomfiture of Boise is-Tery manifest. The wealthy farm- era and stockinet say that the rule ha % been tos oppose them when they could not help themselves , and novz that they can help themselves they are- turning a cold sfeowldfer toward ; J&oiseand are gla.eF. to-do * it. This ? s why they hail t e. growth of Caldwel ) with delight , The feeling of bitterness , however , altogether