McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, November 01, 1883, Image 1
McOooE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. VOIiUME 2. M'COGK , BED WTLIOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , NOV. 1,1883. NUMBER 22. Business Cards. I J. STA'RBUGK , A ttorney-a t-Law , MCCOOK - NEBRASKA. wm sire give special attention to the practice of law. nd malting collections. fc # OtBce Sicond block north of depot , 2 door * north Srora'a drug more. JOHN A. LEE , MERCHANT TAILOR Pit sad Workmanship Guaranteed. MCCOOK : : NEBRASKA. PAGE T. .FRANCIS , County Surveyor. Red Willow ounty. Keeps certified plats of all landsiv. . tire Hitchcock land district. Special attention given , to all such business. Correspondence eollcit- t d. 13-tf. L. LEE JOHNSON , KE D. , Physician and Surgeon. Or luitj Modlcil Bepirtnest UslrersU ? Wit r. Office In rcur of Citizen's Bank , where he can be found when not professionally engaged. JOHN F. COLLINS , Contractor and Builder. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. Estimates cheerfully given on all kinds of wurlr. Beat of references. Address for the present by mail. JC-lyr. CONGDON & CLIFF , BricklayersPlasterers. . All Jobs Promptly attended to. H. GRISWELL , NOTAdlY PUBLIC. A ttorneytL a w , Real Estate and Collection Agent , Pre-Emptlon. Homeitead an& Timber cclture 3n tries , and alLkmds < > f Law business promptly attend- . "tto. j. W.M. . SANDERSON , House & ; Sigir Painter. . M'COQK , - SSR. 411 work guaranteed. Give me. a call. Fred Treble , TONSORmi ARTIST. McCOOK : : NEBRASKA. All work promptly attended to. TOL.McINTYRE , Contractor-and'Builder OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work warranted. All material furnished if desiredu. Work done on short notice. Employee Bast Workmen Me Cook , 17-tf. Nebraska. McOOOK HOTEL. . & Best Hotel in Town , and the Best Accommodations. . . Board by ; Day or Week G } D SAMPLE ROOMS. I3VERY IN : CONNECTION STANDARD. LAUNDRY W-AX ! Preserves Linen , gives a beautiful finish ? prevents the Iron from sticking , saves Ljbor. . 5 Cents Cake- ; - . Ask your Storekeeperforit. , Hade bj > Standard Oil Co. , . - . - - - OHIO. ' ' . - - W. C. LATOURETTE , IIDEALER IN0.- HARDWARE STO , YES.QTIEENHWAIiE , Agricultural Implements The- Largest Stock and. Lowest Prfces in ' , ; . Red W'illow County. , * Sigw of the * BIG AX. Tliree Doors ; South of. P. 0 , McCook , - Rgd , Willow County , , - Nebraska. PALDING , AGENT TOR THE ST & CA ANB Estey Cabinet OrgansJ Sold : low for- cash , or on easy payments or , rented until the rent pays for the-organ. . Catalogue With Price-Listand. Full Description Free. M. A. SEALBING , Agent. McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. $100.00 A. WEEK ! We can guarantee the above amount to need , active , energetic Ladies as well as gentlemen.make usuccess In the business. Very little capital required. We have a household article as salable as flour. IT SEHLS ITSELF It is used every day in every family. You do not need to explain its merits. There is a rich harvest for alLwho embrace this golden oppor tunity. It costs you only ono cent to learn what your business is. Buy a postal card and write us. and wo will send you our prospectus and full particulars FREE. ! FREE ! And we knowyou will derive more good than you have any .oea of. Our reputation as a manaf acturing company Is such that we can not afiord to deceit 3. Write to us on a postal and give your address plainly and receive full particulars. ' BUCKEYE M > FG CO. ; 16-1 jr. . Marion , Ohio. , M t SADDLES & .HAR'NESS ; . Opposite Hotel on the hill. Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , . HARNESS ; . ; BRIDLES , COLLARS ; 3RT7SSES COMBS , , WHIPs. Stock Saddle CowBoy , out K. H. . LOAM AGENCY a. L. LAWS- WILL SECURE LOANS ON TOWN PROPERTY in McCook , and on DEEDED CLAIMS , In Red Willow , and adjacent counties. Office : Land Office. W cCook. NcbraiVa. RHEUMATISM ! Immediate Relief in all. ases by DP. Rus&'s T OIL Cured of Rheumatism in BUFFALO , NT. , May 2. 1882. Dr. Rush'a .Medical AssoctaMun : OENTI.EMKS. I have been troubled with rhenma- tltm for two years. 1 tried all the best alvijrjised oils and llnlmeata.- many tirsl-claw physician * without relief The last Ir I United n-commcndcd IB. RUSH'S "BLOOD Itflor OIL , ' ' I purchased a large bottle for fifty cent * , and applied It. In two bourn I was relieved and now.I am entirely well. Its effects are wonderful , ana I belfrve It the only thins in the world which will cnrerhtunjatinni , ' Truly youra. JOHN HUTCHINSON. 89EieSt , . Biclulir , . Y. DR. RUSH'S BLOOD HOOT OIL hl8 no equal in the world as a Liniment or il. It Is a cheap , safe , simple and sure extern il remedy for man and beast It never fails to euro HHEUMATISM ! Keuralgit , Sciatica , Lumh tyro , Backache. Soreness ol the hezt. Gouc.Qulm < y , Sure Throat , SweiHuus and -pralns. * . Burns and Scalds , General Bodily rains. 'I ooth.E r and I&ad..che , Frosted Feet and Kara , and all other Paina aad Aches , it U put up in two sizes. Price 25 and 50 centF. Sold by druscUts everywhere , or scat direct upon receipt of price by DE. HUSH'S MEDICAL ASSOCIATION , Sanaa , N. Y , U S. A , 's Healthlourna ! Contains valuable information on the diseases of women only. Published by Latly Pliyai- cians who have made theao peculiar w ik- neases of the sex their sole study for years. It tba causes , symptoms , and : a sure home treatment for Prolapsus Uteri or FaJlihr of the Womb , inflamfttion and ulceration or the womb and all displacements. Leucorrhcca. or W.Hites , Irrejrular , 'suppressed or painful Menstruation , . Flooding. Sick and Nervous Headache , Indigestion * Dyspepsia. Heartburn. Weakness in Back and stomach. Scrofula , Pains-in Side , Dizzineea Kidney Complaint , Barrenneae , Nervous Prostration. Depression of , Spirita , General Debility of Woruon and change of life ; Bent on receipt of si K cents In 8tampj8. Addresa , Dr. Riub'a Medical Assocl - tlon. Nunda , New 1'ork , . , i . GENERAL NEWS. . BEN. BUTLER'S attorney-general decided that women are not "persons. " IT is estimated that Cass county1 f > * will 200-000' apple crop aggregate , bushels. ORDER has been- completely restored in Hayti. Fifteen hundred lives were lost and damage to the extent of four million dollars was done during the late , massacre. JOAQUIN MILLER'S moth'er , who is sixty years old , recently married a Portland , Oregon , youttt'of the tender age of twentytwo.Jfcaquir > "will be a. . kind father to his step-pare'-K- MARY ANDERSON appeared October 27th , in the "Lady of Lyons,1' before a crowdtd and enthusiastic house. She was recalled several times , and renewed the success she achieved in NEW YORK'spent $40,000 for opera' on Monday" last week , and the Be- says that "some of the snobocrats who scarcely know a symphony from a sar dine , occupied seats for which they ppid as high as $20. " UPON the report of the * commissioner of pensions , die-secretary of the interior - , * ior , to-day suspended from practice * . : bfefore the interior department , Belva , - ' / A. Lock wood , pension attorney of- ' Washington. Belva's only drawback i was that she had become "too smart" for her own good. "Guteness" soint- - ' , times kills. \ , - \ THE second world's exhibition in \ I this country will be heldin New Orleans - ; J leans , taking place in the winter of , ' , 1884-5 , .1 season ofthe year when ' ' * , northerners will the-Gresceut City a- most dolightf di place to visit. New 1 York- and Boston both made efforts to t6 secure the national show , but men. | could not be found who would guaran tee the requisite amount of money. AT WampumPa. , a piece of ground ; claimed by the Pittsburg , , Cleveland : : and Toledo railroad and by the Pennsyl vania road is in possession .of-the for mer , who have itf6ftified and garri soned by twenty men. The Pennsyl vania company sent fifty men to be siege it.TKere was skirmishing all day. Both sides pent for reinforce ments. * The tracklayers were assault ed by workmen from the furnace , but were driven off. MR. CHARLES MACKAT ; in the Pall ' Mall Gazette , gives the- origin of the now much useddesignation "Mather. " Is uenk'over to England from this country , into which it had beeu intro duced by Irish emigrants. The word _ , , masher is derived from the- Gaelic f f H rnaise , pronounced masher , and signify- ingfine , handsome , and wsfs originally appjiod in derision to a dand.y It is now in similar densiniiappropriately ap plied to modern , undeveloped men , . who e sole aim is to di ss- well and ogle ladies. THE Texas Siftings recently contained quite a suggestion- though a very rude 'picture. ' Briefly it-was this : There > taids : Bismark with thu traditional longv pipe in his mouth , stout and ru'ddy , rep resenting the Prussian government ; in. , front of him = isthe Americas ! hog , fat , hleek and undistu'lurl , his tail , furling up over hi.s back ; liirfin trk is flying a. six by f'oui teen boot to his hjg-hipan < l i'rmu the mouth of which flcJats a streamer on which Caesar's word -'fit . tu.- Brute ? are written. The hog looks as-if it would like to translate that sentence- as to make it read ' 'And you too , you brute you. " Ga zette-Journal. Mt JOHN DILLON , of Dublin , Ire land , whose name is well known a ? one of that stalwart quartette , Parnell , Dil lon , Davitt and Egan , who have fought , so faithfully for a redress o Ireland's wrong ? , arrived in the city by yesterday afternoon's IJ. P.- train , and is.- the . gueat- - his former co-laborer , our townsman ; Patrick Egan ; Mr. Dillon . is in America for the benefit of- his , health , havingbeen compelled to re . sign WH eeat ; in ; tte parliament about- , ais. mQBths agof because.- f ilio health. He will leave to-morrow-fi > r Sedalia , Colorado , to visit boa brother , William Dillon , wbo has a larj-e raodr , - ' Saoday'a r t M K