McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 25, 1883, Image 9
- DOESA GENERAL- Collcctions made OH all accessible point.Tfcah * drawn directlj on. the principal cities of Europe. Taxes payl f'pr Xon-ll'estdcnts. Money to loan on Farming Lands , Village and persona1 propcrtv. Firu Insurance . . . . ! ! ,5p < ? uii\\ ] ! A * Tickets for Sale. to. and from Europe. C7FKSES : J. W.DOI VN. 1'rwitlont. t National Hunk. Lincoln. V. rilANKLIN. Vice 1'rct-ident. , c National llnnk , New York. VT. F. WALLACE , Cabhler. & HQCKNELL 01 ; THE- 11 MBER , LIMECEMENT , SASH , D.O.QRS.BLINDS-.COAL McCook , Indianola , Cambridge , Arapaboe , aad * Oxford ) "R J3 . CSS , IMP . A CQMPW& ItfXB : QI ? ' Pure Wines and Li- ors Solg Only- > Physic i rJF * - - e 5 n r , o2 ESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED ETCHER.DAY. OE , NIGHT. . nsilPs Punch , /rseric. most 5q. Qigar , WJLLEY & CO , , McCO.OIC , E. BERGEE Proprietqi ; , MfcCOOjK ; NEB. " " * - HERE WE.AHES : PBEPAEED Ttt Btt. Aia , IHDS JftB FEIJTCINQ SUCH' - ter Heads , Stfrteme&fa , Note Haad& Envelopes , > . Bill H&ady , . Qa fd $ . ters Dodgers NpteSj.Cfieeks a d-Receipts , , , , . - , Ball and TfcOaiag Stationery , JEt . , Etc. , Rinc Ui-nbt Id nd vro ar able to fine work as Lincoln or-Omaisa and at prices to suit ali. TRIBUNE JOB OFFICE. t express trsini for O.tinhs CtvHtRn.K.inwslnaliy ccprcvF tsjilnn foPenver , ooawJcUsj : in Calon f I . Lon'.s.nnd all point. " Kast Thryiuli earn ; Oerot inr all polata In Columdo. L'tWi , CalKornia nnd ' riatolndliaftpolla. Elegant Pulttoi ia Pal-Jhe ; entire V > ctt. The advtut eftl j llntJplves the f'fl i aad Day coaehea tn nil through , train * , and-'travcler a New Koutc to- the "West , with cfcnory and ' -ar e m .f MlwourllUvcr. jaJvantagua unequalled rlzewUcre. i E ih ticket ! * at Lowest Fates aren a > nt all the Important Utlonrvacd tiaggaRC will be checked I i aatloa. Anj Inloncr.tlon as to.-.atcs. rcatcs or tlne.- tables will be cheerfully fnrntnUed upon ap- j . n to uuy agcat or to P. . S. Items * General Ticket Agent. Omafc * , . Seb I i I < . r Whcyesa.e. snd.Rciaj UaZiite in * L I . J- * nv- GENERAL MERGHANDI , . -"Goods , ; Boots and Shoes , Clothing , - : - " . Hats and Caps , , aEis , . Bacon , . Lard , Flor Com Meal- < i Fliie .Tobacco and Cigars. Next door to Post-Office. 9-yrty. NEW GROCERY STORE To I I have jjUB't opened ; qut a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries Choice. Segars and Confectioneries , IN I IS respectfully invite tlie public to call and give- me a trial. I vrill not be undersold. McCcck , Nebraska. 20 . P. ISRAEL. This ITlDur ia Warranted to be in the. Market , HA'YDEl ; , % nts > . McGook , Nebraska. L ! ITYI . .IfOS.TH > 3 ; < . ! ' ' , . , \t . . ' - ' ; ; . : : ; ; ) ; ; rt . as tiie JJIVISIOS SlATlON between the : IV-ER & DENVER , -wlujre the princip il shops , a 15 stall Dmfort , ppseKsed of oldpitjies. Lots -yvill rayge in price from 150 to 500 for "business lots , and' $5.0 to $200 for. residence ) ts.Pile - ' history of pohita like IcCook sliow an increase fin ore than hundred i er cent , in from one to iix-e years. Lichtlii tovyn pr.omi6e3 to be'aft exceptional chance for invest- icnb. For further partapulaif ; apply to 11 : O , PHILLIPS , Or VV.R WALLACE ; ' " S Cictar ; , .Li aolp.Neb. ; McCook * Ne f. Itfpnh'.lean valley 4 mltch wosi < ' Cul- urtstii : . foutli side KC-piiblicais rKt-r. . lorlc Uhtn lil l yjiil 7HL. 1' . O. AUuiv..s. Ol"rt- ! FOU S5AI.K. Mr raiine of Odiacrr * of iti-i-i'i-rt l.iijil In cue litxiy. itiimdlnt : tinillml : nnl Uyti'il ! l'iy laiitllr.ilcraml v/cti-r v.'lllt t v yiK .I fjinu hoi < i- aml oilier iiiiprirtcmwith. O'turnli'tii. tn X ' > . ' "i" chool iirhliriri'k. Sltii trd ia licinihllean vnl'ry weat o ? ltd Willow trtak. . C 3S on iir ailrrcn ! J. K. HJ.AC 1C. HENRI T. GBUUCH. lied Willow crwk in- i-frii corncrol Krontiur Co. , cattle tmiii'I- . o l " ( ) LO" on right Hide. . Alt-o. HII over crop on rightcurKixl 11 niter oroj. on Id t. IlcrwabruuU- , I.Mg" on right shoulder. 2-4 vl. \V. J. WILSON. Stock lirnuii circle on left sliyuMer ; a ! o dr-vlsr- mil : i i-roiml ; inidfrlialf crop on left -ar , i l u rn > t intt ut.iicr hit In the . . rltflit. KaucU enllicKc.ul < ii' ii i : . .Max. Uuiidy couuty , 1'cbrwlc.u ! -Jx John liuliielil & Son McCoolc.Xcb. . Hanch ' miles Kouth-pmst. or. , topMliiicau livor. MccUliraudeii with u buiv - siTi4 i sy S on left liip. -5 "W'&PKOKTOJl. McCook.Xub. , range : Hc4 A\niri\v : in. ) uthwc.- corner of frontier counts' . ' Imindon riphtbipand fiik'aiKlxvrullaw-fort irijditear. HoreeMiruiiactl t Hou riirht hii > fewbruurlwl"A"onrihlblp- TIio- i miles north ofMc' oote. . I on left Jlip , ard a few double cross on jyfi yfo C. i ) . nicAKr.i/.CK. The 31cyEns'tGtnDE-.No 34 , Fall and Winter , 13&V gives wholesale prices direct rs on vejythin - you use , cat , drink , wear , or , . ha78 fun iith. Tells hov/ to Ofder witli exact cost , 216 pages largu . > ms 3,3OO illiatratipns a ivlioix ; [ ticture gallery. Contains , infornuiticti : laqod ; from the markets cf the wor ! i. So other price-Look in exitcnce coutair much information. Sent free toaiiy nil- . lrcf.-sujiorectiptofpof.tag . (7ctsj. ( Let us jer.r from VOIT , or visit us when In ourcitr. nrs. fC7 & S2D Wabusb Avenue , ChJaa o , I3J TTRfiff w J JL3kzJ\Jf. FOR he TRIBUNE