McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 25, 1883, Image 7

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A. B. COFFKOHI , I'nblUher.
McCOOK , : : : : NEB
The supreme court , in the case of
SImmerman vs. The State , on error from
Kearney county , holds that ' 'a person may
resist an unlawful attempt at arrest , and if
necessary , rather than submit , ho may law
fully kill the person making it. ' '
Hebron Journal : Last Tuesday night
the dark-winged angel of death visited three
homes in Hebron and left the Impress of his
visit. Three hearts were stilled , and many
beating hearts ache with pain at the thought
of inevitable separation. Never before in
the history of our town has any one period
of twenty-four hours witnessed so many de
partures "over the river to tv other
shore. "
A crazy man has been visiting Kear
ney and the New Era says of him : "He
imagi * " ) he is special /respondent of the
New "Sork Herald and is endeavoring to
have some lawyer commence suit against
the Mexican government for imprisonment.
Ho appears to be harmless , but sometimes
these harmless lunatics do a great deal of
mischief. " ( <
Hubbell is laiy onorgh to be incor
S. E. Willianu. -'Nematia , has in
vented a corn planter.
St. Helena Nonpareil : Between
25,000 nd 40,000 feet of lumber is going into
Hartington daily , and then the' carpenters
have to be idle part' of the time while the
earns e bringing in a new supplv. No.-
body pretends to know how many buildings
i re going up now.
Money to build a Methodist parson-
ge is to be raised at Liberty.
They talk at Broken Bow of telephone
connection with Plum Creek.
A number of people from the neigh
borhood of DesMoines will move .to Aius- .
worth next spring.
Emma R. Smith , living near Wisner ,
took a dose of poison recently , with suici
dal intent. An emetic saved her.
Water was turned on in the Kearney
canal on Tuesday * . Twelve miles are com
The sheriff of Cherry county killed a
cow-boy named Estes in an unprovoked
manner on Tuesday , and is under arrest
The house of H. M. Libby , near Elkhorn -
horn , caught fira on a recent Sunday and
was destroyed , with the contents , compris
ing the household furniture of George
Pratt , who occupied it.
Vacant dwellings , are in great de h
mand at .Reynolds. p
Sacramento is pretty well disgusted oc
because the B. & M. "cut off "cut her off $3
several miles from town.
A Lennox man has "just finished haulIng - te
Ing his last year's corn crop to David City. d
It is proposed to start a pork packing m
establishment at Ord very soon.
While a number of Wahoo boys were n
out hunting the other day one of their guns sa
was accidentally discharged , and the whole 16
charge struck Elmer Stone , who was walk 16C
ing just bflhind , in the muscles of the right C
the .muscles- arteries and
arm , tearing ayray , 61
nerves entirely , leaving-the bone-perfectly 61A
bare. As soon as the accident oocurred one to
of the boys removed Elmer's coat and tied re
u handkerchief around the arm above f the
wound sufficiently tight to stop the flow of
blood. The wounded lad.was taken home , bi
and for a while it was thought that the arm
would have to be immediately amputated ,
but there are hopes that enough circulation
can be keptTip through .the small artery on
the back part of the arm to save the arm ,
although at best Elmer will only have the
use of the thumb and forefinger of that
hand , and scarcely no use of all of the arm , re
as the muscles , cords and nerves were nearly in
all shot away. . ' in
A Big Blaze at Oakland. fa
OAKLAND , Neb. , . ' Octobet IjT.p-
land had a terrific blaze last night and came 24Wl !
near being wiped out of existence. About Wl
2 o'clock fire was" discovered by C. S. Smith ,
of the St.'Paul hote.1 , in the store of A. I. & 811
H. Friend , which is located on Oakland ,
avenue , in the most thickly settled part of at
town. Soon the cry of fire was heard in all CO
parts of town , and in fifteen minutes a an
or 300 men were on hand ,
some doing all they could to saye property w
and keep Ihe raging elements at bay , while Cl
others were standing with hands in their
pockets smilingly looking on. The slight ar
rain yesterday afternoon was the only thing vaSe
hat saved our town.
The following is the estimated losses and fr
Insurance on the same : A. E. Wells & Co. , _
> r
building , $1,200 ; insurance , $1,000 ; A. I. ire
&H. Friend , building and contents , $12-
000 ; Insurance , $9,500 ; F. Stoltz , building
and contents , $1,200 ; insurance , $1,000
Miss Rhone , milliner , slight , not estimated
F. E. Pontins , ticket agent , some on house-
hold goods. Neuman Bros. , some loss
* "
caused by moving goods. Hard & Roberts ,
some loss caused , by moving goods and im-
'plements. M. Slyholm , druggist , slight
loss. George .Corey , restaurant , slight u *
loss. On looking about and comparing ive
notes the general feeling is , that we were ng
very fortunate that the loss was no greater.
Origin of the firt not known. Pli
WALTERtoORO , S. C. Col. A. L. Camp : nd
bell says : "A member of my family used
Brown's Iron Bitters with good results. " toi
Egotism is the I-dear of most every
body. [ Boston Courier.
Francis Murphy , the temperance apes
tie , has returned from Europe.
The steamer Jnlia , a small boat char
tered to convey passengers for Providence
via the fitonington line , attempted to enter
Stonington harbor Simday morning and
ran ashore , knocking a hole in her bottom
tom and causing a panicamonga-large num
ber of passengers. Many donned life pre
servers and prepared to jump overboard.
Order was restored , and by small boats and
the revenue cutter the passengers were
landed at Stonington. No one was Injured.
The boat was badly damaged.
The possibility of a European war is
being closely calculated at the present mo
ment by English ship owners. Orders have
been lately received at San Francisco by sev
eral captains of vessels that if the wheat
charters they have been negotiating for are
not closed , to refuse to proceed further ex
cept at much higher rates , the calculation
being based on a sharp advance in freights f
In the event of war.
There was an alarm of fire at , the
Elm street school , Waterbury , Conn. , dur
ing the session. Six hundred children
rushed headlong down stairs in a panic. '
Many were knocked down and trampled on.
One girl's collar-bone was broken ; another
had an eye badly hurt ; a' third was insensi (
ble , receiving severe Internal in juries. 'Many
others were' bruised. The'fire caught in
wastoipaper in aroom near the funace. It
was easily subdued.
At' the session of the house of bishops S
of the Episcopal church a't Philadelphia on
Tuesday , Bishop Clarkson'of Nebraska ,
tendered his resignation as bishop of the
jurisdiction of Dakota. The reason for this
action is that Dakota'was divided into North
and South Dakota , the'title of Bishop Hare T
being now that of South Dakota. tl
A delegation of .Sioux- from the Spot It
ted Tail reservation Has gone to Washington tt
to protest against opening part of the re
serve to white settlers.
Rev. Allen Allensworth , a colored fo
Baptist minister of Bowling Green , Ky. ,
has issued colored ministers
an address to all st
of the gospel of all denominations in the stm
United States and territories of America , in m
which he suggests a national convention to tic
give moral force to th work begun by the bite
late convention of colored men. to
Ex-Senator Sessions trial for mi
- , on at miwi
tempt to bribe Assemblyman Bradley during wi
the senatorial contest at Albany , testified hi PrRi
his behalf that in conversation with Bradley Ri
nothing was said about money. No money tal
was offered and no money passed between go
them. "
The First National bank , of Chicago , '
has : notified its 130 clerks that they must all
procure ; bonds , which will range from $4 , - wl
000 to $5,000 each. The aggregate is over
5320,000. BW
. The town of Weston , Washington " ;
territory , was destroyed by fire on Wednes
day ! night , only * a few brick buildings re ICE
Lack ot hotel facilities at Milwaukee y
necessitates postponement of the national in-
sangerfest to have been held in that city in
1885 until the next year.
The African Methodist Episcopal hami
Conference < at Detroit denounced the recent
supreme court decision in very strong terms.
. bishop declared If ttfe negro 's rights were
be thus , trampled upon there would be.a
revolution. , ,
J < < > - . .
The centennial celebration at New-
burgh , N. Y. , on the 18th was participated' 1WC
by nearly-one hundred thousand rpeoplet
Fhe procession in the parade was four miles
long. At the exercises , Senator Bayard
presided , and Hon.'W. M. Evarts"delivered
he oration , his subject being ' Washirig- no
" wa
An employe-jOf Hav.emeyer's sugar bei
refinery named Deitrich Guthoof was caught
tne centrifugal machine on Friday morn-
ng and killed. 'All the upper'half of his
3ody was ground into pulp : He left a small
Business failures of the week'were
42 , an increase of 50 oyer the previous cn
rreek. w
Chief Justice Coleridge visited the > y
lupreme court at Washington onFriday. .
' ne
The conductors' association'in session
Kansas City adopted a resolution to dis-
ountenance the use of intoxicating liquors
imong thebrotherhood while on duty. ate
A platform crowded with spectators cla
vatching the scrub races of Harvard , on the ing
3harles river , broke down Saturday and
leveral seriously injured , having legs and tec
irms broken. Most of the injured are Har prc
vard men. A student named Mead , of do
South Boston , class of ' 87 , had his iskull em
ractured and both legs broken and will
robablydie. The injuries of nine others
principally fractures of limbs. e
Washington experts sent to Brewton , , .
Ua. , by Surgeon General Hamilton of the ed
narine hospital service , to make investiga- ad
ion of the epidemic at that place have re-
tj on
lorted by telegraph that the disease is yel-
DW fever. Up to Saturday there had been
t on
our cases and eighteen deaths. Dr. Hamalle
Iton says this is a veryhighrate. The pop-
ilation of the town is between three and
hundred , but the disease is not spread- froj
to any extent.
Ross Bros. ' planing mill at Mount
'leasant , la. , was blown up Friday. A
lan named Beckwith was instantly killed A
oneflhomas badly injured and thought qua
be dying. Four.or five others were more cou
less bruised. The mill was blown totems 8US ]
toms , with hardly enough left to burn. mai
GRIM * .
Frank L. Loring , arrested at the in cou
stances of the United States postal authori
ties as being an active partner in the firmof
Fleming &Merriam , who carried on a big
swindling scheme largely through the use of
the United States mail , ? was held to the fed
eral grand jury at Chicago Monday in bonds
of $5,000.
A. F. Blundel , manager of the Ne
braska telephone company , has absconded
from Lincoln with $1,400 , money of the
company's funds. It Is supposed he is on
his way to England.
The confession of Nelling , arrested
a few days before for the murder of Ada
Atkinson , was read to the excited multitude
at Oxford , Ind. , Tuesday morning. Great
crowds thronged the road to Lafayette to i
meet the sheriff with his prisoner and
lynch the latter , but the sheriff eluded
them. An exciting scene occurred when
Nelllng was removed from the court room
to , the jail. Spectators rose and were or
dered to eit down by the sheriff. They did
not obey , but moved toward the prisoner
muttering. He was taken out of the rear
'door , which was Immediately locked and'
. .
the deputy sheriff announced ; that "no man
leaves , the court room for. five minutes. "
The sheriff placed Nelling In the most secure
' r
cure cell'in the jail and went inside with a
'trusty ; well-armed force of eight men.- That
night a mob of seven hundred gathered
about the jail , but having no leader they
were-dlspersed. ; , , ,
HI *
Twp suspicious strangers ' giving jtbeir
nameflos James Holmes and'willlam Brack-
cits ; were arreste'd at Halifax Wednesday.
In Holmes' pockets -were two revolvers ,
several cartridges , two dozen dynamite
cartridges , a copy-of an Irish paper. In
Brackett'b was a loaded revolver and dyna
mite cartridges. Tn their room at the Par
ker house were two valises , one containing ;
forty pounds of dynamite , the other sixty.
Their object is not known , but itis supposed
they are either dynamite fiends or burglars.
is said both were at Halifax at the time of
the Fenian scare last spring , tli
Maria McCabe , an unmarried girl ,
was sentenced to be hung at Hamilton , Ont. ,
for drowning her infant. , - .
' Particulars have been received of the
suicide of Fred Rupert , a .prominent young >
man of Elkhorn , Wis. It seems that some
mouths ago Rupert had paid some atten
tions to a Miss Montgomery , of that place ,
but for a time past he had been away from Pt
town and had not seen the lady for a few 30
months , and on his return he found her ye
tvalking with another young man , who had 95
previously paid her considerable attention. in
Rupert approached the two as they were
aking a quiet walk , and calling Miss Mont 20
gomery familiarly by name , said to her , sil
"What does this mean ? " She replied that fn
ihe supposed she had a right to walk with a Sti
r'oung man if she chose to. Rupert then 9ft
isked ! her if she had anything against him , 511
Then she replied , ' 'No. ' ' Rupert then re- ( XX
leated the question , receiving the same an-
. He then said " "
iwer. , "Good-bye , and
'here ] goes , " at the same time placing a
ilstol at his temple , firing , and falling life-
ess at the lady's feet.
Edward Hovey was .hanged at New Ih
Ifork on Friday for the murder of his sister- IhMi
n-law , Mrs. Fanny Ver/nilge. Oi
Margaret Harrison ( colored ) was lis
langed at Calhouh , Ga. , the same day for Pr
nurder. Tl
James Stanley ( colored ) was hanged [
Columbus , Texas , on the same day for
' an
murder'of Robert'Strickland , a white
toy aged 16 , in November last. '
6The > federal grand jury at Leaven-
vorth on Thursday , found a true bill against
, '
. L. Payne , better. , known' as Oklahoma
ayne , for conspiracy to violate the laws of
United States. Payne says he desires a1
peedy trial , and declares there is
case against him. Everything in the Vi
ray of preparation for entering the Indian sm
erritbry and marching > to' Oklahoma had dis
ieen heralded in many ways , and that he Se'
nvariably notified the United States attor- sid
iey , and asked him to interfere if he pro- pel
losed t.q.when they reached the state line , air
nd ( not wait until arriving at Ok'fahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Jxgan , both oVer sev-
nty years old , were attacked at their home , da
wclve miles from Shelby , North Carolina , cm
a negro burglar Saturday night. Mrs. bei
jOgan was killed and her husband choked Ch
.early to death. The negro escaped with the
The charge of adultery against Sen-
tor Sharon , preferred by Miss 'Aggie Hill ,
laiming to be his wife , came up for hear-
before Judge Lawler at San Francisco
aturday morning. The defense waived all daj
3chnicalities to permit the prosecution to ma :
reduce the alleged marriage contract.-JThe dia
ocument was not produced nor was exist- Du
nce of it admitted. Sharon's counsel tioi
trongly denounced the whole business as a his
illainous scheme , the contract as a fraud , of !
and forgery from top to bottom , and the
implaint an outrage on public justice , and
biefly so on the defendant , who was drag- the
into court on a sworn charge of felony , clu
when the case called the
was prosecu- Sib
abandoned it. The judge ordered the
' dismissed. The fact that the prosecu-
was unable or unwilling to produce the
leged marriage contract , seems to confirm
the public mind the original suspicion
the matter was started to extort money bro
om Sharon. a PI
. whi
general , order from army head-
larters promulgates the sentence of the A
urt-martial in Lieut. Robertson's case ,
ispendlng him from his rank and com-
and for six months , he to be confined to
limits of his post , and be reprimanded
general orders. The proceedings of the
iurt are approved by the president , but the cou
findings and sentence are disapproved , and
Lieut. Robertson Is relieved from arrest and
ordered to return to his duties. Robertson ,
it will bo remembered , was tried for dupli
cating his pay accounts.
Decisions were rendered by the su
preme court of the United States Monday in
five civil ' rights cases , based on the first and
second' sections of the civil rights act of
March 1st. They are respectively prosecu
tions under the act for not admitting certain
colored persons to equal accommodations
and privileges in inns or hotels , in railroad
cars and theatres. The court held that con
gress { had no constitutional authority to pass
the t sections in question under either the
thirteenth or fourteenth amendments to the
constitution. The decision , however , Is
held to apply only to the validity in states ,
and not in territories or the District of Col
umbia , where the legislative power of con
gress is unlimited , so far as the statutes are
concerned. The two sections of the law
above referred to are declared unconstitu
tional and void. Justice Bradley rendered
the opinion , Justice Harlan alone dissent
General' Sherman has selected Cols.
Tburtalo'tte and Bacon to remain on his
staff when he leaves command of the army ,
and until he is placed on the retired list.
It is reported that Postmaster Gen
eral Gresham has promised' to revoke the
dismissal of Paul Vandervoort as chief clerk
of the Omaha postofflce , but with the un
derstanding 'that he w'ill resign the place.
In order that he may not suffer for the loss
of the position financially Secretary Folger
has tendered him the positin of special
agent for 'the treasury 'department at Port C
rbwnsend ; 'Washington territory. It is
aimored that Vandervoortyill not accept
this position , being too far away , but still
ilemnmlfj a reinstatement. The opposition
to'this is said to come chiefly from Super n
intendent Thompson. tl
The claim of the United States against tt
ttie Central Pacific railroad his been com tl
promised by the payment of 69,000 and costs tlcc
ind , Ihe company to drop the' claim against ccTl
ihe government for $20,810 on account of in- Tl
erest alleged to be unlawfully collected. el
The treasury has purchased 420,000
unces of silver for tc :
delivery at the several
The report of the commissioner of
ensions for the fiscal year shows there are
103,658 pensioners on the rolls. During the
'ear the additions to the list numbered 38-
58 , an excess of 10,545 over the proced- rei
ng , year.
. lei
Condition of the treasury October
Oth : Gold coin and bullion , $208,214,640 ;
liver dollars and bullion , $120,342,822 ;
ractional silver coin , $26,641,091 ; United
itates notes , $52,660,441 ; total , $507,888- "
94 ; certificates outstanding , gold , $54,512-
10 : silver , $82,485,241 ; currency , $12,350- „ "
00. -
The league meeting at Roslea , county
Fermanagh , was addressed by Healy , Sul-
ivan and Biggar. members of parliament , 6E
lichael Davitt was absent. A meeting of if
rangemen was held at the same time. Col-
a :
isiou between them and
the Parnellites was
ireventedby a force of police and Idiery. re.
"he Orangemen at the meeting olved to th
o their utmost to resist the pt to put of
reland under a government of murderers
nd rebels. * us
Moody and Sankey opened in Cork th
'uesday. A mob gathered outside and * "
ooted persons who entered. The mob
'ere dispersed by the police.
Three 'thousand armed , peasants as- of Valenia Dominho , Province of al
rieima , and raised cries for a republic. A of
mall detachment of troops were sent to cy
isperse them. Severe .fighting ensued. CO
everal , persons were wounded on both
ides. Eventually the troops were com-
elled to retreat. ' Reinforcements of cav-
Iryiand infantry were sent from Oporto. litl
Ti MINOR. the
It was reported that there was much UK
amajre ; to property and great loss of life re
msecl jy the earthquake on-the peninsula an
etwcen Che&me , Asia Minor , opposite ph
bios and Nourls , on the southern coast of ma
Gulf of Smyrna.
Alegno , near Crescia , burned. One i
lousaud persona are homeless. tor
[ TURKEY. wo
7Jhe sultan gave a banquet Wednes- coi
night to Lord and Lady Dufferin. His ig
ajesty treated the guests with great cor-
iality and conferred decoration upon Lady Tn
ufferin. In the course of the conversa- wh
on with the sultan Lord Dufferin assured wh
majesty of the sympathy and friendship exi
Europe for Turkey. to i
The trial of sixty-three members of
Nihilist Red Cross society has been con
uded. All were sentenced to be sent to
beria. The testimony of informers and the
hers proved that the society has ramifiea- of
ns in every port of the empire.
The village in which cholera has givi
oken out escaped the epidemic. The re- or t
ipearance of the disease Is attributed to
filtration Into the canal running through reac
village of water from cemeteries in lyp
hich the cholera victims were interred. L
ENGLAND. aut ;
mine explosion occurred at Rork- sin <
ire on Friday , caused by a blast , and dev >
enty men were cut off and killed.
General Pryor , O'Donnell'sAmerican reai
unsel , In an interview , said he was satis icei
fled O'Donnell killed Carey in self-defence.
It would bo proved beyond question at the
trial that O'Donnell went to Africa with no
design of killing Carey nnd was unawareof
the latter's presence on the steamer when
ho embarked , and Carey , according to
Pryor's theory , finding himself discovered ,
provoked a quarrel in order to anticipate
the blow which he expected O'Donnell
as an Irishman would strike. Man
slaughter in Pryor's opinion , was
the utmost O'DouncII could be
found guilty of. Every effort is being
made to bring witnesses from Capetown t
England. "IbelIove"Pryor8uid , "O'Don
nell will have a fair trial. I find there Id no
prejudice against him. I do not expect t
take public part in the trial but simply
help other counsel by consultation. I shall
remain tn London until the trial Is finished.
I have seen O'Dounell and he impresses
mo as a simple-minded ingenious Irishman ,
anything but an assassin. The trial will
occur in the middle of November and last
two or three days. "
Nebraska Odd Fellows. .
The grand encampment of the Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows of Nebraska
met at Omaha on the 17th , and after the
usual routine business elected the following
officers : J
Grand Patriarch , L. G. Johns , of Seward.
Grand Senior Warden , G. Rasgorherk , of
Grand High Priest , J. O. Cha e , of Fair
mont. : i
Grand Junior Warden , S. B Hall , of
Grand Scribe , D. A. Cjine. of Lincoln. A
.Grand Treasurer , Sani McClay , 01 LIu-
Grand Outside Sentinel , J. U. Kimball. I
ol Crete.
Grand Inside Sentinel , D. 31. Morris , of 1.1
Auburn. i j
Grand Marshal , G. A. Walters , of Heat-
rice. Reports showed there were 10G lodges in !
the state with a membership of over fire
thousand. There were over l. > 0 representa
tives In attendance , besides the grand offi n
cers and a large number of past grands.
At the meeting of the grand lodge on
fhursday , the following officers were
ilected :
II. J. Hudson , of Columbus , grand nian-
William Blakoly , of Beatrice , deputy
jrand master.
Arthur Gibson , of Fremont , grand war-
D. B. Cline , of Lincoln , grand secretary.
Sam McClay , of Lincoln , grand treasurer.
J. T. Iledrick. of Tecumseh , grand rep-
The place of meeting of the next grand
edge was fixed at Nebraska City.
Iowa Election.
DES MOINES , October 17. Official re-
urns , as received from counties of the
tate , giylng Sherman , republican , amajor-
ty over Kinne , democrat , for governor , of
5,127. | No change in the computation of
he legislature.
One Theory of Tornadoes.
ew Vork Tribune.
"Suppose , " said Professor W. 1 * .
Trowbridge ] , at a meeting of the acad-
imy of science last night , "for the sake
illustration , you should ti'aj a basin"
f water and impart to it % . the hand
rotary motion. Tiie ru , u will be
hat the level surface of the water at
est . will become concave , showing that
he liquid is thrown off from the center
motion in a spiral curve. If , again ,
ttstead of an ordinary basin one is
ised which has a hole in the bosom ,
here may produced not only a rotary-
notion ' but a descending spiral , the
elocity of which at the center is so
mft that a complete funnel is formed.
"A similar principle actuates the cur-
ents of air that meet in the formation
tornadoes. The 'tifference between
tornado and a cyclone is mainly one
space. Oceans of air move in a
yclone ; a tornado is a meru whirling
olumn. The mechanical theory of *
tie < two does not vary greatly. But in
lie case of a cyclone it is possible
predict its movements , while a
rnadp forms so quickly that there is
ttle time for anything except to seek
ie cellar. An illustration by the rotary
lotion of water is imperfect for the
jason that air is subject to expansion
nd contraction. The whirling atmos-
heric walls of a tornado vortex are
tade of air greatly compressed , while
< inner space a chimney it may be
illed is liiled with air that is not
irefied. If it were not for the capacity
the air to contain moisture , the
irnado , no matter how swift its motion ,
ould be invisible. This moisture is
mdensed in the form of clouds and
by the lowering of the temperature
id by compression. Both of these
inses are present m the tornado ,
radically , therefore , a tornado is a
hirling shell of water ready to burst
henever it meets an object , as , for
cample , a mountain , sufficiently large
stop its rotary and ascending
otion. "
Professor Trowbridge's paper was
ustrated by an account of tornadoes
at had been observed and by numer-
drawings showing the variations of
funnel-shaped cioud and the effects
such i devastating storms.
V * 'Revenge is too dearly purchased at the
ice of liberty. * ' Is it a disordered liver
ring you a yellow skin or costive bowels ,
do your kidneys refuse to perform their
notions ? If so take a few do es of Xid-
y-Woi t and nature will restore each organ
dy for duty. Thus health will be cheap-
purchased at the price of Kidney-Wort.
Light cloth Newmarket coats for
tumn are fastened the
on breast by a
igle button , and fall open to show the
ess beneath from its collar at the neck
wn to its puffed paniers and' an-
ked. flounces.
To what atrocities cannot that mind
ach which is impelled by
savage avar-