McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 25, 1883, Image 6

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i u < --r.---- 1"i i r.
THrifcSDAY , CWTOMillliDtb , 1888. |
; goriU nt lloi'
jj > 'ro , h Oysters at Joc' * . '
( r ) to RRcrs'and sou his new good i.
Copied of < the Tiuutrru : on-salo at the
0. L'jvc of Culbcrtson .spent . , Sunday
Ji : tincity. . t
For < ? ry goods of ever } * doKcripiion go
to Honors' . ' ' '
' '
Frees & Hocknoll have repaired
their scales.
Dr. Willey was on the sick list , the
first of the week. '
Moody Starbuck of Indianola. was in
"town-on Tuesda } * .
Hats and caps , boots and slices and
lotions at Holers. '
A lull line of the very bcfet cigars at
the B. & M. Pharmacy. "
James Ross came down from Cul-
Lcitson on No. 2 , to-day.
* ? .Ir. A. Johnston called and renewed
his subscription , Saturday.
Fancy anrl st-iple groceries , at Rog
ers" , at lowest market prices.
Don't forget that Rogers' has re
ceived a fine line of new goods.
Jack Rollins is improving his .prem
ises by planting trees and fencing.
Mrs. And. J. Willey rtartcd for her
Lome in Iowa on Monday morning.
The famous Boot Jack chewing to-
" * ' JHICCO lor sale at the B. & M. Pharmacy.
Doth east and \veat bound passenger
trains h.ivc bec.i Lite for several days.
P.ttiie'c Liville nf St. Joe , renews
his MitKeription to TriE TRIBUNE , this
S.t'i'lay wis one of Nebraska's sun-
rnes-t d : ; , and what state can excel
. , , i
them. j
n. H. IIainilton.-was in town on !
Saturday' , looking after his business in-
t tcrc-st ? .
Tue Orete Standard will issue a
< laily ( luring the campaign , commencing
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. II. Johnson of
Buckley. 111. , are making Mrs. J. B.
Mcscrvc a vis't.
Frederick West of WestFortan , N.
Y. , .has been out visiting his , brother ,
who lives near McCook.
William Black of Thornburg , called
at our sanctum , Saturday , and prepaid
Lis subscription one year.
Mustard seed , white and black , cel
ery seed. Red and green peppers for
-pickles at the B. & M. Pharmacy.
Captain Straut and R , L. Perry ,
County Clerk of Hitchcock , made
this office a pleasant call on Saturday.
Among the pleasant visitors at these
headquarters who made the editor hap
py , was Henry Crabtree of Indianola.
* Mrs. S. A. Rowell has remodeled
her store , and now has more space in
which to display her stock of millinery
This locality was visited by a very
heavy rain , early on Tuesday morning
which turned into snow soon after day
The B. & M. have been compelled
to run extra freight trains in the Re
publican valley on account of the rush
of trade.
Messrs. Tom McCartney and George
Chcncry went down to Indianola. Sun
day morning , returning on No. 1 , the
tarne day.
Leonard 5Ic. ervc came down from
Ins father's rancL , Saturday , bringing
with him a bunch of cattle which will
be pastured near town.
Henry Baxter of Indianola , candi
date for County Judge OQ the People's j
ticket , made THE TRintNr. . office a 1 i
call , on Monday. * \ |
" 7
- . - .uMia , .
J. W. Muikeu , manager of Wuy'e
hardware Ftoro , nt Indianola , AVUS in
McCouk , Tuesday.
IT.M. . A > bmori ! of Indianola , republi
can ciiudidatc for ( he county judgejihip
was iu town , Tuesday.
B. B. Duckworth of tins county , and
J. V/.i Allen of Obqrlin , Kansas , made
tii a pleasant visit on Tuesday. '
The Marysviilo News remarks "that
billn of long stan'ding and trowsers1 of' '
loag't'lttihg ? hould be receipted. "
S W. Stilgobouor of Panbury , the
People's candidate for county clerk" , was
circulating around in MuCook , Tues
day. k
There must have boon , considerable
hancl-sh'aking gtring oti in - ourmid&t , at
any r.te candidate wore numerous
\ \ . C. Rider's family has arrived in
McCook , and will majkc our tgrowinj ,
enterprising little city their home iu
the future. ' ' " ' ' '
i * M „
Mr.Rider . expects the building rc-
ceutly erected by him in weTst McCook ,
to be occupied by a meat market , the
fir. t of next month.
' John 'Crutsof Driftwood , was in
McCookSaturday , and called at this
office. Mr. Cruts is making final proof
of his claim ou Driftwood. '
Miss A. Whipple of Emmcrson , 111. ,
who has been visiting Mrs. J. B. " Me- '
serve for a week past , went to Denver ,
her future home. Tuesday.
Mr. Drinkwater wont out to his upper
ranch , Monday , to gather up his cattle.
He will feed some 700 or 800 on the
lower ranch during the winter.
Israel Wood of Laird , Frontier
county , was a pleasant caller at this
office , lie ia making final proof , and
will hereafter read THE
The gang of burglars that recently
operated so successf ull ; in these parts ,
has transferred their operations to Kcn-
caw and Jimiati , but with little .re
ward -in the way of cash.
v . , ' i
Mr. and Mrs. George Hocknell came- ,
up from Tndianola , -Saturday , and
now occupy their handsome rc.sidonce
on the hill , one of the finest in the
valley , west of Hastings.
Mr. Tind Mrs. John Sanders of Ches
ter , who have been visiting their , son ,
Mr. Sanders of the Eating House , for
some tune , took the morning train ,
Wednesday , for 'their home.
The rain and -snow of the past fcxr *
days have put our streets in a terrible
condition ; navigation being rather
slippery , and hazarding on 's home
stead and pre-emption rights.
We are authorized to announce that
Anthony Congdon of McCook , will
match his dog against any dog in Red
Willow county , for $20 ; fight to take
place within two miles of McCook.
Mrs. J. H. Drinkwater and two
children took the morning train , Mon
day , for their home in Chicago , where
they "will spend the winter. The
gucxts at the Dining Hall will miss
The pump at the water works is now
doing its work. and the immense tank on
the hill has been pumped full , and as
soon as our people have the pipes laid
into their houses , they can put on me
tropolitan airs.
Messrs. L. J. Roberts , F. 31. Mar
shall and J. F. Twiss , all of Laird ,
Frontier county , called on n , Tuesday.
Mr. Twis.1 is making final proof of his
homestead. They were detained here
by the inclemency of the weather.
The subject of county division is
agitating Gage county , and has' stirred
up considerable bitterness between the
newspapers of Beatrice and Wymore. .
"Blatherskites" and "deadheads" are
some of the endearing names applied.
Messrs. McCartney and Chcncry are
having their handsome 'room papered.
Mr. McCartney purchased the paper
in St. Loui ? , and Will Warren vof the
Hall is doing the work. We w.iger
there is no r.iccr room in southwestern
Nebraska. ' ' " ! 1
The Tegular club dance \vas held in
the Band Hall , Wednesday evening.
The cftixcn * of Mindcn have called
a meeting for Monday evening , Oct. " 3 ,
to i'onn a league of Peace and Order ;
the object being the more ttrict en-
.iorccmcntuf the village ordinances coa-
cunungdisorder'and drunkennesr , aud'a
more complete observance of the Sab *
bath. !
We nre glad to chronicle the fact
that Mrs. l > oslcywlio ( has been seriously - '
ly ill for some weeksthough still wtqak ,
is hctnnmng to- mend slowly. Mrs1.
BoHhiy's mother , Mrs. Sturgct arriW-c ! ' , '
Monday .night , and under her careful
nursing ft 'speedy recovery is to'be
' ' ' '
, ,
Miss Ada P. Buck has declined-tho
People , ' nomination of Supt. of Pub
lic Instruction , for reason * set forth
'in her letter declining' the nomination
rjlscwhere in this issue. A meeting of
.the Central Committee has been called
to'incet'at ' ' 'Indianola , Saturday , t- ) Jill
the vacan6y.j " J
' - J . ,
u- i. I t (
'Burglars entered the B. & M. dining
'hall lost Friday nightarid ; stole a pot of
coffee , a large amount ot eatables , such
as cafcesio' etc. , together with a
fine new overcoat , a new suit of clothes ,
hut , etc. , belonging to Mr. Cronkhitc.
'The ' scoundrels made a urctty coed
haul that' time. Hastings Gazette-
The Methodist brctbern of this city
arc making arrangements to put the
Band Hall in such condition so as to
be able to hold services in it. They
intend purchasing chairs , and otherwise
putting the hall in shape. The band
boys have given the brethren the use
of the hall gratuitously. We will give
due notice when service will be held.
Mr. and Mrs. Will McCartney of In
dianola. accompanied by their charming
guests , Misses Theresa Wilkinson' and
Hattie Papio of St. Louis , came up to
McCook , Friday ; and , after taking in
'the Magic City , went home on No :
40. The young ladies expressed them
selves in unqualified terms of admira
tion for our little'city. ' , '
Rogers has received a stock of over
coats that excels anything ever brought
into the valley. They range in price
from $3 up to the finest , and the man
who goes around shaking-with cold when
he can get one of these good , warm
coats at a price so low that all can buy.
had better go back east and give up the
ghost , probably then he will have no
use for one.
Rev. A. Bartlcy of Indianola , spent
Sunday in McCook.iRev. . Bartley
raised 25 acres of corn , on his farm
near the county seat , that averaged be
tween 60 and , 70 Tjushcls to the. acn ; .
Thia yield would do.honor to some of
our older and more agricultural coun
ties ) ; and is'phenomenal in a county *
' 'where nothing will grow. " Home
steaders , hold on to your claims !
We haye hcArd people say that the
soil of western Nebraska is not so pro
ductive as thi eastern section , because
it is lighter in color. Tha * this is a
mistake is amply attested by the pres
ence on the Journal counter of a sugar
beet weighing twenty-two pounds ,
shapely , crisp and sweet , sent to R. It.
Randall. Esq. , by Hon. J. W Dolan ,
of Red Willow county. It was raised
by George Hunter , near Indianola.who
has an estimated yield of twenty-four
tons on half an acre. There is no
doubt but that with equal moisture the
western section would outdo us in root
crops , as the soil is more porous , less
compact , equally rich and especially
adapted to f.ueh growth. Topics Man.
Snow Storm at Kearney.
UXEX , Oct. 23. The rain which
had been falling heavily for nearly 24
hours , turned into anew about S o'clgck
this morning , aiid has continued unaba
ted until the present time , 10 o'clock ,
P. M. About seven inches arc now on
the ground. Reports from the west
indicate a much heavier fail there.
This will undoubtedly do much injury to
srn".inr cattle. ' > ' * ' % 'i' ' ' ,
. " ' " " I . - : ! ' . .
- ' -U n wi-
wiavt ? a
< ' inj } > J id , -t\
, > , „
Declines the Nomination.
Chairman r oplo' Central Committee :
Hm : After considering the duties
of the office for which my friends have
fo kiudly placed me in nomination , I
would Hay that the duties of Superin
tendent of Public Instruction are ardu
ous , when aatifcfactorily performed. As
"the work extends over quite an area of
territory , therefore involving much
travel and exposure during an inclement
season , my convictions lead me to de-
eJjne Hie nomination. I am deeply
grateful to you for the honor unexpect
edly conferred upon me. Thanking
you for this expression of confidence in
my ability to perform the duties of the
office , I am , Yours Respectfully.
Red Willow , Oct. 20. ADA P. "BUCK.
A Bad Break.
Heports came in yesterday of the at
tempted lynching of Zimmerman , the
Mindcn murderer. He had been taken
from Kearney down to Mindcn , and
placed in the court house , with a guard
'of twenty-five men , and near midnight
several armed and masked men entered
and attempted to take Zimmerman 014
and lynch him , but were fired upon by
the guard and the brave takere-of-the-
law-into-thcir-own-hands immediately
vamoosed and he will undoubtedly be
troubled by such men no more. Full
particulars we could not grt on account
of the distance from the telegraph office.
Hastings Journal , Wednesday.
There will be a of the
People's. Central Committee at the
office of R. H. CrSswell in Indianola on
Saturday , Oct. 24th , 1883 , at 2 P. M. ,
to put in nomination a candidate for
the office of Superintendent of Public
Instruction. The present nominee ,
Ada P. Buck , having declined. The
members of the committee arc :
J. A. Taylor , Red Willow ; B. F.
Sibbet , Indianola ; II. C. Rider , Willow
Grove ; John Eaton , Driftwood ; B. B.
Duckworth , D.inbury ; Chas. Russell ,
Beaver ; Pat McKillip , East Valley ;
Win. Hammond , Crervcr.
R. H. CIUSWKLL , Chairman.
The Lignt Fantastic.
The dance given at the McCook
House , under the management of S. II.
Colvin , Monday evening was very
largely attended , and an enjoyable
time was had by those present , judging
by the spirit with which all entered into
the dance- These dances are fast
coining into favor with the railroad
Episcopal Services.
There will be Episcopal services and
a cclabru.tion of the Holy Communion ,
in the Congregational Church , nex
Sunday morning , Oct. 28th , at the us
ual hour 11:30. All arc invited to be
present , and especially the communi
cants of the church.
We will continue to send the
CNE to all persons whose names appear
on Mr. Israel's subscription list. If
there be anyone who desires to discon
tinue the paper , he will notify us at
once , otherwise he will be held liable
for the paper sent to his address.
Notice to Teachers.
The regular monthly examination of
i teachers will be held at the school
house , in Indianola , on Saturday , Oct.
20th , 1SS3 , commencing a 0 o'clock ,
County Superintendent.
All monies duo the TRIBUNE forsub-
spription come by the terms of the sale to I
me. Parties who know themselves V ) be in j
arrears for subscription will be warmly i
received at " any time , if they come ca > h
in hand. A. B. CoFFRoxir ,
All persons wishing water put in
their houses , will please notify W. F.
Wallace at Citizen's Bank , immedi
New Home. j
31. A. Spalding , agent , for the ligU
running , New Hume sewing machine.
Diarrhoea , Dysentery , qnd all Bowel
Complaints , Quickly Cured.
best medicine I ever saw for curing
Bowirl Complaints. I have used itand ,
seen it used in many canes , in all nf
which it effected a speedy cure. " .S.J. .
Armstrong , Fort Scott , Kas.
my little boy of Cholera Infantumafter ,
several other remedies failed. I g.uv
oni ; of my neighbors homo of it for
their little girl , who was suffering with
the same complaint , and it quickly
cured her. " Jus. T. Barnes , Kansas
City , Mo.
tale by Dr. S. L. Green , druggist , Mc
Cook. Price : " > 0 cents.
Chills and Fever , Dumb Ague , and
all Miasmatic diseased , arc quickly
cured with the HO cent MARSH AOCK
Cure. For sale by Dr. Green.
PILLS for Billiousncsn and Constipa
tion. For sale by Dr. Green.
Look Here !
St. Louis white lead for $8 per hun
Pure boiled oil 80 cents per gallon.
150 test headlight , 25 cents per gul.
Machine castor oil $1.50 per gallon.
Coal pressed castor oil $2 per gal
Ten cords of dry ash wood. Apply
to Citizens' Bank. IG-tf.
Favorite Resort
Is the place for
ce Cold Lemo lade ,
Ginger Beer , Pop ,
Choice Cigars. Candy , Nuts , Etc. i < f
Ask your storekeeper for it , or writi-
direct to the manufacturers.
Cleveland , Ohio.
Dr. Rush's Regulator ,
Win. G. OKpoodliy. the well-mown * af < ; irsr >
fartnrer rf Itnff.Uo , I'hilarielplua , I'UtiburA N
ark , aud Atlanta , On.ay" :
Orricc ox OMIOODBY'S I WSOVEO S rr -
17 S. llmml S re > t.
ATHTTA , Uv. October ith , ! *
Uf. Ku hs Mrdlenl Ai > wclitun :
DE.VK I > OCTOR < : . The three bortl < s of * Tr Hu-ti .
Regulator" I ordered vrerr nvelveil by exprc1 .
wpcX I Uavr t-Utcn nearly one battle iniii
tborijufrtily sailsfted with the result For OUT n >
JP.IM I have lit-cn troubled with "bnir P-'In M "
hnrt. M } pij > li-an ! , upoa ex.-unlnatlon , rrnnosir- '
It uilars'imeat of the heart r.itl wa nnnM < - to e- *
mt * any relief. The trouble prr-w wor < - until Iu- _ .
hocomV convincM that 1 e-uM uo : fcc eurnl W ! . . .
IivXcw York City , lust neek. 1 railed npnn on-
th" ir.o < < tp'onil3 'iitiiUyiiIcUns then- , who i-i-a-yd : > "
? - for an elimination aud thu rirommrmlt il \ > i
"UtxuUtiir. " Knonlnz you to h - a r rnil- MtI ! < - .
As > uciation. an ! not a patent mtf'ilciuc 8ch n * I
ilcret ! the tlin.-r liouSe * I have not liccii fo-iKi. .
since I eoninn.ncc'1 tnklnp It , lint hll cnntlaiI I
t. V.c the Lutlnthree bottle1 * vn a to obt.un a ; ri >
nenl cure You have my klucure tlmnlc .
1 ajs , , Very po.-fuly. ! .
\VM. u. o ?
Dr. Js Regulator
tin * novcr f Il U to glvr rrlfcr. It ! > been n-.l -
fur yaw In ulidnla tbino -MII.IM.I i
of brtlrt < Ut2cu ! : ! : * . A i ltv - cur"Tor > -
-n' . lalpltaioa. Fluttering tn-1 FMty 1) - .
cratiun of the Lcirt. Trice. tt. ' i per hotl - ; 'x -
. - , . ( ( ) . > oW by droesifW. or cent dlrtci t-r I'ir.
Xur..l3N. V. U. - . -