McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 25, 1883, Image 5

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A. 13. COFFROTII , Editor and Pro ]
For Representative ( to fill vacancy )
For County Judge ,
4 For Connty Clerk ,
For County Treasurer ,
For Sheriff
For Coroner
- For Supt. Public Instruction ,
For Surveyor ,
For County Commissioner ,
For Representative ,
For Count } ' Judge ,
For County Clerk ,
For County Treasurer ,
For Sheriff.
lrorSnpt. Public Instruction ,
For Coroner ,
For Surveyor ,
For Goui'ty Commissioner ,
nicmbcrs of the Coreun embassy
passed through Omaha , on Saturday.
THE stock of compliments of the
Republican and Journal having become
.so superabundant they arc now working
off that superfluity by exchanging com
pliments between themselves. Modesty
is not unbecoming even a newspaper.
A TRAIN on the Gleans Falls branch
of the D. & H. G. Company , went
through a bridge over the Glcmrf Falls
feeder to the Chapiain canal , ne r
Ft , Edwards , N. Y. , Sunday , and all
bu pnc person , a newsboy , were either
killed or severely injured.
W. NEE SOX , attorney for &Iiss Hill
in the charges of adultery preferred by
her against Senator Sharon , and which
roctitly were dismissed , has on his
' " .n account filed s complaint in the
Superior court to recover $120,000
{ 'row Senator Sharon for alleged
P. S. EUSTIS , general ticket agent of
die B. & M. railroad , his brother , C. G.
Eustis , and J. R. Griffitts , have pur
chased a tract of land about ten miles
north of ilo4 Uoud , containing 1,000
creswhieh they intend developing into
A first-class stock faun.
ADVICES from Smyrna state that an
earthquase , on the Kith , shook the Ls-
Sar.d o : ' Chios severely , -and extended
along tae entire coast of Anatolia , and
: ar jut i the mtonor'of Asia iJinor. The
to ; , * of hie was appalling , lOQiJ being
res-oitcu killed. At Symriia alone were
turec hundred victims , and unprece-
< lesited tide disasters are reported.
GAIILING rox. of the
I'jotcu ? . bis nuide hjs official rtp'ort ,
vhich not only shows that Gapt. Pike
Accurately described the crew of the
Proteus when he said they were ' -the
worst scoundrels he had ever Been , "
but alEe indicates that the captain him
self was un ignorant and careless navi
gator. As to his instructions , Lieut
} arlin lon declares that he received
none except tho- . originally given
to lini , and Gen. Hazen says that the
l/ieutensnt docs not deserve censure
jbr aay alleged disobedience of orders.
SECRETARY NEWMAN furnishes th <
following totals on the governorship , ai
the result of the late elaction : Per
nicer , 3-17,003 ; Hoadley , 359.593
Schumacher , 8,3d ; JenkSn ? , 27,850
total vote , 721,40-1 ; Hoadlcy's majority
1,383. M.'tjority for the judicia
amendment , 33,413. The seconc
amendment fell short of a majority by
38,543. The regulation amendment
received 98,050 votes.
THE Chinese are assisting the Black
Flag at Annam. Eight Chinese gun
boats have arrived at Shanghai. The
Portugese gunboats have withdrawn
from the harbor at Hong Kong , taking
with them the watchman who drowned
the Chinamen and precioitntcd the re
cent riots. The French are awaiting
reinforcements before hazarding an
attack. Such seems to be the state of
affairs in Cliiim.
THE Gazette-Journal modestly re
marks that RK Hastings contains more
friends , readers and admirers of the
blind Grecian poet to the square mile
than any other town in Nebraska , the
people will be interested in learning
that the island of Chios which has just
been destroyed by an earthquake in the
vicinity of Smyrna Bay is.the reputed
birth place of Houicr.
PATRICK KOAN , the Irish agitator
and late treasurer of the Irish land
loaguc , has fiUtl his intention of
bfcoming an American citizen. He
will locate and engage in the buving
of grain in Lincoln. He expects his
family here in April or May. He ip
at present the guest of John Fitzerald
of Lincoln , a prominent and wealth } '
worker for thu cause of the Irish peas
TilE postmaster general has decided
that foreign' It'tter pontage is cut down
by the act reducing the rates per half
ounce from three to two cents.- and
hereafter "ship letters" will < ; o across
the brinv d ew for foir cents instead of
sis. At liist the department seemed
t ( ; hold tj.o other wiy , and detained
S'-vcral hundred letters on which the
st-ndf-rs hn i placed two red stamps in
stead of the old m-ofii OURS.
THE recent decision of the Supreme
Court of the United States that the
iivil rights bill was uii'jonstitutiojml ,
iias called forth a convention of promi i
neut colored men , and their sympa
thizers. Sunday night , a meeting was
icld in Washington , at which 2,000
icreons were present , and ringing
speeches were made by Fred Douglans.
'Deacon * ' Bob Ingersoll and others , the
olored man being advised to vote for
he party which champions his cause.
THE trustees of the Warren Memor-
il fund have purchased ; \ haudonie
ilia at Newport for Mrs.Warronwidow
f the late General G. K. Warren , U. S.
L , on whose behalf an effort was made
year ago , by admirers and friends.
t will be grateful news to those who
attributed to the testimonial for the
idow of one of the bravest of Aineri-
tan generals , to know that he will
R uheitered from want in her declining
THE criminal record and the list of
'cidents and casualties of theoust
c-fk have Leon terribly destructive to
fe and property. The cowboys of
oloratlo came in for a full share in
le fiendish work ; two of them kiiljng
ro .Mexicans and two white men , at a
ncc , firing into the house indiscrimin-
: eiy. Some "gentlemen of color" in
eorgia come to the front in the saute
ne of business while "
, some "rcspect-
) ly connected and well-to-do" farmers
' the same sttitc , turn in and send oue
mther home to glory in true southern
THE steamer llio Jancrio , sailing on
reducsday for Hong Kong , will carry
ray about 1,000 Chinamen and about
" 50,000whifh they carry off with them
it of the country. Over SOO of them
ivc already been provided with return tln
rtificatcB. It has been remarked that n
large proportion of returning Chinese Is
iw bring women whom they claim as IsP
cir wives. There being no way to dis- a
eve marriage they arc permitted to d
nd , and , in majority of case.s , im- ' ci
ediately turned Iooi = c for immoral pur- tlo
o :
Read and Consider.
ED. TRIBUNE : In i paragraph i
your lat t week's issue , you say that i
any of the candidates ou the People1
ticket "desire success , tlicy must rus
tic. " Well , now , I ask to be ftllowci
to rustle a little in your columns in be
half of one oi' the aforesaid candidates
George A. Iluutcr of Inuianola , is ;
candidate for the office of County Treas
urer , and in my judgment , he has par
amount claims to that office vrhiel
ought not to lie ignored by his fellow
citizens. He came here in 1872 , on <
of the advance guard of civilization
He took port in the organization of
and waa the first sheriff of Red Willov
countAt that time tlie county lim
no money whatever , and in the -strife
which occurred in the fall of 1873 , be
twccn Red Willow and Indjanola , he
rendered service as sheriff in various
suits for whose costs the county wan
liable to the qmount of at least one
hundred dollars , which ho could have
compelled the county to pay , yet Mr.
Iluutcr made a present of his services
for the entire ti-rm to the people , and
never presented & bill for the same to
the county. Now , that was an act
which ought to be remembered. What
other sheriff would have done thut ?
Daring the disastrous years of 1876
and 1877 , he was treasurer of the
county. Tax collecting was odious in
these years , and Mr. Hunter probably
made some enemies in consequence of
the vigorous manner in which he looked
after and collected the taxes of abscond
ing delinquents.
He was faithful tn his duties , and
fearlessly collected the revenues of the
Bounty and state. At this time the
pay of the office was so small that it
pvas a disadvantage nnd an incnmbmnct ;
: o hold tiie office. The office then went
legging for an occupant ; and now since
t has become a source of profit , tlc }
icople ought to bestow it for one term
Hi the man who had the pluck and pa-
rioiisjii to hold il in the days of the
rrasshoppers , when nobody wanted it.
These fact * are not to be denied , and
ilr. Hunter's fitness for the office car
lot be denied. But it is now chnrgcd
gainst him that he went before the Re
iiiblican County Convention , and , hav-
> g been defcatedbolted the convention
'his chargi is wholly false. Now , let
lie facts be submitted to an honest pco
le , and let i.ruth prevail. About two
r three weeks befoie the primaries
ere held , Mr. Hunter was summoned
> the sick and apparently dying bed
f a mother and sister in another state ,
he sister died , the mother recovered.
lr. Hunter , obeying the highest and
tliest impulses of man's nature , and
? cdlesff of hie personal interests , went
the bedside of his sick relatives ,
fhile he was absent , the primaries were
; ld , and Mr. Goodrich secured a ma-
rity of the delegates.
Mr. Hunter is of the opinion that if
j had been here , he would have had a
ajority , and would have received the
imination. As it was he expressly
fused to be a candidate before the
invention , and gave notice that he
mid be an independent candidate ,
believe George A. Hunter would have
en nominated by the Republican con-
ntion , if he had not been called away
the high and solemn duties that a
tie man owes to the mother who bore
in , and because he would not disrc-
rd the claims of a mother's love , or a
'tor's ' friendship , he ought not to be
urificcd on the altar of these holy du-
JA Let the voters of Red Willow
unty consider this matter well , and
they see the claims of Mr. Hunter as
u > , let him be made the next Treas i
or of Red Willow county. I
Indianoln , October 20.
OVER , one week ago a young woman
nied Zora Burns found murdered in
i outskirtsof ; Lincoln , Illinois" . The j
irder was a mysterious one. On i
t Saturday a chain of circumstances s ,
intcd out one 0. A. Carpenter , in F
ese family she had been employed as , >
domestic , as the author of the foulJ \ ;
3d. He was arrested nnd a large j * i
iwd followed him to prison with ! ' ,
eats of lynching. Carpenter is one J <
the wealthiest residents in that citv. { B <
U. S. Land OlHco. McCook. Noli. , 1
Octovnr IWli , 1HKJ. f
Complaint hiivlng been cntcrcjil at tbli ofllr <
l > y CI.VHM.-I ! K. Fox ajf.lnst Jlilcy .Smith , foi
nb.iiu'.oiiinir his homMtoml entry -ill : . ' , < lutM w.
North I'lattu. February t'fi. itvu. upon the uuth
.i t H section H. township a. north , ranxo 21' ,
weiU , in Ited Willow county. Ncbrnskn. with u
view to the cancellation of cuul entry ; tin
Htilit ptirtiud nrc hereby tuiuinone < l to tippcu :
ut this o 111 c ou tin ; : & ! < luy of November. iKH'.i ,
nt 10 o clock , A. M. . to rcuponrt and fiirnWi
testimony concerning Piid alleged "bunrlou-
uiont. 21-Jt. U. L. LA.\fS. K
II. .S. Lund Office McCook. Neb. . Oct. th IWJ.
Complaint having litou entered at this office
by Leonard II. Stiles iijruhist Ltenjinin R
Hoyt. for abundoninir Uls homestead entry
No. lijft. . datwl at North 1'l.Uto. Neb. . Jim. M.
IfteO , iion th Houthoa t iintu'ttr. hci-tion M ,
township U.north , rtxuxcuJ.wcst. in Red Willow
coimly , Ncli. ( with uiuw to tliu cimrclliition
I of suM i-tury : thc-snid parthv ? urnben-by MJIII-
moned to appear ut thi.iotilci : ou tlie llt'i duy
of November , IHSlt , ut it ) o'o'ock A.M. to rt--
&pond and furnish testimony concorulnv ' nnid
; illricl iibuntluumcnt. ( J. L. LAA\'K ,
W-4t. Kcxtetor.
U.S. iuil Office. McCook. N b. , )
Oe-ober : id. IHcfl. i"
Complaint huvinjr been cutcri-il at this i
by Isaac X Hobaclc against illlatn A. Walllu
for abandoning hi.s homestead entry No. WHS ,
dated at North Platte. iNcb. , JuncZI. 1H7U. upon
the northwest \ { section 10 , township ! ! , north ,
ranjyc ! . west , in Kcd Willoxv county. Neb. ,
with view to cancellation of a id entry : tin :
said parties arc.hereby Jtummoncd to appear
at thjs otllcc on the 7th day of November. 1SS5.
at lu o'clock , A. M. , to respond and
testimony concerning said alli'Bi-d abandon-
i ineut. lS4t. U. L. LAWS. Itcfdster.
U. S. land Office. McCook. Nob. , I
September 24th , 18KJ. t"
Complaint having been entered at this office
by James Barrett against. William IJrown.
for abandoning his homestead entry No. iWJ ,
dated at North Platte. Neb. , June"2H , ixso.upon
the southeast > i section 12. township . ' 5. north ,
range M. west , in Red Willow county. Nob.with
a view to the cancellation of said entry ; the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this office on the 27th day of October. 18S3.ut
10 o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning eaid alleged abandonment.
17-Jt. O. L. LAWS , UojjiHter.
V. S. Land Ofllrr. McCook , Neli. .
October Ifith. IBS3. f
' 'omplMnt having been entered at till * oflee ! iy
Ruthrrford B. Arelilbald srainrt llurlowV.Ke.y .for
failure to comply with Iswas to timber-culture entry
C8t. daird at NurtU J'lattf. Neb. . May 22.1873. . upiiu
the S. W. H upclloii'Sfi. town hp2. ! narrh. rune * * -8.
w t. In 1'ed Willow comity. Nebraska , with a vjuw
to the cancellntloa of Raid entry ; contestant alleging
that ald Keyes ha * failed tn break S acre ? , or nuy
part of ald tract , from V y 22. .S7fl. to May . ' . ! ' .
ami to thlKdate ; that lie has failed to [ limit truc. ,
seeds or cu'tlngii on 5 acres , or any jnrt of said truer ,
from % ! ay 22 , 18S1 , to May -J5 , ISSJ , or at any other
time , or to came the name to bo done Thi * Haiti
parties are hereby summoned to pjipearat this otlire
on lliedd y of November. J < KJ. at 9 o'cloclc , A.
. . tnrt-kptind andfuruljh frtlmony concornlnj ; * ald
allrxed failure. 1-41. O. L LAWS. "
U. S. Laad i iflh-e at McCook. Xeb . I
October Jid. ! ( (
( 'omplalnt linrlnir born cuteied at tills olllce ny
j Y. Starliui'k gainst John W. KS Uer lor ahau-
iiinin ? Ills IioniCstHfld 1741 , dntrd at North Platte.
Neb. . Noiomber 1 1. 1S73 , pen the 14 northwest
? -i and wistJ uorthcast 11 section 22. tovrn. iil ; > u ,
north , ranee 29. ucat. In IU-d WJHow ronnty. Neb ,
wlih avtetrtothv cancellation of ! entry ; the
aid parties are hi rrhy xutnmoned to apprr at tins
unlceontliu Sd day 01 Noember. . lNo , at U ) o'clock , ]
A. M. , to ix--ii.Mid iind.fnruuh . tejilniuny conccrnliiij .
bdid alleged aliandonui'ent.
SMt. G. L. LAWS. Hcgister.
U. S. L-md Ser at .McCook. Neb , I
.October Sd , 1SSJ. 1
Complaint having been ciucii'd ut thin oiHoo by
Lys-inder J. Uo ! > ; rts a aluiit 'ItiomaA Freeman for
ib ndonlnjrlilslimncsteadrntry J'JiU. dated f North
t latti : , i eb. , September i-Jtli , lt > ! * 2 , u on tlie wiat .i
outhwrtt * i outllf.il3t 'a touihweiti and onth\ve
! ! < uuilic4st 4 section y , township fc. north. riu < e
' > , \7CHt. : n Frontier county. r\eliri Iui. with alevv
oOie.cancelbittouef said entry ; tin ; said partial are
lereby suimnoacd to appear'nt tills olhce on the M
isy oi December. ibsj , at t o'clock , A.I , to re-
pond and lurnWi tcsilmuny coiicciniuir : .Id
i andoniitent. ii-Jt. O L. LAWS , 'Ke
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , Oct. 17.1833.
Notice is hereby givun that the following
amed settler has filed notice of his intention
u make final proof in support in his claim ,
nd that said proof will be made before Reg
tcr and Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satur-
ay , Nov. 24th , issi , viz : Catherine Snydcr , for
be southeast M hcction IS , township 3. north
f mntru ' ) , west. She names the followinjf
itncuses to prove her continuous residence
pen , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Jo * .
. . Snyder. Paso T. Francis. William Mitchell
udJohn H. Evert , all of McCook. Neb.
O. L. LAWS , Register.
Land Office at McCook. Ncb.Oct23.18KJ. .
Notice is hereby iriven that the follow uir-
amcd settler hai > nlcd notice of his intention
> make nnul proof in support of his claim ,
nd that said proof will be mmle before Kejris-
r ami tti-ccivcr at McCook. Neb.on .Monday ,
L-c.3 ! . 18S8.viz : Israel Wood. 1) S. No.WW7.
> r the east 4 northeast section 21 and west
northwest H Kection 22 , townshi ) ) . north ,
inge-"J , west. He names the following wit
Bssei ; to prove his continuous residence upon
id _ cultivation of , said land , vte : Jasper T.
nriKs , Lj'fcanucr J.Twiss. FraiiK M. i ' "
id Geo. W. Warner , all of Laird , Nob.
a-cr. O. b. LAWS.
Land Office at JfcCook , Neb. . Oct. 23 1S ) .
Notice is hoi-oby Riven that the following-
oucd settler lias filed notice of his intention
i make liual proof in support of his claim ,
id that j-ald proof will bo made bpfoio Hew- .
r Mud Hcceiver at McCool : , Neb. , on .Mondav 1 pi
scumber U. 1S.V"5. vi.Tapper T. Twi1 > . . t in
imbur 172 forthy west h northwe- ' 3 & wet j N
southwest Jt sft-tton 15 , township h. north. ' ii-
njro 2i west. He naim- the following ; witi i ls
! M es to prove his continuou < rp-iiicncr-upoR nt
, d culiivation of , said laud , vi/ : l.ysaix'or
Roberts. I.sraol Wood , Frank M. Marsh ill
id John Ackerson , all of J.aird. Nc-b.
il-Gt. G. L. LAWS. Resistor. < > f
Ijind Office at VcCtiok. N'i'b. . Oct -2. ! . " . ' { .
S'otlce In liereliy slvcn Jlia ; Unf'jhowiiij ; n'rac. ;
ttlcrha * llk'it nuvt-uf ! hlfinti-ntlomnnitike lia.i ] j
nf In Hupjxirt uf hi * claim , and that nalit pr or i
II ht-madu li--forc Kesli'ter mid Kcn-lu-i at Mrj j Pr ]
iik , Nel ) . . on Saturday , December S.'z : J i"
orjt HivIu . lion * tead number 17.J3 for tin- . p
all ' : ' n inliw ; st V and lotf : : aoU I , sootlon I.
i-nslilp 1 nurth. rausu 2i > . west. He n.itne.t tl.t- | " "
lowlnjc wltursM's to provo liN continuous re [ dcnco
in , and rnlilvntton of. t Id land , viz : Gi-'iice ' | , .
wler. TtiQiiios 11. Cat. Kyliraim itrevn and " !
lit-rt S. CooJey. all of Stoushton. XcS. { ; ,
1-C.t. G. 1. . LAWS. I > gcr. j
Land Offirt-Rt M < : 'ook , eb . Oct. ! ; , lr\S { . j
lOtlce ik hi-ruby Kl\rn Hint the following nsinc-l l
tierlia * . nlcd notice of Illn lutentloa to makii f.ncl i :
of In support of his rlatm. and that laid proof i.iii j < < : .
qmclf bcfuro Keplfier nnd Kccelvcr at Mci ook. j j.n
b. . on Tucfday. Uecembi-rilh. IPS3 , vlt : Thoraas I tr.i
irrinxt'm , bouie'tead Jr ! i , for tlie north ' - nortliMI
t 'i and north H northwest Jj si-vllun 'M. tnxr.Xo !
p 't , north , ranjfc a . wrpt. He nninee the followj j no :
irtuuwn to priivcliH continuous r'-'sldcnce upon , i uc :
: cultivntlon of. 5 ! rt l nU , Iz. : WlUUni H. Doj ! j i-'i !
in H. KVITT. KIcturd JOIIUKU and Gcoive F. liuJ f
, all of Mc'-'oo' * . Nel > . J . ? '
. -St. U. L. L. !
Land OKlco at Mor xik , b. . oof. fl.
Nminu i * Jicnt v tfivon that iho Pjlhmltis
naoirvl * nUU-r nu 'tU"i uutli-e of his intrnt Jon
t'i make final proof la support n ( hi. Halm ,
and that ualil proof will l.i rnad < bolun.iUirw -
u-r.amllb-t'xiTi.TulMui'otik. rtf-u. . on I'rldav.
KovcmlKT ssth. IF * ! . vlrA. . aTrumbo.
fttd ! entry 33b\ for thw norl h f n-irtlii-
and north - northwest * tl * n 2-j.
2. north , ranpi'H , west. Hf narnerttta : folio-w
hit : witnoMiM to piov > hi * eontimuMM i ' . ! -
donr-o upon. and cultivation ft , raid lunO.vI/ . :
JitovpU wlllluiiij. Uirtifrli" HariH- " . Louis l-os ? ,
and Carle * A. Smith. ull of Vhllton , Nub.
llMJt. U. 1 , . LAW.S. itlul ! > t T.
J/iRrt Olflre at McCook. Nob. , Sept. fC , IN * ; . .
Notice in hereby irlven that the fo lowliiyr
named yotller has filed notice of his intention
to make ll mil pro rinupportnf hKiluim.nn ! < l
that f aid proof will lituuute before ICc lstrr < i *
Revolver a1 McCouU. Nb. . , on Friday , Nor. t ,
It * . ! , viz : William Joltnwn. hniiit tninl Nt' .
1572 for the nnrtbwKit section ' , IWXTIIK'U.I
4. north of raiuc-"l' , \ ui. . He r.tuni-tJ the following -
lowing vitnc.-tu'i to pinvn hl continuou ? r" . . '
donee upon. and cultivation of. xilo laud. vl :
John 8 Modralle. Thoma * Htivslfrf. Tlu > uiu < i
Holes of McCook , Nvb. , and II. W. Johnson oi'
Arapuuoc , N'eb. 17t U.l.LAWS.
Lund Ofllcr nt McCoolt. Xi-U. , Sept. id. INS. .
Notice Js hereby sivvn that the follow iur
nuiuf't settler ha * tiled mitici * of lu-r intoiitlMi
to imtkattnalpro : ) ? In support nf hcrrliiiin.nti'l
that said proof will be tnsuln before RealKternr
Receiver at McCook. N-b. . on Friday. Nor. " < i.
! * > > . vte. : Laura 1'hlllipn. homoitcad No. : LW .
for the west 4 northwest ' and north W south -
wcst > 4 section 20. own hipt. north of rnujri *
30 , we ? t. She names the following1 wiiiiesM1 *
toprovit her continuous residence upon , ar. < i
cultivation of. nd ! land , viz. : Marv K. Orme.
Minnie Uat"s William Onnand C. t. Mci'ht-r-
Hon. ull of ilcCook , Neb.
17it. . ( J. I , LAWS.
Ollicoat McCook. Nrb. , Sept. if . IWJ.
Notice is hereby given tltat tin ? following
nnmcil settler has U1J notice of liiB intention
to make lln l proof In .support of
his claim. and that said proof
will bo made t > eforc R''jrteter ami Iti-oci-
frat McCook. Neb. , on Monday. October ± 'd ,
1SS3 , vlx. : John PL Furr. homMtead No. linn.
for the W. HS.W. HS.W. > * N. w. and lor
4. faction 4 , tnwnship2. north , ranKc ; * . wrt ! " ! .
Ho names the foHowfu r wltiu-sse : * fo'provo bin
continuoiiK residence upon , and cultivation of.
Sflid land , viA. . Jonec. Perry JOIIOK. Ann : "
5. KendiUl mid A. S. KouKhton. all of Imlme-
ola. Nob. iwit. O. 1 , . LAWS , Repister.
Jjmd Office at McCook. Neb. , Sept. I" . .
Notice is hereby given that the following
nuincil sett lor has Tiled notice of hi > intention
tomaketinal pniof in Hiipport of "his cluim.
and that said proof will be made before Hvjri -
Ler and Receiver nt McCook. Nob. , onyatnrdav ,
tfor. U. 18SI. viz. : Gottlieb P.WoIck.who made
iioniestvad apiilicntion No. 842 , for the iV.W
action ± i , township : , north , range : > . west.
He nninu.H the following- witnesses to prove hi
continuous rcsiilunct * upon , and cultivation of.
mid lan.l. vi/ . : Adolph RieJchai-it OiM > rit
rthito , William Coleinan ami Churlc * Wool-
riglit. all of JlcCoot. Neh.
IB-tit. ( j. L. LAWS. Iterator.
Land C'llico at McCook. Nnb. . 5cp'x ' --d.t.
Notice is hereby xiron that tinfotlowinir
jained settler lias JHcd notice of hi ? , jiiteiitic.ii
o make final proof in Mipport of his clulm ,
ind that said proof will bo iniuii ; hul'orit IteK1-
er nuci Keceirerat Mcl-'ook , Neb. , on Friday.
) ct. " 7 , 1SSJ. vi'Jsiuii's Slipjihi-nl , homestfM * !
70 for the sotitlie.i t xi section i' . township . ' . .
mrth. mnyc o ( ) . wort. He mxniasthe following
ntne oo to pi ore his continuous rt'
ipon. and ctiltivatlpn of.saldiund.n. : I'mvM
. Oshorn of { Js'-liorn. Neb. . .James pnuiJinv
nd Daniel Joyl or Hex Klder , Xub. , aiiJ John
3. Walters of .McCook. Noli.
IS-Ct. G. L. LAWS. KcKtetrr.
Land OJllve at Mct'ook , Nub. . Sept Irf. . > . ! .
Notice is hereby ? n ci : that the follow mtr
lamed sottk-r hi. - filed notice of his um-ni.on
0 make flnul in support of lite chum , arid than
nid proof will le muc'u bcloro Kcj-isier t-jtl
lecfi--erat Mco ( > k. Nfb. , on Ijaratday. ( .M.I.
T , 1SS5 , vj/ . : jinuiL'l Matron , homc-atfad Ao.
t , for the southeast i pouthoast wctioii " .
u t4 northC'at.t ! i t--eotion 11. jui-1 sruthv. t
1 northwest ! i ti.vtion ii to-.viicliip 1. north.
miffc SI. we t. He nine. the following wit-
esfes to provo hiscoiitfnuouft nwidc-nce upon.
nd cultivation of , fraidMund. vi ? . : .Sunn Cnn. <
nd William Hrcnnon olTulbcrtsoii. N > b. . umJ
"illiiuu F. Kvorlst and 'hare.- ! ! niUh of
[ c.'ook. Neb. ] 0-Ct. O. L. LAWS ,
Land Oflicc at McCooJt. Neb. . Sept. is. .
Notice is hereby given that tun following
amed "Pttler ha nied notice of hi ? intention
make Hnal proof in support of hin claim.ami
mt said proof will bp madu before Kexwt T
id Heceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , Oct.
. lft-3. viz. : Henry C. Slrephcrd. homesu-n.i
I. for the west 4 northcnt y section ii. ami
est } i southeast H section 24. township i.
jrth. raiiKC30. . wrst. He names tfao follow-
If witnesses to provo bis- continuous rr-xi-
snce uj > on , and cultivation of. said hind , viz. :
vM.l. Osborn of Osborn. Neb. , Jus. SpauM-
K and Daniel Pf > yo ! > of Hex Elder , N.K ,
> hn K. Walter of MeCook , Neb .
iet. . G. L. LAWS.
Land Offlcc at McCook : ich. . Sept. 10. lPi-1.
Notice 1 * licrcby piren tlwt the foinwln : r namnl
ttlcrua * Slcdii > { : i-r of hl Intcatlmi to iiialc - r.n I
xif tn support of his claim , and that talrt proof will
mnde before It. Rintcr and Heceiver ai JlcCiitl.
: h. . on Saturday. Octt.her 20th. 1 33. viz.Austlu
Crint. D. S. No. 3366 fur the S E. \ K. Z. .Sec.
and K H K. W. ? . and N. Vf. U S. K. Sect.'tib
Ti > wu liip ; , nortl Kanjre 31. trcit. JIc n IWI-.H th -
lowlnjj witncMcitopro p his rtmtlnmmi r Iuc > ncr
ni , aud cultiratlonot , said laad. viz : John Crutf > .
tin \'at on , ' h .rle A. Smith and MiH * . = ! ! \ > i
Iftwood. > .eb. 13-61. G L. I..VWS.
Land Oflicc at > ! tCt ot. Xeh. . Sipt. 13. 1W3.
Cut Ice It hereby given that the Tollowln ; u nir l
tier hay nicri noilcp of his lutmtlim to make tini.1
> o. ' in ecpport of bb ) rlalut. ar.d time nl.l
Kll will be madf before KrcUtcr and Rr-
vcr at McCH > iC , Kcbraj-ta , on S tnr ! ftiytr -
aNrr Stli. lfc. 3. vr. . ttcorgf P. Wrli.fc. t > >
tit liumestfat ! nppliotlon. No. S4-J. for thr
K. 1i .Ncctlon 21. townrbip . north , rmisc ; . " , - / < t.
najiics tin- following wittirsn.'S to pro\r till - ( . ( ) -
nous iciildcucc upon , and cuttlmtlon Df.iviJ latu.
. : Adolph lir chick. Ucoivc White'sni
ennui utid In ; ties Woolnth . all of Mtxo..k.
b. lW5t. ( . L. LAWS. Register.
LandOnici- McOwft. .Vrb. . > ejit. iIi. : IK'S.
: < - 1litrrcliy civ L-n thai the foltoHlnu niunirl
: ! < -r has llled m.tice of hli. ( ntrr.ti'cn to riskr liua !
af In Mir : "ft < > t I" rlaSn : . ami thiit * H tirwf xv J ;
made hfior * I ! - } rt -r IT Itree'.iT atCon' .
. .wj I'rid : : > Nm . .d. It Si. ifz. : Wallace S.T- :
ill. O S. Xo 77 fur the i-'ja'hfa t ' inr.v
n.t ] lot 2 .tnl : . fertiou " , lot i , c czloa 27 , : :
: h if : : u , wr t. He j-ifim-s tl. f : : o > in
ifs-i-s to prove- his i r'- ' <
cuKl.ntiuu of. teldl.-ind , > U.duipi. . jt-i ( . 'i.i K
me l'u < . > ili-hicl Wi-i-'k sail J'hlilipV. . _ - < : ; < . h t
.c ook. Neb. I7-R. G. J. LAWs. lv lt-r.
Land O01c = Mt JIcCiKik. Nc ! > . . Oci. 1 . rS - ' ' .
ntiirc i lu-reby ( rfvca tin ; tnc : " > ! . , . 1
If-rlis * r.i-dcolccj.f f.N lirtation to nm.-.r Ejji
> f In . upHiri iif W-t claJns. nr.d that y-iM j rwt v-ji
lutuebefoic nd Korrixrr arCojX. .
. fii loncsy. N vcnbcr W. ISiX viz. : h'rnrv J
.h. Uiburn. Ni'b. , hotnestetil "ll . for : h , .v > .t .
hiMst ij sosthe.Tt * .i northt-a.t , + and ntrihi-
jutlK-a t H "cctija J3. iuu.bp ; , ccrih cl r.-rv-
f wt. He the JulIuwJa ivf'.ncg f' . ; < > pru -
i-o.itiuttuuj r-i'lcZemv upon. aaJ cnlt aa
lauil. viz.VIlljn Bearh. > liver P. Falrbin- .
iM McKlllIp aud Mictacl . .eiviii : ; . . all . ; l .or
; . Neb.'OGt. . G. L. LAWS. UrpMrr.
J-an.l OMlcr McO 5 , XeOct. . : i3SJ. .
.tlc < : hereby irfven that the lo 'join n-is l
IT ! i2 * fi'cd tntJct ; of hU Inicnttcr. to rcat ? Sa.-t
f ! n-upport of liiw i-lalin , tt.-K.MM rroirI ! , -
Kofrti anil iccclv.'r ai j-r-oiJr. Ni b
. Nov. 27. lj..j. % ;
i. ranxrlit. .
: * to pwwhls com:3'ioitj > r
vatk-a of fnl < \ Isci : . vl/ : o
? { rnilth. Jclm M tit anJ W.-n. F. i : f rS