McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 25, 1883, Image 3

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    Lady Base-Ball Players. ' -
Bt. Jxmls Spectator. ,
I have boon following with 'much in
terest the fortunes of the female base
ball players down east. Some time
since a manager hitupon the idea of or
ganizing two nines of the softer sex
eighteen examples of female loveliness
and exhibiting the combination as a
moral show about the country. The
two nines , which , by the way , arc di
vided into blonde and -
a a brunette-par
ty , have befin practicing nearly all-sum
mer , and I regret that they are not yet
ready to take the field. The female in
tellect has difficulty in grasping the na
tional pastime. A practice game was
played in New York this week , before
several thousand spectators , in which ,
in five innings , the Brunettes defeated
the Blondes oy a score of 48 to 29. One
of the features of the entertainment was
the coaching done by the crowd when
a girl made three strikes they insisted
on her making a homo run every time ,
and the girl always did. Some of them
were .encouraged to run around the
bases twice in the excitement of the
moment , and one girl was pursued put
into left field and over a fence , behind
the grounds , by the second basewoman ,
who desired to touch her with the ball.
The two came back by the front gate.
By all means wo mustr have this , show
in St. Louis ; it seems to me that it
must be even funnier than Keene's
'Hamlet. " -
The latest Bonanza in California.
BIEBER , CAL. Mr. Thomas P. Ford ,
editorof the. Afountqin Tribune , of this
place , publishes thatthc great pain cure ,
St. Jacobs Oil , has worked wonders in
his family , and that he would not be
without it. He states that among all
the people St. Jacobs Oil is the most
popular medicine ever introduced.
A Case of Bigamy.
Texas S If tings.
"How does yer new wife take to city
life ? " inquired Aunt Sukey of Gabe
Sloshing. The latter had quite recent
ly married a negro girl out in the coun
try and brought her to the city.
"I tells yer , Aunt Sukey , dat im all a
piece ob foolishness , a delusion an' a
snare , dis bringing country female nig
gers inter a big metropolis like Austin.
It's shoah ter done spile 'em. Dere's
too many fnvilties an' follies an' frip
peries fer dein to stan' it. Dey becomes
jist too vain and peacocky for any use ,
an. ' sling on mo1 style den a mule kin
draw. My two wives will be de ruina-
shunof dis niggah. "
"Your two wives , Gabe ! What does
yer mean ? Yer ain't got no two wives ,
has yer ? "
"Dat's a fac' . I 'spects ter be indict
ed fer bigamy ef I doesn't keep my eye
peeled. "
"How does yer make out dat yer's
got two wives ? "
' -Ebery night I goes home , I see's
'em. "
"Sees 'em ! "
"Yaas , one in de lookin' glass , an'
one in front oo hit. "
| A. child that wakes with croup should have a dose
of PJSO'S Ctn E.
A Big Majority. j. Sa ?
Washington Letter , '
Speaking of majorities , especialf
Hoadly's , reminds me of 'a little cceanc
versation between , . Secretary Folg < _ .
just after he had been buried undjlu
193,000 majority last year , and Repiys
sentative McKinley , of Ohio , who h * - .
scraped through by a very insignifica
majority. "Well , " said Secretappei
ITolger , "did you pull through , M wl -
? " "Yes " said the
Kinley , representa
tive , "I did ; I just squeezed through. "
"You " said the .
were lucky , secretary.
"What was your majority ? " "Only
eight , " said McKinley. * "Eight is a
mighty big majority this year ! " re
sponded the secretary with- sigh.
Happy union with wife and children ,
is like the music of lutes and harps.
[ Chinese ( Confucius ) .
WHEAT No. 2 , 75c. - ' -
BARLEY No. 2 , 48 > c. ' k
BARLEY No. 3 , 36c. (
BYE No. 8 , S9 c.
CORK No. 2 , 33c.
OATS No. 2 , 27Kc.
FLOUR Wheat Graham , $2 f.0@3 00.
CHOP FEED Per cwt. 90c.
SHORTS Per ton , $14 OOS15 00.
ORANGES Per box , $10 00.
LEMONS Per box , $ G OOfSG 0.
APPLES Per barrel $3 254 00.
BUTTER Creamery , 30(531c. (
BUTTER Choice country , 1522c.
EGGS Fresh , 2Cc.
HAMS Perlb. 15c.
PORK Per bbl. $13 00.
LARD In tierces , per tb. Oc.
SHEEP § 3 OOfSS 50.
CATTLE $3 004 00.
HOGS $4 OOO4 15.
CALVES $5 006 00.
WHEAT Per bushel , 91(59L 'c.
CORN Per bushel , * 47' c.
OATS Per bushel , 27Xc.
PORK $10 40010 50.
LARD-$7 67Kftd7 70.
HOGS Mixed , $4 605 00.
CATTLE Exports , $6 256 CO.
SHEEP Medium to good , $3 OOffiS 59.
WHEAT Per bushel , 1 OOXOl 02.
CORN Per bushel. 4646-L- .
OATS Per bushel , 272 c.
CATTLE Exports. 45 JXKS6 25.
SHEEP $3 254 10.
HOGS Mixed , $4 SOfafl o.
The horse prefers to dine at the table
d'oat. [ Boston Bulletin.
The first weather report Thunder.
[ Pittsburgh Telegraph.
jfci/Church music is not difficult to a
Cnoir. [ New York Journal.
A young lady who was being stared
at too earnestly drew a veil over the
seen. [ Philadelphia Call.
A Wonderful Theory that Concerns the
Welfare , Ilnpplnesn and Life
of Everyone.
In his quiet and cosy library at the
closs of a busy day sat ii gentleman and
his wife , he absorbed in a new book and
she in the newspaper. . Quickly glanc
ing toward her husband , she asked , at
a certain point in the article :
"John , what is the germ theory ? "
"The germ "theory well yes ; just
look in the encyclopedia under 'Germ , '
that will explain it so much better than
I can. "
Accordingly his wife opened the book
at the word named and read : Germ
Theory of Disease -A theory advanced
by the ablest and best mv.estigators and
scientists of the times. It supposes the
surface of the earth , the air and water
to be inhabited to a greater or less ex
tent with a peculiar growth of the low
est form of fungi commonly termed
bacteria , whose power of reproduction ,
under favorable "conditions , is so great
that a single germ will increase to fif
teen million in twenty-four hours' time ,
and unchecked in its increase would
grow to a mass of eight hundred tons in
three days' time , if space and food be
furnished. There is no condition under
which it can be said to bo absent , unless
it bo from fire or air filtered through
cotton-batting in numerous layers. A
single drop of water containing a germ
put into water boiled , filtered and thus
freed from bacteria , will grow murky in
a day or two from the development of
new germs. When it is considered that
it required about jfofty billion , to weigh
one grain , some remote idea can be had
of the' capacity of germ reproduction.
Professor John Tyndall , in a late work ,
elaborately treats of the influence of
germs in the propagation of disease and
charges upon this cause , the inception
and development of very many of the
ailments most injurious to man. Prof.
Pasteur , an eminent French savant , has
carried his original and beautiful ex
periments so far , and from them
deduced such practical results as very
greatly to diminish the number of cases
of anthrax among sheep and chicken
cholera among f owls , proving his theory
that these are essentially and actually
germ diseases. These germs are car
ried into the system through the lungs ,
the stomach and possibly the skin , but
through the lungs chiefly. Once in
the system , they begin to develop ,
poisoning the blood , invading the nerve
centers , disturbing the functional activ
ity of the great organs of the body and
inducing a general impairment of the
vital processes They are the cause of
fevers , rheumatism , Bright's disease of
the kidneys , pneumonia , blood poison
ing , liver disease , diphtheria and many
other ailments. Lately Professor Koch ,
a famous German physician , has proved
that consumption of the lungs is due
to this cause the presence of a pecu
liar germ.
When the circulation is bounding , the
nerves i elastic and the system all aglow
with life and energy , the germs seem to
develop poorly , if at all. Butwith weak
ened nerves , poor digestion , or mal-
of food or a lowering of
a der.s of the E.itTng House , lor
time , took the morning train ,
ncsday , for'their home.
rain and now of the past fe
have put our streets in a terrible
ition ; navigation being rather
cry. and hazarding on 's home- Si
-anrLnre-emption rights , SiThe
principle as GIB gunix tucuiy. The
germs attack any weakened spot in the
body , and fixing themselves upon it ,
begin their propagation. It is plain
therefore that it is only by fortifying
the weak ' portions of the body that the
germs' disease can be resisted
and driven from the sys
tem. But this has proved almost an
impossibility- heretofore , and it has
been the study of physicians for years
how best to accomplish it. Within the
past few years , hovvever ' , a preparation
has been attracting'great attention , not
only throi. DiMii , the entire land , but
among the medical profession and
scientists generally , which is based up
on this theory , and it may safely be
said , no remedy has ever been found
which can so successfully place the sys
tem in a condition to resist the germs of
disease as Warner's Safe Cure. This
article is unquestionably the best and
most efficient that has ever been discov
ered for this purpose , and
"John , say , John , does the encyclo
pedia advertise Warner's Safe Cure. "
"I should not wonder , dear , it's a
grand remedy , and that pamphlet we
received the other day stated that Dr.
Gunn , of the United States Medical Col
lege , endorsed it. At all events the
wonderful cures it is accomplishing en
title it to be honorably n/ > ted among
the great discoveries of the present cen
tury. "
However the facts above stated may
be , the truth remains , that the germ
theory of disease is the correct one , and
that the great remedy mentioned is the
only one which has ever been found that
can put the system in a condition to kill
these germs before they obtain a hold
upon the body , and undermine the life.
BtTCHtIT-PA.IJ5A. " Quick , complete cure all
annoying Kidney and Urinary Diseases , tl.
Unchaste language is the sure index
of an impure heart.
What is most productive of mal-aria ?
A squeaky-voieed soorano. [ The
Habit , if resisted , soon becomes nec
essity. [ Augustine.
" "
"Education begins the gentleman , but
reading , good company and education
must finish him.
'Tis Frequently Recommended.
Mr. H. e. Mooney , of Astoria , Ills. ,
writes us that Allen's Lung Balsam , which
ho has sold for fifteen years , sells be'tci tluir
any other Cough remedy , and gives genera
satisfaction. 'Tis frequently recommended
by the medical profct-bton here.
The noblest mind the best content
1 ,5OO Illustrations heiit Free
On receipt of six CENTS for postage , com
Music BOXKS. Scissons ,
The mobt magnificent jewelry catalogue ever
Fourth and Locust St. , St. Louis , Mo.
You will be surprised to see how low the
prices are.
When in St. Louis call and sec us.
Too much reserve makes us miser
READ THIS. The Army and Navy Lini
ment will positively take the soreness out of
Spavin , Ringbone , Splint or Curb , and stops
their growth. See advertisement.
He that doeth no injury , fears no injury
jury- _
A true assistant to nature in restoring'
svbtcra to perfect Jiealth , thus enabling it to
resist disease in Brown's Iron Bitters.
Pleasant , thoughts make pleasant
' Mother Swun'n "Worm Syrnp , " forfevorteh-
ne 8retl casrmss.wormB.oonstlpatlon. tasteless. 25o
We can do more good by being good
than in any other way. _
HAY-FEVER. One and one-half bottles
of Ely's Cream Balm entirely cured me of
Hay-Fever of ten years' standing. Have
had no trace of it for two years. ALBERT
A. PERRY , Smithboro. N. Y. Price 50 .
HAY-FEVER. I was severely afflicted with
Hay-Fever for 2o years. I tried Ely'b
Cream Balm , and the effect TV as marvelous.
It is a perfect cure. WM. T. CARR , Pres
byterian Pastor. Elizabeth , N. .1. Price
Nothing g&od is ever effected without
perseverance. _
supplv deficiency of iron in the blood hotter
than any other known remedy , as the iron
in these hitters is in the most perfect state
to be taken up and assimilated by the sys
tem. Unscrupulous manufacturers are im
itating them. All genuine bear the signa
ture of J. P. Allen , St. Paul , Minn.
What men want is not talent it is
lioltl the Fort.
J. M. Fort. Monmouth , 111. , writes :
LIVER SYRUP , according to the directions
jiven , for the purpose of enriching and
jurifying the blood and regulating the liver ,
and found the medicine all that you claim
'or it , I cheerfully recommend it to all per
sons affected likewise.
Study the past , if you would divine
; he future.
Correct your habits of crooked walking by
using Lyon'B Patent Heel Stiffeners. 25c.
To rule one's anger is well ; to pre
vent it is better.
FLIES , roaches , ant * , bed-bujrs , rats , mice , crows , '
chtpmunkscleared out by " .Rough on Hats. " 15c.
We are never so good as when \ve
possess a joyful heart.
IN a letter from HON. MRS. PERY , Castle
Grey , Limerick , Ireland , BROWN'S BRON
CHIAL TROCHES are thus referred to :
' 'Having brought your 'Bronchial Troches'
with me when I came to reside here , I found
that after I had given them away to those I
considered required them , the poor people
will walk for miles to get a few. " For
Coughs , Colds , and Throat Diseases they
have no equal. Sold only in boxes.
Some rise by sin , and some bv virtue
EgpFor one dime get a package of Diamond
mend Dyes at the druggist's. They color
anything the simplest and most desirable
This is the essential evil of vice it
debases a man.
For I y i ep la , Indigestion , Depression of
Sp rlts and ( Scneral Bebtlitj , in theirva-iona forms :
also as a preventive against f > ever and Ague , and
otter Intermittent Fevers , the Ferro-Phosj ho-
rated Elixir oi Caluuja , " made bylaswell.
Hazard & Co , New York , and sold by all druRuiste , Is
the best tonic ; and for patients recovering from
fever or other sickness , it has no equal.
When you introduce a moral lesson
let it be brief.
KOUGH OXKATS , " , Clears ont rate , mlo < > ,
flle3.roacht .bed-bng3. nnta vermi .chipmunks. 15o
When the judgment is weak the prejudice -
udice is strong.
Bladder , Urinary , and Liver Diseases , Dropsy ,
Gravel , and Diabetes are cured by
cures Bright's Disease , Retention or Non-Reten
tion of Urine , Pains in the Back , Loins , or Side.
cures Intemperance , Nervous Diseases , General
Debility , Female Weakness , and Excesses.
cures Biliousness , Headache , Jaundice , Sour
Stomach , Dyspepsia , Constipation , and Piles.
ACTS AT ONCE on the Kidneys , I.iver , and
Bon-els , restoring them to a healthy action , and
CUBES when all other medicines fail. Hun
dreds have- been saved who have been given np
to die by friends and physicians.
Send for pamphlet to
Providence , B.I *
Trial size , 75c , Large size cheapest.
When you visit or leave Now York City ,
save Baggage , Expressage and Carriage
Hire , and atop at GKAKD UNION HOTKL ,
opposite Grand Central Depot. 600 elegant
rooms , fitted up at a cost of one million del
lars , reduced o $1 and upwards per day.
European plan. Elevator. Restaurant
supplied with the best , llorse-cars , stages
and elevated railroads to all depots. Faml-
lleb can live better for less money at the
Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-
class hotel In the city.
When you come to Omaha , take the
Street Cars orfrw for the Metropolitan
Hotel. § 2.00 per day. Tables as good
any $3.00 per day house.
Worth is a millionaire. [ Rochester
How absurd to croak and wheeze with a
cough which Hals's Honey of Horehound
and Tar will cure.
Pike's Toothache Drops cure in 1 minute.
New York pays 10 cents a quart f r
milk after October 1st.
"My worthy friend and neighbor ,
Whence comes that smile ierene ? ' '
"O , I am thrice happy
I've found It CAUBOLIKB.
Jealousy is the secret avowal of our
OWKNTOX , Kv. ilev. J. W. Waldrop
says : , "Brown's Iron Bitters greatly re
lieved me of general debility and Indices-
tlon. "
If your path is smooth , watch and
In chronlcdyhpep-
Bla and liver com
plaint and in chron-
in constlpa Ion nnd
other obstinate dis
eases , Hi Btotter'8
Stomach Bitten la
beyond all compari-
ron the best remedy
that can be taken
Aa a mans or re
st r ne the strength
nnd vital energy of
Pttrsni 9 v o ara
Bin In * > u : r the
deblHrl'a Giiuctenf
pa n'ui d so dcrs.
this standard ve e-
tublo mvlgoiant
Is co fessedly nne-
For gale by all
Druggist Hnd Deal
ers gnerally. .
when applied by
the finger into the
nostrilswill be ab
sorbed , effectually
cleansing the head
of catarrhal virus ,
causing healthy BC-
cretions. It allays
inflammation , pro
tects the membrane
of the nasal pass
ages from addition
al colds , completely
heals the sores and
restores taste and
smell. A few applications -
_ plications relieve.
A thoroufith treatment wul positively cure.
Agreeable to use. Send for circular. Price
50 cents by mail or at druggists.
BROTIIEKg. Owcgo. K. Y.
AGENTS \VAJrTEDfortha best and fastest-
Belllnc Pictorial Books ana Bibles. Prices reduced
33 per cent. NATIONAL PUB. Co , Bt. Jx > aH , Mo.
CO AN HOUR for all who will make spare time
* ' nrofltable ; agoodoayliiKbuslnes-lf y neon de
vote your tl ne to .t. MUB AY UILL , Box 788 , N. Y.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago. Backache , Headache , Toothnche.
. . .
Ian . SrnliU. front IUU" ,
IWdtTDnillUl nilI > c l ri rnr rlKre. Mnjr Ceum UilO * .
" " " ' *
llrwUoo ta 11 ( M.
dlUMlln U T ' * ' * " " " " lUllluons J1 < L.C.8.JU
Ellis's Spavin Cure.
The Most Ilemarkable Kemedy of the Ago.
Extraordinarily "It l the Only
Valuable in Ucaioyicg preparation that will. ' *
Lameness , Swelling , Itremovm SPAVINS
and without iillstor Or
or Inflammation. Hlomlsti.
Undisputed 1'osltUo Kvldonco of Absolute Cures.
wbero others fall. tbo world , tin a
Splints , Ringbone 8Ac. IsIIIUIILY INDORSED *
An THE BEST t all HORSE Herat-dies. .
History of the Horse , A FAIR TRIAL
with testimonials will convince everyone.
Sent free on Application Send Address on aPcstal
We only ask a fair trial for Ellis's Spavin ( .tire.
W o prepare rendition Powders and Hoof Ointment.
Heave Powder ? , Worm Powder and o'lc ' Powderp.
All tbec on solo at drug stores and hatnEB d'lora.
Price of Ellis's Spavin Cue , $1 per bottle.
For farther pa tlculars , frco books , etc. , write 10
CO Sndbnry Street , Bonton. 3X H8. , and
S7C Fourth AvcnueN "i'ork.
$25.00 REWARD !
Wo will pay the above reward fo * any case o *
Rheumatism or Neuralgia wo cannot cure It will
re 11CV3 HI y caie of nipntbe 1 * or roup Instantly.
Army and Navy Liniment wl 1 rel eve pa n ani sore-
nesa and io > i.ove any unnatural growth of bone or
muse e on man or bea-t. Price per b j't'o : L > rgo ,
II ; sma I , fiOc. Will te nnd the o oney for any fail
ure. Army and KavyJLIn ment o. , \\abasn
Ae , UhkaKO. Klcha. dson & Oo. WholesaleDrug-
k'Lsta , Bt. Iiouia , Mo , Western agents.
Sample Musical Journal
FREE I Mailed free to any address.
W N U Omaha. 177-43
please say you saw the advertismen.iuV
thla paper.
- ? " - * 33TC.
An nniinal * ftJi iliranrril digestion , impover
ished blood or ( llMasud kidncj-s cannot thrive. It
becomes \ eak , j > : mles3 , of wrrajrfnr appearance ,
which renders it unsai.-liJc. It costs no more to
keep sound , healthy anjnals that will find ready
market , and shrewd fanmrs find it pays them to *
rive Uncle Sam's Condition I'owdcr freely to
diseased stock , ami 01 i-uini uly to all ; because it
purilu-8 the blood , aiiis dif. < tion , bttmulates the
various functions to 1 c.ilthy stcretion. and thus
promotes prowth , ami KIVCS a smooth , closay coat
of Uair. MILCH COWS are much benifitcd
liv the occasional use of Tncle Sam's Condition
1 owder In slop or feed. KOCS fatten faster hen
it is given three or four < ! aj i In succession every
month or two. SHtFP. All diseases common ,
to sliecp , such as coughs , coMs , scabs , eta , are rc-
Ifevcd by this powder.
„ AVc cautlort nil who desire a truly meritorious article to bt sure and ask for Uncle fc'am's Condition
Pow ler , and accept no other as a subntitutc. ffeparidoulyL-jfus
Worn , Weary , and Wretched.
"As weak as a cat" is an expression frequently used by debilitated"
sufferers who are trying to tell how forlorn they feel. It is an incorrect ex
pression , for a cat is one of the most agile and vigorous animals in exist C
ence. It would be more correct to say , "as weak as a limp old rag , " for -
that gives the idea of utter inability to hold one's self up. The v/eary per
son who feels thus is generally worn , worried , woeful , and \vietched.
Sometimes it is a case of overwork , and sometimes of imperfect nour
ishment. The blood in the system of a person who is "as weak as a rag" is in
a wretchedly thin condition. It needs iron , to impart richness , redness , ,
and sticngth. This is to be had by taking BROWN'S IRON BITTERS , the
only safe and proper preparation of iron in connection with gentle and
powerful tonics. The physician and the druggist can tell the worn and weary
how valuable a remedy BROWN'S IRON BITTERS has been found in actual
every-day use. u
Survival of { he
The Mexican Mnstang Liniment hasl
been known for more than thirty-five !
na tbo boat of all Liniments , forl
Sjars and Beast. Its Bales to-day arel
! arg < T than ever. It euros -when all !
others fail , and penetrates skhi , tendonl
and muscle , to the very DO no. Solo
By taking Wright's Indian Vcsretablo
Pills , -which clcanso the Bowels , purify the
Blood , and by carrying offallobstrnctlona
eecuro healthy r.n < l vlsoro'is action to the
Liver. fi
E. FERRETT , Agent ,
J i-
372 Pearl St. , > 'CTV York.
Best tn the World. Get tbe genuine. liv
ery parkaxe hna our Trade-mark nnd l
marked f razcr'a. SOLD liVEltYWIlJiUE.
CC3ES YfhCRt ft. . ! ilSt '
" lCoi.iti < s >
Linm : > .