McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 18, 1883, Image 6

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A. B. GUFJETUOXH , Publisher.
, : '
While driving a delivery wagon a
short time ago at Falrbury James Short was
thrown from it , breaking one of his legs.
Wheat raised near Brock threshed 33
bushels to the acre.
It is said the town of Sacramento will
be moved to the line of the ' 'cut off" when
completed , a distance of five miles.
Mrs ; Briggs , of Ainsworth , fell from
her wagon the other day and broke an arm.
David City Republican : J. Winship
is certainly the most thoroughly hoggish
man In Butler county. This week he mar
keted eight porkers aggregating3,310 Ibs. ,
an average weight of 413& Ibs. He must
surely raise something on which to feed his
hogs. Prairie grass would not produce
such results. If any man can beat this in
"swinishness" we would bo glad to hear
from him.
Potter , the man who forged the
name of his father-in-law to a note for $150
and secured the money thereon at the First
National Bank , Tecumseh , was sentenced to
three years imprisonment in the peniten
Greenwood Eagle : While digging
the trenches for the foundation of his now
brick residence on Friday last , H. H. Alden
found the head of an Indian arrow twenty-
six inches below the surface.
A messenger from the north part of
the county reported at Kearney a sad acci
dent which happened about noon Monday ,
day. Mrs. Lizzie Watson and a five-months- a
old son were driving along the road , having
a cow tied to the rear end of the wagon.
The cow became unmanageable and upset
the wagon , instantly killing the baby and
injuring the m'other to such an extent as to
Tender her recovery doubtful. .
An Omaha Republican special from
Columbus on Sunday stated that a fatal ac
cident occurred one mile north of that city
at 6 o'clock Saturday evening. A family of
five Polanders In a heavy lumber wagon ,
with a young spirited team , were joumey-
ing homeward , near Platte Centre , when j
one fore wheel suddenly struck into a rut ,
breaking the front axle. The team becom
ing frightened and unmanageable , started
on a wild run , pitchingthe occupants outaud ed
instantly killing one of the women. The ed
others . escaped with only slight injuries.
But the strangest part of the occurrence is ,
up to this writing , the driver of the team ed
has not been found , although diligent search
has been made In all directions. It not sud
denly demented by the catastrophehismys-
terious disappearance is certainly unaccount and
able. All the parties are Polish and have re
sided for the past sixyears about three miles
north of Platte Center. The names could
not be learned.
The farmers in the vicinity of Gibbon for
have formed " " association
a "prairie-fire" ,
the oblect of which is to protect their lands
and property.
Twenty miles more of grading on the
B. & M. cut off through Phelps county
have been contracted for. try
Work will soon begin on half a dozen
new buildings in Stuart. The town grows.
Stuart Ledger : A man named Cato-
pheffer , the government tailor at Fort Nio- mon
brara , was fatally shot on Tuesday , but un rates
der what circumstances , whether accident pay
ally or otherwise , wo have been unable to the
learn. His body was taken to O'Neill for cern
interment. and
The freshmen and sophomores of the idle.
university have settled the question whether
a "freshie" can wear a cane by a general cross
fight of the classes. In which the superior
numbers of the younger ones made their
victors. So canes they will carry. ends
At the annual session of the Grand
Lodge of Good Templars at Crete on Friday ,
the following officers were elected for the
ensuing year : G. W. C. T. , Frank J. Sib- capital
ley ; G. W. V. T. , AnnaM. Saunders ; W.
counsellor , James Morrison ; grand secre
tary , M. Weaverling. Delegates to the tic
Right Worthy Grand Lodge : F. J. Smith
and George Scott ; alternates , A. H. Bowen
and H. M. McCartney. Raneer
Confirmation was administered to 38
candidates by Bishop O'Connor in the Blair
Catholic church on a recent Sunday.
The state university has 260 students of
enrolled. willb
Opposition : The merchants and busi At
ness men of Wilber Monday evening held a used
meeting looking towards organizing a stock Maerl
company and building another grain eleva it pas,1
tor of 30,000 bushels capacity. Committees atedg
were appointed to ascertain cost and secure thereby
grounds , and'if their report is favorable the age.
elevator will be built at once.
Greenwood Eagle : We learn that on
Friday last the little eleven year old daughter
ter of Mr , Babb , leaving near Belmont , met
with quite a serious accident. It seems she railway
stuck her head through a hole In the stable Sunday
Where a vicious horse stood. The horse Sai
caught her vrith his teeth by the forehead , Wayne
laying the scalp bare about twelve inches. murder
Dr. Norris was called who sewed the wound McDouell
up , and at last accounts the little sufferer and
was doing as well as could be expected. McDonell
A sod barn a few miles out of Hardy
the re
became too wet the other night and the roof
fell in mule.
, killing a$200 refuse
IREDELL COUNTY , N. C. The Ex- theeci
Sheriff , Mr. W. F. "Wasson , says : hadni
"Brown's Iron Bitters has improved my feet
digestion and general health. "
President Tyler's widow is at the toldh
Louise Home at Washington. had n
Gen. Dent has asked to be placed on
the army retired list under the forty years'
service act.
Wm. Hears , a respected resident of
Galena , 111. , celebrated his one hundredth
birthday Monday evening by a banquet ,
which was numerously attended.
A gravel locomotive on the Boston &
Lowell road was run into by a freight train
on Monday. The engineer and fireman
jumped without shutting off steam. The
engine run along to Lowell , where the track
ends , and buried itself in the cellar under
the express office at the station , causing
much damage. Mary Nutter In the express
office was killed.
A stock train on the Milwaukee &
St. Paul road met with an accident two
miles from Janesville , Wis. , Monday night
by a train breaking in two. Five cars were
demolished and sixt , cattle and hogs killed.
A working model of the Bartholdi
statue was exhibited in New York on Tues
day. The $120,000 necessary to complete
the work has been guaranteed.
By the burning of Greenlaw's opera
house and Cole & Co. 's store at Memphis on
Monday night , the damage sustained was
Surgeon General Charles II. Crane ,
U. S. A. , died Tuesday night at Washing-
The old board of directors of the
"Western Union , with the exception of two ,
were re-elected.
The western edge of Nebraska had
slight snowstorm on Wednesday.
4 Col. Morrow is to be court rnartialed
on charges of drunkenness , preferred by
Gen. Crook.
The net profits of the bonanza men's -
bauk , the Nevada , in San Francisco during
the year , were $750,000.
A cyclone struck Arcadia , Tremplain
county , Wisconsin , Tuesday night , causing
destruction of .v number of barns and outI I
buildings and loss of considerable livestock.
No serious casualties are reported.
4 California had an earthquake on
Tuesday night which was the heaviest ex
perienced since the great one of 1868. of
Buildings groaned , metalic roofings crack
, and many persons rushed half undress
from the houses and hotels. The recol
lection of its being within one day of the
anniversary or the earthquake of 1868 seem at
to increase their fears , and many people
walked the streets all night in preference to
re-entering the houses. Earthquakes are
reported to have occurred during the night
morning several places along the coast.
Wah Lee , the Chinese murderer , sui the
cided in jail in Sioux City on Thursday.
Sir John McDonald has been unseated
the county of Lennox , Ontario , on ac
count of bribery by agitators at Ihe last
electidn. Sir John was elected for two con-
represent Carlton.
GThere were 187 failures in this coun
and Canada during J the past week , Prof.
against 183 the week previous. D.
The Union Pacific has abandoned and dent
ceased to operate the branch between Solo
City and Beloit , Kans. , declaring the
fixed by the state c-aimission will not
expenses. The road was leased from meet
construction company , but as that con
has no rolling stock It cannot run it , the
the road is therefore likely to remain
. lay.
Three German laborers attempted to
the canal at Joliet , 111. , Saturday , in a ment
leaking boat , which sunk about the middle ber
the stream , and two named George Sim-
and Win. Gilaski , were drowned. are
TJie following capitalists have filed crop
Steamship Mail Company at Albany with a indies
of $1,000,000 : G. W. Quintard , total
Roach , Ed. Quintard , Parker C. The
Chandler , Eugene L. Hance and John I. 000,00
Waterburv. The line is to run from Atlan A
to Pacific ports.
The United States man-of-war York
, now at Mare Island , will leave the _ It
of this month for Central America , to mission
complete the survey began by Captain J. further
Ph'llips. The uncompleted portion of the
consists of about six hundred miles ' atlon
the couat north of Panama. The vessel emplc
be under Commander Clark. annur
9 o'clock Sunday night the pipe soon
to conduct ammoniac gas used in ceiving
Maerlin's brewery , Cincinnati , buist where
a nun
passed through a stable , where it liber and
gas and twenty-three horses were killed tions
in a few moments. No other dam
Eleven thousand dollars was stolen I
the paymaster of the Mexican national
in the station in the City of Mexico
night by the '
paymaster's servant. maud
Samuel McDonell was hung at Fort the liu
, Ind. , Tuesday afternoon for the in gen
of Louis Launent , in March last. court
and Launent were companions , findings
occupied a cabin together in a clearing. Lieut
brutally murdered Launent and ordered
set fire to the cabin in hopes of burning it will
remains. He was convicted on wholly eating
circumstantial evidence. Governor Porter
to Interfere. McDonell walked to
scaffold in a stoical manner. He said he
nothing to say. Although he fell seven Ad
his neck did not break
and he
, was has re
minutes strangling to death. He ing tl
his physician the night before that he Namdinah
no fault to find
with the
judge or jurv frontier
who convicted him. This is regarded as a
virtual confession.
A Fargo special says : While on the
Vlllard excursion the daughter of Secretary
Teller had a trunk lost at Helena , which
was said to contain $10,000. The sheriff at
Bismarck was employed to work up the case ,
He had five men arrested , three at James
town , and two at Stillwater , one a son of
Staples , the millionaire lumberman. The
first clue to the parties was obtained from a
variety actress in Montana , who displayed a
fine fan and handkerchief , the latter having
Miss Toller's name on it.
A negro who murdered a policeman
on the streets of Huntsville , Ala. , on. Mon
day , by splitting bis head open with an axe ,
was taken from jail Tuesday night by masked
men and hanged. A heavy reward is offered
for the capture of his confederate , still at
A dispatch from San Antonio , Texas ,
says a young Jew named Halpert was ar
rested there charged with perpetrating
forgery on the banking house of Kiddcr ,
Peabody& Co. , Boston , for $30,000. Hal-
pert ; denies the charge , and gave $10,000
bail , two large mercantile firms going secur
ity. The forgery is said to have been com
mitted ( some time last month.
_ .
oA Lake Charles ( La. ) special says :
The deputy sheriff was returning by train
from Texas with Lewis Woods ( colored )
under life sentence for rape. Woods soon
after conviction escaped and outraged a mar- j
ried lady. When the train reached Edgerly
tatlon a mob took charge of Woods. LynchTne
ing is probable.
OEllis Craft was hanged on Friday for
the murder of the Gibbons girls at Cutletsattei
burg , Ky. He protested his innocence to
the last.
Bill Johnson was hanged on the same
day at Monticello , Ark. , for the murder of
Calvin Williams three years ago.
At Fremont , Ohio , on Friday , Jack
Radford , was executed for wife murder.
He made a desperate light on the scaffold
and had to be bound securely before the
noose could be adjusted.
Mann ; , the murderer of the Cook
family , was hanged the same day at L'Orig- in
Iina1' Canda. He confessed the crime.
Jacob Nelling was arrested Saturday
afternoon on suspicion of having murdered ' "
Ada Atkinson at'Lafayette , , Ind. A bundle i
his clothing was found concealed in a !
wood shed near the.Atkinson homestead , on
covered with blood. Nelling had been employed - '
ployed on the Atkinson farm
Mamie Gordon , aged 14 , reprimanded |
school in Trenton , N. J. , for circulating i
improper ballads , and told that her parents |
would be informed , drowned herself. i at
The secretary of state , on behalf of
president , addressed a letter to the com
missioner of agriculture , stating that inas
much as certain foreign governments have
charged that the hog products of the United .
States are affected with disease and not f tails
proper for export purposes , the president that
decided to appoint a commission to inPeala '
vestigate thoroughly the curing of pork in
country , and has named as members of
commission Hon. Geo. B. Loring , -
. C. F. Chandler , E. Blatchford , P.8truc
Curtis , Prof. E. D. Falmon. ' The presi- I resP
states he has no authority to guarantee and
expenses of the commission , but has no
doubt that in view of. the magnitude of the be
commercial Interests involved congress will their
# fr
all bills incurred for this purpose. The "
commissioner of agriculture , as chairman of was
commission is directed a
, to summon his
associates and proceed to work without de- fear
. Barns
Returns to the their
agricultural depart- ]
of the condition of cotton up to Octo
1st , show a reduction in the general filled
average condition from 74 to 68. Indications
that the crop will fall short of the last
more than a million bales.
The agricultural department report son
indicates corn will average 25 bushels , the outbt
crop beingabout l,62o,000,000. bushels. ham
total ( wheat crop is estimated at 414 , - of
bushels. $3,50
Ac daily exchange of registered mail outbn
pouches has been arranged between New injury
and Portland , Oregon. fence
is understood the civil .service corn- Senator
sic has asked the president to direct I "Ci <
( classification of employes in thcgov- ' were
ernment service , so as to bring witm'n oper $100
of the civil service rules the class of ' who
employes now receiving less than $800 per falling
. The president is believed to favor dange
proposition , and it is thought that he will its
direct reclassificatiou of employes re- usual
less than $1,200 , which will include loss
number of those receiving less than $900 ,
who are not now subject to the regula-
of i the civil service commission. It is
thought , however , employes receiving midway
than $800 will be include. ! in the classi shoul
. the
general order from army head The
< promulgates the sentence of the ture
court-martial in Lieut. Robertson's case , latter
suspending him from his rank and com his
for six months , he to be confined to out
limits of his post , and be reprimanded formed
general orders. The proceedings of the to rest :
are i approved by the president , but the ing
of hi
and sentence are disapproved , and . , _ . . „
, Robertson is relieved from arrest and °
to return to his duties. Robertson ,
be remembered , was tried for dupli injr tl
his pay accounts. on the
AN'AM. forgiven.
Admiral Peyron , minister of marine , Nei
received a telegram from Tonquin , stat theh
the black flags have retreated from if pee
and Hontoy to Lao Kaion , on the had b
of China ; that the Anamite envoys -01
have arrived at Halhai Hong and will start
for Hanoi , French headquarters , forthwith.
While a special train was convoying
Lord Northcote and party between
Donoughcro and Pemoroy Sunday afternoon ,
a stone was thrown through a window. It
struck Lady Cnrichton on the back , causing
her to fall heavily. Lady Chrichton fainted.
She received serious injuries. Lord North-
cote has finished his campaign in Ireland.
France's agreement with the black
flags ut Touquin grants them arrears and
pay and free possession of the territory be
tween Laokai and Hunghoa.
Epidemics decimated the | forces o
the black flags. Many more are deserting.
They abandoned their works near Hanoi
and retreated beyond the Dia and Ropid
canal , towards Laokai. They have also'
partially evacuated Sontag. French troops
are in excellent health and spirits.
The prosecution in the case of O'Don-
nell , the murderer of Carey , have desposi-
tions from all their witnesses and
have placed the whole ctfse before
the solicitor for O'Donnell. O'Donnell
expressed the hope that he would bo
acquitted , not so much for his own sake
as for the sake of those who have so kindly
subscribed for his defense.
The ministry has resigned on account
of difficulties arising over the Paris Insult.
The king summoned Senor Sagasta to form
a new cabinet , but he declined. Senor
Pasada Perrara was then asked , and will
attempt the task.
. The ] Spanish ambassador to France
has tendered 1 his resignatioa and insists upon
it acceptance.
Gin the Catholic congress at Naples a
letter was read declaring there were 60,00 (
Catholics ready to go to war for restoration
of temporal power of the pope.
Marquis Tzeng , Chinese ambassador ,
the course of his remarks at Folkestone ,
Saturday , in reply to an address of welcome
presented him by the municipal authorities
declared the Chinese do not fear contact or |
wish to avoid concourse with foreign na
tlons On the contrary the Chinese coun
foreign intercourse knows its advantages ,
The marquis hoped the present cordial rela- |
tions between England and China would
ever continue. ,
Ten thousand persons were present
a meeting of the Irinh National League at
Charlesville , County Cork , on Sunday. The
pries of the neighborhood were not of
allowed to attend
by order of their supe
The Latest Cyclone.
5LA CROSSE , October 11. Further de- .
' have ] been received of the terrific cyclone
Etruck the little town of Arcadia , Trein-
Peala county Monday night , doing much the
damage to property ana injuring several
persons there and in the county adjoining.
None of the Injured will die. The storm
struck the town at midnight. A cor
respondent says it came from the southwest ,
upon Its approach the air was so
charged with electricity that lights could not
made to burn , and people rushed to
cellars in darkne&s to avoid the
threatened danger. The entire atmosphere
aiic a peculiar reddish green color , with ly's
strong sulphuric odor , and the deafening 8",000
of the tornado is utterly indescribable. from
arai ana outbuildings were lifted from :
[ " foundations and torn to fragments anil
scattered promiscuously in all directions. four
Broken < boards , trees , bricks and stones
the air , and were hurled with such yet.All
violence in some instances as to drive them
through the sides of buildings. Among the
are Patrick Manning and farmer Ol 6,248.
, who lost everything , barns , houses and
outbuildings. Value not stated. JohnBing- The
, granary , bani and contents , 100 tons are
hay , four horses and blooded stock ,
( . John Robertson , house , barn and I turns
outbuildings destroyed ; live stock escaped county
; loss-$2,000. Jas. Gayener , barn ,
; , orchard , damaged $5,000. State
Comstock's 0 m
new sorghum mill was „
destroyed , and his barn wrecked. There
many other damages , varying from
to - $1,000. Mrs. Bessey and Miss Pipa , class
were the mostseriouslyinjured by their under
; residence , are considered out of the
. The cyclone feems to have spent Ofli
force north of Creek Albion
Yalley , doing the \shla
damage to property , but causing no Aurora
of life. Jeatr
How to Take a Girl's Arm. 3row
The vulgar habit of clutching a girl Jolur
\ \ between the elbow and the Crete
shoulder-blade is indulged in David
only by '
dudes ; by a gentleman never. 'airn
southern gentleman of cul Falls
bends 1 his arm at the elbow and the 'rem '
member resting on his hip , while Gram
hand 1 is allowed to Harvard
run straight .
in front of him. In the niche thus luml
< the arm of the lady is allowed Kearney
, her dainty hand neither touch Lincoln"
his broad palm nor any other part Nebra.-ka
his , arm , but is allowed to dangle North
gracefully at the side of his wrist. The Omaha
thus furnished the fair one is Pawnee
secure than the old style of allow Platta
the tips of the fingers to rest lightly Plum Red
sleeve of the gentleman's coat. " St. P
i Schuyler
< who forgive most shall be most Seward
. I Sidney
Never hold any one by the button , or Tecuraseh
hand : , in order to be heard out ; for Tfkamah
people are unwilling to hear you , 3-011 Wahoo
better hold than them. West
your tongue -WHIM.
Chesterfield. York
DES MOINES , October 11. The repub
lican state central committee has furnished
to the associated press the following tables
on the legislative and state ticket. The
republicans claim the election of the follow
ing senators : Caldwell of Dallas county ,
McDonough of Clark , Stitton of Marshall ,
Gillette of Boonc , Eastman of Hardin , Den-
nan of Buchanan , Whuley of Butler , Glass
of Cerro Gordo , Chubb ot Kossuth , Cham
bers of Cedar , Millar of Wayne , Stephens of
Mitchell , McCoy of Mahaska , Wilkin of
Madison and Warren , Carnon of Pottawat-
tamie county , or a total of 17. Of the state
senators , 20 of the 21 are republicans. The
republican central committee also claim the
election of the following republicans : llall
' of Clark , Hamilton of Taylor , Butler of
Page , Storey of Adulr , Palmer of Washing
ton , Lynn of Louisa , AVard of Jasper ,
3cCulIough of Jasper , Tusscl of Polk ,
, Watrous of Polk , Pattco of Dallas ,
McCall ( , of Story , Mowory of Alma , Brown
of Marshall , McDade of Sac , Head of
Greene , Humphrey of Wright , Watson of
Worth , Densinore of Corro Gordo , Carpen
ter of Webster , Underpool of Mitchell ,
McGay of Calhoun , Paul of Shelby , Wolf of
Cedar , Curtis of Plymouth , Buhuof Cass ,
Holbrook of Delaware , Hazleltof Black-
hawk , Kerr of Grundy , Weaver of Hardin ,
Jones of Hamilton , Browne of Ida , Rand of
Lea , Boggs of Lucas , Davis of Pottawatamie ,
Clayton of Pottawattamlo , Overholtzor of
Audubon , Ferdyco of Jefferson , Rice of
Fayette , Fillmore of Cherokee and Clay ,
Harrison of Palo Alto , Lyon of Guthrie ,
Coy of Ringgold , Smythe of Lynn , Nugent
Jof Lynn : , Miller of Buchanan , Calkins of
Jones , Wilber of Floyd , Pickcn.i of Mahaska ,
Green of Brewer , Converse of Howard. The
democrats elect senators in Jackson. Clayton ,
Johnston , Marion , Lynn and Appanoose
seven in all. The democrats elect repre
sentatives as follows : One in Henry , one
in Montgomery : , one in Lee , one In
Van Bureu , two in Wapello , one In
Decatur , one in Union , one in Williams
Ham , one in Madison , one in Warren , two
in Dubuquc , one in Mills , one in Davis , one
jn Wayne , two in Clinton , one in Musca-
tine , one in Appanoose , one in Marion , one
in Iowa , one in Poweshiek , one in Harri
son , ono in Chickasaw , two in Des Mollies ,
two in Johnson , one in Clayton , two In
Scott , one in Jackson , one in Crawford , one
in Keokuk , one in Monona , one in Monroe ,
one in Fremont forty in all. The ifollow-
jnK senators are in doubt : Larabeo of Fa
yette , Kcagle of Benton. Barrett of O'Brien ,
Oliver of Monona , Ileinscbiiner of Mont
gomery five in all. The following repre
sentatives ; are in doubt : Palmer of Woodbury -
bury , Barnes of Allatnakce , Jackson of
Winneshiek , Livingstone of ttoone , Bassett
Benton five in all. Summary of legis
latui senators , republicans , 37 ; democrats
crate , 8 ; five in doubt. of represen
tatives republicans , 54 ; f unionists , 40.
There are six in doubt.
COLUMBUS ( , October 10. Returns
from eighty counties out of eighty-eight In
state give the state to the democrats by
J2,000 majority , and the ICJ.Mtturo from
twenty to twenty-five democ . . - : * on joint
ballot. The second amendment will come
ilose to being adopted. This estimate is
based on Hamilton county being demo
Seventy-seven counties reported unof
ficially give Foraker a net gain of 0,083. The
ilevcn counties yet hear from gave a net
republican majority of 2,209 in 1882. Hoad-
majority will probably reach from
to 10,000. Of the 77 counties heard
the republicans carry 35and the demo-
rats42. Of .the eleven to hear from the
republicans carried seven and the democrats
in 1882. The legislature is still in
doubt. The two amendments ha * a chance
All but thre counties are
reported un
officially , showing a net rep-iblican gain of
. Three remiinunj counties will not
change the result materially. Hoadley's
majority in the state will be about 12,000.
legislature is doubtful , but the chances
in favor of the democrats. No one has
figured on the amendment
to-day , and no
reliable information is available. No re-
have been received from Hamilton
in regard tojt.
Postmasters' Salaries.
ah Republican's Wash. Cor.
, ,
The following statement shows the
presidential postoffices of Nebraska , the
to which they belong , and the salary
) the new adjustment compared with
old ' salary :
Office. Class. July
Ashland 4
Beatrice 2
. . " ,
Springs 3
Brownville 3
City 3
Columbus" 3
City ; {
Fajrbury 3
Fairmont 3
City 3
Fremont" 2
Island . . . .3
: 3
, 2
Humboldt 3
. - City . . .2
. " . . . .3
Platte 3
City 3
Plattamoutfi . "
Creek 3
Cloud 3
Paul 3
: 3
Point 3