McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 18, 1883, Image 5

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THURSDAY , OCT. 18th , 1883.
New goods at Rogers'- .
l-'resh Oystcr.s at Joe's.
Go to Rogers' and sec his new goods.
Fresh oatmeal at Post Office Grocery.
Soft coal is selling -Lincoln Ht $3
: u ton.
Copies of the TRIBUNE on sale at the
For dry goods'-of-cvery description go
to Piogers' .
V r. IJ. Ilaydtfti was "in "the cJty , the
first of thi week.
Hats and c.ipg , boots and shoes'and
liotions at Rogers. '
Fancy candies just received a't the
TPost Office Grocery. . >
Mr. C. R Babpock is building an ad
dition to his residence.
150 test end ! oil , only 25c. .per gallon
at Post Office Grocery.
A lull line of the very best cigars at
% no B. & M. Pharmacy.
The Churchill House is naw open
under its mew management.
Fancy and staple groceries , at Rog-
"orfi" , at lowest market prices.
Don't forget that Rogers' ha re-
ccivcd a fine line of new gools.
Boux , to Mrs. Ed. Dolen , on Satur
day morning , the 14th inst. , a son.
BORN , to Mrs. Milom Loomis -on
Tuesday "morning , Oct. Jth , a son.
' The famous Boot Jack chewing to-
'bacco for sale at the B. & M. Pharmacy.
A new lot of < ? he ' '" choice
r > c. cigar .juht received a'o Post Office
F. D Hess came down from his
ranch and spent several < ! ays at Lome ,
"this week.
W. F. Wallace is building a bam and
coal house on the rear of iiis property
on Mt. Zion.
Highest market price paid for , butter
and eggs , either in cash of trade at Post
'Office Grocery.
Harry Clark came down -from Stra't-
ton , Saturday , ana went on to Orleans ,
the following day.
Self-rcising buokwhcat flour and Ver
mont maple syrup just received at
Post Office Grocery.
The man who says it neVer raSns in
Nebraska' would cause even Ananias
and Sapphira to bush.
Mustard seed , white and black , celery -
ery seed. Red and green peppers for
pickles at the B. & M. Pharmacy.
To please the ladies , the Methodists
of Canada , have dropped the" word
"obey" from their inarraigc service.
Try a can of Silver 'S'-.aT Baking
Powder. A nutmeg grater free with
every can. For sale at Post Office Gro
Mrs. J. II. Drinkwaterwho tas
t > ecn boarding at the Dining Hall for
ome weeks , will return to her home in
/"Chicago on Monday.
J. W. Dolan of Indianola , accom
panied by a fnend , E. Pcterman , of
Exeter , this j &te , took dinner at the
Dining Hall , ou Sunday.
The pay car came up on Monday
evening and paid out the usual amount
of wealth , consequently money has
been -easy for a few days.
Misses Mabel and Edna Meserve cn-
wrtaitied a number of their friends on
Saturday evening last. The party was
highly enjoyed by all present.
The Romanry Rye dramatic troupe
passed through on No. UP , Sunday. They
had to leave a car of scenery here usi il
repairs could be made to Che car.
W. C. LaTourette has rented the
haudsomc new residonee ofV. . II. Stod-
< lcrt on Madison street , and will go tD
housekeeping wlicn his gouds arrive.
S. W. Green and wife of Akron/Col. ,
arc in the city , the guests of the B. &
M. Dining Hall. Mrs. Green is 'the
sister of Mr ? . Sanders.
J. P. Israel comes 'to "ihc front , Avith
his new grocery wore in gond .shape
this week. Read -his advertisement ap
pearing in another place in thi.i issue.
Engineer Archibald has moved into
ni.s pretty and convenient cottage on
the hill , and is about as comfortably
fixed asany man ought to want to be.
The Hastings Gazette-Journal says
that the beautiful vision of loveliness
whom we mentioned our last issue
was -Hastings girl'on her way to Den
Mr. John Parley hus erected a neat
little -kriek smoke house ; in the rear of
"hi ; : meat market to supply the place of
the frame one that burned , some weeks
Sol Smith , the efficient engineer who
pulls the throttle on No. 8U , returned
from a pleasant visit to 'his ' old home in
Yor-k &ato on Saturday. The * boys"
were all glad to see him bade.
The Bloomington Guard changes
hands. R. W. Montgomery retires , and
-Succeeded by T. J. i ickett , a gentle
man who had considerable experience
in newspaper work at Lincoln.
Y'he 47 cattle company has incorpor-
atcdwith 5.TI. . Drinkwater , President ,
? . > . Lyon , Vice President , arta I. A.
Yale , Secretary and Treasurer. They
have ranches in Red Willow and Hitch
cock counties.
At the recent meeting of the count } *
commissioners , the petition of Joseph
Biiiun for license to sell liquors Mc-
Cook. was continued to the next meet
ing , and the petitioner given p&rai&sion
to 'file a corrected bond.
Mrs. And. J. Willey expects to start
this morning , -for her home in Jowa.
Die doctor lies enjoyed the visit of his
v4fc very much , and regrets that cir
cumstances asre such that she cannot
remain to speed the winter with -hiiu.
Dennis McKillip and Annie S. Ken
dall proved up on heir homesteads , on
Monday. Both are to be congratulated
on becoming absolute owners of one
hundred and fcixty acres of Nebraska
soil. It will be worth -a fortune to
them in time.
. Miss Jessie Johnson is lamenting the
untimely disease of her dog , Ponto.who ,
it seems , indulged in poison that 'had
been placed within las reach , and quiet
ly laid down on Thursday riight and ,
died. "The good die young. "
The Ladies' Parlor at the B. & M.
Billing Hall has been very handsomely
and tastily papered. Mr. Sanders se
lected the paper in Lincoln , aud it is a
credit to his taste. It was hung by
Will Warren , and the work shows that
he is quite an efficient paper hanger.
liev. Stuart Crockett .preached at the
church , on Sunday morning , to a laVge
audience. He announced that he
would hereafter hold Episcopal services
on one Sunday of eaeh month , and
probably more frequently. Due no
tice of his nest service will be given in
The additional room made by the
removal of Byron's jewelry establish
ment , has given Dr. Green an opportu
nity to arrange his Hire of drugs to
much better advantage. The tasty
manner rn which his stock has been ark
ranged , reflects credit upon himself and
his assistant , Mr. Kclicy.
We received , last week , a copy of
"Copp's U. S. Salary and Civil Service
Rule * . " a book containing 160 pages of
solid information , prepared by II. N.
Copp , a lawyer of Washington , D. CAll \
All the government salaries are given
from President Arthur's $ f)0,000 to
postmasters with $500 , officials of the
Treasur } ' , Interior , War and Navy De
partment , Custom Houses , post offices ,
and fully 20,000 federal office ? arranged
by states and territories. Also specimen
examination que.-tions for admittance
to the civil servic- throughout the j
country. The book oiltaiiH A great
deal of interesting information , and
can be purchased for 35 cents. Ad-
ss II. N. Copp , Washington. D. C.
Rogers has received a elock 'of over
coats that excels anything ever brought
into the valley. They range in price
from S3 up to the finest , and the nan
who goes around shaking with cold When
he can get one of these good , warm
coats at t price so < ? ow that all can buy ,
had better go back cat and give up the
ghost , probably then he will have no
use 'for one.
The corner stone of Grace Episcopal
church at Red Cloud was laid , a week
ago last Tuesday under the auspices of
the .Masonic .Lodge of that oity , ; md
oursuaift to the form * prescribed by the service. The services were
conducted by Rev. Stuart Crockett and
were witnessed by a large concourse of
people. The edifice will be of ( jrothic
design , and cost about $1,500.
"Ground was broken on Monday
doming , -for the new building -24x90
Sect , which C. H. Rogers is going 'to '
build on Main street , opposite the post
office. Buildings of the-size of the one
whiuk Jlr. Rogers proposes to build are
credks to a new town as well as evi
dences of prosperity , and we are glad
vto see that 'the ' business of-Mr. Rogers
is such as to justify him in his now
The burglars who cracked ITayden &
McCartney's safe made a better haul
than was firs * , supposed. In addition
to-the fifty dollars belonging to the firm ,
they captured three hundred and fifty
belonging to Tom McCartney individu
ally. It seems tnat just before ? 'I-r.
McCartney started for St. Louis , he put
three hundred and fifty dollars in a
pocket book , and locked it up * * n a pri
vate department in the safe.He said
nothing about it to the boy ? in the
store , and tke first intimation of it
they'had was when he returned home
Thursday morning.
Train No. 1 .on t3ie B. & M. ran
over a man and injurcll him so Xlwt he
died almost instantly , shortly after
leaving I ineoki on S-unday ai'terno.on.
The man and a vronmi were walking
on the road , and were engaged in some
kind of an ; tUer0 l4on. The $ ra5n com
ing around a curve at a rapid speedthe
man was unable to get * oat oflie way ,
and the engineer could not stop the
train. The woman barely -escaped by
stepping to the side. The man was
supposed to have been under the in
fluence of liquor , asa bottle < of it was
found in his pocket Afterwards.
Frank Jeffreys , yard mas'ter of the
B. & M. railroad at McCook , was mar
ried to Miss Annie Single of-Ct bcrtson
on Sunday night. The many friends of
the happy pair assembled at the-
Churchill House after the ceremony ,
and showed their appreciation of the
occasion , and cxoressed their congratu
lations , in a manner that acitlier the
bridal cmple , nor the neighbors , will
ever forget. The TR'IBUNE can not
make as much noise as did the friends
on that evening , but its wishes for the
happiness and prosperity of Mr. and
Mrs. Jeffreys arc just as warm.
We 'earn that a new town or. the line
of the B. & 31. cut-off has been laid
out in Phelps County. It is eight and
one-half miles northwest of Sacramento ,
and about the same distance southeast
of Phelps Centre. Capt. Phillips , rep
resenting the Land Company , visited
both of these towns , invitirtg'the people
of each to move to the ue\v townwhich
is to be called Iloldredge , after the
Superintendent of the B. & 35. R. R.
and offered as an inducement that each
owner of a business lot , or residence lot
in their present location would be giv
en a business lot or residence lotin this
irew town , as the cas. : might I'o. The
offer wa accepted by a great aiauy bus
iness men of both places , : iml before
very long the probability is that both
towns will be on wheels moving toward
the new location. It is said
excitement exists over the choice in FO-
I'jction of lots , aud that nrinv arz
sc-lling at high figures.
We learn of a case of most crael and
heartless desertion in 'our city , in which
a former railroad man deserts hid wife ,
-and in company with another woman ,
goes way out west , making no provis
ions for the poor woman and young
children whom liu loaves .behind.
Words are too weak to express our con
demnation of this cowardly act , and no
punishment would be to great for the
Kcoufcdrcl. As the wfe desires 1.0
shield the husband by denying the re
ports , we sujiptefcs the names. To the
honor of the railrotid boya in oor city ,
it can be siiid 'that in a very few hours ,
on Tuesday , they raised a purne of
nearly $50. and sent it to the unfortu
nate woman to relieve her present des
W'c ? carn from the -Hastings Gazette-
Journal thit : an a'tt-Miipt was made to
itvvjkthe s of tin ; XI. P. railroad in
that city on Sunday niglit. The bur
glars , it is suppo.svd , were 'threein
number , and they tried to get into 'the
safe by cutting it | .m fti the side with
; ui uxe and a sharp pick. 'They ; ro't
through -the outside Dilate and
M-rajMHi away the lire proof
wht/a for some unknown reason-they de
sisted from $ in tlicr work. 'The taunner
in which they attempted Co get into the
s.iie , and the tools u ed were the same
as "when a more attempt was
made on Hayden & McCartnys , and
Byrnn's safes in IftcCook , aid it is not ,
improbable that the same parties par
ticipated in both jobs. If t-he same ,
they will be picked up one of these
frosty nights , and.justice meted out to
* them in western stvle.
Success in Life.
Major U. II. Cnswell -Indianola ,
lectured on 'lie above named subject at
tire -Band Hall , on Wednesday evening.
The icuturc was full of good points , and
deep hi > toricifi research , and carried
th'c 'close attention of the audience from
the opening until the close. We arc
sorry that a larger number of our people
ple could not have heard the lecture ,
for it r/as one thai was fcut only enter
taining and instructive , but one that
must also have -a good , moral "effect
upon $ ts auditors. While the attend
ance was not largo , owing to the incle
mency of the weather without doubt ,
the Major -can congratulate himself
that the audience was FAIR and select
Fleeced by a Sharper.
On Tuesda ; morning at Platlsiftouth
Junction , a farmer , accompanied by
his family , who was on 3)is way to In-
di&nolx , was approache'i by a stranger
shd fleeced oulof § 500 by the ssme old
story , about a consignment of goods by
freight having to be paid-in advance ,
and offering the farmer a bond for $1000
as security. A false baggage agent
who was called in vouched for the vali
dity of the bond. Aflcr the aforesaid
farmer has been in the wide-awake west
awhile he won't be gulled so easily.
All perfions wishing waiter pfit in
their houses , will please notify "W.T.
Wallace at Citizen's Bank , immedi
ately. _
Oissoluticn of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing
between Drs. Willey & Johnsop , in the
drug business and the practice of medi
cine. is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. The B. & M. Pharmacy will
be conducted by WiHey & Co. , at the
old stand. The books of the old firm
will be settled by Dr. L. L. Johnson.
Oct. 13 , 1883. L. L. JOHXJOX.
All monies due the TiimrxE for sub
scription come by the terms of the sale to
me. Parties who know themselves to be in
arrears for subscription will b warmly
received at any time , if they come essh.
in hand. A. B. Coi-'Fiuvnr ,
i can winter from ono to two hun
dred head of rattle. G M > 1 range , good
water , goui shelter and plenty " 1 hay.
( Ml on or address , WM. ( ) . BOND ,
Bondville , Xeb
New Home.
M. A. Spalding , agent for the light
running New Honi'j cowing machine ;
Marshes Golden Balsam , inc Famous
Lung Medicine , fs Valued Highly.
"I have used MAUSII'S GoLnr.v BAI.
SAM ron Tire THKOAT AND LUNG : ? and
fmd it : i splendid Couch remedy. Ii
gives speedy relief. " D. H. WiNou.
TJreston , Iowa.
* * I wish everybody to knot ? thm
ufcdrcinc. One bottle curc'il uus of a
hfenl. lingering-cough. I value it highh.
11. A. Jackson , Qurnc111 : * .
' I would be pleased to receive tuv
dozen bottles of MARSH'S GOLDKN BAI.
8AM at once. Everybody that us-os tr
appears to be greatly relieved and well
jtleasodwith its effects. " P. II. Cris-p.
ilruegist , Monroe City , Mo.
> lAU8ii's GOLDEN BALSAM , the fa
mons Throat and Lung medicine , and
Toxfe , the great Blooa and Liver ren
ovator , arc 'for sale by S. L. Green ,
druggist , McGook. Large bottles fU
cents and § 1.
Look Here !
St. Louis white lead 'for $8 per hun
Pure boiled oil SO cents per gallon.
1-50 test headlight , 25 cents per gal
Machine cas'toroil $1.50 per gallon.
Coal pressed castor oil $2 per gal-
4on at < $ fnKEx's DRUG STORK.
For Sale *
16 or 18 choice grade bucks. We.-'t
of Driftwood , south uf the river.
17-3t. < G. B. XETILKTO.V.
Ten cords of dry ash wood. AppK
to Citizens' Bank. IG-tf.
Resort 'f ' ;
Is the place for
Cold Lemonade , -
Ginger Beer , Pop ,
"Choice Cigars , Candy , Nuts , te.
Ask your storekeeper for it. or writ- *
direct to "the manufacturer.- .
Cleveland , - - Ohio.
m -BISI i
Dr , Rush's Regulator ,
VCrG. . O-s"W-tt' ! * . tf.ti wi'11-it
f.icturer 'A iiiiralo : , rl.ii. dt.'lia ! ! , I'iisb > .r < . .N < .v
sir' : , au'l At' mtu , ( r.i. , JaK :
orr.n "e lyi-savim c/r. -
17 > . IJruiil n r.-j ; .
. 'ii. . Oco'tr i iu , J3-I
Or IIusli * * MciUcJl A'-'ic'atton :
! > K\K DOCTORS. Thth > -tc t t ! > ' -jf "Fr. Kc- .
Ilr uLttor" I onlcri'il wir > - r 'cCH > 'ill'y t.xt'ff" l" "
Hck. . I liw tak a nearly cn - tattle an-l v *
tli'iDJisshiy jatbtltJ w.lh the n.-ult For :
io.ira 1 ) Ii'--a trouhl'j'l v.iv.iliir ? piii : > . ' .
bc-irt. Mj pi ! > -clai ! , ni ia jvitnin itlnroaouat'f
it t-nlar ? ' "lit nt O' tLe ItM.rt anil w < : > uuiJu : t-j F-n
muauy rMrt. I'lst. l-o .f pr < : . - w.jr-- u-t : r h- < !
t'tr.-c : i : e ' in Inc. d ih is i 'f > uW wi' ! . vir > d. Vfrf
in NI-A V-'k Clf } . l.-t wi'eiu I < Jl ! > il ur' r. nc
! ! : r.-n > -onln > 'it pij" ! * "hiT- . v > < . ir ? ' C i
S'i3 fur i > *'w . . ' ! th-u rcc tiim.3i ! il \o .r
"K'-jMlitor. ' ' Kti/ull. . : " ) is t" ' "J ! rt. . Ar Mi . ' .in
\ > -orL-ttI < ji : . -'I 11 P"t nt Kif.jJeU.e cl.n'n' ' I ' . -
iteril tlii * thr' " ' t'QUlf-i I t..vtt MI ; In M. tr'iuW- :
sw-f I ei > r..incaei-il t ji. is Is , butt il ixntin : : r '
t k - the t.iii'rt. thrul nt.v > .1ti. . 'ibtair. - - ; - : :
wn * rur < - You Lv.iin > ncnri : t'tmib.
1 u.n. gcaKBi'-a , Vtry t J-- < : : Ja1y ,
DP. Rush's BegrJatoi-
K'l-i n"vr tillrJ. W J i c rclir' . It ; . "s i-ctn i : ; < > ji. . .
C' f'iivjr j ar < ir.a iuat.i5 ttioji r' ttr
i MCi of h : i-i lUbtotllllv. A : < > -'tt" - < r rJorri. . -
] .rft wvr. ' , j'j. ' . ; ! : : * . ' . - KtuiierLi ? 'n KMty I' i
cralo3 o ! tf.c h'iirt. PrJ , Sl.Uor'-T f- t ' - ; - ' !
* 5W. > ' < > H1 t > y lrursti-w. Ten : or < l 1,7 ! : .
Iuntis , X. T U. S. \