McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 18, 1883, Image 4

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A. B. COFFROTII , Editor-and Proj
For Representative ( to fill vacancy )
For County Judge ,
' ' II , M. ASllMOHE.
For County Cleric ,
Far County Treasurer ,
For Sheriff ,
For Coroner ,
For Supt. Public Instruction ,
For Surveyor ,
For County Commissioner ,
THE Beatrice Exchange bank was
opened on the 10th.
'billed to giv-e an entertainment at
.Suranton , Penua. , last week , but-a rain
storm broke up die show. His mana-
gcr refusing to return the gate money ,
the crowd threatened Sullivan's lifeand ,
he escaped injury osilv by flight.
C. D. CiiAMKn , a brother of A. II.
Cramer has been .nominated by the re
publicans of Red Willow O3unty for t3ie
otlice of county clerk , aud has the best
of a chance of being elected. lie was
< li'puty clerk here some _ ycais ago. .and
jnade a most efficient officer. We hope
he may get there. Gazette-Journal.
Two or three gentlemen into whose
pockets prohibitory tariff legislation
has put millions of the people's money
are talking of endowing colleges. If
ihcy would simply endow professorships
of political economy in colleges where
that important department of learning
is neglected , their disposition of funds
might. , be highly beneficial to those
whose labor has contributed to their
A MILWA'UKKK man , writing in re
gard to seed eoiti bought in Nebraska ,
.last spring , says : ' -You no doubt would
like to hear what success we had with
our Nebraska seed corn , and the pros
pects of coining crop. Farmers gener
ally obtaini'd u good stand from Neb
raska seed corn , much better than from
home seed From prospects , it looks
as though they would go to Nebraska
for seed com again in the spring. "
JOHN WELBOUN , candidate for sher
iff L. Lee Johnson , candidate for
Coroner , and Page T. Francis , candi
date for Surveyor , are pretty sure to
get there. Backed up by both conven
tions , and many warm enthusiastic
J'riends , their defeat would be most re
markable. If. however , they should
have any apprehensions of defeat , it'
would only be necessary for them to
resort to the new Ohio election dodge ,
and victory would perch upon their
lx another column will be found the
proceedings and ticket of the People's
Convention. The nominations made
are good ones , and unless the voters
jirc inclined to cast a straight ticket , a
lew of the Republican nominees will
have a bard road to travel. However ,
under ordinary circumstances the regu-
Jar tickets are generally elected , and if
the nomincss of the People's Convention
< U'tire success , they will have to get
nit and rustle. Their only hope lies
in a vigorous , aggressive campaign.
THK President will tend in to the
.Senate the names of 750 or 800 post-
inastcrs during the next season of Con
gress. Of thojsu oOO hundred have been
unpointed since Congress adjourned
; ind the commission : : of 300 presidential
postmaster ? will cvpire during the sea-
s-on. In addition to thi.- GOO , at least
150 or 200 persons will be nominated
to lill vacancies caused by death , resig
nation aud removal. The army uf can
didates will niovt- towards Washington
tin : lirst of December.
People's Convention.
Thi convention taut on
pursuant to call , and made the - following
ing nominations , viz :
For Representative ,
For County Judge ,
For County 'Clerk.
For County Treasurer ,
For Sheriff. '
For Supt. Public Instnietion ,
For Coroner ,
For Surveyor ,
For Coui'tv 'OommissioncT ,
Tie proceedings of the oonventioi
were very harmonious -and many per
sons believe the ticket nominated wil
be elRcted. *
ludianoln , Oct. 15 , 1SS3.
THE following -editorial from tlu
Dmaha Bee contains so much mon
good sense iyd solid wisdom than tlifc !
erratic jrvurnal usually prints that we
prsduce it in our columns. The posi
tion taken is a sound one , and it would
add uiucli to the purity of the judiciary
[ fit were generally accepted :
The nominating conventions have
done their work and the judicial can
vass may be said to have fairly opened.
As barely more than a month will
elapse before the eJec'-ion , the cam
paign will be gJwrt , sharp and d < } -
Party politics , strictly so calleddocs ,
not or ought not to enter into the
question of who shall fill the .seat of
the supreme be ch. Our state courts
ire nee called upon to decide issues in
volving questions , of party policy or
upon winch hinge -questions of party
) olicy or upon which hinge questions
aifecting paity supremacy. The su-
) rcme judgeships are , more than any
) thcr offices , depending upon the popu-
ar will , positrons of state trust. They
control no patronage. They dispense
no favors. Professional in their na-
uro , their high importance rises solely
vithout respect to persons or political
parties. The only qualification demand-
d of their incumbents are intregity.
> rofessionl ability , judicial experience
hd dignity. With the nominations be-
'ore them the question for the people
jf Nebraska to decide is , which of the
candidates will prove the better judge
n that place. Partisan attachment
ind party allegiance should nave , no
.vcight . in this determination. It is a
Business proposition involving the inter-
; sts of every citizen , who may in the
uture be weighed in the judicial balance
m the supreme bench.
HOADLEY'S electioneering dodge in
3hio was the slickest thing known in
nodcru politics. No one who has any re-
ipcctfor truthand , the memory of fjco.
Washington , ever thought of calling
) hio the mother of statesmen , but she
las been called , sitid probably justly so ,
he nurse of politicians. As a rule ,
hesc euibryotic wire-workers cut .their
yc teeth early , and it is a cold morning
i hen they get left. But just at a nio-
aent when' they thought they knew all
he tricks of the profession , there ap-
eared in the arena a green horn by the
ame of Hoadiey , who took them all in.
usfc on the eve of battle , when defeat
ras staring him in the face , he assumed
semblance of sickness , and had his
rustworthy Family physician order him
j Philadelphia fur treatment , which
2Kultcd in creating a , sympathy for him
mong all the ladies in the state , and
icy worked upon their male relative ? ,
ith such success that when the polls
losed on the evening of the election ,
c was nearly ten thousand ahead ,
'oor ' fellow , the people didn't want to
it a sick man. '
THK anniversary of the discovery of
.merica wis celebrated , recently , in
* * *
ladrid , Spain , in a most brilliant man-
3r. The company . included nianv
A. V *
oliticians of all parties , literary men ,
lists and diplomats. Four tiers of
ixos were crowded with the elite of
ladrid society. Speeches in several
nguagcs were delivered , interspersed
ith musical selection- ! , and the festiv-
ies ended with the unveiling of the
atue of Columbus , which stood ou.j
ic stace at the head of the table. I
BURGLARS have been getting in'thei
work at Seward.
.KANSAS and Nebraska arc reports
as Laving the largest yield of oats pe
acre of all the states in the country.
TUB new comet v.-ill bemost 'brii
liant about Jan. 12 , and will not b
visible to the naUod eye until New Year'
PHILADELPHIA courts have deciilci
that Chinese cannot become naturalize )
citizens of the United States , no matte
how -close they may cut -their hair.
I\.TK. i.IcFARLAND sold his -farm fo
$1,500 more than he paid for it si :
months ago , which represents an in
crease of $10 per acre ra that time. I
is a splendid quarter , though. Jfub
bell News.
THE people of Mmden are still san
guine of having a hanging matinee ir
the little village sometime in the future
and show to the admiring visitors tin
gallows constructed for execution oi
Matft Zimmerman.
A FAMILY of five Polanders were
starting for their home , near PlaAtc
Center , from Columbus , last Saturday ,
\flien the "wagon broke down , the horses
ran away , and one of tfie women of the
party was killed instantly.
EXCITEMENT runs high down at
Omio. In boring a well on Mr. Foot's
place , in that town , it is claimed that a
three-foot vein of coal was found at a
depth of 100 feet. If such be the fact ,
it will be of invaluable worth to Jewell
& Co. Superior Journal.
A BRAKEMAN on the B. & M. by the
name of llalletr , while coupling cars at
Siaplchurst , was caught between the
cars end severely injured. He was
taken to Lincoln and placed under the
care of Dr. Hart , burgeon of the road.
It is feared his injuries are of a serious
SAYS John IA Sullivan of his saloon :
"It cost me § 20,000 to fit it up. I
put in a stock amounting to $5.000. 1
opened it on August 7 , and up to ' last
Monday I had taken in § 25OuO. , That
is enough to pay for it. The opening
night I took in $2,000 and the first Sat
urday $2,400. "
How is this for a showing ? Neb
raska in twenty years has increased her
population 1496 percent. , and hertax-
iblc property 1212 per cent. , and its
per cent of illiteracy is less than ag
itate or territory in the Union. People
n search of homes cannot uford to for
get this. Hastings Democrat.
GEORGE W. POTTKR , a young man
n Tecuniseh , has been forging other
) eoplft's > signatures and raising funds
vith which lie went to Ohio to visit his
larents. Mr. Irving , of the First Na-
ional bank , went after him , and. rcfiis-
ng to allow bis friends to compromise
lis offense , brought him back to answerer
or the violation of the law.
LAST Monday morning , a man called
t the post office for 10 cents worth of
tuiups. The postmaster handed him
ivc 2-cent stamps. The purchaser
osscd them back to him , saying 'he
ranted 3-cent stamps. They will do ,
aid the P. M. I know what I need ,
aid the purchaser with a knowing look ,
ive me 3-cent stamps ; and lie got
hem. That man didn't know that the
rid id moving. He had better sub-
sribe for a halt dozen papers and j
sad them. Edgar Times.
THE pacer Johnston , who paced a
rile over the Chicago , track last Tues-
ay in 2:10 , beating all previous re-
ardsat trotting- pacing , has jnst
ccn sold -Commodore N. W. Kittj j
> u , of St. Paul , owner of Little Brown j
ug , record 2:11 , the next fastest
acer , Von rniiu , Fanny Witherspoon ,
: id a number of other good trotters ,
he price paid was $25,000. Peter
. Johnston , hw driver , says hu is con-
icnt the horse can go even faster. It !
; eras almost incredible , but lie as erte j
i has driven Johnston a quarter in
3 jecondbwhich is at the rate of
: fS for a inilo , and a half mile in. 1:03 :
at the- rate u ! ' 2.0G.
Additional Locals
McCook Neb. Oct. 10
, . , . ,
"We have this day sold to Messr :
Frees & Ilocknell our lumber interests
T. U. Babcock vill , fur the present , b
found with Frcps & Ilocknell , where hi
will be pleased to Hee-our old custom
ers. All accounts due the lirm of l ab
cock Bros , will be collected and receipt
cd for by T. B. Babcock.
Respectfully ,
We will continue to send the Tuin
UNE to all persons whose names appeal
3.1 Mr. Israel'-s subscription II
there be tuyonc "whodesires to discon
tinae the .paper , he will notify us ai
once , otherwise he will be held liabk
for the paper sent to his address.
Notice to Teachers.
The regular monthly examination oi
teachers will be hi'ld at the school
house , in Indiannla , on Saturday , Oct
20&h , 1SSU , commencing * 9 o'clock ,
County Superintendent ,
U , S. Land Ollice McCoolc , Keb. . Oct. th 1883.
( JouiphUitt luivtnir tit-CM entered at this ulllcu
by Ziouiiurd 11. Stiles inii"&t HiMiJainin ! ' .
H'oyt. foV sibiiiidoniujr liis honiestfiul entry
No. ISO : ; , dated at North I'Jutte , Ncl > . , Jim. 2U.
18t > 0 , upon the bouthuustqimrtcr , ruction 14 ,
township 3. north. rjiiitre IJlVwost , in'Ecd Willow
county , Neb. , with alew to the cuneelhition
of said entry ; UK ; xaitl parties are hereby sum
moned to appear -at thisoMucon tlie Utli day
t > f November , IUSS , t 10 o'c'ock A. M . to respond
spend and furnish testimony coucerainir *
alleged ubandonmoiit. U. L. J-AWd.
C.S. Land Oflitx ? . McCook. Neb. , I
October : 'd. 1KSJ. \
Complaint having J > c < m cultural utMus olUcc
bylwiacN Hubuck atruiiua illiam A. WaUin
for abandochiK his Jiomestwad entry No. llilU ,
dated at North Platto. Ncb..Inne { , ISV.i , upon
the northwest U eetion 1 < J. township ? , nortt ,
raiitfc - ' . ( , west , in Ili > d Willow county. Neb. .
witli view to ciiiicHlntion of s id entry : the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this otlicci on the 7th day of November , ISK5.
ut lu o'clock , A. M. , to itrtpond and I'nrni-h
testimony concQrninjr s-'iid alleged abandon
ment. 18-4t. . L. LAWS. "He-sister.
U. S. Land Otllce. McCook , NvI ) . , I
Septi'inbur Ith , 1SSS. f
CompUUnt having been entered at tii. ; otlicc
by James IJuirctt avuiiMt William liroxru ,
for abandoniii kis homestead entry No. 4i'J ( ,
dated at North i'latte. Neb. . June 2S , IKSU.upon
thtj southeast h section 1U , townt-hip > t , north ,
ran/fclto / , west , in Ited Willow county , Neb.with
a view to the cancellation of said entry ; the
said parties are hereby summoned to nppear
at this olliceon the -7rh day of ( Jctober. l.vis.tit
10 o'clock , A. M , to respond and furni.-h t'-sti-
inony concurninK said allc 'd abandonment.
17-4t. G. L. LAWS , Ue ifcter
U S L ml Office , Mo COK. Nub. , i
July . .r > . ib'a. |
Complnhit liivliff buen cuturL-il .it thN oiTice by
Fnmcis I. Spicor : ialiit-t ( Jeorjjc- Abel fur
failure to comply with law a * to t-c entry No. 1117
ilati-d at North PJfttte Neb. March 20 1S7H. upoutli
S-w H KCC 31 tp 7. i''i ninxc20 wot. In Ucd Willow
L-ounty , Nolir. withIu \ \ * to tlit ; cino. teuton ot
tfilil untri" > coutr > tint nlle ii that said Alwl has
failed tp plant to trees , seeds or cuttings , five
acres of said tract durlnjr lh : ll > t = t three years
of his entry ; the said pmies arc here
by fcummoncd COitppe n-it this olllcv on the 27th day
> f Oct , , 1HSJ lit o'rlijck J ) . m. . to irsjrmd and
; tirni.- testimony concL-ruInssaW iilleic. < l fniJurc
n-9 G. L. Laws , rejrister.
U. S. Laud Otllrc. Xr.CooU , Neb. , |
October ICt'i. ' l6So\ f
Complaint having been entered at this nflit-e by
ll-thurfonl 11. An-hibMd niaiii ! > t Hollow W.K y , for
ailini : to comply with Iiwivto tliaijcr-culturcentry
! Sl , dated at North I'latte. Xtfo.Mn > V2 ! , 187S , upon
hu S section US , tuwi hlp 2. iinrtn. rauseS. .
\ tt , in JJpil WHluw cuunty , Nelirai k.i. with a % Jcw
o the cancellation of s.iid entry ; coatc-tant allfclni ;
hat wild Keyea ha > > fafled to break r r.cres , or any
> art of said tract , from vsy,1b79 , to JIayii , 1SSK ,
Hid to tills date ; that he has f.illcti to plant trcr-t.
eiN or cuttings on 5 ncrcs. or any run of kald tract ,
win May 22 , 1881 , to .May J2 , iSaa. or at any uthur
luic , or to cau e the ame to be done The said
lartlcn are hereby summoned to appear at this olU :
m the 3d day of November , NC3. at 'J o'clock , A.
> ' . , to respond and furnish -tlnnnir i jiicerniir ; .said
.llegvcl failure.M41 , U. L LAWS. IteftMrr.
J..S. LAND OFFICE JlcCook Ncl > . , Jtty , i" isxs.
Complaint liavimr been fiituivt > at this oflice
y Kfcderiek 11 Wilkes against ( jeor.tfe U 15aird
or jailurc to comply with law ns to t-e mitry
Jo. 548 dated at North I'latte Neb. , April 10 ibi'y
ipon the sei Sf o 3IJ tp 1 north ranjro 2 ! ( west
n Kcd Willow county Nebraska with a view to
he cancellation of said entry ; contestant al-
jfjinjf that said liaird has 1 ailed to plant to
reeb , seeds orcnttinjrs . " acres of said tract
i'ijhin three years from the date of his - . aid
utry ; thcsuid part' ies are hereby .summom-d
r > appear at this ollico on the 27th dsy of Oct. ,
KS3 at 1 o'clock p ra , to respond and furnish
jstitnouy concerning aaid alleued failure.
n-'J G.L. Laws.
Limd Office lit McCook , Neb. , Oct. 10.18Sj. :
Kntice i hereby trivon that tin ; following
amcd settler bus filed notice of his intention
3 make tinal proof in support of his claim ,
lid I hat said proof will bo made before Kejris- |
? r und Ileceivcr at McCook. Neb. , on Wedmw-
11 y , November , IhKJ. viz. : I-'redoriek K.
'ondres , homestead oolO , lor tin ; routhwest * +
action 15 , township : { , north , ran e 3 * , nv-it.
' names the following witnesses to jiroveliis
? ntinious residence upon , and cultivation
t" . Hiiid landviz. : Nieholtw Sevenker. John II.
vort. Krcd. Treble and Mieho , all of Me-
ook , Keb. IJl-Ut. G. L. LAWS. UefisU-r.
Lr.nd Ofbcv at McCook , Neb. , Oct. IT.' ! . j
Notie" is hereby iven' ths-.t tinfollowinjr !
lined settler iiati Hied notice of liis intention I
make llnal proof in support in his claim ,
id that said proof v.-ill be midsbeforo Ke - ,
er and Haeolvor at McCooJc. Neb. . ) n Satur- '
ly. Nov. : Jth , 1HW , viz : Catherine * Snyder. for i
10southeast l MJcti'm 1-S township : ; , nort'i
" range 21. ' . v.'tst. Ise names the follow iti - i
itnesIeto prove her continu ( > us residenc" t
[ Kin , and cultivation ot\ said land , vi/ : . 'o .
. Snydf-r. 1'nirf-T. J'mncls , V "illiam Mitchell i
id John II. Evurt , all of MoCook. Neb. '
L'U Jt. G. L. LAWS. Krister.
I.H'd OfficiM. fcOwk , Neb. . Oc : . Irt.
Not t : - ! . = hereby Kii ; li thai , tinl' - . ' ! < iwiu ;
UlerIt i * ftlc-t &oiiiuf his Intention to make iuit J
oof in f iippu't of bin cl.ilm , r.ivt Uiat KiU projfI ! :
: nvtde btforc Ili'sin r unit 1 teo'dxIT at Me' o-jk. ; ]
cli. . on Ttte. iay. DivmlJi-r-if'i. IS , > < : . \ | / : ihosi ' i
Arrirmon. h'Wjeid.S50. . ft > rtj- : north ' nortli-
st H u.Tlnonli 'i iiiinhwe-t : tcilou 'if. town- ' :
ip a. north , ran i2'j. . * : : . He iiiin < - the followj j i
; v > itcciie to j.rovc Itl-i contlimjurc.d ! nce upon , i :
J culuvaticsor. i-aid Und.J / . : \Villlam II. l > yh-
he It. E.-i-rt , ICioItirrt JoUs-on st-i Ucorgc 1" . Kti-- ' .
II , : : i c ilcCwS , Noil. f i
.V t. G. L. L.V5T.5 ,
Lund OClco at Mefoolf , Xob. , Oct. 0 ,
Notice I.t hrrvby Riven that thu follu , -
mined settlr-r IIU.H tiled iiutlco of hi * intention
to nial : . ' llail proof In support of hit * claim.
ud thhtnaid proof will U mad' ; beftuv lUx-
turnnii Kecidver n : .McCoofc , .Seb. . on Friday.
November 1 Hh. IWt , viz. : AH.iTrumNj , liouii-
eteiiil entry > ' & . for the north 4 northi-iisi. 'i
nnil north 't northwest ' * soctlJn > . towufhlp
a , north , ran re SI. west , f Co nuniei * thv foHif.v-
In witnessw to pinvc hl conttniioiu ni i-
< lenc ( ! upon , ami cultivation of. enid . :
Joseph William : ; . Hoderlc Unrnes. I.ouix Kos.- .
uhd Charles A. Smith , ullofV.lton. . Xfb.
lUCt. ( i. L. LAWrf. Kiwlstor.
Land OIHce at McCook , NHi. , Sept. 0.1RS3.
Notice Is lis-reby Klvcn Umt thf fo lowJinr
naaifil settler hti.iJlli-d nottcc of Ma Intention
to cniUe tlnal proof insnpportof hl < t-alin.aud ]
that Mild proof will be intuit ; bfoit > Ilcplstur of
Kcceivcrn--M Cook , N 'b. , on Friday. Nov. ' . ' ,
iwi.U : : William Johnson , hoinvstnai ! No.
157 for the northwest Vi section a. : , township
4 , north ol miiKO-'J. wwi. Hu name's Ihn following -
lowing vltni-ft-es to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of. Mtidlatul. vi/ :
John S Modrelle. Thomas Ituwles. Thomn <
UyltiS of McCook , Neb. , and H. W. Johnson ol'
Arapuho.Neb. . 17t l.L ! LAWS , Ktv
Ollico t McCook , Nob. , Sept. a , JSf-o.
Notire Is 'hereby Klvcn that thu lollowlnj ?
named settler has Hli'diioticooT her Intention
to mat.uilnal proof innitpport of her claim. and
tliatvnid proof will be made btfwri ; Uewi > tt-ror
Uccei vcr at JleCook. Neb. , on Friday. Nov. 2d.
IHSJ.viLanni Phillips , homcstcwfl No.i5I.\ :
for the wi-st ! J northwest V. ami north > . south -
west 4 bection V , township : ] , north of
! W. west. Sue name. * the- following
to prove h r contlntions rc idencu tinon. and
cultivfttionof. said land , viz. : Mary 1 ; . ( ) rtni %
Minnie Uat.-s Wllliaw Onncand C. U.-Mcl'hor-
son. all of McCook , fCb.
17t. . < i. L LAWS , Ko hcr.
Land Ollicc at McOak. Nc-b. , Hopt. 'S. I8S.5.
Notice is hereby given ttat the following
natntul sot tier. has lUcd notice of his intention
to .make r.sial proof in mpport ot
Jiis claim. and that said proof
win J o made before itejristef and Hecci -
er at McCook. Neb. , on Monday. October f-M.
18X5"ix. . : John R. Purr , homesl-ciid 'N'o. li : .
for the W. i S. W. > i S. W. > 4 N. W. and lot
4 , section 4 , township , north , ran e JiH , west.
He niuxcs the following witnessc-s to prove hl >
continuous rcsidunc lion. and cultivation of.
saidtmd. viA. . Jones. Perry Joni'd , Annir
5. Kendall and A. S. Bouphton. all of Indian-
ola. Neb. liJ-tfl. < * . L. L-AWS. Kc Lstcr.
? .aml Ollico at McCook. Neb. . Sept. 12. 13.
JN'otice is hereby ivun that the following1
named se/tler hr.s Hied nethic-of his intention
to make llnal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bi : umilti before HcKl- < -
t -r and Ileceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday
Nov. : { . I8S5. viGottlieb P.Wwlck.who inadr
homchVe&d ftpiiticatloii No. Rt ! . U > rtheN.W '
section ; , township : t. north. ranj , ' 30. west.
Il ; names the following witnesses to prove hi ?
continuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
said _ hind , vi/ . : Adolph Iticschack. ( Jeorx'C
White , WH4hiu ) Coleman and Ulnules Wool-
br4Kit. all of McCook. Neb.
lii-irt. G. L. LAWS , Register.
Land ( 'liico at McC < x k , Neb. , Sept. J . 1K : ; .
Notice is hereby Driven that thn followini/
named settler has tiled tioticu of his intention
to makrllnal proof ii : supjiorL of his claim ,
and that t-aid proof will be made before lie---
tor and Heceiversit McCook , Neb. , on Friday.
Oct. 7 , isxi , vix. : James Shejihord , hoinesteai !
770 for the southeast 4 section IM. towiKhip r .
north , ntnxo SO. w est. He nitinesthe following
witnesses to pwn\ his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of , Enid land , viz. : David
,1. ( .inborn of Osborn. Neb. . James SpautdiUK
iirnl Daniel Doylooi Ho.v Klder , Neb. , and John
E. Walters of McCoolNeb. .
IWit. G. L. LAWS , llegister.
Land OIllc-i ; at JlcCook , Ni-b. . Sept IS.
Notice is henljtiiven that , thu foilow.'nvr
named settler hub tiled notice of his intention
' .o make llnal in support of his claim , and ihut
said jrroof will l made before Kejdster an.l
Receiver at McCook. Nt-b. , on Saturday. Oct.
17 , 1.SS' ! , vi/ . : Daniel Matson , homestead No.
til , forthetouthciret "n i-outJieast J-i becrinn " .
. ast Is jMirtheast i section 11. and southwtM
'i ' northwest Ii suction 12. township I , north.
-anjjeol , west. He names the following wit *
lesx-s to i > rove liiscoiitiiuioiiv. residence upon.
md cuitivation of. < $ ! ( ] land , vi/ . : John Lrut- (
ind WilliAin Dreiinon of ( 'nlhcrt < on , Neb. , and
William F. Uverkt and Charles II Smith of
k , N'Jb. IC-Ct. G. L. LAWS. Ite ister.
Land Olliee at McCook. Neb , . Sopt. 1 ! ' . .
Notice is hereby j-ivea thr.t the following
lamed settler mis llled notice of his intention.
o make tlnal jroof in snpporluf hisclaim.and
hat ssiid proof will be made lieforu Ite ister
ind Heeeiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , Oct.
7. IfS ) . vi'/ . : Henry C. Shepherd , homestc- !
71 , for the west is northcst ' 4 section _ ' . " . . am !
k-c-Jt ii southeast > i frectionJl , township 5 ,
lorth , nin c ! W. west. Hv names tie follow-
iijr witnesses to prove his continuous rcsl-
lence upon , and cultivation ol , said land , viz. :
hivid J. Osborn of Osborn. Neb. , Jas. Spauld-
nsr and Daniel Doyle of L'os Kidcr , Nel > . ,
ohn E. Walter of McCook , Neb.
Hi-fit. ( } . LV LAWS. Register.
L.ind Office at > IrCook Kcb. . Sept. 10 , 1CS3.
Notice i" hereby givou tint tinfn'lov.In ; ? r..imt.l
r-tt'crlia aii-d uofcx-of hit intention to inaktfinst
roof In .support of his i-l ilni. anil that t-aW proof M ll !
c muitc Ix-foro K.-sfili-r and Hccciier at McCook.
'vl > . . on Saturday. October 2QtIi. lt-83. vlz.u AuMIn
. .vrl t , 1) . S. No. : sisa for tli : X E. 4 K. E. Stc.
f. mid N ; : S. W.l , . and X. W. U S. K. 'i Snnon !
5 , Tou-ii > .lilji ' , nortli. luugc 31.vt. . lie IIIIIH-S the
illowinx witnes > os to pro\ - h ! & contiu-uotn rivldi-nce
pen , and cultivation ot. said lam ! , viz : John Cruttv.
jlm % ! ation , t h rlr A. .Smith and Mills. , all of
rlfuvoort , Ntb. 15-Ct. G L. LAWS , IJti.tir
Lard Office at McCook. Neb. , S pt. 12. 1\CS.
Kotlniahcrrliy xlvuu that the following u-ir.cJ
: itlrr lilod notice of his Intention to make Cunt
oof in MIJ.POU of Ills ctall.i , ami that atl
oof v/Ill he in.KltIwforc U ; lit .T anl IU--
iver at MoCoolr. Ktbr.i k.i , oa Situnlay. Vo-
; incr Stli. ISM. Uz. ; George T. " \ Vilckwhi ,
arlt ; hoiUL-ittMit iiki < lcntiuu ! , Ko. S4t , for the
. K. 'i > ei-tlui 21. toivolnp . , ' . north , ranci- : > ( > . tvci ; ,
u naiacM th following witui-Hfcs to jirox c ls ! con-
imous le liieuci * UJKMU anil cultlv.iUini of. * aj laud.
/ . : Adoph ! Uicsohuck. Oeo.-ve White WiliUin
jlnnua and i h = rlc ! > Woolrijilu. all of Mrfoot , .
ch. lG-it. C. L. LAWS , Ri-jrlitcr.
Land OH'.r.r at JicCook. .Vcb. . Si-iit.aHh. Jf,7. X
Notice Is hereby Ri\i-n that the following i.ainri !
ttli-r h-is Cicd notice of li ! < lutcr.tlou to mat-i ; Htal
tiof In Mippurt ol ii < claim , and J-cid proof ill
r madu 1fnrt - i : : Mcr or ireccUvr at cCiM.k.
( : h.ou Kritify N'MV.'it. . 1SSJ. vj/ . : Wallace is. Tra *
iiUl. h. > > o .7 for the outhn-st. ft nortliwc-t
ami lot 2 and " . rf-cttun 2i. .iad 1-it 1 , > ccii'in SU. :5
rtli of raniM , wi--t . Ke naine % tl.c followht
itne-ijes to ro > c hN < : un'Inioc n-sWi-nce upo'r
d cnltlvsiion of.iM 1-ind. viz :
. . .
. \ ! coot. . Kt-J. l-Ci. G. L. LAWS. KujI ter.
1 O'Ucc at MtCook. Nob. . Oct.l\ KJ.
ti ht-rcliy plvi thnf th folluv-ir. ' nair.-J
LtlcrJts.i lil.-it notify ut UN l.-itttatlca to inaktlinil
Vil la hu iiort of Il3c : in , ui.d ifcat hrJiI jroo : " v.j
m3l < ; before Ill 'cr anit ! Irclvir at .Vi-c'oyj. .
h. on > : ' ) ti'iy. ! : smcrjb-r2S. . viz. : Ileiirvl !
: < -h. O-bora. Xrb. , liutr.t-jtLcd "iT. for the wcsi .
rriai ' ; MiutlieiU'it northeast ' ; am ! cynli'-a-T
r."in-.i t jcctkc ; : ; . ion bp ! / . north ci ras-
r < -iij-n-t upon , .tiuS cultivation tr.
i lan'J. vi/ . : William Pi-at-lj. < silver I" . il.
nalMiKKliji : mJ Mlchl JI--Kll ! : . nil of Tiiur--
rt' . NeL > . ' 'li-Bt. t. L. I.\\V.s. KirsiM.jr.
Irji.i OtJr. > : .i Vrw. . - < . > \ - ' , . . O.-j. JO. 'bSS.
ilt-r.'jaj : : ii-li ocoi ! UK iiv-ition : o aiu'xifin.ii
i if In-u xirt vt hiclri'll. . ll' ti- ! ' ! pr < tulu In-
< : > 'j-1.n" Jttxix-fran I K'-c-iit-r at Mi-fv > oX. > .cb. .
lu d.iy. Xm. 2 . } * - ; . \iz : JvOn Crtit.v. D. > .
tu. raniri- : ! : . . ! . H < - L-uiie' tl'.c fiillowiRx v 'I"
> t ; n > cMS cncnu * > u * n-l < lcc < * upon uii.J
MvutJos of Milt liaJ. vi/ : U > i m Bn-cnan
" ' " '
r -J n-'ji-l. Xcl . o" L. LAH'S.
-t- H - = liti-r.