McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 18, 1883, Image 2

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-Judge not ; the workings of bis brain
And of his heart thou canst not sec ,
What looks to thy dim eyes a stain ,
In God's pure light may only bo
A scar brought from some well-worn field
Where thou wouldst only faint and yield.
The look , the air , that frets thy sight * '
May bo token that below
The soul has closed In deadly fight
With some infernal fiery foe
Whose glance would scorch thy smiling
The fall thou darcst to despise ,
May be the angel's slackened hand
Has suffered it , that ho may rise
And take a firmer , surer stand ,
Or , trusting less to earthly things
May henceforth learn to use his wings
And judge none lost , but wait and sec
With hopeful pity , not disdain ,
The depth of the abyss may be
The measure of the height of pain
And love and glory that may raise
This soul to God in after days.
" sir " said Colonel
"My only daughter , ,
onel Monteagle. "And , as I venture to
hope , accomplished in the way. We
are not much in the way of schools or
academies hero , but I have been
structor myself , and she is a thorough
mathematician , an excellent musician ,
and a-linguist of no mean capacity. We
are studying Hebrew now every day ,
she and 1 , and she devotes her evenings
to comprehensive reviews of her Latin
and Greek. She will be a scholar , sir ,
if I live to complete her education. "
Mr. Crofton looked curiously at the
oddly assorted pair ; the silver-haired ,
shabbily attired old gentleman , with
his bald forehead , eagle eye and deli
cately white hands ; and the dark
brewed , sullen looking girl , with a
gipsy skin , untidy frock and patched
boots. Pretty ? Yes , she might be pret
ty under some circumstances. The diamond
mend itself is no1 , an attractive stone
before the lapidary's art has polished
its rude angles into glittering facets of
white fire. But she certainly possesses
no sweet , feminine graces now.
"How old are you'MissMonteagle ? "
he asked , finding it imperatively neces
sary to say something.
And Mary Monteagle answered in
words , "seventeeen , " while her looks i
"None of busi
replied plainly , your
ness. "
"Go child and flowers
, my , gather some
ers to deck our humble board , " said
the old gentleman magniloquently ,
while he conducted the son of his old
friend into the tumble-down old stone
house , where the carpets were moth-
eaten , furniture mildewed , and every
trace of decayed gentility told the sad
story of better days.
Mrs. Monteagle , who had been a
beauty once , and had her portrait engraved -
-graved in a "Gallery of American
Jiosebuds , " was sitting up in state in a
'battered ' boudoir in a black silk dress
that must have been quite a quarter of
.a century old , with a flower in her sil
ver sprinkled hair , and still preserving
the girlish attitude in which the en-
* graver's pencil had immortalized her ,
oddly contrasting with the sharpened
outlines and haggard abruptness of her
.sixty odd years.
And this was the way the old couple
lived , in the dead past as it were , Colonel
nel Monteagle starving contentedly on
the recollection of his past grandeur ,
and his wife fondly fancying that time
stood still since the days in which she
had been counted worthy to be one of
the "American Rosebuds. "
Mrs. Monteagle sweetly welcomed
her guest , and touched the little hand
bell at her side.
"We will dine , Sarepta , " she said to
the maid.
"Please , ma'am , " breathlessly ut
tered that young person , "there ain't
nothin' for dinner. We eat the last of
the cold beef yesterday , and the dog he
tipped over the pan of oysters , and
"Thatjwill do , Sarepta , " said Mrs.
Monteagle , with a red spot mounting to
each of her cheek bones. "I said we
will dine ! "
And Sarepta withdrew with a jerk.
The dinner was served presently an
instance of the magnetic power of will
but there was no cold beef , neither
nvere there oysters. Fruit , a thin ,
watery soup of herbs and parsley , taste
fully garnished salad of lettuce and
mayonnaise , and a dish of peaches and .
cream formed the meal.
"Quite Arcadian ! " said Mrs. Mont-
-eagle , with a giggle.
"And very badly served , " secretly
commented Mr. Crofton to himself.
"But the salad was nice. "
"Where is Mary ? " the colonel asked.
"Drinking in the beauties of the sun
set , I presume , " the lady answered air
ily. "The poor child has an artist's
souli and we do not tie her down to any
hours or rules. "
The colonel fell asleep in his chair
: after dinner , Mrs. Monteagle and her
painted fab. * withdrew themselves into
the boudoir , and Mr. Crofton , inwardly
bewailing himself that he had promised
to stay a week atMonteagle manor ,
sauntered out upon "the heights which
overlooked the valley below. As he
. teed there a rustling sounded in the
bushes and the dark brewed gypsy
sprang up the hillside.
"You have a fine , place here , Miss
JMonteaglo , " he said , by way of making a
himself agreeable. a
"I hate it ! " said Mary , darkly. n
"I beg your pardon ? " exclaimed si
2dr. Crofton hi amazement.
"I do ! " flashed the girl ; "I hate it
all ! The learning and the povertyand
the grand pretenses and the miserable
anaJJe-shifts. "
"But "
"Ah ! " said "
Mary Monteagle , "you
don't know it all. You never heard the
tradesmen howling at the back doors
like a pack of howling wolves ; you
don't know that the house is advertised
for sale for tax arrears. How should
you ? How should you be aware that
the very clothes we wear are not paid
for , nor the coals that cook our dinner ?
Papa smokes his cigars and talks about
the Mexican war ; and mamma p'oses in
the great chair and dreams of embroid
ery work and tapestry stitch ; and I I
am expected to learn Arabic and San-
scrift , and nobody knows what elseand
ignore our wretched poverty. But I
can't ! Who could ?
Mr. Crofton looked pityingly at the
girl's sparkling eyes , and pale , excited
face."I am sorry to hear this , " said lie.
"Can nothing be done ? "
"Yes , " said Miss Monteagle brus
quely , "Something can be done and I
am 'doing it , in so far as I can. . Bu
papa and mamma must not be allowe
to suspect it. I am learning a trade
"You ! " he echoed. "A trade ! "
"There's a factory near by here , " sh
said , calmly. "The country girls earn
a little pocket money there sewing on
shirts. I am to have a machine as soon
I have learned to manage it. I gi
every evening while papa fancies I am
at the Greek and Latin , to farmer Pel
ham's whose wife teaches me the use o :
the machine. I am learning housi
work , too. I made the mayonnaise fo :
your salad to-day , and I baked thi
bread. Our servant can do nothing o
the sort. But it would kill mamma to
think that I had stooped , as she would
call it , to menial labor. "
"You are quite right , " said Mr
"That is what I wanted to know , '
said Mary , hastily. ' Because , living
here all by myself , in such a strange
unnatural atmosphere , I sometimes ge
confused , and scarcely know right from
wrong. "
"But they will have to know it
when "
"When I really go into the factory , '
said Mary. "Yes , I know that. Bu
until then , I would fain spare them the
pang. I am to have a dollar a dayMrs.
Helham says , if I operate the machine
skillfully. And a dollar a day will buy
mamma many a little luxury , and go
toward paying the grocer and baker.
"You are a node girl , " saidJfMr
Crofton , warmly ; and in his eye , at that
moment , Mary Monteagle was glorified
with rare beauty , as she stood there , the
fresh wind blowing her jetty curls
about , the reflection of orange sunstt
deepening the color on her cheek , and
the grave , far away sparkle of her eye
half veiled beneath the long lashes :
And if I could be of any assistance to
you in this task "
"You can , " said the girl , abruptly ,
"you can stay here and amuse papa so
bhat he shall "not suspect what occupies
my time. You can divert his attention
from Sanscrit and Arabic and all these
mysteries. "
And for the first time in his experi-
jnce of her , Mary Monteagle laughed
i mellow , birdlike laugh.
"I will , " said Mr. Crofton , heartily.
And so the compact was sealed be-
ween them.
Instead of the week he had promised
lis father to spend with old Colonel
Honteagle , the sojourn was extended to
hree. At the end of tliat period he
jravely addressed himself to. the dark-
> yed daughter of the house.
"How is the trade ? " said he.
"I am to have a'machine next week , "
laid Mary , with the conscious pride of
me who has conquered fate ; "and then ,
> nly think of it , Mr. Crofton , I shall
sarn a dollar a day ! "
' Mary , " said Mr. Crofton seriously ,
1 'I have been thinking of another planer
or you. You tell me this farmer's
vife has made a first-class housekeeper
if you. "
"I baked nice pies yesterday ! " said
Jary , exultantly ; 'and I have quilted
i quilt and made soft soap , within the
reek ! "
"I don't like the idea of your going
nto a factory , ' " said Mr. Crofton.
'Suppose now , by way of variety , you
rere to marry me ? "
"But you are not in love with me ! "
aid Mary , opening her bright black
"But I am , " said Mr. Crofton , with
Teat gravity. I have deliberately
aade up my mind that I can't be happy
rithout you. And althongh I don't
irofess to be a rich man I believe I can
lake you a better allowance than six
.ollars a week , while at the same time
ou will not be compelled to work ten
lours a day for it. That is the busi-
iess-like view of the question. Now to
he more personal one. Don't you
liink , Mary , that you could love me ?
Jecause I love you very mucn in-
eed ! "
"I I don't know , " whispered Mary.
'I ' might try. "
And then she blushed charmingly.
So Colonel Monteagle's daughter
rent to'the fair Floridian plantation on
tie shores of the river St. John , and
stonished every one with her thorough
nowledge of house-keeping in all its
etails. And the two old people , with
heir burden of insolvency and care
ifted off their lives , dwell quietly on ,
i the ancient tower-like house , and
ilk to everybody wiio crosses their
ath of "the excellent marriage which
ly daughter Mary has contracted. "
"A thorough scholar , " says Colonel
lonteagle , with.dignity. "A musician ,
linguist , : t thorough Hebrew student ,
nd proficient m Latin and Greek. I
lyself was her instructor. It is not
mgular that a girl of such intellectual
ewer should marry well. "
But Colonel Monteagle , honest man ,
ever dreamed that it was a sewing ma-
hine and soft soap , the mayonnaise
ressing , and vehement struggle to get
ree from debt , which conquered Mr. > p
Crofton's heart. There are plenty of
scholars and poetesses in the world ;
but a real womanly woman is not her
price far above rubies ?
Your Height and Weight.
Buffalo commercial.
You ask a very practical question :
'How much should a person of given
height weigh ? Is there a standard be
tween height and weight ? A healthy
child , male or female , grows in length
by more than one-half its size during
the first two years ; it increase from 50
per cent (19.685 inches ) to about 79 per
cent (31.10 inches. ) It trebles or quad
ruples its weight ; that is to say , it
weighs 3 to 4 kil. at birth ( equals 7 * to
10 pounds ) ; 10 kil. (25 pounds ) in the
first year ; 12 kil. (30 .pounds ) in the
second. On the average , a child ( from
6 months to 8 years ) grows in length
about G per cent each year ( equal 2.4622
inches ) ; the weight of the body goes on
increasing to the 8th year , rising in
boys to 20 kil. (50 pounds ) and in girls
to 19 kil. (47J pounds ) . From this age
(8 years ) until puberty boys increase
in height 55 per cent (2.165 feet ) each
year , reaching at the age of 12 years 'a
height of 138 per cent ( over 4.52 feet )
and girls 135 per cent (4.421 feeO on
an average. Boys gain about 2 kil. (5
pounds ) in weight per year , girls a lit
tle more , so that in the 12 year children
of both sexes weigh , on an average ,
about 30 kil. (75 pounds ) . From 13 to
20 years youths grow some 80 per cent
(11.8 } , girls 20 per cent (1.8 inches ) .
The increase of weight is even more
rapid than before , reaching 28 kil. (145
pounds ) in boys 18 years old , and in
girls of the same age 51 kil.
(127J pounds ) . In the 25th
year the man is 168 cent , ( over 51-2 feet
in height ) , and weighs 53 kil. (157 1-2
pounds ) , while the woman is 157 cent.
(5.15 feet in height ) , and weighs 54kil.
(127 1-2 pounds ) . Man in the 40th
year attains his maximum weight , G3.6
kil. (159 pounds ) , and then begins to
lose flesh. Women continue to grow
heavier , reaching about 56 kil. (140
pounds ) , until the 50th year. Between
45 and 60 men become more corpulent
and women rapidly grow older ; in both
the size of the body diminishes. "
It is desirable for all persons ,
whether suffering in health or other
wise , to know as near as possible what
the normal weight should be. We are
indebted to thelate Dr. Hutchinson for
weighing alone 2,600 men of various
ages. There is , indeed , an obvious re
lation between the height and weight so
particularly weighed and measured.
Starting with the lowest men in the ta
bles , it will bo found that the increased
weight was as nearly as possible five
pounds for every inch in height beyond
sixty-one inches.
The following figures show the rela
tive height and weight of individuals
measuring five feet and upward :
Weight , Ibs.
Five feet one inch should be 120
Five feet two inches should be 126
Five feet three inches , should be 133
Five feet four inches should be 136
Five feet five inches should be 142
Five feet six inches should be 1431 i
Five feet seven incdes should bo 148' ' '
Five feet eight inches should be 15T
Five feet nine inches should be 162
Five feet ten inches should he 1G9
Five feet eleven inches should be. . . " 17-i
Sixfeet should be 178
Congressman Belford.
Washington Letter.
The best of the Belford stones is cur-
tent this week. Belford is the redheaded
ed , red-bearded , red-nosed congress
man who has represented the greatstate
of Colorado all alone for years in the
lower house of congress. He is a rough-
and-ready wit of the wild western variety
with a high-toned voice , a Large and
raried vocabulary and some very re
markable gestures. Like every con
gressman , he thirsts for fame. He
blows good mineSjgoocl farms and good
liquor when he sees theniholds his own
it the bar , and in politics represents his
state with commendable fidelity. He
: ells a good anecdote and a bad story
occasionally , and reads Latin and Greelc
ike an old-time professor. He was
) nce counsel for the defendant in a
Denver case in which Secretary Teller's
jrother was counsel for the plaintiff.
Ehecase was an interesting oneaml both
vere excited. Belford was rather per-
ional in his reply to Teller's opening
speech. He made the jury and the
uidienco laugh at some of Teller's little
jcculiarities. Teller said nothing.
kVhen he came to close , howeverhe de-
roted a few minutes specially to Bel-
brd. "Gentlemen of the jury , " he
laid , "my brother hera , Mr. Belford ,
las been seriously concerned recently
m the subject of religion. It has cost
lirn many wakeful nights. He has
hought of it. The other day he carried
lis fears -and hopes to an old Baptist
ninister , his life-long friend. After a
eng conversation his friend said to him
hat he seemed to be in a very hopeful
itate. So well advanced was he that
he good old man thought him worthy
) f baptism. 'That is the first ceremony
tpon admission t your church , is it
iot ? ' asked Belford. 'Yes , ' said the
enerable clergyman. 'And how will
t be administered1 asked Belford.
As is usual in our church , ' said his
riend , 'by immersion. ' 'Then , ' said
Jelford , very sorrowfully , 'I must stay
mtside ; I could not consent to disap-
from view. ' " Bel-
> ear so long public -
ord had to join in the loudest laugh of
he day.
A New York'peach grower finds that
ly removing a portion of the crop
vhen young the .remainder will be
arger , measure more and bring a higher
> rice.
This is a good opportunity for pack- a
og butter for winter use , and good , a
lean stone jars are the best for the pur- isb
ose. b
Seated ouo day at the organ ,
I was weary and 111 at ease ,
And my fingers wandered idly
Over the noisy keys.
I do not know what I was playing ,
Or what I was dreaming then ;
But I struck one chord of music
Like the sound of a great Amen.
It flooded the crimson twilight
J/.ko the close of an angel's psalm ,
And it lay on my fevered spirit
With a touch of infinite calm. .
It quieted pain and'sorrow ,
Like love overcoming strife ;
It seemed the harmonious echo
From our discordant life.
It linked all perplexed meanings
Into one perfect peace ,
And trembled away In silence
As If it were loath to cease.
1 have sought , but I seek It vainly.
That one lost chord divine ,
That came from the soul of the organ
And entered into mine.
It maybe that death's bright angel
Will speak in that chord again ,
It may be that only in heaven
I shall hear that grand Amen.
Farmers Should Know the Brocdn.
Farm , Field and Fireplace.
Farmers who have not familiarized
themselves with the breeds of sheep
should bear in mind that they are be
hind the buyers , who can tell at a few
moments' examination exactly what
kind of sheep from which the wool was
sheared , and it is desired. The buyers
know the breeds , the kind of wool
peculiar to each breed , and all about
them , for it is "business. " A farmer
would sneer at a carpenter who profess
ed to be a carpenter and yet who could
not do a piece of work in that line ; and
yet wo venture to say there are hundreds
of farmers who profess to be farmers ,
who would be insulted if their knowl
edge of their business were questioned ,
but who , at- the same time , cannot tell
as much about the products of the farm
as many of those who know nothing of
farm lite. There are hundreds of farm
ers who are not able to distinguish
breeds of sheep , and who do not know
the particular purposes for which a
breed is most suitable , and still they
pride themselves on their calling as a
business which they intend to make
profitable. If such farmers could be
brought to a realization of the fact that
they are really deficient in knowl
edge , it would be to their interests to
do so. Every year we witness the ship
ment of the products of the farm to
market where the buyer fives the
grade , although he has had no experi
ence on the farm. Farmers as a class
are not business-like , for they rely too
much upon the judgment of others. It
is not intended to imply that they
should not seek the advice of others ,
but when the farmer surrenders every
thing to hard work , we insist that he
should begin to educate himself in
syery possible way in order to improve
liis chances.
The Great Pasture Grasu.
A correspondent of the County Gen-
ieman proclaims rye the great pasture
jrass. He says : Rye can be grazed for
jrears all the season as a permanent pas
ture grass. In a two or three days visit
icar Adrian , Mich. , the fact came to
ny knowledge that rye had , in that
country , been regularly grazed ne a
pasture grass for three years in succes
sion , affording good pasture to the end
) f that period. Eye is very hardy ,
leep rooting and vigorous grass , and
jrows freely and vigorously on almost
my soil ; even when , it is very different
0 grow the finer ordinary pasture
'raises in dry seasons , and since it
akes several years to establish a good
jompact grazing soil with the best
grasses , why is it not preferable to
) lant the hardy rye , which can be
jrazcdor five or six seasons as readily
is for t\vo or three , when it is not
.llowed to become an annual by form-
ng seeds heads ? llye gives early
pring feed and late fall grazing , if the
and be in a moderately good condition.
i'or ewes and lambs no grass will sup-
ily earlier feed.
A. Good Chicken Fence.
Mr. F. E Bishop , in Poultry Messen-
; er , gives the following plan for con
tracting a poultry fence : "Take
ommou fence-boards , rip them in two ;
hen take three short pieces , three feet
eng , and nail one to each end of the
\vo pieces and one in the middle ; it is
hen a panel of the length desired ; now
tail on lath three inches apart. The
ray I fasten is by a wire around the
iost and the end of the panel. Where
here is not much wind a post at each
nd will do , but one in the middle may
e necessary. The panel fence can be
loved ver } * readily. I also make a
snce by setting posts thirty feet apart ,
lien , stretching plain fence wire from
no post to the other. One wire is six
iches from the ground and the other
iiirty inches higher. Then I stretch
small wire ( binding wire ) parallel
rith the other two , and one between
he large wires. Laths are then wove
1 as close as may be desired. The large
dre must be made fast to the post with
taples , and the small ones left loose
ill the laths are in place , when the wire
liould be drawn tight.
The Compost Heap.
The Massachusetts Ploughman ,
mong other thinga' , talks suggestively
bout the compost heap , saying that it
; a good plan to have one for the
cnefit of the farm. The compost heap
may be made of road scrapings , the
acourings of ditches , the' cleanings of
ponds , clippings from banks and hedge
rows , scrapings and sweopiugs of farm
yards , garden refuse , house refuse , and
indeed all sorts of rubbish may be ad
ded to a compost heap. Even weeds
will decay and then help to swell the
material for enriching the land. The
heap should occasionally be covered
over with a layer of lime , and a layer
of salt now and then is also a good ad
dition. These materials are beneficial
in themselves , and keep weeds from
seeding on the top of the heap. The
compost should bo turned over from
time to time , and when well mixed the
land may be dressed with it either in
spring or autumn.
Toionto Globe.
Glanders in horse is marked by a
peculiar dcposit.with sores on the mem
brane of the nose , and in the lungs and
elsewhere. The acute form results from
inoculation , or in. weak , worn-out ani
mals. Exhausting diseases , bad air and
overwork are among the causes favora
ble for its production. The symptous
of the acute form are langour , loss of
appetite , red watery eyes , dry staring
coat , quick pulse and breath , colored
patches in the nose , watery discharges
from that organ , and sometimes drop
sical swellings In the limbs and joints.
Destroy the Germs.
The New York Times suggests that
farmers steep their seed wheat in some
caustic solution that will destroy the
germs or rust and smut. These sub
stances destroy the spores or seeds of
the minute plants that produce the dis
eases. Smut is rapidly increasing , and
precautions should be taicen to prevent
Frosted Corn.
Says the American Cultivator : "The
anxiety about frosted corn par
tially relieved by the fact that when un
timely frost comes the grain robs the
stalk to perfect itself. Hence there will
be more and better grain than is now-
expected , but the fodder will possess
less feeding value. "
The Household.
CUCU3IBEU CATSUP. Pare one dozen
large , ripe cucumbers ; take out the
seeds and grate the cucumbers ; make
a bag of thin muslin ; put them in it
and hang them up to drain over night ;
chop two or three onions , two or three
green prppuns add a tablt'gpoonful of
Halt and the thin substance left , in the
bag ; on quart of Ilia best vinegar is
A NICE PICKLE. Slice sonio green
tomatoes , sprinkle with stilt , let btund
over night , then drain off the juice.
Add to the tonil < es a few onions , some
horseradish , ami chop fine. Boil a lit
tle bag of spices in vinegar , tidd white
mustard seed , and pour over the mix
ture. Good cabbage and cucumbers ,
chopped with the tomatoes and onions ,
some think an improvement.
TOMATO CATSUP. A bushel of ripe
tomatoes cut up and cooked thoroughly :
strain through a sieve when cold ; add
three quarts vinegar , one pint and a
half of salt , three ounces each of whole
cloves and allspice , three ounces white
and black peppcrone and a half ounces
cayenne pepper , twelve onions boiled
whole in it for several hours ; watching
and stirring for fear of burning. It
need not boil hard.but .simmer steadily.
When cool , bottle , after removing the
onions when they have well flavored
the mixture ; keep in a cool , dry place.
BAKED TOMATOES. Cut a thin slice
from the stem end of ripe tomatoes ,
then with a pointed knife cut out the
green fibre from the centre , and fill the
orifice with a mixture of equal parts of
finely chopped onion , breadcrumbs and
butter , well seasoned with pepper and
salt ; cover this with breadcrumbs or
cracker dust , and upon each one lay a
small pat of butter ; place them in a
baking pan in about a gill of water ; bake
in a moderate oven for about an hour ,
then remove with an egg slicer ; place
on a hot dish ; pour Avhatever juice re
mains in the pan over them , and serve
A good way to prevent dust when
sweeping a room it to cover the broom
with a cloth slightly dampened. The dust
ivill be easily removed by this means ,
and not dispersed about the room.
Moreover , it will be found that the
solors of the carpet will be brightened
by this means far more than by ordinary
sweeping ; and after a good broom has
been used in the usual way it will be
Found an excellent plan that the ser
vant go over the carpet again with a
lamp cloth. The colors of a faded car
pet can be restored by washin it
) ver with ammonia water or
aullock's gall. In rooms where the
, vood\vork is painted it is always well
: o have an inch of or two of the floor
painted also , so that if , in chanoinf
iarpets , they do not fit exactly it ° vifi
iot be so noticeable as if a , white hue
, vcre shown.
Give not thy tougue too great lib-
jrty , lest it take thec prisoner. A word
inspoken is , like the sword in the scab-
jard , thine. If vented , thy sword is
n another's hand. If thou desire to be
icld wise , be so wise as to hold thy
ongue. [ Quailcs.
A fruit-grower who has tried the use
} f a solution of Paris green for killino-
ese bugs on grapes , states that it put
in end to the depredations of insects ,
jut ruined the
grape blossom ,
ind leaf. grape
Of all the actions of a man's life Shis
uarriage does least
concern other peo-
) le , yet of all actions of our life 'tis
nest meddled with by other people.
Selden. is most productive of mal-iria ?
L ' squeaky-voiced sonrano. [ The
'ud ° c.