McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 11, 1883, Image 8
GliiZENS' SANK OF McGOOK -DOES A GKXKKAL BANKING BUSINES Collections mjide on all nccessiblo points. Drafts drawn directly on thu principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-llesidents. 51onty to loan on Fanning Lands , Village undgcrsonal , " property. Fire Insurance a specialty. . Tickets for Sale to and from Europe , i .7. W.DOLAX , OFriCEES President. : A.i Vir > t Ketionul Hunk. Lincoln , Neb. V. Fit AN KLIN. Vlwi 1'rusltlent. tJtJi' 'Cha o Nhtionul Itanfr , Now York. W. F. WALLACE , Cashier. . HOCKNELL , . -ERQPIUETOttS. OF Tlin- ir il DEALERS. I LUMBER , . LIME.CEMENT , SASM , . DOORS , BLINDS &COAL , ' " ' - YARDS KcCook , ludian ola , Cambridge , . Arapahpc , . and Oxfordj , THE ; R , & M , PHAKMACT. GOMPBHTE I3SE OF * e Winvs and Licnwrs Strictly for PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED , EITHER DAK QE 2a Tansilfs Punchy Ameprca's Finest ? 5c. Cigar , JOHNSON , . MeGOOK.NBB3 ; great Wesieni Eurniiure Emporium. i .s. ' = , r W- J rl = - ° - " 8 s - C1 g K- O f § . ° : ° . "s : i 3r s" ir "i 11 E - § 2 ? s = rj ? . ti - ' < a' - < n3 J. . , Proprietor , McCGQK , NEB. , HERE WE ARE F PEEPAEEP 1LO n.OrA L ZINPS 0 JOB BEJNTJNG STTCHIAS- tetter He&ds Statements , Note ; Hkds , Envelopes , Bill Heads ; . Card&i Posters Dodgers , . Notes Checfe arid Receipts. Ball ; ami Wjeddiacj Stationery Etc. , Etc. . JOB OFFICE ! S ENTIRELY NEW And we are'.ag.fiue n-ork as Jjincoln ou.0u.iahu , and at prices te suit all. TRIBUNE JO& OFFICE. O | ! f .Kt > r fT * O't t . Hayden & McCartney Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE , , . Boots and Shoes , . Clothing , Nats- and Caps , Fancy and Staple Groceries. Hams.Bacon , Lord , Flour , Com Meal. Fine Tobacco and Cigars. Next-door to Post-Office. 9-yry ! , LUMBER LUMBER I , constantly on hand u complete stock of Mt -CALL , AND- EXAMINE CUE STOCK And GKT 11RICES before purchasing , and boar in mind that .to.- , those w.lio aie prepared to pay We can afford to. makc the. best figures. McCook , Nebraska. 27 BABGOCK This FKrar is Warranted to Ue - The Finest ifn the Market. HAYDEN1 & WcCftRTNEY , , Agents . Mc@ook ; . - - Nebraska : HOW WE BUILD fl NEW CITY IN THE EAE : WEST , AND i OFFBE BARB OH FOK' . THE : : , . TRIBESMAN THE TOVVNOF'MCOOK ; Willow County , Nebraska , has been surveyed , and cts in the mai-Ket , for jnst one yea ? and has now -population ) f 1000 people. This point has been- designated by the 0. . JB. fc Q v as -DIVISION. . STATION 'bet ween the AQSS0UBI iVEK. & DENVER , where , the priuiapaLslioptf , a 15 stall oraid housa and otJier R. R. facilitiesliavc been located on ? he- Denver Line. A complete system of water works rdstinir 85,000 being : com . . p.ieted . , givingall1 _ _ * _ _ the _ . _ * facilities _ _ _ _ * _ . _ * _ forT _ . " * -k-t- I 4 11 J \ ft - -I I U \T Y Tt T i fr sr * e t \ - - - * * r - ft - ± ( > . . . _ . _ . . . . . . * " - - - * - * - j ' ' * - ' - A A. .X. ' * m. % % * \ A * v * A.A. vr T Vb l A * A. A. X * V X. * - * - \ ) ± more than three hundred .per cent , in from one to five velars. * " " ' " * ' * - - - - - - - - - - - McCook , Nebraska ; . * 4 P1LELPS , Ilangr. RfpnMIfiin vnllcy4 miles wesl of < * ul- biTiMin. Miuth ulilc Itanubllcan ri\-i > r. " .Sloe'v hruiuliM Itil nntl 711L. I' . I ) . Aildrew. r " son .X ; b. FOi : SALK. My ranse of U < ii iicrcs of iWriW t.iml in f > iit > hHiy , Inuuflliii ; ilui illaci.nuti-ai'yilol'l In * ; . IiitidA : tlnilwrand watLTwlili two KC"d fiirm hoo. " - ami otherIniprovcinrut.H. . CVnvrnfunt to No. one niliool prirlh-iiiM SItuatiMl tirttm Ileputilli-nii vaIi-v ) Heat of UcJ Willow creek. . Gallon or uJiln- " " . J. K. 1JLACIC. ied Willow.l . HENKY T-CHUltCH. Oi-hora4fi > . llun/rc : Itcil Willow crook ic pouthwcst eornerof Frontier Co.cuttIebnimJ- - ol"r.O"onrUlitsilc. Alou.unovi'rcnipor i . . , . . . . Hinder ciop on It-It. Mortismtinj-- 8" on rijht shouldi-r.- - " -ivL W. J. WILSON. Stock brand circle on left flmnldcr ; ainq dcw ! r and a crop and under half crop on left ear , and ac-n-i and under hit In the rljfht. IJancli on the CvpvbHrsu I'08toflli'c,31ax. l\mdy \ county , Ktbnului. Hi-J . McCook. Neb. . Hunch 4 miles pouth-wst > ' aepublicnnj > ver. Stock brmnled with n barT 5fcCookNHb. , ranpo : Hcd WiHow crook It inutliwcst corner of Krontit-r county. AMO , 'bnmdon rijtJiMiipandjiideiindswallow-fork n right ear. linreesbruiuied E ? on ri'trlit hip V few braiKlutl "A" on right liip. 4 The- Turnip , * Brand. . Ranch . mik-s north of Me oof. Stock braniJ- d on leJt hip , ard a few double crus on left 8i < l - . l--J'ly. C. 1) . KltCAMIKACK. Bcrnns' Guroz , Nb. . S4 , Fall and Winter , 1883 , OTfce wholesale prices direct to consumers on everything you use , eat , drink , wear , or have fun with. Tells how to. order with exact cost , 216 pages large ones 3,300 c illustrations a whole picture-gallery. Contains information gleaned from the markets of the world. No- other price-book in existence contains aa'miich information , ' Sentfreetonnyad- dre3suponreociptofpostage(7cts ) . lictus hear from yon.-or visit us when in our city. Near Exposition Buildin < fH. JRespectf < illv MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. & 229 Wabaah Avenue , Chicago , Il > SUBSCEIBB FOR Fhe TRIBUNE 82.0O PER YEAR. ,