McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 11, 1883, Image 6

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A. B. COFJmOTH , Publisher.
MoCOOK , : : : \ NEB
Doniphan Index : A thousand dollars
have been raised at Kenesaw for the erec
tion of a Freewill Baptist church , and the
groundhas only been partially canvassed.
It is thought that enough will be raised to
build .1 fine church. The house when
erected Twill be occupied , in common , by
the churches holding services in that town.
Tecumseh Journal : E. Keplinger
met with a very narrow escape Tuesday
while leading a cow. The animal became
unmanageable , and after knocking Kep.
down , began'hooking and stamping him.
He was dug out of about eight inches of
mud , with one finger broken , and the entire
eft hand badly bruised.
Broken Bow-is to have a new school-
. house.
A stock and agricultural exhibition is
to be held at Broken Bow in a few weeks.
New rollers , to cost § 5,000 , are to be
put into David City's flouring mill.
Mrs. Neff , a lady of sixty-nine years ,
sustained a broken leg by being thrown from
a wagon , .near Lincoln on Wednesday. The
injury necessitated amputation , and It is
feared she will not recover.
A member of the Omaha board of
education has sued out an injunction to re
strain the hiring of music and drawing
teachers in the Omaha schools ; also to pro
hibit hiring teachers from abroad while
"local talent" is Idle.
Blair Republican : Saturday morning
last John J. Cooper , an old and well-known
resident of this city , employed in Bendorf's
brick yard , west of town , met with a well
nigh fatal accident. He was digging under
a bank of clay , and at the instant he turned
to throw shovelful in a cart standing by
the bank fell , throwing him violently for
ward as it struck his back , and his face
coming in contact with some of its timbers
or corners was crushed and torn terribly.
He was taken to his home in Dexter's
addition , and Doctors Taylor and Bedal
were called. The found the upper jaw
fractured and the lower broken In three
places. Dentist Smith bored through it
and wire was inserted to hold it in place.
* His condition is precarious , all nourishment
being conveyed to the stomach through a
tube , but as he has sustained no
vital injuries , Dr. Taylor has hopes of his
recovery. Mr. Cooper has a family who
were dependent on his earnings , and his
friends and others subscribed quite a sum
for their assistance , to which more will be
The , mother of Prof. McEinnon , oi
Lincoln , took a large dose of carbolic acid
the other day by mistake Prompt applica
tion of antidotes saved her life.
Ord has killed its first rat. None
had ever been seen there till then.
FairfieldHerald : Mr. M. L. Byrkit
while hunting on the Sandy Tuesday even
ing noticed two ducks of a strange variety ,
quite as large as the Mallard duck , migrat
ing southward , and apparently after
a long flight were anxious to set
tle down , for a night's rest. In [ a
short time they approached within gun shot
and he succeeded in killing the pair. After
his return home , in the crop of one was
found 52 little fishabout 1 > inches in length
declared by our best judges to be black bass.
The fish froni indications had not been cap
tured more than twelve hours previous , and
as none of that variety are found for hun
dreds of miles northward , it is evident that
the ducks had made a very long journey dur-
inglthe day it seems almost incredible that
one duck could devour such a basket of food
and though a "fish story" yet nevertheless
ttue. _
October Crop Report.
PUOTSMOUTII , October 2 , 1883. )
To Correspondents and Friends :
The , Nebraska state board of agriculture
intends to issue at am early day-a full report ,
giving acreage and other desirable informa
tion as to stock , etc. Daniel H. Wheelei ,
| state statistical agent , 'has sent the following
- to the United States department of agricul
ture at Washington , which is a summary of
reports received from local agents in the dif
ferent counties :
Wheat average yield per acre , 17K bush
els ; average quality , compared with last-
yar ! , 103 per cent. Eye average yield per
acre , 20 ; average quality , compared with
last year , 0K. ! ) Oats average yield per
acre , 44 ; average quality , compared with
last year , 100. Barley average yield per
acre , 30 ; average quality , compared with
last year , ' 90 ; buckwheat , condition , 100 ;
potatoes ( Irish ) , condition , 95 ; potatoes
( sweet ) , condition , 90 ; corn , condition ,
100 ; orchards , condition , 100 ; flax , con
dition , 100 ; sorghum , condition , 100 ; cattle ,
condidon , 100.
State Statistical Agent.
Boston liloods.
Mr. C. S. Hollis , Veterinary Surgeon ,
Boston , Mass. , certifies that he has
made the great pain-cure , St. Jacobs
Oil , the sole remedy in his practice for
horse ailments , and considers it superi
or to any cure he has known in forty
years * He tried the same great pain-
banislier on himself -rheumatism
and by which-he was completely cured.
The weakest spot in any man is
where he thinks himself the strongest.
Now is the time when the chubby reed
bird dies. [ N. Y. News. j <
Goes without saying the deaf and (
dumb alphabet. [ PhiladelphiaHerald. (
The news dealers of Now York refuse
to sell the large dallies at the reduced prices
of publishers and adhere to five cents a copy.
They declare they are factors In the circula
tion of the newspapers and must be consid
ered such.
Three inches of snow fell in parts oi
Maine on Monday.
New York sold 1,250,000 of the new
2 cent stamps the firat day and Chicago 350-
A severe frost on Sunday-night did
severe damage to grapes and vegetables near
i Kansas City had a severe rainstorm
Monday night , many houses being flooded
and others blown down by the "wind.
The democratic ticket won , as a gen
eral thing , at the Boston municipal election
on Monday.
A severe wind storm at Lexington ,
Ky. , Sunday afternoon blew down the Cin
cinnati Southern engine house , took off the
roofs of the First. National bank. Press
office and Baker & Mason's warehouse.
Forshee's tobacco warehouse was demol
ished. No lives lost.
In the Connecticut town elections on
Monday the republicans are reported to
have made large gains.
A pupil in a shrieking fit caused a
stampede in a New York grammar school
Tuesday , during which an alarm of fire was
turned in. By the time the firemen arrived
the pupil had nearly all gotten out without
Pillsbury & Hulbert's elevator , at
Harwood , D. T. , burst Tuesday by the
pressure of 60,000 bushels of wheat therein.
Most of the grain was saved.
Mitchell and Sheriff fought seven
rounds in a secluded spot on Long Island
Tuesday afternoon , without attaining any
Christine Nilsson arrived in New York
from Europe onTuesday. .
John Hoey , of the Adams express
cgmpany of New York , advertises caution
ing people not to cash drafts , checks , etc. ,
upon him made by his son George , givingias
a reason that the young man is of unsound
Bancroft , the historian , was 83 years
old on Wednesday and celebrated the even
at Newport.
The Canada Pacific railroad authori
ties have issued a circular directing that con
ductors shall not allow passengers to turn
over the seat or anyone to take a parcel o
any kind into the car , even lunch baskets
being rigidly excluded.
KA fire in Hahnemann hospital , Chicago
cage , on Friday night caused general alarm
among the patients , and damage amounting
to $7,000. The library was destroyed.
A locoiiotive ran into a street-car at
Philadelphia on Friday evening at a cross
ing and demolished it. The car was full of
passengers , and two of them were fatally
injured , all being more or less hurt. It was
i bob-tail car , and the driver claims he
jould not do all required.
Tliere is a bitter temperance war in
{ Vashington , the prohibition people making
in attempt to prevent the issue of licenses
; o about 1,500 saloon keepers who have been
ndictcd for selling without a license.
Minneapolis was visited by a severe
; hunder storm on Sunday night , during
ivhich a large sash and blind factory was
( truck by lightning and burned , occasioning
i loss of $63,000.
A dummy car was derailed-in Chicago
Sunday afternoon and one passenger fatally
njured , eight others receiving slight bruises.
Dallas , Tex. , had a terrible conflag-
ation in the cotton pressing district on Sat
irday , destroying ninety buildings and en-
ailing a loss of about $400,000.
A second mortgage of § 20,000,000 on
; 11 the property of the Northern Pacific is
.bout to be issued.
Memphis suffered damage amount-
Dg to $172,000by fire on Sunday afternoon ,
. large dry goods house and a numbei of
ainor establishments being burned out.
In a St. Joseph , Mo. , saloon en Mon-
lav night Dan Dillon , anotorious bully , was
hot dead by a farmer whom he had insulted.
Sunday night between 1 and 2 o'clock
our men entered the store of Cohen & Ro-
enthal on Washington avenue , South Miu-
eapolls , and carried away ready-made
lothing valued at $2,000 , using drays to
art the goods away. Two policemen saw
tie men in the store , but were afraid to at-
ick them , and while one went to headquar-
2rs for assistance the thieves became fright-
ned and escaped.
Mrs. Bailey , aged 45 years , wife of a
ommercial traveler , and her daughter , 1(5
eirs , were found dead in a cornfield near
lonmouth , 111. , Tuesday morning , and
rom a note found on the person of the
lother it was evident she had killed her
aughter with a razor and then took her
wn life with the same weapon. The
aughter had been demented since her
irth and the mother had of late given her-
2lf up to brooding over her daughter's con-
ition , which impelled her to the awful
Burglars entered the postoffice at
loucesterMass. . , Monday night , broke
pen the safe and stole the entire contents ,
insisting of $1,450 in money , 572 postage
-amps , the book of postal notes , number
105 to 500 inclusive , a note of C. W. Coch-
rane for $0,900 , the Gloucester gas light
company's certificates for 10 shares of the
Boston gas light company's stock , an unreg
istered bond of the New Mexico & Southern
'Pacific railroad company for $1,000 , two
$1,000 unregistered bonds of the N. Y. & N.
E. railroad car trust company , certificates
for fourteen shares of the Gloucester gas
light company and other valuable securities.
Dr. E. A Cross , the murderer of Dr.
II. B. McCune at Council Bluffs , was ad
mitted to ball on Wednesday In the amount
of $15,000 to await action of the grand jury
In December.
L. B. Hitchcock , formerly of Hitch
cock. McCroery & Co. , grain merchants ,
and one of the most prominent and wealthy
citizens of Pittsburg , Pa. , has disappeared
mysteriously from his home , and nothing
has been heard of him. His health has not
been good of late. It Is feared that while
laboring under aberration of mind he com
mitted suicide , or haslmet with foul play.
A. Holmgren , an aged Scandinavian
atllockford , 111. , on Wednesday morning
committed suicide in his bed-chamber by
placiog the muzzle of a shot-gun to his
mouth and discharging the contents in his
brain. His head was blown nearly off. He
was said to be insane.
James McSteen was hanged at Pitts-
burg , Pa. , on Thursday for the murder of
his wife in June , last year.
John K. Snyder , president of the Ex
change bank of Chenoa , 111. , who made an
assignment a few days ago , was arrested
Thursday and taken to Bloomington on the
charge of swindling and embez'zlement ,
preferred by two of his creditors , who assert
that he received funds knowing the bank to
be insolvent.
Detectives passed through Chicago
Thursday night for Tilden , Texas , in charge
of a man named Charles Young , who is
wanted for the murder of a man named
O'Donnell in November , 1878. The pris-
er was arrested on a ranch seventy miles
south of llawlins , on the Union Pacific rail
road , where he was living with a Mrs. Cas
tro , having driven the husband of the
woman away. It is told of Young that he
and his brother carried on the career of
brigandage in the south western part of Tex
as for a number of years robbing stages.
The murder of O'Donnell resulted in their
being driven from the country.
A Waco ( Texas ) special says : Ad
vices from Gatesville say , near there some
time ago the son-in-law of Mrs. Shaw lost
his wife and turned over his little two-year-
old child to his grandmother to cure for.
He married again and took the child. Mrs.
Snaw , aggrieved by the loss , suicided last
Wednesday by lashing herself in a very in
genious manner to a stone fence. She first
saturated her head and clothes wlth , kero
sene and then applied a match. When (
fouad she was dead. The body was hor-
riblv burned.
The public debt was reduced during
September $707,279.
The commissioner of the general land
oflice has cancelled the homestead entry of a
customs ollicerin Dakota because the law
under which he held oflice requires him to
reside in town , thus precluding the possi
bility of his actually residing upon the land
sought to be entered , as required by the
homestead law.
Commissioner of Pensions Dudley
trill ask congress for an appropriation of
40,000,000 for the payment of pensions dur-
ng the fiscal year ending July 30 , 1885. Of
: he $100,000 appropriated last year it has
jeen estimated that about $39,000,000 will
remain in the treasury to the credit of pen-
iions at the close of the present
iscal year. Since the 1st of Jan-
lary , 1882 , fully 30,000 names have been
idd"d to the pension list , but even this in-
: rease the commissioner thinks can be taken
: are of. It is his opinion that there will be
i gradual decrease year by .year until the
lension appropriation can be kept down to
ibout $25,000,000. With the amu' rt that
rill probably be on hand at the cloaiof the
> resent fiscal year , and that which congress
vill be asked for this winter , it will be seen
hat there is a 'prospective decrease in the
> ay-rolls of about$20,000,000.
It is thought the the dredgers at work
> n the Potomac will discover the block of
tone presented to the Washington monn-
nent by the Papal government and stolen
iurinq the Jvnownothing excitement in 1854.
t is believed the stolen stone was sunk in
he river.
Rear Admiral Pierce Crosby has asked
o be retired.
The New Orleans National bank has
ued the postmaster general for $100,000
: amagcs caused by his order to stop delivery
f money orders , etc. , to it , -.ccountof
lie lottery scheme.
Condition of the treasury at the close
f business October 6 : Gold coin and bul-
on , $206,880,312 ; silver dollars and bul-
on , $119,753,891 ; national silver coin , $26-
G9,752 ; United States notes , $53,129,567 ;
3tal. $406,436,512. Currency outstanding :
lold , $54,746,360 ; silver , $79,8.02,011 ; cur-
ency , $12,000,000.
The whereabouts of Major Nicker-
inhave been discovered to be in Canada ,
nd the secretary of war ordered him to re-
ort in person at Washington. This Nick-
rson declined to do , and as he cannot be
xtradited it is probable he will be dropped
om the army rolls as a deserter.
A London dispatch from Canton
: ates that the foreigners there are in no
nmediate danger , although the Chinese ex
press indignation at the lightness of the sen
tence pronounced upon Tidewater Logan ,
originator of Ihe recent riots in that city.
A dispatch says a barrel of gun
powder exploded Saturday In a wine shop
in Vienna , killing fifteen people and injur
ing six.
The report that operations in Mada
gascar are about to be renewed by the
French forces there Is discredited in govern
ment circles.
King Alfonso left Paris for home on
Monday night because of the insult he re
ceived at the hands of the populace. He
was asked to return by his government and
the outrage will be made the subject of dip
lomatic correspondence between the coun
The nihilists have issued a cu ular
demanding the government put a stop to the
cruel treatment given to prisoners , and espe
cially women.
President Grevy is reported to feel
deeply humiliated over the insult offered
Alfonso and contemplates resigning. . .
Some weeks ago Marshal von Man-
teuffel , governor of Alsace-Lorraine ,
issued an order forbidding M. Antoine ( the
deputy from Alsace in German Reichstag )
from publishing a paper to be called the
Metz , sympathizing with France. Antoine
replied by letter to Manteuffel , expressing
the hope that ho would be "avenged. "
This utterance on the part of Deputy An
toine led to the preferment of charges of
high treason against him. The charge has
been sustained in the preliminary hearing
and culminated Tuesday in the arrest o
Deputy Antoine upon the charge of high
treason. The empire peuafty , if proven
guilty , is death.
The effort to exhume the remains o :
Shakespeare has failed by the refusal of th
council of Stratford-on-Avon to allow an ;
disturbance of the last resting place.
No war preparations are being made
for a conflict with France. * The.proposa
was not well received in the southern prov
The king and queen had a reception
Thursday. Eighteen hundred persons at
tended , including senators , deputies , and
several Frenchmen. At the cabinet council ,
Alfonso presiding , the question of diplo
matic cction in regard to the demonstration
at Paris was discussed , but the greatest re
serve was manifested as to the decision
A Dublin correspondent says : An In-
rinclbles vigilance committee has been
formed to hunt down all informers. The
committee has paid spies throughout the
British colonies and in North and South
The pope , in an allocution upon re
ceiving a large number of Italian pilgrims In
the basilica of St. Peter's , Sunday , said he
rejoiced to witness the concord existing be-
, ween the clergy and flocks. The conspir-
icy of sects had reduced the .papacy to a
: ondition unworthy of ks rank. Historical
esearches proved the papacy was no en-
miy of Italy , but that it had always been
ictuated by sovereign benevolence. The
eal object in depriving the pope of temporal
lower was to strike a blow at the church and
ob Italy of the treasures of faith. To avoid
he destruction of Catholicism it behooved
ill patriotic and religious forces to unite aud
ind dhow themselves openly as Catholics
ind to desire above all things to restore the
> ope to that condition of liberty and inde-
) cndence which is his due. The pope spoke
or twenty minutes. The audience numbered
r i
Exposition Building Burned.
The .magnificent exposition buifding
.t Pittsburg , Pa , was destroyed by fire at
i o'clock on Wednesday morning. The
lames were discovered in the boiler room of
he machinery department and before the
vatchman could give the alarm had spread
o machinery hall and the main building ,
n less than ten minutes the buildings were
muss of fire and nothing could be saved.
: he 'loss was about $1,000.000 , including
lany relics.
What to do "With , the Potatoes.
outhern Industries.
Instead of selling potatoes at the ex-
reme low price offered for them , we
rould advise farmers to feed them to
tock. On one occasion we raised a
arge crop of fine potatoes , and the
irice being below the point of remuner-
tion for production , we fed them to
dvantage. The plan adopted was to
rect a furnace , and place on it a large
alt kettle , upon which was * firted a
ask with auger holes perforating the
ottom. The cask was filled with
otatoes , and a covering thrown over ,
rhen the kettle was about half filled
: ith water and a fire started in the fur-
ace , which is a very brief space of
line cooked them to perfection. Be-
> re cooking they were moderately
ilted. We have never seen food better
ulished by stock horses , cattle and
ogs. Don't sell potatoes at present or
nrernunerative prices when they can
e utilized to so good vantage by
; edhi ° r to stock.
VMeii often mistake notoriety for
ime , " but they never mistake Kiilney- c
rort for any quack medicine. Kidney-Wo'rt
universally recognized as a standard rem-
ly for all diseases of the liver , bowels and
Happiness is not confined to any
jhere of life
Episcopal General Convention.
The thirty-third general convention
of the Protestant Episcopal church of the
United States began at Philadelphia on Wed
In the houHO of bishops , Bishop Clark , of
Ilhodo Island , delivered the sermon , giving
the history of the churches in this country
for the past century.
The houfle of deputies organized simulta
neously , Dr. Beardsley , of New Haven , be
ing chosen president. One of tha gentle
men named for this position was Senator
Edmunds , of Vermont , who took , occasion
to state that he was not a candidate for that
or any other presidency at that or any other
time. Other convention officers were elected
and the houses adjourned for the day.
In the house of deputies on Thursday
: i motion to omit the words * 'Protestant
Episcopal" from the constitution was
At the third day's session of the house
of bishops , Bishop Hare , of Xiobrara , said
that 13 years ago when the missionary Juris
diction of Niobrara was set apart , that sec
tion of country was almost exclusively occu
pied by the Indians. About 30,000 Indians
have never been subjected to the degrada
tion of coming in contact with the whites.
The bishop maintained that the Indians were
a mentally and morally superior people.
They are being deprived of everything they
hold most dear and actually stripped alive.
In any bargain undertaken with our people
they have been egregiously swindled. If
outbreak of Indian violence should make us
shudder , we must remember that with the
sense of their great wrong they are apt to
forget themselves.
The Indians have several books in their
language. If any one thing has made the
Indians the prey of the white men , it Is
that they have lived on the little reservation
and constituted an indigestible mass which
the social body was anxious to get rid of.
The sooner the Indians are like the people ,
the sooner they will cease to be Indians. In
Nlobrara there arc thirteen ministering
women , and thirteen active clergyman.
During three years 864 adults and 468 chil
dren have been baptized , and In the past ten
years 900 persons have been presented for
- - -
Other Church Matters.
The general conference of the Evan
gelical church began atAllentown , Pa. , on
rhursday , limong the delegates being two
from Switzerland , two from Germany and
5ve from Canada.
At the meeting of the American board of
foreign missions at Detroit , the venerable
Mark Hopkins , who has been president for
.wenty years , consented to keep the office
mother year. Columbus was chosen as the
? lace of next year's meeting.
The twenty-fifth general conference of
Free Baptists of the United States met at
Minneapolis on Thursday. Among other "
Business was admission of the Nebraska as-
The "Washington Monument.
'hila. Record Cor.
The Washington monument is rising
; o rapidly that before cold weather
tops the work it will be 410 fi high.
Chen congress will vote men-- money
or its completion , the men will work
mrd through next summer , and the
pring of 1885 will see it finished. The
nonument proper will then be 500 feet .j
ligh , with a pyramidal cap of glass 50 I
eet high , which will give it a calm su- 1
icriority over the Goddess of Liberty
Hi top of the Capitol dome. If this
; lass top is lighted up at night it will
; ive the handful of mr.ringrs on the
'otomac river the tallest lighthouse in
he world. It would be flattery to call
he monument as' it stands handsome.
? he lower part for a hundred feet from
lie ground is so discolored , as a result
f its long standing in the open weather , "
hat it is out of accord with the fresh-
joking three hundred feet above. It
; impressive , though , at a distance ,
nd awe-inspiring near by. Five hun-
red feet of stone in the perpendicular
i more imposing than fifteen hundred
jet of landscape at forty-five degrees ,
'he members of the Washington Mon-
ment association , of which President
.rthur is president , are talking of a
elebration in 1885 in honor of the com-
letion of the monument , to which all
IB nations shall be asked to send rep-
ssentatives. Those nations which have ,
locks of stone in the rain-stained lower
ortion of the pile will naturally take a
eculiar interest in such a celebration.
if course , Washingtonians expect to
ilipse everything that has ever been
one in the way of celebration in this
auntry. Everybody is hoping that
hite-haired Mr. Corcoran may be
jared to see the niouument finishe'd. I
link he will. He is an old man , but in
> me respects he is as young as any of
5. His health is now very good.
3 j ft
Thy They Keep th'e Old Ladies
smarck ( Dak. ) Tribune.
A few months since , when a train
issed Fargo , a wealthy passenger was
nick with admiration over the tender
anner in which a young lady led her V
; cd grandmother along a path near
ie track. Seeking an introduction ,
ic man of riches married her in a few
cfjks , and now every time a train
ills into that burg at least a dozen
aidens can be seen trotting their old
andmothcrs upjindjlown the track.
FLORENCE , GA. Dr. W. B. Prather
ys : "Brown's Iron Bitters have i jfcn
tisfaction in every instance I have kiovvn
used. /
Every father should paddle his own ;
.n you ? [ N. Y. New.
Out of sight , out of "mind" a dis-
icdient child. [ N. Y. Life.
You never miss the sermon till the
eacher runs dry. [ Rochester Post-