McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 11, 1883, Image 5

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    The Tribune.
yTllUK.S.Txvr , OCT. 1.1th , 1883.
The Week's Doings.
* Ai- -
New goods at. & Rogers' . t
Fresh Oysters at Joe's.
Go to Rogers' and see Iris new goods.
MV. Dolan was -in McCook onTucs-
Copies of the TR.IEITXK on sale at the
For dr3' geodsofevery description go
' < $ -lingers' .
Jet buckles for dress dntpery'at Mrs.
.S. A.
Quite a heavy frest in this locality
on Tucsfiav night.
r O
The fiwt snow of ilic season fe5 ! on
'Thursday morning.
iTIats anil caps , -boots and shoes and
notions at Rogers.1
Ladies' liair frizzes for. 75 cents aft
Mrs.S. A. Boweir.s.j
JK A full "line of the Tcry best cigars sft
the B. & M. Pharmacy
Ottoman - -ribbons all the -new shades
at Mrs..S. A. Rov/eU's.
1'ancy and staple groceries , at Rog
ers' , at lowest market prices.
UDon't forget 'that Rogers1 has re
ceived a fine line of new goods.
According v to Madam Rumor , we arc
-to have a $10.000 groceiy soon.
Birds , 'feathers , .and plumes of all
descriptions at Mre. S. A. Rowell's.
Russell v& Son are building an addi
tion to their barn on Madison street.
The famous Boot Jack chewing to
bacco for sale at the B. & M. Pharmac3T.
Mrs. C. S. Phelps Ihas been visiting
.Mrs. William Stoddert during the past
John Cruts of Driftwood , < was i-n town
on Wednesday , airti ciade final proof f
Qiis claim.
Sherifi Wdlborn as iin stoTra a
number ofdays during the , first part of
the week.
The management ofthe Churchill
House has been changed ; but it Is
"Plunkett still
II. C. Hideris having a building
up on the south side of Ociinison street
in west McCook.
Mrs. W. C. LaTouret-tewho has been
spending some time in Culbertsoncaine
down on Tuesd&3' .
Charlie Asmore came down from his
Bather's ranch , Saturday , and Said in a
stock of provisions.
Joseph Williams of Vailtou was in
th'e city on Saturday , and made a pleas
ant visit to this office.
Forty families of Bohemians arrived
last week , and will make lied Willow
county their future home.
Mrs. Join Sanders accompanied by
Master Raywent to Akron , last Sunday ,
returning the following day
Moris Jbhnofi who has been "rusti
c-eating" in Iowa for the past month , ic-
J-urned to our town , Saturday.
F. S. Reid's mother has arrived in
our city from Omaha , and will remain
with her son during the winter.
Mustard seed , white and black , cel
ery seed. Red and green peppers for
pickles at the II. & M. Pharmacy.
W. II. Dolan.who has been clerking
for Frees it IIocHicii for about a year ,
went to Indianola , Tuesday afternoon.
The prettiest girl that ever went over
the I ? . & M. railroad wok breakfast at
the Dining Hall o Saturday morning.
Alex. Stewart of Wymore. in com
pany with .Messrs. IMiclan and Irvin of
. .tar city.callcd at this offi.-c , the first of
the week.
Mr. J. T. Wray and family and Mr.
Cornutt of Culberlson came
downl i Tuesday snd returned the fame
'C. . "B. Rogers , roadmaster on B. &
M. bet-ween' Red Cloud and Wymore
was taking in the city last Suiiduy.
W. 31. Irvin , Resident Enginver of
the P M.H.R. McCookwas
> . & at , regis
tered at ! the Commercial Hotel , Lincoln ,
on Friday.
Mrs. T. S. Bosley who has been quite
ull for about a week , we are glad to say ,
I Ins fever being ( "broken , is iniproviug
although but slowly.
"Bert Potter has been , promoted 'from
fireman : to engineer Bert is wortl - ,
and we congratulate him on .this - recognition
nition of that worth.
Mr. Drinku'ater'spcnt B few da3\s of
ilast weak iin town , and returned to his
ranch between here and the count3--seat
on Monday afternoon.
Our readers will see by the notice in
this issue , that Babcock Bros , have dis
posed of iheirflumber interests 'to the
firm ef .Krces & Hockncll.
; Xo. 2 fercattfapted at the R. & M.
Dining Hall , on Sunday 'morning.
Among the fif liungr passongerswa-
the ilark Theatre Company.
M. A."Sparlding's ( residence < vn Xion
Hill is well under way , and , wJieli fin-
Mlied , will add another cosy homo to
that pleasant neighborhood.
The Light Guard Band had their
photo taken in a body at Indianolu en
Friday. Tkev presented a fine appear
ance inthe elevated band wagon.
When you come to town drop an at
C. II. Rogers' and examine the fine line
of new goods just received. You will
surely find something to please .you.
On Monda3' , a little child of Engin
eer Charlie Scott , took a ccntipcd in
its hand and crushed the poisonous 5n-
sect to dea'Jk , without an3' serious re
sults whatever.
The past week has been a gooi one
for our merchants. There was an un
usually large .number of people In town
during the first part of the week , ami
trade secmodto be active.
F. K. Vondres of S3orchester ,
state , was in the city the first of the
week , and during his snjnurn made
&nal piniif-of.liis claim and paid a gear's
subscription. Call again.
* -
F < sr a complete assortment ofcveiy
thing in dry goods , boots and shoes ,
hats and caps , notions , groceries , etc. ,
Rogecs can't bebeat. . Remember the
place and give kitu a call.
Henry T. Church and family of Os-
Iwrn , towk the train at this place , Wcd-
nesda3'for Granvillc Station , Wisconsin ,
lus former home , and where he will
visit for a number of wrecks.
Miss Roderick , sister of Mrs. W , F.
Wallace , left for her home , this after
noon. Miss Roderick had gathered
around her a large circle of friends , dur
ing her visit , who were loath -to sec her
Mr. Sanders of the Dining flail , went
to Lcncoln and Omaha , Tuesday morn
ing , for the purpose of "buying iicating
apparafu ? , wall paper , etc. , with which
to beautify and make more comfortable
the Ilall.
Mrs. X. Burtlcss called at this office
on Monday prepaid her subscription one
year , and also had THK THITJCNK sent
to her father in Xc\v York state for the
same period of time. Thanks. Come
and do thou likewise.
We learn from the Plattsmouth
Herald that Mr.C. A. Fletcher , the gen
tleman who was run down 03 * the en
gine at Akron , died the following day ,
and that his remains were sent to his
former home in the east b3" express.
Two runaway boys from Lincoln ar
rived in McCook , Monday , and the fol
lowing da\- , die brother of the one.
named Churehcamc , and took his 3"oung
brother 'ba''k with him. The other
young Arab decided to sujouru amongst
A minislcrwho. = e name and residence
'we have been unable to ascertain ,
preached to a fair audience in the
church , Monday evening. After the
sermon , the congregation was favored
with a tew remarks by a colored brother
I from Nebraska Citv.
3. ! Vf. "Edmis'ton , s tatc agent of the
Tnion Central Life Insurance" 'Com
pany of Cincinnati , has.been in ? lc-
Cook for several days representing the
interests of 'his company. Mr Kdmis-
ton is a clever gentleman , -and succeed
ed in writing several policies.
Another social dance was held in the
Band Ilall , Wednesday-evening , which
was enjoyed b3' quite a number of our
people. "Dan Tucker * ' was the cause
of mudli merriment. Notice was given
'that a regular social club would be w
ganixed at the next meeting in two
weeks. Let there bea good attendance
en that occasion.
.J. 13. Meserve has purchawsfi Win.
-Stoddcrt's.licrd of of cattle , nnmbi-rinir
about 410 head. This is a large trail-
action for this time of the 3'ar ,
amounting to almost $10,000. Witn
tliis addition to Mr. Mesorve's herd. In-
will winter about 800 head rjuiii' a
' Utflo bunch.'fiver which his son , ilms
< -hi f control.
Two men supposed by-their actions
description given of them , tohave
been the parties who committed the
'robberies in McCook.-last week , br.ard-
eidie trav ! .at this plaeeSunday night.
Both of thcjK jumped -off . .thetrain be
fore ft readied Denver ; one : about a
niiHc from the cttyand the ot'hcr at
the .stnc'k yards. Their attempi at dis
guise looks suspicious , at least.
An attempt was niiwle to wreck No.
1 , Wednesda3 * night , at a bridge be
tween ATapahoe and 'Oxford , A tie
was placed in an upright position be
tween -cross-ties on the bridge , but
was cut hi-two b\f theKJOw-caitcher-of the
locomotive. The pieces were brought
to town. It is sermised liy some that
the object was robbeiy , there Iwing
$7,000-consigned to the Citken's 8ank
of McCook on the train.
wan raised in the engine at the
water works on Tuesday , but the pump
did not work satisfartority. Wednes
day HftiTiiuon , tie pump was again
t < --ted and after considerable troeble
the pump was put in shaoc and did its
w-irk ii-ieety. A number of our citizens
are hming pipes laid into their resi-
di-if es , and will soon be eHJoyiing the
luxury of having water in their - dwellings
lings and business places.
S-taftding advertisements in a paper
command confidence. The man who
for years resides im one community and
lives a reputable .life , even though he
be of moderate ability , will grow into
the confidence and esteem of his fellows.
On the same principle a newspaper be
comes familiar in the eyes of the read
er. It may be seldom carefully road ,
still it makes the name and business of
a man or firm familiar , and its contin
ued presence in the columns of a paper
insures confidence in the stability of
the advertiser. Ex.
G. A. Buckman , a colored preacher
of Nebraska City , stopped off at Mc
Cook , Monday , on his return from the
west.wherc he las been preaching.sincc
June , to raise money to pay the indebt
edness of the colored Baptist congrega
tion at Nebraska City. He reports
meeting with many' discouragements.
lu Georgetownthey informed him that
were he petitioning for a saloon , they
would give him $5 or $10. 'Vt Akron
lie preached in the Eating House , and
during praj-cr , the ' 'boys' ' dealt him
a hand , and offered to raise him a 1.
Hear the Lecture.
The McCook Baud proposes to open
the season of literary entertainments iu
McCook with a lecture to be delivered
by Major R. II. Uriawell of Indianola ,
at the band hall in McCook onWeducs-
day evening. October 17th , entitled ,
"Success in life ! What is it ? " It
is understood that this is an entirely
new and original lecture , and that , "the
problem of life" is discussed nnd shown
up in a new light ; and being delivered
in Major Criswell's forcible style , will
certainly make a literary entertainment
of liigh order and one which ought to
draw a crowded house. Price of ad
mission. of > cents. Tickets on sale at
the B. & M. Pharmacy. Djor = open at ,
7 o'clock.
All persons , wishing water put in
their houses , will please notify W. F.
Wallace at Citizen's Bank , immedi
ately. _ _
How the Union Central Life Ins. Co. , of
Cincinnati Pay their Losses.
J. M.Kdiiiiston of Lincoln , State
Agent for Ncforu&kn , is now in in
tlic intcrcs't.s of this old and reliable
company. All parties who frcl int"r-
ested in 'life insurance .should examine
this plan.
Oakland. 111. , Sept. 17 , 1883.
W. II ' .JOHNSONGen. Ajj't Union Cen
tral Life Insurance Company.
DK/H : Sin : I wish to jrive my'heart-
felt thanks , thrmjrh3011 , to 'the company -
pany you represent , for ihoir kind and
courteous treattnentand the pa3"iiiciit of
the $5,000 polic3'an the life of 1113 * late
husband , James Tionlledgc , the claim
hcinic paid before it became due. I can
cheerfully recommend the iwmpnny for
pronivtness | , and I would luurncstty ad
vise 1113' friends and neighbors ito patron
ize this deserving "company. 1 shall
always remember the Pinion Central
Life Ins. Co. , of CincJRiiati. Ohio , with
grateful feelings , and cordially wish it
abundant success. Yours truty ,
this Way ,
The Council Bluffs Herald of last
Saturday made mention of a long pro
cession of teams which passed throuirh
that cit3' on their way to Lincoln , Ne
braska. Yesterday tlie PlaUsmoufch
Herald announced that this train of
wagons had arrived there. To-day the
' out-fit" reached this citIt was the
longest caravan seen since -early days
of hemestea ! cr.s on the move , and to
gether with a railroad contractor's ont-
t. which came in sam-e time. was
fully . * wile long. Most of the liomc-
secking party are bound for the Repub
lican valley. The K. i\ , section is en
gaged for work mithe B. & M. exten
sions , we : . * v.ird southwest. Lincoln
And in a few clays more the .party
wSHbe scattering through the Republi
can Yallc3 * , the land of cheap homcs.und
vh < jre the poor -get rich 5f they onty
stick ,
By Ocr Special OcrrcepontlcKt.
A. Terwillcgcr of our town is Co run
die new hotc ? in course \sf erection at
Bcnkelmunand ; Katie Amen will be
one of the corps of assistants.
Win ! Stetnbaus lias started a store ra
our midst.
C. < r. Crews will shortly' make a visit
to Illinois.
Butter is scarce.
G , W. Mower3" has returned irom
We had a deatfc in our little burg , a
little boy whose name have failed to
A wagon load of our young bo3rs
went down to McCook , Friday.
Oct. 10th , 1883. Jcxius.
McCook , Neb. , Oct. 10 , 1883.
We have this da3 sold to Messrs.
Frees & Llocknell our lumber interests.
T. II. Babcock will , for tlr present , be
found with Frees & Hockncll , where he
will be pleased to sec onr old custom
ers. All accounts due the firm of Babcock -
cock Bros , will be collected and receipt
ed for by T. B. Babcock.
Ladies , Attention !
I have just received a full line of
ladies' , misses' , and children's hats of
tha latest styles. I will take pleasure
in showing you 1113' new stock. AYith |
many thanks to my patrons for their j
kind favors in the past , and desiring a
continuance of the same in the future.
I remain , 3'ours respcetfulh' ,
Mus. S. A. HOWELL.
New Millinery Store.
Mrs. II. A. Fryling at her new mil
linery .store on Mum Avenue , opposite
die poet office.has in stock a line of all j
the latest ? tyt ] * of millinery "nods , j
To die ladies of McCook and ueinity.
she extends a cordial invitation to come i
and inspect her stock. j
Episcopal Services.
Rev. Sr.uart Crockett will hold
copal services at the chureh on Sunday
morniner. th * 14th inst. Everybody i.-
cordially invi'-ed t3 attend.
New Home.
31. A. Spaldinr. for the Hirht j
rur.ninir. New I lomv sowing machine.
Marsh's Golden Balsam , trie Famous
Lung Medicine , is Valued Highly.
" 1 have us'ed MARSH'S GOI.UKN T&AI.- &
find it a splendid Cough * remedy ,
gives s eei y relief. " 1 > . IT. "Wilson.
Crcston , Iowa.
* ' ] wish cverj'body to know that
medicine. One bottle cured me olka
hard , lingering cough. 1 value it highly.
H. A. Jacks-oil , Quinej , Ills.
' I would be pleased to receive five
dozen-bottles of MAKSH'S ( ! OLI > KX BAL
SAM at once. 'Everybody that HHCK it
appears to be greatly relieved and well
pleased with it * effects. * ' 1 * . 11. Crisp ,
drnirgist , Monroe < jity , Mo.
Tiious Throat aird Lung medicine , and
MARSH'S < j LDKI5i.orn > & LIVKK.
To.vic , the great Blood and Liver ren
ovator , an ; for sale by S. L. Green ,
druggist , McG-ook. Large bottles f > 0
cents and $1.
Look Here !
St. Louis white lead for -$8 per hun
Pure 'boiledoil 80 cents per gallon.
150 test headlight , 25 cents per gal.
Machine castor oil $1.50 per gallon.
Coal pressed castor oil $2 per gal
lon at GRKEN'S Dnuo STORK.
For Sale.
1G or 18 choice grade Tbncks.Veit. .
of Driftwood , south of the river.
17-3t. G. B. XETTLKTON.
Ten cords of dry ash wood. Apph
to Citizens' Bank. Ifi-tf.
Favorite Resort
Is the place For
ice Cold Lemonade ,
Ginger Beer , Pop ,
Choice igar. , < Cattd3' , Nxits , Etc.
Billiard Pool Table
Ask for it writ-
your storekeeper , or * -
direct to the manufacturer-- ;
Cleveland Ohio.
, - - .
Dr , Rush's Regulator ,
V.'m. O. O > p. > vJby. thi xcislMn-iwa " n-.r .
ftsctnrnr nl UulTalo , Pli'.I-ulslphlu , rfcM'iusy. Ne
r.rk , autl Atlantit , Oa. , .iijli :
Orrics or OsuoofiM-V IMPROVER S. n .
ITS. llroail 5 rrr.r.
Pr IZu'Va Medical A : * at < ra :
DRAI : Docron" . Th > : thr < bottle * of "Dr. ! ij-K
Hcpuhiior" I ordir tl w r.s pxrcUolhy c.xprii
week I huve tnUt-a ni.iry ! one lijtrie zr > ' . .v i
tinr ! iiMy ! catlsfleil with thu r salt. Kor ov ; r tu.
yoir * I tuivc Iiecni troal > lPri7lih i > harp i < iln us. an
ln-siTv > ! } ptiy"t : I r , upon cxanvliatZ-m. proi'j"n < - I
It iTiUrsenicnt of bn t.e-.rt anrl wa * uuiMc i rf\ .
me aay n'llef . The tnuWe fjrcw wor-c tsnttl I Iv.-i
b > T iini co2.vic < ! il I could noi : c-ircil. W. : !
In Ne\v York VJity , li l wtjek , I callc4 upo on * '
itio-lprutnlii'-atpTiyflcUrw thcri , Wvii-i-ir - lrn'
iiTfur ai > xvniiati < ant ! then rocjsiin'tni.Vd j.-i
"ISi yul 'or.1 Kauftla yea to Iv ; r. r > : - -L.r 'I
A - Jioa , ant soiap-itetu mlli'.lne fa-.hoi-'ic I
< ! cr ' 'l tl.'i tlir.'i : tottlci 1 hir aoi ! fj > : n 'rn
sine'1 I coiwsienoctl luil ! ' . It , Irjt ta'.l conllr.- : -
tscth ! - ealire tbre ; hotiis .eo as to o ! > tala .1 ; . < TI >
r.ontoure You hi eray p.iniKr : ihar.k- .
I aoi , cr.tltnc = , Very rc. < ptiur.y. .
Dr. Rush's Regulator
hi" r. vr-r f.iie-I ; w civo rcli % f. It hi" J.ccn u-r 1 'i-
corafuUy for yp r * lau * } sl : : thi- > : ' ! *
f. rK -
n.i'.oa "f the bfuri. I'rloo , SiAM i--r l-il - ; ktr f-
SoU liy : - ijt , cr f ciulri i' ! :
'firs MEDICAL. A-t-iO iAno.v ,
Xv = < ii , X. 7 . L . = . A.