McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 11, 1883, Image 4
The Tribune I B. CQFFROTH , EDITOF $ uYTICKET. Tor Jiu'prcsontiriive ( to fill vacancy ) UK HOCKSELL , . For County Judge , H. M. ASI1MQKK. ! ' ! > County Clerk , CI1A11LKS IX CRAMER. i. , / : .For. County Treasurer , J. H. GOODRICH. 1 'For Sheriff , , / ; ? , JT.0HXVKLB011X. . fr. ' . ' ' ' For Cormier. * ; ; Ittr. L. IEBJOHNSON. . 'For ' Supt. Public Tnstruetion , C. L. NETTLFA'ON : For Surveyor , TAGE T. FRANCIS. For County Commissioner , * - i ? T fnvw THK sttr rouftc fjxwu Niobrara io Ft Ilandall , Dakota , has been discontinued. John R. Mluar WM ihe lowest biddei for supplying -eexvice upon this route , and was awjwded tlie contract , which was afterwards annuleJ because of some technical impeffieofciojis , Tjbe reasons given at tlie jwet offiee department foi .the abolition of the route , are that since the date of advertisement for proposals the railway system in that section of the country has been extended so great ly that the necessity for the star route .service no longer exists. IT is said by the officer * of the post ofiicc 4ep rtuitfDt that the n r posta ) npie * ore proving a great convenience to Joticry eotupatiicsand to many firms aiidcorporatious throughout the country \vliich huvtf beea Wack-listed bj the de partment jd denied the privileges of the money order and rcgistcry systems. Those companies and firms are now having remittances made to them in postal notes , which are payable to bear- r , and which do not come within the grasp of the department orders forbid- ing tlic jutyment. THK statue of Germany recently un veiled with sueh imposing ceremonies well expresses the-present condition of Europe. Germany is dominant ; the < jierinan emperor is virtually thu dicta tor of Europe ; neither king nor pope nor president dares stir without his con- eent , " And it is an honor to the Ger man people and to the aged emperor , that this great power is used to con serve the interests of peace. Every nation , while Germany retains its strength and pursues its present policy , trill be free to develop its internal strength , but must make no attempt to interfere with its neighbor , or to ac quire foreign territory. It would seem a though a .period of peaceful prosper ity for Europe had begun , yet appear aJi.ccs are deceitful and war is at any moment po ible ; if it should begin , there would be a Htruggle of Titans tiuch as Europe has never witnessed. JoSBPH XIMMO. JK. , chief of the bu reau of statistics , treasury department , ha ? issued an advance statement of im migration into the United Slatestlurini * " tue month of August , 1883 , and the two months ended the date , as compared with the immigration during the same periods of 1882. During the month of August there arrived in the customs districts of Baltimore , Boston , Detroit , Huron. Minnesota , Xcw Orlcanp , New York. I'assamaquoddy , Philadelphia ; md San Francisco , 52,888 passengers nf whom 38.383 were immigrants,9,718 citizens nf the United States , returned from abroad , and-1,782 aliens not in- tcnding to remain in the United States. Of thia total number of immigrants t'he. e arrived from , England and Wales , < ,310 : Ireland , 3.5UU : Scotland , 830 ; Aitfctria. C85 ; Belgium. 1:89 ; Bohemia , f > 32 : Denmark. T 54 ; France. 307 ; Germany. 13.3G8 ; Hungary , fiol ; Italy. 1525 ; Netherlands , 252 ; Norway , 1.35ft ; Jntssis. (587 : Poland. 114. Sweden. 1,771 ; Switzerland , 71D ; Dominion of < 'anidi , 4.883 , and from all other i-ountvies , 81G. The arrivals of immi grants in these customs - " ] iri c about < 37 per cent , of the imni- , ' ] gration int.Q the entire country. ! i . - THE COUNTY FAJR A Success Boili in the Number o Exhibits aixl Altgiiflniits. Bed. Willow County Does Herself Grea Credit in .Her Second" Annual Exhibition. The county fair , hdld at Indianola last week , w w : i success in the excel lence oi' 5t.s cxhiliit.s and number of it ; exhibits and number of its attendance The juclcment weather of the earh part of the week kept a number of per sons ait homo wiio would both have at tuntfad the four , , wn < i who would have taken .vith them something for exhibi tion , but notwithstanding tki milita ting iufluene.e ( there was u creditable ex hibit , and a good The fair was held -ou grounds leased for that purpose adjoining Indianola on the west , and which had been end ised by A wire fence. The grounds were well adapted for a fair ; they were close to town , level , and possessed an abun dance of shade and water. A building c liad erected for the display of needle work , and works of art , and en closures had been made for tlie stock. The G. A. 11. had pitched their tents on a commanding knoll , and they presented - ed quite a pleasing appearance. Fri day was the big day , the clouds , which had ma < lc the preceeding days cold and dismal , broke that morning , the fog dissipated at 2.0 early hour , the bright , warm sun came out , and nature assum ed her most pleasant garb. The people ple began to come to come to the fair early in the da } , some by suecial train from MeCook , some by wage is , others on horseback , and not a few on foot. The McCook Light Guard Band , tinder the marshalship of C. D. Craia r , Com- mader of the GA. . 11. Post , proceeded to make a tour of the townand , then to the grounds , the small boy following in the wake too full of glee for utterance , lie mcQ , women and children attracted by the sweet strains of music gradually assembled on the ground , and by noon there were probably more lied Willow county Bcople congregated together than on an } ' previous occasion. THE EXHIBITS. The first thing that attracted the attention of the stranger was the dis play of vegetables , and in this Red Willow county is certainly entitled to respect. Larger vegetables of the root 9rder never were grown in any land. Here were monstrosities in the tray of beets grown by G. A. Hunter that 3eat anything ever before exhibited ; jabbages and squash grown by Win. ( Vindhurat that were all a man wanted x > lift ; cauliflower from the ranch of J. \ . Taylor on Red Willbw creek that vere wonders ; turnips exhibited by S. iV. Stilgeljoucr , the size of which excit- id awe , and onions , watermelons , sweet iotatoe , pumpkins and other vegcta- les that were not only of extraordin- iry size , but of equally remarkable [ uality. Among the display of vcgeta- les were five varities of potatoes en- cred by J. F. Helm that were very inc. inc.B. B. B. Duckworth exhibited two va- icties of corn , yellow and calico , that emonstratc-d what good farming would iroducc , and there was also exhibited a ample of white corn that would be a. redit to many an eastern state. There ras on exhibition also several samples f wheat , winter and spring , that spoke rill for the parties who raised them. The display of needle work attracted be ladies , and to judge from their ex- 1i i 1 lamations of admiration , this dcpart- icnt was well represented. The cx- ibit spoke well for the taste of the tdics.'who exhibited their handiwork , ud demonstrated that a love for the 1 uautiful found place in their hearts. iinoug the curiosities was a quilt con- lining forty-lhv hundred pieces , made y a lady seventy-three yeans old. Mr.-\ Joint Sanders took premiums in ' a us department for knitted pair of } I : ocking.s airl a child's afihii. j - Hayden & McCartney of Indianola had a handsome case of notions ifrou their store at that place , and Mrs. R II. Hamilton a fine display of milliner goods ; both of which were mucl admired. There was .entered lu the domesiii department a number of varieties o : jelly , nice looking bread , and choice dairy butter. A sample1 of sorghum molasses , made on lied "Willow Oreek , was avne of the exhibits not expected to be found in ; i county so far west. STOCK. A number of fine horses , mares ami coits were cn'ere.d. Amongst which were Pat. MeKillip's Xorman Hcndrick's Messenger , a fine sucking colt owned by H. S. West , awl a large brood marc and three grown upcolts by her side , entered by John Long- neckcr. In cattle If. S. West entered scr- eral head of Poled Angus ; George A. Hunter a thorough-bred Durham cow ; W. II. Do Jan a herd of high grade Shorthorns , and' J. F. Helm sixteen head of graded Shorthorns and Herefords - fords that attracted particular attention. There were eight pens of hogs con taining iChchte.r Whites , Berkshire * , and other breeds. A seven month's old Duroc Red boar seemed to attract the attention of the greatest hog-fan ciers. Goodrich and Barber exhibited a pen of fine sheep , and J. F. Black a large .Southdown ram. A coop of large Dominique chickens , exhibited by 11. S. West , attracted considerable attention. In addition to the above enumerated exhibits there were many others that were equally worthy of mention , but which we were compelled to pass over on account of limited space. AMUSEMENTS. The crowd was well entertained by the delightful music of the McCook L. G- . Band , the horse racing , the flying horse , a base ball game , the G. A. R. drill and parade , the consumption of water melons , and speeches made by Royal Buck , C. L. Nettleton , 11. H. Criswcll and a gentleman from Chi- sago. All seemed to be having a good lime , and not an1 unpleasant occurrence ivas reported during the entire fair. STRAY SHOTS. The G. A. R. tlcctedR. H. Cris- arcll , Colonel , and E. P. McCornrick , Lt. Colonel for the ensuing year. Everybody envied the band when it ; ot the free ride on the flying horse. A McCookblood" put up one dollar md took down sir on the race. Red Willow county's dude with his lolid girl took in the fair. Additional Locals. VALLEY GRANGE ITEMS. Charles Bowles and family took in he fair , last week. N. Burtlcss was up on the Willow , ast week. Chas. Lathrop , Ed.Wheaton's cousin , rrivcd on Thursday. A. E. Jacobs has bought a couple carltug heifers. Mr. Thomas and partner , from Texas , ith about 100 head of horc. < , will ike their winter quarters at K. Davis' inch on Driftwood. John A. Davis is about to move on is old homestead. We notice that II. II. Pickeus has a liingle rdof on his new sod houf-.e. J. S. Xcwcomc rides in a now Stude- akcr wagon. Rather breezy the past few davs. ti Mrs. N. Bnrtlcss is looking for j t lends from Colorado to spend the inter. Z / Y. We Accept the Amendment. The extraordinary growth of Mc- ook in the last year has excited tuc ITof her neighboring cities , and the j a Castings Gazette- Journal lets off ome f its spleen by stating in its last Satur- ty issue that "McCook conies out and aims the title of the 'Magpie City of ic West. ' " So gro.- a statement Ht- c become.- reputable paper. Mc- c TKIKUNE. That was a mistake of the type setter , id should have read as it was written. Magic City of the West. " Hastings id the Gazette-Journal have nothing it friendly feelings towards McCook. Hastings Gazette-Journal. A People's Convention. A People's Convention will be Kel < at the Court , on Saturday , Ocl 13 , at 1 o'clock , ] . si. , for the purpose of placing in nomination cahdidates fo the following offices . One representative , one county judge one county clerk , one supt. public in strnction , one coroner , one surveyor one county commissioner , one count ; treasurer and one sheriff. A genera invitation is .extended to all to attend MANY SPECIAL WOTICE. We will continue to send the Tiun iUNE to all persons whose names appeal on 33r. Israel's subscription list , li there be anyone .who desires to discon tinue the paper , he will notify us al once , otherwise he will be held liable for the paper sent to his address. All monies due the Tuini..VK < cription come by the terms of the sale to me. Parties who know themselvcH to be in arrears for .subscription will Ive wariuly received at any time , if they come cash in ha d. -V. 15. COKFIWTH , Publisher. A CARD To the Voters of lied Willow County : It is generally known throughout the county hsit I was coming1 out for the olliee f County treasurer , siibjeet to the decision of the Hc- mbliean I'ounty Convention. Hefore llio prl- naries weiw held. I was called to the stele-lied of one. and the death-lied of another near And letir relative in another state ; and eonse- Inently had to abandon my political stock in he convention. Hut , be.-au-o. I obeyed the lictates of manhood and the eall of duty , f do lot believe I have forfeited any poll ! leal rights' . and I propose to trust to the judgment of my fellow-citizens In regard to whatever claims I may have for the oflice. I iLereforo minounoe myself an iiWtepemlent candidate for the ofliee of ouiitv Treasurer of IJed Willow county. J7WGEORGE " - VIH'XTJiR. . A CARD ! 1V > the Voter * ; of lied Willow County : I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the olliee of County Clerk of Hod Willow County , subject to the decision of the People's Convention to lx ; held at Indianola , October lUtb.lss : } . Having served as County Commis sioner for tfix years , I believe 1 understand tlic duties of CountyClerk imd can give goii- . > ral satisfaction UesjK'ctfuHy , S.V. . NOTICES OP COMPLAINT. U. S. Land Olliee McCook , Xeb. . Oct. Sth l ct. Complaint having been enicreil at this oilice } y I eonard H. Stiles against lienjamiii F. floyt. for abandoning his homestead entry S'o. l J , dated at North I'latte. Neb. , .Ian. d. I8W ) , upon the southeast rjuarti-r , se. tion 14 , : owtislnp , north. ningeoiJ.west. in lied Willow ouuty , Xeb. . with a i-iew to the cancclhitioi : ) f said entry ; the said parties an ; hereby sum noned to appear at thisoillceoii the HtU tlnj if November , 1SSJ , at 10 o'e'oek A. M , to re ipond and furnish u-stimony concerning saic illeged abandonment. O. L. LAWS , lMt. Register. U. S. Land Office , McCook. Neb. , October : W , 1HS ) . f Complaint having been entered at this oflicc iy Isiuic N Holmck against illiam A. Wallin or abandoning his homestead entry No. 1'Mi , ated at North Platte , Neb. , Juneil , 18Ti ! , uion he northwest J { section 10 , township U. north , ange y , west , In Red Willow county. Neb. , rilli view to cancellation of H id entry ; the aid parties are. hereby rtuinmoncd to appear t this office on tins 7th day of November , IHSJ , 11U o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnMi L'Stimony concerning said alleged abandon lent. is-4t. G. L. LAWS. Register. U. S. Land Office. McCook , Neb. , { . September 24th , 18SJ. i Complaint having beeii.entered at this oflice y JiuncH liarrett against William Drown. > r abandoning his homestead entry No.4i'J , ated at North Platte , Neb. , JuneW.lSSO.upon le southeant section K , township 3. north , ingfllu , west , in Red Willow county , Neb..with view to the cancellation of said entry ; the lid parties are hereby summoned to appear t this oJliee on the 27th day of October. I o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish tsti - lony concerning said alleged abandonment. 17-4t. G. L. LAWS , Register. U S L cd Omce. M < : OOK. Nt-li. , I July -.5. 18:5. f Complaint having beun entered sit thb olTIce by rancisL Spicer ncaltiKt George Abrl fir illiiru to comply with law as to t-c entry Xo. 1447 itd at North Platte Neb. March 20 1S7S , upontli v * If sice 34 ti 7n'ii nuiKL19 ! we > t. lu Red Willow lunty. Nebr. with ailew to tlic ciinc.-llatlun ot III rntrj ; cent dtsnt alleclMK thit said Abel has tiled to plant to trees , seeds or cuttings , live : ros of Miid tract during the Hrst tliree years ' his entri' : the said prnies urc. here- suinitKincd tonppcurat thl.tilTicu on the. 27th day Oct. , 1SSJ at 2 oYloek p. m. . to rc-pund and iiibli testimony coneenilnKSnid alien il failure n- ! > G. L. Laws , register. . if. LAXII Orriuu McCook Neb. , .Iuy , 25 Comlaint having been ciiterep at this r Frederick 1C Wllkes againstGeorge D Itainl r jailure to comply with law as to t-c entry ii. . .48 dated at North I'latte Neb. , April 10 i87u on the s-e M Sec S ! tp 1 north range 2 we.-t Red Willow county Noliraska with a view t < > e cancellation of said entry : contestant , ai ding that said liainl lir.s failed to plant to fes. frecds or cuttings . " acres of said tract ! lhin three years from the date of his said .try ; the. said parfie > are hereby summoned appear at this office on tlie27thilaj of Oct. . j n % 1 t 1 o'clockp in , to respond and furnbli 1 ? timony concerning said alleged failure. n-t ! ( I.L. Laws. Hegi < ter. FINAL PEOOF HOTICES. Land Omco at McCook. Neb. , not. 10. ItiXJ. fotice is hereby given that the following med settler has Hied notice of his Intention make final proof in support of his claim. d that said proof will be made befor' Regis- r and Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wedne-J- y , November 21 , ISKJ. viz. : Frederick K. didres , homestead SJ10. for the Miuthwest li jtiou 15 , township 3 , north. Kiuge 2U. west , j names the following witnesses to prove his ntinuouB residence upon , nnd cultivation said land , viz. : Nicholas Sevenker , John H. erst , Fred. Treble and M icho. all of Me- ok. Nob. 19-Ct. G.L. LAWS , Register. j _ land Ollice r.t JlcCix.k. NVh. . Oct. :0. 'f&.S. j "nticu Is ni-rr.hy tlvon that tin * f-I < iwlnp nim-u i , . , , tlor has fil'M notice of ht Icicntlon to iui'e final i j , : of In MipK rt r.f his claim , tliat ill prtKjf ulll li < - j w' di-lici'nro Ki dstersnd Becelvrr at MrCwik , N 'h. . i > , - Tui-sday , N \ - . 2r , I b:5.lz : .Tclin Cruts. j > . js. | , ' 1 ( . IHih'for thi * MiathwcHi''j M-ction- - wn hiptJ. , th. murcai..viit. . IIi-tiarac * the folt-jwliisj wli- ' s-cs to prow hiri cfintlnunut rpfiilrncc uvio nj j ( .t tlvutloti uf Mht land , vl/ : " < Vii < ; Hm Krc-n3n. ] : ! rpu Hinltii. .loha Mat.-cn awl Wns. K. EV-TL-J ? . ai ! : , j | JriftivooJ , Xu'j. G. I. . l.\ws. | , ) f 3-tit. ISt'sI-tcr. Land Ofllce at Mc"ook , Xob. . oot. (1.1 KJ. Notlco Is hereby uiven that thu t'ollowlng named settler has Illnd notice of liliintMiitlun to icnkotlnulproof , in Kupport < > ! m * Mtn , and that wild jiroof uill'b 'innd"btfiirt"J { ' ( iif. terand Rrcvivurtit Mct'ook ' , Xeb. , on i'riilu > . November Hith , II * : ! , vl/.r AsaTrumbo , homt- stead entry 2.VJ.i. for the north'i ii' rthea-r - ( and north 'i northwest , f-c-etl > u2. , t > wjMhijj 2 , north , range31. west. Ho n.imesthe follou- Injf vvitne-S'ti'S to juove hi irontliiuourt iel l thnci > upon , und eiiUivation of. Mild . " Joseph Wllliutus. Roderh ; Mariu.-s. Lou IFo. . * . - . and fhark's A. S'mltii , all of Vullton. N'eb. l'-Jt. ' . L. I.AWsi. IleuMetv LHIIS ! ( llllce at Alcl'ook. Neb. . HepU 20. Notice Is li.-reby .given Hint t-be I'D lou named settler has. Hied notIw of his intoiitluii to make tlinil proof lnsniiort ) ) of his cluim.and that -aid jiroof will be nmdtr before RcglMer or ReceiveraMeCook , Neb. , on IVidav , Nov. Si. lywt , viz : U'illiam .lohnsnn. homi : . tead Xu. 1572 for the northwej-t v M-etioa : U , tti -i-Iiii. | 4. noiHi of rangeliU , we.-r. He iuinntin - in- ! lowing vitno cs to prove his continunn re"i- dejiee ujxni , and cultivation oi' . Miid land. vU : J.ohu S lodn'lle , Thomas liugglesThoHit Holes of McCook , Ncsli. , : id IL W. .lolui-tin < ! ! ' , N'eb. 17t O.L LAWS , Reg Liter. UHiceat .McCmik. N'eb. , Stpt. : . ' . Xotice i < hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of her intention I to mafee final proof in support of IKT claimami , that said prwof will be made before Rcginteror Receiver at MH'ook. NI-I > . , m IVidav. Nov. 2il. INSJ : , viz. : I/.HIRI PliiillphuiiMritcud No.j.M.\ for the west ' northwest * - , , and north yt MMitb- west h section 2j , township H. north of ning < " IW , we . She names th followlnir witne-"es to prove ker continuous n hlence up m. mid cultivttion of. Mild land , viz. : JIarv K. ( ( rtiie , Minnie Hat.-s William Oruteand U. ! : . Mel'her- fton. all of McCook , Neb. 17t. . ( ! . L. LAW'S , Iteglster. Land Olliee at. MuCouk. Neli _ Sept. 15. Notice H lioreliy given that the following named settler has riled noticeof his intention to niat < ; ( ln J ( imof lit support of iiis claim. MU < \ that hitiil jirouf will J e made hffon ; Hegister and Keeeh er at McCook. Neli. , tin Monday , October 'M , 18SI , vir. . : John E. Far r. home Uwl No. lit : , fortlie W. 'i S.V. . i. ; S. W. > 4 N. U' . h and li > t 4. section 4 , township i , north , ranged , wesu He names Me following witnesses to prove hi- eontinuons residence upon. nml cultivation < > l. wdd land , viz. ; A. Jones. Perry Jones , Annif 5. Kendaltnnd A.S. Itonirlitun. all of Indian ola , Nob. liwa. . L. LAWS. UegiHN.-r. Land Office at MvCook. Neb. , Sept. li. ISXi. Notiee is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled not fee of his Intention to make Until proof in support of his claim. md that said proof will be made I to Tore Itcgi. er mid Heeeiverat MeCook , Neb. , on Sat unlav , Nov. : i. ISSI5. JottliebP.U'ciek.wlio maii.- lomi-stead upjilieution No. Wi. for the N.\V section ± 1 , townsbip.7 , north , rangv ! JH. west. I ( ! iiiuues the foltutving witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon. and cultivation 01. said land , vl/ . : Adolph Iticscback. Keoive VhiteVilJiani Coletmin and Charles Wool- ) right , all of MeCook , Neb. HWit. < ; . L. LAWS. Hegister. Land I'lliws at McCook. Neb. , Sept. 18. ISfCt. Notice is hereby given that I ho folhnving lametl settler has tiled iititiceof his intention o make Dual proof hi support of his claim. nd that said proof will be jaade before iegi er and Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Kridaj. let. 7 , 1SSJ , vi/ . : James Shepherd , homestead " 70 for the southeast } a set-tion L' . " > . township .1. lorth. mngeOOvest. . He names the following vitneifecs to prove his continuous residenei- jon. and cultivation of , said land , vi/ . : David . Osbor/i of Oslioni. Neb. , James Spaulding nd Daniel Doyleof liox Elder , Neb. , and John K. Walters f McCook , Neb. G. L. LAWS , Register. OHIce at McCook , Neb. . Sept IS , lt < Xl. Notice : is hereby given that the following mmed settler has tiled notice of his intention 0 make ttnul in support of his claim , and that uid proof will IKJ made before KegNter and teceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , Oct. X , 1W1 , viz. : Daniel Matson , homestead N. . ' . , for the southeast J * southeast ! + section L' . > ast ; : northeast U section II , and south weM 1 northwest Ji section 12. township I. north. augeiil. west. He names the following wit- lesses to prove hiscoutinuous residence upon. .nd cultivation of. said land , viz. : John Out * nd William Itrennon of Culbertson , Neb. , ami Villiam F. Everi-it and Charles II. Smith of IcOook , Neb. HWJt. ( j. L. LAWS , He JSter. Land Olliee at McCook , Neb. , Sept. IS. 18SI. Notice Is hereby given that the following umed settler has filed notice of his intention i > make tlnal proof in supi > ort of his claim , and liat said proof will be made before Register nd Keeeiverat MeCook , Neb. , on Friday. Oct. i. 18KJ , viz. : Henry.C. Shephcnl. hoincsteml il , for the west J northest J * section 25 , and est { soutlieast ? i section 24 , township 5 , orth. range . ' 10. west. He names the follow- ig witnesses to prove his continuous reti- unee upon , and cultivation of , said hind , vi/ . : iavid J. Osborn of Osborn. Neb. , Jas. SpuuW- ig and Daniel Doyle of Box Elder , Net. . i > lm E. Walter of McCook , Neb. G. L. LAWS , Itegit-ter. L nd OfiScc t McCook Xcb. . Sept. 10 , 13S3. Notlre Is htrcliy Riven that tin' follnwlnj ; ntimcrl ttlcr lias Hied not ice of ) ] ! . < Intention to make fln l of In .support of hl claim , and that snM pnxif will jnadr licfonKfRfjitur and Krcvlver at MeCook. I'll. , on Saturday. October 2utn. lfS3. viz.Auittn .orlst. i > . s. No. : : : :66 fnrtiie .v K.i .S. K. \ se- . . and N ii S. W. > 4 , and X w. * S. K. Sectlya , Tnu nshfp V , north. Rmgc 31 , weit. lu naiiica U.-j llowtnj ? witneasi-stoproxe his contlnuuur rt-slilcm-c on , and cultivation ol , nalrt land , viz : John fnit ' - > . Im Matson , h rliA. . Smith and Mills , all of Iftwood , i\ib. 13-6t. G L. LAWS , Ueitlstcr Laud Office at McCook , NcTi. , S pt. 12. c Ifhrrrliy glvi-n that tlie following n me l ( tier has llli-d notice of hit Inti-nUun to make lies : ixif In hiiiiport of Mil rlallii , and that M > t ! ! ! : madt : before IJejjUtrr and Ke- Ivcr at McCuuk. S"i braska , on S .turtlay , X ( > - niliL-r : tth , 1S.S3.lf.i Cirurgu 1' . Wclck. wh > uli ; liomcitfa'I application , > -"o. S44 , for th > 5 E. M Kiftion 21 , iuwnlnt. ; , north , nin c JO , we t. : iiamiM the following witncMfs to prove hi * r , n- mou.t r < sldcnit : upon , and cultivation nf , MM l mi. : . : Adolph lUcscnai : ! ; . fJn.n-'i ; Whit.- William Icman und harlu Wiwlrlsrht. all of McCooK. : . IWit. O. L.LAWS , Ki-s-ttcr. LaiiiKitliC' ! at Mi'KooV."tb. . . Si-pi. 215th. 1S. < J. S'ntlcuL' hereby piin that thu following nai.T-.l tlt-r lw , fili-il notice of his Intention to ninki- Cut ! > of In support of 1-ln claim. : ; nd iliataid pricjf will made bi-ton : i-gNtir i r Ki-ct-Iver at d'o-i } , li..on TrM-iy Nov. jd. IWl. VI/ . : Wallace .S.Tfn- lill , I ) S. No 77 lor thu tnutliisixt imrthwci. ! . mid lot 2 and 3. Mit.on'i , and lot -tctl-in : { . . : { tli of rangi3D , WI-M. Hitsnnvb the ' Ituwlnc : ni.s to prove hi * cuntin'i'jUn ns-ld'-nce Un > n , I culti\at'oi of. s-.iid land , \ i/ : Adolph Ki-l-rhlcV. uttri : I'o- : , Mi.-ha'-l Wi-i.-k : 'ud 1'hllIIp all Me oiik , K 'b. 17-et . ( r. I. . LAWS. H vl-t-r. I.-ind Olliee at Mcfool : . Ni : ! > . . Sp ; . . Isi3. fotl - - Is h rvby gt wi that tin * following imin'-il tli-r hai tiled liotlrtof Intention tinr.kf R- i priiof In Mipi"irt of hN rl.iint jni that fnli.rn < .r 1 be madf before Hi ul-ti r iV i : > -i--hcrt Mc ( ' < -V. ! > . . on Monday , H-tohiTlj. iSSJ.Iz : l ) nilN Killp. ! U.S. No. 315:7 for thf ii-w JA n e f-i * 'i r.-e V ii-u- ? - , - < ' , .i-i-2" tp Cnortli. rsuw : { 1 we t. Ic naims tm folloyln wItne.- > - > to proh ! - > tlnuoiit rc-Idcncc iipiin , un > l < uU\atloiiof. > .iM d , * 'z ' : William ISlnck. Monl itm-ry ! > } ] . HT i * . Knirbaakt , and l ; ) ! icrt Walkt-r. all ol . .riibnruNeb. . i , . i _ LAiift. i : vlr. . , iM > OrKIt-K at McfToofc. V. I. . . An-z. Cuih. r .tliv h'-n-by vKea : ! - , thef. . > ll.-i7.-njr [ itr l - > : lli'U n 'tlrc of Iit-r Irti ntl.ia to makt * Cni ! > f In h-2 ; > t > urt if h.r i-lnlin. ind Jliat rilil pr > xpt 'Uiniaitlwiforri ' : sI t T r Kccefi'Tai M : ( * jfit o.-i.hiT ! . " * : . viztinle S Kca forth't y-e ' - m : i & n - ' : ' n-c5 G. L. LAV.-S. Resl-rcrr