McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 11, 1883, Image 3

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Seth Green's Ideas About the Finny Tribe
and Some of His Varied
Turf , Field and Fwm.
"How did you ever come to devise
this scheme ? "
"I have been working at it ever since
I was large enough to bend a pin. "
The above remark was addressed to
Mr. Seth Green , the veteran fish cultur-
ist , who is known to the entire world ,
and his reply indicates the extent of his
"When I was quite young , " he con
tinued , "I would lie on the limbs of
trees that reached out over the water
entire afternoons watching the move
ments of the fish and studying their
habits. In this way I discovered many
characteristics which were before un-
known. I saw , as every observer must
see , the destructive elements that are
warring against fish , and I realized that
unless something were done , the life in
the streams of this country would be
come extinct. To counteract this dis
astrous end became my life work , and I
am happy to say I have seen its accom
plishment. "
"Were you successful on the start ? "
"No , indeed. Up to that time all
artificial attempts to hatch and raise
fish from the spawn had failed , and I
was compelled to experiment in an
entirely new manner. The work was a
careful and tedious one , but I finally
succeeded , and to-day I am able to
hatch and raise fully seventy-five per
cent , of all spawn. "
"Enormous ! Why , that is a larger
percentage than either the vegetable or
animal kingdoms produce in a natural
condition. "
" 1 know itbut we exercise the great
est sare in the start , and guard thelittl-
fellows until they become able to care
for themselves. "
The foregoing conversation occur
red at Caledonia where the representa
tive of this paper was paying a visit to
the state fish hatcheries. It has been his
privilege to report very many interest
ing sights within the past twenty-five
years , but the view presented here exceeds -
ceeds in interest anything ever before
' attempted.
"How many fish are there in those
ponds , Sir' Green ? "
"As we have never attempted to count
them it will be impossible to say. They
extend way up into the-millions though }
We shipped over three millions out of the
ponds this year and there seemed to be as
many afterward as before. We have
nearly every variety of the trout family
and many hybrids. "
"You speak of hybrids , Mr. Green.
What do you mean by that ? "
"I have experimented for years in
crossing the breed ot the various fish
and am still working upon it. We cross
the female salmon trout with the male
brook trout , and thus produce a hybrid.
Then we cross the hybrid with the brook
troutjWhich gives us three-quarter brook
trout and one-quarter salmon trout.
This makes one of the finest fishes in
the world. He has all the habits of the
brook trout , lives in both sti earns and
lakes , develops yermillion spots on his
sides , rises readily to a fly , is far more
vigorous and fully one-third larger than
ordinary brook trout of the same age.
The possibilities of development in the
fish wprid are great and we are rapidly
ascertaining what they are. "
As the man of news watched the
countenance of Mr. Green while he was
giving the above account , he could not
but feel that he was in the presence of
one of the few investigators who , from
a rich and life-long experience , bring
great benefit to the world. Let the
reader imagine a strong and stalwart
frame , surmounted by a head strongly
resembling that , of Socrates , and" cov
ered with a white silky beard and lux
uriant gray hair. Seth Green , the
father of fish culture , is a picture of
health , and the reporter could not help
remarking so.
"If you had-seen me the last winter
and spring , young man , you might
have thought differently , " said the vet
"How is that ? One wouTl think , tote
to look at you , that sickness was some
thing of which you knew nothing. "
"And so it was until last winter. ' I
went down into Florida in the fall to
see what kind of fish they had in that
state and study their habits , and was
attacked with malaria in its severest
form , and when I came home I real
ized for the first time in my life , that I
was sick. My symptoms were terrible.
I had dull , aching pains in my head ,
limbs and around my back. My appe
tite was wholly gone , and I felt a lack
of energy such as I had often heard de
scribed but had never experienced.
Any one who has ever had a severe at
tack of malaria can appreciate my con
dition. 1 went to bed and remained
there all the spring , and if there ever
was a sick man I was the one. "
"It seems hardly possible. How did
you come tc recover so completely ? "
"My brother , who had been afllicted
by a severe kidney trouble and threat
ened with Bright's disease , was com
pletely cured by a remedy in which I
had great confidence. I therefore tried
the same remedy for my malaria and
am happy to say I am a well man to
day and through the instrumentality of
Warner's Safe Cure , 'which I believe to
be one of the most valuable of medi
cines. Indeed , I sec it is endorsed by
the United States medical college of
New York , and that Dr. Gunn , dean of
that institution , has written a long arti
cle concerning its value. "
"And are you now as well as for
merly ? "
"Apparently so. I keep the remedy
on hand all the while though , and do
not hesitate to recommend it to others. "
"One question more. How many
ponds of fish have you here and ho\v
are they divided ? "
"Well , we have 43 ponds which are
divided up as follows : 22 ponds ol
brook trout , 2 ponds of salmon trout , 4
of McCloud river or rainbow trout , 2
ponds of German trout , 3 of California
mountain trout , 2 ponds of hybrids , 4
of one-quarter salmon and three-quar
ters brook trout , ponds of gold fish ,
and one pond of Carp. Then we have
what we call the centennial pond or
'happy family , ' consisting of crosses of
different fish , including Kcnnebec
salmon , Land Locked salmon , Califor
nia salmon , brook trout , salmon trout
and hybrids. These fish range in size
from minnows to 18-pounders , and in
age from one-and-one-half months to
eleven years. I forgot to say , also , that
we have a 'hospital' pond , which is en
tirely empty , which is speaking pretty
well for a community of many millions.
Indeed the whole secret of fish culture
can be summed up in four things. Im
pregnation , using no water. FPlcnty
of food. Plenty of pure water and
cleanliness. "
The numerous fish exhibitions which
are taking place in all parts of Europe
and the unusual interest which is being
manifested in this subject throughout
the world all owe their origin to the
process above described as originated
and conducted by Seth Green. It is
certainly cause for congratulation to
every American that this country pro
duces so many men whose genius brings
value to the world , and it is proof posi
tive of the greatest merit that a remedy
even with such high standing as War
ner's Safe Cure is known to have should
be so strongly endorsed and recom
mended by one so reputable and relia
ble as Seth Green.
Mr. Bancroft's Library.
George Bancroft's Washington libra
ry is ono of the finest private collections
in the United States ; every book of it
is valuable , and it contains works in all
of the modern languages. There are
over 12,000 volumes , and these are
closely packed in the four large rooms
wliidh comprise the literary workshop
of their owner. No display is made in
the way of expensive cases for the
books. They are kept in common
shelves running along the wall without
covering of either glass or curtain.
Bancroft knows his library perfectly ,
and could find any of his books in the
dark. His chief work-room faces the
street , and isTery large and well light
ed. In its center stands a large table
covered with books and manuscripts.
On one side of this sits the great histo
rian daily during his stay in Washing
ton ; opposite him a young secretary ,
and often in addition another , all writ
ing and working together.
"WHEAT No. 2 , TGtfc. "
BARLKY No. 2 , 47 c.
BAULKY No. 3 , 36c.
RYK No. 3 , 42c.
CORN No. 2 , 35tc.
OATS No. 2 , 267 'c.
PI.OUR Wheat Graham , $2 f,03 00.
CHOP FEED Per cwt. 90c.
SHORTS Per ton , $14 00(315 00.
ORANGES Per box , $10 00.
LEMONS Per box , $6 006 50.
AtPtES Per barrel $3 25(5)3 ) 50.
BUTTER Creamery , 27 < 329c. -
BUTTER Choice country , 1015c.
EGGS Fresh , 20c.
HAMS Per ft. 14Kc.
SHOULDERS Per lb. 8c.
PORK Per bbl. $17 00.
LARD In tierces , per n > . 103 c.
SHEEP $3 00(33 50.
CATTLE.$3 004 00.
HOGS ? i 00(24 ( 25.
CALVES $5 00(5X5 00.
WHEAT Per bushcj , 95(39oXc. '
CORN Per bushel , 47 Xc.
OATS Per bushel , 27.1 c.
PORK $10 50OIO GO.
LARD $7 85.
EOGS Mixed , $4 80(25 ( 15.
CATTLE Exports , $6 00(26 50.
3HEEP Medium to good , $3 35fd-3 75.
WHEAT Per bushel , $1 01J(5 > 1 02 > .
CORN Per bushel. 46(246 ( > 'c.
OATS Per bushel , ' 257 (2 > 2Ge.
CATTLE Exports. $5 75S6 ( 15.
SHEEP- 50(54 00.
HOGS Mixed , $4 90(5)5 ( ) 00.
Rev. "W. B. Smith , Grafton , Mass. , says :
"I have derived benefit from using : Brown's
[ ron Bitters for a low state of blood. V
Greatness lies not in being strongbut
in the right using of strength.
HAY FEVER. My brother Myren and my
self were both cured of Catarrh and Hay-
Fever last July and August by Ely's Cream
Balm. Up to Dec. 28 , these' troubles have
not returned. GABRIEL FEHRXS , Spencer ,
N" . T.
HAY FEVER. I was afllicted for twenty
rears with Hay-Fever. I used Ely's Cream
Balm with favorable results , and can recom
mend it to all. ROBERT W. TOWNLEY ,
[ ex-Mayor ) Elizabeth , N. J.
Have the courage to prefer comfort
and prosperity to fashion in all things.
A Torpid Iiiver.
Moroseuess , irritability , and a dull and
jloudy mind are the consequences of inac
tion of the liver. Moral : Allen Js "Iron
Fonic Bitters" in vijrorate the liver , stimu
late it when languid to secretion , and re
solve its chronic engorgements. Look outer
[ or counterfeits. The label on every bottle
sf the genuine bears the signature o"f J. P.
lllen , St. Paul , Minn.
Prosperity makes friends , but whether
they be real adversity will decide.
ZStfDiamond Dyes vill color any thins :
my color , and never fail. The easiest and
best way to economize. 10 cents , at all
Jniggists . _
Lose not thy own for lack of asking
[ or it. It will bring thee no thanks.
Never hold any one by the button , or
the hand , in order to be heard out ; for
if people are unwilling to hear you , you
had better hold your tongue than them.
[ Chesterfield.
Egotism is the I-dear of most every
body. [ Boston Courier.
we1 know will be gladly received by all
our readers. When the soreness firsl
conimencesor even when far advanced ,
it can be relieved and entirely cured bj
holding the finger or part afllictc-d in
Perry Davis" Pain Killer for half an
The best education in the world is
that got by struggling to get a living.
JITICIIU-PAIKA. " Quick , complete cure all
onuoylns Kldnur and Urlnarr l > lseuses. fl.
If every year we rooted out one vice
we should become perfect men.
Order or Buy any
Without lirat sending six CENTS for p , > s-
tasie and receiving the magnificently illus
trated catalogue of the
Fourth and Locust Sts. , St. Louis , Mo.
When in St. Louis call and sec us.
The jewel of assurance is best kept in
the cabinet of an'humble heart.
FLIES , roaches , ant * , bed-bugs , rats , mice , crows ,
chlpmunka.cleared out by "Rouxb. on Hata. " 15c.
Hake your enemies transient , and
your friendships immortal.
Pure Cod-I.lver Oil , made from Delected livers
on the sea i-hore by OASWKLJ , , UAZAKU & Co. . New
York : It is absolute1 ? pure end sweet. Patients
wno have once taken It prefer It to all others. Phy-
Blclats have decided it superior to any of the other
oils In market.
Chapped Hand * , Face , Flraplcn , and Rough
Skin , careby using JUNIPEK TAH POAP , made by
CASWELL , HAZAHD & \ . o. . New York.
The soldier who is not afraid never
boasts that he fears no ball.
LADIES' and children's boots and shoes
cannot run o er if Lyon's Patent Heel Stiffeners -
eners are used.
Knaves will thrive where honest
plainness knows not how to live.
"Mother Swan' * Worm Syrup , " for foverish- es8nesa.worms.cii' silpation. tasteless. 25c
Practice flows from principle , for as
a man thinks so he will act.
in Undoubted Blessing.
About thirty > ears ajro a prominent physi
cian by the name of Dr. William Hall dis
covered , or produced after long experimen
tal research , a remedy for diseases of the
throat , chest and lungs , which was of such
wonderful efficacy that it soon gained a wide
reputation in this country. The name of the
medicine is Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the
Lungs , and may be safely relied on as a
speedy and positive cure for couphs , colds ,
sore throat , &c. Sold by all druggists.
Who assails his competitor with abuse
injures his own business.
KOTJGH OKKAT8 , " , Clears out rats , mice ,
fllesri.acht s.hed-bugs. t nte verml .chipmunks. 15c
There is a certain dignity to be kept
up in pleasure as in business.
When you come to Omaha , take the
Street Cars or 'Bus for the Metropolitan
Hotel. § 2.00 per day. Tables as good
as any $3.00 per day house.
Restless , fretful , crying children are suffering -
fering , and need for their relief DR. WIN-
useful not only for all the disorders of teeth
ing infants , but cures coughs , colds , croup ,
sore throat , colic and cramps of older chil
dren , and should be kept in every house for
emergencies. Try it ; only 25 cts. Sold by ,
all druggists.
A farmer's wealth depends on the condi
tion of his stock. When scraggy and feeble
they are .especially liable to distempers ,
fevers , colds , and all diseases which destroy
animals. Thousands of dollars are saved
annually by that valuable old standby UN
One-third of all who die in active iniddle-
ife are carried off "by consumption. .The
most frequent cause is a neglected cold ,
cough , hoarseness , bronchial trouble or
asthma , all of which mav be permanently
AND "WILD CHERRY. Sold by druggists.
An economical man will Ueep the leather
of his harness soft and pliable , which pre
serves it from cracking or ripping. He
OIL. Sold by all harnessmakers.
Worms cause peevishness , fevers , convul
sions and frequently death. A pleasant ,
safe and certain remedv is DR. JAQUE'S
GERMAN WORM CA&ES. Sold by all
Headache , constipation , liver complaint ,
biliousness are cured by that mild , cleansing
remedy , which never produces pain , EIL
cts. Sold by druggists.
Sprains , bruises , stiff joints , burns , scalds
and rheumatism are relieved by Uncle Sam's
Nerve and Bone Liniment. Sold by all
CUKES all Diseases of the Kidneys ,
iiver , Bladder , and Urinary Organs ;
Dropsy , Gravel , Diabetes , Bright'o
Disease , Pains in the Back ,
Loins , or Side ; Retention or
Non-Retention of Urine ,
Nervous Diseases , Female-
Weaknesses , Excesses , Jaun
dice , Biliousness , Headache , Sonr
Stomach , Dyspepsia , Constipation < t Piles.
FAIL , as it acts directly and at once on tno
KidnrvA , T.iver , and Bowels , restoring them
to a healthy action. HUNTS REMEDY is a
safe , sure , and speedy cure , and hundreds have
hcen cured by it when physicians and friends
had given then up to die. Do not delay , try at
Send for Pamphlet to
Providence , R. t -
Prices , 75 cents and 81.25. Large size
the cheapest. Ask your druggist for HUNT'S
REMEDY. Take no other.
When you visit or leave Uew York City
save Baggage , Expressage and Carriage
Hire , and stop at GRAND UNION HOTEL ,
opposite Grand Central Depot. GOO elegant
rooms , fitted up at a cost of one million dollars
lars , reduced to $1 and upwards per day.
European plan. Elevator , Restaurantsup
plied with the'best. Horse-cars , stages and
elevated railroads to all depots. Families
can live better for less money at the Grand
UnionHotfll t him at. any other first-class hotel
in the city.
Stop at the Metropolitan Hotel when
in Omaha. The bust S2.00 per day
house in the west. Tables as good as
any $3.00 per day house.
A false profit Money made by deeep-
ion. [ Boston Star.
COUGH. Take some HALK'S HOXEY ov
HouKHOUNi ) AND TAB instanter.
Nothing is so reasonable and cheap
as good manners.
What is "beautiful ? Why , Carbolino , a
deodorized , extract of petroleum , as now
improved and perfected. Clear as spring
water , delightfully perfumed and will hot
boil the finest linen fabric a perfect toilet
preparation and absolutely makes the hair
grow on bald heads.
Humility is the most excellent natural
cure for anger in the world.
An invaluable strengthenerfor the nerves ,
muscles and digestive organs , producing
strength and appetite , is Brown's Iron Bit
Value the friendship of him who.
stands by you in time of storm.
Childhood shows the man as morning
shows the day.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
SoreTlirontSnrelllnjri.Sprttln .BraUe ,
Harm. Scald. . Frost Bite * .
BollbT DrugjUU and DemleneTenrwhere. Fitly CenU * bottls.
Direction ! la 11 Lanuaei.
(5o OMnnUA.VOOZL RCO. ) BmlUmort , H < L , I
QATAR RHEly's ' Creai Balm
[ when applied by
, the finger into the
nostrils , will be ab
sorbed , effectually
cleansing the head
of catarrh'al virus ,
causing healthy se
cretions. It allay o
inflammation , pro
tects the membrane
| ot the nasal pass
ages from addition
al colds , completely
heals the sores and
[ restores taste and
thorough treatment will positively cure.
Agreeable to use. Send for circular. Price
50 cents by mail or at druggists.
EIiTf UKOTMEKS , Owego , ft. Y.
In chronic dyspep
sia and liver com
plaint , and in chron
ic constipation and
other obstina'e
eases. Hosteller's
Stomuch Litters in.
beyond all compari
son , the best remedy
thr. can be taken.
As n means of re-
Ptorintrthe strength
and vital energy of
persns who are
suiting under he
debilitating cflectt
of painful dl i < Icrt < ,
this standard ve e-
tuble Invlpn'ant Is
| STOMACH * confessedlr une
% „ qual cd.
BITTER5 For sale by all
> and Dea -
ers generally.
Folks should send a three-cent
stamp for a free book ot nearly
110 large octavo pages , lull o'
valuable notes by Dr. K. U.
Foote the author of
Mpflinul Pflmmnn QPTKIO Plain Tfallr
llMluol bUllllllUli OrilluD \ ( rialli IdlA
on b'crofula Diseases of Men
and w omen , and all chronic ail
ments , wiin the evidences of
their curability. Ad ress Mur
ray Hill i ub. Co. , Box 783 .New
York City.
The fact is well understood
that the MEXICAN MUS
the best external known for
man or beast. The reason
why becomes an "open
secret' * when we explain that
"Mustang" penetrates skin ,
flesh and mnscle to the very
bone , removing all disease
and soreness. No other lini
ment does this , hence none
other is so largely used or
does such worlds of good.
Ellis's Horse Remedies
Solidly Indorsed by the Spirit of the Times ,
and lending Veterinary Surgeons.
"Kr LIS'S Ri'AviN CURE. Of courxe It Is generally
regarded ns Imo-ts'ble to comple'cly euro a bone
spavin and removes the enlargement , but It la posi
tively BBtonlshlnirwnnt cu-nttvo prouerUes exist In
the mixture krv.wn us Elite's puvln Cure , and those
who have Riven it atalrtrlulay it Is t-.e best rem
edy thnttneyevtrapp led. innmnytnseslt hai not
only remo cd the lameness but also the lump , and
we rccomm-nd t as far superior to the ordinary
blisiern prescribed by ihi facul'y. We ul o learn
that Kills s t ondlilon. i ollc. Worm , and hea'u Pow
ders are the best of their kind , and just wnat every
horse-rnvn-T shou.d have at band ready for me. "
May 12 , Ii83.
"I would gladly recommend your tipavln Core to
all , with perfect confidence as to tno result , " writes
H. C. ferry , V. S. , Boston. ' . /I
"We believe Ellis' Tloraa llemedlcs to be the best
article on tno American market. " Strauss & Immen ,
Kast JM h street , N. V. City.
Sold by all DrugrsUtu and llarne Dealem.
UfOur 15.00 nd HO 00 assortments of Ellls'n Hori e
Remedies should be In c cry stnb'c. Send for free
book of testimonials , dcacrlolnfc all our specialties.
CO Sndbary Street , Helton , Man. , and
27G Fourth Avenue , New York.
By taking "Wright's Indian Vegetable
Pills , which cleanse the Bowels , purify the
Blood , and by carrying off all obstructions
eeeuro healthy nml vigorous notion to the
* *
38 LOOMIS' SCHOOL , for the reception
Si of a limited number of boarding pupils. Special
attention Rtven to their home training. Terms , 1224
psryear. For circulars , apply to I * . B ! XXMISiai4
Webster Street , Omaha. Neb.
EDPFwood rr/urn nuiil. Full Hrrripfl < m
.ood > ' Now Tailor Af.YMU'm of
jUlllU ( > ress Cutting llOoov * to , U UMU , O.
r < .rUisini > - > Bi tne Uiu.nuu v *
Commercial College. Circulxrlntc
Addrt's Q.BAYi.iE8.Uabuqae.I
, APe ltiveCure. KoKnlfe
GANGER No ria ter . No Pain. Jlr.
W. u. fayne , Marrnalltown.Towa.
AOKSiTS 1VA.AT.E1 > for the best and fartest
eelllng Pictorial Books and bibles. I'nco reduced
33 per cent. NATIONAL rOB. Co. St. Mo.
$5 to
VCC a week In your own town. Terms and $5 outfit
UU free. Address IL Hallett & Co. . r ortland. Me ,
* week ; 112 a day at home easily made. Costly
ontflt free. AddreaaTuur.A t : o. , Augusta. Maine.
W N U Omaha 175-41
please say you saw the advertisement
this pin r.
: KTO. , ETC.
An animal vrith flpranccd diRPStion , Impover
ished blood or diseased kidneys cannot thrive. It
becomes weak , spiritless , of scracpy appearance ,
which renders it unsalable. It cost * no more to
keep sound , healthy animals that will find ready-
market , and shrewd farmers find it pays them to
Five Uncle Sam's Condition Powder freely to
diseased stock , and occasionally to all ; because it
purifies the blood , aid-s digestion , stimulates the
various functions to healthv s retion , and thus
promotes growth , and givi-s a smooth , clossv coat
of hair. MILCH COWS are much benlfited
by the occasional use of Uncle Sam's Condition
Powder in slop or feed. HOGS fatten faster whe" .
it Is given three or four days in succession every
month or two. SHEEP. All di casps common
v.f&sCvoxsr' "
& We caution all who desire a truly meritorious article to be"sure and ask for Uncle Sam's Condition
Powder „ , and accept no other as a substitute. Prepared only by THE
What a puzzle the little child is in the domestic economy !
How the mother gives of her own life and strength to support the life
of her blessed little youngster !
How the child kicks , and laughs , and crows !
How the child grows , and is heavier and heavier every day.
And yet she lifts him , and tosses him , and plays with him , and takes
care of him by day and by night
Is it any wonder the mother breaks down ? Her back aches. He
stomach fails her. Her liver is bad. Her blood is thin , and she says sht
feels poorly. Yes , yes , poorly very poorly. Give mother a bottle pi *
Praam's Iran Bitters. She needs the iron in her blood , which that will
put there. She must have strength , or she will be a confirmed old-invalid.
Brvtinfs Iron Bitters helps worn and weary women into new life ,
cheerfulness , and vigor. Tell all the mothers you know. 9