McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, October 04, 1883, Image 4

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Upon u Subject of Vital Interest , Effecting
the Welfare of All.
The following remarkable letter from
one of the leading and best known sci-
cV CQtific writers of the present day is
specially significant , and should be of
unnsnal ypluu to all readers who desire
to keep pace with the march of modern
discoveries and events :
"A general demand for reformation
is one of the most distinctive character
istics of the nineteenth century. The
common people , as well as the more
enlightened and. refined , cry out with no
uncertain voice to be emancipated from
the slavery of conservatism and super
stition which has held the masses ingress
gross ignorance during a large portion
of the world's history , and in the time
of the 'Dark Ages' cams near obliterating -
ing the last glimmer of truth. Dogmatic
assertions and blind empiricism are
losing caste among all classes of all
countries. People are beginning to
think for themselves , and to regard
authority much less than argument.
Men and women are no longer willing
that a few individuals should dictate to
them what must be their sentiments
and opinions. They claim the right to
solve for themselves the great questions
of the day and demand that the general
good of humanity shall be respected.
As the result of this general awakening ,
we see on every hand unmistakable evi
dences of reformatory action. People
who , a few years ago , endured suffer
ing the most intense in the name of
duty , now realize the utter foolishness of
V- such a course. ' Men who were under
the bondage of bigoted advisers allowed
their health to depart ; suffered their
constitutions to become undermined
and finally died as martyrs to a false
system of treatment. There are millions
of people filling untimely graves who
might have lived to a green old age had
their original troubles been taken in
time or properly treated. There are
thousands of people to-daythoughtless-
ly enduring the first symptoms of some
serious malady and without the slight
est realization of the danger that is be
fore them. They have occasional head
aches ; a lack of appetite one day and a
ravenous one the nextor an unaccount
able feeling of weariness , sometimes acT -
T coinpanied by nausea and attribute all
these troubles to the old idea of 'a slight
cold' or malaria. It is high time tnat
people awoke to a knowledge of the se
riousness of these matters and emanci
pated themselves from the professional
bigotry which controls them. When
this is done and when all classes of
physicians become liberal enough to
exclude all dogmas , save that it is their
duty to cure disease as quickly , and as
safely as possible ; to maintain , no other
position than that of truth honestly as
certained , and to endorse and recom
mend any remedy that has been found
useful , no matter what its origin , there
will be no more quarreling among the
-j" doctors , while there will be great re
joicing throughout the world. "
"I am well aware of the censure that
will be meted out to mo for writing this
letter but I feel that i cannot bo true to
iny honest convictions unless I extend
a helping hand and endorse all that I
know to be good. The extended pub
lications for the past few years , and
graphic descriptions of different dis
eases of the kidneys and liver have
awakened the medical profession to the
fact that these diseases are greatly in
creasing. The treatment of the doc
tors has been largely experimental and
many of their patients have died while
they were casting about for a remedy
to cure them. "
"It is now over two years since my
attention was first called to the use of a
> - most wonderful preparation in the treat
ment of Bright's disease of the kidneys.
Patjents had frequently asked mo about
the remedy and I had heard of remark
able cures effected by it , but like many
others I hesifated to recommend its use.
A personal friend of mine had been in
poor health for some time and his ap
plication for insurance on his life had
been rejected on account of Bright's
disease. Chemical and microscopical
examinations of his urine revealed the
presence'Of large quantities of albumen
and granular tube casts , which con
firmed the correctness of the diagno
sis. After trying all the usual reme
dies , I directed him to use this prepara
tion and was greatly surprised to ob
serve a decided improvement within a
> - month , and within four months , no tube
casts could bo discovered. At that
time there was present only a trace of
albumenj and * he 'felt , as he expressed
it , 'perfectly well , ' and all through the
influence of Warner's Safe Cure , the
remedy he used. "
"After this I prescribed this medicine
in full doses in both acute and chronic
nephritis , [ Bright's disease ] and with
the most satisfactory results. My ob
servations \vere neither small in num-
, bernor hastily mado. They extended
over several .months and embraced a
largo number of cases which have
proved BO satisfactory co my mind , that
I would , earnestly urge upon my profes
sional brethren the importance of giving
a fair and patient trial to Warner's Safe
, Cure. In a large class of ailments
' where the blood is obviously in an un
healthy state ; especially where glandu
lar engorgements and inflammatory
eruptions exist , indeed inmany .of those
forms of chronic indisposition in which
there is no evidpncu of organic mischief ,
but where the general health is depleted ,
the face sallow , the urine colored , con-
" Jtitutino- the condition in which the pa-
* 7nent is said to be 'bilious , ' , the advan-
Vifee opined by the use of this remedy is
remarkable. In Bright's disease it
deems to act as a solvent of albumen ;
to soothe and heal the inflamed mem
branes ; to wash out * the epithelial de
bris which blocks up the tubuli urini-
- T
feri , arid to prevent a destructive meta
morphosis of tissue. "
"Belonging as I do to a branch of
the profession that believes no one
school of medicine knows all the truth
regarding the treatment of disease , and
being independent enough to select any
remedy that will relieve my patients ,
without reference to the source from
whence it conies , I am glad to acknowl
edge and commend the merits of this
remedy thus frankly.
Respectfully yours ,
11. A. GUKN , M. D.
Dean and Professor of Surgery , Unitec
States Medical College of New York
editor of Medical Tribune ; Author o
Gunn's New and Improved Hand
Book of Hygiene and Domestic Medi
cine , etc. , etc.
WHEAT No. 2 , 83 a'c.
BAULKY No. 2 , til-c.
BARLEY No. 3 , 3 e.
RYE No. 3 , 43c.
CORN' No. 2 , 3Co.
OATS No. 2 , 35c.
FLOUR Wheat Graham , $2 . ' . < X 3 00.
CHOP FEED Per c\vt. OOc.
SHOUTS Per ton , $14 00.
GUANOES Per box , $10 00.
LEMONS Per box , $ ti ( ) QSG 50.
APPLES Per barrel 4 Uof53 f > 'J.
BUTTER Creamery , ' 20S'22c.
BUTTER Choice country 10lf > c.
EGGS Fresh , I718c.
HAMS Per It. . 14 > ic.
SnoULDEits Per tb. 8c.
PORK Per bbl. $17 00.
LARD In tierces , perlb. rj.St : .
SHEEP $3 OOrS3 75.
CATTLE $3 004 50.
HOGS $4 004 25.
WHEAT Per bushel , 037 ' ( a94.Vc.
CORN Per buehel , 49.Vc.
OATS Per bushel , 27 > 4C.
PORK $10 25.
LARD $7 83Sfi 87 * .
HOGS Mixed , $4 70r 15.
CATTLE Exports , § 6 00G 50.
SHKKP Medium to good , $3 25 ( 3 75.
WHEAT Per buHhel , $1 00 > s.
CORN Per bushel. 46 > c.
OATS Per buehel , 25& < 32fie.
CATTLE Exports. $ o 75(56 15.
SHEEP $2 5WSi 00.
HOGS Mixed , $4 90O5 00.
Luther's Anger.
In Professor Fisher's paper on "Mar
tin Luther , After Four Hundred Years , "
iu the October Century , is quoted from
Luther : "I never worked better than
when I am inspired by auger ; when I
am angry I can write"pray , and preach
well , for then my whole temperament
is quickened , my understanding sharp
ened , and all mundane vexations and
temptations depart. "
B I <
Every family should be supplied with
Pern' Davis' Pain Killer. Its magic effect
in removing pain from all parts of the body
has given it a world-wide reputation. No
family having once used this medicine would
willingly be without it.
Mrs. Langtry sails for the United
States on the 12th of October.
THE most comfortable boot in town is thnt
with Lyou's Patent Heel Stiffeners.
Some girls can't toll the difference
between love and taffy.
The sennlne "Roush on Corns" ts made r ly by 13
3. Wells ( mopr' of "Hough on lta"J , ano baa
InufihlnK face of a man on labels. 15c & Soj toitles.
The free night schools of Paris are
attended by 1-COOO pupils.
The only scientific Iron Medicine thnt
does not croduce headache. &c. , but pives
to the system all the benefits of iron with
out itsliadjeffc tSjislJrowiVH | ron Bitters.
The cost of stopping a railroad train
is said to bo from -10 to 60 cents.
DOXT DIE 1ST TSIK HOUSK."Ronjh onltata1
oJeara out rat. * , mice. ales , roaches , bed-buss. 15c ,
A barrel of money makes a hog set in
society. [ New Orlean ° Picayune.
HAY-FEVKR. T can recommend Ely's
Dream Balm to all Hay-Fever sufferers ; it
[ g , in my opinion , a sure cure. I was af
flicted for 25 years , and never before found
permanent relief. W. H. HASKINS , Marsh-
Jeld , Vt.
HAY-FEVER. Ihavo been a Hay-Fever
mfferer for three years ; have often heard
Ely's Cream Balm spoken of in the highest
terms. I used it , and with the most won-
ierful Huecens. T. S. Geer , Syracuse ,
s. y.
The telephone is as common in India
is in New England.
Vitiated blood needs cleansing. There is
jnly one remedy for all such cases , Sanmri-
: an Nervine.
The fool is a cock which sings at the
wrong time. [ Turkish.
Young Men , 3Iiddle Aged Men and
ill Men who suffer from early indiscretions
will find Allen'n Brain Food the most pow-
rrful invigorant ever introduced ; once re
stored by it there is no relapse. Try it ; it
lever fails. $1 ; 6 for $5. At druggists , or
jy mail from J. H. Allen , 315'First Ave. ,
ffew York City.
Love is worth two dollars and a half
i bushel to any man living.
F r Uyspcpula , In < Uze tli > n. Deprcss >
Spirit * and General debility , in their various fo
ilso as a preventive against Fever and Ague ,
Ahcr Intermittent Fevers , too "Ferro-Pho i
rated E Ixlr of Cnllauyu , " mndo by Ca
3azar.1 & Co. . Koir York , su.d sold by all druKgl
, hc best ton'c ; and for patients recoveiinx
: evers or other a'cincsa. It has no equal.
If yon engrave it too much , it
jecome a hole. [ Malabar.
innary complaints , cwed br "Huchu-PalDa. "
Liszt , the pianist , "always very 1 <
s now growing quite stout.
A Council Bluffs newspaper of the 'In
866 said : "Ihe Chicago & Nonhw <
Railway has just finished itp line
) lace. * * " * Being the first railroai
from the east. * * *
each this pJaci pi
t to be the most enterprising road in the
jountry. " The prestige gained then has ,
> v continued enterprise , maintained against
ifl rivals.
Nilsson's reminiscences will be pub-
ished in the Paris Fig.-irn.
Early English Baby talk [ Boston
"When you visit or leave New York City ,
save Baggage , Expressage and Carriage
Hire , and stop atGRANDUNION HOTEL ,
opposite Grand Central Depot. GOO eleganl
rooms , fitted up at a cost of one million dollars
lars , reduced o $1 and upwards per day.
European plan. Elevator. Restaurant
supplied with the best. Horse-cars , stages
and elevated railroads to all depots. Fami
lies can live better for less money at the
Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-
class hotel in the city.
When you come to Omaha , take the
Street Cars or 'Bus for the Metropolitan
Hotel. $2.00 per day. Tables : is good
anr $3.00. per day house.
After a woman has emerged from n
salt-water bath figures don't lie.
Personal Men Only.
The VolUiic Belt Co. . Marshall , Mich. ,
will send Dr. Dye's Celcbred Electro-
Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on trial
for thirty days to men ( young or old ) who
arc afflicted with nervous debility , lost vital
ity and kindred troubles , guaranteeing
speedy and complete restoration of health
and manly vigor. Address as above. N. B.
No risk incurred , as thirty days' trial is al
Stop at the Metropolitan Hotel when
in Omaha. The best § 2.00 per day
house in the west. Tables as good as
any § 3.00 per day house.
Hope is the brightest star iu the firm
ament of youth.
Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in 1 Minute.
The weakest kind of iniit drops earl
iest to the ground.
OTTAWA , ILL. Dr. T. A. Smurr , say * :
"Brown's Iron Bitters give entire satisfac
tion. "
What is love ? Love is keeping a ten-
dollar family on a six dollar salary.
boasts that 819,740 bottles of CARHOLINK
have been sold within the last six months.
This shows that the great army of baldheads -
heads will soon be reduced to a corporal's
Whenever love hns to play second fid
dle , it is time to break up the band.
Miss Jennie P. Warren , 740 W. Van Bu-
renSt. , Chicago , III. , says : "Samaritan
Nervine cured me of spasms. " $1.50 at
Clara Morris is said to have grown
quite stout.
Wisdom's Teachings.
The wise man knows nothing who cannot
profit by his own wisdom , but the man who
has once tested the virtues of Allen's Iron
Tonic Bitters will n'cverforego its use , espe
cially if he suffers from neuralgia , indiges
tion and other ills of a weak system. All
enuine bear the signature of J. P. Allen ,
§ t. Paul , Minn.
Over candid A sugar-coated pill.
[ Boston Star.
Fraicr Axle Grease i * best In the world.
Frnzer Axle G < ease Is best In the world.
Fruzer Axle Urea o' a beat In the wor'd.
Conversation on a journey is equal tea
a conveyance. [ Tamul.
N. "Wells' Hea tti Kenewer"restore
health and vigor , cures Djspeptiiii aud Imputencc. II
Mr. AVm.DeFreis , of Muncie , Kas. , hns
for years been suffering from .white swelling
of the knee-joint , which threatened him
with the loss of his leg. 'We are glad to
! earn that Mr. De Freis is now rapidly re
covering , and his physicians , Drs. Dicker-
eon & Stark , of the Kansas City Surgical In
stitute , are confident that they can save his
1mb. _
The population of. Egypt is 6,728,200.
A baby is love materialized.
, fretful , crying children are suf
fering , and ueed for their relief DR. W1N-
useful not only for all the disorders of
teething infants , aut cures coughs , colds ,
croup , eore throat , colic and cramps of older
children , and should be kept in every house
for emergencies. Try it ; only 2o cts. Sold
jy all druggists. _
A farmer's wealth depends on the condi-
Jon of his stock. When scraggy and feeble
.hey arc especially liable to distempers ,
fevers , oolds , and all diseaws which destroy
animals. Thousands of dollars are saved
annually by that valuable old standby , UN
One-third of all who die in active middle-
ife are carried off -by conniimption. The
most frequent cause is a neglected cold ,
cough , hoarseness , bronchial trouble or
asthma , all of which may be permanently
AND WILD CHERRY. Sold by druggists.
An ooojiomical man will keep the leather
of his harness soft and pliable , which pre
serves it from cracking or ripping. He
OIL. Sold by all harnessmakers.
Worms cause peevishness , fevers , convul
sions and frequently death. A pkasant
afe and certain reoiedv is DR. .TAQOE'S
druggists . _ . _
Headache , constipation , liver complaint ,
biliousness are cured by that mild , cleansing
emedy , which never produces pain , EIL
-5ct8. Sold by all druggists.
Sprains , bruises , stiffjointfi , burns , scalds
and rheumatism are relieved by Uncle Sam's
'ferve ' and Bouc Liniment. Sold by all
flISS IrOOSOS' SCHOOL , for the reception
ti of n limited number of boarding pupils. Special
Jrcsa Cutting HOOD * u to , uc.-i.m.d , o
P1 d8ya'home. SampleworthJ5free ,
'o. . PortJ ndMalne.
uweekln our own town. Terms and ta oatflt
free. Address H. Hi01et& Ca , PortlandMnlno.
! * l2ad yRthumeeasilyiua/e. ! I'ostly
nntfltrree. Address TRUE * Co. . AumiHtiOle.
A BUKU CUKK tar nta or epllep-y In4 hutu > . h ret )
* to poor. i r. KtttTSE , aivi Arsenal tet.LonM.ilo.
Rcllcv nnd cures
Neuralgia , 2
Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Soreness , Cuts , Brulsos.
And nil other bodily aches
Koldbyul ) Druggists and
Dealera. Directions In 11
The Charles A. Vogeler Co.
tSoimlion IJ A. YOT.LLtl' A. CO. )
IlalUsorr , Hit , C.8.X.
Scratches ,
Burns ami Scalds , row nut !
lUings and ! Utc8 , Spavin , Cracks ,
Cuts ana UruIscK , Screw Worm , Grub ,
Dpralng & Stitches , Foot Hot , lioof All ,
Lameness ,
CJtiflfJoliits , Hvvlmiy , Foaiulcra ,
Backache , Sprains , Strains ,
Eruptions , Sere Fo"t ,
Frost Kites , StlfTucgs ,
cndallextemnldiscatw. aadwcryiiuriornccidcnt
Forgen2Tal use in fnin r , F.tailcand Bto.'k yard itis
iiltEly's ' Cream BaM
when applied by
the linger into the
nostril3will be ab
sorbed , effectually
cleansing the head
of catarfhal virus ,
causing healthv se
cretions. Il allays
inflammation , pro
tects the membrane
of the nasal pass
ages from addition
al colds , completely
heals the pores and
restores taste and
smell. A few ap-
1 positively cure.
Agreeable to use. Send for circular. Trice
50 cents by mall or at druggists.
Owe < ro. W. Y.
fla and liver com
plaint : utl In chran-
in comtlpa ion and
other obstlnutc dls-
ra es , llnsteUcr's
b'tomach Hitters IH
beyond ti i coni | iri-
n > n the best remedy
th'it amo taken
ws n rn-nua 01 re
st r njr Ki.stronma
and viml.jony '
{ K-rsijr.e wno nr <
m > -in.r Bii1 r tlie
ilebi latin , offectir.f
pi'nui 1 1 * il < vs.
thin ittiuidtird vi-e-
i u Me nvi 'oiant
! oi fessedly un -
For yuc by : ill
Dru&rJsL ! > ml jJen-
rK nerally.
N4t J'ATBNl' . KO I'AY :
MmTJTlCi H. H. A A. ! MAitU\-r-S , t A wo-
iiJ.1 JLM i ! j-i . WaeDiSMfton , IX 0. i > 'ul !
atrnctlona end hiudt .vV ua I'ATBjrPS BE.TP FKEK.
VV N II Unintiu. 17-1 10
please nay 301 : saw the advcrtisinen in
A-Great-Problem !
Kidney & Liver
VRenredies ,
.And Indigestion Cures ,
Ague , Fever ,
And BihousISpeoiflcs ,
Brain and Nerve
Foros Revivers.
Great - Health
ties of all these , and the best qualities of all
the best Medicines in the world , and you
will find that HOP BITTEKS have the best
curative qualities and powers of all concen
trated in them , and that they will cure when
any or all of the e , singly or connected , fall.
A thorough trial will give positive proof Of
The Most Powerful Healing Ointment
Ever Discovered.
enry's Carbolic Salve cures
Henry's Carbolic Salve allays
Henry's Carbolic Salve cures
Henry's Carbolic Salve heals
Henry's Carbolic Salve cures
Henry's Carbolic Salve heals
Ask for Henry's and take no
Cere lilfiiciuche , Constvutlon , Chills titliJ \
"ccor , un < > nil Ittiinu * . C
AM. ; > ui ; ; < . : tsTs. PIUCK us CENTS A BOX
272 1'earl Street , N.Y.
A NK\V , original , cheap lantern , for projecting and cn-
larcinfj photoirraphr chromo cards , opaque pictnrra and
objecte. Works like rcatricL and deliehtx and mystiKca
uverybody. Krnd for our full undfr ' des < Tintivecirc7ilar
MUlUtAY Ull.1.1'L'H. CO. , liox 'KM. it. Y. < Jiy. N. Y.
* * Wi i AttU 3v/A J3 CO. .
TT { I l.'il UnuibJrt'trjaHSttret < "iiiray ) . III.
-auf i S-'JVjn IVairnri- < -nlr.i < - -t-TunSCO ;
fitag"i ftivp , t : > . frr-mi for t'rtro Mg
All r4
the most beautiful things In
The most wonderful Jewelry catalosne ever ipsnetl. Yon will bo nurpmed to learn at what Temarkabty low
prlaa this great house sells its fine peed ? . rB When in St. Louis call and sea them.
An nnimnl with U < $ anded dipcstion , iinrKvcr-
itlit-J blood cr Uiseas d kidneys cannot thrive. It
becomes weak , spiritles. , of scragjrv nppfaraccc
which renders it unsclibli .
: It to-t-i no more-to
kwp sound , healthy animal * that will i-cd ready
market , and r.lirewd fannvts find it j > av9 theiu to
jrtve UccSe icuu'a Condition I'owtJor" irvfly to
diseasi-d stock , and ( iccaoionally to nil ; becanfc it
purifies the Wood , aids disfettlon , stimulates"
variou-j Autctions to healthv secretion. thU9
promotes prowth , and gives a smooth , slossy teat
of hair. MtLCH COV/S are niucl ? beniBted
t'v tno occasional use of Uncle Sam'-i Condition
J'lmtkr in slop or feed. HOGS fattm faster when
it H grvtn Uirve or four days In f accession every
month ortwo. SHEEP.--M1 diseases cornmon
to sh ep , uch as coughs , colda , sralrs , itc. , are re-
_ llcvett by this powder.
&S * We caution all who desire a truly meritorious zaticle to be sure and ask for Uncle Sam's Condition
w-u uuu.
Powder , and accept 20 other M a substitute. Prepared orJutyTn'E
Shall We ! Let the Child Bio ?
A hard-hearted political economist , looking at a pale and punv child
fedie. ' "gasping-as it lies upon a pillow , says that the child might nswoli
die. It is so weak and poor that its life will never be worth much anyhov/ .
There are already a good many people in the world who are of not much
account anyhov/ . And what's the use of adding to their number another
weakling , who has but slender chance of ever amounting to anything ?
Now ask that child's mother what she thinlis about letting the child
die. About this time the hard political economist had betterget out of
the way. "Let my child die ? NolNol As long as there is a 'remedy io
be found that will save thai child , the child shall not die / I'll spend my last
dollar to save the child F Well , try a bottle of BROWN'S IROX BITTER *
on that child. See the poor litde fellow pick up strength. He revivesT
He will live. Hosts of other children have been brought almost from dea'li
to healthy life by Brown's Iron Bitters. Your druggist sells it. K