McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 27, 1883, Image 4

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    The Tribune
Two star route jurors have com
mcnced building new houses.
GKOKOK A. HUNTER announce !
himself elsewhere as an indcpcnden
candidate for County Treasurer.
SATURDAY'S convention was harmo
nious in the extreme. Party feeling
did not couic to the surface.
LINCOLN'S "bucolic" paper takes
great pride in the establishment by 0. *
borne , Kespohl & Co. , of a wholesale
dry goods house at that point.
TIIK Republican State Convention
met at Lincoln , yesterday , tut we go tc
press before receiving a report of its
A GOOD Democratic Sheriff nomina
ted by a staunch Republican convention
was one of the results of Saturday's
convention. This was a movement ,
certainly , consistent with civil service
THE anti-monopoly govemor of Mich
igan travels on a railroad pass. The rail
roads of Michigan are worse than the
governor. . Capital punishment was orig
inally invented for the railroad man who
offered a pass to an anti-monopolist.
SECRETARY TELLER has decided that
the Kickapoo Indians in Kansas are en
titled to compensation for the lands sur
rendered by them in accordance with the
stipulation of a late treaty , and he will
: isk congress to appropriate a sum suf-
u'cicut for the purpose ,
A TABLL showing by States the num
ber of pension claims pending in the
.pension office on the 30th of June , 1883 ,
lias been prepared. New York heads
the list , with 27,973 , while South Car
olina , has only 2. Washington is re
sponsible for 240. From the war of
1812 there are 1,012 , and other wars
prior to 1861 , 1,70G. There are 3.249
claims from men now In the navy and
5,483 from the anfiy.
. THE convention engaged in form-
forming a State constitution for South
ern Dakota has voted down woman suf
frage by 3 to 117. It has , however ,
adopted a section granting to women
having the qualifications of age , resi
dence , etc. , prescribed for male voters ,
the right to vote at any election .held
solely for school purposes and to hold
any office relating to schools. This is
in line with the example of some of
the older States.
THE Omaha Bee claims that the cli
mate of the plains in Western Nebraska
is changing rapidly and becoming more
and more rainy as cultivation of the soil
increases. As cornstalks arc much
taller and more shrub-like than prairie
grassthe advocates of forest culture as
: i means of increasing the rainfall of a
countrywill probably declare that the
views are supported by this reported
change from dry to wet on the plains of
the far West. Cleveland Leader.
JOHN BULL , engineer of the Thun
derbolt passenger train on the New
York , Pennsylvania & Ohio railroad ,
died on Monday , frem injuries received
by a collision with a freight train at
Tiilmagc , Saturday. He might have
.saved his life by jumpingbuthe thought
jf the passengers , reversed his engine ,
set the air brakes , and then put on full
steam , started ahead , broke loose from
the cars , and met the oncoming train
with his engine. The passengers were
unhurt. He lived at Gallon , and was
the oldest engineer on the road.
people of Astoria who want him to
build them a connection to his road is
a truly generous one. He will build
the line , if they will find a contractor
.who will do it for $30000 a mile. $20-
000 to be paid in first mortgage bonds
and $10,900 in .second mortgage bonds.
That is plain enough. 3Iost railroads
are built for the first and second mort
gages nowaday ? , but the cool part of the
proposition is Mr. Yilliard's explanation
that ' -these are all the Funds at his dis-
"posal now. ' '
THE Chicago and Eastern Illinoi
Railroad announced on Monday that 01
Tuesday they will begin selling ticket
to Indianapolis , including a chromo fo
five cents. It is understood that tin
five cents is for the chroino and tha
the fair is thrown gratis. Wcstcri
roads arc never struck by such a frcal
of generosity.
MR. EMERSON wrote to a friend ii
1829 : "I suppose that prosperity ii
always dangerous , especially for tin
very young. In college I used to ech <
an ejaculation of my wise aunt : 'Oh
blessed , blessed poverty ! " When }
saw young men of fine capabilities ,
whose only disadvantage was wealth. "
GUNNISOX , Col. , is to be the site oi
big steel works , built by New York am
St. Louis capitalists , who have boughl
2,000 acres of land at Crystal Buttc
20 miles from Gunnison , the tract con
taining large and valuable deposits ol
iron and anthracite coal. The iron is
said to be equal to the best in Missouri ;
and the coal is superior to the best in
Pennsylvania. The millwhen finished ,
is to employ several thousand hands.
A HANDSOME German girl , fresh from
Rhinelandwas , up before a New Jersey
justice on a charge of desertion.
Through an interpreter she said she
didn't know she was married , the old
Dutchman claiming her , having told her
that was the way servants were hired in
this country. The learned justice said
it made no difference what sLe thought ;
she was married anyhow , and must
obey her husband. She at once de
clared she would return to Germany ,
where no fellow could marry her
without her knowing something about
THE Postmnster-General has again
ifcsued a circular regarding the new
postal law which goes into effect Octo-
Der 2nd , which everybody should heed.
It reminds the letter writing public
; hat all letter postage must be prepaid
is a condition of the letter being f'or-
varded. If the postage is sufficient ,
md there is a return card on the envel
> pe , the letter will be returned to the
vriter. If not , notice will be forward-
id to the party to whom the letter is
tddrcssed , stating the amount of post-
ige due on the detained Intter , upon
he receipt of which the letter will bo
REQUISITIONS xipon the post office
lepartment by post masters for the new
wo-cent stamp is so large that con-
ractors are unable to meet the demand
nd the department consequently is re-
lucing the amounts called for in the
equisition. Contractors at the present
re able to furnish one and a half million
timps daily , but this is much less than
lie number demanded during the early
art of the present month. The de-
artment has distributed a very large
umber of old two-cent stamps among
jany of smaller post-offices , yet it is
elieved that with the utmost exertion
f the department , fully one-third of the
ost-offices in the country will not have
n adequate supply of stamps upon the
ate when the law providing for the
ew letter rate goes into operation ,
'he ' department officials , however , do
otfear any serious obstruction of busi-
THE average cost of collecting the
iriff revenues for the last fiscal year
as a little over two cents and nine
lills. In twenty-nine of the 120 di.s-
icts the cost of collection is more
lan dollar for dollar , while in thirty of
icmincluding many of the larger ports ,
ic cost is under ten cents. The receipts
i New York were8147,901,488 , audit
> st one cent and eight mills on the
) llar for collection. Boston comes next
> Nsw York in receipts to the value of
23,475,440 , at a rate of two cents and
ght mills on the dollar , while Phiin-
ilphia and San Francisco are next in
xler , rising $12OOQ.QOO and § 10,000-
)0 ) respectfully , at rates of three cents
id four mills and three cents ami eight i
ills on the dollar. It is understood
at tlie Secretary of the Treasury will
new his recommendation for the aboli-
m of unprofitable district ? , but the <
iliticians will fight hard against 11113' l
duction of patronage. I
Republican Convention.
The Republican Convention met a
Tndianola on Saturday last , and organ
ized by electing T. D. Pollock , tempoi
ary chairman and J. P. Israel , tcuipoi
ary secretary , which organization wa
afterwards made permanent.
After the committee on credential
had reported , the delegates elected wer
duly admitted to the convention , am
the vacancies filled.
The following nominations wcr
made :
For County Clerk , C. LCramer. .
For Uounty Judge , II. M. Ashmou
For Co. Treasurer , J. II. Goodrich ,
for Sheriff , J. W. Welborn.
For Coroner , Dr. L. Lee Johnson.
For Superintendent , C. L. Nettleton ,
For Go. Surveyor , Page T. Francis.
For.Co. Commissioner , S. L. Green
Gco. Ilockncll was nominated by I
J. Starbuck as a candidate for repreaen
tative to fill vacancy , and , on motion ,
the nomination was made unanimous.
J. W. Dolan , I. J. Starbuck , Thos.
Clark and A. M. Robb were elected del
egates to the State Convention.
George Hocknell was elected Chair
man of the County Central Committee ,
and the following were elected mem
bers :
Indianola , John Lamborn ; Beaver ,
S. R. Mcssncr ; Willow Gr < nfe , Charles
Boyle ; Driftwood , John Stone ; Eas'
Yallcy , S. B. Rowe ; Danbury , T. D.
Pollock ; Red Willow , W. T. Hamilton.
After which the convention adjourned.
FLORIDA constructed more miles of
railroad , last year , that any southern
state , except Georgia , and at the pres
ent rate of railroad building , she will
discount Georgia , this year.
ENGLAND had this year 2,000,000
icrcs in wheat , against 39,000,000 acres
in America ; no cornagainst 64,000,000
icres in America. She has G , 000,000
icad of cattle and 25.000,000 head of
sheep , against America's 60,000,000
lead of cattle and 50,000,000 sheep.
Jleveland schools , in a recent address ,
.aid : "The heart of American educa-
ion beats below the high school line ,
hat to strength and deepen the educa-
ion of the pupils in the lower grades
he real common schools stands first
imong the educational needs of the
BOSTON raises some awfully smart
uen. There was one the other day who
ried the experiment of ridding his car-
icts of moths by spiinkling them liber-
lly with naptha. Then he lighted the
; as , and had an explosion violent
nough to burn off his hair and beard ,
mash the furniture , and fire the
louse. Just at the present the man is
iot bothering about little things like
THE fastest train in the world is the
'Flying Dutchman" running from Lon-
on to Bristolu distance of 118 - miles ,
r at a rate of 59 miles an hour. The
astest train in America is said to be
lie afternoon express on the Canada
itlantic Railway , which leaves Coteau
tation at 5:35 and reaches Ottawa ,
istant 78.4 miles , at 7:09. : having made
ne stop of three minutes at Alexan-
ria. This is fifty miles an hour.
Additional Locals.
In Memoriam.
The Hitchcock County Bar met and
asscd the following resolutions upon
ic death of S. L. Greeley :
WHEREAS , Our friend and fcllow-
fficer , S. L. Greeley , has departed
lis life , we , the members of the bar
nd officers of this court , in token of
ic confidence and esteem cherished for
im do offer and adopt the following ,
iz :
RESOLVED. That in the person of S.
. Greeley we recognized a worthy , in-
illigcnt and useful citizen , universally
snored and loved by all whose for
me it was to know him.
2. That as an officer we have found
in perfectly efficient , strictly honest ,
.uictiml in business , polite in manner
id exceedingly popular throughout the
itire county.
3 That in his death this county and
joplc have sustained an irreparable
4. That we extend our sympathies
his many friends here and his reJa-
res in his home state.
5. That this court in respect of him
now adjourn to 1 o'clock P. M. . and
at these resolutions be j-prcad upon
o journal thereof.
Ralph Ecklcy is back hero lookin
after his claim.
Ed. Whcaton of Carrico , is staying a
N. Burtless for a few weeks.
Mr.Crosby has returned from the eas
J. M. Furgcson was over , last Satin
day , and took a bird's-eye view of hi
claim on Dry Creek. .
We understand that John A. Davis
folks and Mr. Newcoinbc's folks star
for Texas , shortly.
Billy Pryor has taken n. claim on Dr
Creek , and we expect to be introduce )
to 31 rs. Pryor , shortly.
W. T. Stone was thrown from hi
horse , last Sunday , and hurt seriously
Ohas. Bowles finished haying las
Friday and starts for North Platte Mon
George Fredericks thinks he can nn
that new machine , if he has gut one eyi
N. Burtless took in the state fair.
A letter from Van Buren county.
Mich. , says there were two heavy frost ;
the 9th and 10th. corn , beans and clo
ver seed killed all over the county
Guess we'll stay in Nebraska.
The political pot is boiling in tin-
It is "purps" that Charles Newman is
speculating in now.
C. II. Jacob expects a brother from
the cast to come and visit him soon.
C. C. Newman was over at Beaver
Mills , last week.
We will continue to send the TRIB
UNE to all persons whose names appear
on Mr. Israel's subscription list. If
there be anyone who desires to discon
tinue the paper , he will notify us at
once , otherwise he will be held liable
for the paper sent to his address.
To the Voters of Red Willow County :
It is generally known throughout the county
that I was coming out for the office of County
TreiiBurer. subject to the decision of the He.
publican County Convention. Uefore the pri
maries were held. I was culled to the sick-bed
Jf one , and the death-bed of another near nnd
lenr relative in another state ; and consc-
lucntly had to abandon my political stock in
: he convention. But , bemuse I obeyed the
lictates of manhood and the call of duty , I do
iot believe I have forfeited any polit icul rights
md I propose to trust to the judgment of inj
'ellow-citizens in regard to whatever claims ]
nay have for the ollice. I therefore announce
nyself an independent candidate for the office
) f < 'ouuty Treasurer of Red Willow county.
ontractor and Builder
All work warranted. All material
urnished if desired. Work done on
hort notice.
Employ the Best Workmen
McCook , 17-tf. Nebraska.
U. S. Land Office. McCook , Neb. , ( .
September 24th , IHSJ.
Complaint having been entered at this office
y James Barrett against William Brown.
> r abandoning his homestead entry No. 2469 ,
uted nt North Platte. Neb. , .lime 2riISSU.upon' '
ic southeast J.i section 12 , township 3. north ,
mgew. ; west , in Red Willow county , Ncb.with
view to the cancellation of said entry ; the
lid narties are hereby summoned to appear
t this ollice on the 27th day of October.
I o'clock , A. M. , to respond and furnish ti-sti-
tony concerning said alleged abandonment.
17-4t. G. L. LAWS , Register.
U. S. L-md Office , Me 'OOK. Net. . . I
July -jr , IS : ! , |
Complaint Im-liiK been cntrmt : it this office by
raneis L Spieer apaliiHt George Abel for
lllure to comply with Ia\v as to t-c entry Xo. 1447
itod at North I'latte Neb. March 20 1878 , uponth
w h' see 3t tp 7n'h range 29 west , in Red Willow
mnty , Nchr. with a vti-w to the cancellation ot
id entry ; contestant alleging that said Abel has
tiled tp plant to trees , seeds or cuttings , live
jres of said tract during the tlrst three years
: " his entry ; the said prrties are. here-
summoned to appear Ht this office on the 27th day
Oct. , 1SSJ at 2 o'clock p. m. . to respond nnd
rulhh testimony concernlnc ; Said allegLd failure
n-- ' G. L. Laws , register.
. S. LAND OHFICK McCook Neb. , Jny , 25 IKSJ.
Complaint having been cnterep at this office
. ' Frederick RWilkes against George D Baird
rjailureto comply with law as to t-c entry
0.51S dated at North I'latte Neb. , April 1U i 7s
> on the s-e nee 33tp 1 north range 2U w st
Red Willow county Nebraska with a view to
e cancellation of said entry ; contestant ai
ding that said Baird IMS failed to plant to
ees , seeds orcuttings 5 acres of said tract
ijhin three years from the date of his said
itry ; the said parf ies arc hereby summoned
appear at thN office on thu 27th day of Oct. .
i3 ntl o'clockp m , to respond and furnish
alimony concerning said alleged fiiilurr.
n-9 G. L. Laws , Hc-gistor.
J , ! nd Ofllee Rt McCook , Xch. , Sept. 10. 183. '
Notice Is hereby given that tin- following named
: tlerlia 31ed nottcr of III * Intention to make * flnil i
M > f in Mipport of hlx claim , and tha : caM proof will J i
made before Ui'Kktcr and Hecclvor t McCook. !
: li. , oa Saturday- , October 20tli. IS'-s. viz.Anitin '
eri t , 1) . S. No. 3)6C for rlie N. E. * t S. K. 4 See. ' .
and N. U s. AS" . J4 , ami X. W. i S. K.Jv Section ! i
Towii . .hipnorth. . Range 31 , we-t. He name-j the i \
lowing witnesses to prove hl eontlncou" residence ; ;
jn , and cultirjtlon ui , "aid Imid. viz. : .TolmCrnti'f. j (
in MntMin. Utirir- . bmltli and Milk" , all of i
iftwootl , .Neb. 13-Ct. O L. lATvs , Itcgkter.
Land Offlcr at McCook , Xcl > . , Sept. 13. 1W3.
Notice I hereby given tlmi the following n > imr < I
K-ttler ha * tiled notice of hie Intention to nuke final
proof In support of MK clali.i , nnd Hint : il < t
proof will lui made before KegUter anil Kl-
ceher at McCook , Kelrn fci. in S.iturdiiy.
\ember ath. W.I. * lr. ; Ororge 1 . Wrick ,
inxdu lioiue.Hlr.iil npiillentlon , No. PH , fur tin *
X K. Ki vifllon 21. tou'nolilp.t , north , nmuelflt ,
lie nntneK the following wltiie ren to prme lilxon -
tlnutiun ic8ldeur < ! upon , and cultlvutlo't of , culd taint ,
viz. : Ailolph Ith'H-li.ick. ( ii-orp ) While. Wllllum
Colt-man , ami I linrleit Woolricht. nil of MeCooU ,
Nel. . ItMlt. ( ; . L. LAWS.
Ijind Oillci : nt McCook. Neb. . M pt
Notice Is hereby given tliitl the following nanirit
( cttler has nled notice of hU Intention to make flnal
proof lu HUpport of hU claim , nnd that nuld proof will
l > u nmdu before Kc l.-itiT or Itccriver at .v.eCook ,
Neb..on Friday Xiiv. 2(1. JSK ) , viz. : Wallace S.'lVu-
iieblll , I ) S. No 77 for the pouthnmt 'i nortlmot.
U and lot 2 and 3 , hcctlon ] , und lot 1 , mluu 3J , ; t
north of runge ; M ) , wen. He names the following
wltncsnei" to prove hl continuous resilience upon ,
anil eiittlvatlot of , xuld land , Iz : Adolpli KeUchlck.
George 1'oe. .Ulcliael Welck mid Hillllu Wo.clc. nil
uf.Muook.Xel > . 17-fit. ( J. L. LAWS , Ite Mer.
Land Oflicu at McCook , Nob. , Sept , 2 , IN .
Notice Is hereby given that tiie fo lowing
mimed settler has tiled notice of liN intention
to mitko Until proof insupportot his claim.ami
that said proof will le made hut ore Hcgistcr or
Keceiverai McCook , Nub. , on Friday , Nov. > > .
INS. ! , vU. : U'lllinm Jolm.son. homestead Ni > .
1572 for thn northwest .i j-eetlon 3.1 , township
4 , north of rango2'J , west. He names the fol
lowing vittiUMjcti to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
.lolin S Modrelle , Thomas Kugglcs , Thonw *
liulcH of McCook. Neb. , and II. W. Johnson of
Arapahoe , Neb. 17-Ut. ( J.L LAWS , Register.
" " * *
Land Ollico at McCCok , Neb. , Sept. 2(1. ( IhSJ.
Notice is hereby given that thu following
named settler has tiled notice of her intention
to make Una ! proof in support of bur claim.anil
that said proof will be made before itegistcror
Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday. Nov. 2 .
IKS ! , vi/- . : Laura Phillips , homestead No. & > l. > .
for the west yt northwest ii and north Ji south
west ; 4 section 2u , township it. north ol rangt *
'M. we > t. Shu names the following witnes.ieK
to prove her continuous residence upon , ami
cultivation of , said land , viz. : Mary K. Orinc.
Minnie Hates William Oniiennd C.E. Mel'her-
son , all of McCook , Neb.
17t. . ( i. L. LAWS , KejriHtor.
Lnnd Office at McCook. Neb. , Sept. IS.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
naraeil settler has lilod notice of his intention
to make tliutl | > roof in tmpport of
his claim. and that diiiil proof
will bo made before llegistcrand Receiv
er at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , October 22d ,
I8XS , viz. : John K. Fnrr. luunvHtrad No. 11IV ) ,
forthe W. } i S. W. S. W. h N. W. ? t and lot
I , section 4 , township 2 , north , range 2 . west.
He names the following witnesses to prove ht >
continuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
suid hind , viA. . Jones. Perry Joiu-s , Annie
S. Kendall and A. S. lloughton. all of Indiati-
ola. Neb. lu-Ct. O. L. LAWS , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , Sept. 12.
Notice is hereby given that the following
ituned settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make Una ! proof in support of his claim.
md that said proof will be made before Regir-
cr and Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday.
Nov. 3 , 18SJ , viGottlieb P. Weick.who nuuli ?
lomcstead application No. S42 , for the N.W ' *
section 22 , township 3 , north , range 'M. west.
ie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation ot ,
aid land , viAdolpli Rieschack. ( forg < -
White , William Colcman and Charles Wool-
bright , all of McCook , Neb.
ItHit. G. L. LAWS , Register.
Lund Office at McCook , Neb. , Sept. IS. 1SS3.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make nnal proof in support of his claim ,
und that said proof will be made before Regis-
riorth , rangeoU , we.-t. He names the following ;
ivitnesbcs to prove his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of.said land , viz. : David
I. Osborn of Osborn. Neb. . James Spniilding-
md Daniel Doyleof Hex Elder , Nub. , and John
B. Walters of McCook. Neb.
IR-Ct. G. L. LAWS , Register.
Land Ollice at McCook , Neb. . Sept 18 , INKS.
Notice is hereby given that the following
mined settler has filed notice of his intention
0 make tina | in support of his claim , and that
> uid proof will be made before Register and
feceiver at McCook. Neb. , on Saturday , Oct.
: , 1HXJ , viz. : Daniel Mateon. homestead No.
HI , for the southeast > i southeast ' .i section 2.
ast'i northeast > -i section 11 , and southwest
1 northwest U suction 12. township 1 , north ,
nnge 31. west. He mimes the following wit-
tesses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
md cultivation of , said land , viz. : John Cruts
ind William Hrcnnon of Culbcrtson , Neb. , and
Villinm F. Evcrist and Charles H. Smith of
IcOook , Neb. lOMJt. G. L. LAWS , Register.
Land Ollico at McCook , Neb. , Sept. is.
Notice is hereby given that the following
mined settler has tiled notice of his intention
o make 11 mil proof in support of his claim , ami
hat said proof will be made before Register
nd Receiver at McCook , Nob. , on Friday , Oct
i. 18K ) , viz. : Henry C. Shepherd. home > tea
n , for the west \ ' . northest .t section 25. and
rest l' . southeast Ji bcction 24 , town-ship ' . .
orth , range 30. west. He names the follow-
3g witnesses to prove his continuous rM" -
encciioii , and cultivation of , said land , vi/ . :
luvid J. Osborn of Osborn. Neb. , .las. Spnuld-
ig and Daniel Doyle of Hex Elder , Neb. .
ohn K. Walter of McCook , Neb.
l Wt. G. L. LAWS , Register.
Lnnd Odlce at McCook Xch , . Aus. i3 ' 8:5
Xotlcc I" hereby given that tin ; follutvliig namei ]
: ttler ha * Hied notice of lift Intention to make fiu-l
roof in wnpport of hi.- , claim , and tint > ald proof
III be made before register or receiver at McCook.
ebr. . on Monday October 8 iSSs viz : Knoeli
. .MntMin ld No. aei5 ? for the t. ! j n-c ? i i : n y. o-
sec 17 tp 2 n r 150 west.
He names the following nrltncMKN t o prove his con-
imous refuleiiri- upon uud cultUatlou of , aaiillam !
/ : Richard M , Williams. Joseph William * .
oger lianies and Peter Swanton. all of Vulitou
o-r ( : . L. LAVS. . Register
Land Otflrc nt McCook , Neb. . Sept. 4 , 1 83.
Notice Is hereby ghen that follo\vlngn : > meil
ttler h.x * tiled notice of hN Intention to make ti
ii proof In Mipjort ol bin claim and that wild pnmf
111 be mnilf before Hi-KNter itKeeeiverat Mc ( ook.
l'b. . on Monday , Oetober 15. 1SX5. vU : Iciuu <
eKIIllp. D.S. No.2B37 'or the n-iv > , n-e Kj.s 'i nj
& n-w 'i .vi : J.t e < : 2. > tp C uorttu nmpe 31 v.-e > t
Ha name- * the following wltne-je * to proxehU
ntluiiou-i re-Idencc UIMHI. and rultlvntlon of. saM
Ud. viz : William Illack. Montgomery Doyli- .
Iver P. Fnirlmuki , and Robert Walker , nil of
lornburg , Neb. U. L. LAWS , Kejri-ter.
OFFICE nt McCook. Nel. . . Aug. li. ' 33.
Notice N hereby given that the following named
ttler ha * tiled notice of her Intention lo make flnai
oof In upi > ort of her claim , and that . aid proof
llheni.uleboforelJejrk'tcror Jlccetvcrat Mcl'ook
L-br. on Monday October 1.1 ' 83. viz : Annie S Ken-
II lid No. KUH "for the > > ' < ie > t , cc t & ni n-v'--
* U 28 wet.
n-e i n-w ii sec ij nmse ?
? hename- < the following wltnes ct to prove i ' ; -
nttnuon * rrnld' nee mum and cultivation of. j-aM
Id. viz : A. Jone4 ami JiaKle I ! . Kllgoie , of In-
'iicla , lTeb _ ; nd .John K FurranJ Che-terKbcr- .
( , ' . L. LAWS. Reptrcrr
'LA.VJ > Orncu at Mcfook Neb. . Aug. al 1SKT.
Notice is hereby given that the following
.mod settler has filed notice of his intentioti
imike tinal proof in support of his claim ,
d that "aid proof \vill be made bfforr Reg- < -
Roceivc"- McCook Neb. , on Saturdiu
ptJJ , IStviz ! : Marv E. Onnc fur thus1sw
sec * ) i : lotj Jfc 4. Hec 2U tp 3 n r'.f > west.
; Ie name > th j following witnees to
eve his eontinnons rcnidencP upon , and eui
ation > f , said land , viz : Laura Phillij.- .
nnie Hat ( % Charl. s E. MePhersonind William
me , all of McCook , Nub ,
G. L. LAW.1'
- n-12 Reg