McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 27, 1883, Image 1
OK WEEKLY TRIBUNE e VOLUME 2. M'COOK , RED WILLOW COUNT Y , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPT. 27 , 1883. NUMBER 17. Business Cards. W. B. TOTTEN , Counsellor at Law , McCook. Nebraska. EST'Will do a general law business. L J. STARBUCK , A ttorn eysitLa w , McCOOK , XEl ) . ivc KUc special attention to the practice of m.tlrinK collections. { 5 ? OtHci : Sictmd l > locknorth of depot , 2 doors north CiU'en's druK store. JOHN A. LEE. . IT TAILOR Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. MrCook , Jve Page T , Francis , County Surveyor- Red Willow Bounty. n Keeps ccrtitlpil plats of all lands IT the Hitchcock land district. Special nttentioa frivcii to all such business. Correspondence solicit ed . 2-noBmo A. J.Wir.r.Ev. M. r > . , L. I.KR .Tonv > iv * . M. P. . Burgeon to 15. i M. It R. Graduate "Wooster , O. Drs. Willey & Johnson , McCOOK. - NEB. Will attend to all cjlls In the city or country , day cir night. Ufflcu : Kear of Citizens' Cant. J011X R COLLINS , Contractor and Builder , Estimates cheerfully { riven on all kinds of work. Bc&t of references. Address for the ) irc : > cnt by uitiil. 16-lyr. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. CONGKDON & CLIFF , BRICKLAYERS & PLASTERERS , All Jobs Promptly attended to. RH. CRISWELL , NOTARY PUBLIC. AttorneyatLsbw , Real Estate and Collection Agent , Pre-Eniption. Homestead and Timber culture En tried , and all kinds vt Law busluesa promptly attend- < d to. to.A \ AM. . SANDERSON , House & Sign Painter. M'COOK , - NEB. All work guaranteed. Give me a cal1. Fred Treble , TONSORIAL ARTIST. McCOOK , > 'EB. , All work promptly attended to. McCOOK HOTEL. BEST HOTEL IK TOWN. GOOD ACCOM.MODA- V TION'S. Board by Day or Week GOOD S-.MPLE ROOMS. LIVERY IN CONNECTION STANDAKD LAUNDRY WAX ! Preserves Linen , gives a beautiful finish , prevents the iron fron sticking , saves labor. 5 Cents a Cake. Ask your Storekeeper for it. Made by Standard Oil Co. , x" "CLEVELAND OHIO. , - - - LATOURETTE , | DEALER IN | | - HARDWARE STOTESOUEENSWAEE , , , Agricultural i.i , ' . The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red Willow County. Sign of the BIG AX. Three Doors South of P. O. McCook , - Red Willow County , - Nebraska. M. A. SPALDING , AGENT FOR THE STORY & CAMP AND Estey Cabinet Organs ! Sold low for cash , or on easy payments , or rented until the rent pays for the organ. , Catalogue With Price-list and Full Description Free , M. A. SPALDING , Agent. McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. "McCook Weekly Tribune. " The Newsiest Paper in the Valley. o A. B. COFFROTII PROPRIETOR. A neyr five-column quarto Weekly Newspaper , published 'at the new and promising city of McCook , in Red "Willow county , Nebraska , every Thursday. - TERMS : $2:00 : per year in advance. , . ' ? LOAN AGENCY G. L. LAWS , * WILL SKCCRE LOANS ON TOWN PROPERTY in McCook , and on DEEDED CLAIMS In Red Willow and adjacent counties. Ofllcc : Land Office. McCook. Nebraska. SADDLES & HARNESS. Opposite Hotel on the hill. Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES , COMBS , WHIPs. Stock Saddles , Cow-Boy out fits , and Spurs. R. H. HAMILTON. $100.00 A WEEK ! We can guarantee the above amount to nootl , active , energetic Ladies as Melt as , makensuccess in the business. Very little capital requited. We have a household article as babble as flour. IT SELLS ITSELF It is used every day in every family. You do not need to explain its uientt- . There is a rich harvest for all who embrace this jrolden oppor tunity. It cost1' you only one cent to learn what your business is. Buy a postal card and write Hti. mid ie will tend you our prodpectus aud full pmticulnrs FREE ! FREE ! And \ \ e know you will derive more peed than you have any .dea of. Our reputation as a manufacturing- company is such that we can not afford to deceit i. Write to us on a postal and jrive your address plainly and receive full I particular ; ! . j ] BUCKEYE M'F'GCO. . , IG-lyr. Marion , Ohio. I GENERAL NEWS. GEORGIA'S manufactured products will aggregate almost $400,000,00 this year. MARV ANDERSON has succeeded where .Napoleon failed. She has cup- , turcd England. A RANCHMAN says it costs about $1 per head to raise a marketable steer in the Indian Territory. THE death of Hugh Hastings takes a deal of peppery warmth and liveliness out of New York journalism. THE will of Nathaniel Thayer disposes of property valued at § 16,000- 000 , most of which goes to relatives and friends. THE Omaha Republican suggests : If the pen is mightier than the sword , what shall be said of the scissors ot the Nebraska City Press ? IT is said that when Jay Eye See made 2:10 , his owner was so excited that he kissed his wife. It would take \ I better time than that but why pro5" ceed ? THE funeral of Junius Brutus Booth at Manchester-by-the-Sca , Thursday , was largely attended by relatives and professional friends. The interment was in Hose-laic cemetry. MK. HAMILTON DISSTON , of Phila delphia , Pa.enjoys the distinction of be f ing the heaviest insured man in thu j United States , he having recently in creased his insurance to § 4.000,000. THE Chicago , Burlington & Quiney has just completed a bridge across the , Rock river , at Sterling , which gives the road a direct line into Sterling , 111. , from Chicago. The bridge is substan tial structure , and cost about $500,000. O'DoNNELL , the slayer of Carey , the- informer , by shooting him in the back while playing a friendly game of cards , appears to be a polished sort of assassin. He wanted to shake hands with Mrs. * Carey over the bleeding body of her husband. \ A MAN stealing his ride on a B. & 51. train chose the most dangerous place \ . of all , under the cow-catcher of the engine. His leg was broken by knock ing against the track , and when discov ered he had crawled on top of the pilot. He was taken back to Denver for treat ment. Ex-LiKUT. FLIPPER , the negro , has been heard from again at El Paso , Texas. where he has raised a big scandal and been fined for stealing another negro's wife and threatening to kill him if he complained to the police. Flipplersays it is a plot to prevent his getting back into the army. THE construction of the main line of the B. & M. from Kenesaw west to Arapahoe , settles primar ily the main line of this great line via Plattsmouth , Lincoln and Hastings , west to the Rockies , and end all spec ulation as to the establishment of its main line via Tecumseh. Wymore. Red Cloud , and the Republican Valley. Gazette. A SINGLE locomotive is .now being built in the Sacramento car shops ot the Central Pacific which will be larger than any ever before built in the world. The work is now half done. The engine will have five pair of driving wheel ? . The weight of the engine will be 7. > tons ; weight of drivers. 64 tons ; weight of engine and tender when fully equip ped for the road. 105 tons. The length of the engine and tendbr will be 65 ieet 5 inches ; driving wheel base. 19 feet 7 inches : diameter of cylinder , 21 inches ; stroke , 26 inches : water capacity of tender , 3,000 gallons. San Francisco Post.