McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 13, 1883, Image 6

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, A. B. Pabllnher.
Hampton Journal : At Bradshaw on
' last Monday Mr. I. llyan's llttlo son was
hurt by a. cow knocking him down and
stopping on his face , cutting his lip BO badly
as to make it necessary for the doctor to sew
it up" . The boy was leading the pas
ture when she made a lunge at him , knock
ing him down and injuring him as above
described. Ho was improving at last ac-
"Wheat in the eastern part of Phelps
county will run from 20 to 25 bushels an
a .ro.
.ro.Wahoo Tribune : Last Tuesday morn
ing a sad accident occurred at the house of
Mr. Fred Eborhardt , which resulted in the
death of his youngest boy. Mr. E. waa
shelling corn and at the time was on the
horse power driving , when unknown to him
the boy , aged about 5 years , passed the
torses and'climbed upon the frame work of
the 'power , and as the sweep passed ever
him It crushed him between iteelf and the
frame upon which ho was sitting.
Just as the next sweep was about to pasa
over him his father noticed him and sprung
and grabbed him from off the power and
told him to run to the house , not knowing
.that one swoop hnd already passed over his
body. The boy ran a few stops then staggered -
gored and fell. The father ran and picked
him up and saw that ho was hurt. Ho took
him to the house where he died in about ten
minutes. Upon examination it was found
his chest had been crushed in by the swoop
and that ho died from internal injuries.
Liberty is to have an elevator and a
grain buying firm.
Arollsr skating rink has been opened
at Wytnore.
Gates College , at Noligh , will have
about a hundred students this season.
Stuart Ledger : On Friday last John
Shlrvlng's eldest daughter , May , was bitten
in the arm and terribly mangled in the side
by a vicious dog belonging to Mr. Ohilds.
The dog was hanging around the house , and
when May ( who had been in the habit of
getting milk there ) approached and rapped
upon the door , the dog made the attack.
This is the third child this same dog has
A thirty thousand dollar hotel is
talked of at Wymoro.
Antelope county will have a county
seat election on October 2d.
A gentleman is at O'Neill looking
over the prospects for a steam grist mill.
Fan-field Herald : Mrs. Ann Fowler's
wheat averaged 35 bushels per acre and Mr.
Hardy had a field that made S3.
The first kiln of briok has been burned
at O'Neill , and was a success.
Valentino Reporter : Married Last
Thursday evening , by J. F. Tucker , county
judge , Mr. Charles Ilenning , of this place ,
to Miss White Buffalo Cow , of Kosebud
agency. The marriage took place at the
office of the county judge , and as the dark-
huedbrido was Bomewhat'shy the doors were
closed , and seats at the windows com
manded , a premium. All th e young unmar
ried men in the town envy Charley this final
etep to matrimonial happiness.
O'Neill Banner : A very sad acci
dent occurred at Imnan last week , which
resulted in the death of J. T. Moore , a man
who lived near that town. Mr. Moore had [
loaned to one of the Van Valkenburgs his [
rak3 and went to get it on Tuesday after
noon. Mr. Van was raking with a span of
wild ponies , which had been bought out of
a herd a short time before. The men both
went to unhitch the team , Mr. Moore on one
side and Mr. Van on the other , of the room.
The pony which Mr. Moore was unhitching
became frightened and kicked , striking Mr.
Moore in the abdomen , from the effects of
which he died "Wednesday evening about 30
years of age , and leaves a wife and two
lied Cloud Argus : "Wednesday even ,
ing last a daring and successful burglary , or [
rather a series of them , was perpetrated in
the city , the victims being Henry Cook , C.
H. Potter , and Sheriff Jos. W. Warren. :
The light-fingered house-breaker gained an
entrance into Mr. Cook's housa by cutting
out the wire gauze on ono of the windows ,
the sash being raised and a light burning in
the room. lie appropriated a watch and a
well-filled purse , amounting in ail to about
§ 250. Mr. Totter lost about $ iO or § 50. At
Sheriff Warren's house the foot-pad froze
onto a revolver and a pocketbook containing :
money and paper to the value of $75. No >
clue to the perpetrator of the theft has been '
Blair Republican- The last of this
week will see two spans of the bridge nearly
completed. The trestle work 'on the east
side is nearly all up and with no mishap
trains will be crosing on or before Novem
ber. The rip-rap on this side has been
strengthened with thousands of carloads of
rock and brush and now presents a contin-
Tious line of impregnable front to tlfc river
which looks able to withstand the highest
water. The sinking of the embank
ment into the earth still continues ,
and the povel mound which
rose below has attained an altitude of fifteen
feet , we should judge. For sis weeks car
loads of earth have been tumbled into the
depression , and still the earth swallows it
up. Some express Iho opinion that it must
go down J.O the bedrock of the river. A
well is now being sunk to determine tbo
character of the soil and the progress of the )
Cedar Rapids has not carpenters
enough to do the work.
' * '
Dry weather haa greatly damaged
crops of all .kinds in Southern Virginia.
Tke Baltimore and * Philadelphia
Knlghta Templar , returning from * the con
clave , went east Sunday over the Bock
Island route , that road entertaining them in
royal style. .
New England Irishmen have agreed
to boycott the Boston Herald for not pub
lishing an appeal for aid for the families of
the Pnocnix Park murderers.
Yellow fever haa been officially re
ported at Mazatlan.
Nickel ore averaging 30 per cent , has
been discovered In Mexico.
Dispatches from various parts of New
Hampshire and Vonnont state a heavy frost
occurred Monday night and did considerable
damage to crops.
A Springfield ( HI. ) special on Tues
day says : A private dispatch says Company
A , Ninth regiment of infantry , state militia ,
returning home to Grayvillo from the en
campment of the Second brigade , met with
dreadful accident on the St. Louis & |
Evansyillo railroad , between Carmi and
Grayville. The train ran through a bunch
of cat'tle and ran ever some of them. The
car in which members of the company were
was overturned , killing nine and wounding
A boy in charge of the passenger ele
vator In the Grand Pacific hotel , Chicago ,
lost control of the machine Tuesday morning
as it was making an upward passage , and
advised two passengers on board at the time
to Jump off at the next landing. In attempt
ing to do so , Christian Jacobson , a painter
employed in the hotel , was killed. The
tragedy was quite needless , as the automatic
appliance caused the elevator to stop natur
ally on reaching the upper story.
A special tram convoying President
Arthur , General Sheridan and other mem
bers of the Yellowstone party , arrived at
Chicago at 2:05 o'clock Tuesday afternoon-
A great crowd had gathered to witness their
discmbarkment , but the official reception ,
owing to the uncertainty which had prevail
ed as to the president's movements , was in
formal. The reception committee awaited
the president's arrival at the depot in car
riages a ndmembersjof his party were at once
driven to the Grand Pacific hotel under
escort of one nundred veterans.
Etta King , a domestic , was burned to
death Wednesday atSeabrook , 111. , trying
to fill a gasoline stove while the store was
lighted. She suffered dreadfully.
In the Dakota constitutional conven
tion on Wednesday a committee was ap
pointed to memorialize congress in favor of
the immediate opening of the Sioux reserva
The first train on the Mexican Na
tional railroad arrived atSaltillo , Mexico ,
Wednesday evening. The whole town was
out to witness the great event.
Late Wednesday afternoon a fire was
discovered in the Wabash division of the
Chicago stock yards in the cattle sheds , and
but for favorable wind the entire yards ,
containing millions of dollars' worth of
stock , would have been destroyed. As it
ivas , the-firemen wore only able to stay the
flames after fifteen sheds , covering two and i'
half acres , had been consumed. There
were In this division between 1,500 and
1,800 head of cattle. Of this number , fifty4
ivo , together with four ponies , burned to
leath. It was very exciting work for'a
time getting the maddened animals out of
harm's way , oa thov wont plunging and
bellowing from side to sldo of the pens in
Evhich they were conuned. Loss on buildings - ' '
ings , § 30,000 , and on stock , $7,000 ; fully
Two coal trains collided on the Le-
llgh Valley road nearEaston , Pa. , Friday , r
and twelve . No-
ivracking the engine cars. - I
jody was hurt. t
About 2 o'clock Friday morning'a fire I
vas discovered in out-buildings of the Long
sland hotel at Hunter's Point. The build- I
ng was used as a laundry and sleeping t
ipartinents for musicians , who barely es- t
aped with their lives. Several were almost
luffocated and bad to be carried out. One I _
nusician , named Adolph Fredorich , 'was t
Hirned to a crisp. His remains were gath ta
ered up. Musical instruments and music
vere consumed ; also the bathing pavillion
ind laundry.
' A heavy frost in Wisconsin on Friday
ind Saturday nights did great damage to
orn , buckwheat and sorghum , the crops
olng nearly ruined. In eastern Iowa late
'egetables were damaged and in northern
llinois the injury runs from slight damage
o total ruin.
Boston gave a banquet to Lord Cole fi
idge on Saturday night.
Only one bid was made on the Gree- 1 >
ey farm , which wan sold Saturday under
orced , sale that of Gabrielle Greelcy , who
Knight it for $10,000. The property , , with
milding * , drainage and cultivation , cost
Jreeley $70,000. It comprises seventy-eight
icres. A few neighbors were present , but
vould not bid against Miss Groelcy.
Afire late Saturday night destioyed
lalf the business pai t of Auburn , Kentucky.
joss , § 23,000 ; heavily insured.
A man boarded a train at Oden at a
ate hour on Sunday night and relieved eight'
assengere and two trainmen of their watches
nd money.
Redfinld and Tuttle , who robbed a
tago and killed the express messenger ,
were hanged at Florence , Arizona , on Mon
i / * < >
Dr. A. K. Ritchey , of Mendota , 111. ,
shot and mortally wounde'd'his wife Monday
night and fled. Officers are now in search
of. him. Jealousy was the , cauqe.
James Donahue , aged 25xmTuesday
morning without apparent provocation shot
and killed his 'stop-father ' , Michael O'Con-
nell , aged 65jfat Cleveland. 7't
The stabbjng of Arthur Fagan by his
room-mate , N. H. Lewis , at two o'clock
Tuesday morning at DCS Moines speedily
ended In the death of Fagan. The quarrel
arose about ) admitting a1 cousin of Fagan to
the room and bed to sleep during the night.
Lewis gave himself up to the police.
Geo. .Rankin , convicted of pension
frauds in the United States district court at
Philadelphia Tuesday , was refused a new
trial and sentenced to two years impribon-
Officers of the Commercial bank of
Youngstown , Ohio , state Kennedy , their
bookkeeper , Is short $14,000 , of which $10-
000 has been secured by attachments on real
estate. Kennedy's friends say they will
make good the deficiency , and he is expect
ed to return from Canada , whither ho hod
The Utah robber who recently single-
handed hold up a railway car and relieved
eight people of their money and valuables ,
has been captured.
Martin Keller , aged 31 , was fatally
shot by a constable named Johnson at
Highland Park , near Chicago , on Wednes
day night. The murderer fled , and an at
tempt was made .Shortly after to burn his
house by the dead man's friends. Johnson
appeared Thursday , morning Buffering from
kuifo wounds which he claims were made by
Keller and some friends.
Rev. Thoa. H. Oakley , general deliv
ery clerk in the Cleveland postofilce , was
arrested on Friday for stealing stamps from
prepaid packages and selling them.
Ex-Senator Wm. Sharon was arrested
Saturday afternoon at San Francisco , on the
charge of adultery , as ho was taking the
train for the east. The charge was pre
ferred by Miss Aggie Hill , well known in
society circles. The lady claims a contract
of marriage was drawn up and agreed to
between them ; that in addition she loaned
him $90,000 , $78,000 of which he had repaid
her. She placed matters in the hands of a
man named W. M. Neilson , of unenviable
reputation , with instruction to claim
the balance of $12,000 , said to be
due her , and at the same time
swore out a writ charging Sharon with adul
tery. It la stated that Sharon drew his
check for the amount and gave bonds in
$5,000 $ to answer the charge. Miss Hill
bases her claim of marriage on the fact of an
igreouicnt of marriage , as she states , having
been entered into between Sharon and her-
< elf , holding that in point of law it is equlv-
ileat to the marriage having been consum
mated. The affair Is openly pronounced a
miserable ca&o of blackmailing , kept back
intil the last moment , when Sharon was
caving for the east.
1 Decrease in the public debt during
Yugust , $6,671,851 ; decrease since June 80 ,
34,572,442. The condition of the treasury
B : Gold coin and bullion , 204,150,028 ;
lilver dollars and bullion. $119,029,957 ;
factional silver coin , $27,818,180 ; United
States notes , $53,917,721 ; total , $4,040,915-
(89 ( ; certificates outstanding : gold , $51,392-
0 ; Eilver , $75,443,771 ; currency , $12-
> 75,000.
Count Rosevalt , of Bordeaux , Prance ,
ias sent the department of state some ex-
racts from a note concerning prohibition of J
American pork , which had recently been
landed the minister of commerce by delega-
ions of the chambers of commerce of Paris ,
ilarseilles , Bordeaux and Havre. In this
lote the chambers represent that the loss
wused by prohibition to the merchant ma-
ineandtho country In freights , etc. , has
> cen very great , and that the sanitary quea-
ion has been decided by the committee on
mblic hygiene adversely to prohibition.
In answer to the application from the"
French charge d' affairs for permission to
ake twenty Indians from their reservation , :
o France for exhibition , Commissioner
* rice has advised the secretary of the intc-
ior to refuse the request upon the ground
hat such exhibition would result in demor-
lization of the Indians and render thorn
lissatisfied with life at the agencies.
The excess of value of exports over j
myorta for the twelve months ended July
1 , 1883 , is $107,379,236 ; imports of mer-
handlso decreased $23,785,054 , compared
situ last year , and exports increased $79-
Admiral Commerel , of the British
agf-hip Northampton , on Tuesday investi-
ated a serious outrage perpetrated on four
tritish vessels bv French fishermen , headed
y the shore Capuiin at Cape OtMjons , on the
outheaet coast of Newfoundland. A nuin-
er of Frenchmen , in August , stripped
our British fishing veeselsand forbaduthcm
a fis-h. Two days later the sails and gear of
tie vessels were restored and they were pr-
ered to quit the harbor. The people of
fewfoundland ve indignant at the violent
utrage , and will not unlikely lead to fln-
jrnal complications. .
' '
" - CUINA.
A French" naval demonstration is re-
ardcd probable on the'Chinese ' coast in the
irectioni of Canton.Admiral Pcyou ,
"renth minister of. marine and the colonies. ,
as a telegram from Saigon , saying that ac
ordingto mandarin accounts 1.200 Anatn-
cs were killed and 1,500 wounded , during
ic recent bombardment of forts on tbo
* * W It
river. Besides two .transports leaving with
1,000 men for Tonquin betwecnlho 10th and
.25th , another transport will tike a battery
of ; mountain guns and material for 4,000
men from ihe African army. There Is' no
question of a French expedition into the In
terior of Madagascar. The French will re
tain their positions In Madagascar until sat
isfaction'is given by the Hov'as.
Unveiling'of the statue of Lafayette
took place Thursday In Lopiiy in the pres
ence of an immense crowd despite the se
vere rain. The streets were decorated with
American and'French' flag's and triumphal
arches were erected over the prominent
avenues. .Ministers Morton and Sargent
were present , together with a number of
distinguished representative * of French
official life. Senator VIbsaugel delivered
the. opening address , in which he eulogized
Lafayette as one of the principal authors of
French llhcrty. He characterised him as
the forerunner of ho French republic.
Minister Morton said ho desired to ex
press in the interest of the government the
affection felt by the citizens of the United
Stat.ed for the patriot who , next to Washing
ton , had awakened the gratitude of * all
American hearts as an ardent lover of lib
erty. Would that ho could now fcoe the
refcult of liia noble work. America had
attained that prosperity and splendor which
Lafayette had predicted. The nations of
France and America were never moro united
than now , and may that friendship which
Washington and Lafayette founded remain
unbroken. Senator Lafayette , in a brief
addresH , returned thanks to the memorial
committee and to the eminent men present
for the honor conferred upon the memory of
his ancestor.
The Chinese embassudor had another
conference with the French minister of for
eign affairs. The departure of Marquis
Tzeng for England Is postponed. A Paris
telegram btates that nothing In the nature of
a. treatj' between France and China has yet
been agreed upon. China .submitted her
prqpos 1 , and now awaita a councer pro-
poaalfroiu France.
Dakota's Hew CapitoL
BISMAKCK , September 5. The pro
cession was formed at 8 o'clock to march to
the capitol grounds where the ceremony of
laying the corner stone of Dakota's capitol
waa announced to take place. At that early
hour the streets wore already filled with de
corated carriages and wagons , in which were
the beauty of the city and prairies , number
ing not lets than 3,000. The Villard party
was escorted to the pounds , where no time
was lost in preliminaries. Governor Ordway
welcomed the party to Bismarck , the capital .
of Dakota. Closing his speech he said : ' 4I
have the honor to invite you , President Vil
lard , and you , Jay Cooke , whom we all
recognize as the Alpha and Omega of : i reat
national euterpribe , the completion of which
yon are now on your way to celebrate to as-
bist in placing the corner stone of the capitol
of Dakota. "
\L \
Villard replied , thanking the people of
Dakota for the great attention shown his
quests. He said : "I am glad to assist in
laying the corner btoue. In behalf of rep
resentatives of my native loud el mo add
: hey , I am assured , feel particularly proud
; o bo able to assist at this ceremony in a
xuvn that bears the name of the greatest
iving German statesman. " In conclusion
j a
iesaid :
"May thl-t edifice bo the seat of good and
lonest government. May It be the heat of
vbc legislation , and of all the blessings of
ustlco and liberty that are the birthright of
imericaufreedom. " [ Loudapplause. ]
Gov. Ordway next preserited the German
ninistcr , Baron Elsendecker , with an en-
jrossed copy of resolutions of citizens of i
b (
Sismarck , in honor of the German chancel-
or , after whom the city is named. The
jaron accepted the resolutions in a few neat
emark . He said he wi > hrd the capital of
ho territory would make its name sound
hrough the land as highly as the name of its
jod-father sounds In Germany. [ Cheers. ]
Hon. Wm. 31. Evarts poku brii-lly. Gen.
kant was then called for , ami takl :
Ladies and Gentlemen : It is with some
eluctance that I respond to your kind re- T
[ uest. As you arc aware from your rearing
ng , when I get to talking before a crowd I
carcely knew when to quit. [ Laughter. ] I
in sure that were I to &top to tell you of my
eclings , and the sights I have seen , the ,
rain would not get off on time. I never set
ooton Dakota till yesterday. I had heard
o much of your country , but I was not pre-
tared to see what my own eyes have wit-
lessed. I predict for you a brilliant future ,
n a few years you will rank far above the
iest of states , and perhaps their representa- D
ives , unless congress hasten to admit you. H
Remarks were made by Carl Schurz , Mr. A
Jillings , Carter Harrison and Secretary
? eller. Sitting Bull was then introduced , tb
nd his remarks were translated by an inter-
Villard then closed the ceaernony. When
bo box was ready to bo placed in position , fr
! ov. Ordway invited those present to de-
osit anything they wished. Many gcntlc- in
leu put iu their cards.
- ao
Frank James Acquitted. | ix
The trial of Frank James at Gallatin ,
[ o. , in progress for two weeks was brought
t a close on Thursday afternoon by the
iry returning a verdict of "not guilty. " F"
'h'e accu&ed succeeded In proving an alibi
° -
[ .sti
OWKXTOX , KY. Dr. I. F. Mundysays :
I ITave found Brown's Iroh Bitters one of
fie/oest touics.and prescriho it frequently. "
I '
rltis nd'disgrace note be able to do
very thing ; but to undertake , or pre- ad
jnd to do , what you are not made for ,
j not only shameful , but extremely
L-oublesome and vexatious. [ Plutarch. Pi
'Pacific Festivities/
MINNEAPOLIS , September 8. This
has been n most eventful day in the history
of Minneapolis. The announcement fTiat
[ president Villard and , his guests would stop
in Minneapolis on their way to witneri * the
driving of the golden spike on the Northern
Pacific caused the citizens to stretch every
nerve to make their visit n memorable /
The day dawned clear and bright , and noth
ing occurred throughout to mar the festivi
ties. For , several days every one has been
busy fashioning mottoes and designing and
executing novelties in the way of decoration
and adornment. When the hour of noon
came all business house * on the principa
thoroughfares wore lavishly adorned with
emblems , flags and mottoes. At the inter
section of Nicollctt , from the First National
bank across to Harrison hall , there was a
section of the Northern Pacific bridge over
the Missouri river at Bihiuarck with
, a m . - i
iature train of cars upon It. Between 'the . 5
bank block and the Johnson block , ncronn
the alley from the NIcollctt house ,
was an accurate representation of Minne-
haha falls , the watur falling over : > nd
through the ; mass of evergreens. Acnm
Hcnnepins at the JutcrHcction of Washing
ton , was a section of the Manitoba aqueduct - '
duct now being built acres the river at '
Minneapolis , and over , which , on leased '
tracks , the Northern Pacific trains will run.
from the eastern terminus in thii city to con
nect with St. Louis boats at the lauding ,
down at the river. Acro&H the avenue , iu
front of Anthony Kelly's , wan another mag
nificent arch , and .ntill another .spanned flm
street In front of Wiudom block. All al\ite
the avenue were novel mottoes. The pret
tiest was on Windom block , where , among
otner things , waa piled a hugo htaok of
flour with the motto "Givu us the wheat ;
we will feed the world. " In front of Uus
NIcollctt house , facing on Washington ave
nue , the grand htaiul , with accommodations
for 1,000 people , had been erected and elab
orately decorated for th diitiii-
juished visitors. From HUM elevated
position the guests had a magnificent
. lew of the decorations on the oppo-
lito side of the street , coiKpIcuourf among
yhich were large pictures of Villard and Jay
Uooke , handsomely wreathed in flowers-anil
svergret ns , and largo paintings representing
icenes along the Northern I'acifiurailroirf.
rhe news that President Arthur , Generals
Jrant and Sheridan , and Secretary Lincoln
vould be present had Hprcad far and wide ,
ind the trains coming in the city were
irowded to their utmost. It is Cfttiiuated
ully 40,000 visitors were In the city to-day.
thirty carriages containing Villard and \
quests were drawn up to the Nicollet house ,
> receded by a company of mounted police
nd Dareezo's lull band. As the company
.lighted they were greeted with prolonged
heerd by the thousands who occupied every
nch of available space in front of the Ptand
nd windows of adjoining buildings. The
ppearance of President Arthur on the plat-
orm wofl greeted with rotuid upon rouudi.of
heers , and when 'Governor Wa-ihbum
tepped forward and introduced IJobcrt
jincoln , the son of the martyr prcn-
Jent , the v f > t audience jrave him
greeting no ler-s demonstrative than
hat which followed the appearance of
Iraut and Sherman. A moment later the
ppearajice 01 Villardv.w tJie signal for an
utburnt of applause ; cheering that was ro-
ewed long aft r the gentleman had
cknowlcdged his Introduction , and was
gain taken up , when Mr * . Villard came
> rward and took her neat beside him.
'resident Arthur 'H special train arrived
rom the west the same moment that Vil-
ird'a train came , and ho received Sheridan
nd Lincoln at the depot. At a given faisnal
ic vast procession , which had b en waiting
ver an hour , btgaii ita march pa&t th
rand btand. The first wagons contained
sminders of the earlv dayn of MinucsT i ,
presentation Indians In all their himplicity ,
} me heated in birch-bark cHiiocn , log cabins
f the early day , stage co.cht--i , the inevita-
le "prairie schooner , " containing the ! m-
ligrant , his fumilv and posef ions. Then
ime the wagon filled with bajrirage ropre-
: nting the early-day express bur-incog , fol-
iwed by a wagon on which a card was
laced , marked "Minneapolis to Portland ,
latheN. P. B. K. "
The Anti-Koaopoly Convention.
iccial to OrnabiCIle ub lean.
GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , September G.
ho anti-monopoly convention convened In
ds city at 10 o'clock to-day. The entire
irenoon was taken up iu perfecting the or-
inization , and in bpcocu-inakir.g.
J. C. Burroughs waa elected permanent
lalrman , and J. I. Armstrong pcrmantSt
tcretary. There were ninety-five delegates
resent , and not more than one-Iialf of the
iimties. The nominations were as follows :
J. W. Savage , of Omaha , for buprcmc
For regents of the university , long term ,
avid Butier , of Pawnee ; i hort term , J.
. Ames , of Lincoln , and J. II. Merritt , of
J. C. Burroughs was elected chairman of
ie state central committee. A .
The resolutions favor (1) control of the
alroads and al' corporate monopolies by
gislation ; (2 ( ] reduction in passenger and
eight charges ; (3) favor postal telegraph ;
) taxation of railroad laud" , patented or
ipatcnted : (3) tariff for revenue only.
I slept and dreamed that lift ;
; anty , and -waked and found that life
u.3 duty.
When cooking a large fowl or joint of
eat it may be covered with buttered
iper to present its being scorched.
Evil habits are webs which are too
rht to be noticed until they are too
rons : to be broken.
A gallant railroad engineer tinet a
rl in the morning , courted heraSfday ,
id in the evening ninrried her. That
is aeort of locomotive bpark. { Thil-
lelphia Bulletin.
When yoi : jiro bilious.use St. Patrick's