McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 13, 1883, Image 5
The Tribune. IYTHUUSDAY / , SEPT. iath , isss. The Week's Doings. New goods at Rogers' . Fine sponges atB. & M. Pharmacy. Go to Rogers' and see his new goods. Pure white lead and oils at B. & M. Pharmacy. For ; dry goods of every description go tu Rogers1. rf John King , of Benkelman , was in i the city on Monday. Hats and caps , boots and shoes and fictions at Rogers' . Alma is building a new Opera House forty by eight } ' feeL Fancy and staple groceries , at Rog ers' , atlowes market prices. Mrs. M. A. Spalding is visiting rela tives this week at Rtverton. Freckle lotion , for removing freckles and tan at B. & M. Pharmacy. 1rto" * Austin Everist- and John Cruts were ; i.sitors at our office this week. Don't forget that Rogers' has re- veived a fine line of new goods. For melons and sweet potatoes tht JMeCook maiket beats the world. Charles Love , editor of the Culbert- son Sun , was in the city on Wednesday. D. Hawksworth , G. M. M. of the B , vt 3J. Railway was in die city ou Sun- It was so cold on Saturday and Sun- < lny that overcoats and lirs were in de mand. S. II. Colvin and wife of the McCook 3louse arc "visiting friends in Platts- inouth. Geo. J. Frederick dropped into our vflice Jast week , and subscribed for the THIBUNK. J. P. Israel returned home from the . jKe-union Monday night. Freight traffic has been heavy for several days , and extra trains came in ' -at all hours. The blonde damsels at the Re-union feemed to be very attractive to several of our young men. Mr. W. H. Hayden , of our enterprising - ing firm , Ha\den & McCartney , was in the city on Saturday. Mrs. J. E. Berber and her sister , Miss Flora Shaw , are -visiting friends in Lincoln and other points. Mrs. Laws and Mrs. Bosley were admitted to the fellowshin of the Con gregational church on Sunday. It required one dray all day to haul to J.E. Berger's business place the new .goods he received on Wednesday. H. B. Straut and Noah Mishler , of Culbertsoncre down taking in the attractions of McGook on Monday. The haiidsome residence of Mr. G. L. Laws is neanng completion , and y will be ready for occupancy at an early date. Dr. And. J. Willcy , who was indis posed for a few days the first of the week , we are glad to say. has entirely recovered. Professor H. A , Spaldiug who stopped off At Franklin on his way home from Hastings , reached home on Monday night , J. W. Dolan , or Indianola , Presi dent of the Citizens' Bank of McCook , took dinner at the B. & M. Eating J louse on Monday. On account of the Harvest Honier en tertainment this evening , the meeting of the Ladies' Sewing Society was postponed until nest Thursday. When you come to town drop jn at , ,0. H. Rogers' and examine the fine line uf new goods just received. You will surely find something to please you. . . A dance'at the McGook House on Wednesday cvening"wa8 well attended. The pay car came up Tuesday even ing , and the boys were all wealthy this week. FOR SALE : A good well auger cheap. Address , PHILLIP WEICK , McCook , Neb. Fou SALK : My residence on Madi son street- Good tiew house , three large rooms and pantry. J. P. ISRAEL. Jacob Daniels , Jr. , of Beverly , West Va. , lather of G. W. Daniels , of this city , arrived in McCook on No. 39 Tuesday. "We are in receipt of a card from Father J. A. Fanning , stating that he would say mass in McCook , on Tues day , the 25th inst. Hayden & McCartney received a car load of dry goods on Monday night , and have been busy this week in put ting them to place. County Treasurer Goodrich , was in the city on Tuesday. Mr. Goodrich is a candidate for re-election with a good chance of getting there. Mrs. John Sanders , who has been visiting friends at Friend , this state , re turned home on Sunday evening. She was accompanied by Master Ray. II. M. Ashmore and J. W. Maiken of Itidianola , were in town on Wednes day. Both gentlemen are interested in the growth of Red \V5Ilow county. Rt. Rev. Bishop Clarkson , Episcopal Bishop of this state , will conduct ser vices in McCook at an early date. Let no one miss the opportunity to hear him. Mr. Harry Clark , operator at Strat- and sister , Miss Lou , of this city , re turned from' Hastings , Monday night , where they had been attending the Re union. It is said that at the Re-union there were 25G rnusicicns with brass instru ments and 75 with fifes and drums. No wonder that the bovs could not / skej ) . T. W. Hughen , Cashier of State Bank of McCook , parted for his old home in Iowa , last week. Mr. H. thinks of returning to Nebraska and go into the stock business. Among the exchanges that came to our office this week was a fac smiic of the first number of the New "fork Sun , published September 3rd , 1833. The first publisher still lives. Rev. Stuart Crockett held services at the church on Friday evening , but as most of the church-going people of McCook were at the Hastings Re-union , the consregatiou ; was quite small. We would like to receive a weekly communication from each section of the county. If you know any news that will interest the readers of the TRIBUNE , send it in , and give them the benefit of it. Tom Bissett , the gentlemanly young machinist in the shops at this place has purchased of H. C. Rider the resi dence erected lor Engineer Weir , and Tom is now busy furnishing it up for housekeeping purposes. A state organization of the Brass Bands of Nebraskawas , formed at Hast ings , last Friday morning , and thQ cifi- cier.t young Cashier of the Citizens Bank of McCook , W.F.Wallace , was elected Chairman of the Board of Di rectors. As No. 39 was pulling out on Sun day , a tramp was discovered ou a truck- under the sleeper attempting to eteal a ride The train was signalled by a passenger who thought he was dead , ami stopped. As soon , however , as the train stopped , the aforesaid tramp made awful lively 'tracks down toward the river for a dead man. GRAND OPENING ! After this week we will have the largest and best stock oF dry goods and groceries ever in the Republican Valley and at prices that defy competition. Be fore buying call and see our goods and get prices. Respectfully , HAYDEN & MCCARTNEY- . aaafc SWWr'Jta/i-iTitrtlLJi.- i ! * 3-t-r j . - , * . Mr. Tom MoUartncy had Che pleas- nre of showing his mother , who stop ped off to BCC him on her way home from San Francisco , and his beautiful little neice around the city on Saturday. He accompanied them as far as Indian and remained there over Sunday. The B. & M. band of Plattsmouth , Nebraska , passed through the city on No. 1 , Tuesday evening , en route for Denver and the mountains. This is what is termed General Manager Hoi- dredge's band , it being ' 'omposed of the painters in the B. & bl. shops. They were provided with passes and a special car and seemed to be enjoying them selves , They discoursed a couple of beautiful pieces at our depot , and prom ised to stop over a day in McCook on their return. Our boys must prepare to give them a suitable reception. Work was resumed on the tank to supply McCook with water on Satur day last , and the indications are fail- that it will be pushed until the water works are completed. The completion of the water system will give our little city a now impetus , and will attract strangers into our midst. It will be but a short time until McGook will do the largest business , and contain the largest population in the valley. The rapid growth of McCook , the enter prise of her citizens , and the natural beauty of her location are matters of wonder to the strangers who daily get off at the station. 3IcCook possesses all the natural advantage necessary to the growth of a large city , and there can Le no doubt but that she will grow at such a rate in the next two years that her population will run up into the thousands. Live , energetic men are wanted here , and they will be warm ly welcomed and well treated. Tne Bridge Assured. Pursuant to call in last week's TRIB- UNK , the subscribers to the Bridge Fund met at the office of J. B. Meserve ou Saturday afternoon , and , after can vassing the ground thoroughly , voted to locate the bridge on the half section line just south of the town. That evening a party consisting of the Coun ty Surveyor , the B. & M. Engineer and J. E. Bergcr , went down to the river and made a preliminary survey. They found an eligible location about twenty- five rods east of the line , with good banks and approaches on both sides , and a distance of only two hundred and seventy feet across. At the meeting a commit'oe consisting of J. B. Me serve and C. F. Babeock , was appoint ed to go to Lincoln and confer with the Lincoln Land Company. Mr. Meserve , of that committee , returned home on Tuesday evening , and he stated to the writer that there was every prospect of the bridge being built at an early date , that the indications were fair that the B. & M. Railroad Co. would build the bridge , the absence of Mr. Holdredge in Dakota leaving the question open , but that if the Railroad company could not spare the men to build the bridge , it would haul the the timbers free. The Lincoln Land Company also agreed to increase their subscription $200 , if necessary , and otherwise aid in its con struction. Our readers will readily see that the bridge is assured , and , ' the ad vantages to be derived from it are so many that we will not stop to particu larize. _ A Fowl Assassination. As a young man , connected with the Train Despatches office in this city , was wending his way home on Monday night , he was attacked b some un known foe in a manner that threatened his life. Knowing that self preserva tion was one of the inalienable rights of mankind , he quietly drew his weapon pen of defense and with one blow , slew his assailant. Remorse then capturing his soul , he carried it into the B. & M. Eating House , and the following day he and the genial landlord dined off of it. The query now is , was it one of Mr. Sander's chickens , or did it be long to somebody elsa. I. 0. 0. F. McCooK , Sept 13th ' 83. All Odd Fellows of good standing are requested to meet at B. & 31. Phar macy , nest Thursday evening , Sept. 20. The Htsiings Re-Union. The G. A. R. re-uni < yi ut Hastings , last week , attracted the largest crowd of the people that was ever in Adams county at any time since its organiza tion. The trains leading to that city were crowded to their full capacity from Monday until Thursday , with ex- soldiers , civilians , w omen and children The number of band * , too , which were in attendance was wonderful , and the sound of music never ceated. The camp was pitched on a level plain about two miles from the city , and the snowy tents as seen when approaching it presented a pleasing appearance. The men and children , however , on the broad avenues robbed it ot the marked distinction of a military camp , and many an old veteran remarked that it was not much like war times. The at tendance was variously estimated at from thirty-five to sixty thousand people ple , the larger majority of whom came from Nebraska , but there was quite a fair sprinkling from other states , some few coming from as far as New York. The B. & M. management sent 20,000 trip tickets from Hastings to the en campment grounds , supposing that would be sufficient. Thursday morning the agent at that point was obliged to re-issue 18,000 tickets , and ex'pressed the opinion that 50,000 tickets would be required before Saturday night , making the receipts for the plug train $6,000. That the re union was a good advertisement for Nebraska is patent , and a number of parties who came from eastern states returned home to pack up and move to prosperous Nebraska , where the willing workman can always line his pockets with money. The G. A. R. post at Indianola , un der the command of C. D. Cramer , turned out in strength , and together with the McCook Liirht Guard Band , represented Red Willow county in a manner that was creditable to them selves and the county. The re-union itself was a success in numbers , but there was a lack of en tertainment which detracted from its pleasures. A year ago at Grand Island a great many of the prominent men of the state , not a few of whom had polit- icial aspirations , took an active part , and different ingenious means were tak en to entertain the crowd ; this year that element was missed , and the labor de volved upon younaer men who lacked the experience necessary to meet the requirements of the occasion. The action of the people of Hasting was far from creditable. Instead of hospit ably opening their doors , and endeav oring to entertain the strangers they had invited to come to their city , they each one vied one with another to see how much money they could fleece from the crowd. The city officials also showed their moial turpitude by allow ing , gambling devices of various kinds to be conducted openly on her streets and in public places. Hastings has made some money , but she has estab lished a reputation that will be hard to live down. SPECIAL NOTICE. We will continue to send the TRIB UNE to all persons whose names appear on Mr. Israel's subscription list. If there be anyone who desires to discon tinue the paper , he will notify us at oncu. otherwise he will be held liable for the paper sent to his address. Look Here ! St. Louis white lead for $ S per hun dred. dred.Pure Pure boiled oil 80 cent ? per gallon. 150 test headlight. 2f > cents per gal. Machine castor oil § 1.50 per gallon. Coal pressed castor oil SI per gal lon at GREEN'S DRUG STORE. NOTICE. All monies due the TRIBUNE for sub scription come by the terms of the sale to me. Parties who know themselves to be in arrears for subscription will be warmly received at any time , if they come cash in hand. A. B. COFKROTH , Publisher. New Home. M. A. Spalding. agent for the light running. New Home sawing machine. LEGAL NOTICES. Legal Notice. To Abblc Johnson nonrtnidcnt dofendanl : You ae ; bcrt'by notiMtil that on thd xecotni tliiy of August 1 83 , Lvvl Johnson flled a peti tion you lu the District Court , of Ited Willow couuty Nebraska , the object mid prayer of which are to obtain a dlvorcu fro3 you on the ground that you bu\-c committed ndultery , in violation of pec Gchujitor IK of the statutes of NcbrttHka. You are hereby required in utumor Hulil petition on or bel'oru Mondaythe 17th dav of September 18SJ. L vi Johnson. Uy I. J. Sturbuck his attorney. n-9 Land Offlcu at McCook. Neb. . 8t-pt. 10 , 1883. Notice Is hereby given that tinfo'lowlni : unmi il Hcttler hswnieil notice of hl lutcnUon to innkt : fltiil pnxif In support of hi' claim , mul that * al < l proof will be made before ItcKUtvr and Hccclvcr at McCcxik. Xch. , on S.itmilHr. October 20th , Jf83 , viz.- Austin Evcrlst , D. S. No. 3366 tar th N. E. M S. E. fc Sec 34. and N. H S. W. y , and N. W. > * S. E. M S.-ctlon 35 , Township ' , north , Range 81 , wet. He nnmcs thr following witnobhCM to prove his cuntlnuuuH mtldcnrr upon , and cultivation ol , wild land , viz , : John Cruir * . John MniHon , i lurli-s A. Smith and Mills , ull of Driftwood , Neb L. LAWS , Land Offlcent , McCook Neb , , Aup. US ' 83 Notice In hereby ( riven that the following named settler ha ) tiled notice of liN Intention to make flnul proof In Mippnrt of his claim , nml that > > aid proot w HI In : nmdr before rrglitur or receiver ut MeCook Nft > r. , on Monday October 8 1883lz : Knorh M. Matron hd No. 2C.85 > * for the a / n-c * & a H - - J i Sec 17 tp 2 n r 0 west. He name * the following witnesses to prove his con tlnuouxruHld'-iicr npuii and cuUlvaUou of , \lz : Kichiird M , Williams , Joseph Wiilium- , Rotfcr Barnes and Peter Swanson. all of Vulltou Neb. 06 G. L. LAW.S , Land Offlre at McCook , Neb , . Sept. 4 , 1883. Notlc-e 1 : hereby l\en that the following nanu-d settler hai filed notice of hl intention to nmke tl- nal proof In upxirt of liN claim enl that s.ild proof will be tnndr bVfore KrKister&Uceelvcrat McCouJc. Neb. , on Monday , October 15 , li&Jlz : Di-iinl- MrKtlllp , D.S. No. 2G57for the n-w J n e 4 j n < Ji * n-w * i s-e ' , sec > tp G north , runc JJl w-t He names the following wltnt > .e.s to pnuelil- contluuoiis residence U [ > on , and rultlv.itlon of , > ui < l land , viz : Wllllum r.lack. Montgomery DojK Oliver I' . Fairbanks , and Kobert Walker , all ol Thurnburj , ' , Neb. G. L. LAWS. Itcgliter. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , Aujr. Hth , Notice N hereby ghen that the followIng- settler lulu tiled notice of her Intention to make Unit proof in bupport ufliLT claim , and that clM proi.r tti.l bcmaile bvfore rvRbteror receiver sit MCC'OOK i Neb. . 0:1 Sat urday. Sept. S.MSJ , viz. , Miehaol Weick , ils. No. 3HW for the b-war section 21. tp : > uorth.nnifrr uO west , lie names tin * following wit ne i > L's t prove hi.5 continuous rcsiUeucc UM > U. anil vuUlvuttim of , iialdlandU : ( jvorpe Tvhife..i M Hiiet , Austist Hose anil Itanium Tole all ot .Mc- COOK ltd ! Willow Co. , NebnMvH , o-O . L. LAWS , KivNtt-r. Land Office at MeCook , Neb. , Au ? . 10 , 'Ki. Notice is hereby Driven that the follow inx named settler bus tiled notice of his intention to make filial proof of his claim , and that wild proof will be made befoi e Register orRwivcr at McCook , Nob. , on Tuesday , Sept. Kth , jw ; . vix. , Abhacl N Nettleton lid No. 247.'i for the u- ( jr.see&t tp3 north i-anyelW west. TIeuames th - toHowin r witnesses to prove hid continuous rexidunce upon and cultivation ot , wild lan l viMatber S Johnson John "Wbittakur C. I. . NettleionandHomcr S Colvin , G. L. n-10 Il Lvxii OKFICE at McCook , Neb. , AHR. 30th , 'J-3. Notice Ii < hereby ! \en tluit tin * following ntiini'd settler hiix Hied notice of her lutrntlun to m.ike fitril proof In tllIKr of her claim , and that ald pro-'f uHlb m.idi > bofurcIrNeror IJeceUerat Mct'un't Nebr. on Monday October 13 " 8t , \ U : Aimie S Kf < dall hd No. 80S for the s-c 't s-el Sec i&n > i u-i-1 & n-e ' i n-w * i sec a tp - north , nmxe S3 w f-5t. She names the following wltni-M-ei to prohi r contliiuoHN roldvnce upon .mil eulthatlnnnf , < .ifil land.iz : A. Jones and Jev-li' II. Klljiorf , nf In- dl-mrla , ITeb. , ind John E Kurraiul Chester Ebi-rt. uf Uoudvllle Neb. G. L. LAWS. iept > n-rr L S. L-md OITlce , MC'OOK. Neb. , i n July - 5 , 183. 1 Complain ! having been entered tit thlt > otltcc bv Fnineis L Spicur iipnlnst George Aln-1 t * fiilltirc to comply with law ate t-c entry No. It ? dated at North I'latte Nel > . March 20 1J)78 , upouTii swi w at tp 7n'li ntugc - ' . ' uest. In Ked V.'illo county , Nebr. ulth it view to the cancellation 'if gaid entrj" : contestant alleging that sKiri Abel hii- failed to plant to trees , heeds or cuttings , liv aei cs of huid tract during the llr.-t three \ ears r &l of his entry ; the said prrties are lierc ifn bv humiudiied to jppcirat thisoHIce oil the " 7th d.i\ of Oct , , IS'sJ at " oVloek p. m. , to n i .inl ami furuUJi testitnmiy concerning Fnldnllivil ta'liii' * n-9 G. L. Liiwt ? , U. S. LiNi > OFFICE JicCook Neb. , Jur , 2. , Coinliint having lieen enterep at this olficc by Frederick UWilkes afrainstGeoi-jre I JJainl for failure to comply with law ai > to t-c uiur\ No. r 5 dated at North Piattc Neb. , April ID 1S71' upon the s-e U see 5J tp 1 north 'u 2U wysi in Ited Willow county Ncbnibkr with a view tn the cancellation of said t-ntty : contestant. : il- Ic injr that said IJaird ha. ) failed to jilant to licet- , weds or cuttings 5 acres of said tntt-i wijbin thice years from the date ot hisaid entry : the said parfjes are hereby Mimmounl to appear at thN oflice on the 7th day oft. . . 18J at 1 o'clock p m , to ivspond and tnriu-h testimony concerninjf baid alle 'd lallui- n-9 G.LLaws , Kejrister LAD FC ; = : AT coo- : L . . Auy. , Cth ' ? . < . Notice If hereby given that the following-Ram * < i settler has llled notice of his intention to make fiuil proof in Htipport of In'- * claim , and that said pie < i : wiil te made before the liestatcr or Receiver at .M < CVjk. Neb. , on Saturday Sept l. " > th 1'SJ. izAi- UStC Hotre hd No 310 1 for the n-e M * > iot- 4 & 5 , ec 19. & lot 1 see 0 tp 3 n r 30 we.-t. He names the following w Itiiesi-e.s to pro\ lit- con tinuous residence upon , and cultiinonof. ! said Issd viz : Joseph M. Hnet , George White. MJch.i- Wcick and Au u t Plasmyre. G , L LA - . n-iO i : - ! si * r. Lmd OHirc at MeCooK. Neb. . Au ? . Jth ? , 'SH Notice I * hereby jrfven that the following nara * d cettlea ha flled notice of his Intention to m.iK' S- nal proof In t-upport ut his claim , and thai -M proof will be made btfore ri-K ! ttr or rtetUer a : > ! - Cook. Neb. , on Friday. Fept. , Hth , : sJ. : xlz. . > : - phen A Hogers. hd No. 34hS for the n-w iv of S-w 'J of seel. * n ' ot s-e A : ot " ( ' 4 - sec 2 tp JJ north r.mjre 23 wett. He nnmt' < the following % itni""e < 'to JTOVC bion tluous t evidence n 'on , and culthation of stld -jiJ I \iz ; Alexander Jouef. of lied Willow Natluin M v- ers Allen A Phillipi and 11. H. Picken" .f Mc- Cook n-10 G.L. LAV.s. . lld-r. Land OtHce at > Tcfook Neb. . Auff. . 2nd 'S ? . Notice is hereby given that the foilowInK-n-.i-'J i set'ler has Cled notice of his Intention to make nai proof In oupfiort of hicla'.ci , and thit iirt proofu-i.l be made b.-fore IJeslner or receiver at McC < v > k Xen. . on FridaySept. . 11 1&S3 , \ Iz : Jamet Gto's. . . - c h no. 2245 for the n yt 6-e < jr sec 21 ! c w & s-w He iiamea the folio * Ins witncbje-f to prove 1-Js continuous residence upon , and cultivation ofs.'S. land. George G owing and Pyl'/anu * Will > : r 1 Carrico , and N'-hemiah IJurrless of Va ! " > > Grauge.und William Porters of O&born. u-9 G. L. LAWS , Register LAND OFTICE at McCook Neb. . AU . 21 1S3. Notice is hereby jriven that the named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tlnal proof in support of hi * clainj. and that said proof will be marie before Reis - or Receiver at McCook Neb. , on Saturday Sept. ' 9. IfcM , viz : Mary H Oimefor thesliv , H sec 20 & lots 3 & 4 , fcec 29 tp 3 n r 3d we t. He names the followingwituertses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of , wild land , viz : Laura Phillips Minnie Hates , Charles E. McPherbonisd Willliia Orme , ull of McCook , Neb , G. L. LA F , 1 n-12 Htgict'-r.