McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 13, 1883, Image 4

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    The Tribune
Call For Judicial Convention ,
8th Judicial District.
The Republican Electors of tl
Eighth Judicial District of Nebrasl
ure hereby called to send delegate
from the several counties of Raid di ;
trict to meet in district convention j
Alma , Uarlan county Nebraska , Sc ]
teraber loth , 1883 , at 1 o'clock p. m
for the purpose of placing in nomin ;
tion n candidate for District Judge ft
aid Eighth Judicial District.
The several counties are entitled t
representation in said convention a
follows : Apportionment same as b
State committee for state convention.
f'ountics. Delegate
Chase. , - . . . . .
Dumly . .
Franklin , . . .
I'rontlcr Furnas. , . * . - . - . " .
Harlan Uospor , , . - . - " - . - . .
Hitchcock ,
K'-arnoy ,
I'll rips.
j Rod Willow ,
! -Webster ,
| Total
District Committee.
Call For Republican County Conven
The Republican Electors of Red Wil
low county are hereby called to sem
delegates from the several precinct
to meet , in Indianola , Nebraska , 01
Saturday , September 22 , 1SS3 , at .
o'clock p. m. , at the Court House , fo
the purpose of placing in nomination
One Candidate for County Clerk ;
, . . . " " " Trc-asnrer Judge ; ;
Slierill ;
" " Coroner ;
" " " Sup : puh ins
" " " " Surveyor ;
" " " Cotniulssluuci
to elect I delegates to the Plate convention.
And to transact such other business n :
may come before the convention. Th <
feveral precincts arc entitled to rep re
mentation in the convention as follows
bas cd upon the vote cast for Hon. J. W
Dawes for Governor , at the lust genera
election , giving one delegrate at larg <
to each precinct and one for every fif
teen votes -ind one for the fraction ol
five or more.
10 delegates
3 "
3 "
3J "
J _
37 "
No proxies will be allowed unless
held by a person or persons residing in
the precinct proposed to be represented.
Indianola. from 1 to 5 p. m. , ab Col.
Snavely's office.
Red Willow , from 2 to 5 p.m. , at
Buck's school house.
Willow Grove , from 4 to 7 p. m. , at
Starbuck1 office.
Driftwood , from 2 to op. m. , at
School house district No. 8.
Gerver , from 1 to 3 p.m. , at A. Good-
enberger's. .
Danbury from 3 to 6 p. m. , at Gra
ham's school house.
Beaver , from 1 to 4p. . m. , at usual
voting place.
East Valley , from 3 to 5 p. m. at
.School kouse district 14.
For the purpose of electing delegates
to the county convention.
By order of the Republican county committe. ROYAL BUCK ,
G. S. BISHOP , Chairman.
Republican Primary.
The Republican Primary of Willow
Grove precinct , for the purpose of
electing ten delegates to the Republican
county convention ac Indianola , Sept.
22 , 3883 , and for nominating precinct
officers , will be held at the office of I.
J. Starbuck , McCook , on
Saturday , September 15th , 1883.
from 4 o'clock , until 7 o'clock P. M.
This is a very important meeting and
it is hoped that every Republican voter
in the precinct will attend.
Central Com. for W. G. Precinct.
Anti-Monopoly Judicial Convention.
Notice. IK hrreby glren that the. Antl-Monopnly Ju
dicial Convention for the EiKbth Judicial IHntrlut of
Nebraska wlh be held at Alma , Ilarlan , connty , Ne
braska , on
Saturday , 22d day of September , 1883 ,
t one o'clock 1M. . , for tir purpose of nominating
u caudltistr. for the office of District Judge ofaid
district. Central coaimlucruit-n of their
respective cooutica In raid dlxtrict will
K-C that dcrgaieM ] to said con > t-ntlou are propcily
r' ted , and If posilble , urcurc a good attendance.
] ftIs of representation tfcc hunie as to state conven-
HIM. By onler of central coimnltUtmcn.
C. E. lltsir. Scc'y. EA. . I'ijJTCUEK , Coma.
A WAR among the railroad B rannic
west from Chicago is expected.
IT in computed that the driving c
the last ttpikc on the Northern Pacif
railroad cost $23,000 worth of driuki
blcs and cigars.
Republican is out in a
editorial assorting that the dismissal <
Paul Vandervdort was a cowardly ac' '
Is this the beginning of war ?
THE Anti-Monopolifete met in stat
convention at Grand Island , last Thur :
day , and endorsed the democratic non
inee , James W. Savage of Omaha , fc
the Supreme Court.
THE State Journal of Sunday las
stated that "the hog cholera has broke
out among the farmers on Long Island.
The State Journal seems to have diag
nosed the case fearlessly , if not accui
THE Seventeenth Annual State Fai
opened at Omaha on Tuesday , with
larger display of exhibits , and a greate
number of attendants than on any prio
occasions. The indications were tha
the fair .would be an unparallelled sue
JUDGE NORVALL passed sentence 01
Steve Benficld , convicted of manslaugh
tcr , Saturday evening , at Grand Island
He gave him the full extent of the lav
ten years athard labor , but not soli
tary confinement. The } oung man i ;
more unfortunate than bad.
THE acquittal of Frank Jaincs a
Kansas City , last Thursday , is anothe :
instance in which the free use of mono
defeats justice. There can be no ques
tion but that Frank James is a desper
ado of the deepest dye , and deserves al
the punishment the law allows , yet , it
his first trial , he is by some hocus pocus
THE skeleton of a woman , discovered
on a sand bar in the Piatte river , three
miles west of North Bend , the 30th oi
August last , was fully identified this
week as the remains of Mrs. Margaretta
Tongmann , who was drowned i-cai
Li rand Island in the Piatte last May ,
while she was trying to rescue a man
from the fate that overtook her.
SITTING BULL had arranged with the
managers of the Iowa state fair to be
in attendance at the exposition but at
the last moment went back on his word
and failed to show up. Yillard's party
is responsible for the great chief's disre
garding his engagement. So man } ' dis
tinguished men in his section of country ,
bo whom he could sell his photographs
caused Sitting Bull to forget all about
liis Iowa engagement.
SOME few days since , a war between
3hina and France seemed imminentbut ,
ate dispatches indicate that the casus
jelli will be amicably settled , and a
* reat deal of unnecessary blood-shed
jbviated Imagine a battle ground with
: he French drawn up in battle array on
mu sidf , and the Chinese on the other ,
md you will readily see that a war be-
iweeu these nations would be ridiculous
n the extreme.
THK town of Marion , Alabama , has
L colored Republican postmaster. A
'ew days ago , some of his white breth-
en who wanted his office for one of
heir own color , withdrew from his bond
r'th a view of having him removed. But
s he had made a good postmaster , some
irominent Democrats , unwilling to s-ee
dm treated in that way , made a bender
or him amounting to § 08,000 , and he
etains the office.
IT is announced from Chicago that
he postal note system , which wt-nt"
nto operation on the first of the month ,
s proving somewhat of a failure , chiyf-
y owing to the fact that there are nu-
icrous mistakes made in filling them
tit As a consequence , banks refuse
o receive them , and other parties , who
ave beeu placed to a good deal of
rouble and inconvenience , are inclined
t > find mui-h fault. There has been a
ad beginning all around , and unless
here shall be a radical improvement
ram this time forward it is quite evlr
cut the postal notes'must go.
LETtheelectorB of thiiT county n
member wK'n they attend the prim ;
nan , and convention , that what thecoui
ty wants and requires is honest , rcliabli
efficient officers ; officers that nnt enl
have the qualifications necessary fc
their several positions , but who als
will conduct the affairs and look aftt
the interests of the county economical !
and justly. Men are prone to be inflt
enced by partisan zeal , or personal prcj
udice , or preference , but under preHCii
circumptances , they should consider th
crude state of politics in this county
and cast their influence , not for th
partisan or friend , but for the candidat
who is the best qualified to perform th
functions of the office to which he at
pires. We believe that merit shoul
always be recognized and rewarded , an
if among the candidates for the severs
offices , there are men who have servci
the county honestly and well , it woul
be but justice that they should receiv
the appreciation of the people by th
further endorsement of their services
If there are those who lack the abilitj
or whose characters are such as to ere
ate suspicions as to their probity , the <
should be cast aside and better mei
THE formal opening of the Northeri
Pacific road for traffic and travel mark
the completion of an important 'enter
prise that effects the entire country
and especially the northwest. Then
are now five lines that connect the Pa
cific stales with the ea t , at suitabli
distances from each other. These wil
make the competition much sharpe :
than heretofore. The Northern Pacific
will undoubtedly take much of tin
travel and trade , and force the others t <
reduce their rates to honest figures ,
But the greatest benefit will be th (
building up of the cuuntiy. Thousand :
of homes will be brought near to markci
and the settlers will flock into the coun
try it traverses by the thousands. Tluu
empires of wealth will be erected outoi
what now are but empires of wastes.
Mr. Yillard. who is the head center ol
the Northern Pacific , is just now the
central railroad figure. He is almost
lionized in fact. His recent trip ovei
the road was a continuous grand ova
tion , of which he may well feel proud.
The people arc right in duly honoring
the man who brings to their country
such a blessing as a railroad. Ex.
Nebraska to the Front.
From all the reports which had
reached me I expected to find a very
line crop of all kinds of grain growing
here , and after going over the state , I
find that 1 had not set my esti mate
liigh enough. There is no denying the
tact that to-day Nebraska has the best
jrops of all kinds of any state in the
Union. H er wheat crop is simply im-
uense ; the acreage is large , the straw
s just the right length , the heads are
arge and well tilled'and , the berry is
if excellent quality. On every hand
ire hundreds of self-binders throwing
he golden sheaves. Yesterday I took
. long ride of forty miles through the
iountry in a carriage , and during the
eng vide did not see a poor crop of
; rain where it had been proper ! } * put
n and cultivated. Nebraska is to-day
fathering a harvest which is worth
nore than the out-put of all the
irecious metals of the mines of Colo-
ado. From official returns I find that
istycar there were 1,040,907 acres of
rheat , the acreage of this year is much
irgcr , but if it be the same , and the
rep will average the lowest estimate
or the entire state , which is twenty
ushels per acre. This will bring
irgc amounts of capital to the state
nd relieve the farmers very much , as
lany of them are in straightened cir-
umstanccs , for this state is pre-emi-
ently the poor man's home , and was
titled by a band of homesteaders who
ad but little or no capital , bufc their
illing hands and strong , brave hearts ,
nd these are the men who have made
titious bud and blossom like the rose ,
here are no great land kings here , no
umcnse farms covering entire town-
lips , crowding out the poor man and
ueping out the school houses , etc. ,
ke there arc iu Minnesota aud Dako-
Great as is the amountof7hcr grai
crops , her stock interests arc nine
greater and will bring to the ntat
much more wealth. From the t tat
Auditor I find the following is the n
turn or stock assessed ia the state fc
the year 1882 :
Horses , 532,032 ; cattle , 815,03c
mules 31,314 ; sheep , 373,057 ; hogs 811
049. When it is known that not half f h
stock is assessed in the great gtock n
gions , it is safe to say that the liv
stock is worth $100,000,000. A !
these things combine to give the stat
the great boom which she uows enjoys
The oat crop is the heaviest ever raise
here and there will be over 7,000,00
bushels to ship out of the state afte
keeping enough for home use. No bet
ter corn crop ever grew than is noi
setting cars in this state. A larg
amount of it will be fed to stock.
The low price of range cattle wil
keep many back , and these will b
brought here and ripened for the inar
keton corn. The outlook now is tha
more cattle will be fed here than eve
before , and that is as it should be
With its large corn crop , mild winter
and pure , bracing atmosphere , Nebras
ka should be the great feeding state o
the Union. The crop of hogs will hi
the largest ever shipped from the state
and they will be fully matured. Ii
going over the country you no longei
see the long-nosed , razor backed hog :
of a few years ago , but the plum }
Berkshire , the large round and slcel
Poland-China and the beautiful Cheste :
whites , though the latter are nol
sought after much , have taken thcii
place. The slab-sided , raw-boned cat
tie are passing away , aud the beautifu
short-Lorn and white-faced Hereford !
are taking their place. Corresponded
of Drovers Journal.
Additional ILocals ,
The County Fair.
At the meeting of the Board of Di
rectors on Saturday laht , the commit
tee to raise funds for expenses and
premiums for the coining County Fair
to be held Oct. 34 , aud 5 , reported
SI07.50 subscribed.
Messrs. Ashmore , Maiken and Quick
were appointed a committe to sec to
the erection of a proper building for
displays of household and other goods ,
suitable pens for sheep and swine , anc
posts for cattle. Judge H. M. Ash-
inore was instructed to make and put
in good order , a suitable half mile
track for speed ring.
On motion , the following sums were
ixed for licenses for their respective
jlasses of business , which were limited
is follows :
Two swings at $10.00 each : 3 booths
it SI5.00'for first choice , $10.00 foi
iccond choice and $5.00 for third place ;
md one lunch room at 85.00 ; which
uuis arc to be paid on or before the
irst day of the fair.
The Board adjourned to the morning
f the first day of the fair , when it is
esired to have a full board present.
Public Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there
ill be held at the office of I. J. Star-
uck in McCook en the 24th day of
eptember 1883 , at 4 o'clock p. in. , a
iceting of THE McCooK CEMETRY
LSSOCIATION for the purpose of com-
Icteing the organization of this
iation by the election of officers and
ic transaction of such other business
i may be legally transacted at said
Published by order of association
ited McCook , Neb. , Aug. , 29th 1SS3.
State Fair , at Omaha , commences
cpt. 10th and continues to the 15th in-
Lancaster county Fair at Lincoln ,
jpt. 4 , 5 , 6 and 7tb.
Eighth Judicial convention meets at
Ima on Sept. 12th.
Red Willow County Republican con-
intion meets at Indianola , on Saturday
ptembw-r 22d. 1883.
-ftp *
I hereby announce mynclf a n can
didate for the office ot county clerk of
Rod Willow county , subject to the dir-
cision of the Republican county cou-
vention of Sept. 22 ,
Willow Grove Preeinct , Aug. 27/8:5. :
In response to the inquiries of many ,
teachers and others , I hereby announce
that I will be a candidate for County
Superintendent of Public Instruction ,
subject to decision of the County Con
vention at Indianola , Sept. 22d , 1SS3.
Respectful ! } ,
Notice is hereby given , that at the
Bolic'ation of many citizens of tlm
county , I consent to become a candidate
for the office of county clerk of Red
Willow county , subject to the decision
of the Republican County Convention .
Having served as deputy clerk in
Adams county. I believe 1 can do the
work or that office efficiently and in a
manner satisfactory to all the citizens
of the county. Respectfully ,
C. 1) . CKAMEU.
One Thousand Bottles of Marsh's Golden -
den Balsam to be Given A way.
Every person in McCook , who is suf
fering with Consumption.Weak LunirX
Brochitis , a Cough or Cold , Sore
Throat , Hoarseness , Croup , Whoopinjr
Cough , Asthma , or any dicasu of the
Throat or Lungs , can obtain a trial
the great cough remedy , free of charge ,
by calling at S. L. Green's drug store ,
Persons who have tried this valnabl
medicine can procure the larjre bottle <
at 50 cents and $1. Thousands of hot
ties have been given away to provo it-
extraordinary merit. Two doses will
For all Blood disorders and Liver
complaints tise MAKSH'S GOLDE.V BLOOD
& LlVKU Toxic. It purifies the Blond ,
invigorates the Liver , Stnmauh and
Bowles , regulates the Kidncvs and
strengthens the system. Sample bottles
tles free.
E3kiE3 B 06 =
Ask your storekeeper for it , or write
direct to thu manufacturers.
Cleveland , - Ohio.
D. Kendall's '
, IIUO ,
Is the place for
ce Cold Lemonade ,
Ginger Beer , Pop ,
Choice Cigars , Candy. Nuts. Etc. ,
Preserves Linen , gives a
mi'.iiful finish , , * prevents . ike
'OH j i'Of'tl' 3ilC Ztlg , Ju t'cfo
5 Cents a Cake.
Ask your Storekeeper for it.
Made by
Standard Oi ! Co. ,