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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1883)
I * : * ' McOooK WEEKLY TRIBUNE VOLUME 2. M'COOK , RED WIIXOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPT. , 13 , 1883. NUMBER 15. Business Cards. . D. TOTTEN , Counsellor at Law , McCook. Kc H ? Will do a general law business. I J. STA1U3UCK , A ttorney-at-La w , McCOOK. NEB. Will pl\c jsho special..illrntion to the practice of low. nml inal > Ii > K collection" . J ffOfflre Sccosi'lblocknorlh of depot , 2 doors north n'h < lniK store. Fit and WorkmansMp Guaranteed. JfcCook , Nebraska. Page T , Francis , County Surveyor- Red Willow County. 0 Keeps certified pints of all Hurt' * ID the Hitchcock lind district. Special attentioa given tn nil such business. Correspondence solicit ed. S-nOftno A. J.WU.M5Y. M.I ) . . L. LEE JonN < < ov , M. D. . Slirceou to 15. & M. K. It. Graduate Wooater , O. DPS. Wiiiey & Johnson , McCOOK. NEB. Wlil attenel to all call In the city or country , day t. CClcc : Kcar of Citizens' Dank. & CLIFF , BRI0KLAYERS & PLASTERERS , tAll - All Jobs Promptly attended to. H. CRISWELL , NOTA11Y PUBLIC A ttorney-at-La w , Real Estate and Collection Agent , 1NDIANOL \ , WEIinSKA. . Prc-Emptlou , Homestead and Timber culture En tries , and kinds of Law business promptly attend ed to. IA / M. SANDERSON , House & Sign Painter. M'COOK , NEB. All work Guaranteed. Give me a Call , Fred Treble , TOi SORiAL ABTIST. McCOOK , NE1J , All work promptly attended to. McOOOK HOTE DF.ST HOTEL IX TOWN GO U > ACCOMMODA TION'S Board by Day o \ 3ek GOOD SAMPLE ROOMS. LIVERY IN CONNTfr 'T > rON The BUYERS' GUIDE , No. 34 , Fall and Winter , 1883 , gives wholesale prices direct to consumers on everything I yon use , eat , drink , wear , or - pr have fun with. Tells how- to order with exact cost , 216 pagea large ones 3,3OO illustrations a whole picture gallery. Contains information cleaned from the markets of the world. Ko other price-book in existence contains as much information. Sent free to any ad- dressuponreceiptofpostage(7cts ( ) . Letus i .r .mvnii nr visit us when in our city. MONTGOMERYWARD&CO. 827 & 2O Wabajb Arrave , CUcaco , D > * " 4 . If DEALER I f HAEBWAEE STOVES QUEENSWAEE AgricuH i O < J. " JtrC Largest stock and lowest prices in - , Red Willow County. -CALL AND BE CONVINCED- Sign of the "Biff Axe. " Three doors South of Post-Office. McCooK , NEB. < AGENT FOR THE AND * f y * Sold low for cash or on easy payments , or rented until. rent pays for the organ. . - Catalogue With Price-List and Full Descption Free. / M. A. SPALDING , Agent. tf McCook , Nebraska "McCook Weekly Tribune. " The Uewsiest Paper in the Valley. 0 * * A. B. COFFROTH : : : : : PROPRIETOR. A New eight-column folio Weekly Newspaper , published at the new and promising city of McCook , in Red Willow county , Nebraska , every Thursday. - TERMS : - $2:00 : pr year in advance. "CLEAN the city or enlarge the graveyards , " shouts the Chicago News THE gravel banks of the B. & . M. road at Salem are lighted by electricity , so that work can be carried on at night as well as day. P. J3. Daily , who has charge of the beds , and is now working fifteen or more hands , and with his steam shovel is loading from sixty to seventy oars of gravel daily. This is used for ballast all along the road. The old Atchison & Nebraska is being put in better repair than ever before. Pawnee Republican. G. L. LAWS , \vill secure on TOWN PROPERTY in McCook , and on DEEDEDCLAIMS In Re > l VVilJow i t adja cent COUllLiHS. 4 Office at th LsinJ O.T McCeok Xchrn e SADDLES & HARNESS. Opposite Hotel on the hill. Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS , BRIDLES , COLLARS , BR USHES , COMBS , WHIPs , etc. , etc. , Stock Saddles. Cow-Boy out fits , and Spurs. R. H. HAMILTON. GENERAL NEWS. THK hog cholera has broken out on Long Island. FOURTEEN Mormon priests , led by Parson Palmer , of Salt Lake City , arc holding meetings in Indianapolis. A STRKKT-CAR line is now in opera tion at Tokio , Japan , with Japanese conductors , who carry the bell-punch. JlAl.vs and high waters have done snrions damage to stock in Texas re- ' ccntly. Many cattle were drowned , and houses and sheds washed awiy. STRIKING laborers on the Baltimore & Philadelphia railroad attacked a party , a few days since , who refused to quit work , seriously injuring one man. > A IIF.AVV frost is reported to have damaged the crpp.s in Northern Iowa , ' Wisconsin and Dakota , on ( Friday night [ last. A lev , ' more days and the crops ' would have been out of danger. THK widow of Senator Zach. Chand ler has given $1,000 to establish a scholarship in the Chicago 'woman' * medical college for the benefit of women who intend to become missionaries. A TEXAS steer getting loose in the streets of Boston , last Saturday , made men and things rather lively for a time- . He. at last ran off one of the piers into the water , where he was lassoed and killed. C. P. IIuNTiNVjTON. the great railroad magnate , was a poor boy and a hard working young man. KG did not begin to accunmlafce his immense wealth until he was past fort ) ' . Then he staked all his savings on the scheme of the Pacific railroad. M as. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL , the aged widow of the eminent divine who founded the Church of the Disciples or Christian Church , is seriously ill , \vith but little chance of recovery. She re- ndes at Bethany , "W. Ya. , and is over eighty years old. THE Townfcend Savings Bank has been informed that the action of Credit Mobilier vs. the Union Pacific Kailroad Company , on a note of § 2,000,000. has been decided in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts in the favor of Credit Mnbilier. The suit was insti tuted in the interests of the Townsend Savings Bank. IT is now seven years since James Lick , the California millionaire , at his , death , left a va&t amount of property for public uses , and not one dollar has reached the designated objects. The trustees , who receive $1.000 a year * each , have just been censured by the Calif01 nia pioneers. But a thousand a. - year will console a man for a deal of pioneer censure. ACCURATE statistics of immigration over only thirty-six years of our national - ' tional life. The emigration commission .n New York was organized in 1847.anfl in that year the first reliable record of arrivals was begun. From that date ti , the clo.-c of last year the total number j of immigrants arriving in the United ' States wa more than ten and a. half millions. This year's accessions will swell it to over eleven millions. The Xew York Evening Post institutes : i comparison of this total with the popu lation of some of the other countries of the world , and this gives an idea of its immense size. It is more than -doable the whole population of Ireland or of the Dominion of Canada. It is nearly a third of the population of Great Britaia and almost half of that of England.