McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 06, 1883, Image 4

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    The Tribune.
THUWSDJLY , KIT. Ct.h , 188. ) .
The Doings.
Fine ( .pottgefl at BM. . Phpnnacv.
The mormngs arp btfginmajj to. get
c-pol. -
Pure white lead and < rils at Bx < fc M.
Don't forget the dnteit-unmejit next
Thursday evening.
School opened , Monday morning , with
n large attendance.
The vmest town in the JRepub--
lican T alley McCoolc.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C LaTourette
r in Culbcrtson. - *
Mrs. Dr. ( Boyle was ti
to our sanctum , Wednesday.
Frccklo Ivtinn. Tor removing freckles :
= and tan at B. & M. Pharmacy.
Hon. C. F , Dabcock and brother de
parted on No. H9 Sunday for Denver
Mr. W. E. Baheocfc , - of
lirothei'-of CE. , was In the
- Farley & Son arc Hcting 'awanj. _ _
room on the south' &idof tlrftirjuoat
market , .
Hxtv. Stunrt Crockett was a welcome
\ isitor to "this wffice - < * n Wcdncsdaj
? iftcrnoon.
For pure and first clat p drugs , go to
tfie B. &JVI. Phanimacy , rear oF Citi-
aens ; r
Mr. % &a Kelley is removing INK house
ficiu die ixsir of Dr. Green's drag store
ison street
Tom Price , the old 8. II. contractor ,
known all over thesccr parts , was in the
city Sunday and Monday.
-Mr * . Oeo , E. Hayes of Ptockfocd. Ill ,
is > jieiiiing -a few weeks with her
daughter , .Mi * . .T. 13. Babcoek.
A. Urisstow is moving his building on
Avenue to his l < vt near the black-
? lu > p n DeimtsoTi street.
W. C.3 aTourettc is having h5a store
weather-boarded on the outside and
ceiled on the iiuskle for winter.
3Jr. William Stodderfc went to Illi
nois on Thursday to join his wife and
spend a month visiting friends-
For all kinds of job work , n'"at and
tasty , send your orders to the TiuituNE
office. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed.
Our thanks are due to the gentlemen
who have so kindly called on us this
week and wished us success in our new
Rev. Stuart Crockett , Episcopal min
ister , will hold services at the church
-cm Friday evening. The public are in
vited to attend.
A delightful shower of rain'on Mon
day night settled the dust and Tuesday
'was a day long to be remembered for
its cool , salubrious air. -
There is a splendid opening in
Cook for a bakery or laundry. It the
proper persons were to go into either of
there would be fortunes ia them.
Mr and Mrs. G. L. Laws , and their
charming daughters , took the train ,
"Wednesday rooming , for the Hastings
lie-union. Without doubt they will
IT * liave a pleasant time.
We desire to Announce that THE TRIB-
TXK job epartmcnt is equal to any in
the llcpub'lican Valley , and that-wre are
prepared to do" all kinds of job work
Avith neatness and dispatch.
The Ladies' Sewing Society will meet
Thursday afternoon , Sept. JJJth. at- the
residence of Mr ? . G. L. Laws. All
irc cordially invited to attend , whether
im-rnbers of the society or not.
The MoCook Band made a , fine ap-
] M-arance as they skirted for Hastings
\ < > a Tuenday morning , and thiv fiweefc
music they discoursed on the platform
at the station was loudly echoed , by the
on ( iictraia.
It i ourjp'leasaro 'to return thankiTto
, MTr. Scott of the ( JftnoraVI'ArtsPngcr Jta-
partmentof the It. & M. j 'Railway for
cnuricuwH recently shorn UMr.
? rott i , ayoungman whW affability
and kifiiwlcdgf i& railroading will carry
Utirtq llio front. "
Several discrepanciustippcnrcd in tlttj
imtiuc of the/le alh of Mrs. IlolJins Ii C
week , mid we tute the opportunity of
correcting them. TUe cstiinafejc lady
fifty0ne years of age , had" lived
herc * * * sinec hu5t-fn11 . and her death was ujflnmraation pf the stomach
. ami Mr * . tVrl Clark guve * very
pleasant party on Tuesday evc'niog for
their son Flajrry , who stopped off at
homo on his way from Stratton to Has
tings.Tjhe young 'folks of the town
wereiaattemlanceand Avhen ' 'yelocal"
* >
looked in they seemed to be having , a
We drop from this is3ueoF the TntR-
UXS lh < s card of Dr. P. Boyle for the
that the d ictor is suffering with
inflammation < f the eyes , and cannnt
work at ihe"chnir with any satisfaction
to Wmsclk He says ; however , that he
expects fo be able to resume work at au
carl } * date , and hopes that his patients
will" not make any engagements else-
According to the American News
paper "Catalogue of Edwin Alden &
Jiro . , OhiciniKitti , Ohio , just pulishcd ,
containing over 800 pages , the total
number of Xewspnpersand Magazines
'uirjiHsliwl in the United States an\l"Can-
adas * is ] 3lSfij ( showing an increase
ovcr-the last year of 1.028. ) Total in
the "United States 12,171) ) ; Canadas
1,007. Published as i'ollows : Dailies ,
lV227Tri-\\rcekKes ; , 71 ; Semi-Wcck-
cs. 351 ; Weeklies , 9.95S ; BMVeek-
lies , 23 ; Scmi-Monthlics , 237 ; Monthlies -
lies , 1,324 ; Bi-iMpnthlies , 12 ,
Mr. B. B. Duckworth , one of the
heavy producers of this county , was in
the city on Tuesdayr-and stated to a
Friend that he wouM have between four
and five thousands bushels of Corn this
year. This will he a revelation to par
ties in the castwho arc so ignorant as
to believe that no crops arc raised in
Ilcd Willow county. Just as good
crops can be produced here as further
east , and without harder labor. The
only reason that it has not been done in
the past is because the land has been
used for stock instead of agricultural
purposes ,
We notice in one of our exchanges
that the B. & M. railroad officials have
notified all the road masters in their
employ in this and adjoining states that
each man cui have a week's lay-off to
attend the Railroad Exposition to be
held in Chicago during the months of
W fc
June and July. Also all their ex
penses to and from and while in attcnd-
'anco at the exposition will be paid by
the company. This a is most gener
ous offer to their most trusted employ
ees. By this means the company keep
their roadmasters fully posted as to all
the latest improvements in the working
and protecting of their roads , and assist
them in learning the workings of other ;
roads , and the manner in which things
are done.b } ' others ,
Several times , recently , there myste
riously appeared upon the register of
the B. & 31. Eating House certain
hieroglyphics which not only defied the
ability of the landlord and clerk to de
cipher , but" also of the wise men ifs
tlte ast who came thousands of miles
to study their peculiar outlines. The
mystery was increased from the fact
thut no one could account for the manner
ner or means by which they appeared.
A reporter of Tmr TRIBCKK dropped
into the office of the eating house , ra
day , and discoyered' a knot of id
men dixcussiug the strange characters
on the register. He joiiied the party
amfou invitation examined the object
under discussion. One.moment only
did he hesitate and he spelled out AND.
J. WIEI.KT ; for the wonder of many
months was nothing-else than the autograph
tograph of the jplly , good-hearted sur
gcon of tie B. & M. Itailwyr.
- A Chapter tf Atektenit. -
The U. & M. Ilailwar * McCook was
th Kcene of a , rmmbiT of casualUicrt
on the 3rd inst. thut will long be re
membered with horror by the residents
of the town. The first was the cave of
Thomas Ilennegan , who had his ? right
breast badly lacerated by u mil , which
he was attempting , with the assistance
tf othcw. to curve. Df. Willey WHH
auiumoned and the case put into his
J j hands.
Next 'TITOS the injury to Thomas
Suiith , who , in attempting to save the
maiming of another had hi-hand
jKiuglit' by a" falling rail , and had one
finger" broken and two others badly
bruised. Both of these cases , -we are
glad to say , are yielding tn the surgical
'treatment , and the parties are on a
rapid way to recovery.
2 The unfortunate day , however , culmin
ated in the killing of Fred Helen , a
young man who been'with the road but
n short time , and who had gained the
gdod opinion of his employers and fel
low trainmen. On the.night of the fa
tal day he went to couple a flat car
loaded with railroad . iron * , the iron extended -
tended over-the end of the car , and fn
making the couplinghe not stooping
low enough to clear the head , the rails
struck him just'above the car , tearing
off his scalp and crushing his skull.
Dfca h followed in a. very few moments ,
and the body was turned over to J. E.
Bcrger to "be prepared for interment.
The following morning it was shipped
to York , this state , where friends and
relatives of Mr. Helen live.
Still one more unfortunate. } o , 40
on Thursday afternoon brought in from
Haigler , a 'old man by the name of
James Gray , who had a broken leg , re
ceived by b'eing thrown from a horse.
The old man was taken to the Me-
Cook Jlouse , and Dr. Willey took the
case in hand , set the broken limb , and
the patient is doing well.
Terrible Accident.
CnlbcrtSon Sun , _ _ _
One of the most frightful accidents
that we have to record was the one
which happened. Wednesday afternoon ,
about 4 o'clock , toS. . L. Grceleyour
efficient county clerk and worthy citi
zen. l > Ir. Gveeh-y is A man who has
always taken a delight in hunting , is a [
good shot and the owner of a tine shot
gun , and while preparing to have , a little
sport .met with this calamity. He was
examining a shell to see if it was load
ed , and thinking that the cap had been
snapped , was probably a little careless
and the result was the shell exploded ,
nearly tearing his"hand off and making
an ugly wound.
AP soon as he recovered sufficiently
from ths shock he rushed to the street ,
where a crowd soon gathered. Every
thing his friends could do or suggest
was oftcrcd to relieve him and check
the flow of blood. Botli physicians be
ing out of town , 'telegrams were sent to
Arapa'-oe ' , Red Cloud and Hastings.
The first to respond were Dr. J. A.
Gunn , of Arapahoe. and Dr. Graham ,
of Stratton. After an examination it
was decided that amputation was neces
sary , and the hand was amputated
at"th.J- wrist Friday morning Mr.
Greeley was takca to Awpahoe wheto
he will IMJ under the care and attention
of Dr. Gunn.
Harvest- Home Entertainment.
The Ladies' Sewing Society of Mc-
Oook- will give a "Harvest Home" en
tertainment , next Thursday evening.
September 18th , in Piider's building. .
first door south of the Churchill llouso.
The proceeds will bu used for the pur
chase of * church hell.
DUETT . Mrs. Dunpan nml Mr . Ra-ley.
KSSAY . . . . . . MI lllcklliitr
COKXKTPOUMr. . Siulilin , ' .
IIUETT. . . . . . . Nik * XtllJc Lev and ArtiiDunpin. .
yUXXV MAX. > Mr. Forlio- .
After the programme , refreshments
will be served , and a general good tinio .
may be expected. Come one , comc .1.4
Admission , 10 ctcnte.
: Notice. _ _ - ; .
Tlieni\nll be a meeting of "the" sub
scribers to the--Bridge Fuml , at my
office , on. Saturday , September Sth ,
1883 , at 3 o'clock , P. 31. . sharp.
Ihoreby anmnirice ray otf as a can
didate for the office of county dork of
d Willow county , subject to the de
cision of the Republican county con
vention of Sept. 22.
Willow Grove Precinct , Aug. U7.S3. ,
Notice i.s hereby given , that at the
solication of many citizens of the
county , Tvonsunt to become a candidate
for the office of county clerk of Red
Willow county , subject to the decision
of the Republican County Convention.
Having served as deputy clerk in
Adaum county , I believe I can do the
work or that ofHce efficiently and in a
manner t-atisfactory to all the citizens
of the county. Respectfully ,
C. I ) . CRAMER.
The "Citizens' Bank" having made it
an object to me to quit the banking
business , T have sold out the State Bank
of McCook to them. Heicafter T will
be fuund at I. J. StJirbuck's office , where
I shall be pleased to meet my friends
and acquaintances , cither for business
or a friendly chat. Call and see me. *
A bunch of broke sutldlo horses
fcr sale , at Culbcrtson. Will sell
either by single horse or entire lot.
Prices to suit anybody. .
Also a bunch of one two and throw
year old cattle for sale cheap.
Culhortson , Neb.
j ' We will continue to send the Tuin-
L'XE to all persons whose names appear
' on Mr. Israel's subscription list. If
there be anyone who desires to dis oni
tinuc the paper , he will notify us at
once , otherwise he will be held liable
for the paper sent to his address.
j Look Here !
St. Louis white lead for $ S per hun
j dred.
Pure boiled oil 80 cents per gallon.
150 test headlight. 2f ) cents per gal.
Machine castor oil $1 . 'iQ per gallon.
Coal pressed castor oil SI per gal
lon at GRKKN'S Darn STOKK.
All monies due the TiunrxK for sub
scription come by the terms of the sale to
me. Parties who km w themselves t > be in
arrears for subscription will be warmly
rccci\ed at any time , if they come cash
in hand. A. B. COFKKOTII ,
A large topaz watch charm and fob.
Finder will be liberally rewarded and
heartily thanki d by leaving same at the
TIUBUXK office or at Culbcrtson with
W. 7. . Taylor.
"ROUND up"
Commencing on the 20th oF Septem
ber the roundup will commence t'
Spring Crock on the Willow and work
up the creek.
New Home.
M. A. Spalding , agent for the HgM
running , New Home sewing machine.
Legal Notice.
To AhWe Johnson iionreMilont diTundant :
You uc hereby iiotitlcil that on thd ocotul
ilay of Aujm t 1 SJ , IxviJohiihWi llle < I a j.
tfon j OH in tlio District Court of Ue < l Willow
cf unity NebfiWku. the olvJcct ami pmycrof
which arc to ubtiiin a dj\orc ! TroH you on tbf
ground thut yoii liacomuiittud Hdultvrj-
violation of sec Ochaptei- of the ttatutcof
You anbcreliy required to um > n cr
t-aid p ntion on or before Monday the 17th tiny
of September IS.'SJ. Levi Johruon.
Ily I. J. .Stai-back h3 attorney. n-9
l. n-l OPTIctat MrfVik Xeh. . Anp.JO 'S.T
No5'r ' in tirrcliy > rt rn the followinir natnrd
Prttlcr lii < Clrd notirmf lil < Intention to ni.iku lin-il
of lis ! clftlnu and tliat ald pr H .r
" ' " , In * m.icii'
hrforr roster or n-cfivrr at MrCook ,
ir. . onfofidaj OctoV'r S ISMiz : Knocli
.M. Wiit im lid X. . 'JfiTi for Ills' t'i n-c * * & n ' ! s-
l frc 17 t p S11 r 30 w P.M.
Hi' u.imrUM frtllitnlniwltnr"p' topro\olil ron-
( Iiiuiiut-n-s-Menrf ujiin anJ cultivation of , wjd laml
i viz : ltii'lmr.2 M. William ? . Joseph William * .
i Hoin-r Uarnw ami Pi-tor Swan on , all of Vulitim
o-fi 0. L. JAWS. -irfi.tor
. * .
II liwpliy rfxcti tluictln : following
ri-m.-i1 lia * Sl'd uotK'i' of Ulh inti'alloti tmnnlcc ft-
[ nul iirixif In lapjxin tf liN rLihi ] oi that > l pnx-.r
f will lx mirt JwfoniKrtdijrpr&Keci'lvrrat McCock.
I Xcl > . . em Monday. Oc'obrjr 15. ISS3. viz : DenoU
' < *
ii * n-w J -I-P H we li't tp imrtU. ranco Jtl irer > r.
lit B-itnrj the follor.'iniilju'axf > to pn > vi * liM '
contlnoocj rr Wnu-R upon. nd rulllvatlon of. * * ! U
. laliJ. . YU : Wliilnm BHric. Montwnfry IiojJr.
.1.1 r mirUuk * . anil K-ilirrt Wnllrr. all of
Lnnil Otfiw at McCook. Ji b. . AUK. Hth. 1 *
yvtlr * * I * ln.-rejy ! KlVi'Ji tfcnc ( li < * folMw'iift-uami
tft Vr Ho f.le.l n-itJcr ot h r iv.'ntiwi t | > make flp.i
rnrtfln upj > ort .fhT MiUm , unrt thrtt rub ! i > n > " <
wt'I t tniil ' hrfmv r ' : l t : r o ? receiver HI MftfVo *
Nrh.un Mlt iiMajr. ht. | i ! . M-T , vuu , Mlchiu i
rurth.runiri * 'M * , H niUJif tht : following H ! '
Iirmvii to ( > rovc tiiH contlnunun rr ldi-nPC upon. anr.
ultlriulim ( if , mhland. . Viz : ( JtOrtfC V.'hlti-.J > t
Hiiot , Auinir-t Hi.pi > and iiuDiuui Tolu kit of > f
COOK n "l Willow Co. , XclinswKii ,
o-O O. I * . LAWS , ll'&ilt . .
I.uii.1 OfToat JlrCo-jk Ni-li. . . .Inly.S , 1- J.
NnUc Is m-rrby plvrn Ilinf the followtui nmp ,
retttvrliiti nl lni tlci' < if hl lnciitl : i to in > kc rtn I
priMftn i upj irt of III * < 'laliii , anil sn-l ! ! 'rv.
will hcinailp fn'fori' resNtworrwctverfct Sfrt" x .
i. , nn frtlftj-AUB HI , ISS J \lz : ( Jowe * . ) Krc <
h' l N 5S2IS for the H ,4w Stm-s 11 and n'
w § crU tp 'u r3l west ,
llcnnmes the fiJIuwlmt wlti i to prove UN cor-
. * rcHideucu ii in and cultl\otl < m of , iild lati"-
Ajncd II DiTl * nnd MorrU WllllaiiK f M >
( 'uok mill -loncpli t < Ntiwcotub , nd Kiy UavU.
Villluu. N'cl ) . u-8 t LAW8 ,
J tid Office at McCook , N'UAup. . 10 , ' .
Xotlco isln-reby Kiv'ea that the , lollixvln--
iwimiM settler 1ms died uotloo of hfa Intontlo
to miike Until proof of Ills claim , and thut mi ! .
qr.sec tt tp 3 no th ranffc-no wc t. Hoimm < "
following witiie-tH-rt to prove his t-ontinuot
rvsiduncc upon ami cultivation' of.nid Ian
viMather S Johnson JohuVlilttiiVr C' . I
Ncttlnton and iinmvr 8 Oolvin , O. 1. . Ijiw .
n-0 !
OFFICK nt McCook. Scb. . Aus , 3i th. 'Kl.
Notice IK hereby irfu-n tli.u thft fwlowtua wan *
r lmi < Rlfil nutlcc of her Intention to make ftn..1
In HBpixrt" of her cl.ilin , nnd that i ivld pro-
-'niailrliDforcKealnKrOr Kieuivernt Mc' ' * '
Ncbr. on > tondii > Ootolii-r 1H * , vie : Annie R K < "
laJI h < l N't. SM T.irlhc B- ( t-cM ice I & n ! ii- -
k n-u ' - . ii-w 'i t.c a tp 'J north , ntn o 2H we t.
&licnaiiiOK the following wltncwcN to provd t
contlnaoii * rcsldrncu unon nnd cultivation of , cut
bind , uA. . tlunm nnd J - . , > H. KllRdre. of It
dlsncl * . ITc-l ) , . and John , V Ifurr and ( 'hesti-r J.
< iT ltouU\llle Xcb.
G. L. LAW ? ,
U.S. L xi > < iKFKiMc < : ooK , Xr.n. , June illth'fi.l.
Notlri' I" hereby jrlven tlnLthC foIlijurInjMi.imi'
se.iler tin * filed notice < l hln Intention tn nuikr tin
prwif In Mippiirt vf hNclaim , : iu < I that snJ proof n'
lie mnilc before lleRteter ur McOxikNt
on Monday J'ept. HI , mSl Viz.
William F Kn'n-st. < lXo 23(11 ( , for th * - _ .
n-c 'i-ltt ni.d 'i n-w ' 4 and rt-vr n-c li we.
; tp " north raiw ! ll wost.
He nainosthtj following witnns * to pro1
ins continuous rvsmwcij up n. and cultiv
i n o' "aid and. viz :
Charle-i A Sinltli. John Wat : oM.Mo op'i Cm
JoM'ph Wlliiiiii.s , all of McCook Neb
n8 G. I - " '
S L lid OtTluu , MoOOK. . X
Compliant having been entered ut tliN iitllei' '
Fnint-'it L Spieer iic.iIiMt Georjre Ali'-l f
liiUurc t'i comply with l.iw n to t-e entry No. 11 * .
ilauvl at North 1'latte Nob. Maiclu'U 1 78 , upon MI
s-\v H ! * > " KIIW tSi uc > t. In ItedVilo ! v
tiisinty. Xcbr. with aJov to tin' cane , lUtloii KI
Maid enirj : contestant . -illr ln that faiil AlM-1 hi-
i inltol'toplunt to trff , e < l JorcultlllKN llv > -
iicrc > . < it s-aid trai't ilurtiurthetln.t tliritiir -
of his entry ; the s-aid prrtift .m ; ln-r.-
by Mi'iiiiinnt'il lo.ipjic irat tliln olTlctOntlifi7lh ! < I > v
of Oct. , ltS5 i.t 2 uMock p. I"to ri > itimlir..l
li ivstlinony toiicirnlniri-.ililiillf < 1 fnllun-
nil G. h. Ijiws r 'jri'-t 'r
U. S.-IMXII OFKICK McCook Nc > . , Jny , i" INV
Ouiitpluint liuvinK l ) ; n cntorei' at this olhi .
by Kroderick KU'illfei.a'raliisHjeorKe U Hair.i
I'orjailin-e to complv with lav as tot-ccativ
Xo..Mlatcil ut North I'lnttu Ntfh. . April 10 JK- '
upon the s-e ' 4 n-c Si tp 1 north i-anjru 2' ' < '
in lied U'illow comity Ncbr.iskr with a view u-
tlii'canucll < itioti < r Mtid vntty : contestant HI
lu rinv that sad Ilaird hoU tailed to plant tn
tret's , M.fd .oreuttinjre fincrcs f { .aid tnu-
three year- from the dute of In *
entry : the s-aul parfien are Jic'iCby Kiuninoin il
tn aiponr ] at thl * olUccon tlfl Tth iliyof < H'i
ISW nt 1 o'clock p in. to respond and fnrnhh
te.stiinonyconcerninjfh.iiil nllvscd fniluw
n-U G.LL.IWS , Ki'jrMi-r
AllVfiili 'f-
Xotlrr I * liri'by plvcn Hint the folliiwlnp-n.nn it
NOttlcr lins liU-il notU'u of ) il Intruttun tv niakf ilml
pnof In F > npMirt [ of liH vl.ilin , ainl ( list xaM pn .i
will lj m.u.v 'icforc thr ! h'Kltcr > r Ilf 'Clvrr at MI
( ' < mk. X l > . , on Saturdy Sept l.ltli PH3.IAiiL
nst C IIo c lul Nu aim for the n-i'M s- < - ' ' < f * ' -
4 * ' } , tec. I'J. k lot 1 sec ; ,0 tp U n r IK ) vre > it
Hi- names tlif follouhm wliiie * i'i < to prove hi- <
tlniioii' rt Mi'ji < -i'\ii-on , nnd cultivation of. .il < l I.i I
viz : .invph M. Huc-i. Gc < > rj < c White. Mlehu' i
Wt-lt'k ami AUKUM PUismyro. G , L LA.WS
I1-JO Rryi-H '
Lnndomrt' nt McCuoK. Xt-l > . . Au - . Sth , 'Kl
i hereby jrf\pi tliltt thi' fotl wlnir nain * I
hu < filed notice of hiit jntentlun to mtiKc '
nsU pnxif In support f ills clafm , and that t-a i
l > ro < if will be made In fortreglotcr i. . receiver at M
i Cook. Neli. . < m Frld - . Sept. . 14th , .KJ. viz. . S"
1 phi'n A Itosrc-iT. hd No. 3J68 for th n-w JL , <
--w li of sec 1. & n ' - of s-c & i-w i { of S-c
Mw 'i ip noith ntnxts 29 we-t
! ! n.inics the follnniiiK wltnef"C < to pronhlv r"
tiiioii * t" < IIenee u on. and cultivation of Mdl.ii >
vi- \if.\andcr.lone * , of IteJ WllIfvXiith > in Mf
eniiisn A I'liillipi and 11 H Picken > > < .f
Cooin10 G I > -
Lnrnl ( imce at McCook Sob. . Au * . 2nil 'SS.
Notiee Ii hereby stven tliai the foltowIniMui. j
( cttli-r l" . " fil'Hl notice of bU Intention to niikp tlr i
print trt support of liU claim , and that said proofiv
hi : made he-fur Hfirfiitcr or ifceher at iltl.'t'
Xi'li. on Frldn * > opf. . 14 lh. 3.11Jatncx G Mo %
| t H no. 21)15 ) fur tin * n H s-oiir sec -I .5 : w * F
1 se il tp 8 n r .w n cct.
i He Humes thcfiill'ivrlnR wlttiMJ1 * to prove
continuous rroldcni-e upon , anil cultivation of. f. ,
i land , ( ieorjrc ( i iw in and * Willx-r i
( irricii. and Xc-hemiah Himl < * > r > C Valif .
( ; ranjr < ' , and William I'or > T < i of ( Khorn.
n-st G. L. LA Wrt ; n : jrldtfr
L.\xi OKFICK at McCwik Xcl > . . Aue. 2118 3L
Notice is hcrehy trin that the followi : - .
named wttlcr ! iiu < Hli-d uotice of his intcntir
j to inakifliiftl proof in support of his clali.-
I and that sidj ro f will be mfltlo before Ibvi--
or Receiver at McCook Neb. , on Saturdb
, Sept V. , letv ! , viz : Mary R Ormfc for thcHK f
! 'tvjc . ' . ' 0 v lots : > & \ , See a tp 3 n r : jn west.
j lit- names the following wltnesMv
i prove his continuous rciiidcnce upon , nnd c
I tivation of. iid L'tnd. viz : I.anra Philli -
t Mluuif Uatc-i. CharlasE. McPhors < jniiid Willlh.
j Urine , all of McCookXel > ,
I G. I TjAWa.
I ll-lS Ke 'iut
I , * . S. -and Office. McCook. Xeb. , Auir. 14 , 'o
Complaint having bv m entere J ut thiH off
Idmin < oii M. Williams a atist c'hurlt" . i
HoiniCM'orabandoninfr hio hd dal
at Xorth Platte. Neb. . Jany. 6lh. IJ-'Mi. up-
i the north east quarter frection f
tp 2 north ranjrcHO wist , in Ut lVil. .
county Nebraska with a ! < * to thi * cancel .
ntion o'f said entry : the -jnid parties are ln-n
Humraono l to appear at this offlce on ther
day of Sept. . IhW. at lu o'clock a. m. , to
> pond and furnish t " > tltnony conwrninsr
allcKwl ahandonnicnt. G. L. LAWS ,
nil It jri-'t- .
( * . S.T > and Offlce McCook > rl > . . .Iulyith..s
Complaint haviiurtici'n enten-d at thiOH -
by ChnrlnsR. 3IcPh ; ron. iH-Minut Willii.
i.Hrown for abandoninglitshotno lrad i-n-
no. 2tro. dated fctyorthPlattf 1' . . .mm2s
f 18-7A. upon thei * 14 M C K towtirl ;
, tpthrPonnrthramrfSJ wostirt llrd Will--
, county ITcb. . with a vii-w tn ahc canct- :
ftionot ' said ontrj- ; the snid pan ip- art bore
{ summoned to appear at thl < otfii-e onathcj *
Jdjdnyof Sept. . i8Sl. att ri o'clock . in. , t
J respond and furnish testimony concern * . ,
; iihialtopi'd abandonment
n-2U f ! . Ij. Laws , rei * > tc .