Sometime * * ' * * 8oinctimc8liowftdw ySuraro5 * - Then , then , soi Mfw' * . , * ' LIIco fiomo - Sometimes , through you. through you , I sec tlio gray sky blue , And fe $ tho'.warmth of May In the December day. SomctlBicH , All bur'dcnH fall , All caroB. flBtLevc _ d ' fc , * * -V" M In yourfi\jjjctfltmo8pfcre. ( Then , fhcn ala'S , alaBli. * 4S " \Vby doesjlf c"6j3o to paw- , Before JLhotigrJo'cs tar , " * Before jnyTdrcam dotbTufeT Idrlft | Out of youHvarmth andVchcer , Your blessed atinosphcf e ? f * 9fSK ! \Vhy \ does I coig6 to paw Alas , adgtUl hi8l 3 Why dolhtJw.worid prevail , Wby doth thp plrit fall , I * eH g * " And hide ifHcTTaway 'r" \ f , Behlndts wall of clay , "u/ - Since tlniojbcjan | alasj , Why does | t"cbmo to POBH } * Nora Pcn ' , In HarpePs' - -Magazine September. " ' "I wish I c& ! " saidLetty ( Jorc. How or'when shoihad crept into the studio no onelinow ; ] Bnt there she was , her g5ldcn * hair and radiant com plexion relieved against ; the dull Vene tian red ofithe draperies'her apron full of wild blue asters aridioddly-colored autumn leaVes , her scarlefc'sBawl trailing picturesquely on the floor. Uncle Gasfon patted her"Tcuidly on the head. * " We , don't expect high art of little girls"vjsaid he. "Stickjto your puddings .middleman meringues , and kcop the family stockings mended , and you do very well ? ' „ ' While Felix Fontaine tookno sort of notice of her but kept on aigplaying the old banner lindhangings'of'eastern handicraft jjvhic.h.ho had justfhought at the great sale iriXondon.v The odd little Greek lamps , -with their hanging silver chains , were'lighted , the red curtainp were drawn across the sky light , and fthe , . fire glowed like a dull ruby in the 'deep tile-lined fireplace , while the stands' and easelsXeach dis played their treasure of foreign works. "There ! 1J siid : Felix , to his , uncle , with an air of , scarcely repressed tri umph , "that is'something nuite.unique. I don't suppose1 it could be.duplicated here or anywhere else ! " - Uncle Gaston put up hisvdoublo eye glasses , and stared ecstatically at the limp , crinkfeyoldpieceof eastern fabric , embroidered in dirty silks , with tar nished gol'd ! threads glimmering here and there. " I "Beautifulhe ! cried. "Exquisite ! " "I think It's " dreadfully ugly 1" paren- thieally interposed Letty , her golden head peering under Uncle Gaston's arm. "I could embroider better than that , I'm quite sure. " Felix turned around with an air of mild tolerance , ' "My dear little girl , " said ho , "what nonsense you arc talk ing. Really , one would think you were six , instead of sixteen. " I was seventeen last week , " said Letty indignantly. Mnd if you don't believe I know auyth f about art , you may comHind ( see nlfftidio. " "Your stxidio ? " echoed Felix. "What is the child talking of ? " said uncle Gaston. "She means the place where she keeps her dolls and picture books , " said Felix indulgently. "No I on't , eitheiAJ' cried Letty , turning1 scarlet at thi fesh indignitj- . "I mean my studio , where I paint and sketch , and do art needlework. " "Very well , " said Felix. "We'll take a look at } "our prettyjthings some day. " "I don't doubt they are very nice , " added uncle Gaston , with a patronizing kindness that was gall and wormwood to poor Letty. She flung the blue asters and colored leaves indignantly on the floor and hur ried from the room with blazing cheeks. "I won't bu treated like a child ! " cried Letty , angrily addressing a * simpering family portrait , whose big eyes seemed to wntcli Her in the dancing flames of the dining-room fire. * ! ; who'am seven teen years old ! " And she. cried softly on the hearthragjUiitil thelfirst'hqt fever had burned out of her cheeks While uncle Gastmijlurning wistfully to Felix , said t * * "She grows very pretty , * < Felix. } Don't you think so ? " "Very ! " Felix an ab stracted way , as he pulled" out the wrinkled corner of a piecer.of * painted crape. \ * % T "She'll hiake a splendid woman one of these " added the % days , oldgentle- man. man."Oh "Oh , no doubt ! " saidFelix " , stepping back a pace or two , to "study the gen eral effect. "And il\vould be such avreu"ef to me if yon could like her wellffenough to . * - ' , marry her.- Felix tamed short'ound. . "My dear uncle , are you"crazy4 | he de manded. * "Me marry Letty'Gore ? Do I look like a marrying-man ? Is she the sort of person 1 likely to fancy , even if the niidsumnieramadness took possession of me ? " * ' . The door which led -into th'e dark passage co'mmunicating with the dining- room was1 partially open. and ; Lettj Gore , still crouching under the big- eyed aneet-trcfs' portrait -had , heard every worjl. She sat there some time longer , and then got'-up and wenl quietly up stairs to ner "room. Uncl ( Gaston was disappointed too. It hac always been his pet idea to make up : match between Lettice , his niece , ant Felix , his nephew , these : two adoptee children who were yet no relation a all to each other , and now it has provei a failure. v Well , Uncle Gaston was used , to dis appointments. It was lucky thathehai not mentioned it to Letty. But afte this Letty seemed different. The child ish abandon was gone out of her mar ner. She was graceful , cordial , oui spoken all that a lady should be , bi was no longer a child. Felix looked at his cousin with occi sional outbursts of wonder. What Erincess the little thing is growing t e. They had company to dinner or day a pott , a learned professor , t\v or three savants and.lelix. was su : prised at the graceful"and self posse sion , the general readiness of inform : tion which Letty displayed. "Whei has she picked up all this ? " he askt himself. And then a few weeks afte ward a 'gust of blind , , ungovernab jealousy came over him , when Colon Marquand ] , then : nearest neighbo asked Letty's hand in marriage. "What business has he aTman of fc ty , to aspire to a sweet human rosebi like oar Letty ? " he demanded-hotty. "Gently , my lad gently , " .said u cle Gaston. "There is JIG occasion be vexed the girl has refused him , ai Marquand is a fine gentleman , who love would be an honor to any woi an. " v "It's strange she never spoke of it iaeV said Felix restlessly.But 1 : manner jhas changedtojne of late. S used to Jo ) a little playmate. She'i queen iow , wearing an invisil crown. " Things were at this juncture wl Mr. Felix Fontaine made a notable i dition to 'T s collection of art works- .5- _ . superb maroon satin hanging scroll wrought in' gold thrcadjwith a land scape of flying storks,1 tall reeds ant limpid/ waters , skillfully simulated ir Japanese silks.l l Isn't It3a gemj " "Veryrprctty , " Lclty answered will ayawn ? Felix looked a little disappointed ai her lack of interest. "I had it from Kenneth llouiayne , ' said ho. "I gave him my Sevres vas ( and some * of that old Jerusalem tapes try for it. 3 Of course they were Verj clioicc , but this wasjsuch a particular ! } fine specimen of the , modern Japanese school that why , Letty , why are yoi laugliing ? What haveT said to amuse you ? " * : " < "I was | only thinking , " said Letty , "how very easy it is'to.1 fool an antiquary ' ry ! * Hero yo'u are raving over a piece of needlework whichfPcmbroidereu. " "YouP'Jcried'Fclix. "Ycs , Is It Was last spring when I was stayihg * wHh Cdceha llomayne. The genuine j piece of' Japanese work had accidentally , been gfiawed by a rat and badlyfdiscolored during Kenneth's absence from' horaei Cecelia was in despair , but "I jLoldher to match the satin and 'material as nearly as possible and I would duplicate it. ' And the gen uine , tattered article Js in the bottom of Cecelia's chiffonieiStdrawer at tjiis moment.'i * . . "Letty , " cried her > eousin , "yo are a little enchantress ! Will'you allow me , nowto see your studio ? 'J ' ' "If you care fb lobB'afc' it , " said the girl , indifferently. * He followed her ' upstairs , feeling vaguely as if lie wcro'about to gain en trance to some spell-Found domain. And it was enchantedlhUeed ! "Letty , " , he exclaimed , looking"about him , "arc all these ypurs ? TheseJbxquisite watercolors - colors , this needleworkjhat seems act ually to gtaro from the very surface these strong , vivid sketches ? " "Mine , " she .answered proudly , " , all mine. But t ey arcjill that I Imve. As foiv sympathy , encouragement , I need look for none of that. " She spoke with a little , hard laugh , ( but at the same time 'there was a quiver in' her voice. ' - "Letty , you are a'genius ! " fervently cried Felix. -"There other .things in this" world better worth " said having.than genius . , * * * - * - she sadly. "You embolden me , " he exclaimed , 1'to speak out what is in my heart-frto ask ybji , Letty dearesl. to return dnie eJrtiori Of thatdee"p,1teiulerall-engross- g love which I have learned to feelfor you. " l * " "Is it possible , " said Letty , with a curl of her lip-"thatyqu can care7nbre for me than foYbronxes or Egyptian coins ? " , t "Now cniel ' he said you are , Letty , ? reproaclifully. _ y"I cruel ! " ndtoyou ? " How it was "Tic never exactly knew , but all of an instant she was sobbing on his shoulder , and it was all settled. Old Uncle Gaston was delighted. It had always , as we know , been the dar ling wish of his heart that they two should be united. "And my little rosebud has blossomed into such a perfect rose at last ! " he said , rubbing his hands. While in the very front rank of his collections Mr. Felix Fontaine keeps that maroon satin scroll , where the gold thread clouds throw their silver tides into such strong relief. But no one shares the secret with himself , Letty his wife , and Miss Cecelia Ro- mayne. "For Kenneth would never forgive me if he knew , " said the latter. The W | ging of Mxmtezuma. Bcn'n Fo ( N. M. ) i orrespondcncc of Kansas City Times. The Indityn dance is not merely a pleasant yastiuie for the light-hearted and frivolous to engage in. It is a reli gious rite a prose poem. It perpet uates the history as well as religion of the Indian. It is a drama , a lyrical representation of important events in the history of a rude and uncultivated people that have no better means of perpetuating their deeds than through traditionary recitals and common folk lore. lore.Zuni Zuni Gushing tells me the cochita dance has 125 different representations. The movement is grand , ancl it requires days of preparation. Not 50 perhaps not a dozen white men have ever seen it danced. The Indians will not repeat it except at stated intervals- the rea son that it is a part , and the most com memorative part , of important religious ceremonies. Gushing himself , though he is a war chief , and recently admitted to the sacred order of the Bow , could not induce the Zunis to repeat this dance in publicjat the Tertio-Millennial anni versary. v. Through the officers of the association he offered the , Indians 100 silver dollars if they would dance the cocfiita , but they persistently refused. There are many dances common , to all the .tribes , but most _ tribes have dances peculiar ' to themselves , and some are more valuable in the perpetuation "of thejhistory , the religipn , the. ceremon ies , the daily life of the people than all other agencies combined. So much for the Indian dance in general. Here I have witnessed a new revela tion in the history of this strange pee ple. , I have seen dances different from any thattl have seen during the last 2o veal's. 3"he one that impresses .me quifcTas much as any other is the Woo"- ing otf Mbntezuma. The characters are Quellacotle , Monarka , Montezumaj his lovely bride , Malinche , ( erroneously and 'far less poetically printed on the bilsKaegna ! ; ) the court jester , Tongno ; Taurus ( the bull ) , courtiers , attendants and Officers. Montezuma , as every in telligent reader knows , is the savior , the Socrates , the Confucius of tlje Mex icans. His birth runs back into the mystic records of myth and tradition the great Montezuma , I meanBui Montezuma , like all good men anc creat gods , loved more fortunately thai inany others he loved both wisely anc well. He wooed and won , and experi enced quite as many difficulties in thi job as the rest of us. 'T\vas ever thus women "coy and hard to please. ' So found the monarch love in his persistent and delicat wooing of the reluctant but level ; Malinche. The drama dance commem orates and represents the valor , pa tience and sublime heroism of the grea lover ; the .attempts of the ugly an clowning Taurus to captivate the fai maiden ; the struggles the courtien each for himself , with wooing : and wir some manners to captivate the charir ing and beautiful Indian girl. In trial of most experts and most skillft dancing Montezuma vanquishes all 'hi courtiers. The blushing and beautift "Malinche yields , and Montezuma : prouder , happier than when he ha conquered all surrounding tribes an founded the great city of Mexico , wit with its magnificent gardens , its woi derful plazas , its great market-placi its royal buildings , its fountain's au aqueducts , its splendid roads , and a I j these lonely years before the arrival < ! the blood-thirsty and gold-crazed Spai - iard , and befpre the hen had laid tl j egg that Columbus made to stand in tl 1 presence of the princes. It is , 3 course , a national dance , and dates - history Iback into the misty traditio of mythical history. The Aztec , goc o it is said , revealed it to the Pueblo I r dians. " e 'It took just one hour and a half 1 a my watch to render the dance poem. e -skillfully , majestically , beautiful rendered. The dancers were both Me n leans and Pueblo Indians. The numb U performing was 12 , not including t a fair Lupeta Arohuletta , representing t lovely bride-and the manly Franciscc Gomez , personating the monarch lover the great Montezuraa. * The mother o : the bride is a Pueblo and , the father i Mexican. "OurAwaiting- anxioui beaus not infrogneiiily think their fail dulcineos are a long time preparing their toilets for extra occasions , bul dishing tells mo the Zuni are fully eighl days preparing for the cochita dance You ace their time is not much more valuable than that of our average fash ionable young lady. Then' , too , thej are very elaborately dressed , paradox ically as it may Beemfvhen not dressed at all. One can be much dressed with very light dress , as the Zuni and the fashionable lady at the ball ) each illus trate. The Zuni may be naked to the waist and neb even wear Cinderella slippers , and yet days may be spent in ornamenting , decorating and painting the body and -face.- - The wooing of Montezuma is danced by 12 chiefs. On the occasion referred to they emphatic ally mingled and blended the ancient and modern civilization in dress as well as in the general features of the dance. Some enterprising clothing merchant had presented them with a cheap "pair of pantaloons and a vest each. With these still retaining the salesman's card- mark for ornament , a calico shirt , a Jtfavajo or Zuni blanket , a , silk ! veil worn as as a mask , and brand new cow hide shoes richly ornamentca andjiigh- ly decorated , the dancers wore arrayed. They had their attendants tto arrange their endless amount of gibbons in bright colors , pendant from thc -head ana shoulders. The faces were highly painted , though masked. The monarch lover , Montezuma , Yas , of course , more gorgeously arrayed. His crown was particularly- noticeable " and gaudy. Each dancer carried a "red silk handkerchief , more conspicuous than Senacor Thurman's , iireacn hand , the one in the right haying a few stones tied up in it | which , withjjpnstant , reg ular ancl monotonous movement , kepfc rattling time with the -music. They startedlfrom the annexJiterally danc ing lime to , the music that followed , consisting of the . -violin and guitar playedJby Mexicans , outllo the arena. Here the dance was given. ; Hundreds of people crowded around 'the low- fence that .enclosed the arena. Other hundreds" looked on from the roofs of the-state house and adjoining-buildings. The arena was spacioustana gave full advantage to the dancers to do their best. The witches and-ghosts in the oldfchurchyard danced with no morje zeal and'fury for Tarn O'Shanter than didjjthe Zum-ior their -largo audience , Dancing around the may-pole 'concludes " the I , ceremony. Each of the twelve" chiefs -holds one of the long ribbons attached to the pole and they dance around the pole until the ribbons are thoroughly twisted. Then the dancing is reversed and the ribbons untwisted. When this was done they asked the crowd , through the interpreter , if the pole was well twisted and the work was well done and we all clapped our hands and t'.e ' Zuni's cup of glory was full and running over. I forgot to mention that the lovely bride of Montezuma , Lupeta Archuletia , the fair Mallwehe , was dressed in a beautiful white dress , lat est style and very expensive. Her head was highly ornamented. She wore a pair of new shoes of reasonably oed material. With so much civiliza tion fixings old Montezuina would hardly have recognized his bride. She carried the two brilliant silk handker chiefs in the same way as the men. Artificial Eggs. Now YdrffiSun. I followed my conductor to one end of the apartment , where there were throe large tanks or. vatSv One was. filled with a yellow compound the second end with a starchy mixture and the oth er wasovered. Pointing to these the proprieror said : "These contain the yolk mixture and the white of egg. We can empty vats every day , so you can judge of the extent of the business al ready. Let me show you one of tne machines. You see they are divided into different boxes or receptacles. The first and second are the yolk and white. The next is what we term the "skin" raachinerand thelast ] one is the shell- cr , with arying trays. This process is the result of many years of experiment and expense. I first conceived the idea after making a chemical analysis of an egg. I jthen turned my attention to maKing the machinery , and the re sult you see for yourself. Of course it would not be policy for me to explain all the mechanism , but I'll give you an idea of the process. Into the first ma chine is put the yolk mixture " "Well , it's a mixture of Indian meal , corn starch , and several other ingre dients. It is poured into the opening in a thick , mushy state , and is formed by the machine into a ball and frozen. In this condition it passes into the other box , where it surrounded by the white , which is chemically the -same as the realj egg. This is also frozen , and by a peculiar rotary motion of the machine an oval shape is imparted to it , and it passes into the next receptacle , where it receives the thin fllnry skin. After this it'has only to go into the sheller , where it gets its last coat in the shape of a plaster of paris shell , a trifle thicker than the genuine article. Then it goes out on the drying trays , where the shell dries at once and the inside thaws out . It becomes to all gradually. , * appearances - ances , a real egg. " I "How many eggs can you turn out in a day ? " ' * "Well , as we are running now , we turn out a thousand'or so every hour. " "Many orders ? " "Why , bless your soulyes. We.can- not fill one-half of. our orders. " "Can they be boiled ? " "OK , yes ; " and he called one of the men. "Here , Jim , boii this gentlemar an egg. " "Can they be detected ? " I inquired while the bogus egg was being boiled. "I hardly think , that anybody woulc be likely to observe any difference un less he happened to be well posted , a : they look and taste like the real thing We can , by a little flavoring , maki 'them taste like goose or duck eggs , o course altering the size. They wil keep for years. That one you hav eaten was nearly a year old. The ; never spoil nor become rotten , and , be ing harder and thicker in their shells they will stand shipping better than rea eggs. Oh , it's a big thing , and caps ble , I suppose , ot being brought to stii greater perfection. One of my en ployes here insists that if I go to wor at it I can invent a machine which wi run the eggs into an incubator an hatch out spring chickens. " Ono Of The Elect. CLEVZLANDOHIO. The Plain -Dealt reports that Hon. Martin A. Forancoi gressman elect from the Clevelant Ohio , district , has used St. Jacobs 0 in his family and has always found safe and reliable , and it afforded hii great relief to a lame knee. 'I need have no more fears from ths quarter , " is what the storekeeper r marked as he threw the counterfe twenty-five-cent piece in the fire , whic had come back to him several limes.- [ Yonkers Statesman. A good medicinal tonic , with real meri is Brown's Iron Bitters. The height of the season Cayeni pepper.- [ Philadelphia Bulletin. There is no disposition more agre able to the person himself , or to othei thau good humor. Controversy equalizes fools and wi e men in the same way * and the fo ( j know it , . The Shapira Dlscoverlesi London Now * . Is there any reason to suppose tha all the ancient manuscripts of famoui classical books have been discovered ! Of course every one must hope tha there are discoveries still to bo made The lost books of Livy wo confess tin world can suffer to bp lost. A verj great deal of Livy still survives , quiU enough for all purposes. Monander it a far more cruel loss , for not only was Menandor by general consent the great est poet ol comedy , as we considoi comedy , cut in him would probably be found the earliest literary form of plots which have been used by Plautus , Terence , Jiloliero , and their followers. If it b'e true that . "all the stories have been told" they must have been told very longf ngp , for wo can scarcely go so far back in Egyptian or Chinese literature but we Imd the old stories , obviously with a great pastbehind them even then. There is is a story of a learned contemporary who heard that an excessively old manuscript , part of the New Testament , had been discover ed. Now , next to finding the manu script of some work wholly lost there is nothing more exciting than the discov ery of an older manuscript of a familiar w.ork than any we possess. The whole world wqu'ld be moved if in tlfe Vatican or the Sultan's palace or in a convent ' of SinaL' , or the Levant , a con- einporary copy of some gospel , or of one of St. Paul's lost epistles , should be unearthed. 3ut the learned.scholar became a little bored with talk about the New Testa ment codek. "If it had only been sometliing important now , " he said , "if thad been Propertius , for instance ! " Most-of us pro Philistine enough to be more interested in the early history of our own- and the Jewish sacred books than in "the minor Latin poets. And icople who" learn with disappointment ; hat the recent discovery of the ark is not free from suspicion may congratu- ate themselves that Mr. Shapiro , has discovered a new ( that is , an exces sively old ) codex of the Book of Deu- eronomy. A number of learned Orien talists have examined the precious frag ments , though apparently they have arrived at nov.very definite conclusion , things froni Moab do not always turn out as well as could be wished. The VIoabite stone is generally respected , > ut the Moabite pottery appears to have ) een made Jn Staffordshire. Some 'ears ago a scholar , an Oriental scholar it Oxford , "was known as "The Bad Samaritan.'I A Samaritan manuscript of much interest had been brought to lis notice , and he was ( according to ogend ) quitepleased with this ancient reasure. But the manuscript turned out to'be a work of the nineteenth cen tury A. D. Therefore we must not accept all Oriental manuscripts as gen uine without thorough examination. The treasure now in London consists of various small and dirty scraps of > archnient or of leather. On some of hem Phoenician letters are visible to ; he naked eye. Other scraps reveal Phoenician letters after being washed over with spirits of wine. The writing s said to be as old as the Moabite stone , vhich is dated 900 years before Christ. Of course a manuscript of Deuteronomy vritten 900 years before Christ would silence the highest , criticism when she assigns to Deuteronomy a very much ater date. Apart from this critical in- : erest the manuscript would be proba bly the oldest , not Egyptian , which we ) ossess on any soft material. Herodo- us says that in ancient times the lon- an vrote on skins , but none of the skiST have descended to us , which is 'ortunate for the theories of Mr. Paley. Sknis of course are very perishable ob- eW5nrtur-so'ont oftHc dryclimttte of Sgypt ) arc manuscripts written on japyrus. We have Egyptian papyri of ixtejrae antiquity , but the oldest alpha- ) ebc Semitic writings hitherto known' are inscriptions on stones and rocks , and occasionally on silver bowls and other hard materials. Tha hew codex of Deuteronomy therefore would be > ractioally unique. It would establish lie fact that the Jews could write a consecutive narrative on soft and port able material 2,700 years ago , about the date commonly assigned to Homer and lesoid. And if the Jews could do it , .he Greeks , a clever people , would not ) e long behind them. The story of the recovery of this relic is peculiarly ro mantic. Five years ago Mr. Shapira , of Jerusalem , heard that the Arabs of Diban , in Moab , possessed some an cient tribal talisman. Mr. Shapira > erceived that , if really ancient , these ialismans might have interest and value. They might , of course , be mere relics of saints ; on the other hand , ; hey might be chips of the broken stone "table of the law " They did turn out ; o be something almost as remarkable. Mir. Shapira , according to statement which we have already published , en isled in the cause of Biblical archaeol ogy some Arabs , "people who would steal their own mother-in-law for a few piasters. " The Oriental races , when once embarked in a career of crime , stick at nothing. To steal one's own mother-in-law is a furtive act at which the stoutest western fancy" stands aghast , nor is it easy to imagine the state of mind of the capitalist who would suborn men to commit sfach a theft. By the aid of these Arabs the talisman was carried off , and proved to be no talisman , but the Book of Deu teronomy. ' The "various readings" of this singular text are almost startling , and Mr. Shapira is said to value his "find" ( "finding is keeping" in the east ) at 1,000,000. But a nation which would not buy the Ashburnham manu scripts will probably think twice before paying the fancy price of a million f01 the commodity. COMMERCIAL. ( WATT A. WHEAT No. 2 83 BARLEY Jfo. 2 52 } BARIEY No. 3 33 RYE No. 3 42 CORN No. 2 37 OATS No. 2 29 FLOUR Wheat Graham. . 2 25 CHOP FEED Per cwt 00 SHORTS Per ton 14 00 ORANGES Per box 375 © 425 LEMONS Per box 6 00 @ 6 50 APPLES Per barrel 400 © 4:50 : BUTTER Creamery 20 © 22 Jiurrm : PhnVp country. 7 O In EGGS J'rc u 15 ( Si' ' HAMS Perlfo. . * . . 14 , SHOULDERS Per tt > 8 PORK Per bbl. . , 1700 LARD In tierces , per lb. . 12. SHEEP 3 00 © 3 50 CATTLE 3 00 © 3 75 flOGS > 435 © 475 CALVES 5 00 © 6 00 CHICAGO. WHEAT Per bushel 1 00 CORN Per bushel , 51 © 51 OATS Per bushel 28 PORK 12 02K © 12 10 LARD 8 42K © 845 HOGS Mixed 4 65 © 4 95 CATTLE Exports 5 90 © 6 30 SHEEP Medium to good. . 3 GO © 4 00 ST. LOUIS. WHEAT Per bushel 1 01 > a' © 1 04 CORN Per bushel 45 , * © 46 OATS Per bushel 25 © 25 CATTLE Exports 5 SO © 6 15 SHEEP 275 .d > 450 HOGS Mixed 4 90 © 5 00 Iowa Statistics. The Chicago Herald notes that lov has one million more hogs than ai other state in the Union ; -that lov sends more butter to market and gets better price than any other state ; th Iowa has more acres of arable land proportion to the number in the sta than any other ; that Iowa has few persons that cannot read and write 'proportion ' to her number of peoj any other ( rtatd Faro Seeds. In selecting seeds this fall , care musl bo exercised to take the seeds of planlf that that have been grown some distance tanco from others of the same charac ter. Especially must beans , melons cucumbers and cabbage be guardcdjii that respect for the crop may seen pure , but the seed will produce some thing different next season. OAKLAND STA. , Ky. , April 24. UKXTLKMUN : The demand for ALLEN'S LU.NG BALSAM is increasing constantly. Tlu ladies think there Is no medicine equal to It for Croup and Whooping Cough. C. S. MAUTIX , Druggist. The peanut crop will add § G,000OOC to the wealth of this flalion. WAIUIKNTON , N. C Kov. J. E. C. Bar- hamsays : "I used Brown's Iron Bitters. It Is a complete restorative , tonic and appe tizer. " " A ground hog very obviously makes the best sausages. [ Boston Star. J5iUu In Ollcnd. There is a Balm In GHead to heal each gaping wound ; In Thomas' Eclectric Oil , the remedy Is found. For interim ! and for outward use , you freely may apply it ; For all pain and Inflammation , you should not fall to try It. It only costs n trifle , -'tis worth its weight in gold , And by every dealer In the land this remedy is sold. A leading feature at a 'horse show The halter. [ Cincinnati Traveler. HAY-FEVER. One and oue-half bottles of Ely's Cream Balm entirely cured mo of Hay- fever of ten years' standing. Have had no Irace of Iff or two years. ALBERT A. PKR- RYrSmIthboro.N. Y. Price 50c. HAY-FEVER. I was severely afflicted with Hay-Feverfor25 years. I tried Ely's Cream Balm , and the effect was marvelous. It Is a perfect euro. WM. T. CARR , Presbyterian Pastor , Elizabeth , X. J. Price 60c. A shell race Oysters. [ Boston Bul letin. Allen's Brain Food , botanical extract strengthens the Brain and cures Nervous Debility , Nervousness , Headache , unnatural losses , and all weakness of Generative Sys tem : $1 pkg. ; 6 for $5. At Druggists , or Allen's Pharmacy , FlrstAyc. N. Y. Food for thought Fish. [ Burling ton Free Press. The germs of disease are neutralized by Samaritan Nervine. Try it , $1.60. The light uard A glass chimney. [ New York \Vorld. ' SKINNY MEar."WeIls'iIealtb Renewor"reatorcs health and vigor , cores Dyspepsia , Imp3tence. II. The usual fortune of complaintjs to excite contempt more than pity. By the Chicago & Northwestern Hallway you can reach fyike Geneva , Madison , Waukesha , Devil's Lake. Green Lake , Lake Mills , and all points in Wisconsin ; besides thn Dalles i-f the St. Croix , St. Paul , Min neapolis , Lake Minnetonka , White Bear Lake , and all points in Minnesota. The company has issued a very readable little summer book , called "My Rambles in the Enchanted Summer Land , " that will be sent free on application to the General Pas senger Agent of that road , at Chicago , Illi nois. Another mammoth cave The latest leather failure. [ Milton News. 3Ier. nmii' Feptonlzed ISeef Tunic , the only preparation of best containing Us entire nntrP tlous properties. It containi b'coil-makln ? , forcc- gensrallng n d ilfe-sustalnlng pr-psrtles ; Invala- ahle fCirluellKf-cfo- ij D In , noivous pios- trnto , . , and all fu.imuf gene , al debility ; nlio , m a 1 enfeebled eondltl ns. wtiuti er td rcsul. of cihauat- OM. cervouB pr. ctr-tlon. overwork , or acute a sease , particularly If resulting from imlmonarj c.implalu e. OA-WELL. jiAZAtu ) & Co. , proprlet rs. New lork. fa'odb/drug.l-t. . The German papers say that France alone threatens the peace of Europe. Krater Axle Grease Is beitln the wor d. Krazer Axle Grease Is Deal in the world. Frazer Axle Grease Id best In the world. A shower of fish is reported to have fallen tit Monle Morelos , Mexico. WM.kSI"KOCGHOvr : COKi."u' > c Ark for I , Comp etc. permanent cary. i ; < ) rni.yait . .unii.3us " " " Secretary Chandler is ilmvn "on the coast of Maine in the Tulapoosa. How Se ilolu " man refrain from chopping the leaves of the Burdock with hi cane as he pas e ; it is ' 'only a weed. ' ' and yet few plants or weeds are bo valuable , and few prepara tions so popular , as Burdock Blood Bitters , in which all its valuable properties are so skillfully combined. It cuies djspepsia , indigestion , constipation , gout , : mll all dis eases arising from impurities of the blood. Price $1.00. _ All dogs have their daze when hit with a club. [ ! New York Journal. STINGING , irm.tti > n inuiaiiuutt n a I KMnoy and Urinary Cumpiali.ts.curud > 'I5ucu f . . > _ > 3.1. John McCullough is10 yuars old. A Heavy Mi ell. Jacob H. Bloomer , of Virgille , N. Y. , writes : ' 'Your Thomas' Eclectric Oil cured a badly swelled neck and > > orc throat on my son in forty-eicht hour- . ; one application also remove'd the pain fioin a verv sore toe ; my wife's footwa al > o much infiamed so much so that she could not walk about the house ; she applied the Oil , and in twenty- four hours was entirely cured. ' ' A barrel of money makes a hog set in society. [ New Orlean Picayune. Restless , fretful , crying children are suf fering , and need for their relief DR. WIN- CllELL'S TEETHING SYRUP , which is useful not only for all the disorders of teeth ing infants , but cures coughs , colds , croup , sore throat , colic and cramps of older chil dren , and should be kept in every house for emergencies. Try it ; only 25 cts. Sold by all druggists. [ A farmer's wealth depends on the condi tion of his stock. When scraggy and feeble they are especially liable to distempers , fevers , colds , , and all diseases which destroy animals. Thousands of dollars are saved annually by tKab valuable old standby UN CLE SAM'S CONDITION POWDER. One-third of all who die in active middle- ife are carried off oy consumption. The most frequent cause is a neglected cold , cough , hoarseness , bronchial trouble or asthma , all of which mav be permanentlv cured by EILERT'S EXTRACT OF TAR AND WILD CHERRY. Sold by druggists. i An economical man will keep the leather of his harness soft and pliable , which pre serves it from cracking or ripping. He always uses UNCLE SAM'S HARNESS OIL. Sold by all harnessmakers. Worms cause peevishness , fevers , convul sions and frequently death. A pleasant , safe and certain remedy is DR. JAQUE'S GERMAN WORM CAKES. Sold by al druggists. Headache , constipation , liver complaint biliousness are cured by that mild , cleansinj remedy , which never produces pain , EIL ERT'S DAYLIGHT LIVER PILLS ; only 2 cts. Sold by druggists. Sprains , bruises , stiff joints , burns , scald and rheumatism are relieved byUnclfi Sam' Nerve and Bone Liniment. Sold by a when applied I the finger into tt nostrils , will be al borbed , effectual cleansing the hea of catarrhal viru ; causing healthy si cretions. It alia ; inflammation , pn tects the membrai lot the nasal pas ages from additioi Lu colds , complete heals the sores ni 1 restores taste ai smell. A few a ] plications relieve ; thorough treatment , will positively cur Agreeable to use. Send for circular. Pri 50 cents by mail or at druggists. ELY BROTHERS , Owego , 9T. Y la fever and as districts. In tropii and ether regie vltlted by epldei Ira , and Indeed In localities where t conditions are t favorable to real this famous rege ? bl invigorant a alto'atlve. Ho t < ter' Stomach B ters. has borj fou a potent safegna even to fe'blo ct itltutlons and In 1 e framesbile * carefortadlRertii blllousrws and k d'ed comp alntai vrl houtarivau For tale br Drassist * an'dT > e tn generally.v When you visit or leave New York City gave Baggage , Exprciisngo and Carriage Hire , and stop ntGltANDWIONnOTJiL , opposite Grand Central Depot. COO elegant rooms , fitted up at a coxt or one million dollars lars , reduced to $1 and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant sup plied with the best. Horse-cars , 8t ic and elevated railroads to all depots. I'amlllea can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other fint-class hotel In the city. _ Stop at the Metropolitan Hotel when in Omaha. The best $2.00 per day house in the west. Tables as good as any $3.00 per day house. A knight of the razor Saturday night. [ Life. _ .Personal Moil Only. The Voltaic Belt Co. , Marshall , Bllch. , will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro- Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days to men ( young or old ) who are afUIctcd with nervous debility , lost vitality and kindred troubles , guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor. Address as above. N. B. No risk Incurred , as thirty days' trial Is allowed. When you come to Omaha , take the Street Cars or 'Utts for the Metropolitan Hotel. § 2.00 per day. Tables as good as any $3.00 per day house. What "is resignation ? Placing God between ourselves and our trouble. NOllODY BUT A GUMP NKOLECTS A COUGH. Take some HALK'S HOXEY ov HOUKHOUND AND TAH instantcr. PIKE'S TOOTHACHE Duo PS Cunu In one Minute. _ He that increaseth knowledge in- creasclh sorrow. "LADIES aiAKK SURK OF THIS. " See the following Latest Fashionable Japa nese Decorations for 10 cents. One Japanese Hand Painted Crepe Mat. One Japanese Picture on heavy Crepe. ( Makes an elegant tidy ) . One Japanese Mat , (0 ( colors ) . Ono Japanese Napkin , 18x18 , (5 ( colors ) . A beauty. One Japanese Gossamer Napkin , ( Lace Design ) . One set of 3 Chromo Cards , new , Just out , or 3 of each , no two alike , for 25 cents. Stamps taken. JAPANESE NOVELTY CO. , ' _ Buffalo , N. Y. The longest thing Your friend's fav orite story. _ AHE you bald ? CAHBOLIXE , u deodorized extract of petroleum , the only cure for baldness , has been improved , so that it is now the most delightful dressing iu the world. The only real' natural hair restorer ever produced. _ More fine cattle are being imported into Kansas this year than ever before. LYON'S Patent Heel Stiffenerthe only in vention that makes old boots straight as new. Straw lumber has proved a failure as floorin. _ Miss. C. F. MILLEK , of Pop Corn , was In the city last week with her youngest daughter , Mary , who for years had been unable to walk in consequence ol extensive disease of the hones of tne leg. Some time ago she had an operation performed on her leg by Drs. Dickerson & Stark , of the Kan sas City Surgical Institute , which has re sulted in her complete recover } * . The valuation of property in Boston is $10,000,000 greater than last year. Would Burn His Shht. Mctellus of Maeedon was evidently : t bly old fellow , and used to say he "would bum his shirt if it knew his true intentions. " Were he living to day he would , no doubt , burn his shirt to get a bottle of Allen's Iron Tonic Bitters , if he could not ' 'catch on' ' In any other way ; for it is well known the old fellow was a confirmed dyspeptic , and longed for a remedy for the chronic derange ment of the liver and system. All genuine bear the signature of J. P. Allen , St. Paul , Minn. _ 'Ranks high Old butter. [ N. Y. Journal. _ IIOX'T 3BIE In the house "Hough on Hats. " cteure out ruts , ii ice , tiies.roaches , bea-bugs. ISc. It is said that inhaling the fumes of sulphur will nr catarrh. correspondent , , Mr. . , S. L. Iorgan , W ulkeii , Jlo. , says : "Samaritan Nervine cured my boy of fits. " You can get at Druggists. _ 3 The married man. [ Cin cinnati Saturday Night. GItJLY'S SPECIFIC MJEDICIXE. . THE ENdLISH 11EM- EDY. Anunfull- 1ns care for ecm- l tnal weakness , Spormat > rrCe i , Impotency , and nil diseases that follow as a so- qucnco of Self- Abuie ; nslossof < ! Memory , Unlvrr- BEFORE TAXIHa.8pain in tbl ck ; &FTEB TARIH& , Dlmnpss of Vl'lon , Prematara Old Ays , and many utlior d'acaajs ' tnat load u Insanity or consumption nml n pro nature mavc. J "Full patlcularj In our pamphlet , which wo de- tire to st d free by mall 11 every on > . ry iheHpe- clBc Medicine Is "old by all arapKlsts nt II per pac- | age , or six packaces for 15 , or will be sent free by mail on receipt of i bo rnoner , by a'idressinz THE GUA.T MEDHUNK CO. , Buffalo , N. T. Cure guaranteed. One bor will test its merits. On account of count-rfeits we hava adopt-d th yellow- wrapper : the only genuine. Sold In Omaha by O. F. Goodman. MS LOOMIS' SCHOOL , for the reception ill ot a 'Imlted ' number of boarding pupils Special nttectloi. g.ven to their home tta'nlng. Terms , $221 per year. For circu'ars , apply to Ii. B LOOMIS , 1914 Webster Street , Omaha , Neb. H i ( TTDirmCI N0 PATKNTI NO PAY i H a I , N I X U. B. & A. P. L.ACZT. Patent Attor- iHlJJllllJi inoya , Washington. U. C. Fnll In structions and handbook on PATEN IS BEST FBIB. ff * M | * p , VPo : UIveCure. Xo Knife. O Ail I ! f K * ° Pla ter . No Pain. l r. II Mil V Jaffov. f. i yne. Man-halltown.Iowa. \V A * TED for the best and faste-t AGENTS Kooks and Bibles. Pr ce reduced S3 per cent. KATIOXAL I'un. Co . St. t oui . Mo. Yf1ll * ! R MCM Lea-nTelsernphy here and we lUUitU ln.,11 rtn give you H si tuailon. circulars free. VALENTINE BKUS. , Jnr.esvllle , wis. 65 JL SlontU and U anl for 3 JV § Mini rLudlesincatb county. Address ! . W. Z.rGLEB i CO. , Ch cagu. 111. CO AX HOCK for all who will make spare time proflt- vfc a-iie. A gjod piy ng hn iness It you can devote your Itine : to 11. MUKUAY HILL , Box 7s8 , N. V. ff 0 n per day at home. Samples worth 15 free. $5Jo V/UAddressStinson&Co , , PortlandMalno. a week In your own town. Terms and 85 outfit $66 free. Address IL Hallett & Co. , fortland , Ke , P70 a week ; $13 a day at home easily made. Costly VI ioutflt free. Address 'LTiciE & fo.AngjstnMa'ji6. SUKE CURE fnr nta or epilepsy In 24 hours : free to p or. Ue. KKCSE.VSU Ar.enal st.dc Lonls.Mo. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Relieve * and cure * KHEUMATISM , Neuralgia , 2 Sciatica , Lumbago , HACKACIIE , HEADACHE , TOOTHACHE , SORE THROAT , QUIJJSV , 8WK&MXOS. flPKAINM , Soreness. Cuts , Bruises. FROSTBITES. And allottier bodily acliM and pains. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. SoldbyallDrucglaUand Dealern. directions la U languages. The Charles A. Vogeler Co ( SMMIMH l A. TOO ( UK k CO. ! UilUmor * . FTHOMAS- Cures Rheumatism , Lum- Bruises , Asthma , Catarrh , Coughs , Colds , Sere Throat , Diphtheria , Burns , Frost Bites , Tooth , Ear and Head ache , and all pains and aches. The twit Internal and external remedy In tha world. Every battle guaranteed. Sold by medicine dealers everywhere. Directions la eight languages. Price jo cents and Jixio. FOSTER , MLBURN4& CO. , Prop'w , ' . K.Y..U.S.A. A SURE SURERECIPE RECIPE For fine Jtanplexions. Positive reliqf and immuni ty from complexiqnal blem ishes may 1)6 fonnd in Hagan's Magnolia Balm. A delicate and harmless article. Sold by druggists CTerywhere. It imparts the most bril liant and life-lite tints , and the closest scrutiny cannot detect its uso. All unsightly Biscolorations , Eruptions , King Marks under the eyes , Sallowness , Redness , Rough ness , and the flush ot'iatiguo and excitement are at once dispelled by the Magnolia Balm. It is the one incomparable Cosmetic. Cleanse the Bowels nndpuRify tlio Blood , r euro Bilious attacks and civo healthy ac tivity to the Liver. A 1 ow doses taken. In the Spring and Tall will prevent fcriou ? sickness. E. FERRETT5 Age---- 372 Pearl St. , Xc\f Yc CHICAGO SCALE CO. 2 Tt HiUlV SULK , HO. 3 TOV , J50. 4 Ton SOO. Iteani Uox. IiicrUtletl. 24Olb. FARMER'S SCALE , 55. The "hiltlo lidtectiv . . " ! 4 oz. teX lb. . 300 OTIIKH MZES. Ileduttd J-RIIK LIST FUEC. FOR&ES , TOOLS , &c. BEST lO.lbK JUUK TUB LIMIT HORC , tlO 4 > Ib. AiivilutuI lilt of Tool * . S1O time nd nonsjr doles odd job * . Blower * avlli" . Vfcci A Other Articles AT L < W 7rniiES. -nu-sug u RETAIL. Every to wnol scOorocrln- habl tants should have . . _ - - - - a newspaper. Full particulars ot how to manage a weekly paper rennired. y. cost o outllt.necfscaryhelp -n in roinmon IIBC. can b had by art- ' KVKRYWHKBB to sell IPCUTP WAUTCn AbtNlb WAnitU the best Family Knit- tlnir Machine ever InvrtJted. Will knit a pair of stoclings with HEEL , and TOE complete In 20 minutes. Tt Ula : ) knlt asrcat variety of fancy work for which there Is always a ready market , r-end for circular and terms to the Twomtaly KnIUlns Machine Co. . 113 Tremont r-treet. Bo-ton , Mass. IV 3 TJ Omaha 170 30 WHEN WRITING TO | ADVERTISERS. plea-esayyou saw the advertisement In " thte paper. " Because your stomach is not doing i Beccutsc your liver is out of order , ai Because your blood is thin , and neec Becafise you are troubled with nerve because you are vexed with languor AH these Reasons Can be Set Aside by tf Tone -up your enfeebled stomach , an Refresh your wearied liver and put i Enrich your watery blood , and give Calm your worried nerves , and give Strengthen your whole system and c Considering that any man who druggist a bottle of BROWN'S IRON I should continue to feel badly , just fo PSALMS : [ RBVI8BD. ] " ' ! , I Il ye peoplaf'a'nd give Hth 70 Invalids elttlfi world , Hop Bittern wJH majcaj'jrou well and to rojolco. - _ - 2. It ahall euro nil the people nd put - sickness under foot. - * - 3. Jle thou not afraid when your family In sick , or you bate Bright' * disease or Liver Complaint ; for Hop Bitten will euro you. 4. Doth low nad hlgfi , rich and poor , know the value of. Hop BIttcrM for bilious , nervous and Itheunmtlc cotnplalutM. 6. Cleanse mo with Hop Bittern , nnd 1 shall have robust and blooming health. G. Add disease upon disease and let the worst come , I am safe 1C I use Hop Bittern. 7. For all myllfo have I been plagued with sickness and sores , and not until a year ago was I cured , by Hop Bittern. 8. He that kecpeth his bones from aching from Rheumatism and Ncuralida , with Hop Bitten , docth wisely. 0. Though thou bast norcs , pimples , freckles , salt rheum , erysipelas , blood- poisoning , yet Hop Bitters will remove them all. 10. What woman U there , fneblo and sick from female complaint * , who dcslrrth nqt health and uscth Hop Bitters and Is made well. 11. Let not neglect to'UNO Hop Hitter * bring on serious Kidney and Liver Com plaints. 12. Keep thy tongue from being- furred , thy blood pure , and thy stomach from indi gestion , by using Hop Bitters. 13. All my pains and aches and disease go like chaff before the wind , when I use Hop Bitters. 14. MarkObe man who was nearly dead and given up by the doctors after using Hop Betters and bccometh well. 15. Cease from worrying about nervous ness , general deblutv and urinary trouble , for Hop Bitters will restore you. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS IN CINCINNATI Treating Consumption. Atimanronchltl > , : < a * Catarrh , 8or Throat , fo * bf Volceand Othtr Maladies of the Kong. Throat and Lung * . I ) 1C. "WOLFE treats the abort ) named dbouus t > ) MPdleat rtInbal tIon . When thus admlnliiter ed. remedies are brouKtit "fttc to face" In con * tact with Jbe1 riUoaaeMhorcM ; , Itlhey are i nl- lonred tnor mix with the contents of the iKiniacb and nero each the oritaiui of respiration. ' 3 > K. AVOI. > : , ha . by the ludlclom omplojujyni of Medlcattid'lnhnNtt'mB. afl tstil tioannnil ! to regale their health , many of whom had luwr pronounced Incurable , and ulren up t < > tile t > > their family phyitclana and frlonij. DIS. 1VOI.FE lin prepared alUtof quaxllon * fn > sick people to answer by mall. They are In char acter the same ho would aak were bo by the bed tide of the Invalid. Uy wrttlBK nnxvren to time questions any ono can send an accurat Mnto- mentof his disease and recelTO and molnlmiinif remedtps at home. In any part of tha Unltoil States or Canada , without Incnrrlnz the ozporac anddlicomfortofinaklne a tUlt toll clnnait. Any ono lending his name and poat-orilcuaddrott * with a throe-coot postugo stamp , will recclTa copy of the "Circular of questions" b rot itn mall. JJK. IVOLiKE has publhhed a m jlcal book CAI ed 'Common Sonne , Cauxo and Cura of Lcn- Bumptlon , Asthma , etc. . " u copy of which he wir send to any body who orders It , by mall , nnd en closes 9 cents In postage stamps with li's nni.i. and post offlce address. The book Is of wren ralno to any ono afflicted with any disease of thr Nose , Throat , or Lungs. I > K. AVOJ.PJC has also publlsheiJiBiiother bw t .1 &t pages , entltlou "IJgbt abou ke houoo KO hw a , " which OTery healthy person as well an nick ought to rend. This book has a special Intore.-.K' to persons who have weak lunus. or any syuip- toras of Consumption , AHtbma , Ilronchltn. or .Catarrh. Sent to any address free by mall , on f 'rocelptm of9 cenu la pontago t mpi. Address 1 > E. N. 2 . WCI.PE , 110 Smith St. , Cincinnati , O. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE. Mos'.Po-vorftil Healing Ointment Ever Discovered. enry's Carbolic Salye cures Sores. Henry's Carbolic Salveallays Burns. Henry's Carbolic Salvecures Henry's Carbolic Salve heals Pimples. Henry's Carbolic Salve cures Henry's Carbolic Salve heals Cuts. Ask for Henry's and take no Other. r COrjNTEItFKlTd.jZ3 'oil Feel Badly. 3 work properly. i wants righting. 3 iron in it. is aches and pains. and debility , j Use of Brown's Iron Bitters , which v/iH L help it to digest. in splendid order , t a rich red color , them restful peace , ive debility and languor out. has a dollar may buy of the r.enmct [ TTERS , there is no reason v.-hy people the fun of it. 4 Read These Testimonials. TliisOfTerWTillTliiuksgi\ingDi'.yOnly. ; CHICAGO. Au . ai , J8HU. where IVf have rurnl hp < l lh - puprr : r tbr _ -jrton ! of KAKM. KIKI.UA > UFIIJKSUIiror. vrrul j foil ! < uon month * , and huveulwn > . ToiinU 1t 1'roprlcj j u eiteu- tor lionontble In lhcli-Ue lJnc . ' prompt [ I Se'lJ odverasa t S'is"ITbefore , the toUoirfn * plan has Leen aJop' l b > m la their P > -CIIICA.0 , -H.EIC CO. CHICAGO. Atir21. . JMH't. .FIELD AND , . . . . - - Thr PronrUlor * of the FAIt.M. - - - wlibb will AA3 > 'JKKJ IHEhavepuIit mrri - ; > l Ihoii- UQil dollar * forpr * - \ ork on I huvc ulway found thrm promiU Ii all | transaction * . A. < J. A t.\\ J.I..I to Be Given Away Partial List of Presents , . Ausu t 1.1. . . * - ! . * -/wv * MA , 1000 I'otVet * ilver Fruit ICiln e3 . . . . . . . . . . S1CW 00 I am hlehlj- pirated with -koiin ' j..j. 5 U. S. GoTernmentBond ot . * I'txU-t Kni - 1UOOOO Information concerning 1'osiltrv 1000 cnt r- of $5 < 0 . 5J5215 UOOM worth fltlnir * ih 10 U. S. Greenbacks loco V H UnnlMtclf'if 31 ICll ment alone I 10 U.I : Greenback , of ? 1CO . VMM ' onr paper , aylne nothing ulwmt tinaliia - f 1 Matched pair of Trotting Uoncs . WX > W 10 0MOO ble Farm Intormatlon " - . ' ' 'A TTvl"'S \ 1 Grand Square Piano . KOOO sou J 10 23 BojV SMvvr Mnriran Move t JOOW torletc. . W. 1C. SIMI' 1 Orand Cabinet Orffan . . . Moi-san Co. , AU. . . . . . S > olitain ? I > i4 lii--.u-j r u ; .i Sr-IPUK. Jtoctawar. luOOCO 1 Thrc - cat 5 Patent Hars * < rr" . Stiver Dinner Service 100 00 100 CO BKAIDWOOII , JH..AIIS- I. - 1 6 Ton Bnsrler . . . 1CKXMO I urn veryniuchplea.rd - iltRoiir puprr. j I 20 U. S. Greeiback * of SoO each . 1000 M Mlk TurlorSult Jiirnlture. . - - . 1000 W Every number cem to me to brc-oaje niorc ] 82 each . 230000 6 Fa . 1 Fia\e hvi It | 1000 Photograph Alburns Gold ftrtf-r KwK' . t-iiiln' Birat l in . attractive and profitable. . . . . - an oo 1 0 . frleniln. h err a' on-t- 2 Tillage Cart ? , -arrinsLiKVttsraiisanUaams. to.evcral of my 1 Pony Phaeton. . . . 10000 dellzbted \ \ HU It- 5Jr . .J .1.11 1VACSEO.V. O . A = T. I. I , i j received u copy of the tA-KM. J-1I. . . : : AXJI flKESIUK oin U > UK. . an-J . ' . that I t m % % ell plr-i.r.l wltU It. I Cn-l tt .ay * Journal for the farmer * . .t a /irat-elns horn I urn one.VIth muth an uzrlctiltt.l f lonrnal every farmer can ierel e rn bcneflt. M. 51. JIAVEM. ME3iCO..TcnlataCo.Pa..JnlyS1.7 T herewith send 7011 ( he name * or tlrt. c ri to the FA.1CM. FrEI > O A.1 . suDscnpuoa iuj.uuwv , " .nb-crlr number 01 new the limit Tfe shall FIBESII > E.hlch I ecuwl In ! * tl itii ; . JJ. J * . SUi-3iA . minute * if HE FARM FIELD AsiD FIRESIDES many SOITTH TTXIOX. Ky. , July la. 13 > * . ne , It 1 * certainly the toe t paper I ercr , neat , plain , InmtructlTC und Uenat i.I.r llluitrated. -E J. . lion- . cs csa SSSatorle.aSStchea. GardenH ILDEKTOX , OAT. , Auc.- , , S . ; . Poetry , Farm. fflgWand - aill t [ I have lately been a ab crJber to your-1 ill . and mu t ay I - tasty and prolltable pnper. jam ; tie than pleased with It. I RUTC my fe more tien am nb crlptlon. In the flnt place , more to b .v < - _ . nb I that which will Interest , instruct anj amuse the who.e tamlly. a chance tor one of the many T retfnU thantj b , - ' "ho " ror anything contained In the pa cr ; ] > nt I find the paper Iworth thr c or Tour tlmf s J a3d the money beildc all prc ei l ; . yAJM itad V POKTSMOTTH. VA. . July O. 189a. . add I received the paoer all rl.iht and UTI _ IC- adn llEhted. Myft-Iendsand ub ctlorr : > > t < cy ] n- are surprised ut lt lze and l * iuy. * v-rs- . person that has een the paper ad.-iov.- e j ia lttol > ethebe t papsr printed. a = l y lt. ; icorf/i $ S per tj all PARjMB Randolph Street , Ghicscs * ! { l