McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, September 06, 1883, Image 1
k K- % * McOooK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. VOLUME 2. 3TCOOK , R I > WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPT. 6 , 1853. NUMBER 14. Business Cards. W. D. TOTTEN , Counsellor' at Law , McCook , Xclira ka. H yWill do a general law business. 2-U i J. STAEBUCK , Attorney-at-Law , MeCOOK.XKH. V.lll FVP ! clvp u'TcIal MtrnHon \ the rracllec ol law. ninl nifikln ? rollcctliuiii. f : ? OHr ! < - Si-riind Ulijckntirth of dcjKit , 2 ilcww nortl ilnr . JOHN A. LEE , ERGHINT TAILOR Pit and Workmanship Guaranteed. Me Cook. Xvliraska. ° T. Francis Pag . , County Surveyor- Re'd Willow Bounty. r\ Kcopp portlfli'rt pints of all land ? Ic tilt district. Special attciitioijrivoi : < nil such liusii.fss. Correspondence i > olicit- isl. A J.WiM.EYM.I > . . I ) . , 1 Miisuim to II. 6i M. i : . R. ( tniilu&tu Wouatcr , O , Drs. Wiiiey & Johnson , McCOOK. - NEB. " \Vfll attend to nil rail * In the city or country , day nr n'.iclit. i-tflce : Konr ot CitizenDank. . CONGDON & CLIFF , SRI0KLAYERS & PLASTERERS , All Jobs Promptly attended to. H. CRISWELL. NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estate and Collection Agent , Ij m.\M > LA , lvKiii\t-K.\ . Trc-Emptlun , Hiiaivatvad aal Tisaber cultnre En trlci > , and kiinls of Law bu. > lne > s promptly attend til ttv. M. SANDERSON , House & Sign Painter. M'COOI. , . EB. All work Guaranteed. Give ms a Call , - Fred Treble , TONSORIAL ARTIST. JlcCOOK. NEB , All work promptly attended to. M. PHARMACY Fresli and strictly Chrmicallj pure Drugs and Chemicals , * old as cheap as tkey purchased in the eastern ' markets and be sold at . a reasonable profit. Hither _ ' Drs. "Willey or Joinsonrwill " be M y fattendance alT the time. Compounding ° Ll analysis n specialty 4 Kcarc.f CI 'TCBJV Bank. V ' _ _ I ' 1i DEALER IN * r HAEDWARE STOYE8 QUEENSWAEE Agricultural implements and ID "wriR Largest" stock and lowest prices in Red Willow County. * * r CALL AND BE CONVINCED Sign of the'"Big Axe. " Three doors South of Post-Office. Mc'Cooic , XKI ; . M. A. S > ALDING , AGENT FOR THE Sold low for cash or ont.eass ? payments , or rented iintil rent pays for the organ. . - , ' * | . f * * * * / Catalogue With.Price-List nrf Full Descptiori Free M. A. SPALDING : "McCook Weekly Tribune : "The NewBiest Paper * in the Valley. " " " fc A. B. COFFROTH EROPKIETOR. A Kew eight-column folio Weekly Newspaper , publiBhe < at the new and promising city of McCook , in Red AVillow eouiityr Nebraska , every Thursday. $ QOO : pr year in advance. It i.H.said that the wcrk on the Pan ama canal is bcinjr rapidly pushed and that thoiigil this i.s t.ivr unhealthy s i- , ! > onoii , thujsthiujitj taiircjire ten thou sand hands employed , of tliehi Jamaicans , and tiu5 . .mi rate is not very great. S , the French trimmer , 5av- ing announced his intuiition to send n lo f over the whirlpool at Niagara fitst , intl then follow himself , wehn he sees the dog safely landed , a Boston paper tcrtinently suggests that the best way vould Le for him to go over first him- elf aiid let the dog follow , if he thinks t worth while , LOAN AGENCY ! _ 6. L LAWS , will secure LOA oir TOWN PROPERTY \frTo-lit , -in i nn pEEDEDCLAlMS In Red \Vfll.m : nui ii'Jja- cfcut counties. ItHer at tlw L-ii I Ck.T - . MkC > ofr Xelirn \DDLES & HARNESS. If * > trl on tlir hill. Manufacturer and Dealer In ADDLES , 3ARNE3S , BRIDLES COLLARS , . COMBS , WHIPs > tock Saddles , Cow-Boy out fits , and Spurs , R. H. HAMILTON , GENERAL NEWS. THK town of Mindcn is booming. A contractor has advertised for twenty carpenters , offering the good round price of three dollars per day. THK Schuyler Sugar an'd Syrup Man ufacturing company has 145 acres "of sugar cane growing , which will yield 25,000 to 30,000 gallons of syrup. STEIMIKN A DOUGLASS , son of the deceased senator , is lying seriously ill in Chicago. Friday he underwent a surgical operation growing out of an abscess which had formed. . 3LuiY ANDERSON , the favorite of the American foot-lights , made her bebut in London , last Saturday night , in "In- gomar. " She was enthusiastically re- vcived , and had man } ' re-calls. JToi'STO.v , Texas has a population of -0,000 , and three policemen. Recent ly , however , the order Has been given for an increase to eight. It oughtr therefore , to be an orderly town. TIWKK Chinese Leu Yon , Lee Ing and 11. Bund appeared at the com mon rleas court of Philadelphia. Satur day , and put on record their intention to become citizens of the United States. A 3Io.VTA.VA steer is sure destruc tion to a narrow gauge train. Two of them ditched a double bender and six cars near liutte. The fireman."m. . Cullen , was caught in the cab and lit' orally scalded to death by steam aud water. | THK Western Union telegraph com pany has issued an order making the : Insure for night work eight instead of . and one-half hours .seven - and allowing : extra pay for Sunday work , the extra services to be based on the number of week days in the n > , nih. This will in crease the snlary considerably. 31u. AIUSTIDK MAHIK is probably the richest man .if color in America , He rras a large slave owner before tlu ; war , and his iuconre from the rents of his property in New Orleans is not Jess than $50,000 a year. Besides this he has large jHM onal est.-it- , consisting of tir.-t-class securitiesSir. . Marie is a- man of fine accomplishment , a gradu ate of one of the bust institutions of France , and lives abroad abaitt half of cadi year WK desire to wamroivr farmer friends against a > c" of swindler ? who have in festing the cwfrstry .lontheast of hero. whw Te htt heard t > F them. They are workiug seveyal < ? 5tferentrschcmes , the- iaroriSo owe beniir the time honored li'iihtniiig r-id racket. They profos to- in some town near , and tiiafc thev * want to get a business 5tartOF in your vii-inity. Patronize only those whom you know t-i be reliable , and give alt" stranger * tit u'ide b-trth. Tul- ge Tribune. A MA-Mj.Monr steer will Be on ezhfiri- ticwi. wt tha count } ' fair , which commen ces Sept. 4tJr , J8S3- . which , is- three yenra- old cmd weighs 3.00y ( poarri& ' t This is the heaviest steer ever prr/- dui-ed in > ? ebr.i & . SaicT stear wa-5 raised and owned1 Ey3 > r. J- . AGar ton , of Wilben. . Saiiue countyr aad be on exhibitionist tdae Lancajifer ty fair. This % 000 pound'stear astonisk even-the stooicmen chemft 5 and K sak weil for Nebraslor r * afSf So jirodace nTtinunoth sfeoefc Tlhs- er of i ] U seer may b - wel ? proud his three-yesr- . an - is soB * - metid d for bringing Bfoito - tia- where the crowd may tafe a ' penhe"of hii ? immense eize a23 Linrohx y