Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 08, 1910, Image 9

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As If Eve Hadn't Sorrow Enough ,
Her Partner Had to Add to
the Affliction.
Adam had just received his notlco
of ejectment.
Ho stared nt It a long tlmo in
silence , while Eve , crouched In e
dusky corner , softly whimpered.
Presently the father of mankind
looked nroiind.
As Eve caught hlo angry eye her
whimper elmiiBod to a gulping sob.
"Well , " ho sternly said , "you've cer
tainly put us in a fine mess with
your silly curiosity ! And yet when I
refused to have anything to do with
your apple scheme you called mo a ,
poor fool. Do you remember that
you called mo u poor fool ? "
"Yo-cs , " sobbed Eve.
"Well , there's just ono question I
want to ask yon ? " said Adam.
"What Is It ? " gasped thn first
"Who's loonoy now ? " ho harshly
Then ho turned away abruptly and
started to pack up the family gourds
and the tent poles. Cleveland Plain
"Our llttlo daughter , when three
months old , began to break out on the
head and wo had the best doctors to
treat herKbut they did not do her any
Good. They said she had eczema. Her
scalp was a solid scale all over. The
burning and Itching wats so severe that
she could not rest , day or night. Wo
had about given up all hopes when wo
read of the Cutlcura Remedies. We at
once got a cake of Cutlcura Soap , a
box of Cutlcura Ointment and ono bottle
tlo of Cutlcura Resolvent , ) and fol
lowed directions carefully. After the
first dose of the Cutlcura Resolvent ,
wo used the Cutlcura Soap freely and
applied the Cutlcura Ointment. Then
Bho began to Improve rapidly and In
two weeks the scale came off her
head and new hair began to grow. In
a very short time she was well. She Is
now sixteen years of age and a pic
ture of health. We used the Cutl
cura Remedies about flvo weeks , reg
ularly , nnd then we could not tell she
had been affected by the disease. Wo
used no other treatment after wo
found out what the Cutlcura Remedies
would do for her. J. Fish and Ella M.
Pish , Mt Vernon. Ky. , Oct. 12 , 1909. "
The Lawyers Won.
Asklt Old Sklnnerd left qulto a
large estate , did ho not ?
Noltt Yes ; but some of his rela
tives contested his will.
Askltt Was there much loft after
It got through the courts ?
Noltt Nothing but the helra.
As gold Is tried by the furnace , and
the baser metal Is shown ; so the hol
low-hearted friend Is known by ad
versity. Metnstaslo.
Rumor Is a spark at first , then a
flre , then n conflagration , and then
ashes. W. H. Shaw.
Blrn. Trin loTr B Bootlilnpr Byrnp.
For children InotmriL' . Mittens tie tfuruB , rouucim In.
Hamumuon.allajujum.eurosniuilcoUo. 25oa tx'ttlo ,
The charm of the unattainable Is
long drawn out
and smothering sensa
tion after eating you really
ought to take Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters. It acts
quickly , tones the stomach
and aids digestion , thus re
moving the cause of the
trouble. Always keep a
bottle handy for just such
cases. It is also for Indi
gestion , Dyspepsia , Con
stipation , Liver Trou
bles , Colds , Grippe and
Malaria. Try it today.
"I used Cascarets and feel like a new
mam I have been a sufferer from dys
pepsia and sour stomach for the last two
years. I have been tnkinp medicine and
other drugs , but could find no relief only
for a short time. Ivill recommend
Cascarets to my friends as the only thing
for indigestion nnd sour stomach nnd to
J-eep Uic bowels in good condition.
Vhey are very nice to eat. "
Harry Stuckley , Maucb Chunk , Pa.
Pleasant , Palatable , Potent , Taste Good ,
Do Good. Never Sicken , Weaken or Gripe.
10c.25c.Ste. Never sold In bulk. The cen-
ulno tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
cure or your money back. 928
, ' ( to H Slfr' prim. Cft h or time par-
menu. HeiitoO , rentnpplln" . Wnubfp
nyw b ro for free . laamlnatlnn. .No do-
I f lirf.ln | il M < t 1tf
lo. , Ull ) r n > t.St. , Omlt
'yourInvention. Fren prelimin
ary search , llooklvl free. 1111.0
. II bThV.Ni ) ! * U ) . , Lkinti. IbU ,
ILZ Utu tit. , UiulilDktun. : u ) Deurtxjrn tit. , Chicago.
Wantnrl fnrinloorrcntialsotonnlots
VVaniUU undl.ume § . Ollcmaprepared
tu Imjr. Kcnil tmrtliumra mill lowest prices. Krr-
guson National llcaltjr Co. Kb Fifth Are. , Xow Voik.
/g5JggagaCTggMa ?
Odd News From Big Cities 1
Stories of Strange Happenings in the
Metropolitan 1 owna
Huge Magnet Causes Workman's Death
ITTSHURG. PA. Death played a
grim joke on a Plttsburg workman
the other day , appearing to the poor
fellow In his most unfamiliar guise
John Wanmck , thirty-five years old
and a steel worker , came under the
Influence of a 30-ton magnet and was
yanked upward , being so badly Injured
by the Impact that he "died In a local
hospital two hours later. His head
was caught between the steel billet he
was carrying and the huge magnet and
These magnets , be It known , are ono
of the greatest labor-saving devices
of man's many Inventions. A huge
piece of soft Iron Is swung about In
the works where wanted thiough the
action of n traveling crane or a big
derrick. To this Iron is connected
wires through which a strong current
of electricity can be sent at will. Soft
Iron has this peculiarity , that It be
comes highly magnetized on the pas
sage of an electric current through Its
mass , but on the current being shut
off the magnetism ceases at once. This
property makes such a piece of Iron
San Francisco Rises From Her Ashes
111. BUY
SAN FRANCISCO. Nothing so clear-
ly shows the vigor and recupera
tive power of San Francisco as the ef
fort It Is putting forth to secure the
great exposition of 191 fi , designed to
celebrate the building of the Panama
A llttlo over four years ago the city
was crumbled to the dust by the
earthquake and flro which swept COS
city blocks out of exlstence. Last
April , Just four years after the great
cataclysm , the citizens of Snn Fran
cisco , assembled In mass meeting , sub
scribed over $4,000,000 toward an in
ternational exposition to be hold
there , and since that time $3,000,000
moro have been subscribed. Few cities
In the world arc capable of this great
revival. Not only has San Francisco
arisen from her ashes , but she now
faces the monumental task of financ
ing a great world exposition. (
Since the work of rebuilding San
Francisco was begun moro than $300-
000,000 has gone Into reconstruction ,
while $100,000,000 has been expended
on steel and concrete wharves , a muni-1
Sing Sing Prison Not Escape Proof
YORK. Once moro the barriers
riers of stone and steel and the
wit and watchfulness of selected
guardians that make Sing Sing prison
theoretically escape proof , have been
flouted by the criminal wards of New-
York state. Since Its construction the
big Institution has been regnrdod by
criminals as the "easiest pribon to
beat , " owing to its crowded condition
and the necessity of allowing men to
sleep In makeshift quarters. Moro than
200 men have eluded the guards since
the 'COs , but only a few have enjoyed
their liberty. Nearly all have boon re
captured and have HvccPto sco the day
they were sorry for tholr dash for
The escape of the last quintet of
criminals was the mos. . successful nnd
startling In the long list of deliveries
which run parallel with the history of
Sing Sing. It was crude , direct and
simple nnd the work of ono man , "Hig
valuable for picking up bars of Ironer
or steel , kegs of nails or bolts , scrap
Iron , or any substance susceptible to
the magnetic influence.
It soenis odd enough to the visitor
at a big foundry or rolling mill when
he sees such 'a clumsy-looking piece
of Iron swung along over n honp of
several tons of scrap iron , or chunks
of crude mntorlnl known In trade par
lance ns pig Iron , and the pieces begin
to jump upward and hang on to the
magnet through this invisible force
while slowly carried to homo other
part of the works , where they quickly
drop off as the magnet loses Its
power through I ho shutting off of the
current of electricity. The thing looks
ridiculous , yet the power that draws
these heavy pieces of iron or stool up
ward would sustain a weight of ninny
tons just as easily.
Workmen who witnessed the acci
dent had considerable difficulty In ex-
tricatlng the victim. They forgot to
turn off the current supplying the
contracting power at first. Finally
some one thought to shut off the
power and then the body nnd the bil
let fell to the ground , the latter stri
king one of the rescuers' the right
leg and breaking It. The mystic
power of the magnet had been over
come for the moment , and poor War-
nack was Carried to the hospital to dlo
of his injuries a couple of hours later.
Bill" Green. The scene of the escapt
was In the Protestant chapel , where 190
men were sleeping , with two guard ?
on duty.
During the night Isidore Blum ,
Oreen's solo accomplice , received pen
mission from Keeper Drum to go into
the retiring room. Oreen followed a
few minutes later , and beckoned tc
Drum , saying Blum was 111. All 1111 I
suspecting the keeper entered the
room , where he was felled by Greer
and bound and gagged. The othoi
keeper vas easily overpowered and
gagged. When the two guards were
safely gagged Green called to his fel
low convicts. "Here's the chance foi
everybody , " he said. 'Who's coming ? "
Five men followed and all got away
Later they were captured.
The days of the Sing Sing quarries
were days of opportunity for the pris
oners. Many of the early escapes were
made when bands of convicts worked
at cutting rocks near the prison and
under the eyes of armed guards. As
far back as 18-13 there was a general
uprising of prisoners who tried to
burn the prison. Since that tlma there
has huen no concerted Insurrection , but
prisoners in groups of two or three
have opened the path to freedom nnd
gotten away. ' -
Prize. Poem Is Penned by a Lunatic
THKTIS A rme )
peen BUT /
ST. PAUL , MINN. Minnesota 1ms a
poet , or rather a poetess , who has
achieved a measure of fame and for
tune despite the fact that for 1C years
she has been an Inmate of a state hos
pital for the Insane.
Some tlmo ago a magazine offered
a prize for the best literary contribu
tion to be submitted within a certain
time. The winner was to bo present
ed with free transportation to Europe
and return. Among those who en
tered the contest was a woman , a
member of a well-known Minnesota
fanill ) So excellent was her effort
clpal flro protection system , sewers ,
btrects and other Improvements. All
told. 25,000 buildings have been erect
ed in the city in four years nnd the
work of construction goes on rapidly.
Such Is the city that asks the honor
of building an exposition that will be
worthy.vbefora the world , of America.
Already her citizens have completed
a task which ranks with the construc
tion of the canal In magnitude , and f
represents , In capital expended , moro
money than the canal has cost to date ,
and almost as much as the "big ditch"
will have cost when completed. ly
1915 , San Franciscans say , every trace
of the fire will bo erased and forgot
ten in the city's greater estate.
It is , of course , not only Son Fran
cisco that will go before congress and
request to be granted the exposition.
Back of ho city Is the whole state of
California , and back of both the great
west. The people of California through
the legislature have given $5,000,000
toward the exposition's success and
the city of San Francisco , apart from
the voluntary subscription of Its citi
zens , has been granted permission to
bond herself for a like sum.
Of congress , these westerners will
not ask one dollar of aid. Indeed , the
Sunset City Is a bit anxious to demon
strate that she can build a $50,000,000
exposition with money granted by her
own state's citizens.
considered that the prize won award
ed to her. When the editors of the
magazine learned who Hho was , and
that because of environments she
would ho unable to take advantage of
the prize she had won , they sent her
a check for $250.
The woman Is MBB ! Betty Clay ,
committed In 189 J from Jlnmsoy
county to the Rochester asylum. At
times she Is perfectly rational and
has full possession of her faculties.
Her dementia Is of the apasmodlo
type , and Is accompanied by weird
It Is said that some of her best
verso has been written while under
the spell of thesof delusions. Her de
scriptions arc wc'lrd nnd uncanny , al
though charming. She Bt-ens to have
the faculty of keeping the lmllucna |
tlons of her dementia without losing
her natural powers and gifts. She li
well educated and refined.
Bull nnd Wild Herd of Cattle Charge
Railway Train and Terrorize Train
men , but Scurry Away When
Cowboy Appears.
The old saying "Fear of man rests
upon every beast" must bo qualified in
the case of the herds of half wild cat
tle that sometimes range the semiarid -
arid regions of the west It Is a curi
ous fact that such animals fear and
respect a man who Is mounted on a
horse , hut seem to liavo nothing but
contempt for him when ho Is on foot.
The following case In point :
A railway train slowly making Its
way through a herd grazing along the
track was confronted by a largo bull.
Ho occupied the center of the road ,
and with lowered head was bellowing
deflanco at the engine. The engineer
wishing not to Injure the animal , stop
ped his train and sent the flreman ,
armed with a shovel , to drive him
Now. the fireman had courage
enough , and the Job to him seemed to
offer no particular dllllculty ; So ,
boldly and conlldontly , with consider
able brandishing of his shovel , ho
was proceeding to almost a striking
distance , when with a roar the bull
charged upon him.
The llroman sprang nsldo Just In
time to save himself , and when the
bull turned and charged again the
railway man dropped his shovel and
sought safety on the top of a largo
bowlder near by.
Unable to get to the man , the bull
set up a frightful din that soon brought
some CO other members of the herd
galloping about him. Quickly encir
cling Uio rock , they began rattling
their long horns against It and tryIng -
Ing to climb upon it , the man shrink
ing , and trembling to its very cen
The engineer , thinking to aid the
flreman , sprang to the ground armed
with a , coal pick , only to bo chased
back Into the onglno by a savage
Then the engineer began to cast
about for some other means ol
frightening the beasts , when a cowboy
came riding toward the train. Ho wan
n welcome addition to the situa
Taking In the railway men's predica
ment at a glance , ho spurred his horse
Into a gallop , and uncoiling his rope ,
began swinging it in graceful circles
about his head. <
Soon the cows spied him , and their
attitude was changed as if by magic.
With lowered heads and tails thrown
aloft , they scurried away , the bull in
the lead , to lese themselves In the
main body of the herd , while the fire ,
man lost no time in regaining his em
Thus ono man on horseback accom
plished in a twinkling what two men
on foot would never have achieved.
Her Scheme Went Awry.
At a dinner last winter ono of Now
York's prominent bankers was dilat
ing on the dangers of deceit. By way
of Illustration ho told of a society
woman who saw In a jeweler's win
dow a beautiful collar of pearls , which
hho wanted very much. Upon In
quiry she learned the price was six
thousand dollars. Thereupon she gave
her check for $3,000 , saying she would
send her husband to see the pearls ,
and If he could bo persuaded to buy
them ho was to be told the prlco was
only $3,000.
The jeweler , being familiar with
that sort of game , readily agreed. The
husband called during the day to see
the pearls , and that evening told his
wlfo ho had bought them , since they
were evidently such a bargain. Ills
wlfo wan moro than delighted , and
Immediately asked If ho had brought
homo the collar , to which ho replied :
"Why , no , my dear ; I had it sent
to my mother. You know It Is her
birthday tomorrow. " The Sunday
Magalnc * .
The Oldest Printing Preas.
Typography , or the art of printing
from movable type , was Invented in
Europe about the middle of the fif
teenth century. Beyond this fact , the
history of this far-reaching industry
is very uncertain. It is generally con
sidered that cut wooden typo was first
used , then cut leaden typo , and that
afterwads cast typo was employed.
William Cnxton , in MG7 , was the first
to practice printing from movable
typo in England. The oldest typo of
printing prens which , by this way , is
now in the South Kensington museum ,
London , is the actual machine with
which Benjamin Franklin worked In
the year 1730. It Is constructed of
hard wood , mortised together ; It car
ries two horizontal rails , upon which
slides a carriage supporting the frame
of composed type , called the form.
The typo was Inked by two largo pads ,
or balls , with ink on their surfaces ,
the distribution of the ink being per
formed by working the pads together
and then applying them to the forms.
Stopping a Leak.
"Yes , wo found our cook was passIng -
Ing a lot of our domestic supplies
through a hole In the back fence. "
"You discharged her , of course ? "
"Discharged her ! No , indeed. Wo
nailed up the fence. "
Tender Youth Protected. i
In Spain boys under sixteen are not '
allowed to lift or carry moro than 1C i
pounds or puah or draw heavy loads
Poet Was Looking for Appreciation
of the Ages That Stretched Into
the Future.
The editor looked at the poetry
nnd then ho turned back to the poet.
t Vor a moment hln customary as
surance failed him. The poet was so
thin nnd needy nnd hollow oycd.
"Sco hero , my friend , " ho said In
as gentle a volco as ho could assume
on short notice , "I don't want to dls-
courngo you , but while your stuff
hero is fairly good and perhaps n
llttlo better It IB a standing rule of
this paper never to buy poetry. "
The poet drew himself up with a
sudden snort.
"Why , suffering Dante , " ho cried ,
"you didn't suppose from my appearance -
anco thut 1 wao out for the filthy
slmoleons , did you ? Why , bless your
journalistic soul , all I'm working for
Is a plain ntclio in the Hall of
Fame ! "
It Revolted Him.
William Loob , Jr. , at a dinner In
Now York , referred with a smllo to
the harsher penalties , oven to impris
onment , that am now to bo inflicted
upon smugglers.
"They take It hard , very hard , these
smugglers , " said Mr. I.oob. "Revolted
at thn HZO ! of their lines , they make
me think of George White , the chick
en thief.
" 'What ! ' George shouted reproach
fully on hearing his sentence. 'What !
Ten dollars for stcalln * that chicken ?
Why , judge , I could 'a' bought a
smarter hen for CO cents ! ' "
borne One Must Do It.
J. Plerpont Morgan , at ono of the
sumptuous dinners that ho gave In
Cincinnati during the recent church
congress , praised the power of adver
Mr. Morgan's eulogy concluded with
'an epigram qulto good and quite true
enough to bo pasted In every business
man's hat.
"If a dealer , " ho said , "does not r.d-
vortlso his wares , It Is ton to ono that
the sheriff will do it for him. "
Making It Palatable.
The Barber That's great soap I'm
using on your face. It's made of corn
The Victim I think It would taste
better If you put some milk with It.
Yonkers Statesman.
for lied , Weak , Weary , Watery Eyes
and Granulated Eyelids. Murino Doesn't
Smart Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Murino Eye Remedy , Liquid , 2Gc ,
50c , $1.00. Murino Eye Salvo in
Aseptic Tubes , 25c , $1.00. Eye Dooka
nnd Eye Advice Free by Mall.
Murlue Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago.
There is not a vlco which more ef
fectually contracts and deadens the
feelings than the deslro of accumulat
Ing possessions. Mant.
Rheumatism , Ncuralcia nnd Sons
Throat vlnot \ \ liyo under the h.imo roof
with llninlinaVuard Oil , the best of
all i-crnrdics for the relief of all pain.
A quarrel merely proves that ono of
the parties to It hasn't any more sense
than the other.
For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female His
Minneapolis , Minn. "Iwas a great
BufToror from female troublca which
caused a weakness
and broken down
condition of the
oystom. I read BO
J3. Pinkham'a Votf-
otablo Compound
had done for other
Buttering woman I
felt euro it would
help mo , nnd I must
Bay it did help mo
wonderfully. My
' pains nil left rae , I
jrow stronger , and within three month !
. was perfectly well wonmu.
"I want this letter made public to
show the benefit women may derive
from Lydln J3. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound. " Mrs. JOHN O. MOI.DAH.
2115 Second St. , North , UlnnoapoLlfl ,
Thousands of unsolicited nnd gonn *
ino testimonials 11 ko the nbovo provo
the efficiency of Lydla E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound , which is mada
exclusively from roota and herbs. ,
"Women who Buffer from those dfff-
trcssing ills peculiar to their BOX should
not lese Bight of tlicso facts or doubt
the ability of Lydla E. Plnkham'o
Vegetable Compound to restore their
If you want special ndvlco write
to Mrs. Pinlcluun , nt JLyim , Muss.
confidential. For -O years oho
1ms boon helping1 siclc "women in
this ivay , free ol' charge. Don ' *
licsitato tvrito at once.
The Army of
Is Growing Smaller Ercrr Day.
rcipomiblo ihey not ,
only give relief
they permanently ,
cure Conilip4
tjoa. Mil. .
lions UM
them ( of
Beit , ludJgcitlon , Sick Htidacbf , Sallow Slda.
Genuine aiutUu Signature
Is ft doceptlvo
thousands have It nnd
TROUBLEdon > t know " " yo"
want good results you
can mnlco no mlntnlco by uslnp Dr. Kil
mer's Swninp-Koot. tlio great kidney rem
edy. At drugglBlH In fifty cent and dollar
lar nlzpfi. Hnmplo bottle by mall free ,
nlno piunphlot tolllnp you how to ilnd out
It you have kidney troublo.
Address , Dr. Kllincr & Co. , Ulnghamton , N. V.
W. N. U. , LINCOLN , NO. 49-1910.
3 " 3.5O & 4 SHOES SSSoBIK
BOYS' SHOES , S2.OO , 2.50 & 83.00. BEBT IN THC WORLD.
* 77io boncfIt a off rae hltlos , which apply nrlnfa TV * y ° .11
clpallv to solnlaatl > cranatharctlucod tariff rtml-
on aolo loathar , now enables mo to filvo the Izo that
waurormoro vuluo fonhla money , Itottor * nel my ftliooi
Songor woar/no 93 , 93.BO antt$4 aliooa than h n v o
I could ofvtt prnvloiia to thn tafllf rovltlon. been tlio
for over 30 yeurn , that I inalco und soli moro $3.00 , J3 0aml 31.00 Hlioea
thin uny other manufacturer In thoU.S.nml that Dollar for Dollar.
I ( limrutitoo Ky Bliom to hold tholrslmpo. look and fit liottor , mid
\ longer tlinn iiuy other $3.00 , S3.W ) or $4.00 uhoca YOU onu buy ?
Quality li 48 inmlo my shoes The Jouilor of the World.
You will Vie ploascxlUien you buy my uluxjs liocauno of the J'rfiiilmt
fit and appearance , and when It comes tluio for you to imrclmso If.
another pair , jou Mill bo moro than pleased because the lust
ones worn no well , nnd RIIVO you to much comfort Shot Va.
< TAinrifhW ! I None jfcnmnn without W. I * DaimlM NO SUBSTITUTE
ffftu i iwix iVnninnridprireitnniMdbnThebotTmn.TAKE
If your dealer cannot supply jon with W. U DoiiKUi Shorn write for Malt Onto Cil-ilotf
\V. J , . J > OUC1I.AM , i4. N | > ui-k HI. , ilrocUlon , :
The Rayo Lamp U n Iiigh grade lamp. old nt a low price.
Thflre uro lamps that cost more , but thorols nobrttorlnrapnmnentanr
prlco.oiiMrnclrcl ot nolld brass ; nlckal plntod casllj Veutolcnnin
THE ornament to any room In nnrhnnse. Thcrolsnothlm : known to the art
of lampitimkliigtliatcunnimtothOYaluoof the KAYO 1-nmp asa llght-
STEADY Klvlnif ilnrlev. Kvory dealer ivrorjrwliere If not at yours , writ * fo
WHITE deacrlpUvoclrralartotboncaructaKiMlcrofUio
soft as a gve !
as a wire
Sold by Doalero Everywhere
( Incorporated )
For Pink Eye , Epizootic
[ STEM1PER Shipping Fever
& Cnlurrhal Fever
Rare cur * n < l poet tlTa preTcntlT , no matter bow borMxntanritaKa are Infected
r'ipoM j , " Uquld in Ten on tba tongueiaction tboIllooUanu UlMuUi
Ktrun from the hodCurrBlUitemprr In Dogi andHherpandCliulenlii
roultry , I > ntt t * lllntf llve took rrinrOjr , ( 'urrs Id Urlppa moaifhumn belorf
ml l flne Kidney remtxly , Ma and It a bottlm f5 And 110 a dnieu. Cut toll oak
MJOW to Yourrtruirulit.wbo will getltforjou. VIM Bouklet , "U
CautviandCurri " KpecUl gtnti wanted.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO , , 60SHEN , IND , , U , S , A.
Keeps the spindle bright nnd
free from grit. Try a box.
Sold by dealers everywhere.
( lucorporntvd )