THE OU&TER COUNTY REPUBLICAN \ ANTA GLAUS if is at Let's Drug Store. Bring the children in j and let them see what he has for them. < > * I have one of the largest lines of Holiday Goods that was ever displayed in Custer County. T Discount is still good on China. 1 am giving you advantage of this when the Xmas trade is on. Asa rule you wait until after Xmas and then you hear of the special sales. TOiLET ARTICLES I have anything in this line that you could suggest. Guff and Collar Boxes , .Necktie Boxes , Handker chief Boxes , Glove Boxes , Jewel Boxes , Ink Stands. Come in and let us show you through Our stock. < ' < < > < v < , f I have a large line of toys suitable for all the children. If you want a baby rattle wa can sell it to you or if you pre fer an airship or electric train we have got them. < > < > You were all surprised at the large line of Holiday < < < > > > < < < > > > Goods that Iliad last year and if you will come iii and.look < < < . < , > , my stock over you will be more surprised. fo Call and get a Cardui Weather Chart o > r Caiander. k L "THE BUSY DRUGGIST" be true how could their wallets be j squeezed hard enough to build a court house and do justice to the few who would be compelled to bear the burden of such an expense ? That's poor argument to hand to a progressive bunch o'f people like the majority of the voters In Custer county. "Tho Bow" wants a court house the same as the tax payers as was shows by the petitions pre sented to the county board with 2033 signers , all legal voters , all signed up within a week , many want ed to sign who did not have the op portunity on account of the short time the petitions were out. "According to the Chief people from all parts of the county are clamoring for a court house. " Is it necessary to publish the peoples names ? If so It can be done.but we won't take up the space with it. Yes we had a rousing court house meeting and men from over the county were present and expressed their desires for a court house in Broken Bow. Now for all wo know Emerson tells the truth , we take pleasure in reassuring our Callnwny friends that the meeting was actually ( Continued on the Supplement ) Xotleo of Special KU'ctiun. Whereas the board of Supervisors , of Custer county , Nebraska , in rcgu- | lar session on the 3rd dny of December - comber , 1910 , made passed and a- doptcd nn order calling and direct ing that a special election be deld In Custer county , Nebraska , on Mon day the 9th day of January , 1911 , at which election shall be submitted the following proposition. I I "Shall the Board of Supervisors of Custor county , Nebraska , at the time of levying general taxes , as provided by law , for the year 1911 levy a special tax of four mills on the dollar valuation of the assessed , , valuation of the taxable property In said county ( said assessed valuation being one fifth of the actual valu ation of said property. ) : The said special tax to bo collected the same as the general taxes for 1911 are collected , nnd shall said board , at the time of levying general taxes for the year 1912 , levy a further special tax on three mills on the do.- lar valuation of the assessed valu ation of the property in said county ( said assessed valuation being one- fifth of the actual valuation of said property ) the srld : special tnx to bo i collected the same as the general taxes for 1912 are collected for the i purpcso of creating n fund to bo i used in erecting a court house and jail for said county at the county seat thereof , on the county's land in said county seat , being the site of the former court house building , recently burned , and known as "Court House Square" in the city of Broken Bow. " ' Yes . ( . . . ) No ( . . . ) The electors of said county are therefore hereby notified that said ' special election ordered by said board will be held to vote upon said question , at the various polling places in said county , on the date above mentioned , to-wit : On Mon day January 9 , 1911 , and the polls will be open at eight o'clock in the morning and remain open , until six o'clock In the evening of said day. In testimony whereof , I hereunto sot my hand and alfix the seal of said county- this 3d day of Dec. , 1910. W. II. Osborne , Jr. , County Clerk. Ben P. Morris , Chairman County Board of 27-30 ' Supervisors. Shuiiri's Salo. Notice is hereby given , that by virtue of an order of sale , issued tome mo from the District Court of Cus- j tor County , Nebraska , upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said court at the adjourned March 1910 term thereof , to-wlt : On the 30th of August , 1910 , In favor of Angelo Dondero and against Alva R. Coop er , et al. 1 have leUed upon the following described real estate : The east fifteen (15) ( ) acres of the NE'xl of the NW'/i of section 7 township 18 , range 22 , in Custer county , Nebraska , and I will on the second day of January , 1911 , at 2 o'clock p. m. at the south door of the Cadwell building where the last ' term of the district court was hold I in the city of Broken Bow , Nobras- j ka , in said county , sell said real estate at public auction to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said : decrco interest and costs , the amount - , mount duo thereon ajnounting to th , sum of $37.60 with Interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from August 30th , 1910 , and court costs amounting to $00.00 and accru ing costs. Said above described real estate will bo hold subject to all prior liens and incumbrances an per certificates of file In the dlst- rlct clerk's office , Dated this 29th day of Novem ber , A. D. 1910. H. P. KENNEDY , Sheriff. WILLIS CADWELL , Attorney. 2G-30 Notice of Sale. In the matter of the estate of Christ Christsnsen , Deceased. Notice is hereby given , that in persunnce of an orilnr of the Hon. James R. Ilanna , Judge of the dist rict court ' . f Greeley county , Ne braska , made on" the 20th , day of September , 1910 , for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described , there will be sold at Broken Bow , at the front door of the court house ( said court house being designated as the Cadwell building where the last term of the district court was heldin ) Custer county , Nebraska , on the 27th day of December A. D. 1910 at the hour of one o'clock P. M. at public venduo to the highest bidder for $4500.00 cash in hand , the pur chaser to assume and agree to pay a mortg/.ge for $7740.00 now againbt the land , and execute and dollvor to the executors of said estate a second mortgage for the remaindoi of the purchase price , the following described real estate to wit : The South.ast quarter and the north west quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter and the north east qunuter of the northeast quart er and the north half of the south west quarter of yection twenty (20) ( ) and the northeast quarter of section twenty-nine (29) ) in town ship eighteen ( IS ) north of range twenty-three (23) ( ) west of the Ctl I" . M. in Custer county and state of Nebraska. Containing 080 acres more or less. Dated this Oth day of December A. D. 1910. John J. ChrlRtcnson , Thomas Chrlstonsen , Executors of the estate of Christ Christenscn , Deceased. 27-29 Notice Upon Non-Resldent. To Sarah Jane Taylor , record owner of the west one half of 5 and f of block 4 , M. A. West's addltloi to Broken Bow , Nebr. You are hereby notified that the undersigned , A. J. Van Antwerp , pur chased at private sale , after sale lands had been offered at public sale and not sold , the following de- Hi'rihod lands to-wlt The weit one half of lots 5 and f. of block 4 In M A West's addi tion to the city of Broken Bow , Ne- THE NEAL INSTITUTE CO. OP- GRAND ISLAND , NEBR. nil. Phone. 187. Bell Phone , 295 & 205 WE CURK TI1U DRINK IIAUIT. We issue n contract nnil j imrnntcc to cure the drink habit in THRIvK DAYS. \Ve employ no hypodermic ! or other inrsh or impossible forms of ( refitment. We not only guarantee the tesitlts f tl c rentmcnt , but the PATIENT is the n > le udgc ns to the cure. In event of hin not mving lost nil desires for alcoholic liqu ors nt the end of the THIRD DAYS TREATMENT AM , MONEY EXPEND ED INCLUDING CARl'ARE WIIJ , 11E REFUNDED. If you yourself arc addicted to dtinkor f you have any relative or friend , who isle lo yourself or him the kindness of writ- ug to us for testimonials , a copy of our contract will accompany them. Afford us the opportunity of serving yon , by dispelling the doubt you may possese in reference to our ability to cute the curse of drink. All correspondence in plain wrapper and everything confidential. Inquire about our DRUG and TOBACCO cure. Address all communications to NlSAI. iNSTlTUTjt Co. , Grand Island , Nebr. mild purchase being niado on the 7th day of April , 190 ! ) , for the taxcH duo and unpaid for the years 1892 to907 ! Inclusive , amount ing to the sum of ? 45.33 and that the county treasurer's certificate of Tax Sale No. 5.SO ? was Issued to him therefor. That said property was assessed in the name of said Sarah Jane Taylor for the year 1907 and that the date of the redemption of said property Is fixed and set In the certificate of the county treasurer for the ! Hh diyy of Aprjl 1911 , and np.Qii said tfato the holder of said tax certifi cate will apply for a deed to said property to the county treasurer of said county the amount duo being the sum of $45.33 and Interest then ) on and all subsequent taxes paid as shown by the treasurer's records. You are required to make rudom- ntlon from said certificate No. 51139 on or btfcio April 9th , 19 if , or said crrthiQiUo will be surrendered and u deed applied for by the hold er of said certificate. Dated fiis 2Sth day of November , 1910. A. .1. VANANTWERP , Owner cf Ccrtilicnto No. 5339. 2G28 Notice upon Non-ltcsidcnt. To A. .0 i.emis , Record owner of Lota 5 and G In Block 1 Jewett's addition to Broken Bow , Nebraska. You are hereby notified that the undersigned , A. J. Van Antwerp , purchased at private sale , after said lands had been offered at public sale and not sold , the following de scribed li.nds to wit- Lots 5 and G In Block J in Jewott's addition to B.-oken Bow , Nebraska , said pur chin G Lclng iniulo on the 1st da > of March , J909 , tor taxes duo and unj.cid far the year 1907 , amount ing to the sum of J2.20 and thai County Treasure-it ! Certificate of Tax Hrle , No. 5333 , wan issued to him U.ciefoi * . That said property was nshCLLcd In the name of the ' said A. G. Bemls for said yoar,1907 and that the date of the redemp tion of tald property Is fixed and set in the certificate of the County Treasure for the 4th day of March 1911 , nnd that upon said date the holder of said Tax Certificate will apply for a deed to said property to the County Treasurer of sah county , the amount duo being the Hum of $2.20 and Interest thcreoi and all subsequent taxes paid as shown by the Treasurers record. You are required to make re demption from said certificate , No 5333 , on or before March ' 1111 , 1911 or said certificate ) will bo surrend ered and a deed applied for by the holder of said certificate. Dated Nov. 14th. 1910. A. J. Van Antwerp. Owner of Certificate No. 5333. Notice of Referee's Sale. Notice Is hereby given , that whor as in nn action pending in the Dlst riot Court of dieter county , Nebras ka , wherein Albert K. Sanders am others are plaintiffs and Mamie G Banders and others are defendants the object of which said action Is to partition the southeast quarto off section four1) ( ) , the south hal of the northeast quarter , and lots one , two nnd three of section nine (9) ( ) Ml in township twenty (20) ( ) range twenty one (21) ( ) west of the Cth P. M. and situated In Ouster I have money to loan on well im proved farniB at 6 per cent. 13. 0. House. 51-tf J. B. SCHROCK , D.O.M.D. PHYSICIAN and OCULIST Onicc In Dierls block. Special attention given to chronic diseases , diseases of the eye , throat , nose , and FITTING GLASSES. phonesOlllce 433-HcslOcnce , White : UI That Fruit Cake W heave all the neces saries such as Citron Peal , Lemon Peal Orange Peal , nice fresh Raisins and Currants , guaranteed this years stock. Headquarters for fresh English Walnut , Almond and Pecan Meats , Cannd- ied Cherries and Marsh- mellows. Give us your order for dainties when you entertain. We have just receired a nice new porcelain oyster display cau with alass . Its air In top. tightIn buy ing oysters from us , we assure you they will be clean stock and free from bust. Give us your orders for oysters nnd celery. Sheppard & Burk Phone 125 South Side Square county , Nebraska. Also lot 1GG2 n y > o original town of Kearney lunctlon , now City of Kearney , in Buffalo county , Nebraska ; and whor IH , Charles L. Gutterson was duly ippointcd referee to make purlltion ) f said land , and afterwards inado a report to said court ns required by law showing that said real es tate could not bo partitioned and di vided without great prejudice to the owners of the land. And , whereas , the lion. Bruno O. Ilostotlor , Judge of said court , ap proved said uiport on October 15 , i ; > . .0 and uiado an order authoriz ing nnd directing the said Charles L. Gutterson , referee , to proceed to dell the Kut * < land at public sale in ihc manner provkcd by law , at the Iront dt JT of the court house In Broken R w , Nebraska. Now , U orutore I , Chnrlcs L. Gut- torson , referee , will on the 20 dny of Di > rembor 1930 , nt 2 o'clock p. in. of suld .lay at the south front do it * j > f ins two story brick building Known as the Cadwell building in Broken Bow , Nebraska , that being the plu'-o whore the hist term of said ( U-trict court in said county wna held , offer for sale to the high- oat bidder for cash the following ( 'escribed promises , to-wlt : BO % of section 4 nnd the s'Xof neVi nnd lots 1 < & 3 ot scctltn 9 township ; ' ,0 rnne 2 w. Gp. m. In Custor county , Nebraska , nnd also lot 1GG2 In the original Town of Kearney Junction now City of Kearney , In Buffalo county , Nebraska. Snld half section of land will bo sold sub ject to a mortgage of $700.00 drawIng - Ing G per cent Interest per annum from April 17 , 1910. Said premises in Custcr county will bo offered first in separate tracts , that'll ! section four (4) ) by itself and that in section nine (9) ( ) . ) y itself , nnd then as n whole , .iiid the same will bo sold either in mch sopcrato tracts or as a whole , .iccording to which method will bring the mo&t money for said land. Dated thos Oth day of November 1910. Charles L. Gutterson , 23-27 Referee. LV TH10 COUNTY COURT OF CUSTIOIl CUNTY , NEBRASKA. All persons interested in the esato of Nancy Agor , deceased , , Take notice that , Whereas , Albert I. Ilouth , has filed his petition In tills court alleging that Nancy Ager , his mother , ai inhabitant and resident of Custer Co. , Nebr. , departed this life there in , intestate , about six years ago slczcd nnd possessed ot the swVi the w'/inw'/i.tho noVlnwVl , and the nwVinoVi , sec. 15 , tp. 17 , range 20 in Custer County , Ncbr. ; that the estate of the said Nancy Ager has never been administered ; That the said real estate IB now wholly 'ex empt from attachment , execution , or other prosess , and not liable for the payment of the debts of said Nnncy Agor If any existed , ; That the petit loner Albert I. Ilouth , Who Is 53 years of ngo nnd whose residence and address is Broken Bow , Nobr. Is the solo nnd only heir of the snk Nnncy Agor , deceased , nnd that the said real estate descended to the said petitioner at the death of the said Nancy Ager , nnd the same is now discharged of al debts and A New Clean Stack ot LUMBER Fresh IOLA Portland Cement. Fresh Car of ACMA Plaster. A Splendid Line of Fence Posts , It you contemplate using any of the above this Sprimg--or it you ncedji nice load of COAL CALL and SEE H. T. Bruce © , Co. Broken Bow , Nebr. Phone 234 WANK JCBLSKY ALL KINDS OF WELLS ' Consult Him If You Want Waier. Ilrokcn How , Nebraska. N. T. CJADD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Onicc over Holcomb's book store. Onicc phone 203 Residence 10 Ilrokcn Dow , Nebraska. A. ARMOUR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 'radices In all tlie courts. Convayanctng nil noiurlal work , onicc up slalrs orer State Hank of Ilrokon Dow. Ilrokcn How , Ncbranka , BANGS' STUDIO WE MAKE GOOD PHOTS \ East Side of Square Ilrokon How. Nebraska. IIARHY imiBALL Undertaker and Embalmer ( Licensed ) lluslncss phone , 301 Residence SOfB Ilrokcn How , Nebraska. L. 13. COLK Einbalmer and Funeral Director "S ( Licensed ) JnloiiIUIock'l Ilunlness phone 85 , Residence 023 llrokcu liow , Nebraska. f. I , . FERGUSON NOTARY PUBLIC Heal r.state , Insurance , Ranches ana Farms for Hunt , Legal Papers Drawn , Sur veying and I'lalilng. Ilrokcn ] jew , Nebraska. FOR E. F. Studebaker , Buick and New International Automobiles See 0. H. CONRAD. Anyone , anywhere , can start a mail order business at homo. No canvassing. Bo your own boss.sond for free booklet , tells how. Heacoc > A4G82 , Lockport , N. Y. 4G-tf For Sale. A fine resident block one block south of ball grouuds.wlll sell by quarter If profored. B. W. Blair. 42-tf claims against the said deceased and her estate ; that the said ipetitlon prays for n finding and a decree , That .Albert I. Routh , Is the solo heir of Nancy Ager , deceased , That naid real estate descended to him on the death of said deceased , and Is now discharged of all debts and claims against aaid deceased , and her estate , and further asking for a order that the regular administra tion of the estate of said deceased be dispensed with , all of which peti tion and prayer appears more fully and specifically In said filing. It Is accordingly ordered that said petition bo heard in this court on the 22nd day of Dec. 1910 at 10 o' clock a. m. when and whore all in terested parties will bo heard , nnd that this order bo published four sucesslvo weeks prior thereto , In the Custer County Republican. It is further ordered that the ev idence of Jane and Henry Rakestraw to bo used on said hearing , bo taken before the County Judge of Fllmore County , Nobr. , at his office at Gen eva , Nobr. , on the 19th day of Dec , 1910 , beginning at 10 o'clock a. in , with power to adjourn fromdnytoday Witness my hand nnd seal of the Court this 23rd day of Nov. 1910. ( seal ) C. II. Holcomb , 20-28 County Judge.