Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 08, 1910, Image 6

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Some choice resident lots for sale
call and got prlcun. li. C. House. ,
Ilonil ( ho Now York Store ud on
another page. I
The lal.-"t things In liuHcs fancy
Colluru and Bows In Xmau boxoa.
Snyder Uros. & Co.
Call up 3BO for bcut liny In town
OOc pur bale.--City Mill Co.
lloincmbcr the uthlotlc moot In the
opera house Saturday night. Ladies
especially Invited.
Pure ground Flax at the City
Mill fie per pound. Phone 320.
See our aosortniont of Xinas Hand
kerchiefs. Just anything one could
wish for. Snyder Bros. Co.
For mother , one of those bargain
Bowing machines at Konkol'H The
Furniture Man ,
For Sale Horse , buggy and har
ness , cheap , Inqniro of H. McUurnk- .
C F. Tlcrney returned Friday
from a few days \isll with his moth
ur In Now Hampton , Iowa.
Sec our Men's Dop.'irtmont for
that Xinas present that Is so hard
to decide upon. Snyder Bros &
We handle all kindi ) of coal and
feed at the West Ifllovator. Phone
< ! 2. It will pay you. F. .1. Bahr. '
Something you need now at ,
Strong's Variety Storo. Sue their
ud In this paper.
Rome good Values in Ladies Wool
Urct'scs The latent styles in all' '
colors.--Snyder JJros & Co.
City Mill Go's Meal and Graham
are always fresh and pure. Phone
Mrs. ' Hays and Mrs. Scott of WesV
ervlllo were calling on Broken How
friends luut week.
Don't fall to see the ntrongcst
man in the world at the opera house
Saturday night.
A nice line of fancy Damank Tow
els , also the I luck. Snyder Bros.
& Co.
Presents for mother , father and
the family at Konkel's The Furni
ture Man.
Our fancy Ribbons for Bags are
going fast. Special good values.
Hnyder Bros. & Co.
For Orandmother , a pair of those
splend'id pillows and Malsoh Com
forts at ( Conkers The Furniture
FOU RENT. Brick store room
and suite of five rooms on second
floor. Will rent noparately if da-
sired. B. C. House.
A. J. Elliott , the popular land
lord of the Grand Contra ! Hotel of
this place left for Glendive , Mont. ,
last Tuesday. Mrs. Elliott proceed
ed him several days ago. They
will visit various points in Montana
The meetings at the Baptist
church are growing in Interest and
numbers , Rev. P. C. Nelson Is
preaching the pure gospel with tolling
ling effect. Prof. Noah Wood has
drilled a chorus of singers who are
adding much Interest to the services.
Mooting every afternoon and oven-
Ing. Special service for women Sun
day at H p. m. Come and enjoy the
old time revival.
F. T. Harrow , Chief engineer of
the Burlington was In the city last
Saturday In company with Mr. Bell
of Alliance. Jt Is quite likely that
a spur will bo Tun to acupmodato tlu
electric light plant , and there is
Homo talk of a now depot for Brok
en Bow. Also the matter of Im
proving the railroad crossings was
talked , of. While hero Mr. Har
row took a sample of water from
the now well to Uo tested for en
gine use.
Distilct meeting at the United
Brcthcrn church en Saturday evenIng -
Ing Dec. 10 at 7:30 : and Sunday ,
Dec. 11 , 2:30 : and 7:30. : Uov. J.
S. Kendall , Dayton , Ohio , General
Seccrtnry of Christian Stewardship
commission , will huvo charge of the
meetings. All phases of Christian
work will bo discussed. The public
Dr. Kon-
Is cordially Invited to hear
d-xll superintendents of Sunday
Schools and nil church officials will
bo greatly benefited by attending
these sen1 Ices.
Buy Dolls Early.
Wo luuo a 1MB variety of
Dolln , o\cr three hundred
in number , China Dolln Drcan
ed Dolls , Kid-body Dolls and
the "latest" the unbreakable
Clii'.rnclcr Doll , Dolls with
Natural Hair , Sleeping Eyes ,
Eye LaiilitH ami pretty faces.
Some ha\e voice , All reauon-
uhly ptlicd , Cc to $5.00.
After an ninths of nearly a year
Charles Unjuhart Richardson died
at his home in this city at midnight ,
December 3rd. Bereft of his father
in early youth his lllo had many
vicissitudes. When a boy he spent
the year before the chll war with
rolalhcH in Iowa and Missouri. Mr.
lUchardHonaii a Confederate Vet
eran , enlisted at the beginning of
the war an courier to Stonewall Jucl
' son , afterward belonging to the
Black Hcrfio Cavalry under General i
I Stewart. He was a bravo soldier ]
and knew no fear. In 1882 lie went
j from Missouri to eastern Nebraska
I where ho married his wife who sur-
jvlvos'hlm. A few wears later he
came to Custer county where lie
'made ' ills home the remainder of ills
life. Two years ho served as dep
uty uhulff under Ell Armstrong ,
Was elected sheriff on the popu
list ticket and re-elected two years
later , his many fi lends of all part-
Ion helping to keep him In office.
An aged mother In her nlntlcth year
one sister and a brother survive him
His many friends in llio old home
nt Front Royal , Virginia will all join
thoEo hc'ie to deplore the loss of j
a good man. The funeral was held .
ut the Mothoditt church Monday ;
afternoon. The Masonic FraternIty - ,
Ity haUng charge. Rev. Thompson |
preached the funeral sermon. The
flowers were beautiful.
O.rd of TlmnltN.
We doFlio to thank our many
friends and neighbors who so kind
ly assisted us during the sickness
and death of our loved father and
Mrs. C. U. Richardson
Last Tuesday a deal was closed
between Ras Anderson and II. C.
Empflold whore by Mr. Empflold be
comes the owner of the hardware
and furniture stock on the north
side'Mr. Anderson Informs us that
he will bo found at his old stand
on yie south side where he will bo
pleased to have all who know them
selves Indebted to him call and set
tle their accounts.
Lots of them at Strong's Variety
Storo. Sco their ad in this paper.
The first nnow of the season vis-
Hod this nock o' the woods last
Saturday night to the depth of 8
Inches which will stop corn gather
ing for awhile and greatly help
winter wheat which was suffering
for the lack of humidity.
A want ml placed In your county
paper will do more good than sever
al days riding in a saddle or phae
Don't forget that J. L. Ferguson
does surveying , platting notarial
work insuring real estate etc. , Ryno
Mr. Smith's sion who has been in
Montana for the past two years ar
rived homo last week and him boon
assisting his father In corn gather
Come and HOC mo or write me
about that Bale. W. H. O'Horke ,
gcnoral auctioneer. Phone 40 ! ) .
Broken Bow , Nob.
Old Hickory Toy Furniture , stands
hard ut-'ags , get the children a set
$1.25 at Konkel's the Furniture
I Man.
The Eastern Star Kensington und
er the direction of Miss Myrtle Love
lace an elocutionist of Bardwoll ,
Ky. . will put on a play in the opera
house Doc. 1 1 entitled "Farm Folks"
The \ \ ork111 bo done by homo
talent and promise H to bo one of
! the best entertainments of the sea-
'ncn. ' The proceeds will be used
| to purchase a piano for the Matonlc
Temple. Remember the date and
Kvery Woman Should Head This
I Ad\ice and the ( Sonorous Of
fer that ( Joes With It.
The number of diseases peculiar
For All Kinds
or Xmas Goods
& fto
O OSiT CM"S 3 0 ftnnflCDI $
bnUAl 3CLL& blUlutnlid
Sure aud S e Them
Will be at the Opera House on
vening , Dec. 17
This comedo drama is a new and
up to date production. Hi and
' 1 ft
" Trixie , the kids , are the greatest
comedy characters seen here.
They have strong support and it is
a play to please old and young.
Come and see them.
, 580 ,
to women is such that we beleive' '
this space would hardly contain a j
mere mention of their names , and .
It IB a fact that most of these dis
eases are of a catarrhal nature. A
woman cannot bo well If there Is n
truce of catarrh in her system.
Some women think there Is no
help for them. We positively do- :
dare this to bo a mistaken Ideo.
\Vo are so sure of this that wo offer
to supply medicine absolutely free
of all cost in every Instance where
H fails to give satisfaction , or does
not substantiate our claims. With
this understanding , no woman
should hesitate to believe our hon
esty of purpose , or hesitate to put
our claims to the test.
There Is only one way to over
come catarrh. That way is through
the blood. You may use all the
snuffs , douches or like remedies for
years without getting more than
temporary relief at best. Catarrh
In general is a diseased condition
of the system that shows locally
most frequently in discharges frkom
mucous membranes. Local treat
ment should be assisted by Internal
treatment for the general diseased
condition if a complete cure is to
he reached. That Internal treat
ment should bo scientifically devised
and faithfully administered.
Ucxall Mucu-Tone is scientifically
prepared from the prescription of
an eminent physician who for thirty
years made catarrh hos specialty.
This remedy Is admirably adapted
to the treatment of the catarrhal
ailments of women. It purifies and
cmIclies the blood , tends to stop
muc'ous discharges , aids in remov
ing Impurities from the system ,
soothes , heals and strengthens the
mucous tissues , and brings about
a feeling of health and strength.
We want you to try Ucxall Mucu-
Tone on our guarantee. If you are
not benefited , or for any reason not
satisfied , simply tell us and we will
hand back your money. Hexall Mu-
cu-Tono comes in two alzes , GO cents
and $1.00. Remember you can ob
tain Hexall remedies only at The
lloxall Storo. Albert II. Soudors.
When \Vell-Known llrokcn How
People Tell it M > Plainly.
When public endorsement Is made
by a representative citizen of IJrok-
on Uow the proof is positive. You
must believe it. Head this testimony
Every backache sufferer , every man ,
woman or child with any kidney
trouble will find profit In the read-
C. W. Bowman , real estate dealer ,
of Broken Bow , > Jeb. , says : "Doan's
Kidney Pills are a good remedy and
'I do not hesitate to make the fact
known. In the spring of 1907 , I
suffered from an attack of kidney
complaint , characterized mostly by
sharp pains in my back , so severe
at times that I could scarcely movo.
After taking Doan's Kidney Pills ,
procured at Haeberle's Drug Store ,
a short time , I found relief and ever
since then , I have held this remedy
In high esteem , "
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo ,
New York , sole agents for the U-
nlted States.
Remember the name-Doan's-and
take no other.
lilllLE STUDY OL11U.
Answer One Written Question Each
tteek For Fifty-Two Weeks
And Win A Pri/e.
The Prly.cs.
First Series A gold medal to
each of the first five contestants.
Second Series A silver mciliil to
each of the next live contestant * .
Third Series A Teacher's Uible ,
price , to each of the next five
Fourth Series The book"The
Heart of Christianity , " price $1.50
to each of the next thirty-five con
Fifth Series A developed mind ,
nn e.Npandediinaginntlon , ahigiier ex
perience and a more profound know
ledge of ( he Itiblo and of Hie to all
who take this course whether win
ning any oilier pri/Ai or not.
ICiU'M medal \\ill be
\ \ suitably en-
gravcc ) giving Ihe name of the win
ner , aid for whut it is awarded , and
In like manner each Uible and book
will be Insi'
( Copyright , Rev. T.S.Llnscott , DD )
Lesson For December 11,11)10.
The Crucifixion. Matt , xxvll : 15-50.
Golden Text Ho was wounded fo
our transgressions , ho was bruised
for our iniquities. Isa. 1111:5. :
(1. ) Verses 15-18 What feast la
hero referred to , and what did It
& - w : i " " >
sSswx * * ' . '
Santa has just a-irived and spread out his goods at
Come in and see the spread. It's a good one. ; ' ' ;
and includes many things useful as well as ornamental. >
Don't wait , come and secure your
While the picking is good.
J | By making a payment on the goods you can
< | have them reserved for you.
4 T
\ > Here are Drums , Roller Chimes , Go-Carts , $
jj Wagons , Sleds , Dolls , Child's 4 piece Glass Sets , Water
o Sets , Doll Dishes and a lot of nice China Cups and
o Saucers , Salads , Plates , Trays , Choc > late Sets , Large
o Game Se < s , Water Sets and a host of things we cannot
{ I mention here.
0 Don't overlook our line of Handkerchiefs at lOc ,
JJ 25c and 30c each , also our bargains in
1 RIBBONS at 9c and 14c.
We have received a nice line of Post Card Al
bums at 25c to $1.75 and the handsomest assortment of
Xmas Post Cards and Booklets
We ever offered for sale. o
Remember you can always find Bargains at
Broken Bow Nebraska
Is making a speccial
pri/e offer to Patrons
Old and New.
commeinor.ite ?
(2. ( ) Why was It cither a good era
a bad custom , for the governor to
release a criminal , to the Jews , at
this feast ?
(3. ( ) Was Pilate right In his con
jecture , that the Jews had deliver
ed Jesus to him through "envy , "
and what did ho mean by that
word ?
(4. ( ) Who was this narabhaa , and
what crimes had he committed ?
(5. ( ) Verses 19-21 Was this prob
ably the character of Pilate's wife ?
( fi. ) What was the significance of
the dream of Mrs. Pilate ?
(7. ( ) How much dependence can
wo place in dreams in these days ?
(8. ( ) These chief Prlesta were mor
kindly disposed to a thief , and a
murderer , than they wore to a good
man , whom they regarded as a her
etic1 ; how do you account 1'or this ?
(9. ( ) Why have BO called heretics
in the past been treated so cruelly ?
How are they treated today ?
(10. ( ) What motive prompted Pi
late's desire to release Jesus ?
( tia. ) VfiM-s ! H-12 It we wore
standing at the foot of tlio cross of
Jesus , set-Ing him ebbing out his
life's blood , minht we to be ulad or
SRtl ? Why ? ( This question must
be answered in writing l , v members
of the club. )
( Continued from Page 5) )
held , Emerson may be a liar , a thief
and everything thats mean but if ho
is we don't know it , neither do you.
That a court house is a necessity In
a county no one can deny and when
any person with any brains at all
will advocate n 20 year bond In pro-
1 Fountain Pens For |
Christmas. |
If you want to give the >
best Fountain Pen , give "Tho o
Coiiklln " fIt
Self-Filling" kind.
It fills in a few seconds , < >
always writes and never leakh
Ask anyone who has used
it and see what he says.
Prices $2.50 , $3.00 , $4.00 ,
$5.00 and $0.00.
Other Fountain Pens ,
Mi ore Non Leakable , Frank
lin and Rexall , 89c up to
ferenco to a 7 mill levy it not only V
proves poor judgment hut lack of
energy to figure out the difference
between a bond and a levy. For In
stance , If a 7 mill levy paid in 2
years will raise in round figures
$50,000.00. What will a $50.000.00
bond cost the county running 20
years at oven 5 per cent ? Its very
plain Mr. Taxpayer that the Inter
est will have to bo paid , you can '
( see It grow on your mortgages every
'day. Now here It is as plain as we
can make It , interest on bond one t , (
year $2,500.00. Interest for 20
years $50.000.00. or instead of build "i '
Ing a $50,000.00 court house for * i
$50,000.00 It would cost us $100.-
000.00 , It Is very true that we would
have 20 years to pay for it , but at
the end of 20 years wo would then
have a $50.000. building that would
cost when the Interest Is added
$100,000.00. Now we say ( using
the Courier-Tribune's espresslon (
"its a shame and disgrace for any
faction" to try to bamboozle the pco
plo into bollovelng that a bond is
cheaper than a levy when the in
terest on the bond would equal the
principle in 20 years. This is not
an advertisement , but an article
from the mind of
the editor in an
attempt to place the matter before
you as plainly as possible. "Wo all
boast or our rights to our opinions
but In the name of common sense
confine the argument to facts and
raise above the level of Insults and
misleading statement * .